GLT - ENG.RC08 - Fire Prevention and Protection - v0

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SABMiller plc – Group Technical

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Title: Fire Protection and Prevention Version: 0

Version 18 March 2010

Owner: Group Insurance and Insurable Risk Date:

Scheduled March 2014


1 Version & Revision Details.................................................................................................... 3
2 Purpose................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Scope .................................................................................................................................... 3
4 References............................................................................................................................ 3
5 Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 5
6 Fire Fundamentals and Exposures to SABMiller .................................................................. 6
7 Fire Risk Assessment ........................................................................................................... 7
7.1 Existing Sites ............................................................................................................. 7
7.2 New Sites .................................................................................................................. 8
7.3 Training and risk/hazard awareness.......................................................................... 8
7.4 Self-inspections and audits ....................................................................................... 9
7.5 Incident and Near Misses .......................................................................................... 9
7.6 Management of Change ............................................................................................ 9
8 Fire Prevention.................................................................................................................... 10
8.1 Fire Safe Construction and Compartmentation ....................................................... 10
8.2 Housekeeping and Storage ..................................................................................... 10
8.3 Hotwork Controls ..................................................................................................... 10
8.4 Contractor Controls ................................................................................................. 10
8.5 Smoking Controls .................................................................................................... 10
8.6 Electrical Controls ................................................................................................... 12
8.7 Other Process, Plant and Equipment ...................................................................... 14


Originator Group Risk Control Manager Neil Morrison 25 Nov. 09

Review Group Insurance Manager Chris Louw 30 Nov. 09
Approval Group Engineering Manager Ken Hitchcock 18 Mar 2010
Title: Fire Protection and Prevention Version: 0 Ref: GLT.ENG.RC08
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9 Fire Protection..................................................................................................................... 16
9.1 Fire detection and Alarms ....................................................................................... 16
9.2 Fire hydrants and Hosereels ................................................................................... 16
9.3 Fire Extinguishers.................................................................................................... 17
9.4 Fire Teams and Training ......................................................................................... 18
9.5 Emergency Response Plans ................................................................................... 18
9.6 Automatic Sprinkler Protection ................................................................................ 19
9.7 Automatic (non-sprinkler) Fire Extinguishing Systems ............................................ 19
9.8 Specific Hazard Protection ...................................................................................... 20
9.9 Fire Protection System Maintenance and Testing................................................... 23
9.10 Fire Protection System Impairment Management ................................................... 25
10 Appendices...................................................................................................................... 28
10.1 Example of a fire self inspection checklist ............................................................... 28
10.2 Example photographs of Good Practice on SABMiller sites:................................... 29

18 March 2010
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1 Version & Revision Details

This is the original version of this document in this consolidated format. It replaces all
previous versions of individual sections and includes the previous stand-alone guideline
GLT ENG RC06 Smoking Controls.

2 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to lay out the minimum mandatory and best practice
requirements and recommendations for new and existing production facilities to prevent
and protect against fires.

It aims to ensure that fire risks are well controlled and the potential for personnel injury,
property loss and business interruption are minimised so far as is reasonably practicable.

This document does not intend to reiterate all the fire protections controls required by
international fire codes or local country fire regulations, and a risk assessed approach to
fire prevention and protection is necessary.

3 Scope

All SABMiller

This standard applies to all production and associated facilities in the Group.

In the standards that follow mandatory requirements are specified in red text, while
recommended best practice is in normal type.

It is hoped that this will provide a comprehensive list of issues which should be considered
from a risk control point of view. While some minimum standards are mandatory, any
major investment in risk control should be done from a risk assessed point of view. The
level of control and protection will vary from site to site according to the value, complexity,
location and strategic importance.

Where appropriate, some sections are subdivided into requirements and

recommendations for new installations and for existing installations

4 References

The local laws and regulations of the territory in which the site is located must be
referenced and complied with. However, these are often life-safely focussed; hence other
property protection codes and standards must be referenced. In addition, there are a
number of SABMiller Group Risk Control guidelines for certain common risks in our
breweries which require specific attention. These are available from the Group Technical
section of WEBrew:
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• GLT ENG RC01 Dust Explosion

• GLT ENG RC02 Fire Safe Construction
• GLT ENG RC03 Storage and Housekeeping
• GLT ENG RC04 Automatic Sprinklers
• GLT ENG RC05 Hot Work Controls

The National Fire Protection Association of USA publishes a detailed set of codes in many
areas of risk control. In particular, their fire codes can be regarded as the global
benchmark and where any major investments in fire protection equipment are made,
suppliers should be required to comply with the relevant NFPA code. These codes can be
purchased online from the website below:

The large US based insurance company (previously called Factory Mutual) also publishes
a set of risk control codes. FM are regarded as the leaders in risk engineering by the
insurance industry, and their codes are based on extensive experience and fire testing.
FM are currently the primary insurers of the MillerCoors sites, however, engineers from
our non-US operations may also find their codes useful:

Finally, it is appreciated by SABMiller Group Risk and Group Technical that every site is
unique and bespoke solutions are often required. For any site-specific query, please do
not hesitate to contact the Group Risk Department, or make use of Just Ask:
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5 Definitions

NFPA: National Fire Protection Association, a non-profit organisation based in the USA,
which maintains recognised codes and standards relating to the control of fire and other
FM Global: Formerly known as Factory Mutual, a North American based international
property insurer maintaining recognised standards in the field of loss prevention.
LPC: Loss Prevention Council, an independent body representing UK insurers that
maintains recognised standards in the field of loss prevention.
GAPS: Global Asset Protection Services,
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6 Fire Fundamentals and Exposures to SABMiller

In order for a fire to occur, all 3 elements in the “fire triangle” need to be present
simultaneously. These are shown below:

In order to prevent fire from occurring, all potential ignition sources need to be kept away
from any potential fuel sources. The most common causes of industrial fires are: Hotwork,
electrical faults, smoking, heating and process faults. Of these, Hotwork is by far the most
critical, and hence is discussed in a separate SABMiller guideline:
• Hotwork Controls

The amount of potential fuel on site can be greatly reduced with good construction and
storage arrangements. For further details on this, refer to the SABMiller guidelines:
• Fire-Safe Construction and Compartmentation
• Storage and Housekeeping

The protection against the damaging effects of fire can be achieved by early and effective
fire detection and fighting. The most reliable and effective method of preventing major
property fire damage is to install automatic sprinkler systems. For further details please
see the SABMiller guideline:

• Automatic Sprinkler Protection

All the other major fire protection measures are discussed in this document.

Typical fire exposures at most SABMiller production sites will include (this is not an
exhaustive list, and others must be identified by site-specific fire risk assessment):
• Construction and insulation materials
o Polystyrene, polyurethane, cork, wood,
• Packaging Materials
o Plastic (HDPE) crates, cardboard, wood, paper, PET’s, pallets
• Explosive Dusts
o Barley and malt, sugar, coal
• Flammable and Combustible Gasses
o Ammonia, natural gas, LPG, bio-gas, acetylene, hydrogen (from caustic washing)
• Flammable and Combustible Liquids
o Fuel oil, petrol, diesel, kerosene, ethanol, paint, thinners, concentrates and
flavourings, lubricants, cooling oil, laboratory reagents
• Electrical Equipment
o Cables, oil filled transformers and switchgear, plastic components
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7 Fire Risk Assessment

In order to effectively control risk, a risk assessment needs to be conducted. The same is
true for the risk posed by fire, and thus a fire risk assessment should be conducted at
every site to identify, evaluate, and treat all potential risks.

It is mandatory that:

• Every production site must take all reasonable measures to ensure the safety
of all persons on site. Safe evacuation of all people from potential fire areas
needs to be easily effected.

• Every production site must have an insurance survey conducted at least every
5 years (at least every 2nd year for large or strategically important sites.)

• Significant residual fire risks must be included in the operational risk list for
that business unit

Examples of fire risk assessments are available in the Risk Control Collaboration

7.1 Existing Sites

For existing sites, it is good practice to:

• Conduct and document a thorough assessment of all fire risks at the site. This should
include identifying where all concentrations of fire load exist and to assess the
adequacy of prevention and protection controls in place. The fire risk to assets and
production equipment should also be considered, as should safeguarding of the
environment. Note that the local fire department should be consulted regularly to
assist with fire prevention and protection, however, many such departments focus
purely on life-safety, and thus the onus is on site management to also consider assets
and business interruption protection.

• Review and update this risk assessment every year, or whenever significant physical,
operational or managerial changes take place

• Quantify each fire risk (with and without controls in place), in terms of potential impact
on safety, environment, physical assets, business interruption and reputation

• Develop emergency response, crisis management and business recovery plans for all
significant fire risks

• The insurance survey report recommendations should be considered as inputs into

the fire risk assessment, but the reports themselves do not constitute full site fire risk
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Note – the above applies to Production sites, such as Breweries, Maltings and Soft drink
bottling plants, however, non-producing sites such as warehouse and offices should also
have risk assessments completed. Periodically, these risk assessments should be
reviewed by an external risk engineer – your local insurance broker should be able to
assist in finding a suitable person.

7.2 New Sites

For New Sites or major Capex expansions, the document “Project Insurance Risk
Management” must be referred to. It is not specific to Fire Prevention and Protection and
includes other insurable risks. The document details 5 mandatory steps which must be
taken during the project:

1. Conduct and document a full project risk assessment for strategic and
operational risks.
2. Conduct a desktop natural perils assessment.
3. Procure the necessary insurance cover for the project and keep local broker
informed on project progress and commissioning dates.
4. Send Dust Explosion Prevention / Protection Design to Group Risk for Review
and Approval.
5. Send Fire Protection design to Group Risk for Review and Approval.

It is considered good practice that a risk assessment, including the peril, fire, be
conducted at various key stages during the project phases. For large projects or new
breweries, these assessments will be detailed group assessments as part of the
specification reviews and/or HAZOP’s. (See the Group HAZOP guideline).

7.3 Training and risk/hazard awareness

Site Management should strive to create a risk aware culture.

A training needs assessment should be conducted at each site to identify the

knowledge requirements of all employees with regards to risk control.

As a minimum, induction (and refresher) training for all employees on common site
hazards, should be held (typically these training sessions are focussed on health
and safety, but they should include basic fire awareness and familiarisation with
emergency plans).

As best practice:
• All employees should receive training in hazard identification and risk assessment

Note, training requirements for fire fighting are included as part of site protection – see
section 9.4 below.
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7.4 Self-inspections and audits

Every site must have a system of self-inspection in place to ensure continued

compliance with company risk control policies and procedures.

An example of a typical checklist content which could be used for such an inspection is
included in the appendix, but this should be added to following the fire risk assessment.

The following should be considered:

• Senior site management physical weekly inspection of certain site areas
• A risk assessment based inspection system which continues to evolve and drives
continuous risk improvement
• Cross-section audits (aligned with the H&S GEM and 5S procedures)
• At least annual external inspections by qualified risk consultants.

7.5 Incident and Near Misses

All fire related incidents and near misses must be reported to the responsible
person on site. There must be a formal system in place for the recording of all site
risk incidents, such that the required risk improvements are identified and

Learnings from major incidents should be shared with the Group, and the responsible
person on site should communicated learnings from other sites or third parties to the
relevant site personnel.

7.6 Management of Change

Every site must have some system in place for Management of Change.

The vast majority of industrial fires or major loss incidents tend to occur during or shortly
after some form of change has taken place. Such change may be, for example:
• A change in technology, plant, equipment or materials used
• A physical change to the facility, such as expansion
• An organisation change or re-allocation of responsibilities
• A change in service provider (eg. Security company)
• An external change (Eg: new neighbours or a privatisation of public fire departments)

Ideally such a system should be embedded in other existing procedures, for example:
• HR exit interview systems should identify any knowledge exposures resulting from
employees leaving the operation
• Capex application form should have a risk assessment appendix to identify possible
new risks introduced by the project or new plant or equipment.
• Routine Operational Risk Assessments should identify any existing or pending
changes to the site or business.
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8 Fire Prevention

This section is mainly focussed on controls, which should be in place in order to prevent a
fire from occurring – i.e: pre-ignition controls.

8.1 Fire Safe Construction and Compartmentation

The fire risk at any site is greatly reduced if all buildings are of totally non-combustible
construction and if the size of any potential fire range is reduced by physical fire barriers.

Due to the importance of this subject, there is a separate SABMiller guideline

detailing fire safe construction and compartmentation requirements and best
practice. This document is available under the Technical Section of WEBrew.

8.2 Housekeeping and Storage

As discussed in section 6, fire needs fuel in order to burn. Hence, good storage practices
and sound housekeeping can greatly reduce fire exposure on site.

Due to the importance of this subject, there is a separate SABMiller guideline detailing the
storage and housekeeping requirements for production and associated facilities. This
document is available under the Technical Section of WEBrew.

8.3 Hotwork Controls

The leading cause of industrial fires is Hotwork (welding, cutting etc). Hotwork control
procedures are the most important human-element factor in the prevention of major fires.

Due to the importance of this subject, there is a separate SABMiller risk control
guideline to detail the requirements for adequate control of Hotwork. This document
is available under the Technical Section of WEBrew.

8.4 Contractor Controls

Every site must have a policy and procedure in place to detail what controls are in
place to safely control contractors who may work on the site from time to time.

Some of the topics which should be included in the contractor control procedures include:
• Security checks and access permission
• Equipment inspection
• Site induction and familiarisation with safe work procedures
• Risk Assessment and Method Statement for work being carried out
• Hotwork control procedures and permissions
• Other permit to work systems
• Validation of insurances in place

8.5 Smoking Controls

Negligently discarded smoking materials remain one of the leading causes of industrial
fires. Cigarettes can normally start fires in solid materials only indirectly by first initiating
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glow, although there are some exceptions, e.g: certain chemicals. In spite of the high
temperature (over 900ºC), there is usually insufficient heat available to raise the
temperature of a solid to the point of flaming combustion. In order to be ignited by a
cigarette, most solids must be capable of supporting progressive flameless combustion. A
solid material is most vulnerable to ignition when in a finely divided state, e.g.: sawdust,
paper and textile fabrics. Some materials such as cardboard, fibreboard and dust layers
have the ability to smoulder slowly for hours, even days after smouldering is initiated.
Most flammable gases and vapours, and explosive dusts can be ignited by burning

Most large fires caused by smoking materials in industry are discovered at night and in
areas where goods are stored, packed, loaded and dispatched. Fires can be started by
thoughtlessly discarded cigarettes as employees leave the building at the end of a work
period – a cigarette falls into combustible materials, smouldering starts and some time
later a large fire may develop. This sequence may also happen in the daytime during
working hours when a cigarette end is thrown away in some infrequently visited area, for
example, a storeroom. Pipes, cigars and cigarettes all constitute a potential for causing

In addition to the territory specific smoking at work regulations, the following are
mandatory at SABMiller facilities:

• Each site must have a published smoking policy. This should be signed by
senior management and (if applicable) agreed to by the union or works
consultation committee.
• This policy must state the following:
• A complete ban on any smoking in any production, utility and storage areas.
• A warning that non-adherence to the policy will be regarded as a punishable
offence, with the possibility of dismissal.
• Details of smoking rules on other parts of the site, and stipulation about who
may smoke where and when.
• Where smoking is prohibited, notices complying with local regulations should
be clearly positioned.

• It is recommended as best practice that sites work towards complete smoking bans
anywhere on site. Where local custom or significant employee sentiment makes this
impractical, then dedicated smoking areas must be identified and demarcated. It is
strongly recommended that these are outside and remote from any buildings, with
“bus-shelter” type facilities if necessary. In all places where smoking is allowed, an
abundant supply of safely designed non-combustible receptacles for cigarette ends
should be provided.

• When a new smoking policy is developed, it is recommended that employees be

encouraged to give up smoking. Various incentives or “quitting support” programmes
should be considered.
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8.6 Electrical Controls

As for smoking and hotworks, electrical faults complete the top 3 causes of industrial fires.

There are various other guidelines with regards to electrical systems under the technical
section of WEBrew. The paragraphs below provide additional controls specifically aimed
at the prevention of fire.

8.6.1 Fixed Electrical Installation Inspection and Maintenance

The maintenance and inspection of the fixed electrical system must be

included in the site’s engineering maintenance procedures. The following is an
example of the minimum expected controls:
• Fixed equipment should be inspected/tested annually
• Fixed electrical distribution systems should be inspected/tested at every 5 years
(with local certification as necessary)
• The central earthing system of the site (including lightning protection earthing)
should be tested annually
• Stand-by generators should be tested at least monthly
• The filters of equipment with cooling fans should be checked and cleaned or
replaced as necessary
• Multi-socket adaptors may be used only where there is no suitable alternative.
Their use should be restricted to non-aggressive environments (e.g.: offices) and
a specific risk assessment should be carried out before they are used. Only fused
type may be used.
• Extension cables should never be run through doorways or under carpets, as the
risk of damage is significant.
• Cables should never be run over grass as the ground could be wet, or roads
where vehicles could pass over, unless with suitable protection (mechanical or
• All new cables should have approved fire rating and low smoke emission

8.6.2 Thermographic Scanning

A risk based approach to Infrared (IR) thermography inspections should be

followed. Initially tests must be carried out annually. However, if after at least
3 years of testing, no meaningful problems are found, then the inspection
interval may be extended to 2 years. Conversely, if a number of hot-spots are
continually found, then 6-monthly or even quarterly tests are recommended until
improvements are noticed. On very large sites, a rolling-programme approach is
recommended, such that the Thermographic technicians visit the site regularly to
carry out an inspection to a different section of the site. This approach has the
advantage that, in addition to the new areas inspected, the technician can also
check to see if problem areas from previous surveys have been corrected.

Equipment to be inspected includes:

• all high and medium tension equipment
• low tension (such as MCC cabinets for key equipment) if deemed necessary
• cable tunnels or areas where there is a large concentration of cables
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In order to gain the maximum benefit from such surveys, an experienced and trained
technician should be used. If any sites decide to purchase their own infra-red
cameras, then it is imperative that they send a technician for training.

Note that in addition to reducing the fire, business interruption and equipment
damage risk, the resultant energy savings from correcting of identified hot-spots
often exceeds the cost of the tests.

8.6.3 Portable Appliance Testing

• All portable and transportable equipment must be inspected annually, and

either marked with a sticker to indicate the date of test, or an inventory of
testing maintained.

• Typical inspections for portable and transportable equipment should include:

- The outer casing of the equipment is intact
- There is no plug damage or screws missing
- The outer sheath of the cable is effectively secured and coloured insulation of
the internal cable cores is not showing
- Cable insulation is intact and there are no taped joints
- The equipment has not been subjected to conditions for which it is not suitable
- An insulation and earth leakage test

8.6.4 Oil Cooled Transformers

Oil cooled transformers contain a significant fire load and can cause massive fires or
explosions in the event of uncontrolled failure.

The recommended Protection measures are included in Section 9.9 of this


• The following Prevention measures are mandatory and should be included

in the site’s maintenance management system:
ƒ 6-Monthly visual inspection of all transformers, including checking oil
level, temperature, area cleanliness and desiccant dryness
ƒ Dissolved Gas in Oil Analysis (DGA) must be done in accordance with
approved, recognised methods and frequency of testing. The testing
frequency may vary according to transformer application load and any
local legislation, but must not be greater than 5 yearly intervals.

8.6.5 Lighting Specifications

All lighting must be specified and installed such that the risk of fire on the unit
itself, or the risk of ignition of combustible materials surrounding or below, is

The following controls must be considered in all new installations and should be
considered in existing installations as best practice:
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• All strip (fluorescent type) lighting must have “safe” type ballasts. Some of the
older (or cheaper) units have bitumen filled starters which can emit hot particles
upon failure.
• All High-Intensity-Discharge (HID) units should have enclosed lamp shades and
safety shields of approved material be installed at the shades to prevent hot
fragments from burst/melted light components from impacting areas below that
may lead to a fire.
• All bulbs installed must be the correct type and rating for the particular fitting.
• Where high-bay racking is used in warehouses, the lights must be located above
the aisles and not above the storage.
• In cold stores and cellars with combustible wall or roof insulation, the lights
should not be mounted directly onto the composite panels, but rather to
separated frames at least 300mm from the panels.
• Lights in areas with potentially high dust or flammable vapours must be specified
according to the area’s zoning.
• Where it is safe to do so, lighting in seldom visited areas should be automatically
switched off either on a timer or by way of movement sensors.

8.6.6 Battery Powered Fork Lift Trucks Chargers

All battery chargers must be installed at least 2m from any storage.

In addition, the following controls should be considered:

• The 2m area around the charger should be clearly demarked, preferably with a
physical barrier or hand rails to prevent unauthorised storage.
• Wall-mounted units should be used where possible.
• Chargers should be used in an area with good natural ventilation.
• If practically possible, chargers should not be left on in vacant warehouses.
• Where a large number (6 or more) of battery charge units are in operation,
consideration should be given to constructing a separate battery charge room.
Such a room should:
- Be separated from the warehouse by a 2 hour fire wall, with self-closing fire
- Provided with good natural ventilation at low level and forced ventilation, if
deemed necessary
- Provided with smoke detection

Note: It is NOT regarded necessary to have inherently safe electrics or lighting, or to

provide hydrogen protection (Unless local regulations specifically require it).

8.7 Other Process, Plant and Equipment

Typically, with the exception of heating appliances, most processes in the brewing,
malting and bottling industry are unlikely to cause fires. However, certain pieces of
equipment typically found in utility plant rooms may require specific fire prevention
measures. In particular, care should be taken to ensure there are adequate fire prevention
measures in place for the following pieces of equipment: boilers, power generators,
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compressors and refrigeration plants, particularly if these contain ammonia gas. The
protection requirements for plant rooms and associated equipment is detailed in 9.8.3.

8.7.1 Heating Appliances

• No open element or naked flame heaters are allowed anywhere on site

(Unless for specific maintenance tasks controlled by a Hot Work permit.)
This includes both open-bar and fan-blower heaters. Substation and plant
room heaters must be on thermostatic control and must be storage heater
type (fully enclosed heating elements).

• Shrink Wrap machines must be located at least 2 metres from any

combustible storage and must have over-temperature trips installed.
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9 Fire Protection

The section is focussed on controls which should be in place in order to control a fire
post-ignition in order to limit damage.

9.1 Fire detection and Alarms

• There must be some form of fire alarm on site. Preferably this should be
automatic and if there are multiple separate buildings on site, it should be
building specific, but with a signal to a common site panel in a constantly
manned location.

• Break glass call points should be installed at various places around the site, signalling
to a fire panel in a permanently manned location.

• The location of smoke detection devices depends on the criticality of various rooms,
and the extent to which they are unoccupied for long periods of time. Priority should be
based on a risk assessment, but typically the following should be considered:
o Difficult to evacuate areas
o Main substation
o Critical MCC rooms (brewing / packaging)
o Control Rooms (particularly PLC room and floor / ceiling voids)
o Computer Server Rooms
o Laboratories
o Offices
o Non-sprinkler protected store rooms or workshops

• Based on the risk assessment, a competent person shall select the type of automatic
detection to be installed.
• Where detection is linked to an automatic non-sprinkler fire extinguishing system, at
least two detectors on a cross zone arrangement shall trigger before the extinguishing
agent shall be released. Types of live detectors available include:
- Smoke
- Heat
- Flame detector (infra red)
• The risk assessment shall identify whether an electrical backup is required for the
• The detectors should be linked to a 24 hour monitoring station (e.g.: gatehouse or
contracted support) or directly to the nearest fire brigade.
• Each location shall assess the need for alternatives to audible alarm systems e.g.: for
hard of hearing people or people working in noisy areas.

9.2 Fire hydrants and Hosereels

Fire hydrants are required at all SABMiller facilities, either as primary fire response or to
supplement automatic sprinkler protection.

• The number, size, type and location of fire hydrants must be based on a risk
assessment and agreed, in writing, by the local fire authorities. If the local
regulations are more onerous than the requirements of this guideline, then they
must be adhered to.
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• All warehouses and packaging halls shall be provided with 20mm (or larger)
fixed reel fire hoses in sufficient numbers to ensure full coverage throughout
these areas.

The following measures are recommended as best practice:

• Fire hydrants and hoses should be supplied where possible from the public water
mains if this supply is robust and reliable.
• Where there is no public water supply, or this water supply is inadequate, a private fire
hydrant system should be installed (this should comply with local regulations or with
NFPA 24 (Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their
• The hydrant ring main, of approved and recognised materials, must be a minimum of
200mm diameter with 150mm hydrants.
• The system must be capable of supplying at least 1900 l/minute (from 2 or more
hydrants), for 90 minutes, with a static pressure at the most remote point of at least 3
bar and a dynamic (residual) pressure of at least 1.4 bar at a minimum flow of
1900l/minutes. Hydrants should be located in accordance with the risk assessment, but
typically they should be placed at between 75m and 100m spacing and about 15m from
the protected areas.
• Divisional / Sectional isolation valves should be located on the ring main at strategic
locations in order to insulate sections for routine maintenance without needing to shut
off the entire system.
• If the hydrant system is fed off the same system as the sprinklers, a pressure reducing
device may be necessary – this depends on local fire team expertise and fire nozzle
• Reference should be made to the NFPA Standard for the Installation of Private Fire
Service Mains and Their Appurtenances.
• If there are significant plastic crate yard storages, fire monitors should be installed
around the perimeter of the storage yard.

9.3 Fire Extinguishers

• Based on the risk assessment, fire fighting equipment appropriate for the risk
type and size shall be provided.
• Fire extinguishers shall be suitable for the type of fire risk, e.g.: water type
extinguishers shall not be used where the most probable fire will be in electrical
• Portable and fixed fire fighting equipment shall be inspected and maintained at
least annually by a competent person. The equipment shall be marked to
indicate that an inspection has been carried out.
• The location of fire fighting equipment shall be indicated by signs.
• All fire fighting equipment shall be kept in a position where it is readily available
and unobstructed.
• Where equipment has been used, action will be taken immediately to return it to
serviceable condition, e.g: recharging of foam systems, replacement of fire
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9.4 Fire Teams and Training

As a minimum, the following training must be conducted at each site:

• Induction (and refresher) training for all employees on common site hazards
(typically these training sessions are focussed on health and safety, but they
should include basic fire awareness and familiarisation with emergency plans).
• A fire response team (of sufficient size to cover each shift) must be identified
and trained, with refresher training at least once per year. All team members
must be trained in:
o Portable extinguisher usage
o Alarm raising and response
o Area evacuation (including marshalling responsibilities)

• Depending on the norms of the country and the reliability of the local fire
services, on-site fire teams should also be trained in:
o use of hose reels
o use of fire hydrants and large bore hoses
o operation of automatic fire protection systems, fire doors/shutters, detectors,
fire pumps, sprinkler valves, fire brigade liaison, utilities shut down etc.

As best practice, it is recommended that the site has a private fire team. This team should:
• be trained by professional fire fighters, including fighting real fires
• receive at least annual refresher training
• conduct at least bi-annual drills on various fire scenarios
• have a means of communication such that they can be immediately altered in the case
of an emergency
• devise and document specific response plans to possible fire scenarios at that site (Eg:
plastic crate, fuel storage or combustible insulation fires).

9.5 Emergency Response Plans

All sites must develop and keep up to date their Emergency Response Plans as
detailed in the SABMiller Guideline on Emergency Response which can be found at:

Note, there are also numerous examples of emergency plans in the library section of the
risk control collaboration room.

All sites must have emergency response plans for fire.

The plans must contain, or at least reference the site Fire Drawing:

• The drawing (general site layout) must include the following detail:

- Sprinkler system location and effective coverage area

- The location of fire hose reels and the effective coverage area
- The location of the sprinkler control valves
- The location and type of all portable fire extinguishers
- The location of Fire detectors and Call points
- The Fire Walls and Compartmentalisation
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- Site access including any secondary emergency access

- Pertinent hazards (Fuel gas station and main supply piping, NH3 plant and
main service piping, other flammables)
- Colour coded combustible construction and/or labelling.
- Brief labelling of occupancies

9.6 Automatic Sprinkler Protection

Due to the importance of this subject, there is a separate SABMiller guideline detailing the
automatic sprinkler requirements for production and associated facilities

9.7 Automatic (non-sprinkler) Fire Extinguishing Systems

The site fire risk assessment must detail which areas would benefit from non-
sprinkler Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems. Non-sprinkler automatic fire
extinguishing mediums can be grouped as gaseous, chemical, water mist and use of
foam. Gaseous systems can be further categorised as Total Flooding (whole room
including voids) or Local Application (within a machine/unit/cabinet etc).

Typically the following should be considered for gaseous protection:

• Main substation
• Subsidiary sub-stations/electrical switchrooms
• Critical MCC rooms (raw material handling / brewing / fermentation / filtration /
packaging / waste water / effluent treatment / utilities)
• Control Rooms (particularly PLC room and floor / ceiling voids)
• IT Server rooms

A competent person shall select the type of system and extinguishing medium to be
installed. Furthermore, it is recommended that the design of the system is sent to Group
Risk for review (by an insurance engineer). Integrity testing should be done to verify that
the room/area will hold the discharged gas safely for the required concentration and time.
Note that if the room is fitted with air-conditioning or external ventilation, a means of
sealing this off upon system activation must be installed.

The reliability of “powder-bomb” and aerosol type systems has been questionable in
recent years. Furthermore, while there are some excellent “in-cabinet” protection
systems on the market, not all of these are approved. Any such systems should be
approved by the SABMiller Group Risk Management department before installation.

The accepted and most commonly referred standards for SABMiller gas and chemical fire
protection systems are as follows:

• NFPA Code 2001: 2008 Edition - Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing
• NFPA Code 12: 2008 Edition - Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems,
• NFPA Code 17: 2009 Edition - Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems
• NFPA Code 17A: 2009 Edition - Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems
• NFPA Code 96: 2009 Edition - Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of
Commercial Cooking Operations, 2008 Edition.
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• BS ISO 14520 -1: 2000 - Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems - Physical properties

and system design.

The following FM-Global standards can also be referenced:

• FM Data Sheet 4.0 – Special Protection Systems

• FM Data Sheet 4-9 - Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems
• FM Data Sheet 4-10- Dry Chemical Processing Systems
• FM Data Sheet 4-11- Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems

9.8 Specific Hazard Protection

The recommended protection for various hazards commonly found in SABMiller

production facilities is provided below:

9.8.1 Electrical Room Protection

Protection for electrical equipment, in dedicated rooms, requires special

consideration. Equipment includes, but is not limited to, electrical power supply (e.g.
transformers, etc.); power distribution and related controls; computers and
peripherals for manufacturing controls; cable connection points (I/O boards);
interface machines (modems) for teleprocessing; PLC’s and telephone switches.

The following requirements are mandatory at new SABMiller facilities;

• Automatic smoke detection must be provided in all electrical rooms and

alarm to a permanently manned location.

• Where electrical rooms are housed in buildings protected by automatic

sprinklers, these rooms must also be protected by automatic fire protection
to avoid the risk of a fire starting in them, escalating and compromising the
sprinkler protection for the building. Pre-action type sprinklers may be
used. If electrical rooms have a 2 hour fire rated construction then cut-off
sprinkler heads over the exit doors may be used as an alternative to full
sprinkler protection of the rooms.

• Cable penetrations through walls must be sealed with suitable fire stopping
materials as must both ends of cable ducts/trenches.

The following measures are recommended as best practice;

• Automatic sprinklers or Automatic clean agent (i.e. inert gas) fire extinguishing
systems should be provided in all electrical rooms, unless the equipment is
designated non-combustible and is isolated in a locked room, which contains no
other occupancy or activity.
• Electrical machine control panels in plant areas should be fitted with VESDA
smoke detection.
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9.8.2 Transformer Protection

The following requirements are mandatory at new SABMiller facilities:

• Oil filled transformers should be located external to the main buildings.
Each transformer should be located in a fire separated bay, with a bund
area capable of containing at least 110% of the oil capacity. The natural
ventilation needed for transformer cooling should be considered in the
design of the transformer bay. In addition, consideration should be given to
filling the bund area with crushed stone. (The size of the bund area should be
enlarged to allow for this).
• Oil Filled Transformers with separate conservator tanks larger than
2000kVA must have Buchholz relays fitted.
• Electrical protection (low oil level and high temperature) should be installed
as per OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) recommendations.
• Dry type or resin insulated transformers should be located in rooms with
smoke detection installed.
• Dry type or resin transformers (which typically have an IP00 rating) must be
located in dust free and dry rooms. These must either be kept at a positive
pressure to reduce dust ingress, or fitted with filtered ventilation.

The following requirements are mandatory at existing facilities:

• Where two or more oil filled transformers are located within 5m of one
another, they should be separated by a minimum 2 hour fire wall.
• If the oil filled transformers are located within the main buildings, and if it is
impractical to relocate these, then smoke detection above the transformers
is mandatory. If the oil filled transformers are located within a sprinkler
protected building, then sprinkler protection must be installed above the

9.8.3 Plant Room Protection

The protection specification of plant rooms should be done on a risk assessed basis.
The SABMiller Risk Control Guidelines for Automatic Sprinkler Protection and
Firesafe Construction must be adhered to.

In New builds the following is mandatory:

There must be fire separated rooms for each of the following:

• Boilers
• Compressors (air and CO2 may be in the same room)
• Ammonia Refrigeration
• Backup generators

These rooms must be of non-combustible construction with 2-hour

separation/partitioning, and approved fire doors/shutters.
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Fire detection systems must be installed, reporting to a permanently manned


For existing builds, the following is mandatory:

A risk assessment of all plant room’s fire and explosion exposure must be
done, and appropriate business continuity plans developed. (Note the safety
risk of Ammonia Gas must also be assessed and adequate detection,
ventilation and emergency response procedures put in place).

As good practice for new or old facilities:

Plant rooms should be sprinkler protected, particularly if they are in the same fire
range as production facilities.

Impact protection where plant may be exposed to traffic should be installed.

Ideally each generator should be in a partitioned area, but if not practical, at least
limit the volume of fuel stored in the plant room by having external bulk tanks and
small internal tanks. There must be easily accessible shut-off valves between the
internal and external tanks. Generator sets should be fitted with fusible link devices
for automatic shut down and fuel supply isolation.

9.8.4 Laboratory Protection

If the laboratory communicates with, i.e: is within the same fire zone, as a
sprinkler protected production or storage part of the plant, then it must be
sprinkler protected in terms of the requirements of NFPA -13 for the type of
laboratory proposed.

If the laboratory is in a non-production building (say part of the stand alone offices,
or is separated from the production area via a 4 hour fire wall and 2 hour fire doors),
then sprinkler protection is not mandatory.

Fire detection and an adequate supply of hand held fire extinguishers is

required in all laboratories.

All flammables must be stored in a purpose built flammables cupboard or

room, providing adequate fire resilience, spillage containment and

LEV's (Local Exhaust Ventilation) should be installed over mixing areas etc.

If flammables need to be stored in a refrigerator, a flammable specific refrigerator

should be procured. However, if standard domestic fridges are used, the internal
light must be removed to reduce the risk of sparking as the door is opened (allowing
oxygen to mix with vapours). Note that domestic fridges are not spark-proof
(thermostats, etc can still spark), but may be regarded as a tolerable risk because
the volumes of volatile liquids stored in most locations are small and in robust
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All piped gas supply must have an easily accessible emergency isolation valve both
inside and outside the laboratory. This may be a solenoid valve linked to an electric
isolation emergency switch.

If possible, all pressurised gas cylinders (both flammable and inert gasses) must be
stored in a locked cage outside the laboratory, and piped in through the walls in
fixed pipes. There must be easily accessible isolation valves both inside and

9.8.5 Kitchen Protection

• If deep fat frying is done, daily cleaning of the local hoods & filters must
be done, with yearly cleaning by a professional cleaning contractor.

• If the kitchen is in the same building as production / main warehouse,

then an automatic suitable fixed automatic (with manual override) must be
installed covering cooking equipment, overhead canopy and ducting
system. This extinguishing system will usually be a chemical type.

• Suitable fire extinguishers and adequate size fire blankets must be


• It is recommended that all kitchens be fitted with a single or if a risk assessment

requires it, several emergency buttons to cut all gas and power to the kitchen
(but leave emergency lighting untouched). This is to ensure that manual
emergency shut down can be done safely. A single emergency button may
hinder safety and ultimately delay any prompt shut down. Emergency button
must be clearly signed.

• All kitchen staff must have the necessary information and training to be able to
respond safely and effectively to a fire or potential fire emergency.

• If the kitchen cooker is supplied by gas from a ‘portable’ gas bottle, the bottle
should be outside the kitchen in a specific area/enclosure and fed to the cooker
via fixed permanent piping (not via hoses).

• As a minimum, fixed temperature heat detection should be provided in the

kitchen area.

9.9 Fire Protection System Maintenance and Testing

• Every site must have a documented schedule for the maintenance and testing of
all active and passive fire equipment. This includes opening all hydrants and
checking for water flow, checking the condition and operability of all valves and
maintaining these valves. The location and access of all hydrants must be
checked and confirmed and suitable and prominent signage be displayed.
• Full flow tests of the site hydrants (and where installed monitors) must be done
at least once per year. These must measure:
ƒ The static hydrant system pressure
ƒ The hydrant flow from the hydraulically least favourable hydrant
ƒ The residual pressure of the hydrant system with 2 hydrants fully open
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ƒ Visually observe ability of the hose stream length to be able to cover lofty fire
hazards, such as roofs, fermentation vessels etc.

• It is strongly recommended that the fire protection systems’ maintenance and testing
tasks should be scheduled in the site’s computerised maintained management system
(SAP, Cowin. MIMS etc), and verification of completed tasks should be recorded.

• Typical maintenance and testing tasks include:

Fire detection:

• Fire detectors shall be maintained and tested regularly and at intervals of no less
than 1 year.
• Alarm systems shall be maintained according to manufacturers’ recommendations
or at least annually, whichever is most stringent.
• Alarm audibility and evacuation drills must be done in accordance with local
regulations, but at least twice per year.
• All maintenance checks shall be recorded – any faults found and corrective action
taken shall be recorded.

Sprinkler systems:

• Sprinkler Systems (includes Fire Pumps and Water Supplies) maintained as per the
Automatic Sprinkler Protection Guideline

Fire Doors/Shutters/Penetrations

• Fire doors and shutters must be tested for automatic closure at least annually. This
may be done by disconnecting fusible links and/or smoke detection/other detection
or alarm interlock.
• Fire shutter guides must be inspected and repaired for impact damage that would
otherwise prevent full closure.
• An inspection and repair of all electrical cable penetrations should be done at least
once per year, or after any change in cable configuration

Non sprinkler automatic fire extinguishing systems:

• Full ‘dry’ (non-discharge) activation using interlocked detection must be carried out
at least annually.
• Gas bottles be inspected by the appropriate, approved body annually.
• System alarms must be checked for activation visually and audibly at the local panel
and remotely (if connected) at least annually.
• Open Deluge systems over LPG vessels at least annually (may need to be more
frequent to prevent nozzle blockages by insects etc). Observe all nozzles for
activation and spray coverage.
• Open wall drencher systems and observe nozzle activation and coverage.
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9.10 Fire Protection System Impairment Management

Every site must have a system to manage fire protection system impairments in order to:

• reduce the risk of fire during periods when normal prevention and protection
systems are impaired
• validated that protection systems have been re-activated after any period of
isolation or impairment
• inform the insurance company of a temporary change in the risk at the site

It is mandatory that an impairment form is completed and send to the local country
insurance broker as well as being emailed to :

[email protected]

In the event of:

• any total isolation of all site fire water

• a sprinkler installation impairment over 12 hours
• a hydrant section impairment over 12 hours

It is best practice, in addition to the above, that the system is used internally in the event
• isolation of more than 1 fire detector in any 1 fire range
• any sprinkler or hydrant impairment regardless of duration
• isolation of any non-sprinkler automatic fire suppression system
• fire brigade or fire team unavailability (Eg: strikes or denial of access)

An example of a fire system impairment permit is given below. Such a permit should be
raised and the appropriate authorisation obtained before the impairment is carried out.
Also, the local fire brigade should be informed.
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In case of problems, please contact Local Insurance Brokers

Tel: fax: e-mail:

Type of equipment impaired:

1 ‰ Sprinkler (riser(s) 5 ‰ Underground Main

2 ‰ Fire Pump 6 ‰ Alarm Panel
3 ‰ Water Tank 7 ‰ Automatic gas extinguishing
4 ‰ Public Water Supply system
8 ‰ Other:

Affected area (indicate area and equipment involved):

Causes of the impairment / Comments:

Precautions taken (see explanations overleaf):

1 ‰ Management notified 6 ‰ Smoking forbidden

2 ‰ Fire brigade / fire teams notified 7 ‰ Continuous work until restoration
3 ‰ Additional watchman rounds 8 ‰ Temporary water supply
4 ‰ Inside hoses in service 9 ‰ Hazardous operations stopped
5 ‰ Hot work operations stopped 10 ‰ Other:
Anticipated date and time: Authorised by (name and signature):
Day – Month - Year Manager Name – Production Manager
Actual date and time: Impaired by:
Internal/Contractor/Utility Supplier etc.

Date and time of restoration: By:

Drain test conducted at riser by:

Precautions to be taken in case of impairment

of fire protection equipment:

Before and during works:

1. Plan and prepare works to minimise the duration of the impairment;

2. Avoid impairing several sprinkler risers at the same time;
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3. If works have to last several days, consider putting the protection system back in service at
night. If the duration of the impairment exceeds 12 hours or if the impairment is due
to activation of an automatic protection system, please notify Glenrand MIB/or your
local insurance broker;
4. Use existing sectional control valves to isolate the affected area and to keep as many
protection systems as possible in service. Water supplies should only be impaired when
there are no other solutions;
5. Inform management of buildings where protection is impaired to make sure loss prevention
measures are strictly applied during the impairment and to postpone hazardous operations
when possible;
6. Notify the on site fire team and security of the impairment. Also include the public fire
brigade of the impairment;
7. Forbid all ‘Hot Work’ in the impaired area;
8. Enforce ‘no smoking’ regulations in the impaired portion of the plant;
9. Establish a fire watch (hourly rounds at least) in the impaired area during idle times;
10. Unroll the inside hoses located in the area and hook up hoses to outside hydrants to allow
a rapid intervention of the fire teams.

At the end of the works:

1. Make sure all sprinkler and water supply valves are open and sealed or padlocked in the
open position;
2. Conduct a test at each sprinkler riser by opening fully the 2-inch drain valve. Pressure
should not drop significantly and should quickly go back to its original position as soon as
the valve is closed;
All persons informed of the impairment should be informed of the restoration.
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10 Appendices

10.1 Example of a fire self inspection checklist

• Housekeeping (dust cleanliness, obstructions to extinguishers, obstructions within fire

doors/shutters, to sprinklers, conditions in IT rooms, roof voids other etc).
• Internal storages (below maximum height, vertical and horizontal clearances)
• External storages (distances from plant, equipment, buildings, overhead services such
as steam, water, ammonia, gas, power)
• Smoking controls and compliance
• Condition of buildings, building insulations, vessel and pipe cladding, impact damages
• Condition and location and prominence of warning notices and fire signage
• Visual condition of electrics and workmanship/tidiness (including lightning Earthing
visual check)
• Control and handling of flammables, combustibles
• Control and handling of waste materials
• Management of hot work (check records; check in situ if hot work taking place)
• Control of Contractors on site
• Condition and operability of fire doors/shutters
• Condition and location of lights and emergency lighting
• Condition of portable and fixed fire protection including sprinklers, fire pumps, water
supplies, hoses and fittings etc
• Verification of testing and maintenance records
• Gaseous extinguishing systems (holes/gaps/missing ceiling tiles/open doors, open
windows etc that may compromise effectiveness of discharged gas
• Fire pumps and sprinklers
o in operation
o visual condition and state of repair,
o fuel levels,
o inspection records (witness check typical weekly/monthly testing)
o check recording and transmission of alarms to security/constantly attended

• LPG vessel deluge systems (a full manual discharge test to check for blocked nozzles
may be carried out.)
• Frequency and quality of fire awareness and response training

Additional examples of more detailed risk control self-inspection checklists are available in the Risk
Control Collaboration Room:
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10.2 Example photographs of Good Practice on SABMiller sites:

Typical warehouse
hosereel, hydrant and
call point (Grolsch,

Warehouse internal
fire hydrants (Poznan,
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Fire trailer

Fire emergency room

and foam trailer (Ate,
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Fire monitor for yard

storage protection
(Guayaquil, Ecuador)

Multiple hydrant
connection from
pump house (Valle,
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Sprinkler and
hydrant pump house
(Valle Colombia)

Earthquake bracing
of fire pump
(Panama City,
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Transformer bay and

soak pit (Ate, Peru)

HV transformer
deluge protection
(Valle, Colombia)
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HVAC vent insulation

in substation with
gaseous protection
(Poznan, Poland)

Oil storage in
combustible liquid
store (Topolcany,
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Cable penetration
protection fire
stopping (Poznan,

composite panel
insulation warning
notice (Appletiser,
South Africa)
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LPG tank water

spray protection
(Guayaquil, Ecuador)


Response drawing
showing fire risks



and protection
¶ ¶ GA23






equipment (Quito,
GA07  ¶

 ¶ ¶

  GA14  ¶
 ¶  ¶ 
GA08  ¶
GA20 ¶



GA10 GA11


6 "Ø

  GE02 Ø6"
GA12 Ø4" GA22






247 102

245 911

277 131

246 101

244 2469009

¶ 237 2525013
 300 2564936

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