MOA of Risperidone
MOA of Risperidone
MOA of Risperidone
Mao-Lin Hu1,2,3,*, Xiao-Fen Zong1,2,3,*, Jun-Jie Zheng4, Spiro P. Pantazatos5, Jeffrey M. Miller2,
Zong-Chang Li1, Yan-Hui Liao1,6, Ying He1, Jun Zhou1, De-En Sang7, Hong-Zeng Zhao7,
Lu-Xian Lv8,9, Jin-Song Tang1,6, J. John Mann2 & Xiao-Gang Chen1,3
It is unclear whether abnormal spontaneous neural activation patterns found in chronic schizophrenia
patients (CSP) are part of the pathogenesis of disease, consequences of chronic illness, or effects of
antipsychotic treatment. We performed a longitudinal resting-state functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) study in 42 treatment-naïve first-episode schizophrenia patients (FESP) at baseline and
then after 8-weeks of risperidone monotherapy, and compared the findings to 38 healthy volunteers.
Spontaneous brain activity was quantified using the fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations
(fALFF) and regional homogeneity (ReHo) and compared between patients and controls. Pretreatment,
patients exhibited higher fALFF in left caudate compared with controls. After treatment, patients had
elevated fALFF in bilateral putamen and right caudate, and increased ReHo in right caudate and left
putamen. Greater increase of fALFF in the left putamen correlated with less improvement in positive
symptoms. Thus, abnormalities of spontaneous neural activity in chronic schizophrenia is at least partly
due to a medication effect. The observed post-treatment increase in striatal intrinsic activity may reflect
counter-therapeutic functional adaptation to dopamine D2 receptor occupancy required for medication
effects on psychosis.
Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rfMRI) studies have identified spontaneous brain func-
tion alterations in schizophrenia. Such rfMRI measurements, including amplitude of low frequency fluctuations
(ALFF), fractional ALFF (fALFF) and regional homogeneity (ReHo), are indices of spontaneous brain activity.
ReHo1 is used to represent the degree of synchronization of a given voxel with its nearest neighbors at a voxel wise
Department of Psychiatry, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China.
Division of Molecular Imaging and Neuropathology, New York State Psychiatric Institute and Departments of
Psychiatry and Radiology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. 3Mental Health Institute of the Second Xiangya
Hospital, Central South University, Chinese National Clinical Research Center on Mental Disorders (xiangya),
Chinese National Technology Institute on Mental Disorders, Hunan Key Laboratory of Psychiatry and Mental Health,
Changsha, Hunan, China. 4Key Laboratory for NeuroInformation of the Ministry of Education, School of Life Science
and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China. 5Division of Molecular
Imaging and Neuropathology, New York State Psychiatric Institute and Departments of Psychiatry, Columbia
University, New York, NY, USA. 6Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA Semel Institute for
Neuroscience, David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 7Department of Radiology, Henan Mental
Hospital, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang, Henan, China. 8Department of
Psychiatry, Henan Mental Hospital, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang, Henan,
China. 9Henan Key Lab of Biological Psychiatry, Henan Mental Hospital, Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang,
Henan, China. *These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence and requests for materials should
be addressed to J.-S.T. (email: [email protected]) or J.J.M. (email: [email protected]) or X.G.C. (email:
[email protected])
level. While both ALFF2 and fALFF3 are utilized to evaluate the regional intensity of spontaneous fluctuations in
blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal, relative to ALFF, fALFF can suppress non-specific signal com-
ponents in rfMRI and is more sensitive and specific for detection of spontaneous brain activities. Cross-sectional
studies have reported fALFF4 and ReHo5 alterations in the early phase of schizophrenia. More extensive fALFF6–8
and ReHo9,10 abnormalities have been observed in chronic schizophrenic patients (CSP), potentially an indication
that the findings are the result of disease progression or effects of chronic illness. Alternatively the findings could
be due to the effects of antipsychotic medication.
All known effective antipsychotic drugs are D2-4 dopamine receptor antagonists or partial agonists11, in cor-
tical regions, such as prefrontal and cingulate cortices, and subcortical regions, such as basal ganglia (caudate,
putamen and globus pallidus) and amygdala12. Dopamine (DA) modulates spontaneous brain activity. Levodopa
regulates ALFF measures in main cortical output areas of the striatum and ReHo values in striatal-cortical loops
in Parkinson’s disease (PD)13,14. Administration of amisulpride, an atypical antipsychotic, for seven days to healthy
volunteers, alters fALFF receiving dopaminergic imput, with changed fALFF levels in putamen correlating with
drug plasma concentration15. Finally, imaging genetics studies report associations between polymorphisms of
DA-related genes and resting-state brain activities16–18. Collectively, these data imply a modulatory role of antip-
sychotic treatment in spontaneous brain activity. To date, one longitudinal study19 has examined the effect of
6-weeks of antipsychotic treatment on resting-state ALFF measures in 34 drug-naïve first-episode schizophrenia
patients (FESP). Medications examined in that study included sulpiride, clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone and
aripiprazole. Increased ALFF in frontal gyrus, parietal lobule, temporal gyrus and striatum was observed after
treatment although the affected brain regions varied. The heterogeneity of drug binding affinities may potentially
cloud the net effect on spontaneous brain activity. Positron emission tomography (PET) studies20,21 have shown
that different classes of antipsychotics have different effects on neural metabolism and blood flow. To distinguish
effects of medication from early disease effect requires a longitudinal study of drug-naïve FESP treated with
standardized protocol-driven, antipsychotic monotherapy to separately determine disease effects and pharmaco-
logical effects on spontaneous brain activities.
Post-treatment alterations of fMRI measurements that correlate with symptom improvement may shed light
on possible mechanisms of action of existing treatments. Previously published results, however, have varied in
the nature of the associations between brain functional measurements and clinical symptoms, possibly due to
differences in sample characteristics and medication heterogeneity. In 34 drug-naïve FESP treated with differ-
ent antipsychotics, such as olanzapine, sulpiride, risperidone and clozapine, Lui et al.19 found that longitudinal
increases of ALFF in frontal gyrus, parietal lobule, temporal gyrus and right caudate were negatively correlated
with improvement of positive symptoms. In 23 antipsychotic-naïve FESP treated with amisulpride monotherapy,
Nielsen et al.22 reported that the change of BOLD signals in ventral striatum showed positive correlation with the
improvement of positive symptoms. In contrast, medication-naïve FESP treated with risperidone, olanzapine
or quetiapine23 showed no correlation between improvement of symptoms and alteration of cortex activation
examined by fMRI.
Therefore, we conducted a longitudinal fMRI study in a relatively large sample of drug-naïve FESP, within
12 months of psychosis onset, to quantify fALFF and ReHo both at baseline and after 8 weeks treatment with
risperidone monotherapy. We also performed an exploratory analysis to explore whether alterations of ReHo
or fALFF were related to changes in clinical symptoms. At baseline, we hypothesized that patients would exhibit
abnormalities of fALFF and ReHo compared with healthy volunteers. We hypothesized that risperidone mono-
therapy would modulate ReHo and fALFF in regions with dopaminergic input, and that change would be related
to clinical improvement.
Demographic characteristics. The demographic characteristics of the participants are shown in Table 1.
Healthy volunteers did not differ from patients with respect to age (p = 0.929), gender (p = 0.888), years of edu-
cation (p = 0.373), and alcohol (p = 0.282) and tobacco use (p = 0.967).
Longitudinal alterations of clinical symptoms. As shown in Table 1, after 8-week treatment, patients
had pronounced reductions in Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) total symptom (PANSS-T), pos-
itive symptom (PANSS-P), and general psychopathology symptom (PANSS-G) scores, but no significant altera-
tions in PANSS negative symptom scores (PANSS-N)
Results of one-sample t-test within group. One-sample t-test showed higher standardized fALFF
and ReHo values relative to whole brain in cortical regions, such as prefrontal and cingulate cortices, and sub-
cortical regions, such as striatum (caudate, putamen and globus pallidus) in both patients group and controls
group. It may reflect higher spontaneous neuronal activity in these brain areas during resting but awake state.
(Supplementary Figures S1 and S2).
Baseline alterations in fALFF and ReHo. At baseline, patients had higher fALFF in left caudate (p < 0.05,
AlphaSim corrected) compared with healthy volunteers (Fig. 1A, Table 2). Patients also had higher fALFF in
right caudate and bilateral putamen, as well as ReHo in right caudate and left putamen (p < 0.005, uncorrected),
although these differences did not survive multiple comparisons correction (Supplementary Table S1). No regions
showed lower fALFF/ReHo in patients relative to healthy volunteers.
Longitudinal alterations in fALFF and ReHo. After 8-weeks of treatment, fALFF increased in right
caudate and bilateral putamen (p < 0.05, AlphaSim corrected) (Fig. 1B, Table 2), and ReHo increased in right
caudate and left putamen compared with baseline (p < 0.05, AlphaSim corrected) (Fig. 1C, Table 2). No regions
demonstrated decreased fALFF or ReHo after treatment.
Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics for first-episode schizophrenia patients both at baseline
and follow-up and their matched healthy controls. aPatients at baseline vs. controls, independent-samples
T-test. bPatients at baseline vs. follow-up, paired-samples T-test. One patient’s baseline fMRI data was excluded
due to the poor quality, and 4 patients withdrew from the follow-up MRI scans. Finally, we collected fMRI
data from 41 FESP at baseline, 38 patients after treatment and 38 healthy volunteers. Symptoms severity of
all patients (n = 42) was evaluated both at baseline and follow-up with the 30-item Positive and Negative
Syndrome Scale (PANSS). PANSS-T = PANSS total scores; PANSS-P = PANSS positive symptom scores;
PANSS-N = PANSS negative symptom scores; PANSS-G = PANSS general psychopathological symptom scores;
FESP, first-episode schizophrenia patients.
To our knowledge, this is the first longitudinal study examining the effect of risperidone monotherapy on fALFF
and ReHo in treatment-naïve FESP. Prior to treatment, patients had higher fALFF in left caudate, and a similar
trend in the right caudate and bilateral putamen, as well as ReHo in right caudate and left putamen, relative to
healthy volunteers. After 8 weeks of treatment, there was a further increase of fALFF in right caudate and bilateral
putamen, and an increase in ReHo in right caudate and left putamen. As hypothesized, our results indicated that
risperidone monotherapy altered ReHo and fALFF in brain regions within the dopaminergic pathway in FESP.
Additionally, the degree of post-treatment increase of fALFF in the left putamen correlated with less improvement
in positive symptoms. This study demonstrates that abnormalities of spontaneous neural activity documented in
CSP may be partly a medication effect and partly due to the disease.
Higher striatal rfMRI indices at baseline are consistent with elevated striatal neural activity in schizophrenia.
Moreover, the higher spontaneous neural activity of striatal region (left putamen) correlated with greater severity
of positive symptoms at a trend level, consistent with previous studies4,11,24,25 showing that the striatal overactivity
is critically involved in the pathomechanism of schizophrenia, especially psychosis. According to the DA hypoth-
esis for schizophrenia11, the excessive release of striatal presynaptic DA underlies psychosis (Fig. 2A). Given
the potential associations between DA signals and spontaneous brain activity13,14,16, we propose that the higher
spontaneous neural activity of striatal region observed in this study may be due to excessive release of striatal DA
(Fig. 2A).
Post-treatment increases of fALFF in right caudate and bilateral putamen, as well as increases of ReHo in
right caudate and left putamen, indicate that greater spontaneous neural activity in striatal areas after short-term
risperidone monotherapy. Antipsychotic medications increase firing of DA neurons that project to striatal
regions-including the putamen, caudate and palladium, and block D2-4 receptors, which both ameliorates posi-
tive symptoms and causes extrapyramidal symptoms11. Consequently, altered spontaneous neural activities in the
caudate and putamen are not unexpected. Consistent with our findings, a longitudinal resting-state fMRI study19
reported increased striatal ALFF after 6 weeks of treatment in FESP. Moreover, PET and structural MRI studies
have also demonstrated that antipsychotic cause activity increases21,26 and volume enlargement27,28 in striatum
of schizophrenia patients. However, the post-treatment increases of striatal spontaneous activity observed in the
present study may not be directly therapeutic. First, prior to treatment, patients have abnormally higher fALFF
in left caudate, and a comparable trend in right caudate and bilateral putamen, as well as that of ReHo in right
caudate and left putamen. Second, greater post-treatment increases of fALFF in left putamen was associated with
Figure 1. Comparison and correlation results of fALFF and ReHo. (A) At baseline, patients had higher
fALFF in left caudate (p < 0.05, AlphaSim corrected) compared with healthy volunteers. (B) After 8-weeks
of treatment, patients showed increased fALFF in right caudate and bilateral putamen (p < 0.05, AlphaSim
corrected) relative to baseline. The associations between longitudinal increases of fALFF (follow-up minus
baseline) and improvement of clinical symptoms (baseline PANSS scores minus follow-up PANSS scores)
were evaluated by using multiple regression analysis with baseline PANSS scores, age and gender as control
variables. Correlation analysis showed more posttreatment increases of fALFF in left putamen was associated
with less improvement of positive symptoms (t = −4.739, p = 0.006, FDR corrected). (C) After treatment,
patients showed elevated ReHo in right caudate and left putamen compared with baseline (p < 0.05, AlphaSim
corrected). fALFF, fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation; ReHo, regional homogeneity; PANSS,
positive and negative syndrome scales; PANSS-P, PANSS positive symptom scores.
MNI coordinates
Brain region AAL X Y Z Voxels Maximat t value
Patient at baseline vs Controls
fALFF, left caudate 71 −15 3 18 52 5.96
Patient at follow-up vs Baseline
fALFF, right caudate 72 12 15 0 71 5.43
fALFF, left putamen 73 −21 15 3 38 5.24
fALFF, right putamen 74 21 18 0 50 5.39
ReHo, right caudate 72 12 12 −9 20 4.75
ReHo, left putamen 73 −21 12 12 20 5.12
Table 2. Baseline and longitudinal alterations in fALFF and ReHo (p < 0.05, AlphaSim corrected).
AAL = Automated Anatomical Labeling; MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute; fALFF = fractional amplitude
of low-frequency fluctuation; ReHo = regional homogeneity. Multiple correction was performed using
cluster-extent correction (AlphaSim) as follows: individual voxel threshold p = 0.001, Number of Monte Carlo
simulations = 1000, and p = 0.05 as the effective threshold for cluster-extent correction.
Figure 2. The proposed mechanism of higher striatal spontaneous neural activity at baseline and
follow-up in FESP. (A) According to the DA hypothesis for schizophrenia11, the excessive release of striatal
presynaptic DA is fundamental to the generation of the psychosis. Given the potential associations between
DA and modulation of spontaneous cerebral function, we propose that the higher spontaneous neural activity
of striatal region observed in this study may be underlied by the excessive release of striatal presynaptic DA.
(B) Antipsychotic treatment ameliorates psychosis through blocking the striatal postsynaptic D2 dopamine
receptors, which would compensatorily elevate striatal presynaptic dopamine (due to blockade presynaptic D2
autoreceptors) and further paradoxically deteriorate the pre-existing pathological abnormality, i.e. excessive
release of striatal presynaptic dopamine. We propose that the posttreatment striatal hyperactivity observed
in this study may result from treatment-induced compensatory increase of striatal presynaptic DA. FESP,
treatment-naïve first-episode schizophrenia patients; DA, dopamine. Author M.L.H. drew the figure, and
referenced a synapse template from Servier Medical Art (
less improvement in positive symptoms, and higher baseline fALFF in left putamen correlated with greater sever-
ity of positive symptoms prior to treatment on a trend level. Furthermore, the DA hypothesis for schizophrenia
proposes that excessive release of ventral or limbic striatal DA reflects part of the pathogenesis of psychosis, and
antipsychotic treatment ameliorates psychosis through blocking striatal postsynaptic D2-4 DA receptors. That
action, in turn leads to elevated striatal DA release (due to blockade presynaptic D2 autoreceptors) and potentially
increased D1/5 signaling since D2-4 receptors are blocked by the medication11. Given the previous evidence sug-
gesting potential associations between DA and modulation of spontaneous brain activity13,17, we propose that the
posttreatment striatal hyperactivity observed in our current study may result from treatment-induced compen-
satory increase of ventral striatal DA release (Fig. 2B). In addition, risperidone is also a strong 5-HT2A antagonist,
but there is little evidence suggesting potential associations between 5-HT and modulation of spontaneous brain
activity. The increase in the magnitude of the spontaneous activity in the striatum cannot be readily explained by
an effect of 5-HT2A antagonism. Overall, posttreatment increases of striatal spontaneous activities observed in
this study may be treatment-induced hyperactivity, which could reflect ineffective functional adaptation to D2-4
receptor occupancy and may mitigate the treatment response of psychosis. It is noteworthy that antipsychotics
acutely cause increases in DA release in response to receptor blockade and an increase in presynaptic DA syn-
thesis, in contrast, subacute medications can decrease it11,29,30. Future longer-term follow-up studies in FESP are
needed to clarify how changes in striatal intrinsic function progresses over time and is linked to changes in DA
release and signaling.
We found alterations of ReHo/fALFF after risperidone monotherapy treatment in striatum but not extrastri-
atal regions, in contrast to the findings of Lui et al.19 that found both striatum and extrastriatal regions, such as
frontal and temporal cortices demonstrated increases of ALFF in FESP after short-term treatment. One potential
explanation for the differences between the findings of these studies may be the difference in medications admin-
istered, as in their study patients were treated with an array of drugs, including quetiapine, clozapine, olanzapine,
sulpiride, aripiprazole and risperidone. Different antipsychotic agents produce different patterns of occupancy.
For example, clozapine and quetiapine produce preferentially block DA D2 receptors in temporal cortex com-
pared with putamen31; olanzapine and risperidone have less affinity for extrastriatal DA D2 receptors32,33; while
aripiprazole shows comparable DA D2 receptor blockade in striatal and extrastriatal areas34. Although the work
of Lui et al. also demonstrated ALFF alterations of both striatal and extrastriatal regions in a subgroup of patients
treated with risperidone monotherapy, the relatively small sample (n = 12) in the subgroup may explain the dif-
ferences between their results and our current findings, which were confined to striatum.
Although measurements of spontaneous neural activity appear to have moderate test-retest reliability35, the
lack of repeated fMRI scans for the healthy volunteer group is a limitation of our present study as we cannot fully
exclude the possibility that the posttreatment changes of ReHo/fALFF might be related to a time-dependent
change over the test-retest period. However, we did formally rule out the impact of simply having repeated fMRI
scans. Although ReHo and fALFF are considered to represent spontaneous brain activity, there remains a lack of
consensus regarding the exact physiological basis of the two measures, which will need to be further examined
in future studies. Given that a recent paper highlighted the clusterwise interference is problematic, we added a
discussion about the method (See supplementary discussion). Finally, future studies exploring different antip-
sychotics effects in several clinical subgroups with large samples of treatment-naïve FESP are needed to further
clarify the potential heterogeneous effects of antipsychotic agents on intrinsic neural activity.
In conclusion, this study found that short-term risperidone monotherapy results in increased striatal intrinsic
activity in drug-naïve FESP, overlapping with brain regions that exhibit abnormalities of spontaneous neural
activity prior to treatment. Posttreatment increases of striatal intrinsic activities may represent ineffective func-
tional adaptation to D2 receptor blockade and moderate the treatment effects on psychosis. These results provide
new insight into antipsychotic medication effects on resting-state neural function, and offer promise that fALFF
and ReHo measures can be used as potential biomarkers for tracking long-term medication effects to individ-
ualize patient care. In the future, therefore, longer-term follow-up pharmacological studies in FESP may clarify
how changes in intrinsic neural function progress over time and how these are associated with the occurrence of
medication resistance in some individuals.
Participants. Forty-two treatment-naïve FESP and 38 age-, gender-, handedness-, and education-matched
healthy volunteers were recruited from the Second Affiliated Hospital, Xinxiang Medical University, China
(Table 1). All the participants were also included in our previously published longitudinal study of MR spectros-
copy data36. In that previous study, we collected 1H proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy data to explore the
N-acetylaspartate level, while in the current study we collected rfMRI data to explore the spontaneous brain activ-
ity, and the rfMRI data presented here have not been previously published. Patients were diagnosed by at least two
trained psychiatrists using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR, patient version(SCID-I/P). They
were suffering from their first episode of schizophrenia and were free of other DSM-IV diagnoses or clinically sig-
nificant medical disease. They had less than 1 year of illness duration. Healthy volunteers were screened according
to the SCID-NP(Non-Patient Edition) for lifetime absence of any psychiatric disorder.
This study was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The Ethics Committee of the
Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University (No. S088, 2012) and the cooperated hospital, the Second
Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University approved this study, and written informed consent from all
subjects were obtained. All participants were permitted to withdraw from the study at any time. All patients had
MRI scans within 24 hours after enrollment in this study, a time when they were free from drug. Post-treatment
scans were scheduled for patients after an 8-week treatment course. One patient’s fMRI data at baseline was
excluded due to quality control, and 4 patients withdrew from the follow-up MRI scans. We collected fMRI data
from 41 FESP at baseline, 38 patients after treatment and 38 healthy volunteers.
Therapy and Clinical Assessments. All patients were stabilized on risperidone monotherapy at a dosage
of 4–6 mg/day for 8 weeks. Mood stabilizers and antidepressants were not used. The efficacy and safety of risp-
eridone was assessed weekly by clinical interviews. During the treatment, no serious adverse effects occurred.
Symptoms severity of all patients (n = 42) were evaluated at baseline and follow-up with the 30-item Positive and
Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)37.
fMRI imaging. Imaging data were collected using a 3T magnetic resonance imager (Siemens Verio, Erlangen,
Germany). Participants were fitted with earplugs and foam pads to reduce scanner noise and limit head motion.
Participants were instructed to keep their eyes closed, relax, but not fall asleep during scanning. RfMRI was com-
pleted using a gradient-echo echo-planar imaging (GE-EPI) with following parameters: TR/TE = 2000/30 ms,
FOV = 240 × 240 mm2, flip angle = 90°, matrix size = 64 × 64, 240 volumes, slice thickness = 3 mm, slice gap = 0,
and voxel size = 3.75 × 3.75 × 3 mm3. High resolution sagittal T1-weighted anatomical scans were obtained with a
spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) pulse sequence (TR/TE = 1900/2.52ms, FOV = 250 × 250 mm2, flip angle = 9°, slice
thickness = 1 mm, slice gap = 0, 176 slices). Patients were scanned both at baseline and follow-up, while healthy
volunteers underwent once.
Image preprocessing. The Data Processing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI (DPARSF)38 which is based on
Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM, and the toolbox for Data Processing &
Analysis of Brain Imaging (DPABI, were used to preprocess the fMRI image. To avoid
non-equilibrium effects of magnetization, we discarded the first 10 volumes for each participant. Slice timing and
realignment correction were performed. Any subject with head motion >1.5 mm translation or >1.5° rotation
in any direction was removed. The data were then normalized to standard EPI template in SPM (resampled voxel
size 3 × 3 × 3 mm3). We also performed another T1 co-registration analysis to process the data (The detailed
methods and results showed in supplementary information).
Calculation of fALFF. The resampled images were smoothed with a Gaussian kernel of 8 mm and detrended
to remove the linear signal drift. Next, nuisance variables (including Friston 24-parameter model head motion,
white matter (WM) signal and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) signal) were regressed from the data. The fALFF of all
subjects were calculated based on the method of Zou et al.3. Finally, the raw fALFF value of each voxel was divided
by the global average fALFF value for standardization.
Calculation of ReHo. The resampled images were detrended and regressed the Friston 24 head motion,
WM and CSF signal. Then the band-pass filtering (0.01–0.08 Hz) was performed to remove the effects of
high-frequency noise. ReHo maps1 were conducted by calculating Kendall’s coefficient of concordance for a given
voxel time series with those of its nearest 26 neighbors. For standardization purpose, the ReHo value of each voxel
was divided by the whole brain mean ReHo value.
Group-level Analysis of fALFF and ReHo. The DPABI toolbox was used to conduct group-level analyses of
fALFF and ReHo. One-sample t-test was performed to indicate the baseline maps of fALFF and ReHo. Two-sample
t-test was used to analyze group differences between patients at baseline and healthy volunteers, with age and gen-
der as control covariates. Paired-sample t-test was used to assess longitudinal changes of the rfMRI measures In
patients at baseline and follow-up. Multiple correction was performed using cluster-extent correction (AlphaSim)
as implemented through DPABI, and the parameters were set as follows: individual voxel threshold p = 0.001,
Number of Monte Carlo simulations = 1000, and p = 0.05 as the effective threshold for cluster-extent correction.
We performed a whole brain approach by computing fALFF and ReHo value for every brain voxel and then
doing group level analysis. Based on the literature11,12,15,19,22, we hypothesized that risperidone monotherapy
would modulate ReHo and fALFF of regions within dopaminergic pathway in patients. Even though we had
such brain region specific hypotheses, a brain-wide voxel approach can both test whether these regions show the
abnormality or treatment effect, and demonstrate that neighboring regions do not show the effect. That approach
both supports the hypothesized brain regions as being involved and excludes the non-hypothesized brain regions.
The brain regions with significant longitudinal changes of rfMRI measures were individually extracted as masks,
and then the masks were used to extract the mean fALFF and ReHo values respectively from patients at baseline
and follow-up. The associations between baseline fALFF or ReHo and baseline symptoms were evaluated by using
multiple regression analysis with age and gender as control variables. The associations between longitudinal alter-
ations of fALFF or ReHo (follow-up minus baseline) and improvement of clinical symptoms (baseline PANSS
scores minus follow-up PANSS scores) were evaluated by using multiple regression analysis with baseline PANSS
scores, age and gender as control variables. We performed False Discovery Rate (FDR)40 correction in n1 (number
of regions showing significant posttreatment alterations of ReHo or fALFF) ×n2 (numbers of PANSS dimensions
showing significant longitudinal alterations) multiple tests (cut-off value 0.05) for the correlation analysis.
Statistical Analysis. Two-sample T-tests were used to compute the differences in age and years of education
between FESP and healthy volunteers; and chi-square tests were performed to assess the differences in gender,
alcohol and tobacco use between the two groups. Paired-sample T-test was used to compare patients’ longitudinal
alterations of PANSS scores. Threshold of statistical significance was p < 0.05.
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This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81271484 and
81471361 to X.G.C., 30900486 and 81371480 to J.S.T.); National Key Basic Research and Development Program
(973) (2012CB517904 to X.G.C.); the US National Institute of Mental Health (MH108721 to S.P.P.); and China
Scholarship Council Program(to M.L.H.). The authors thank all patients and healthy volunteers for their
Author Contributions
X.-F.Z., J.S.T., M.-L.H., L.-X.L. and X.-G.C. designed the study. M.-L.H., X.-F.Z., Z.-C.L. and Y.H. collected the
samples and participants’ characteristics. D.-E.S., H.-Z.Z., M.-L.H. and X.-F.Z. carried out the MRI scanning.
J.-S.T., Y.-H.L., M.-L.H., X.-F.Z., J.M.M., J.J.M., J.-J.Z. and J.Z. analyzed and discussed the imaging data result.
X.-F.Z., S.P.P., M.-L.H., X.-G.C., J.-J.M. and J.M.M. wrote the paper. All authors reviewed and approved for
Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
How to cite this article: Hu, M.-L. et al. Short-term Effects of Risperidone Monotherapy on Spontaneous Brain
Activity in First-episode Treatment-naïve Schizophrenia Patients: A Longitudinal fMRI Study. Sci. Rep. 6,
34287; doi: 10.1038/srep34287 (2016).
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