Mangal Dosha - Kuja Dosha Calculator - Manglik Dosha Finder
Mangal Dosha - Kuja Dosha Calculator - Manglik Dosha Finder
Mangal Dosha - Kuja Dosha Calculator - Manglik Dosha Finder
In Vedic astrology, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun are considered cruel
planets. Mars is the cruelest planet afflicting the birth horoscope of a
person. If placed unfavorably, Mars is the most damaging planet for the
married life.
Mangal Dosha
Lagna Chandra Shukra
Rashi Chart - D1
Body, Physical Matters and all General Matters
In Rashi Chart
Mangal Dosha is 200% - Nullified (X)
Dosha Reason
• Mars in Twelfth House
• Surya and Ketu are helping Mangal
Dosha Nullified
Many Kundalis have Mangal Dosha but in most of them Dosha is cancelled
due to various combinations of Mars and other planets including state and
house position of Mars and other planets in the horoscope.
7 Only Mars afflicting the house 100% Delay and Obstacles in Marriage
Painful Marriage life
Chances of Separation
8 Only Mars afflicting the house 100% Delay and Obstacles in Marriage
Painful Marriage life
Chances of Separation
12, 1, 2, 4 Mars + Any one planet out of Saturn, Rahu, 150% Delay and Obstacles in Marriage
Ketu, Sun (either with Mars or in a separate Painful Marriage life
house) Chances of Separation
12, 1, 2, 4 Mars + Any two planets out of Saturn, Rahu, 200% Too much Delay in Marriage
Ketu, Sun (either with Mars or in separate Painful Marriage life
houses) End of Marriage life within 8 years
7, 8 Mars in 7 or 8 + Any one planet out of Saturn, 200% Too much Delay in Marriage
+ Rahu, Ketu, Sun (either with Mars or in a Painful Marriage life
12, 1, 2, 4 separate house) End of Marriage life within 8 years
7, 8 Mars in 7 or 8 + Any two or more planets out 250% Too much Delay in Marriage
+ of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Sun (either with Mars Painful Marriage life
12, 1, 2, 4 or in separate houses) End of Marriage life within 8 years