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Your instant Our robust, private

WAN service
global reach

Vodafone Carrier MPLS – beat the competition globally

Vodafone Carrier Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) delivers instant global
reach and highly resilient IP-VPN services for your customers worldwide. With
6 Class of Service profiles and prioritised traffic, you can deliver competitive
advantage everywhere.

Future-proof scalability Global partner with global reach What’s new?

With business data traffic volumes doubling Get connected to our unrivalled global Secure Internet Site Access (SISA)
every three years, 10Gbit/s will soon be the network of over 1 million km of fibre. Carrier SISA connects sites over the internet either
default access bandwidth for major sites.1 MPLS is available globally, with access as a primary connection or as a backup to
Vodafone Carrier MPLS offers services from nodes in the UK, continental Europe, Asia- a private connection. As there are more
100M-1G-10G over the Vodafone Multi Pacific and the US. Altogether almost 273 hybrid networks composed of cloud services,
Service Platform, so there is no need for PoPs (Point of Presence) in 75 countries branch networks etc, organisations can now
heavy investment in your own network. can extend your reach with a simple choose the right level of access in all cases
Using our extensive network, you can extend interconnection. ensuring circuits aren’t replicated.
your coverage globally and provide highly Deep in-country local access across 11 Cloud Connect
resilient IP-VPN services to your customers markets gives you direct access to your
With the public cloud becoming ever more
worldwide. customers’ premises.
prevalent and significant, there is a need to
Time-sensitive or business-critical data ensure secure, reliable, high-performance
traffic can now be prioritised, to provide connectivity. Cost effective Cloud Connect
your customers with a flexible, resilient and gives scalable connectivity for Azure, HP
scalable service to meet their requirements. Helion, AWS and a number of other cloud
Managed CPE
Carrier MPLS can also include Managed CPE.
IP Connectivity service This gives a number of options up to full
Up to 1Gbit/s (10Gbit/s available)
management for any site-based equipment,
providing attractive financial packaging and
273 PoPs in 75 countries (180 via Partners)
all the expertise needed to deliver a high-
6 Class of Service profiles performance service.

Data sheet Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)

Who will benefit from Key features
Vodafone Carrier MPLS? and benefits
Wholesale carriers, mobile network operators Scalable bandwidth and 6 Class of Service profiles (to be released) provide you with multiple
(MNO), fixed network operators (FNO), connectivity options globally for serving your needs now and for future data traffic demand.
internet service providers (ISP) and those
looking to extend into new markets. Benefits What it means for carriers?
Extensive reach • Enables customers to connect their IP-VPN to Vodafone’s to
Why Vodafone Carrier Services? extend their geographic reach instantly
• Connections to 273 PoPs worldwide and Vodafone-owned
Extensive reach capacity on international cable systems
Our Carrier MPLS PoPs are located in
principal carrier hotels and secure data Scalability • Flexible capacity and access options
centres globally, offering 100Gbit/s between • 6 Class of Service profiles
them. A global mesh network of international • Up to 1Gbit/s (10Gbit/s available)
PoPs with optical backbone locations
extends your network reach and international High quality • 99.995% network availability
capacity to include Europe, the Middle East • Mean time to repair (MTTR) from 4 hours with 24/7 proactive
and the Asia-Pacific region. Reach and profit monitoring and incident management
from the network that already supports our
• Low latency (depending on customer requirement)
500+ million mobile customers.
• Competitive SLAs
Unparalleled service
Carrier MPLS was designed for wholesale Security and • Built for 99.999% availability in the core
purposes to fit the needs of carriers and reliability • Re-converge in less than 50 milliseconds traffic protection
service providers. Our experienced team of
• ISO27001 compliant
network designers will work in partnership
with your network designers to get you set • RFC4364 (Type A) compliant
up as soon as possible. Self-service • Web-based portal, called ‘Looking Glass’, provided for customers
Global excellence to show configurations and routing tables and provide an ability
With 1 million km of global network, our to ping nodes
goal is to be the leading provider of global
carrier services for the next generation,
therefore we are making significant
investments in our international network
every day. Enjoy the benefits of end-to-end
connectivity internationally just like the
800 communication service partners, who
choose to work with us.

Next steps
To discover more about how Vodafone
Carrier MPLS can extend your reach globally,
please contact your Account Manager or get
in touch at:
For more information, please visit:

Vodafone Group 2019. This document is issued by Vodafone in confidence and is not
to be reproduced in whole or in part without the express, prior written permission of
Vodafone. Vodafone and the Vodafone logos are trademarks of the Vodafone Group.
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademark of their
respective owners.
The information contained in this publication is correct at the time of going to print.
Any reliance on the information shall be at the recipient’s risk. No member of the
Vodafone Group shall have any liability in respect of the use made of the information.
The information may be subject to change. Services may be modified, supplemented
or withdrawn by Vodafone without prior notice. All services are subject to terms and
conditions, copies of which may be provided on request.

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