Statement of The Problem
Statement of The Problem
Statement of The Problem
1.1 Sex;
Table 1
Sex Profile of the Students
Table 1 shows the sex profile of the students. It reflects that 12 or 24% of the
students are male while 38 or 76% are female. Therefore, most of the students are
Table 2
Age Profile of the Students
Table 2 shows the age profile of the students. It reflects that 26 or 52% of students
ages 19-22, while 20 or 40% of students ages 15-18, and 4 or 8% of students ages
23-26, and 27 and up ages has 0%. Therefore, most of the students ages 19-22.
Table 3
Socio-economic status profile of the Students
Table 3 presents the socio-economic status profile of the students. It shows that 22
students or 44%, earn 10K and below, while 16 students or 32%, earn 10,001-15K.
Additionally, 3 students or 6%, earn 15,001-20K, and 9 students or 18%, earn
20,001 and up. Therefore, the majority of the students belong to the 10K & below
socio-economic status category.
Table 4
Student’s perception on the effectiveness of the Student’s Government in terms
of Information dissemination
Information dissemination wx VD
1.Informs the students ahead of time of the activities and projects to be implemented. 3.72 A
2.Uses social media or postings in disseminating important announcements that concern students. 3.68 A
Composite Mean 3.70 A
Catering Students’ Complains, Suggestions and Concerns
3. Is aware of the students’ complains and takes appropriate actions on it. 3.32 U
4. Consults students on any important issue that concerns them 3.14 U
5. Accepts suggestions from the students they represent in organizing activities. 3.36 U
Composite Mean 3.27 U
Organization of Activities
6. Organizes activities to showcase the talents and abilities of the students. 4.00 A
7.Organizes financial campaigns or sponsorship to help in financing the activities organized in the 3.60 A
8.Acts as one team in facilitating activities. 3.72 A
9. Encourages the involvement of students in school activities. 3.84 A
10.Organizes educational and recreational activities to unite students. 3.62 A
11.Accomplishes activities that satisfied students. 3.58 A
12.Organizes activities that are exciting and empowering. 3.40 U
13.Facilitates the activities very well. 3.46 A
14.Makes sure that students are having fun in the activities they organize. 3.62 A
Composite Mean 3.65 A
Relationship with Students, Staff and other Organizations.
15. Coordinates with other organizations in the university through any means. 3.42 A
18. Imposes good and respectful behavior among the students and school staff. 3.54 A
Table 5
Difference between the grades of the male and female students
Table 5 shows the difference between the grades of the male and female students. The
results shows that the p-value (0.204) is greater than the level of significance (5%) which
means that there is no significant difference between the grades of the male and female
students. Therefore, the data gathered is insufficient to conclude a difference between the
grades of the male and female students
Table 6
Significant relationship between the student’s perception on the effectiveness of the
student government and their profile
Table 6 shows significant relationship between the student’s perception on the effectiveness of the
student government and their profile. The results shows that the p-value (0.001) is less than the
level of significance (5%) which means that there is a significant relationship between the student’s
perception on the effectiveness of the student government and their profile. Therefore, the data
gathered is sufficient to conclude that there’s a significant relationship between the student’s
perception on the effectiveness of the student government and their profile.