Equation of The Standard EN 12195-1 Stipulates Unr
Equation of The Standard EN 12195-1 Stipulates Unr
Equation of The Standard EN 12195-1 Stipulates Unr
Juraj Jagelcak *
Cargo securing is a factor influencing safety and quality of transport considerably. In this paper the problem of calculation of over top
lashing to prevent tipping is mentioned. “European standard EN 12195-1 Load Restraint Assemblies. Safety. Part 1: Calculation of lashing
forces” stipulates unreasonable demand for number of over top lashings to prevent tipping of load. The calculation of number of lashings gives
infinite results for certain lashing angles. The reason can be found in equation (8) of the standard.
1. Introduction Because of the friction on the corners the force on the oppo-
site side is usually lower than the force on the tensioner side. This
How many lashing do we need, is often a big issue when it is presented in the calculation by k-factor with value 1.5 for over
comes to cargo securing. There are various demands for cargo top lashing with a tensioner on one side of the lashing only. The
securing in European countries. The demand for the number of value 1.5 means that on the side without a tensioner there is only
lashings is really confusing for international road haulers. The half of the force of the tensioner side. Of course, this value is very
lorry driver travelling through different countries of Europe is often conservative and measurements [9], [10] showed that also the
afraid of how many lashing straps or other equipment the con- values more than 2 are possible to measure. The value of k-factor
trolling authorities and consignors at loading sites will want to see mainly depends on the corner friction. The issue is clear. The use of
and if the straps are proper to use and fulfil the demands of stan- k-factor lower than 2 influences the number of lashings and which
dards or guidelines. Over top lashing, as the most frequent lashing is important to highlight is that no hauler wants to increase the
method, is used everywhere when it comes to cargo securing by number of lashings because it costs money.
lashing. But what the effectiveness of over top lashing is each driver
must take into consideration. The driver knows what the friction
and acceleration are and he also knows that the force on the oppo- 2. Over top lashing securing load against tipping
site side without a tensioner is lower when compared to the ten-
sioner side. These points are the main points influencing over top The results of equation (8) of standard EN 12195-1 for over top
lashing and these points create controversy between the EN 12195-1 lashing to prevent tipping are shown below. The illustration from
standard for calculation of lashing forces and IMO/ILO/UN ECE the standard is given in the following figure. By solving practical
Guidelines for packing cargo transport units (CTU’s). The dis- examples it was found out that equation (8) of the standard, as
cussion was opened during the work on European Best practice defined, creates unreasonable results which are practically unusable.
guidelines on cargo securing for road transport of the European com-
mission, and led after some years to the revision of European stan- According to equation (8) holds:
dard EN 12195-1 which is in a revision process now. The standard h w
is, as national standards, implemented in the EU but not obliga- Fx,y n FT h cos Fz n(k1)
2 2
tory in all the member states. In several states the standard is only
on a voluntary base. The discussions of experts showed that the FT w sin n(k1) FT h cos (1)
standard stipulates very high and costly demand on cargo securing
when it comes to over top lashing. Therefore it has been called for Modification of equation (8) gives the following equations for
the revision. a number of lashings:
– for load with the centre of gravity (CoG) in the geometrical
The main points of discussions were about friction, acceleration centre:
sideways and k-factor. K-factor was always the biggest problem 1 m g (cx,y hcz w)
during the discussions. The standard defines it as the “coefficient n
2 FT [(k1) w sin (2k) h cos]
which allows for the loss of tension force due to friction between
lashing and load”. ⇒ equation (11) of the standard (2)
* Juraj Jagelcak
Department of Road and Urban Transport, Faculty of Operation and Economic of Transport and Communications, University of Zilina, Slovakia,
E-mail: [email protected]
2000 9.81 (0.5 1 0.3) 2k h
2.55 ⇒ 3lashings (4) arctg (7)
1.5 3750 sin 66° 33 k1 w
The number of lashings to prevent tipping according to equa- And for our example a is as follows:
tion 11 of the standard:
2k h 2 1.5 2
1 m g (cx,y h cz w) 1 arctg arctg
k1 w 1.51 0.9
2 F [(k1) w sin (2k) h cos] 2
65.77225468… (8)
2000 9.81 (0.7 2 1 0.9)
So we get real lashing angles for infinite number of lashings.
3750 [(1.51) 0.9 sin66° (21.5) 2 cos66°]
Of course, this lashing angle is not possible to use but the angles
300.08 ⇒ 300lashings (5) around this value still stipulate very high and also negative results.
m g cx,y cz
k FT sin
2000 9.81 0.5 1
0.318 ⇒ 1lashing. (14)
2 3750 sin66°
According to the latest agreement from revision works the
experts decided to delete k factor in all equations of the standard
to avoid confusion in the future. As the calculations in the stan-
dard are based on theoretical principles, operational factors (when
applying top-over lashing) can positively or negatively impact the
required number of lashings, e.g.
– retention not feasible,
Fig. 3 Modified Fig. 4 of the standard EN 12195-1 for tensioners – self-tensioning effect,
placed alternately – influence of the corner frictions.
Modified eq. (8) of the standard is as follows: To compensate these uncertainties the safety factor of 1.1 is to
h w n be included. The k factor shall be deleted in all the equations [11].
Fx,y Fz k FT sin w 0, (9) According to the other agreement unstable goods in combination
2 2 2
with over top lashing shall be calculated as follows
– for the load with CoG of the geometrical centre (GC): h
m g cx,y cz
n w
Fx,y d Fz b k FT sin w 0 (10) n 1.1 (15)
2 FT sin
Then equations for the number of lashings should be as follows: which, for our example, gives
h 2
m g cx,y cz 2000 9.81 0.5 1
w 0.9
n , CoG in GC (11) n 1.1 0.350 ⇒ 1lashing.
k FT sin 7500 sin66°
2 m g (cx,y d cz b)
n , CoG off the GC (12) 3. Conclusion
k FT w sin
where, for our example, holds: This paper presents that the calculation of over top lashing to
h prevent tipping according to standard EN 12195-1 is practically
m g cx,y cz unacceptable. For certain lashing angles an unreasonable number
n of over top lashings is calculated. Therefore, the work of experts,
k FT sin participating on revision works to achieve reasonable level of cargo
securing in road transport and to obtain the European standard
2 practically applicable all over the Europe, is very important.
2000 9.81 0.7 1
2.121 ⇒ 3lashings (13)
1.5 3750 sin66°
[1] JAGELCAK, J.: Top-over lashing securing the load against tipping, equation (8) of the standard EN 12195-1 stipulates infinite number
of lashings for specific lashing angles. University of Zilina, Department of Road and Urban Transport. Document CEN/TC
168/WG6 N 180, CEN 13.12.2006
[2] JAGELCAK, J.: Tension forces in top-over lashing & k- factor theoretical explanation and practical results. University of Zilina, Depart-
ment of Road and Urban Transport. Document CEN/TC 168/WG 6 N 191, 2. 1. 2007