Eng Tasks Lockdown GR 5-7
Eng Tasks Lockdown GR 5-7
Eng Tasks Lockdown GR 5-7
NAME: ………………………………………………………
As we all know, the Corona virus outbreak has lead to the unexpected closure of all
schools across the country.
As there is no definite answer as to when learners will be able to return to school,
officials from the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, are working around the clock
to find ways to remedy the current situation.
We understand that most parents do not have the necessary training to fill the shoes of
professionally trained teachers, but we humbly request all parents including elder
brothers/sisters in secondary school to assist the little ones wherever they can.
The worksheets/tasks in this booklet are not for evaluation purposes, and are merely
intended to promote self-learning amongst learners during the lockdown period.
Learners should therefore attempt to answer the questions in the booklet with minimal
support from parents, guardians or other relatives.
➢ The learners should do only ONE exercise per day
➢ The booklet should be able to keep the learners busy for a period of TWO WEEKS.
➢ The exercises must be done with minimal support from the parents/guardians
➢ Parents/guardians may assist when needed, but should not do the exercises for the
➢ Where possible, parents can read the reading pieces to the learners aloud and then
ask them to read it on their own.
➢ The booklet does not come with answers to the activities in order to avoid the
temptation of looking up the answers
➢ Parents should therefore allow the learners to complete the exercises to the best of
their ability, as it is similar to what they usually do in class.
➢ To improve their reading skills, learners can read the stories in the Reading Skills
Section (including the poems), aloud daily.
➢ Below is a guide to the grammar questions. Learners can use the guide to help
them complete the grammar questions.
➢ Adverbs: tell us more about the verb (action) e.g. The girl sings beautifully.
verb adverb
➢ Adjectives: describe a person or thing e.g. A new car.
➢ Punctuation: capital letters, full stops, commas etc. Remember that a sentence
starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop unless it is a question e.g.
➢ Simple past tense: talks about actions in the past that are completed e.g.
present past
➢ Reflexive pronouns: words ending in -self or –selves e.g. yourself and ourselves
I believe in myself.
➢ Subject: the subject is the person or thing that is doing the action e.g.
subject action
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow
Bill loved breakfast time with his family. One day, he was having His favourite cereal
with fruit, cold milk and a slice of toast. As he put a spoonful of cereal into his mouth, he
cried out in pain. His parents were worried. They asked him what was wrong and Bill
pointed to his cheek. His dad was quite sure that it was a rotten tooth and they went to
the dentist.
At the dental clinic, Dr Tan looked into Bill's mouth and used a special mirror to examine
his teeth. Dr Tan found decay in one of Bill's teeth. He cleaned and filled it up and the
pain was gone. He told Bill that he must brush his teeth regularly and eat fewer sweets.
From that day on, Bill takes extra care of his teeth by brushing them twice daily. He also
eats less sweet things as he does not want to have a toothache again.
Choose the most suitable answer and write the correct letter in the spaces provided:
1. Bills favourite time of the day with his family is at A [1]
A) breakfast
B) lunch
C) dinner
D) supper
3. State whether the following statement is True/False. Write your answer in the
space provided.
...................................... [1]
....................................................................................................................... [1]
5. Find a word in the last paragraph that means the same as “two times”
.................................... [1]
[Total: 5]
Read the information about the world’s largest kangaroo and answer the
questions that follow.
What Australian mammal can leap 25 feet in one hop and move for short periods at 35
miles an hour? The red kangaroo. A full grown male stands as tall as a six foot person
and weighs 200 pounds. This is slightly bigger than the grey kangaroo, making it the
world's largest marsupial.
What’s a marsupial? A mammal where the mother has a pouch for carrying, feeding
and protecting her young. While a red kangaroo may be the largest marsupial, the
newborn baby is tiny, under an inch long. After a few months of sleeping, nursing and
growing in mom's stomach pouch, the young kangaroo (joey) begins to come out. But
it hurries back to the pouch fast when frightened, hungry or
cold. Eventually, joey gets so big it hangs out of the pouch.
Then, at eight months old, it stays out. But the joey remains
close to mom until ready to live on its own. Red kangaroos
are good swimmers. However, they are best known for their
hopping abilities.
What do red kangaroos eat? Grass, leaves and other vegetation. And guess what -
they often regurgitate food and chew their cud just like a cow. The red kangaroo's
vegetarian diet provides much of its water. It can also go long periods without drinking.
Staying in the shade, panting and limiting most activity to nighttime helps the red
kangaroo conserve water and stay cool.
1. Name at least one thing that kangaroos eat.
...................................................................................................................... [1]
3. Choose the correct word in column A, that matches the definition in column B.
Only write the correct letter in the spaces provided.
3.2 Red kangaroo B - A mammal where the mother has a pouch for carrying the
3.1....................................... [1]
............................................................................................................................ [1]
[Total: 5]
Read the story about the eagle and the fox and answer the questions that follow.
One morning the fox said to his children, “I will find some eggs for breakfast.” Then
he went to the woods. The fox saw an eagle’s nest in the top branch of a tree. How
can I reach those eggs?” he thought. “Ha, ha! Now I have a plan.”
He put some grass stalks into his ears and knocked on the tree with them.
“Throw an egg to me,” cried the fox. “If you do not throw an egg to me, I will knock
this great tree over with these grass stalks”
The eagle was terribly frightened, and she threw an egg down to the fox.
“Throw another egg to me, or I shall knock the tree over with these grass stalks and
take all of your eggs,” said the fox.
The eagle was still more frightened, and she threw down another egg.
Then the fox laughed and said, “How could I knock down a great tree with these
small grass stalks?”
The eagle became very angry. She flew down from her nest and grabbed the fox
with her talons.
Then she lifted the fox up and flew with him far out to the sea and she dropped him
upon a lonely island.
The fox was left on the lonely island. One day he asked himself, “Am I going to die
on this island?”
Then the fox began to sing softly. Seals, walruses, porpoises, and whales swam
near the island.
“What are you singing about?” asked the sea people. “This is what I am singing
about,” said the fox.” Are there more large animals in the waters of the sea or on dry
“Certainly, there are more animals in the waters of the sea than on dry land,” replied
the sea people.
“Well then, prove it to me,” said the fox. “Come up to the surface of the water and
form a raft that will reach from this island to the mainland. Then I can walk over all of
you, and I shall be able to count you.’
So the large sea people, seals, walruses, porpoises, and whales came up to the
surface of the water.
The sea people formed a great raft that reached from the island across to the
This was what the fox wanted. He ran over the great raft, pretending to count the
When at last the fox reached the mainland, he jumped ashore and rushed home.
........................................................................................................................... (1)
2. Why was the eagle so frightened?
............................................................................................................................ (1)
3. How many eggs in total did the fox get? Circle the correct letter.
a) 3
b) 2
c) 4 (1)
............................................................................................................................ (1)
5. Name any sea animal mentioned in the story.
........................................................... (1)
[Total: 5]
Read the story about Inventions and answer the questions that follow
The first people on earth were the first inventors. People have always invented
things to make their lives easier.
Most of the things that we use today were invented by someone in the past. The
ballpoint pen, for example, is a common, everyday object. It didn’t just fall out of the
sky; someone invented it in 1940. The inventor was a man called Lazlo Biro, a
Hungarian who lived from 1900 to 1985. Lazlo’s invention uses a kind of ink that
dries immediately. A turning ball that is just too big to fall out of the pen allows a
small amount of ink to flow out. This invention made writing much easier because
there was no bottle of ink to spill and no wet ink to smudge.
The safety pin is a very common object that most of us have used at some time. It
was invented in 1849 by Walter Hunt. Think of all the things that we use safety pins
for. What do you think people used before safety pins were invented?
Nearly all of us have had our photo taken. A Frenchman called Joseph Niepce took
the world’s first photograph in 1826.
The first camera ever made was enormous. Later, in 1888, an American called
George Eastman invented a camera that was small enough for people to hold in their
hands. He called his invention the Kodak N. 1. In 1947, Edwin Land invented the
Polaroid camera, which could produce a photograph in less than one minute. Many
people call this a same –time camera because you get the photo the same minute
that you take it.
In 1903, two brothers, Wilbur and Orville Wright, invented the first aeroplane that had
an engine. It flew for just 59 seconds and went only 261 metres. New kinds of flying
machines were invented very quickly after that. In 1961, only 58 years after the
Wright brothers; the first astronaut took off from earth and travelled in space. The
astronaut’s name was Yuri Gagarin.
............................................................................................................................ (1)
2. According to the story, why was it necessary to invent things?
............................................................................................................................ (1)
3. When was the ballpoint pen invented?
........................................................................................................................... (1)
4. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct answer.
Read the story below and answer the grammar questions that follow.
One summer's day, a grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing
happily. An ant passed by carrying pieces of mealies to its nest. 'Why not come
and talk to me,' said the grasshopper, 'instead of working so hard.' 'I
am helping to store food for the winter,' said the ant, and suggest you do the same.
'Why worry about winter?' said the grasshopper. 'We have plenty
of food now.' The ant went on its way. When winter came, the grasshopper had no
food and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the
ants sharing the mealies they had collected in the summer.
3. Rewrite the following sentence and correct the punctuation errors.
an ant passed by carrying pieces of mealies to its nest
……………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
……………………………………………………………………………………… [1]
[Total: 5]
Read the rules and regulations of the National Botanical Gardens of Namibia and
answer the questions that follow:
1. Choose a reflexive pronoun from the box below to complete the following
2. Find one word (synonym) in the rules that means the same as the following:
Read the information provided and complete the form below. PLEASE USE CAPITAL
Your best friend, Nicholas Eiseb, recently broke his arm while playing soccer. He wants
to join the public library and asked you to complete the application form on his behalf as
he cannot use his right hand at the moment. He is a learner at Ubasen Primary School
and is 10 years old. He likes to read books about animals and cars and he would like to
visit the library on Wednesdays and Thursdays. He is staying
with his parents and their address is P.O. Box 337 Omaruru.
On which days do you plan to visit the library? (Underline the correct options)
(a) Monday (b) Tuesday (c) Wednesday (d) Thursday (e) Friday [1]
……………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]
[Total: 5]
Read the information below and complete the form on behalf of Sylvester
Sylvester Nanyala is a grade 5 learner at Ebenhaeser Primary School in Karibib. He
would like to apply for a place at Namib Primary School, as his parents are moving to
Swakopmund next year. Their address is P.O. Box 114 Karibib. Sylvester lives with
both his parents, Johanna Nanyala and Petrus Nanyala. He is very good with his
schoolwork and likes to play soccer.
[Total: 5]
Read the poem below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Rabbit Habit
by Liana Mahoney
1. Who is the writer (poet) of the poem?
……………………………………………………………………………………… [1]
……………………………………………………………………………………… [1]
3. Indicate whether the following statement is True/False. Write your answer in the
space provided.
The poet likes rabbit food a lot.
…………………………….. [1]
…………………….. [1]
[Total: 5]
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
Apples, Apples
By: Liana Mahoney
Apples, apples
Growing on a tree.
Apples, apples
Pick one just for me!
Apples, apples
Tasty as can be.
Apples, apples
Share one now with me!
1. What is the title (name) of the poem?
....................................................................................................................... [1]
2. Write down two rhyming words from the first stanza/verse e.g. four/more
....................................................................................................................... [1]
3. What do you think is the poem about? Use the picture to help you.
....................................................................................................................... [1]
....................................................................................................................... [1]
....................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 5]