HR Notes
HR Notes
HR Notes
4. HRM can be defined as a process of procuring, developing and maintaining competent human
resources in the organization so that the goals of the organization are achieved in an effective and
efficient manner.
5. Simply, HRM is the efficient and effective utilization of Human Resources to achieve goals of an
6. Decenzo & Robbins: HRM is concerned with the people dimension in management.
To generate and retain an appropriate and contented workforce, which gives the maximum
individual contribution to the Organizational success.
Objectives of HRM
Human resources are defined as a valuable asset (rather than a variable cost)
It is based on high level of managerial commitment to employees, high trust, learning and
enlightened leadership
Concern for the workers
Focusing on winning the hearts and minds of workers
Motivated, skilled, involved and contented workforce
This is the calculative, quantitative and strategic management aspects of managing the workforce in a
rational way
People management strategies are driven by strategic considerations to gain competitive advantage,
maximising control while achieving the lowest possible labour cost
Promote the HR strategy and align it with the business strategy
Outsourcing, flexibility and performance management
HR is treated as another resource
Operated against the interest of the worker
PM is the planning, organizing, compensation, integration and maintenance of people for THE
PURPOSE OF contributing to organizational, individual and societal goals.
PM is basically an administrative record-keeping function, at the operational level.
PM attempts to maintain fair terms and conditions of employment, WHILE EFFICIENTLY MANAGING
HRM is described as having a much broader scope than PM, such as INVOLVING ONGOING
HRM mainly focuses on utilizing man power by understanding their strengths and weaknesses and
engaging them in different occupations in a way that increases and maximizes their productivity
PM is a traditional approach of managing the people in the organization, HRM is a modern approach
of managing people and their strengths in the organization.
PM is a routine function, HRM is a strategic function
PM is concerned with the personnel manager, HRM is concerned with all levels of managers
PM focuses on personnel administration, employee welfare, and labour relations.
HRM focuses on acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance of HR in an organization
PM considers people as an input for achieving required output, HRM considers people as a valuable
resource for achieving desired output
HRM provides employees with more training and development opportunities unlike PM
Challenges of HRM
Environmental Challenges Organizational Challenges
o Rapid changes o Decentralization Individual Challenges
o Work force diversity o Downsizing o Brain Drain
o Globalization o Organizational restructuring o Empowerment
o Legislation o Self-managed work teams o Job insecurity
o Evolving work & family roles o Technology o Ethical dilemmas and
o Shortage of required skills o Outsourcing social responsibility
Functions of HRM
Job analysis
HR planning
Selection & Recruitment
Training & Development
Performance Appraisal
Pay & Benefits
Labour relations
Career management
Discipline Management
Health & Safety MGT
Retirement MGT
This system focuses on managers of all levels being responsible and MANAGING their
subordinates. Its main motive is having effective management to attain a competitive
advantage and maximize the performance of employees.
The authorities combine the cluster of interrelated elements for achieving a common
goal. There are many other components that have a strong relationship with each
other but are never used together. However, the presence of this approach will allow
these separate parts to work together to fulfil the company’s requirements.
Examples for instances where the system approach is used can be: Training,
procurement, performance appraisal
Proactive literally means acting before a problem occurs
In this approach, HR related problems are anticipated and appropriate decisions and
corrective actions are taken before the problem exists
It improves productivity by minimizing the resources (time & money) in the both short and
long run needed to produce the organization's goods or services
Being reactive means acting after a problem occurred.
If efforts are reactive only, problems may be compounded and opportunities may be
missed and the organization may suffer loss.
Strategic HRM can be defined as the strategy to develop proper planning to hire &
manage employees for fulfilling the long-term goals of the company. It includes
developing employees to make sure their various prospects get combined for required
The strategic approach exists because the human resources of the organization are
considered as its most valuable, strategic resource
The main motive of this strategy is targeting the long-term people issues and creating
resources for the tackling needs of the future.
Employees are empowered and encouraged to seek delegation and take responsibility
High business transparency with the employees with great communication involved;
Higher-income and wages models, bonus packages, and other financial rewards
Hard System is focused on a more traditional business outlook by treating the human resources of
the organization like an input. HR managers identify the workforce needs and act accordingly.
Low business transparency;
Lower income for employees;
Systematic changes in employee numbers;
No empowerment of employees;
An old-fashioned style of management and leadership
Promote human resource strategy and align it with the business strategy
Generally covers outsourcing, flexibility and performance management
Lead to downsizing
Treated as another resource
Operate against interest of the worker
Taller organizational structures
Suits autocratic leadership style
Little empowerment or delegation
Line and Staff Aspects of HRM
Authority: Authority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders.
Staff authority (Advisory): The authority gives right to the manager to advise other managers or
Line authority (Superior-Subordinate): The authority of managers to direct people in his or her own
Line manager (Line Authority): A manager who is authorized to direct the work of subordinates and is
responsible for accomplishing the organization’s tasks.
Staff manager (Staff Authority): A manager who assists and advises line managers.
Line Managers
Line managers are bosses; they direct the work of subordinates in pursuit of accomplishing the organization's
basic goals.
Staff Managers
Staff managers assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic goals. They do, however, need to
work in partnership with each other to be successful.
Responsibilities of staff managers include assistance in hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling,
promoting, and firing of employees, and administering various benefits programs.
If an organization has a formal HR group there are typically three different roles that group might play in the
• Operational and employee advocate—managing most HR activities in keeping with the strategies and
operations that have been identified by management and serving as employee “champion” for employee
issues and concerns.
• Strategic—helping to define the strategy relative to human capital and its contribution to organizational
EEO is the right of people to employment and advancement without regard to race, sex, age, religion,
colour, national origin or physical and mental ability.
The first legislation was established in the United States by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It was
amended as Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972. In U.S. the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) enforces the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. This Act generally applies to all
public and private organizations employing 15 or more people.
In Sri Lanka, the Constitution of 1978 prohibits discrimination. In the Constitution, The Fundamental
Rights of chapter III - Section 12(2), states that discrimination based on race, religion, language, caste,
sex, or place of birth is unlawful.
The aim of EEO legislation is to ensure that discrimination in employment is not made on an unfair or
unlawful manner.
‘housekeepers’ were a common job for women
Women would be paid a lower rate than their male colleague
Nowadays this type of discrimination is unlawful
o unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours and other verbal or physical
conduct of a sexual nature
Rejecting applications of ethnic minority groups or giving priority for applicants of ethnic
Asking different questions for the people of different ethnic groups. E.g.:- asking about arrest
records or loan history.
Adopting different criteria for different ethnic groups in providing opportunities for promotion
and training programs.
Racially motivated attacks, victimization.
Employers should allow flexibility in working to the employees for their religious needs as long as
it doesn’t cause any inconvenience to the operations of the organization; flexibility should be
allowed to all religious groups equally. Particularly,
o Allowing the employees to take leave
o Allowing flexibility in working time
o Allowing flexible work breaks.
BFOQ allows employers to discriminate in certain instances and is a statutory exception to EEO laws.
Its primary use is as a defence against intentional discrimination based on age/sex/religion/race
BFOQ refers to the requirement that an employee be of a certain religion, sex, or national origin
where that is reasonably necessary to that organization’s normal operation.
o Religion may be a BFOQ in religious organizations
o Sex may be a BFOQ for positions requiring specific physical characteristics necessarily
possessed by a sex. E.g. flight attendant, actor
HR Planning ensures the right number of people with the right skills, knowledge, and ability are in the
right place at the right time to deliver short and long term organizational objectives
o Determining the numbers and types of employees to be recruited or removed from the
The main objective of HR Planning is to prepare the organization to acquire the appropriate
employees for the appropriate jobs at the appropriate times
CIPD: HRP is the systematic and continuing process of analysing an organization’s human needs under
changing conditions and developing personnel policies appropriate to long term effectiveness of the
Techniques of Forecasting
Informal forecasting – done quickly and randomly without a systematic base, uses intuition
Advantages – easy & quick, good for small organizations, less time consumed
Disadvantages – low accuracy, not suitable for large organizations, intuition may be wrong
Formal expert survey – better method for planners, high accuracy, high time consumption
Delphi technique
Unit forecasting
Extrapolation/trend analysis
Ratio analysis
Scatter plot
Assessing the number of people likely to be available from both within and outside the org.
Internal supply: current employees who can be promoted or transferred to meet forecast needs
External supply: people who are working for another org and job seekers.
Organizational features
Rates of Productivity
Rates of promotion, demotion, transfers, turnover
Training & development programs
“The process through which organizations make decisions about who will or will not be allowed to join the
“The process of choosing from among available applicants the individuals who are most likely to successfully
perform a job.”
“Selection is the process of making the choice of the most appropriate person from the pool of applicants
recruited to fill the relevant job vacancy.”
Selection is the process of choosing individuals with the correct qualifications to fill jobs in an
Hire hard, manage easy – invest time and effort in selecting the right people, will make managing
them as employees less difficult
Good training will not make up for bad selection
i. Application/CV; shortlisting
ii. First interview
iii. Tests
iv. References
v. Follow-up interviews
vi. Final Decision
Application forms – contact info, work experience, educational background, technical experience,
memberships in professional or trade groups
Tests – ability tests, aptitude tests, intelligence (cognitive ability) tests, personality tests
Interview – a two-way exchange, where questions are asked to elicit information, qualities, attitudes, etc.
Structured interviews
Unstructured Interviews
Stress Interviews
Situational Interviews
Behavioural description Interviews
Panel interviews
Communication the decision – the organization should make an offer to the selected candidate, the offer
should include: job responsibilities, work schedule, rate of pay, starting date, and other relevant details.
Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers, and with
appropriate qualifications, and encouraging them to apply for jobs with an organization.
Recruitment is the process of locating and encouraging potential applicants to apply for existing or
anticipated job openings.
Recruitment is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to
apply for jobs in an organization.”
“Recruitment is the discovering of potential candidates for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. It is
the linking activity… bringing together those with the jobs to fill & those seeking jobs”
• Consult-in: The busy and dynamic companies request the potential job seekers to approach them
personally and consult them regarding the jobs.
• Head-Hunting: a process of recruitment of a prospective employee, who is working elsewhere and who has
a relevant work experience for a particular job profile.
• Body shopping: Professional Organisations and hi-tech training institutes develop a pool of human
resources for the possible employment. The prospective employers contact these organizations to recruit the
• Business alliances: like acquisitions, mergers, and take-overs help in getting resources.
• E-recruitment: Organisations advertise the job vacancies through the World Wide Web (www) internet.
• Advertising: A classic employment recruitment technique is the "help wanted" advertisement in local
• Career Fairs: For entry-level jobs, career fairs can help to recruit recent graduates and individuals who want
to change careers.
• Database: Maintain a database or filing system for potential employees based on resumes collected at
career fairs, from your website or from manual submissions.
• Employment Agencies: If an organization is searching for employees with specific skills, it may approach a
recruiting agency that screens and potentially tests applicants based on the skills you require.
• Employee Referrals: The existing employees can be a great source of providing recruitment referrals
T & D are done to improve current and future performance, by helping employees acquire skills, knowledge
and attitudes.
Training consists of an organisation’s planned efforts to help employees acquire job-related knowledge, skills,
abilities, and behaviours, with the goal of applying these on the job.
Training focuses on providing employees with specific skills or helping them to correct deficiencies in their
performance. Development is an effort to provide employees with the abilities that the organisation will need
in the future.
The goal of training is to eliminate current skill deficit, whereas development prepares for future work
Increase in production
Reduction in errors
Reduction in turnover
Less supervision required
New capabilities
Attitude changes/ Improvements
I. Identifying Training Needs (Where the individual lacks skill, knowledge, ability to effectively perform)
II. Identifying the objectives of training (improve the company’s performance through people performing
o Relatively inexpensive
o Trainees learn while working, contributing to production
o No need of expenses exclusive for training
o Trainees get immediate feedback about their performance
Off-The-Job Training
1. Job Instruction training – for jobs that involve a sequence, step by step instructions are given
2. Lectures – convenient for training a large group
3. Audio – visual techniques – surgeries, repairing
4. Tele-training
5. Video conferencing
6. Programmed learning – a systematic method for teaching job skills involving presenting questions
or facts to the learner, allowing the person to respond, and giving immediate feedback to the
learner about accuracy about his answers.
7. Vestibule or stimulated training – pilot training, expensive and dangerous to train on the job
8. Computer based training
o Learning is self- paced
o Training is interactive
o New employees don’t have to wait for a scheduled training session
o Training can focus on specific needs
o It is easier to revise a computer program
o Record keeping is facilitated
o Computer program can be linked to video presentations
o It is cost effective if used for a large number of employees
1. Literacy training programmes – to improve basic skills including reading, writing and mathematics
2. AIDS education
3. Values training – educating employees about the firm’s most cherished values
4. Diversity training – aim to create more harmonious working relationships among employees
5. Customer service training – to treat the company’s customers in a courteous and hospitable manner
6. Training for teamwork and empowerment – employees are given the authority to do their jobs
7. Training for international business – Avoiding loss of business due to cultural insensitivity, Improving
job satisfaction and retention of overseas staff, enabling a newly assigned employee to communicate
with his colleagues abroad.
i) Controlled experimentation
To determine the effectiveness of the training programme, two groups need to be used. One
group receives the training whereas the other is the control group. Data should be obtained
before and after training from both groups to determine the extent to which the change
occurred in performance to the training group.
Compensation can be given in the form of wages, salaries and employee benefits such as paid vacation,
insurance, maternity leave, free travel facility, retirement benefits, and etc.
Monetary payments are a direct form of compensating the employee and have a great impact in motivating
Goal of compensation management: to design the lowest-cost pay structure that will attract motivate and
retain competent employees and that will be perceived as fair by these employees.
Types of compensation:
Compensation Policies
An important guideline for determining wages & salaries of an org. A written policy that recognizes:
the value of all jobs, the wage rates paid by competitors, and ensures stable earnings.
Compensation Tools
1. Job-based Compensation / Job-based pay – JBP
2. Skill – based Compensation / Skill-based pay – SBP
Paid according to how flexible, capable at performing tasks, the employee is.
The greater the variety of job related skills workers possess, the more they would be paid
Encourages the learning of new skills/ multiple skills
Benefits (Health care, employee service, etc.)
Short-term incentives
Long-term incentives
Perquisites (company car, executive dining rooms, etc.)