Hashing Offline (July 2023)
Hashing Offline (July 2023)
Hashing Offline (July 2023)
Offline 7: Hashing
Deadline: February 12, 11:55 PM
1) Problem Specification
You need to implement a HashTable class for this assignment. The requirements are
as follows:
● Data will be kept as (key, value) pairs in this hash table.
● You can insert, delete, and find data from this table.
● The minimum size N’ of this table will be given as input, but you need to find
the nearest prime N greater than or equal to N’ as the actual size of this table.
● You need to use randomly generated words of lengths 5 to 10 as keys for this
table. Therefore, you need to implement a random word generator. The
lengths of the words will be randomly determined as well. The words do not
have to be meaningful. Using only lowercase alphabetical letters will suffice.
The order of the incoming words will be used as their value (please see the
example in Section 2 below). If your word generator produces duplicate words,
you must only keep one instance of each, discarding the others. Use your find
function to ensure this.
● Your hash table can have different collision resolution methods (see details in
Section 4). The collision resolution method of your hash table instance should
be specifiable via the constructor.
2) Example
Suppose your word generator has generated the following words:
The corresponding (key, value) pairs will be:
(puzzle, 1)
(universe, 2)
(brain, 3)
(offline, 4)
Note that the second instance of the word “universe” has been discarded, and the value
for “offline” has been set to 4 instead of 5.
3) Hash Function
You have to use two standard hash functions (Hash1(k) and Hash2(k)) of your own, or
from any good literature where you must try to avoid collisions as much as possible. We
expect that 60% of the keys will have unique hash values (e.g., at least 60 unique hash
values for 100 keys).
4) Collision Resolution
You need to implement the following three collision resolution methods:
1. Separate chaining: Place all the elements that hash to the same slot into a
linked list. Slot j of the hash table contains a pointer to the head of a linked list
which will store all the items that hash to the j-th slot. If there are no such
elements, slot j contains null.
2. Double hashing: For double hashing, use the following hashing function:
doubleHash(k, i) = (Hash(k) + i × auxHash(k)) % N
Here, Hash(k) is one of the hash functions described in Section 3. Note that you
have to use both the Hash functions mentioned in Section 3 for report generation
(see Section 5 for more details). You can use a simple hash function as the
auxiliary hash function auxHash(k). The initial probe goes to position
Table[Hash(k)], and successive probe positions are offset from previous positions
by an amount auxHash(k), modulo N.
3. Custom probing: For custom probing, use the following hash function:
customHash(k, i) = (Hash(k) + C1 × i × auxHash(k) + C2 × i2) % N
Here C1 and C2 are two auxiliary constants of your choice. The other details are
the same as the Double Hashing.
5) Rehashing
You need to implement rehashing for your chaining-based hash table. The rehashing criteria will
be the maximum chain length.
At the start of the program, take the maximum allowed chain length, C as input (along with the
minimum table size N’).
After every 100 insertions into your table, calculate the maximum chain length.
Whenever the maximum chain length of your hash table exceeds C, rehash to a new table with
approximately twice the size.
Also, after every 100 deletions from your table, check whether the maximum chain length has
fallen below 0.8×C. If so, rehash to a new table with approximately half the size. But do not
rehash if the new table size would fall below the initial size, N.
Every time a rehash is triggered in your program, you need to print the average probe count,
load factor, and maximum chain length of your table just before and immediately after the
rehash. To calculate the average probe count, you may search for 10% of the elements
6) Report Generation
Generate 10000 unique words and insert them into the Hash Table. Using both hash
functions (Hash1(k) and Hash2(k)), list the number of collisions in a tabular format (see
the table below). Among these 10000 generated words, randomly select 1000 words
and search each of these selected words in the hash table. Report the average number
of probes (i.e., the number of times you access the hash table) required to search these
words. These results should be reported for both hash functions. The report should
present the items in the following table. You also need to report the hash functions and
the auxiliary hash functions that you have used.
To test rehashing, keep deleting the words afterward. You can stop deleting after you reach
the lower size limit of your hash table.
Generate your report for N’ = 5000, 10000, and 20000. If you cannot find any slot to
insert a value into the hash table, you can simply ignore that insertion.
Hash1 Hash2
Collision Resolution
Method # of Average # of Average
Collisions Probes Collisions Probes
Double Hashing
Custom Probing
Note that, you may be asked to run your program during evaluation to show that the
output of your program closely resembles the reported values (use a fixed seed to be
able to reproduce your results exactly).
7) Submission Guideline
1. Create a directory with your 7-digit roll number as the name
2. Put only the source files and the report in the mentioned directory
3. Zip the directory in “.zip” format, rename it using your 7-digit roll number, and
submit it on Moodle within the mentioned deadline (February 12, 11:55 PM).
4. Copying will result in -100% marks for both source and destination.