Increasing Productivity of The Welding Process On The H-Beam Production Line by Approach RCA (Root Cause Analysis) at Pt. XYZ

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Increasing Productivity of the Welding Process on the

H-Beam Production Line by Approach RCA
(Root Cause Analysis) at Pt. XYZ
Hepri Massandi1; Adi Fitra2; Susan Kustiwan 3; Tri Ngudi Wiyatno4
Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Pelita Bangsa University
Jl. Kalimalang Inspection No. 9 Cibatu, Bekasi

Abstract:- This research was conducted at a company changes from a desired state to an undesired state, so that
operating in the construction sector in Cikarang. The problems do not recur. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) requires
researcher conducted direct research on the welding investigators to look for solutions to ongoing problems and
process. The main process of focus in this research is on understand the fundamental or underlying causes of the
welding quality defects of the Slag Inclusion type. After situation and correct them, thereby preventing the same
knowing the main problem that is the cause of a defect, problem from recurring [1] .
then carry out an improvement plan using the Root
Cause Analysis (RCA) method, which is a method of In the current era, technology is developing rapidly and
repairing causal factors by analyzing what, how, and advancing in the construction sector, therefore you must be
why a factor that causes a defect can occur with the aim very familiar with the activity of joining metal or what we
of finding the root cause so that There needs to be often call the welding process because it has a major role
changes to avoid errors. The RCA method has 2 when repairing metal. Making H-beam steel has several
approaches, namely the Fishbone diagram and 5 whys. processes and encounters several failures or defects [2] .
Therefore, the author took the title "Increasing the
Productivity of the Welding Process in the H-beam The main process of focus in this research is on welding
Production Line Using the RCA (Root Cause Analysis) quality defects of the Slag Inclusion type. During welding,
Approach at Pt. XYZ” Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a there are still many hollow welding products that form in the
tool designed to understand the root cause of an event's welding pool in the form of cavity pores filled with gas or
problems based on causality in a process. The main residue from burning the electrode, because during the
factor that causes defects is humans who are careless welding process the gas or dirt is unable to come out along
when working, who do not see or observe the material with the welding speed. Welding must be of good quality
when they want to start work or even underestimate the according to standards and specifications, because the
work. So implementing SOPs is very necessary to connection requires strong strength to support a load such as
regulate workers so they don't work as they please, and the H-beam iron connection [3] .
outdated machines can hamper production and improve
the quality of main raw materials. As the number of failures during welding often occur,
researchers evaluate the main causes of defects and focus on
Keywords:- Defect, Root Cause Analysis, RCA, Productivity. quality results [4] . After knowing the main problem that is
the cause of a defect, then carry out a repair plan using the
I. INTRODUCTION Root Cause Analysis (RCA) method. The RCA method has
2 approaches, namely the Fishbone diagram and 5 whys [5]
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a problem solving . Responding to existing problems at PT. XYZ plans to
method used to identify the root cause or cause of a problem, increase productivity on the H-beam production line.
with the aim of finding out the root cause to eliminate or According to Patil and Sutar (2015), supervision is an
reduce the possibility of the problem occurring. There may activity carried out to ensure that production and operational
be many factors associated with a particular problem, but not activities are carried out as planned [6] .
all of them will be the root cause. RCA is recognized by
many institutions and organizations, as a powerful and A. Quality
accurate tool for finding the root cause of a problem. Major According to Juran (1987) explains that quality means
industries already use RCA and all have guidelines and product features that meet customer needs and thus provide
instructions on how to adapt it to their particular industry. customer satisfaction. In this sense, the meaning of quality is
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a tool that makes it possible income-oriented. The goal of such higher quality is to
for companies to find the root cause of a problem, because provide greater customer satisfaction and, one hopes, to
finding the root cause of a problem allows manufacturers to increase revenue. However, providing more and/or better
learn from it and improve the manufacturing process. The quality features usually requires investment and therefore
root cause is the origin of a problem. RCA is an analytical usually involves increased costs. Higher quality in this sense
process to understand the causal mechanisms behind is usually "more expensive". Quality means being free from

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

deficiencies or free from errors that require rework or that F. Data Types and Sources
result in failure in the field, customer dissatisfaction, There are 2 data sources used by the author, namely:
customer claims, and so on. In this sense, the meaning of
quality is cost-oriented, and higher quality is usually  Primary Data
“cheaper” [1] . Primary data is data that researchers obtain directly
from the source. The main purpose of primary data is to
B. Quality Planning answer various research questions that need to be clarified
Quality planning is the first stage of the three directly.
managerial processes. Planning quality This can likened
planning budget or budgeting in process management  Secondary Data
finance. There is a number of point which must be Secondary data is a type of data that researchers do not
considered when carrying out quality planning, namely as collect directly. Examples include scientific papers,
follows: company documents, or government documents. In essence,
this data contains information that has been collected and
 Set quality target. compiled by other parties previously.
 Identification Who customer We.
 Determine need from customer. G. Method of Collecting Data
 Develop product Which in accordance from response There are several data collection methods used for this
customer needs. study, namely:
 Develop process for produce product features.
 Prove that process capable produce product in condition  Observation
available operations. Conducting direct analysis in the field on an object in
the environment, either ongoing or still in the stage, using
C. Quality Control sensing.
Quality control is one way and effort to have product
quality as desired with the aim of improving overall product  Documents
quality. The aim of quality control is to improve product The technique of collecting data through documents is
quality and efficiency, to improve and maintain quality where researchers take research sources or objects from
according to the desired level of quality, and to save costs. documents or records of past events, either in the form of
writing, pictures, or monumental works from someone. Can
Quality control is a process used to guarantee a level of be taken from diaries, life history, biographies, regulations,
quality in a product or service. Quality control is an and so on.
engineering and management activity, with which we
measure the quality characteristics of products, compare  Interviews
them with specifications or requirements and take This is a data collection technique for the process of
appropriate corrective action if there is a difference between asking and answering questions verbally that takes place in
the actual appearance and the standard. Quality control is one direction, so the interviewer asks questions and is
important for companies to carry out so that the products answered by the interviewee.
produced comply with the standards set by the company or
standards set by local or international bodies that manage H. Research Purpose
quality standardization, and of course in accordance with
what consumers expect. well, it will have an impact on the  The Objectives of this Study are as Follows:
quality of the products produced by the company [7] .
 Identifying existing problems.
D. Quality Improvement  Knowing the main causes of defects.
Quality improvement are actions taken to increase  Overcoming and resolving problems that occur
product value for customers by increasing the effectiveness
and efficiency of processes and activities through the II. RESEARCH METHODS
organizational structure. Quality improvement aims to
reduce chronic waste which consists of actions such as Research success is determined by good and clear
increasing factory process output, reducing error rates in the research steps, so that it can be easily seen what steps must
field and reducing failures in the field [8] . be taken to achieve the research objectives and process. The
methods in this research include: data collection, quality
E. Problems Encountered control analysis, problem formulation, and analysis of
The main problem that often occurs is the discovery of factors that cause high product defects using RCA [9] . For
defective products at the Quality Control stage, which causes clearer information, see figure 1.
delays in delivery and increases production costs because
products have to be repaired or remanufactured.

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 1: Research Flow Chart

A. Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a tool designed to
understand the root cause of an event's problems based on
causality in a process. RCA functions to identify and
categorize problems that cause something to happen at an
event. In the identification and categorization process, the
information explained is not only "what" and "how" but also
accommodates "why" an event occurred [10] .

 Fishbone Diagram Tool

Fishbone diagrams are a visual tool for identifying,
exploring, and graphically depicting in detail all the causes
related to a problem. The basic concept of a fishbone
diagram is that the fundamental problem is placed on the Fig 2: Fishbone Diagrams
right side of the diagram or at the head of the fishbone
framework. The cause of the problem is described in the fins  5 Whys Method
and spines. Categories that cause problems that are often The simplest way to carry out root cause analysis is to
used as an initial start include materials (raw materials), ask the question "why" repeatedly 5 times. 5 Why Analysis
machines and equipment (machines and equipment), is a structured approach where asking why questions
manpower (human resources), methods (methods), Mother repeatedly to understand the cause of the problem, and to
Nature/environment (environment) and measurement produce effective corrective actions to reduce the incident,
(measurement). These six causes of problems are often and prevent accidents from happening again. At this stage,
abbreviated as 6M. Other causes of the problem besides the the results obtained will continue to be processed in the
6M can be selected if necessary. To find the causes of fishbone diagram stage [11] .
problems, whether they originate from the 6Ms as explained
above or other possible causes, brainstorming techniques can
be used.

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 3: 5 Whys Method


A. First Analysis
The goal to be achieved in this research is efforts to provide recommendations for improvements in reducing defects. Variations
in defects found during the welding process can be seen in the following table.

Table 1: Welding Defect Rate in January – March 2024

Month Welding defects Percentage (%)
Number of films Number of defects Average type of defect
January 328 43 Slag inclusion 7.6
February 310 23 Slag inclusion 13.4
March 380 31 Slag inclusion 12.2
Amount 1018 97

 Processed Data
There are a number of variations in defects that occur, it was found that there are 3 types of variations in welding defects.

Table 2: Welding Defect Variations

Month Type of Defect Amount
January Slag Inclusion 22
Porosity 12
Incomplete Fusion 9
February Slag Inclusion 10
Porosity 5
Incomplete Fusion 8
March Slag Inclusion 16
Porosity 8
Incomplete Fusion 7

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

B. Data Processing analysis method, the fishbone diagram approach to analyze

the causes of the high number of defective products at PT.
 Fishbone Diagrams XYZ. Figure 4 will explain:
The analysis was carried out based on the data
obtained. The analysis was carried out using the root cause

Fig 4: Fishbone Diagrams

 5 Whys Analysis
From the data collection carried out, it is known that there are four main factors causing potential failure in the welding process,
which can be seen in Table 3.

Table 3: Factors Causing Critical Processes

Factor Factor Name
A Man
B Method
C Machine
D Material
Source: Data Processing

Table 4: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) 5 whys (Human)

Failure Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Why 4 Why 5 Factor
H-beam steel Man Lack of Lack of Employees work Difficulty using the A,C
welding defects supervision training casually welding machine
which often stops
Source: Data Processing

From the analysis of the table above, the results are faced with welding machines that often break down. So
obtained for the factors that cause failure in welding H-beam problems occur when welding, and the causal factors during
steel are human factors, due to lack of supervision and lack critical processes are humans and machines.
of training coupled with employees who work casually, and

Table 5: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) 5 Whys (Method)

Failure Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Why 4 Why 5 Factor
H-beam steel Method There are Lack of team Technical errors Lack of accuracy A,B,C
welding no SOPs collaboration during the during production
defects production process
Source: Data Processing

From the analysis of the table above, the results carrying out the production process as well as employees
obtained for the factors that cause failure in welding H-beam being less careful during the production process. The factors
steel are method factors, because there is no SOP causing the critical process for the failure of cutting uneven
implemented. Then it was analyzed again because there was wood in making the stern girder seen from the method factor
no confirmation within the work team and technical errors in are Human, Method and Machine.

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 6: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) 5 whys (Machine)

Failure Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Why 4 Why 5 Factor
H-beam steel Machine The machine is Lack of Quality There has been no A,C
welding outdated and bad maintenance problems engine update
Source: Data Processing

From the analysis of the table above, the results it falls into the poorquality category and because there has
obtained for the factors that cause failure in welding H-beam been no renewal. machine. And the factors causing the
steel are the factors that the machine used is outdated and critical process are humans and machines.
bad and lack of maintenance, when defects occur in welding

Table 7: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) 5 Whys (Material)

Failure Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Why 4 Why 5 Factor
H-beam Material Electrodes that The raw material is It is difficult to find a Lack of A,B,C,D
steel welding have reached their not good in terms of current controller for thoroughness
defects expiry date carbon content electrodes that have and focus
Source: Data Processing

From the analysis of the table above, the results  Fishbone Diagram Analysis
obtained for the factors that cause failure in H-beam steel The results of the analysis of the Fishbone diagram
welding are material factors caused by electrodes that have show that the cause of failure in H-beam steel welding is the
exceeded their expiry date, then the welder finds it difficult human factor, lack of training and lack of supervision, the
to adjust the machine's amperage due to a lack of accuracy method factor is: making welding SOPs that are useful for
and this results in failure of the welding process. And the control, the machine factor is that the machine used is
factors causing the critical process are People, Methods, outdated. and needs replacement, from the material factor,
Machines and Materials. the raw material must be upgraded to a higher quality.

C. Improvement Recommendations  Analyze the 5 Whys

After the analysis process was carried out using the The results of the 5 whys analysis show four factors
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) method, it was found that many that cause defects in the production process, namely:
of the defects that occurred were caused by humans so there
were many comparisons. From the results of the data  Human factor, due to lack of supervision and lack of
processing above, it was found that there was a lack of training coupled with employees who work casually, and
training and monitoring for employees as well as the absence are faced with welding machines that often break down.
of SOPs in the company, especially in the production So problems occur when welding, and the causal factors
environment, which caused negligence or no one to regulate during critical processes are humans and machines.
them when working. Machines experienced problems in  Method factor, because there is no SOP implemented.
terms of insufficient machine maintenance, which made the Then it was analyzed again because there was no
machines become quickly damaged and not maintained. confirmation within the work team and technical errors
in carrying out the production process as well as
Recommendations for improvement that can be given employees being less careful during the production
to this problem are by: (1) Human factors, providing process. The factors causing the critical process for the
outreach and training about products for employees. failure of cutting uneven wood in making the stern girder
Socialization about the product is given when the product seen from the method factor are Human, Method, and
will be carried out in the production process, so that Machine.
employees can know the important points of the product.  Factors that the machine used is outdated and bad and
And holding training for employees with material on the there is a lack of maintenance, when defects in welding
latest production process methods (latest techniques) for a occur it falls into the poor quality category and is due to
new product (2) Method Factor, implementing Standard the lack of updating of the machine. And the factors
Operating Procedures (SOP) so that workers work in causing the critical process are humans and machines.
accordance with established rules. (3) Machine Factors,  Material factors caused by electrodes that have exceeded
recommendations for improvements that must be made are their expiry date and then the welder finds it difficult to
by using more modern machines or other supporting adjust the machine's amperage due to lack of accuracy
facilities, whether they are truly in standard condition, so that and results in failure of the welding process. And the
the machine can work according to existing standards. (4) factors causing the critical process are People, Methods,
Material Factor, must use higher quality raw materials. Machines and Materials

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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