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Oct. 26-30, 2020 “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their
troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:17

November Verses (Growing in Patience)

Nov. 2-6, 2020 “The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one
should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” Lamentations 3:25-26

Nov. 9-13, 2020 "I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to
which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in
love." Ephesians 4:2

Nov. 16-20, 2020 “The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” Exodus 14:14

Nov. 23-27, 2020 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not
give up.” Galatians 6:9



At the end of this module, students are able to:

1. Define teamwork
2. Assess teamwork
3. Identify the various stages of teamwork
4. Identify the steps in building an effective team
5. Enumerate the things that can be done to maintain an effective teamwork



Humans have always lived in groups. It brings a sense of unity and security, provides better chances of
both surviving and thriving, but it mostly brings a sense of belonging. Whether it’s a family, a tribe, or
simply a band of friends, we’re always better together. Thus, we look at teams and teamwork as we
defined it as follows:

TEAM is defined as two or more people working together to achieve a shared goal.

TEAMWORK is a process of bringing individuals together and joining their efforts and talents
collaboratively, to achieve a goal or a mission for a cause; an attitude and sense that individuals can
support each other so that their strengths combine to enhance what they do.


 Trust among members  Acceptance of goals and tasks
 Feedback mechanisms  Valuing diversity
 Open communications  Member cohesiveness
 Approach to decisions  Support for each other

 Leadership sharing  Performance norms


1. FORMING – in this stage, group members are very much occupied with their own emotions and
doubts like uncertainty about whether they will find their place in the group, what will the other
members be like, what to expect from others, etc. “I-thinking” is the predominant attitude. In their
search for safety and structure, the group members try to become oriented, look for a safe place,
search for sympathetic members and expect help from the leader.

2. STORMING – members try to find their place in the group. there are many discussion, subgroups
are made to represent one’s interests, and there is lots of competition. Many people talking at the
same time and nobody listening to each other is a clear indicator that the group is in the storming
stage. Failure or success in this stage will to a large extent determine how open or closed
participants will be later in the process and how well they deal with conflicts and emotions.

3. NORMING – members have established principles and procedures for achieving results and
creating a positive atmosphere. Participants have found their place and feel safe in the group.
People feel a part of the group, “I-thinking” is replacing by “We-thinking”. It has become easier to
communicate and collaborate with each other.

4. PERFORMING – this is the highest point a group can accomplish. The result is similar to two
people being in love – participants feel proud to belong to this group, they have a strong belief
that nothing is too difficult for them, and interaction is based on complete trust and openness.
Objectively, such a group is also highly productive. Most groups never reach this stage because
it requires strong motivation, common goals, great emotional input and strong commitment from
the participants.

5. ADJORNING/REFRAMING – a group is established in order to accomplish certain objectives.

When these tasks have been accomplished, the group reaches a natural end to its existence or
set itself new tasks – in this case, the group development processes starts again from the start.
Work and processes are reflected upon and objectives are readjusted. If the team will stop
existing after intensive cooperation, participants need time to tie up loose ends and become
familiar with the idea that the end is near. The stronger the relationships that develop, the more
emotional the parting process will be.


How do we maximize the capabilities of the team? In order for any team to accomplished their goal, they
need to work together and as one. Here are some steps in building an effective team:

1. Whetheryouaretheleaderoftheteamorjustamember–helpyourteamdefineavisionanda purpose of
what they do. Members often lack a sense of purpose because all too often, they don’t have all
the information to allow them to understand how their efforts contribute to the bigger picture and
move the world forward. As a result, some may be focused solely on getting the job done. Always
give your team members enough information to realize the importance of their contribution.

2. When forming a new team, it’s important to have a varied set of skills within the team. Identify
which skills and expertise you’re looking for. Then ask everyone to state their strengths, what
they ca do best and what are the skills they want to master.

3. Create a habit of regular honest communication between team mates. This way, the team can
have updates or progress meeting wherein they can ask for help. If they don’t know how to
handle a task, they can ask for advice. Trust and communication bring the teammates together.


Just like a well-functioning car engine, teams should be checked and maintained to provide maximum
performance and to achieve the goals efficiently and effectively. Here are some things that can be done
to sustain the productivity of a team:

1. Keepingtheteam’smotivationhighisabighassle,butit’snotimpossible.The best way to maintain a

high level of motivation is to enable the team members to align their personal development goals
with the group’s growth goals. We all want to believe we can put the team’s interests ahead of
our own individual interests, but if team members don’t feel they can grow and thrive within their
teams, they will end up leaving for a better environment or simply being unengaged and

2. Shareweeklyupdates. Update each other about general progress, milestones hit, plans for the
upcoming week. The updates should be informative and serve as an opportunity to recognize
progress and keep everyone in the loop about what has been done, who is doing what and what
needs to be done.

3. Nurtureasenseofaccountabilityamongteammembers.When each member is aware of the bigger

picture, they know how being accountable for getting their part of the job done allows the group
milestone to be achieved.


A good motivation in working as a team is recognizing the success that the team has achieved,
recognizing the different members that contribute to the achievement and enforce a productive
atmosphere through reinforcement of good and providing solutions to the challenges encountered.

 When your team succeeds, it is important to celebrate even the little successes. Recognize the
efforts made by each member of the team. Make it a regular tradition to celebrate whether it is
over a meal or a treat whenever a milestone is reached.

 When your team fails to reach the objective, still recognize the effort of each member, but have
everyone talk about their own mistakes and what they could have done better. Don’t point any
finger or blame other. Involve everyone in planning improvements. This reassures team members
that they have each other’s backs, and focuses them on continuous improvements.


Here are some ways to develop the best working team:

1. Effective Leadership
Each member should be empowered to be a leader. When you have a team of accountable
leaders, teamwork is highly effective.

2. Encourage Creativity
Value each member’s contribution, leave room for creativity, trying new things and iteration.

3. Reward and Recognition

Make it habit to recognize efforts made by the team to build team spirit.

4. Inter-group Communication
Create a space for teams within each class/department to meet and share their progress,
struggles, challenges and success. It gives different perspectives and assures everyone that
they’re all working toward the same result.



1. Increase productivity. Successful teams often achieve something which is greater than the sum
of their individual parts (Multiplier Effect).
2. Increase quality through collective measures
3. Better morale
4. Better problem solving. Teams can help to approach problems in new ways.
5. Increase creativity. Fellow team members may raise ideas you may not have thought of if
working on your own.
6. Better decisions through collaborative efforts

1. Work is less stressful
2. Responsibility is hared
3. Rewards and recognition is shared
4. Members can influence each other
5. All members experience a sense of accomplishment



 Be optimistic  Be open  Constantly  Sub-

 Be on  Listen critical conversations
time  Stay on  Dominate/  Simply agree
 Support track monopolize with
one  Share the  Be everything
another manipulative  Avoid
 Be  Be decisions
 Complete
courteous judgmental
your work  Go off on
 Be open minded  Act bored/
 Present tangent
 Be honest uninterested
 Participate ideas,  Do unrelated  Name-calling
comments things  Attack
clearly people/ideas
 Be



1. Absence of Trust  Conceal their  Admit weakness and

This stems from their weakness and mistakes
unwillingness to be mistakes from one  Ask for help
vulnerable within the group. another Hesitate to  Accept questions and
Team members who are not ask for help or input about their areas of
provide constructive responsibility Give one
genuinely open with one
feedback another the benefit of
another about their mistakes  Hesitate to offer help the doubt before arriving
and weaknesses make it outside their own at a negative conclusion
impossible to build a areas of  Take risk in offering
foundation for trust. responsibility feedback and assistance
 Jump to conclusions  Appreciate the tap into
about the intentions one another’s skills and
and aptitudes of experiences Focus time
others and energy on important
without attempting to issues, not politics Offer
clarify and accept apologies
them without hesitation
 Fail to recognize and  Look forward to meetings
tap into one another’s and other opportunities to
skills and experience work as a group
 Waste time and
energy managing
their behavior for
 Hold grudges
 Dread meetings and
find reasons to avoid
spending time

2. Fear of Conflict  Have boring  Have lively, interesting
Teams that lack trust are meetings Create meetings Extract and
incapable of engaging in environments exploit the ideas of all
unfiltered and passionate where back- team members
debate of ideas and instead channel politics  Solve real problems
resort to veiled discussions and personal quickly
and attacks  Minimize politics
guarded comments  Ignore controversial  Put critical topics on the
topics that are table for discussion
critical to team
success Fail to tap
into all the opinions
 and perspectives of
team members
 Waste time and
energy with
 posturing and
interpersonal risk
3. Avoidance of  Creates resentment  Ensures that poor
Accountability among team members performers feel pressure
Without committing to a who have different to improve
clear plan of action, even standards of  Identifies potential
the most focused and performance problems quickly by
 Encourage mediocrity questioning one another's
driven people often hesitate
Misses deadlines and approaches without
to call their peers on actions
key deliverables hesitation
and behaviors that seem  Places an undue burden  Establishes respect
counterproductive to the on the team leader as the among team members
good of the team. sole source of discipline who are held to the same
 Avoid excessive
bureaucracy around
performance and
corrective actions

4. Lack of Commitment  Creates ambiguity among  Creates clarity around

Without having aired their the direction and priorities
opinions in the course of  team about direction and  Aligns the entire team
passionate and open  priorities around common
debate, team members  Watches windows of objectives
opportunity close due to  Develops an ability to
rarely, if buy in and commit
excessive analysis and learn from mistakes
to decisions, though they  Takes advantage of
unnecessary delay
may show agreement during Breeds lack of opportunities before
meetings. confidence and fear of competitions do Moves
failure forward without
 Revisits discussions and hesitation
decisions  Changes direction without
 again and again hesitation or guilt
 Encourages second-
guessing among the team
5. Inattention to Results   Stagnates / fails to grow  Retains achievement-

 Rarely defeats
competitors Loses oriented
This occurs when team achievements-  members
members put their individual oriented members  Minimized individualistic
needs (such as ego, career  Encourages team behaviors
development or recognition) members to focus on their  Enjoys successes as a
or even the needs of their own careers and team Benefits from
division above the collective  individual individuals who conquer
goals of the team. goals Is their own goals / interest
easily for the good of the team
distracted  Avoid distractions


Teams can also be defined as:

 Combination of two or more individuals

 Members are motivated to come closer physically and/or virtually
 Share common and shared goals achieved through integrated efforts
 Reach agreements and disagreements through interaction


1. Create a slogan on “Teamwork” (you can either do it manually by using bond paper and crayons,
or digitally with the help of various digital applications)
2. Promote your slogan on “teamwork” by posting it on Facebook or Instagram.
3. It must reach at least 100 reactions (like/heart/care/wow only) and at least 10 shares.
4. Screenshot (if you have reached the requirements) and send it through email or schoology.

Reviewed and approved by:

Marilyn T. Alcala, LPT, PhD


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