Mangal Dosha - Kuja Dosha Calculator - Manglik Dosha Finder

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Mangal Dosha

Mangal Dosha Calculator

In Vedic astrology, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun are considered cruel
planets. Mars is the cruelest planet afflicting the birth horoscope of a
person. If placed unfavorably, Mars is the most damaging planet for the
married life.

Mars positioned in first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house in a

Kundali creates Mangal Dosha. Mangal Dosha should be checked not only in
Lagna chart but also in Moon chart and Venus chart. A person is Non-
Manglik only if none of the three charts is afflicted by Mars. Mangal Dosha is
also known as Kuja Dosha and Bhauma Dosha. The person having Mangal
Dosha is known as Manglik.

Birth Details for Mangal Dosha



Mangal Dosha

Lagna Chandra Shukra

Jun 22, 1994 at 05:10 AM

Devanhalli, India

Rashi Chart - D1
Body, Physical Matters and all General Matters

In Rashi Chart
Mangal Dosha is 200% - Nullified (X)
Dosha Reason
• Mars in Twelfth House
• Surya and Ketu are helping Mangal

Dosha Nullified

• Brihaspati 7th sight aspects Mangal

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About Mangal Dosha

North Indian astrologers don't consider second house while evaluating

Mangal Dosha while South Indian astrologers don't consider first house
while evaluating Mangal Dosha in a birth horoscope. However, there is
consensus that both houses should be considered while evaluating Mangal
Dosha and Drik Panchang considers first as well as second house while
evaluating Mangal Dosha.

Many Kundalis have Mangal Dosha but in most of them Dosha is cancelled
due to various combinations of Mars and other planets including state and
house position of Mars and other planets in the horoscope.

If Mangal Dosha is present then all combinations which nullify it should be

looked into. There are many rules which cancel Mangal Dosha. Drik
Panchang considers the most widely accepted rules which cancel Mangal

Mangal Dosha Results

House No Planets Position Dosha % Results

12 Only Mars afflicting the house 50% Delay in Marriage

Acrimony in Marriage life

1 Only Mars afflicting the house 60% Delay in Marriage

Acrimony in Marriage life

2 Only Mars afflicting the house 80% Delay in Marriage

Acrimony in Marriage life

4 Only Mars afflicting the house 80% Delay in Marriage

Acrimony in Marriage life

7 Only Mars afflicting the house 100% Delay and Obstacles in Marriage
Painful Marriage life
Chances of Separation

8 Only Mars afflicting the house 100% Delay and Obstacles in Marriage
Painful Marriage life
Chances of Separation

12, 1, 2, 4 Mars + Any one planet out of Saturn, Rahu, 150% Delay and Obstacles in Marriage
Ketu, Sun (either with Mars or in a separate Painful Marriage life
house) Chances of Separation

12, 1, 2, 4 Mars + Any two planets out of Saturn, Rahu, 200% Too much Delay in Marriage
Ketu, Sun (either with Mars or in separate Painful Marriage life
houses) End of Marriage life within 8 years

7, 8 Mars in 7 or 8 + Any one planet out of Saturn, 200% Too much Delay in Marriage
+ Rahu, Ketu, Sun (either with Mars or in a Painful Marriage life
12, 1, 2, 4 separate house) End of Marriage life within 8 years

7, 8 Mars in 7 or 8 + Any two or more planets out 250% Too much Delay in Marriage
+ of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Sun (either with Mars Painful Marriage life
12, 1, 2, 4 or in separate houses) End of Marriage life within 8 years

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