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Nguyen H.

Huy 1
Temporal Contrast Analysis (TCA)
Explanation and Instructions:
Temporal Contrast Analysis (TCA) is an essay-writing technique used to compare and
contrast the past with the present or the future. This technique highlights how certain
aspects of life, technology, culture, or the environment have changed over time. To
effectively use this technique in your IELTS essay, follow these steps:

Identify a topic or phenomenon that has undergone significant change over time.
Clearly state what the topic or phenomenon was like in the past.
Explain the current state or anticipated future state of the topic or phenomenon.
Analyze the causes and consequences of this change.
Ensure that your comparisons are clear and that they illustrate the progression or
regression over time.
The Internet's Impact on Research and Information Access

Past: In the past, research was a time-consuming process that involved scouring
through piles of books and academic journals in libraries.

Present: Now, with the advent of the internet, a vast wealth of information is
accessible with just a few clicks.

Analysis: The internet has democratized access to information, making research more
efficient and inclusive. However, it has also led to concerns over information overload
and the spread of misinformation.

Communication Evolution from Letters to Instant Messaging

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Nguyen H. Huy 2
Past: Communication was once heavily reliant on writing letters, which could take
days or even weeks to reach their destination.

Present: Today, instant messaging allows people to communicate across the globe in

Analysis: The shift to instant messaging has revolutionized personal and business
communication, leading to faster decision-making and a more connected world. This
immediacy, though, comes at the cost of less thoughtful and nuanced conversation.

Characteristic-Trait Association (CTA)

Explanation and Instructions:
Characteristic-Trait Association (CTA) is a writing technique used to explain how
particular features (characteristics) of an object, concept, or phenomenon are
associated with specific behaviors or attitudes (traits). To use this technique in your
IELTS essay:

Choose an object, concept, or phenomenon.

Describe its defining characteristics.
Discuss the traits or behaviors that are commonly associated with these
Provide examples to illustrate the association.
Analyze the implications or effects of this association on individuals or society.
Smartphones and the Need for Constant Connectivity

Characteristic: Smartphones offer constant connectivity and access to information.

Trait: This leads to the trait of expecting immediate responses and gratification.

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Nguyen H. Huy 3

Analysis: While smartphones have made communication more accessible, the need for
constant connectivity can lead to increased stress and decreased patience.

Social Media's Role in Self-Image

Characteristic: Social media platforms are designed for users to share highlights of
their lives.

Trait: This fosters a trait of comparison and the pursuit of social validation.

Analysis: The association between social media's characteristics and the quest for
validation can impact mental health, leading to issues like anxiety and depression.

Counterargument Refinement (CAR)

Explanation and Instructions:
Counterargument Refinement (CAR) is a critical thinking and writing technique used
to strengthen an argument by addressing potential opposing viewpoints. Using this
technique involves:

Presenting your main argument clearly.

Anticipating possible counterarguments or objections.
Providing evidence or reasoning to refute these counterarguments.
Refining your original argument to account for these considerations.
The Need for Renewable Energy Despite Economic Concerns

Argument: The transition to renewable energy sources is crucial for environmental


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Nguyen H. Huy 4

Counterargument: Renewable energy can be more expensive and less reliable than
fossil fuels.

Refinement: While the initial investment for renewable energy is high, the long-term
benefits and decreasing costs due to technological advancements outweigh these

The Importance of Arts Education Alongside STEM

Argument: Arts education is essential for developing creative thinking and should be
valued equally with STEM education.

Counterargument: STEM subjects are more practical and directly linked to

employment opportunities.

Refinement: While STEM is vital for economic development, the arts foster creativity,
which is increasingly recognized as necessary for innovation in STEM fields. Thus,
integrating arts with STEM education can lead to more well-rounded individuals and a
more dynamic workforce.

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