LTD - Week 12

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1 Cohesion vs. Coherence 3 Lexical cohesion

2 Cohesive devices 4 Coherence

• is the network of lexical, grammatical, and other relations.
• connects the words and expressions.
• provides links between various parts of a text.
• organizes and helps create a text.
• is a surface relation.
• Cohesion is objective.
• Cohesive devices reflect conceptual relations, making
sense of the text.
• Cohesive devices facilitate and control the
interpretation of the underlying semantic relation.
• Reference
• Substitution
• Ellipsis
• Conjunction
1. Reference:
• is the common/ shared identity of two or
more linguistic expressions.
• allows the reader/hearer to trace
participants, entities, events, etc.
1. Reference:
• is popularly known via the use of pronouns (to
refer to the name or title)
"John is a highly skilled and experienced project
manager. With his exceptional organizational
abilities and attention to detail, he consistently
delivers projects on time and within budget."
1. Reference:
• also involves co-reference which is not strictly
"Climate change poses significant challenges for
our planet. Rising global temperatures lead to
the melting of polar ice caps and the loss of
crucial habitats for various species."
1. Reference:
• Co-reference can be a continuum of replacement.
John loves his new car.
a. The new car has a powerful engine.
b. The automobile has a powerful engine.
c. The hatchback has a powerful engine.
d. The beast has a powerful engine.
e. It has a powerful engine.
John loves his new car.
a. The new car has a powerful engine.
b. The automobile has a powerful engine.
c. The hatchback has a powerful engine.
d. The beast has a powerful engine.
e. It has a powerful engine.

repetition general word

superordinate pronoun
2. Substitution:
• is replacement of an item with another
• is commonly seen in English as do, one,
the same.
2. Substitution:

"Sarah ordered a pizza with extra cheese. I did

the same.“
3. Ellipsis:
• involves the omission of an item.
• means leaving something unsaid (but still
comprehensible and grammatically
3. Ellipsis:

“Joan brought some carnations, and Catherine some

sweet peas.”
“A: I will kill for you.
B: And I will you.”
“Guardians of the Galaxy có 3 phần rồi. Phần 1 thì hay
lắm luôn á.”
4. Conjunction:
• involves the use of markers to relate
sentences, clauses and paragraphs to
each other.
• signals how the author wants the
readers/hearers to relate to the text.
4. Conjunction:

additive adversative causal temporal continuative

• and, also • yet, but • so, because • then, next • now, well
• likewise, for • on the other • for this • an hour later, • after all,
instance, hand, as a reason, under on another anyway
indeed matter of fact the occasion
4. Conjunction:

Bên cạnh nguồn nhân lực phục vụ phát triển công

nghệ vũ trụ tại Việt Nam bước đầu được hình
thành, Việt Nam đã làm chủ công nghệ, chế tạo
được một số mô-đun cho thiết bị trạm mặt đất, vệ
tinh siêu nhỏ…
Lexical cohesion:
• means a lexical item is used to recall the
sense of an earlier one.
• includes reiteration and collocation.
• involves repetition of lexical items, stretching the
continuum from a synonym to a general word.
Boys can be so silly.
a. The boy is going to fall if he is not careful.
b. The young lad is going to fall if he is not careful.
c. The kid is going to fall if he is not careful.
d. The idiot is going to fall if he is not careful.
• involves a pair of lexical items that are
associated with each other.
same ordered unordered lexical
oppositeness co-occurrence:
series sets

part-whole: car- rain – drops –

like/dislike Thursday/Sunday engine, climate- pouring – wet -
temperature cold

part-part: verse-
chorus, mouth-chin
order/deliver xị/củ/tỏi
co-hyponym: red-
green (color),
(kitchen furniture)
The city streets were bustling, as people hurriedly walked
past each other, lost in their own thoughts. Tall buildings
towered above the crowded streets, casting long shadows
on the pavement below. Neon signs illuminated the
darkness of the night, contrasting with the natural glow of
the moon overhead. The air was filled with a cacophony of
sounds, a mixture of honking horns and melodic street
The city streets were bustling, as people hurriedly walked
past each other, lost in their own thoughts. Tall buildings
towered above the crowded streets, casting long shadows
on the pavement below. Neon signs illuminated the
darkness of the night, contrasting with the natural glow of
the moon overhead. The air was filled with a cacophony of
sounds, a mixture of honking horns and melodic street
• The meanings can be interpreted through the association
with other lexical items in a particular textual environment.
• In analyzing a text, the translator does not work with
isolating items, but with tracing the web of relationships
among individual items within the text.
• A good translator will make sure that the TL text has lexical
cohesion in its own right.
• is the network of conceptual relations.
• connects the concepts or meanings.
• underlies a surface text.
• is subjective (from reader to reader).
• is the result of the interaction between the text and the prior
knowledge and experience of the reader.
• is influenced by a variety of factors: gender, age, race,
nationality, education, occupation, political and religious
• Coherence is not a feature of a text, but a judgement made
by the reader.
• A translation being coherent or incoherent depends on its
readers and their groups or sub-groups (knowledge,
judgement, and perception).
• A good translator has to take account of his target readers
and their expectations about linguistic and non-linguistic
Apple cho biết sẽ mở cửa hàng trực tuyến tại Việt Nam từ ngày
18/5. Sự ra mắt sắp tới này đang được người tiêu dùng, đặc biệt
là tín đồ của "nhãn táo khuyết" háo hức chờ đợi. Ở chiều ngược
lại, các đại lý như Thế Giới Di Động, FPT Shop, CellphoneS,
Petrosetco… được cho là sẽ phải đối mặt với đối thủ mới đáng
• are inferences.
• refer to what the speaker means or implies rather
than what he literally says.
• are NOT idiomatic.
A: Lát học xong đi ăn hong?
B: Mưa kìa!
Idiomatic meaning:
A: Lát học xong đi ăn hong?
B: Xin lỗi nha bà hong có cửa đâu!
Do you know what time it is?
• Standard implicatures: I don’t have a watch/ I need
to know the time/ I do not know what time it is
• Conversational implicatures: You are really late!
Working out implicatures depends on:
• The original meaning of the words and structures.
• The identity of any references.
• The context.
• The background knowledge.
• The level of language mastery of the translator.
for your participation.

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