Mediastinum Practical
Mediastinum Practical
Mediastinum Practical
G07: Superior and Posterior Mediastina
Superior Mediastinum
Review of the Subdivisions of the Mediastinum
Superior mediastinum
Comprises area within superior thoracic aperture and transverse
thoracic plane
-Transverse thoracic plane – arbitrary line from the sternal
angle anteriorly to the IV disk or T4 and T5 posteriorly
Inferior mediastinum
Extends from transverse thoracic plane to diaphragm; 3 subdivisions
Posterior mediastinum
Superior Mediastinum
-Right phrenic nerve lies between the SVC and mediastinal pleura
Arch of the Aorta (table 1.6, p. 145)
Ligamentum arteriosum – remnant of fetal ductus arteriosus
-Extends from root of left pulmonary artery to inferior surface of arch of aorta
-Left recurrent laryngeal hooks beneath arch of aorta, adjacent to
ligamentum arteriosum
Brachiocephalic trunk – first branch of aorta
-Divides into right common carotid and right subclavian arteries
Left common carotid artery – 2nd branch of the arch
Left subclavian artery –3rd branch of the arch
Nerves (pp. 188-191)
Vagus nerves – arise from medulla of the brain, exit the cranium, and
descend through the neck posterolateral to the common carotid arteries
-Right vagus nerve – enters thorax anterior to right subclavian artery
-Right recurrent laryngeal nerve – arises from right vagus and hooks
around the right subclavian artery and ascends to larynx
-Contributes to pulmonary, esophageal, and cardiac plexuses
-Left vagus nerve – enters mediastinum between left common
carotid and left subclavian arteries
-Left recurrent laryngeal nerve – arises from left vagus and ascends
to larynx
Phrenic nerves – supply the diaphragm
-Right phrenic nerve
-Left phrenic nerve
Posterior Mediastinum
(pp. 150-156)
Thoracic aorta
Bronchial branches – supply trachea, bronchi and lymph nodes
Pericardial branches – supply pericardium
Posterior intercostal branches
Superior phrenic branches
Esophageal branches
Subcostal branches
Thoracic duct - largest lymphatic channel in the body; empties into the
venous system near the union of the left internal jugular and
subclavian veins
Nerves of the Thorax
Nerve Origin Course Distribution
Phrenic Ventral rami of C3-C5 Passes through superior Central portion of the
nerves thoracic aperture and runs diaphragm
between mediastinal
pleura and pericardium
Intercostals Ventral rami of T1 to T11 Run in intercostal spaces Muscles and skin over
nerves between internal and intercostal space; lower
innermost layers of nerves supply muscles
intercostal muscles and skin of anterolateral
abdominal wall
Subcostal Ventral ramus of T12 Follows inferior border of Abdominal wall and skin of
nerve 12 rib and passes into gluteal region
abdominal wall
Recurrent laryngeal Vagus nerve Loops around subclavian Intrinsic muscles of larynx
on right; on left runs (except cricothyroid)
around arch or aorta and
ascends in
tracheoesophageal groove
Cardiac Plexus Cervical and cardiac From arch of aorta and Impulses pass to SA node
branches of vagus nerve posterior surface of heart;
and sympathetic trunk fibers extend along
coronary arteries and to
SA node
Pulmonary Plexus Vagus nerve and Forms on root of lung and Bronchial subdivisions
sympathetic trunk extends along bronchial
Esophageal Plexus Vagus nerve; sympathetic Distal to tracheal Vagal and sympathetic
trunk; greater splanchnic bifurcation, the vagus and fibers to smooth muscle
nerve sympathetic nerves form a and glands of inferior two-
plexus around the thirds of esophagus
Aorta and Branches in the Thorax
Artery Origin Course Branches
Ascending aorta Aortic orifice of left Ascends approximately Right and left coronary
ventricle 5 cm to sternal angle arteries
where it becomes arch
of aorta
Arch of aorta Continuation of Arches posteriorly on left Brachiocephalic; left
ascending aorta side of trachea and common carotid; left
esophagus and superior subclavian
to left main bronchus
Thoracic aorta Continuation of arch of Descends in posterior Posterior intercostal;
aorta mediastinum to left of bronchial; esophageal;
vertebral column; pericardial; superior
gradually shifts to right to phrenic; subcostal
lie in median plane at arteries
aortic hiatus
Posterior intercostal Posterior aspect of Pass laterally, and then Lateral and anterior
thoracic aorta anteriorly parallel to ribs cutaneous branches
Bronchial Anterior aspect of aorta Run with Bronchial and
or posterior intercostal tracheobronchial tree peribronchial tissue;
artery visceral pleura
Esophageal Anterior aspect of Run anterior to To esophagus
thoracic aorta esophagus
Pericardial Anterior aspect of Send twigs to To pericardium
thoracic aorta pericardium
Superior Phrenic Anterior aspects of Arise at aortic hiatus and To diaphragm
thoracic aorta pass to superior aspect
of diaphragm