Modular Activity For TLE 7 - April 15-16
Modular Activity For TLE 7 - April 15-16
Modular Activity For TLE 7 - April 15-16
Food processing equipment when sold are provided with a User’s Guide or
Manuals containing the manufacturer’s specifications and precautions to the user in
a form of sticker or Warning Label attached to the equipment itself. This gives an
assurance that the equipment/machine or tool is in excellent condition for it has
passed quality control during manufacturing.
The dimension gives the measurement and size of the tools or equipment in
terms of length, width or height.
The capacity specifies the measurement of the amount which a device can
hold or contain as in boilers, cooker, or steamers or a weighing scale.
1. Machine temperature
2. Hydraulic fluid
4. Crack
5. Leak detection
6. Vibration
7. Corrosion
8. Electric insulation
Performing pre – operation activities ensure that all the tools, equipment and
utensils assembled, checked, inspected, sanitized, readied, and stowed after tested
are the proper and appropriate devices essential in processing food like salting,
curing, smoking, fermentation, pickling, canning, bottling, processing using sugar,
drying, and dehydration or artificial drying. Doing these will prevent the use of
inappropriate devices as well as the occurrence of accidents due to faulty or
defective tools, equipment and utensils.
a. Wear and tear - the damage or change that is caused to something when it is
being used normally.
b. Cracks - to break something that it does not separate, but very thin lines appear
on its surface, or to become broken in this way:
If the parts of equipment are easy to assemble and disassemble then the
condition of machines or equipment can be easily reported as:
a. Serviceable
b. Repairable
c. Defective
d. Replaceable
Activity 1:
Write the word TRUE if the statements are correct, otherwise, write FALSE. Write your
answer on your notebook.
______1. In using a thermometer, you have to dip the tip in the liquid before reading the
measurement shown on the scale.
______2. When measuring dry ingredients using measuring cup, you have to fill up the
cup to overflowing then level off using spatula or straight- edge of knife.
______3. Placing a drop of sample into the cylinder is the proper way of using
______4. Refractometer shows reading in terms of kilogram.
______5. When using glassware or measuring cup, always place the instrument at eye
Activity 2:
Illustrate one of the equipment used in fish processing in a bond paper. Label the equipment
you drew and write down its function below your drawing. Use the given rubrics as your
Criteria Score
Illustrative detail 10
Label and function 10
Neatness of work 5
Total 25
Activity 3:
Answer the following questions. Write your answer on your notebook.
1. What information does a User’s Guide or Manual provide?
2. Aside from knowing the correct operations of the equipment or machine, what are
the other cues that is vital to know from a User’s Manual?
Activity 4:
Identify what defect is shown in the following pictures. Write your answer on your notebook.
(Wear and Tear/ Crack/ Leak/ Corrosion)