Musical Theatre Performance 2021-22
Musical Theatre Performance 2021-22
Musical Theatre Performance 2021-22
Solo __ Duet __ Group __
© 2021 Educational Theatre Association. All rights reserved.
Student(s): School:
Selection: Troupe:
Acting Transitions Clear articulation of Clear articulation of Moderately clear Unclear articulation of
Slating that includes name and selection; name and selection; articulation of name and name and selection;
articulation of name and intuitive transition into recognizable transition selection; transition into transitions into and
selection, transition into and between characters, into and between and between characters between characters and/
and between characters, distinctive final characters, final moment and/or final moment may or final moment are not
final moment, and moment and transition and into exit. or may not be present. evident.
transition out of character out of character into exit.
into exit.
Singing Technique Consistently on pitch, Frequently on pitch with Infrequently on pitch Rarely on pitch with
Pitch, articulation, pace, appropriate articulation and appropriate articulation, with inconsistent limited articulation, pace,
rhythm, projection, breath pace, precise rhythm, and pace, rhythm, projection, articulation, pace, rhythm, projection, breath
support and control that varied projection, with breath support and rhythm, projection, breath support and control;
follows the score. skillful phrasing and control; follows the score. support and control; frequently deviates from
strong mechanical skills usually follows the the score.
proven by breath score.
support/control, tone, and
placement, and use of
ranges, always follows
Singing Expression Intuitively integrates Integrates voice, lyrics, Inconsistently Rarely integrates voice,
Musical expression that voice, lyrics, and music to and music to integrates voice, lyrics, lyrics, and music to
communicates and reflects truthfully communicate communicate and portray and music to communicate and
the character’s emotions and portray a believable a believable character communicate and portray a character
and subtext. character through through emotions and portray a character through emotions and
emotions and subtext. subtext. through emotions and subtext.
Movement & Dance Gestures and facial Gestures and facial Gestures and facial Gestures and facial
Gestures, facial expressions consistently expressions frequently expressions infrequently expressions are
expressions, blocking, communicate appropriate communicate communicate limited/absent and
and movement/dance character emotions and appropriate character appropriate character rarely communicate
that communicate the their meanings; blocking emotions and their emotions and their suitable character
character’s emotions and movement/dance are meanings; blocking and meanings; blocking and emotions; blocking and
and subtext.
varied, purposeful, and movement/dance are movement/dance movement/dance does
reflect the character’s varied, purposeful, and generally reflect the not reflect the
emotion and subtext. reflect the character’s character’s emotion and character’s emotion and
emotion and subtext. subtext. subtext.
RATING 4 | Superior 3 | Excellent 2 | Good 1 | Fair
(Please circle)
(Score of 24-21) (Score of 20-15) (Score of 14-9) (Score of 8-6)
This rubric should not be considered an assessment of student learning. However, it can serve as a model for designing curriculum-based performance
assessments and for this reason, alignment to the National Core Standards has been indicated on this form.
For examples of standards aligned to the Thespys rubrics, see the alignment chart on Theatre Educator Pro:
To access the full descriptions of the above and all the Core Theatre Standards go to: