Legislative Competency of Local Legislators in Region I, Philippines: Gender Differences
Legislative Competency of Local Legislators in Region I, Philippines: Gender Differences
Legislative Competency of Local Legislators in Region I, Philippines: Gender Differences
Abstract—Legislation is a vital component of good Legislators. Thus, it is important for the Local Executives to
governance. As such, members of Legislative bodies must nurture a good working relationship with the Legislators.
possess the requisite competency to be able to perform their
tasks. This study assessed the level of competence of local The task of legislating in the local level is vested in the
Legislators along effective communication, influence, policy Sangguniang Panlalawigan in the case of Provinces,
research and analysis, relationship building, and technical Sangguniang Panglungsod in cities, and Sangguniang Bayan
proficiency. The study employed the descriptive-method of for the municipalities. and Sangguniang Barangay for the
research using a questionnaire as the main tool in data smallest unit of government. The Sangguniang
gathering. It was adapted from the Competency Framework Panglalawigan, Panglungsod and Sangguniang Bayan is
and Dictionary Manual of the Department of Interior and presided by the Vice Governor and City/Municipal mayors
Local Government. The subjects of the study were the respectively. The provinces and cities have ten elected
members of the Provincial Board, City and Municipal Councils members plus the President of the Association of
of the local government units in region 1. Barangay Captains and Federated Sangguniang Kabataan
President who sit as ex-officio members. In the municipal
The study found out that the Legislators in Region 1 are level, only eight regular members are elected. The other
predominantly male, married and professionals serving their
members are the President of the Association of Barangay
first term in the local Legislative Board/Council. The female
Captains and the President of the Municipal Sangguniang
Legislators, although outnumbered, contributed significantly
by churning out policies promoting women and children
Kabataan Association who sits in an ex-officio capacity.
welfare and helped in the crafting of a Gender and Politics is a male dominated discipline. Only very few
Development Manual for their respective local government women dare to set their footprints in the political arena. It
units. was only right after Corazon Aquino was catapulted to the
presidency when more women were enticed to try their luck
Majority of the Legislators possess adequate competence to
in politics either as Legislator, Governor or Mayor of a local
perform their Legislative functions. However, they need to
government unit.
level up their proficiency in all the dimensions of Legislative
competence. Specifically, the Legislators should acquire the Legislating is not an easy task. It is a political exercise
basics of policy research and analysis, learn how to simplify that involves too much bickering among politicians chosen
complex issues and develop strategies to effectively articulate by the people. Political affiliation with the powerful people
the same to their colleagues and constituents. The Department would not suffice for one to be a good Legislator.
of Interior and Local Government should design more Competence is a paramount consideration if one is to
appropriate capability trainings for neophyte Legislators, and become a good Legislator. In the nat ional level, most of the
more women should be encouraged to ran for Legislative
Legislators (Senators and Congressmen) are professionals,
positions for a better and balanced Legislation.
many of whom are Lawyers. Thus, debates and heated
Keywords—Local legislation, Legislative competency, discussions on national issues are common in both Houses of
assessment. Congress and the Senate.
In the Philippines, many politicians are elected into office
by virtue of their wealth, power, influence and popularity.
The role of local Legislators in countryside development Whether these officials possess the required competency to
cannot be over emphasized. The role the play is very vital perform their tasks is not an issue among the electorates.
since they are tasked with the responsibility of churning out Lately, some aspiring politician s were elected to high
legislations not only to address local concern and issues but positions due to their popularity. The case of actors turned
more so to provide support to the Local Chief Executives in politicians is a good example. Their sheer popularity among
their pursuit of development agenda. More importantly, the the people catapulted them to high level offices. But
local legislators have the distinct task of enacting the annual legislation is not mere acting scripted roles as in the movies.
budget of the local government units. While this financial It is a task that required in depth studies, analyses and
plan is prepared through the leadership of the Chief competent participation in discussions and interpolations.
Executives, it has still to be scrutinized and enacted by the The later requires a good command of communication skills,
and the lack of it relegates a Legislator as mere member of
the so called “silent majority” whose participation is limited The significance of the study can be seen in terms of the
to the raising of hands. This, consequently, resulted to the data to be generated which can serve as baseline input for
popular perception that many incompetents were elected due authorities in determining the type and focus of capability
to their popularity among the mass base of society. The trainings and seminars that will enhance the competence of
incident that happened during the incumbency of the late Legislators including the subjects of this study. The wide
Miriam Santiago as Senator is instructive. It should be dissemination of the findings may also help the people in
recalled that the Lady Senator was famous for her high level deciding whom to elect as their representatives to the Local
intelligence, eloquence and wittiness during public Legislative Councils during the local elections. Competent
discourses. In one occasion, she refused to interpolate or Legislators will result to good laws or policies that will re-
engage a neophyte popular Senator in a debate on a proposed down to improved benefits for the people.
legislation authored by the later. To her, it is too demeaning
and unfair to the neophyte Senator whose only credential that II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
yielded him a seat in the highest Legislative Body of the
country in his being a popular sportsman. In yet another The study is anchored on the thought that in any task, the
case, she challenged some Senators who were doing nothing one designated of undertaking the same must manifests or
to just stuck their fingers in the wall sockets of the Senate possesses some level of competence related to it. The term
building. In short, she figuratively asked these inutile public competence maybe defined in various ways. The Oxford
servants to commit Harakiri and save millions of pesos in dictionaries (2009) defined competence as the ability to do
public taxes. something successfully or efficiently. It is accompanied by a
The incompetence of some Legislators was also evident varying degree of capability, ability, expertise, adeptness,
during the impeachment trial of then President Joseph skill, proficiency, talent and mastery. Similarly,
Estrada. During one of the interpolations shown on national the business dictionary (www.businessdictionary.com)
television, one senator was seen trying hardly to defines competence as a “cluster of related abilities,
approximate the weight of the sack of money allegedly given commitments, knowledge, and skills that enable a person (or
to the President using the weight of fighting cocks as his an organization) to act effectively in a job or situation.
frame of reference. Incidentally, the Senator is a cock fight Competence indicates sufficiency of knowledge and skills
aficionado and his expertise must have been limited within that enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations
the confines of the fight arena and not in the Halls of (Cooper et. Al., 2001). Likewise, it is defined as the skill or
Congress. ability in a specific field or subject, or being able to do
something well (www.yourdictionary.com). This perspective
In the local level, many members of Legislative Bodies of competence is further elucidated by Wikipedia by
such as the Sangguniang Panglalawigan, Panglungsod and describing it as the ability of an individual to do a job
Sangguniang Bayan are professionals. Many are either properly (https://en.wikipedia.org). Thus, competency may
Lawyers, Doctors or retired public servants who want to be defined as the combination of observable and
continue their services in the political field. Their stature, measurable knowledge, skills, abilities and personal
however, is not a guarantee of their competence. In many attributes which enhance employee performance and
local government units particularly municipalities, it is a consequently lead to organizational success (Dubois et. al,
common observation that majority of the Sangguniang 2004). Bartram et. al. (2002) viewed competence as a set of
Bayan members are usually close associates of the Local behavior patterns that an individual needs to bring to a
Chief Executive (LCE). In many cases, they were position in order to perform his tasks and functions to bring
handpicked to ran under the political party of the incumbent about the desired results. It is an individual characteristic
mayor not because of their competence but due largely to that can be manifested to differentiate significantly superior
their . proven loyalty. As such, these people feel morally performance from average performance, or between effective
bound or obliged to support whatever initiatives coming and ineffective performers.
from the Office of the Local Executive when they assumed
as Legislators. This scenario is, of course, advantageous on Legislative competence or competency, on the other
the part of the Chief Executive. On the contrary, the hand, is defined by the English Dictionaries as “the skill,
absence of oppositionists in the Local Councils who may knowledge, qualification, capacity or authority to make, give
serve as fiscalizers would lead to decisions that are not or enact rules with binding force upon a population
carefully deliberated. or jurisdiction ” (https://glosbe.com). It refers to the
effectiveness and efficiency of the Legislators to perform
It is precisely the perceived questionable competence of their jobs properly. This can be manifested in various forms
some members of the Legislative Bodies of the Provinces, such as properly crafted ordinances and resolutions that
Cities and Municipalities of Region I that necessitates this respond appropriately to the needs and aspirations of their
study. The objectives of the study are: to describe the socio- constituents, ability to engage others in public discourses
economic profile of the members of the Sangguniang particularly during Legislative debates, observance of
Panglalawigan, Sangguniang Panglungsod and Sangguniang parliamentary procedures and capacity to conduct policy
Bayan, determine their functional competency along researches in aid of Legislation.
effective communication, influence, policy research and
analysis, relationship building and technical proficiency, and To further understand the concept of competence, one
determine whether these two variables are significantly must have a good grasp of its important components.
related. Likewise, the study will compare the competency of Knowledge is one of them which refers to a person’s
the male Legislators with their female counterparts. cognizance of facts, truths and principles which may be
gained from formal training and experience. The application
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 265
and sharing of knowledge is critical to individual and The subjects of the study were the Members of the
organizational success. Another is skill which pertains to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Sangguniang Panglungsod and
proficiency or dexterity in mental operations or physical Sangguniang Bayan of the provinces, cities and
processes. This is usually acquired through specialized municipalities of Region I. The sources of data were the
trainings. The application of this skill will certainly result Legislators themselves, the Vice Governors and Vice
to successful performance. Ability is another core Mayors who are the presiding officers of the local
component of competence which is the power or aptitude to legislative bodies and the Secretaries of the Sangguniang
perform physical or mental activities related to a particular Bayan, Panglungsod and Panlalawigan. Total enumeration
profession or trade like computer programming. Many
was employed for the Sangguniang Panlalawigan and
organizations are good in measuring results, knowledge and
Panglungsod while a sample representative was used in the
skills, but they usually failed to recognize employees'
abilities or aptitudes, particularly those employees doing case of municipalities. Convenience and purposive
tasks outside of the traditional job design. sampling was used in selecting the municipalities.
Structured interview and documentary analysis were the
The last component is individual attributes which pertain main tools in data gathering. Most of the items to measure
to qualities or characteristics which make an individual competence were adapted from the Competency Framework
unique from the rest of humanity. Personal attributes or and Dictionary Manual of the Department of Interior and
characteristics are perceived to have been genetically Local Government. Frequency count, percentage, mean and
developed or acquired from a person’s accumulated life simple regression were the main statistical tools used in
experiences. Such qualities may include but not limited to analyzing the data.
openness or receptiveness of a person to others’ ideas,
ability to work under pressure, just and fair in dealing with TABLE I. PROFILE OF THE LOCAL LEGISLATORS
others, have no bias and prejudice, possesses a critical mind,
selfless and good public relations. Items f %
1. Age
The Department of Interior and Local Government 21 – 30 46 14.98
(DILG) Competency Framework and Dictionary Manual 31 – 40 59 19.22
defines competency as a cluster of skills, attributes and 41 – 50 98 31.92
related knowledge that affect an individual’s ability to attain 51 – 60 56 18.24
job success. It pertains to individual attributes that can be 61 & above 48 15.64
Total 307 100
measured to differentiate average from superior performers 2. Sex
(Spencer, et al, 1994). The DILG manual further identifies Male 249 81.11
three common competencies namely: core competencies, Female 58 18.89
leadership competencies and functional competencies. Each Total 307 100
one describes the work competencies required for the local 3. Civil Status
government officials and employees to perform their tasks. Married 223 72.64
Core competencies relate to the culture, mission and Single 37 12.05
Separated 16 5.21
values of the institution while leadership competencies is Widow(er) 31 10.10
associated to the knowledge, skills and behavior required or Total 307 100
4. Education
needed to perform managerial work. Functional College graduate 239 77.85
competencies, on the other hand, speak of the specific bodies Collage level 37 12.05
of knowledge and skills necessary to perform the defined High school graduate 21 6.84
activities which include the ability to use procedures, High school level 10 3.26
knowledge and techniques of a specialized field. It is this Total 307 100
competency that fits well to the nature of the job of local 5. Number of term(s) as legislator
Legislators. Hench, the study will be limited along this area. 1 term 142 46.25
2 terms 64 20.85
The components or parameters of functional 3 & last term 10 3.26
competencies specified by the DILG Competency Model are: Total 307 100
effective communication, influence, policy research and 6. No. of trainings/seminars on
analysis, relationship building, technical proficiency, Legislation attented
managing knowledge and information, and program 1-3 134 43.65
4-6 82 26.71
development and management. The last two parameters,
6-9 43 14.01
however, are not so much related to legislative functions. 10 and above 48 15.64
Thus, competency will be assessed only along effective Total 307 100
communication, influence, policy research and analysis, 7. Ordinances/resolutions
relationship building and technical proficiency. sponsored/co-sponsored
1-5 81 26.38
6-10 83 27.04
11-15 36 11.72
III. METHODOLOGY 16-20 63 20.52
The study employed the descriptive method of 21-25 31 10.10
research. Data were gathered, tabulated, analyzed and 26 and above 13 4.23
Total 307 100
interpreted in order to address the objectives of the study.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 265
A great number of the respondents (31.92%) are in their Item 5, on the other hand, got the lowest mean
middle adult stage while the least are those who are which tends to indicate that the respondents have
relatively young (21-30 years old). Majority of the difficulty in simplifying complicated ideas for easier
respondents are male (81.11%) indicating that politics in the understanding
region is still a male dominated activit y, although it is
observed that there is an increasing number of women TABLE III. LEVEL OF COMPETENCE ALONG INFLUENCE
entering politics. Majority (72.64%) are married and have
completed a college degree indicating that majority of the Items Mean
1. The SP members can highlight or emphasize the
Legislators are professionals (77.85%). A great number advantages and benefits of proposed
(46.25%) are first termer Legislators and that many of them 4.21
ordinances/legislations and solicit the support of
(43.65%) attended at least 1 – 3 trainings/seminars related to colleagues and stakeholders.
Legislative work. It can be seen in the table that the least 2. They always participate actively in rallying the support of 3.99
(4.23%) sponsored/co- sponsored 25 or more colleagues and stakeholders for the approval of new
ordinances/resolutions while a substantial number (27.04%) Legislations/Ordinances that are beneficial to the people.
3. They use direct persuasion to convince their colleagues 3.33
sponsored/co-sponsored 6 – 10 ordinances resulotions, and stakeholders to accept their ideas or a specific course
Through interviews and documentary analysis, it was of action.
gathered that the women Legislators are not far behind from 4. They use subtle strategies/methods of persuading 3.16
their male counterparts in terms of performance for they have colleagues and stakeholders for support particularly in
an average of 4 ordinances/resolutions sponsored or co- sensitive or high-pressure situations.
5. They can easily get the support of their colleagues and 4.01
sponsored. Many of their bills are related to the promotion of constituents for their advocacies after explaining to them
women and children welfare and they have been instrumental the benefits/advantages.
in the passage of ordinances/resolutions mandating the local 6. They use their authority and impact of their presence to 4.15
government units to formulate their own Gender and influence key decision makers and stakeholders.
Development (GAD) Manual. 7. They create a professional and positive impression with 3.29
other people by dressing appropriately and speaking
confidently when interacting with target stakeholders.
Items Mean
1. The Local Legislators think first about what they want The data show that, as a whole, the level of influence of
to communicate, organize their thoughts and ideas 3,26 the respondents is high as indicated by the mean (3.73). This
effectively before communicating. can be attributed to the fact that as elected officials, they
2. They have no difficulty in conveying Legislative agenda 4.11 wield some power which can be used to influence others.
orally to their colleagues and constituents. The power to enact the local budget is one example which
3. They participate actively in oral discussions and 3.76 can be used by the Legislators to influence decision makers
interpolations during Board Sessions. like the local Chief Executive. Item 1 obtained the highest
4. they adjust the contents and style of their 3.36
documents and presentations according to the subject
mean (4.21 or very high) which tends to show that the
matter and purpose. respondents are likely to use their Legislative power to solicit
5. They can explain complex ideas in a step-by-step manner 2.98 the support of their colleagues and constituents. Item 4
or logical sequence to facilitate easy understanding. obtained the lowest mean (3.16 or moderate) which tends to
6. They ask open ended questions that encourage others to 3.34 manifest that pressuring or directly persuading colleagues
give their point of view or opinion and clarify the message
being delivered.
and constituents for support is not commonly practiced by
7. They can translate highly technical information into 3.36 the respondents.
simple terms to facilitate understanding by target
8. They actively listen and put themselves into others’ 4.02 AND ANALYSIS
position to gain a better understanding of how other
people respond to the message they conveyed. Items Mean
9. They can express their ideas clearly and effectively when 3.99 1. The Local Council Members can prepare feasibility 3.09
communicating with their colleagues and other people. studies and proposals on policies which can support
As a whole 3.58 local government programs.
2. They review researches and studies to assess which 3.21
policies are most effective and the specific areas of local
The table shows that the level of competence of the government work these would be most relevant.
Legislators along effective communication is high as 3. They are capable of assessing the effectiveness of 3.11
indicated by the mean of 3.58. This tends to show that the implemented policies based on program monitoring and
evaluation information.
respondents have good communication skills. Item 2
4. They create monitoring and evaluation framework for 2.99
obtained the highest mean (4.11) which tends to indicate that effective policy implementation incorporating standards,
the Legislators have no difficulty in articulating their risk management and impact analysis.
Legislative agenda to their colleagues and constituents. 5. They always assess government activities and 3.13
Politicians who are good in public speaking are more likely recommend proper course of action, and provide advice to
to win during elections than those who can not articulate stakeholders based on established policies.
6. They solicit feedback from program implementers and 3.98
their ideas in public. It should be noted that in more key stakeholders regarding policies being implemented.
advanced societies like the USA, the electorates can be 7. They can do basic research on basic issues and topics that 2.77
swayed by the performance of candidates during public can serve as inputs for the development of policies.
debates before elections. As a whole 3.18
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 265
The data in the table show that item 7 solicited the lowest solutions using available Information Technology based
mean (2.77 or low) which tends to indicate that the tools or technology assisted programs.
4. They always suggest for the improvement or revision of 4.13
respondents do not conduct studies as basis in policy documents when they observed some deficiencies.
formulation. Unlike their counterparts in the national level 5. They can accomplish complex tasks without asking for 3.98
(Senators and Congressmen), local Legislators are quite guidance or instructions from others.
familiar with local conditions, thus, basic research or formal 6. They use and understand the technical language of their 4.07
studies are not necessary. Soliciting feedback from job as members of the Legislative Body.
7. They always follow/observe parliamentary 4.33
implementers and constituents is common among Local procedures during deliberations/meetings/sessions.
Legislators as indicated by item 6 which obtained the highest As a whole 3.65
mean. The data or feedback provided may be used as inputs
in the formulation of policies.
As a whole, the competence level of the respondents It can be gleaned from the data in the table that, as a
along policy research and analysis is “moderate” as indicated whole, the technical proficiency of the respondents is high as
by the mean of 3.18, which tends to imply that the indicated by the mean (3.65). This tends to mean that the
respondents are either not equipped with the basic tool to Legislators are proficient enough with the use of technology
conduct policy research or they do not simply have the time in the performance of their functions. Item 7 obtained the
to do research. highest mean (4.33) which is indicative of the respondents’
very high proficiency in adhering to parliamentary
TABLE V. LEVEL OF COMPETENCE ALONG RELATIONSHIP procedures during sessions and meetings. This is so because
BUILDING the procedures can easily be learned. Moreover, there is the
presiding officer who can guide the Legislators or correct
Items Mean them whenever they are found to be out of order.
1. The SP members have developed good relationship
among themselves and with their constituents with 4.31 Item 1 obtained the lowest mean which tends to show
the intent of achieving delivery of relevant services and that many of the respondents are not proficient in the use of
effective program implementation. ICT based technology to improve their efficiency in the
2. They maintain a productive and harmonious working 4.12
relationship with their colleagues and constituents. performance of their tasks.
3. They promote a culture of collaborative working with 3.98
colleagues and various stakeholders. TABLE VII. SUMMARY OF COMPETENCE LEVEL
4. They mediate between opposing or conflicting parties and 3.35
create ways to address conflicts. Items Mean
5. They help create new opportunities to work with their 3.98 1. Effective Communication 3.58
colleagues and other stakeholders paving the way for 2. Policy Research & Analysis 3.18
effective collaboration. 3. Influence 3.73
6. They have established a wide range of contacts through 4.06 4. Relationship Building 3.99
informal interactions such as unstructured or spontaneous 5. Technical competence 3.65
talk on work related topics. As a whole 3.63
7. They participate in networking and social events internal 4.11
and external to the local government unit.
As a whole 3.99
As a whole, the level of competence of the Legislators is
high (3.63) which tends to indicate that they are capable of
The data show that, as a whole, the Legislators are good performing their tasks. The table shows that relationship
in relationship building as indicated by the mean (3.99) building obtained the highest mean. This tends to manifest
which is high. Politicians are usually proficient along this that the Legislators are very good in establishing
area to entice more people to vote for them. Item 1 obtained relationship. This may be so because politicians must know
the highest mean (4.31) or very high which shows that the how to maintain or nurture a good relationship with the
respondents are really good in establishing good relationship people. Policy research and analysis, on the other hand,
with their colleagues and constituents. This can be due to the obtained the lowest mean which tends to show that the
fact that a Legislator needs the support of colleagues for respondents are not good when it comes to conducting policy
his/her bill(s) to be passed and approved. research and analysis. Many resort to hiring of experts along
Item 4 obtained the lowest mean (3.35) which is this area to do the job for them. While this is an accepted
equivalent to moderate. This tends to show that the practice, it is still advantageous if the Legislators themselves
respondents have the tendency not to meddle with other have knowledge along this task. Thus, they will not entirely
parties oppose to their ideas, and do not exert enough effort depend on their staff’s findings and analysis.
TABLE VI. LEVEL OF COMPETENCE TECHNICAL PROFIENCY The Legislators in Region 1 are predominantly male,
married and professionals serving their first term in the
Items Mean local Legislative Board/Council. The female Legislators,
1. The SP members use information technology-based tools 2.36 although outnumbered, contributed significantly by churning
or technology assisted programs to deliver outputs more out policies promoting women and children welfare and
2. They use technical knowledge or skills not easily or 3.09
helped in the crafting of a Gender and Development Manual
quickly learned on the job. for their respective local government units.
3. They simplify work systems and find appropriate 3.57
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 265