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OWBN Sabbat Faction Packet Final

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Daughters and Sons of Caine

An OWbN Guide to the Sabbat Factions

A Genre Guide to Sabbat Factions Introduction Adam can put some type of forward about Sabbat Factions here if he wants, or some type of opening summary or overview. He can also use this section to call people out and to be generally awesome. Table of Contents Major Factions The Moderates: Chris F. The Loyalists: Brian Orlando The Status Quo: Zeb Ultra Conservatives: George The Pander Movement: Mike Owen, Steve Hoffman The Occult Underground: Dave Niemitz The Order of St. Blaise: Lex Lopez Children of the Dracon: Derek/Sarah for all things Sabbat Tzimisce Sub-Sect Factions The Inquisition: Kat F The Black Hand: Wasta Heretical Factions Infernalists: Peter The Cult of Lilith: Brad House this Packet Works

Name of Faction
Faction related quote goes here General Description: A generalized section giving information in what the factions history and current status in the Sabbat. Nickname: Alternate form of address for a member of the Faction Symbols and Iconography: Common ways members of Factions identify themselves to others. Role Within the Sabbat: Where the Faction politically falls in the Sabbat and what Factions ally with and Oppose them. Prerequisites to Join: Both the mechanical and role playing rules to joining the faction.

Prerequisites to Advance: How one increases in the various levels of a faction. Each Faction has three separate levels. The Major Factions all have the levels of Locally Important, Regionally Important, and Nationally Important. The Sub-Sect Factions and the Heretical Factions have their own individual methods for ranks and advancement in the Faction. This levels represent how involved and where you fall in the hierarchy of your faction. Immediate Benefits: The mechanical benefits for joining your faction. This will change from level to level. As you progress in your Faction, you always retain the previous benefits of the former levels. This section may include Access to certain abilities, merits, backgrounds, and disciplines. As well as unique systems fitting for the genre of each faction. Immediate Detriments: The mechanical disadvantages for being in your faction. This too will also change from level to level. As you progress in your Faction, you always retain the previous detriments of the former levels. This section may include certain flaws, negative status, and other unique systems fitting for the genre of each faction. Suggested Paths of Enlightenment: This is a guideline of the common paths found in the Faction, though they are not the only ones or the only ones allowed. It is simply an adviser section for paths fitting of the genre. Suggested Merits and Flaws: Like suggested Paths of Enlightenment, the section contains Merits and Flaws that apply to the genre of the Faction. While these merits and flaws may fit the genre of the faction, they are not an entitlement to them. It still falls to a Storyteller to approve these merits and flaws for PCs, being part of the faction does not automatically grant access to them. Combination Disciplines: The list of Combination Disciplines each Faction has access to be nature of being a member. Each Combination Discipline has a corresponding rarity in relation to your level in the Faction. These combination disciplines are not exclusive to these factions in OWbN, but rather allows for the purchase by PCs of the Faction. Any PC may purchase any combination discipline as long as the OWbN bylaws and R&U for combination disciplines are followed. In addition to the rarity level requirement of the combination discipline (i.e. being of the appropriate level in the faction to learn it.), learning these combination disciplines require various additional approvals to learn from your faction. Any level 1 (Locally Important) power requires Storyteller approval, any level 2 (Regionally Important) power requires SubCoordinator approval, and any level 3 (Nationally Important) power requires Sabbat Coordinator Approval. Known Members: A list of Canon White Wolf NPCs who known to part of the faction. Media: Inspiring sources of movies, televisions shows, and books to help express the feeling of a particular factions genre. Sources: The published White Wolf sources used to create the faction. Notes and Rules on Factions

Editors Notes For each Major faction try to keep the following inline for each. The Perquisites to join should be 3 separate things, the Benefits Should be 3 separate things, and the Determents should be 2 separate things. Additionally, the cost of XP for the different levels should be as such. Locally Important (or lvl 1) should cost around 10xp, Regionally Important (or lvl 2) should cost around 60xp, and Nationally Important (or level 3) should cost around 90xp. Assume things like status requirements or other non mechanic requirements have an effective cost of 1xp per status and all discipline requirements are to be calculated at out of clan costs. I would also note who the faction leaders are (see Sabbat Status packet or ask me) and perhaps at the Nationally important level (or lvl 3) they be allowed to take them as a Mentor. I would also add a section for suggested Merits that fit the genres but not you get these. More for STs. Like Inquisitors and Order of St. Blaise suggested merits being things like Blessed or True Faith etc. Also for those of you with Blood Magic, you must put book and page references for paths and rituals (see other blood magic packets)

Major Factions

Overview The Moderates represent the vast middle ground of the Sabbat, and arguably number the greatest within the sect, hosting a large majority of the Antitribu clans. At first glance, there is little political organization to the great number of Sabbat within the Moderates, and most believe the faction to be comprised of nave, fence-sitting licks without the drive to express their conviction. The faction does little to debunk this assertion, but only a foolish Cainite would mistake their silence for inaction. Behind the faade of large numbers of undecided Sabbat that make up their face, the Moderates play all sides of the Sabbat to their benefit, enjoying the ability to support any faction without making serious enemies in the others. This is the strength of the Moderate faction. Internally, the faction consists of Cainites with diverse ideals and agendas. Many may agree or disagree with some of the tenants of several other factions, but do not necessarily believe that a single faction has all of the answers for the challenges the Sect faces. Others see profit in playing both sides against each other. Some believe that moderation between the factions is the only way the Sect can exist sustainably, and do so with such fervor as to earn their own paradoxical nickname: Fanatical Moderates. Contrary to the belief of the outsiders, you will find that the faction does not accept those who are dispassionate about the Sect. The freedom offered by the Sabbat often inspires unrestrained monstrous revelry, as vampires freed from the oppressive yolks of the Camarilla embrace the Beast within them. A world populated by such wanton disregard for mortals is not sustainable. Even though the Camarillas concept of the Masquerade betrays that groups cowardice, the mortals must be respected, if for their value as food, if not their capability. This idea was recognized and spread during the early Anarch revolt by a Ventrue (soon to be Antitribu) by the name of Dominique Touraine, whose humane tendencies earned her many vicious enemies on both political spectrum. The Loyalists saw this as a challenge to their freedom, while the Ultra-Conservatives believed her to be spouting humane Camarilla propaganda. Still, the reason in her words and her conviction to the idea that the Sabbat can live above the kine, yet respect them earned her the support of the clergy and laymen alike. In a way, she shaped the Moderates into a faction, and is the reason they have a label in the first place. Her guidance is also the reason that the one unifying principle, if any, among moderates share is that of personal responsibility. Nickname Bolshevik Symbols/Iconography

With respect to symbols, the Moderate faction doesnt tend toward uniform. They will proudly display symbols of the sect, pack, clan, city or any bit of customary regalia that situations demand. Some Fanatical Moderates will carry or wear banners outfitted with the Swiss Cross as demonstrations of satire. Role within the Sabbat The Moderates sit between the Loyalists on the left and the Status Quo and Ultra-Conservatives on the Right of the political spectrum of the Sabbat. They support the Code of Milan, but do not universally accept the addendum. They support the Black Hand mainly out of a healthy fear and respect, but are opposed to the expanded influence by the Inquisition. Moderates will generally only pay vocal and physical support to the Inquisition if they are present, and only this to avoid harassment and persecution. Most Moderates are very pack-centric, and support the strengthening of the concept of the pack over that of the clergy and the hierarchy. They observe the Auctoritas Ritae in their current form and remain flexible and willing enough to modernize. With this same flexibility, they are willing to observe and carry out the will of the hierarchy, and they work within the power structure to attain their goals. The Moderates will generally show Archbishops, Cardinals and Prisci true loyalty and support, but will pay lip service to Bishops, Templars and officers of other packs. Prerequisites to Join The requirements for PCs to join the Moderates are as follows: 1. Storyteller Approval and Sabbat Coordinator (Moderate Sub-Coord) Notification 2. Moderates are aware of the political workings of the Sabbat and are able to work it to their advantage. They must have the following abilities: o Politics x1 o Sabbat Lore x1 o Subterfuge x1 o Fire Dancing OR Rituals (As pack-centric cainites, the Moderates believe that members should be versed in skills associated with pack ritae) 3. Status: Initiated. This should cost about 10xp A Moderate at this level is considered to be a Locally Important member. Immediate Benefits of Local Importance

Moderates tend to round out the skills that are core to the survival of Packs and knowledge of Sect activities. They have easy access to teachers for abilities such as Rituals, Fire Dancing, Sabbat Lore and Blind-fighting up to level 3. Note about Rituals and the Priesthood

It is easy for a Moderate to gain allies within the sect. A locally important Moderate can call on the allies of the Moderate faction to receive the benefit of the equivalent of a Mentor x2. Among other mechanical benefits, this means a Moderate can, at the rate of one dot per month, gain access to a teacher for the first two levels of any Cardinal 8 Discipline.

Immediate Detriments of Local Importance

Moderates are often perceived as fence sitters, and thereby are often dismissed by the other factions. A character joining the Moderates gains the negative status of fencesitter which can not be removed until that Cainite advances to Regional Importance Moderates are often called upon for aid by many factions, and this can lead to divided loyalties and alliances. STs are encouraged to use NPCs allies, mentors and characters in the PCs backgrounds to request service. If the Moderate does not aid their allies, they lose any benefits gained by being a member of the faction.

Prerequisites for Advancement (Regional Importance) A Moderate can gain Regional Importance by completing the following:
1. Being in play for an entire year as a Moderate of Local Importance 2. Storyteller Approval and Moderates Subcoordinator Approval 3. Regionally Important Moderates are able to manipulate Sect politics efficiently, and

know a great deal about the regional Sword of Caine. They must have the following abilities/disciplines: o Tactics x3, o Politics x4, o Sabbat Lore x3 o Subterfuge x4 o Fire Dancing x3 OR Rituals x3 (Contributing to Pack Ritae is important for any regional Moderate) o Any two disciplines at Advanced level 4. Status: Initiated, and any 5 other status traits (including positional). Additional Benefits of Regional Importance Regionally Important Moderates can expect their peers to spread their knowledge.

A Regionally Important Moderate has access to the equivalent of a Mentor 3, which will give access to teachers up to level 3 of cardinal 8 disciplines at the rate of one dot per month. Regionally Important Moderates have access to Combination Disciplines as described in the tables below.

Regionally Important Moderates have access to more information about the Sabbat than your average Cainite. They have access to teachers willing to impart Sabbat Lore 3. Regionally Important Moderates can access information about their home cities very quickly and easily, and have access to the equivalent of Contacts 3 without having to purchase the background.

Additional Detriments of Regional Importance

Regional Moderates must play the game. Theyre initial negative perception is removed, but they cannot ever earn more than 2 negative status traits, or their fellows will expel them from the faction. Regional Moderates must take a mentor relationship with Locally Important Moderates. They will be called on to teach all but their most precious of knowledge and powers. STs are encouraged to enforce this restriction. Due to their position in the center of the political spectrum, Regional Moderates must tow the line with respect to Sabbat dogma and propriety. Therefore, they are mechanically forbidden to hold more than 15 levels worth of influence.

Prerequisites for Advancement (National Importance) A Moderate can gain National Importance by completing the following: 1. Being in play for one year as a Regionally Important Moderate. During this time, the character must have participated in an offensive of Sect-wide importance and be able to credit part of the victory to the Moderates faction. 2. Storyteller Approval and Moderates Subcoordinator Approval 3. Nationally Important Moderates are experts in manipulating Sect politics, and must be able to call on skills, powers and reputation to maintain their faction standing. They must have the following abilities/disciplines/status: a. Tactics x5 b. Politics x5 c. Sabbat Lore x3 d. Subterfuge x5 e. Fire Dancing x5 f. Rituals x5
g. Two of their in-clan disciplines at the Advanced level and a total of three

Advanced Disciplines.

h. One Combination discipline available to them by either their Local or Regional Importance i. Status: Initiated, and any 7 other status traits (including positional). Additional Benefits of National Importance Nationally Important Moderates have access to the vast resources of their peers and superiors.

A Regionally Important Moderate has access to the equivalent of a Mentor 4 for the specific purpose of learning the following disciplines at the rate of one dot per month: o up to level 4 of cardinal 8 disciplines o up to level 5 in one Cardinal 8 discipline

Nationally Important Moderates have access to Combination Disciplines as described in the tables below. Nationally Important Moderates are also looked upon favorably by the Clergy, and are almost as likely to land Sect positions such as Bishop, Archbishop, Cardinal (NPC) and Priscus (NPC) as those from the Status Quo and Ultra Conservative factions. A Nationally Important Moderate is so connected with the politics of the sect that they need not spend Sabbat Lore to know the status of other Sabbat. A nationally Important Moderate gains the reputational status of Connected which can go over the normally imposed status limit.

Additional Detriments of National Importance National Moderates are held to an extremely strict standard with respect to social standing. The character cannot earn or bear any negative standing or they will be kicked out of the faction. National Moderates must uphold the mentor relationship of fellow faction members, both with Locally and Regionally Important Moderates. They will be called on to teach even their most precious of knowledge and powers. STs are encouraged to enforce this restriction. National Moderates are scrutinized by sect leaders as controllers of one of the larger political faction. Leaders who feel jealous or threatened will bring down the hammer on even the slightest divergence from Sect Policy. National Moderates may not mechanically hold more than 5 levels of influence, and may no longer travel the Path of Humanity; they must follow a Path of Enlightenment sanctioned by the Sabbat.

Suggested Paths of Enlightenment Humanity, Honorable Accord, Self-Focus, Redemption Suggested Merits and Flaws Merits: Sanctity, Light Sleeper, Natural Leader Flaws: Special Responsibility Combination Disciplines Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Quickened Instincts Auspex 1, Celerity 2 Guide to the Low Clans pg 163 Regionally Important Use as printed 7 Quicken Sight Auspex 1, Celerity 2 Archons & Templars pg 140 Locally Important The player spends one blood point to activate this power, which lasts for a scene. Any time the character wishes to see, follow or examine something that is moving too quickly for normal observation, the player must make a Simple Mental Testretest Alertness. Success allows the character to observe the item. 5 Psychic Double Auspex 5, Obfuscate 3 Lair of the Hidden pg 140 Nationally Important Use the rules for Astral P, with the addition that the user can project an image on the normal plane while astrally projected without

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost:

the expenditure of willpower. This does not, however, count as manifesting on the material plane for terms of using powers. To use powers on the physical plane, you must still spend the willpower as described under astral projection. 12 True Tongue Dominate 2/Presence 2 Road of Kings 73 Regionally Important Road of Kings pg. 73 14 Iron Faade Fortitude 1, Obfuscate 3 Archons & Templars pg 140 Locally Important Use the System for Flesh Wound found in Clanbook: Gangrel Revised pg. 72 5

Notable Moderates Les Hermanites De Zila (Little Sisters of Zillah, Mexico City by Night) This exclusively female pack claims to be Noddist, considering themselves the brides of Caine. They avoid the normal militaristic aims of the sabbat and instead preach about the prophesized nights when Caine will judge his decendants. El Calpulli Rojo (The Red Family, Mexico City by Night) is a pack of Moderates that operate a safe haven, taking in the members of packs who have been decimated in the Jyhad. Ductus Joseph OGrady is looked upon as soft hearted for his tending to those sabbat who have been beset by calamity, but the sect recognizes the importance of his work, as he relocates abandoned and orphaned sabbat to new packs. Bishop General Perfidio Dios, The Mocker, is a Malkavian Antitribu Regionally Important Moderate in Mexico city. Armed with wit and political satire, The Mocker has the reputation of being one of the sabbats youngest masters of political subversion. (Mexico City by Night) Archbishop Carolina Valez and the Lost Angels (Montreal by Night) were assigned to Montreal from Los Angelas after the previous Archbishop, Sangris, was ousted as an infernalist.

Archbishop Valez is an efficient leader who manipulates all sides of the political spectrum to retain control of her city. Media (Books to Read and Movies to Watch)

Homeland and Exile, R.A. Salvatori Mr. Smith goes to Washington


Minds Eye Theatre: Sabbat Guide (Revised) Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat Mexico City by Night

Montreal by Night


Overview Loyalists tell stories about their faction being created with the Anarch Revolt, when those brave Cainites rose up together, attempting to break free from centuries of oppression and antagonism at the hands of apathetic Elders. Rather than fight, the Elders tricked their childer into a false agreement at the Betrayal of Thorns. Breaking with those Cainites who no longer had the will to continue the conflict, the Loyalists, eventually turning into the Sabbat, continued the fight; believing that it is better to die free than to continue to live under the manipulative rule of the Elders. The Loyalist movement is one of the largest factions inside of the Sabbat. Believing themselves to be the most true to what the Sabbat represents, Loyalists contend that each individual Cainite is his or her own master. Their cause is such that they sometimes go so far as refusing to participate in sect rituals, or refusing orders from the clergy just to show others that it is possible. Though at first glance, Loyalists may appear to be anarchists or self-important egotists who want the benefits of being in the Sabbat without the responsibilities, on closer inspection, the Loyalists are a diverse and quintessential part of the sect. Though the Loyalists are generally composed of younger, more brash and boisterous members of the Sabbat, some Loyalists are calculating and thoughtful intellectuals. Also, some Cainites from the times of the Anarch Revolt, who are now considered Elders themselves, are still members of the Loyalists. Nickname Firebrand Symbols/Iconography The Loyalists have no uniform or particular symbol associated with their cause, and the personal appearance of a Loyalist can range from your typical goth-street-punk gang member to that of an elegant businessman in a three-piece suite, and anywhere in-between. At particularly large gatherings of the Sabbat, Loyalists will sometimes wear some type of distinguishing garmet or mark (e.g. a red bandana tied across their upper-arm, a tattoo for the night in a visible location such as the neck or face, etc). Role Within the Sabbat The Loyalists are the leftist extremists of the Sabbat who argue that the only true way to be loyal to the Sabbat is to be loyal to the original principle of the Anarch Movement (i.e. all vampires must be free and ultimately responsible for their own actions). The Loyalists view rules and

regulations as limitations that must be removed. Though the Loyalists are infamous throughout the Sabbat for their disobedience, they are actually one of the most fervent supporters of sect-wide action, such as the reclamation of territories that have been lost of the Camarilla. Arguably, the most important thing the Loyalists offer the Sabbat is a mirror in which to question themselves. Loyalists question the decisions of Sabbat leadership, forcing others to consider why they follow their leaders. Some Loyalists will play devils advocate for a cause, for no reason other than the fact that no one else is questioning the cause. They also heighten concerns that the Sabbat, as an organization controlled by Elders, has become just another Camarilla. Finally, though they buck the system at every opportunity, Loyalists will not do anything to harm the Sabbat in any way; for all of its flaws, the Sabbat is still better than the Camarilla. Prerequisites to Join (Loyalist Rabble) Loyalists accept anyone into their ranks, and they have no codes or secret rituals to identify themselves to one another (MET:SG pg.19) and though the Ventrue-Antitribu and BrujahAntitribu make up a large quantity of Loyalists (PGttS pg.18), any clan can find its members amongst the ranks of the Loyalists.

There are no mechanical requirements for PCs to join the Loyalists, however, until a Loyalist is considered at least Locally Important, he can not take advantage of any of the Benefits listed for Locally Important Loyalists (listed below). Loyalist PCs who do not qualify to be at least Locally Important still suffer from the detriments that Locally Important Loyalists suffer.

Three tier system Prerequisites for Advancement (Locally Important Loyalist) Loyalists have no system of rank, but like any social organization, there are individuals and packs that rise to the top of the social order. What follows are the prerequisites for advancement in the Loyalists: The requirements for PCs to be considered Locally Important figures in the Loyalist movement are as follows:

Have the following: Leadership x2 or Intimidation x2 (Loyalists are known for being able to control a crowd) Sabbat Lore x2 (All Loyalists are told stories about how the Sabbat started)

Presence 2 and either Potence or Fortitude at level 2 or higher. Try to keep this to costing 10xp

Cannot have held a position above Ductus in the past year (secretly, or publicly). I would change this to say above Bishop, While the loyalists may hate harsh leaders, an actual voice in the city for the movement is a powerful aid. I would also make an exception for Priscus too. Seek approval from the Storyteller, and, though it is recommended that you send notification to the Sabbat Coord (Loyalist Sub-Coord), it is not required. I would change this to require notification.

Immediate Benefits of Local Importance

Loyalists are quick to rally if one of there is in trouble, especially if they are being threatened or cajoled by a member of the Ultra-Conservatives or Clergy. As such, Loyalists may purchase and enjoy the benefit of the Military Force background up to level 3 without any special prerequisites. Once per night (or game, or month?), a Loyalist may ignore one of the following:

(alternately, could make this tied to expending temporary status traits to ignore)
o o o o o

(1) An order from any non-Loyalist up to the rank of Bishop (or his Templar) (2) The use of a Negative Status Trait against him (3) The Status Traits of an individual bid against him in a Social Challenge (4) The loss of a single Status Trait (5) The awarding of a Negative Status Trait When ignored, the Loyalist can proceed without further mechanical repercussions for the same action (i.e. he cant be punished twice for something hes already used this ability for).

Loyalists support their own, offering Mentorship in the gifts of Caine, Lores, and whatever else they can freely. Loyalists who purchase: Mentor, can always be assured assistance in a similar method to how the Tremere Clan Advantage works.

I would go into more depth about this means and avoid comparing it to the Tremere Advantage directly.

Once per month, a Loyalist may call upon other members of the movement in order to provide support. Mechanically, once per month, the Loyalist may call upon one of the following backgrounds at level 3: Allies, Haven, Herd, or Resources in a manner similar to borrowing from a Mentor.

This may a bit to much with the above included. Immediate Detriments of Local Importance

Loyalists do not believe in any type of authority beyond the pack-level (to include the Black Hand and the Inquisition); because of this, no Loyalist may ever take a position higher than Ductus. Should a PC willingly accept a position higher than Ductus, he or she will be immediately ejected and snubbed from the Loyalist movement. Storytellers take note. Again I would prolly change this to Bishop for above reasons Loyalists frequently disregard status and authority, and are generally despised by many Clergy members, as well as most of the more powerful Sabbat Elders. Due to this, Loyalists are regarded amongst the Sabbat with the flaw: Notoriety.

Prerequisites for Advancement (Regionally Important Loyalist) Loyalists have no system of rank, but like any social organization, there are individuals and packs that rise to the top of the social order. What follows are the prerequisites for advancement in the Loyalists: In order to be known as a Regionally Important figure in the Loyalists, a PC should:

A Loyalist should spend at least one active year in gameplay, participating in Sabbat efforts, and contributing to the strength of the Sabbat. The Loyalist should then be able to tell of his or her accomplishments (usually at major events and gatherings of the Sabbat) in order to help spread word of the True Sabbat to the masses. Roleplay should be a large part of how well respected the Loyalist is considered. Have the following: Sabbat Lore x3 Leadership x4 or Intimidation x4 Presence at level 3 Potence or Fortitude at level 5 Linguistics x2 Anarch or Camarilla Lore x2 Politics x2 or Etiquette x2

Seek approvals from both the Storyteller, and the Sabbat Coord (Loyalist Sub-Coord) to advance to a Regionally Important figure to the Loyalist movement. Change this to Loyalist Sub-coord approval

Additional Benefits for Regionally Important Loyalists Regionally Important Loyalists are considered the prime recruiters and troubleshooters for the Loyalist Movement in their area and can expect to be called into action to defend Loyalist interests on a regular basis. A Loyalist at this level retains all of the benefits and detriments of the previous level(s), plus:

Expanding on the Loyalists ability to rally when in need, Loyalists at this level may now purchase and enjoy the benefit of the Military Force background up to level 5 without any special prerequisites. Loyalists ability to ignore orders and station without repercussions now extends to those of Archbishops and their Paladins. Loyalists who are considered Regionally Important may, at Storyteller discretion, choose to buy off their Notoriety flaw. (thinking of eliminating this due to the new status/orderstripping advantage) Loyalists who have met the prerequisites for advancement are now considered important to the Loyalist movement in their region, and may receive special favor from surrounding Loyalists. Their once per month ability to call on the specified backgrounds now allows them to access level 5 instead of level 3.

I would change this instead to access to purchase allies, contacts, and mentor

Sabbat packs where ALL members of the pack are at least Regionally Important members of the Loyalist movement often add titles to their pack name (e.g. the Emancipated, or the Irrepressible, etc.). Members of packs with these titles are considered one status trait up while the pack is together (such as addressing a Bishop, etc), effectively nullifying the Notoriety of any individuals in the pack. Though a single Loyalist may be considered a nuisance, an all-Loyalist pack is a force to be reckoned with.

I would change this to something like how reputation merit is worded in the new status packet. Kind of did away with the phantom status trait system. Additional Detriments for Regionally Important Loyalists

Loyalists step on a lot of toes as they gain fame and prestige for their cause. Usually, by the time that a Loyalist becomes a Regionally Important figure, it is not uncommon for

him or her to have developed a particularly strong hatred for a specific faction. The character picks up the Hatred (need to figure out what book Hatred is from for quot) flaw in one faction other than Loyalists that they have had exceptionally poor relations with. This flaw may never be bought off while the character remains a Loyalist.

Due to the controversy that Loyalists inevitably cause, members have been known to be attacked both philosophically and physically; though every attempt quell the movement usually only leads to its strengths. For characters at this stage, Storytellers are urged to adjust their story-lines and non-Loyalist-NPC attitudes appropriately.

Prerequisites for Advancement (Nationally Important Loyalist) In order to be recognized as a Nationally Important member of the Loyalists, a PC should:

Spend at least one active year in game play as a Regionally Important individual. During this time, he or she should have actively recruited others (Sabbat, Anarchs, etc.) to the Loyalist movement. The PC should also participate in at least one Sabbat-wide offensive and should be able to tell of his or her accomplishments (usually at major events and gatherings of the Sabbat) in order to inspire the masses with what can be accomplished by the individual or pack. Role-play should be a large part of how well respected the Loyalist is considered. Have the following: Presence at level 5 Both Potence and Fortitude at level 5 Linguistics x4 Politics x3 or Etiquette x3 Anarch Lore x3 Camarilla Lore x2 Previously bought off the Loyalist Notoriety Flaw (if we keep this in)

Try to keep this costing around 90xp

Seek approvals from both the Storyteller, and the Sabbat Coord (Loyalist Sub-Coord) to advance to a Nationally Important figure to the Loyalist movement. Change this Sabbat Coord approval.

Additional Benefits for Nationally Important Loyalists Nationally Important Loyalists are considered treasures to the Loyalist Movement, and are afforded opportunities and powers usually reserved for a select few. A Loyalist at this level retains all of the benefits and detriments of the previous level(s), plus:

Loyalists who have met the prerequisites for advancement are now considered important to the Loyalist movement, nationally. As such, their ability to call on extra backgrounds once per month is expanded to twice per month.

I would allow them to use their own backgrounds twice a month.

Loyalists ability to ignore orders and station without repercussions now extends to those of Cardinals and their Paladins. Loyalists may choose one of the following Combo Disciplines to be taught: Denial of Aphrodites Favor or Iron Heart. (going to have a fight on our hands from the Ventrue and Brujah coords) (There are a few Anarch combos that would work too, as well as a Black Hand one or two, but I dont want to go to war over the combos included.). My suggested Combis are below

Additional Detriments for Nationally Important Loyalists By the time that a Loyalist is considered a Nationally Important figure, saying that they have made an enemy or two is an understatement. The character, at this level, has developed such a rivalry with one particular faction (other than the Loyalists) that they try to harass or kill him or her, simply for the prestige that it would award amongst specific circles.

The character picks up the flaw: Enemy, in one faction (other than Loyalists) that they have had exceptionally poor relations with. This flaw may never be bought off, even if the character is no longer a Loyalist (thinking of saying it can only be bought off if the PC leaves the Loyalists and gets Loyalist-Sub-Coord approval). The value of the flaw should depend on the in-character actions that have led to this point, but it is suggested that the minimum value be 3, and a maximum of 5. Separating from the Loyalist movement at this point is near-impossible, and requires the approval of the Loyalist Sub-Coord. Nationally Important Loyalists who separate from the Loyalists at this level of importance will gain the flaw: Enemy (5 points), in the Loyalist Faction which may never be bought off.

Suggested Paths of Enlightenment Humanity, Cathari, Paradox, Beast (including Feral Heart), Night, Orion Suggested Merits and Flaws Combination Disciplines Name Disciplines Required Aura of Accursed Rage Animalism 3, Presence 2

Book/Page Rarity System

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Notes

Guide to the Low Clans pgs 158-159 Locally Important The player spends one blood point and makes a Simple Social challengeretest Intimidation. With success, everyone within the characters sight are at +1 difficulty on their Self-Control tests to resist frenzying for the rest of the scene including the character using this power. Players who leave the characters sight still suffer for the remainder of the scene; while players who enter the scene after this power is invoked are not affected. If a character fails to activate this power they must immediately perform a Courage test to avoid Rotschreck. 11 Ward the Souls Sanctity Auspex 2/Obfuscate 3 optional: Presence 3 Road of Sin pg 70 Regionally Important Road of Sin pg. 70 11 Effective against all powers that seek to alter or control the characters mind, mainly Dementation and Dominate, though certain Thaumaturgy and high-level Serpentis effects might also be thwarted. This power is ineffective against Presence, which affects the characters emotions rather then her mind. The availability of the advanced version of this power is 5; the xp cost is 14. Stunning Awe Dominate 2, Presence 2 Guide to the High Clans pgs 169-170 Regionally Important The player makes a Social Challengeretest Intimidation. If successful they may bid up to 5 Traits and enter into an extended challenge with an ST (one for each Trait bid). Each

Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Known Loyalists

success imposes a 1 Trait penalty on all of the targets actions. This penalty lasts a number of turns equal to the vampires Willpower, after which it loses one Trait of potency each turn until the target is free to act normally. If the penalty exceeds the targets Mental Traits, the duration is measured in minutes rather than turns. If a stunned target suffers any pain, her player may make an extended Willpower challenge (difficulty 7 Traits) until they lose. Each success reduces the penalty by one Trait. This resistance challenge may be attempted only once per turn and only once for the same stimulus. As this power employs Dominate it cannot affect vampires of lower generation than the user. 7 Halo of Steel Fortitude 3, Willpower 6+ (5 Willpower Traits LARP) Road of Heaven 68 Nationally Important Road of Heaven pg. 68 11 Brace for Impact Fortitude 4/Potence 2 Mexico By Night 115 Locally Important Use as printed, replace dot with level 11

Vansantasena, Malkavian Antitribu [Children of the Inquisition, pg. 67-69] (how big of a summary do we want for this NPC?)

(Do we want to make up a Nationally Important OWbN NPC Loyalist for use at Events and list posting?) (Do we want to query other games with Sabbat PCs or NPCs who are Loyalists for inclusion here?)

Media (Books to Read and Movies to Watch) (Need to brainstorm about anti-establishment movies and books (besides the damn anarchist cookbook.) These are the ones that were on the top of my head.)

The Corporation Off the Grid: Life on the Mesa Why We Fight The Business of Being Born Anarchism in America Howard Zinn: You Can't be Neutral on a Moving Train The Take (2004) Blood Diamonds, The Weather Underground THX-1138 Tout Va Bien V for Vendetta Wag the Dog


Minds Eye Theatre: Sabbat Guide (Revised), pg. 19 Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat, pg.11 Players Guide to the Sabbat, pg.18


Overview Stability. It isn't a word that is associated with the Sabbat very often, but it is the end-goal of the Status Quo. They accept the fact that true and sweeping change is impossible, and seek to keep things just as they are. Wars happen, Packs fight, Methuselahs are sought, found, and slain. And all of this is just good enough for them, and if you start adding other things to the mix, none of this will end up getting done properly.

The Great Jyhad continues, and the Lasombra, Tzimisce, and few scattered Antitribu that make up the Status Quo understand that shaking the foundations of the Sect will only serve to distract the rank and file from their real goals. Working to find middle-ground between the boisterous Loyalists and the constrictive grasp Ultra Conservatives, The Status Quo have their work cut out for them in their desire to keep things as they are. Nickname Architect Symbols/Iconography Role within the Sabbat The Status Quo seeks to keep things as they are. Supporters of the Code of Milan, the Purchase Pact, the Black Hand, and the Inquisition (when they don't seem to be overstepping their bounds and stirring the pot in unnecessary pomp and circumstance), the Status Quo are very much a conservative and methodical Faction, and they play this role well. As a member, it is your job to keep the focus of others on the big picture and remind them that the little things shouldn't bother them when they have Antediluvians to destroy hiding out there somewhere. Prerequisites to Join Storyteller Approval And Status Quo Subcoord Notification Leadership x2, Lore: Sabbat x2, Mentor x1, Politics x1 You must hold and retain a position in your Pack or within the Clergy of the Sabbat

Immediate Benefits of Local Importance Those of the Status Quo know that unity is paramount, and seek to aid each other in their plans as best they can, more so than individuals in other Factions. They also know that this cannot be done by those that seek to keep upheavals from happening, but have no power to prevent them. Thus, new members of the Faction tend to find aid and support from those of higher position from within the Sect. This is represented by an additional mentor for the character, who holds the position of Bishop in another area. This individual is a prime source of knowledge in the more mundane talents necessary to rise through the ranks (Etiquette, Expression, Fire-Dancing, Intimidation, Leadership, Lore: Noddist, Lore: Sabbat, Politics, Rituals, and Subterfuge, as examples) of the Sect, as well as can pull enough strings to at least get his Faction-mate connected with some of the supernatural tools of leadership (Animalism, Auspex, Dominate, Fortitude, and Presence all at 2nd Basic level). Also, the Status Quo supports the Black Hand more than any other Faction within the Sabbat (aside from The Hand itself, obviously), and have long had a working relationship with them. Given this relationship, a member of the Status Quo can always spend a short bit of time and dig up the contact information for a local Emissary (or other agent if no Emissary is present) to begin discussions with The Hand and be received politely. Immediate Detriments of Local Importance While neither as radical as the Loyalists, nor as controlling as the Ultra-Conservatives, the Status Quo still attempts to control and guide the majority of the Sabbat toward their goals. Even though orders are disguised as requests, all but the dumbest members of The Sword will eventually pick up on the fact theyve been manipulated and led into a situation that they didnt want to happen for the end goal of someone they thought had their best interests in mind. Thus, you are disliked greatly by both extremes in the Sabbat. The Loyalists think youre too controlling, the Ultra-Conservatives think youre too lax, and both Factions want to bring you down. Members of either Faction may ignore your Status once per evening with no repercussions for their actions; as they lack respect for you, your manipulations, and your achievements. Prerequisites for Advancement (Regional Importance) Storyteller Approval, Approval of the Sabbat Coordinator (Status Quo Subcoordinator) You must have been of Local Importance for at least 6 Months Etiquette x2, Leadership x3, Lore: Noddist x2, Lore: Sabbat x3, Mentor x3 (in addition to the

one phantom Mentor granted by the Immediate benefit of membership), Politics x3, Rituals x3, Subterfuge x3 You must hold and retain a position within your Pack and at least as a Bishop of your city, in addition to having at least 5 Personal Status. Additional Benefits of Regional Importance As the individuals personal sway rises, so does the interest the rest of the Faction has in him or her. More knowledgeable instructors take the place of the previous Bishop and other talents of leadership are offered to the individual (Effectively the PC now has a mentor that can instruct all previously listed abilities to level 5 [and others at ST discretion], as well as up to the second intermediate levels in the following disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Dominate, Fortitude, and Presence). In addition, in absence of other willing individuals in the Diocese, this Mentor can recognize your deeds and grant you standing for them (assuming their validity, of course). This allows you to side-step the local political field and gain recognition from someone who adheres to your political bent, instead of forcing you under the thumb of a possible radical you will be removing at a later time. Additional Detriments of Regional Importance These ties with The Hand dont come on a one-way street. While they officially remove themselves from politics, you may be pressured at times to take their side on issues that arise in your region, whether they are activated or not. This lack of bias could easily be discovered by the nosy, and then manipulated. In return for their support, you are now the unofficial spokesperson for the policies the Hand wishes pushed, and wellthey dont take failure lightly, or accept it often (if at all). Spies are everywhere, moreso when you become someone important that resists the change that others deem necessary. Anyone of at least Regional Import in any other Faction that has Sabbat Lore x3 or higher can engage in a static Investigation challenge (difficulty equal to 20 minus your total status) to find out one of your negative traits of flaws of two points or less. They may not necessarily know what the flaw represents (For instance, you may be known to have quite a few skeletons in your closet [the Dark Secret flaw], but they only know the skeletons are there not who they are so to speak). These flaws and negative traits have to be something that could have been passed around the grapevine as it were, so completely isolated secret incidents and unknown flaws cannot be detected. Prerequisites for Advancements (National Importance)

Storyteller Approval, Approval of the Sabbat Coordinator (Status Quo Sub-coordinator) You must have been of Regional Importance for 1 Year Etiquette x5, Leadership x5, Lore: Noddist x3, Lore: Sabbat x5, Mentor x5 (in addition to the phantom Mentor granted by the Immediate benefit of membership), Politics x5, Rituals x3, Subterfuge x5 You must hold and retain a position within your Pack, serve as Archbishop of your Diocese (or a higher position within the Clergy), and possess at least 8 Personal Status. Additional Benefits of National Importance As an ardent supporter of the way things are now, youve caught the eye of several very important individuals in the Hierarchy. You gain the Status Trait of Favored and now have direct communication with one of the powerful and influential Cardinals of the Sabbat. Any who cast their ire upon you must also take into consideration the repercussions of slandering such a powerful individual as well. Additionally, those you have impressed are some of the true elders of the Sabbat, and will see to your tuteledge in the final acquisition of the powers of leadership (the aforementioned disciplines, to advanced level). Though these kernels of knowledge do not come without costs (approval of the Sabbat Coordinator [or Status Quo Subcoordinator]), and these costs may put you directly against those that seek to rock the boat in your area. Additional Detriments of National Importance You need to remain viable. Should you fall from the position of Archbishop, you immediately lose all benefits of National Importance. Those who favored you will turn a baleful eye toward your besmirching of their good judgment, and the tasks required to re-attain your position within the Faction may well kill you before they make you stronger. You are dealing with the reputations of those beings centuries older than yourself, with every year that passed a chance for them to become even more self-serving, inhumane, and willing to bury an embarrassment rather than let them try to redeem themselves. The only exception to this would be if you were welcomed to the Cardinals table of Paladins; thenwellyou have other expectations of you. The network of spies at this level is much thicker, and the political and social terrain much more treacherous. Thus, your secrets are even less safe from those that would like to learn then. Thankfully, the ones that like to hold these secrets like to be the only ones with Aces in the Hole of this caliber. A Nationally Important member of any other Faction with Sabbat Lore x4 can now make a static Investigation challenge (difficulty is equal to 25 minus your total Status) to determine a derangement, two of your negative traits, or flaw/s totaling 5 points or less. Again,

this flaw must be something that could be known or passed through the grapevine. Suggested Paths of Enlightenment Humanity, Honorable Accord, Caine, Scorched Heart Suggested Merits and Flaws Combination Disciplines Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Mortal Terror Animalism 3, Presence 2 Archons and Templars pg 142 Locally Important Either touch your subjectpossibly requiring a Physical challengeor make eye contact and engage in an extended Social challengeretest Intimidation. If the user accumulates more successes than the target has current Willpower the use is a success and the Subject is under the full effects of Rotshreck emanating from the user of this power. The subject must flee by the fastest and most direct route until succeeding in 5 Courage tests. If the Power fails the Subject must throw Self-Control to resist Frenzy at a difficultly of 3 traits. 9 Random Patterns Auspex 2, Dementation 2 Archons & Templars pg 141 Regionally Important The character spends a point of blood to activate the power. The character then makes a static Mental challenge versus the opponents Mental traits (modified by the STs decision of how predictable the opponent is; Derangements can increase the difficulty). The retest is Empathy. If successful, then for the rest of the round the character gets a free retest on all opposed challenges with the opponent. For example, the bonus could be applied to pursuit, Melee or Dodge,

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

Xp Cost:

but not to the activation of a Discipline. 7

Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity

Measure the Will Auspex 2, Dominate 2 Guide to the High Clans pg 168 Regionally Important To gauge the rating of one of the following Traits: permanent Willpower, temporary Willpower or any selected Virtue another character possesses, the player must succeed in a Static Mental challenge (difficulty of the targets Willpower Traits) retest Intimidation. If she succeeds, she may spend one Mental Trait per Trait to compare the level the target has of each to his own. Obviously, the vampire does not perceive such ephemeral concepts as will and valor in terms of numerical quantities. The vampire simply compares the targets force of mind with his own psyche. Players may only search for the Virtues that they themselves possess. The target does not sense any mental intrusion or malevolence from the use of this power and though it does not require eye contact the target of this power must be within line of sight of the user. As this is a Dominate combo it does not work against Kindred of lower generation than the user. Use of this power should be adjudicated by a storyteller 7 Instantaneous Transformation Celerity 2, Protean 5 or Obtenebration 5 Archons & Templars pg 143 Locally Important


Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Notables Among the Status Quo

The player must make a Simple Physical challengeretest Survivaland spend the normal cost associated with the shift (one blood point for Shape of the Beast or Mist Form, three for Tenebrous Form). If successful, the change takes only a single turn, rather than the three normally demanded. Failure indicates that the shift takes the standard three turns. 12 The Aura of Inescapable Truth Dominate 4/Presence 4, True Tongue Road of Kings 73 Nationally Important Road of Kings pg. 73 14

Sacha Vykos, Regent Carboni, Jack the Barber. Quick Blurb on each. Media Sources

Overview Nickname Solider Symbols and Iconography Role within the Sabbat Prerequisites to Join Immediate Benefits of Local Importance Immediate Detriments of Local Importance Prerequisites For Advancement (Regionally Important) Immediate Benefits of Regional Importance Immediate Detriments of Regional Importance Prerequisites For Advancement (Nationally Important) Immediate Benefits of National Importance Immediate Detriments of National Importance Suggested Paths of Enlightenment Humanity, Honorable Accord, Power and the Inner Voice, Caine, Orion Suggested Merits and Flaws Combination Disciplines Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity An Ear for Lies Auspex 1/Auspex 2 Road of Kings 72 Locally Important Road of Kings pg. 72 7 Minds Eye Auspex 4, Dominate 3 Archons & Templars pg 143 Locally Important


Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

With this power, an archon or templar can actually experience a memory belonging to someone else. Sight, sound, scent, and other details - all are potentially just as intense as they were for the subject when they first occurred. While Mind's Eye can be used on a cooperative subject who simply wishes to provide the most accurate report possible, it is often used as a form of interrogation and intelligence gathering. The character must make eye contact (or other appropriate Dominate contact) and spend a blood trait. If the subject is cooperating, or is a mortal, or a Kindred of higher generation make a simple Mental challenge difficulty of the subjects Mental traits retest Subterfuge. If the Subject is of equal or lower generation and resisting make a contested Mental challenge with them retest Subterfuge. You may search for a specific memory in one of two ways. You may search for a specific time (what did you do yesterday at midnight) or by event (what happened the last time you two talked). 13 Sound of a Breaking Oath Auspex 4/Dominate or Presence 4 Road of Kings 73 Regionally Important Road of Kings pg. 73 28 Inspire Greatness Presence 3, Fortitude or Potence 2 Road of Kings 72 Regionally Important Road of Kings pg. 72

Xp Cost:


Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Known Members Media Sources

Greater Inspire Greatness Inspire Greateness 1, Presence 5 Road of Kings 72 Nationally Important Road of Kings pg. 72 14


In 1952, Joseph Pander succeeded in uniting the clanless of the Sabbat into a political force. United by a shared history of abuse at the hands of their fellows in the Sabbat, but also united in the belief that what the sabbat was doing was right, they gathered both to make them more effective in persuing the goals of the Sabbat, as well as for mutual protection. In the early days, many influential Tzimisce and Lasombra supported them, they used this newly formed group to their political advantage in a time of political strife, but as the Pander movement grew they quickly lost control. Too many panders had faced cruel treatment at the hands of the sabbats most prominent clans, and strong feelings on both sides forced the panders to go their own way. The Pander were given official clan status at the end of the 1957 Sabbat Civil War. Their efforts had kept the sect together in the time of crisis, and prevented many territories from falling to the Camarilla. While many had tried to curry their favor in the war, the group proved to be too diverse, and most negotiations failed. The Pander, with no clear allies in the war and no real motivation to aid any side, continued doing what members of the respectable clans did not, defend the domains of the sabbat. "They still talk about us behind our backs, but at least they are afraid to do it in the open. We grow in power each day, and soon we will make the Sabbat what it should be" Called Mutts and Caitiff by many in the sabbat, the Panders have long had to endure unfair treatment and outright abuse. As the members of clan Pander increased both in number and prestiege, members of other clans looked on. Many believed that they understood what it felt like to be a second class citizen to the Lasombra and Tzimicse, to never be considered quite as loyal, or quite as accomplished despite a long history of distinguished service. It was these sentiments that drove the first non-pander to join the movement back in 1985. Shifting the goals of the movement from Pander equality, to Clan equality. Not everyone in the movement was happy with this decision. They remembered their life before the clan was fully established and they remembered the abuses heaped upon them by the Lasombra, the Tzsimicse, AND the Antitribu. To suddenly unite with them seemed distasteful and some Panders just couldnt accept it. The older Panders mostly going to the Ultraconservatives, and the younger panders joining with the Loyalists. Those who left insist that not supporting the new ideals of the movement is not the same thing as not supporting their clan, and often continue to work very closely with the members of their clan to help them towards advancement within the sect. Beliefs of the Pander Movement

*All clans are necessary for the Sabbat to be successful *All Clans should have equal opportunities to serve in positions of leadership *None have the right to harass others who have not earned that derision *All who are oppressed must stand together in the fight against tyranny *None should allow their goals to endanger the Sabbat Symbols/Iconography The Pander Movement superimposes the pander symbol over the flag of whichever nation they are in. Often mistaken as a sign of protest by mortals, the flags scream We are everywhere! to those in the Sabbat hierarchy. Members who do not wish to give unnecessary credit to the pander clan when they advertise their works, use a Hammer and a Drop of blood as their symbol instead, claiming that it represents a reforging of the sword of Caine. Both are recognized by those in the Sabbat, but only the Pander "X" is officially recognized by the pander movement. Nicknames Many names are thrown around for members of the Pander Movement, but in the end, it is what the Movement allows itself to be called that matters. Often called fanatics for their daring feats of bravery and stupidity, they have taken the name as a badge of pride. "The other clans arent fanatical in their loyalty to the Sabbat, but we are!" With the increased membership of clans other than pander, the Pander movement is more so being referred to as simply "The Movement" by non-pander members. All attempts to officially make this change have been unsuccessful and have led to tensions within the pander movement. Role within the Sabbat The Pander Movement sits outside the normal political spectrum. They dont focus on how their goals should be achieved, only that they should be. This allows them to be a wild card, wheeling and dealing with all of the factions, keeping alliances only as long as a better offer doesnt come along. The Ultra-conservatives and the Loyalists tend to be the traditional allies of the Pander Movement. The Ultra-conservatives because the Movement is so focused on loyalty to the Sabbat before personal ideals, and The Loyalists because the Movement is pushing for increased equality. Prerequisites to Join The requirements for PCs to join the Pander Movement are as follows: Storyteller Approval and Pander Sub-coord Notification

You must be prepared to be on the front lines. Brawl x3 or Melee x3 You must know the reasons why you must fight Sabbat Lore x2 You must fulfill one of the below requirements: A history of loyalty, and can pass trials by fire Group Loyalty: Pander Movement or Sabbat(1 point Merit) and Fire Dancing x2 or A Reputation for extreme acts done in service to the Sabbat Daredevil(3 point merit) or Sabbat Reputation merit if appropriate reputation or Successfully having completed daylight operations for the Sect Charred Accomplishment status and Courage 5 or Be a member of clan Pander Immediate Benefits of Joining (Locally Important) Fanatics have training ritae that help new members overcome their natural fear of death and pain. Story tellers are encouraged to allow fanatics to buy courage, and courage related merits without restriction. Furthermore, Pander may buy courage related merits at their listed cost instead of the traditional double cost for merits after character creation. Fanatics have access to the pound, a list of all Sabbat known to have expressed anti-pander or anti-antitribu sentiments. All members of the movement should work to overthrow and expose those on this list as the incompetent and traitorous bastards they likely are. Once per month, a Fanatic may call upon their fellows to learn one level of a basic discipline without a PC teacher. (Potence, Celerity, Fortitude, Presence, Obfuscate, Auspex, Dominate, Animalism, Protean, Dementation) Immediate Detriments of Joining (Locally Important) As the Fanatics are trying to supplant many of the current leaders of the Sabbat, leaders who know of their political affiliation will often give them the most difficult and dangerous missions, hoping that their death or failure will put an end to their insurrection. While anyone may ignore the status of others, as Lasombra and Tzimisce often do in the case of Panders, those claiming membership in the Pander movement may discover that they are often

treated worse once they have joined. Those with more status than a Fanatic may make their disgust obvious by bidding the Fanatics faction status as negative status. While this can land the offender on The Pound so many people do it so often that pursuing any but the worst offenders would be a waste of time, and may even incur the wrath of a large population of the Sabbat that dislike fanatics but dont go out of their way to harm them. Tzimisce and Lasombra that join the Pander Movement gain Clan Enmity from their former clan that can not be bought off as long as they are a member of the Movmeent. Members of other clans gain either Clan Enmity:Lasombra or Clan Enmity:Tzimisce which may be bought off normally. Prerequisites for Advancement (Regionally Important) In order to be known as a Regionally Important Member of the Pander Movement, a PC: Must have been a member for at least one year. Must Truly Understand the Sabbat, and its aims Sabbat Lore x3, Noddist Lore x1 Must be a capable defender of the Sword of Caine Melee 4 or Brawl 4 Two Physical Disciplines at Second Intermediate or Higher.(Potence, Celerity, Fortitude) Must embody the ideals of the Sabbat Sabbat Path of Enlightenment x2 Must be an accomplished member of the Sabbat At least 4 Personal status and a Pander, or at least 6 personal status Must be seen by the pander in his region to be exceedingly loyal to the movement and the Sabbat Storyteller, and Sub-coord approval Additional Benefits of Regional Importance With increased prestige, more knowledgeable members are willing to spend time training you. Once per month you may purchase one level of a Discipline up to Second Intermediate level without a PC teacher. (Potence, Celerity, Fortitude, Presence, Obfuscate, Auspex, Dominate, Animalism, Protean, Dementation) At this level you become a keeper of The Pound and capable of proposing one new name for the list each month. Send Proposals to [email protected] with the characters name, chronicle, and how they stand in the way of the movement. You can also have a name removed

from the list by saying how you evened the score. Removing people from the pound is one of the quickest ways to gain a reputation for loyalty in the movement. Fanatics know best how to intimidate their foes in battle. Fanatics who use seemingly suicidal tactics(ST Discretion) may, once per combat, request a courage check, difficulty 5 from a single foe who can perceive them. Appropriate actions such as lighting yourself on fire may prompt separate courage checks normally in addition to the check called for by the Fanatic. Additional Detriments of Regional Importance You are being groomed for leadership. Other members eye you closely judging if you are worthy or not and any acts of cowardice or treason, or the appearance of such acts, is enough to make other Fanatics doubt your worth. In such cases the offending Fanatic loses all benefits of membership for a full month. (No learning of disciplines, Cannot Propose names to The Pound, and is denied access to the ritae that helps bolster a Fanatics courage(Fanatic is down 1 courage for the month) If he serves loyally for the full month, then the benefits of membership are restored. (Storytellers may choose to inflict longer durations or even exile to those who commit serious betrayals, please notify the pander sub-coord in these cases) It is your duty to report the successes and failures of lesser known members in your region. You are also expected to render aid to them so long as what they request does not harm them, or the movement. Failure to do so could leave those is the movement questioning your devotion. You gain Clan Enmity: Lasombra or Tzimisce. If you already have one, you get the other. If you have both you get a one point enemy determined by your ST based on your past actions on behalf of the movement. Prerequisites for Advancement (National Importance) Must have been a Regionally important Member for one year. Must not have been reprimanded in the past six months Must intimately understand the Sabbat, and its aims Sabbat Lore x4, Noddist Lore x3 Must be an exemplary defender of the Sword of Caine Melee 5 or Brawl 5 Three Physical Disciplines at Second Intermediate or Higher.(Potence, Celerity, Fortitude) All in clans at Advanced Must fully embrace the ideals of the Sabbat Sabbat Path of Enlightenment x4

Path Lore x3 Must be an renowned member of the Sabbat 8 Personal status or Must hold the rank of Bishop or Higher Must be capable of working with at least one of the leading clans May not have Clan Enmity: Lasombra AND Clan Enmity: Tzimisce Must be seen to be exceedingly loyal to the movement and the Sabbat, and recognized nationally. Storyteller, and Sabbat Coord(Pander Sub-coord) approval, Coord may consult existing Nationally important members. Additional Benefits for National Importance May learn an Advanced discipline, once per month, without a PC teacher. (Potence, Celerity, Fortitude, Presence, Obfuscate, Auspex, Dominate, Animalism) May call a Crusade against someone on the pound. While none are required to kill the individual this crusade is called upon, all members of the movement who can must harass, attack, and generally teach the person what a bad idea it is to fuck with the movement, its members, and anyone under their protection. Members at this level may learn the most closely guarded secrets of the pander movement. They may learn the discipline Kineticism to its advanced level from Joseph Pander.

KINETICISM (WOD Outcasts p.37)

Dampening Spend a blood to reduce the damage of the next successful attack against you by one. This damage reduction happens before fortitude. Redirection When spending an action to dodge a projectile, a character may decide to use Redirection instead. The character performs a physical test to dodge exactly as if he wasn't using redirection. If he is successful, the projectile misses and a simple test is thrown. On a win it hits the original attacker. Vengeful Strike Spend a blood, the next time you take damage you gain an additional damage on your next melee or brawl attack. This attack must take place the round you took damage or the following round. Discharge Spend a blood and a willpower before you attack with a ranged weapon to add one damage to the

attack if it is successful. Kinetic Shield Spend a blood and a full round action to summon a 6'x4' - 5 health level transparent barrier directly in front of you. When summoning the kinetic shield, you may spend any number of physical traits. For each 2 that you spend, you may increase the Health levels of the barrier by one, or its size by three foot increments. Additional Detriment for National Importance You are branded an upstart by the higher ups within the sabbat. You are more likely to be questioned by the black hand, the inquisition, and the priesthood. Your actions will be closely watched, and any deviance from Sabbat law WILL be discovered, its only a matter of time. You are successful and well known, but now that you are successful in the Sabbat, other pander watch you warily, fearing that you might have no reason to remain in their ranks. Should you leave or betray the Pander movement you will be given the Dark Fate flaw. There is no limit to the number of Pander willing to throw their life away hunting you, and eventually, one will succeed.

Known Members Joseph Pander- Founder and current leader of both clan Pander and the Pander Movement. Pander is believed to be the youngest cainite to have ever been appointed to the position of Prisci. Pander never tolerates the abuse of his clans men, however he has a tendency to stick his neck out for anyone being unfairly treated in the Sabbat. This philosophy has gained him a very loyal following among many of the clans of the Sabbat, even while giving his enemies more ammunition to use against him. Suggested Paths of Enlightenment Honorable Accord, Feral Heart, Orion, Power and the Inner Voice, and Revelations Suggested Merits and Flaws Daredevil(LOTN Rev), Calm Heart(LOTN Rev), Group Loyalty(LOTH), Fearless Ferocity(GttLC) Bloodline(Outcasts) Clan Weakness(Outcasts) Thin Blood(LOTN Rev) Extra In Clan(LOTN Rev) Derangement:Megalomania(LOTN Rev) Combination Disciplines Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Brace for Impact Fortitude 4/Potence 2 Mexico By Night 115

Rarity System Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost:

Locally Important Use as printed, replace dot with level 11 Iron Faade Fortitude 1, Obfuscate 3 Archons & Templars pg 140 Locally Important Use the System for Flesh Wound found in Clanbook: Gangrel Revised pg. 72 5 Inspire Greatness Presence 3, Fortitude or Potence 2 Road of Kings 72 Regionally Important Road of Kings pg. 72 21

Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

Greater Inspire Greatness Inspire Greateness 1, Presence 5 Road of Kings 72 Nationally Important Road of Kings pg. 72 14 Diplomats Boon Presence 5, Auspex 3 Libellus Sanguinis 2 pg 37 Regionally Important The player spends a blood point and has her character concentrate for one turn on her subject. She then knows what to say to elicit a particular response. If the character is attempting to further an idea that the target believes fundamentally wrong (such as convincing a pacifist monk to propose war, or a happy person to consider suicide), the target is permitted a Static

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

Willpower challenge (difficulty 8). The effects last for one turn. 11 Glare of Lies Auspex 2, Valeren 1 Guide to the High Clans pg 168 Nationally Important The user of this power makes a Social Challenge--retest Empathy for user, Subterfuge for target--against anyone he wishes to scrutinize. Anyone who fails this challenge may still lie, but the user of this power recognizes the deception. This power cannot sense subtler deceptions by omission or half-truth. As long as those scrutinized tell the truthhowever partial or deliberately obtusethe power detects no falsehood. 7

Xp Cost: Media Sources


In 1999, the mysterious and utter destruction of the Tremere Antitribu left the Sabbat vulnerable, without competent blood sorcerers to counter the Camarillan Tremere, or independent clans such as the Assamites or Giovanni. The highest ranks of the Sabbat Clergy took immediate steps to address the problem, creating a Pack known only as The Scholars based out of Montreal and under the leadership of Father Juan Carlos, a Brujah Priest, to re-discover the lost secrets of House Goratrix. At the same time, in Mexico City, Esteban Agua y Tierra, a Tzimisce Koldun, and his packmate La Viuda Blanca, one of the reclusive and newly emerged Harbingers of Skulls, discovered the abandoned Haven of a powerful Tremere Anti-Tribu and began conducting their own research. Over the next decade, a small network of Priests, Occultists and Scholars grew up among the Sabbat of North America. Not until 2010 did the Underground achieve the breakthrough they had been looking for, however; by combining ancient Mayan blood magic native to North America with the tomes of the Tremere Anti-tribu, they were able to craft a Blood Sorcery that could be taught among their brothers and sisters. At the 2010 Palla Grande in New York City, the Underground made its debut, standing among the other factions of the Sabbat in an attempt to avert Civil War. Beliefs of the Occult Underground *In order to survive and defeat its enemies, the Sabbat must have skilled Occultists of its own *Regardless of Clan, only those of the Occult Underground have the knowledge to practice Blood Magic safely, and ensure that it is being used in the best interests of the Sect *The Underground must be constantly on guard against those who seek the easy path to power and delve into the infernal arts

Nickname Witch, Ah Nakom

As Occultists, the Underground often finds itself regarded with the same caution as the late Tremere Antitribu.

Symbols and Iconography

The relatively small numbers of The Underground make any statement about symbols or iconography somewhat misleading; while The Scholars in Montreal have a fondness for Priests robes, for instance, the rest of the movement does not neccessarily follow suit. Since the movements debut in New York, however, severl prominent members have begun wearing Mayan symbols as something of a badge, most commonly the Eagle for its

associations with wisdom and contemplation, or Night, for obvious reasons.

Role within the Sabbat

The Occult Underground has not yet taken sides in the political conflicts of the Sabbat; the Consistory has, however, assigned the Inquisition to oversee the spread of Bacaban through the Sabbat and to watch for signs of infernalism. It remains to be seen whether working closely with The Inquisition will bring the two factions together, or drive a wedge of resentment between them. Furthermore, the Underground regards any Blood Mages who do not join its ranks with suspicion, including Lasombra Abyss Mystics, Tzimisce Kolduns, Assamite Sorcerors, or Harbinger Necromancers.

Prerequisites to Join
(Note: The following sections are reprinted from the Occult Underground Packet) The requirements for PCs to join the Occult Underground are as follows: Storyteller Approval and Occult Underground Sub-coord Approval Abilities: Rituals x2, Lore: Kindred x2, Lore: Sabbat x2, Lore: Noddist 1, Occult x3, Astrology x2, Theology x2 Backgrounds: Occult Influence x2 or Occult Library x2 Status: Ordained Priest Morality: Path of Enlightenment (Must be a Sabbat Path of Enlightenment, not Humanity) at level 2

Immediate Benefits of Neophyte

-Neophytes may be given access to Rarity 1 Bakuban - The Occult Underground is made up exclusively of Priests; finding a teacher for Ritae, therefore, is casually simple for members. The Underground may be used by any member to provide a teacher for up to level 5 of both the Rituals Ability and Background. - Long before they were able to trade in Bacaban, the Underground traded in knowledge, and this practice continues today. Members of the Underground may learn the following Lores at

level 1 from their brothers and sisters: Lore: Tremere Antitribu, Lore: Demon, Lore: Infernal, Lore: Mages, Lore: Thaumaturgy, Lore: Abyss, Lore: Spirits, Lore: Umbra - The Underground often finds Auspex useful in their nightly activities; fortunately, there are more than enough Tzimisce and Harbingers in the Underground to act as instructors. Members of the Underground may purchase the Basic levels of Auspex, taught by another member of the Faction. - The Underground accepts members who practice other forms of Blood Magic as well; instead of access to Bakuban, these members may, once a month, use their Underground contacts to unearth a Basic Ritual for their Blood Magic as if they had taken the level 3 Occult Influence Action, subject to their usual Rarity restrictions.

Immediate Detriments of Neophytes

Faction members tend toward antagonistic relationships with occultists of other clans who are not members of the Faction, particularly Tzimisce Kolduns and Lasombra Abyss Mystics.

Prerequisites For Advancement (Cleric)

Abilities: Rituals x4, Lore: Kindred x4, Lore: Sabbat x4, Lore: Noddist: 3, Occult x5, Astrology x3, Theology x4 Backgrounds: Occult influence x4 or Occult Library x4 Status: Bishop, Templar to an Archbishop (or Higher), Paladin Morality: Path of Enlightenment (MUST be a Sabbat Path, not Humanity) at level 4 Paths: Two Rarity 1 Paths at Advanced* Rituals: 15 Rarity One Rituals* As a general rule, candidates will not be considered for advancement to this Rank until they have been neophytes for at least 6 months. *These requirements hold for non-Bakuban blood mages; they merely are measured on their skill with their chosen paradigm of sorcery.

Immediate Benefits of Clerics

Clerics may be given access to Rarity 2 Bakuban - Clerics of the Underground may learn the following Lores at level 2 from their brothers and sisters: Lore: Tremere Antitribu, Lore: Demon, Lore: Infernal, Lore: Mages, Lore: Thaumaturgy, Lore: Abyss, Lore: Spirits, Lore: Umbra - The Underground often finds Auspex useful in their nightly activities; fortunately, there are more than enough Tzimisce and Harbingers in the Underground to act as instructors. Clerics of the Underground may purchase the Intermediate levels of Auspex, taught by another member of the Faction. - The Underground accepts members who practice other forms of Blood Magic as well; instead of access to Bakuban, these members may, once a month, use their Underground contacts to unearth an Intermediate Ritual for their Blood Magic as if they had taken the level 4 Occult Influence Action, subject to their usual Rarity restrictions.

Immediate Detriments of Regional Importance Prerequisites For Advancement (Master)

Abilities: Rituals x5, Lore: Kindred x5, Lore: Sabbat x5, Lore Noddist x4, Occult x5, Lore: Tremere Antitribu x2, Lore: Demon x2, Lore: Infernal x2, Astrology x5, Theology x5, and a Specialization in the Mayan Religion Backgrounds: Occult Influence x5 or Occult Library x5 Status: Archbishop, Priscus, Cardinal, Regent, Inquisitor or direct agent for the Inquisition, and Heads of the Occult Underground Morality: Path of Enlightenment (MUST be a Sabbat Path, not Humanity) at level 4 Paths: Two Rarity 2 Paths at Advanced Rituals: 15 Rarity 2 Rituals As a general rule, candidates will not be considered for advancement to this Rank until they have been Clerics for at least 1 Year.

Immediate Benefits of Masters

Masters may be given access to Rarity 3 Bakuban - Masters of the Underground may learn the following Lores at level 3 from their brothers and sisters: Lore: Tremere Antitribu, Lore: Demon, Lore: Infernal, Lore: Mages, Lore: Thaumaturgy, Lore: Abyss, Lore: Spirits, Lore: Umbra - The Underground often finds Auspex useful in their nightly activities; fortunately, there are more than enough Tzimisce and Harbingers in the Underground to act as instructors. Masters of the Underground may purchase the Advanced level of Auspex, taught by another member of the Faction. - The Underground accepts members who practice other forms of Blood Magic as well; instead of access to Bakuban, these members may, once a month, use their Underground contacts to unearth an Advanced Ritual for their Blood Magic as if they had taken the level 5 Occult Influence Action, subject to their usual Rarity restrictions.

Immediate Detriments of National Importance

Known Members
Esteban Agua y Tierra - A Tzimisce Koldun and Bacaban practicioner based in Mexico City, Esteban has become the de facto head of the faction in recent months - somewhat strange, as it was Father Juan Carlos who was originally charged with researching the tomes of the Tremere Antri-Tribue. Some whisper that even among the Occult Underground, some Clans are more equal than others, and that the Consistory favors a Tzimisce over a mere antitribu. Father Juan Carlos - Priest and charismatic leader of The Scholars, perhaps the only full Pack of Occult Underground members in existence, based out of Montreal. Juan Carlos was a Jesuit in life, and values logic and learning as much as faith. Among the Underground, it has quickly become seen as an honor to give confession to The Father.

La Viuda Blanca - Mysterious and anti-social, La Viuda Blanca seemed an odd choice to represent the Underground in New York City. Several members of the faction have speculated that the only reason to send The Harbinger was that the Underground knew ahead of time that negotiations would break down, and that the meeting was a waste of time.

Suggested Paths of Enlightenment

Caine, Cathari, Death and the Soul, Metamorphosis, Redemption

Suggested Merits and Flaws

Ability Aptitude: Occult; Calm Heart; Code of Honor: Popol Vuh; Concentration; Oracular Ability; Secret Society Member

Combination Disciplines Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Name the Fallen Auspex 3, Blood Magic 1 Archons & Templars pg 140 Master By spending a Blood Trait and making a Mental challenge (see difficulty chart below) a Thaumaturge may identify a deceased person, kindred or kine. The Thaumaturge must have a part of the physical remains, such as a bone, finger or other body part, a pile of ash is also sufficient. If the test is not successful, the body part being used cannot be used again to identify the deceased; a new part must be used on a new attempt. Only the identity of the person is given. The user does not get any information about clan, method of death, generation, powers or abilities. This must be determined by alternate means or powers. Time since death Difficulty: Kindred Difficulty: Kine Less than 24 9 7 1-7 Days 9 7 1 Month or less 10 8 6 Months or less 11 9 1 Year or less 12 10 10 Years or less 14 12 1 Century or less 18 16 More than 1 Century NA 18 5 Mystic Sight Auspex 2, Blood Magic 1

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required

Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Media Sources

Guide to the Low Clans 163 Cleric Use the system for Thaumaturgical Sight found in the Clanbook: Tremere Revised pg. 47 3


Overview During the 14th Century Europe had been stricken by a terrible plague. Fourteen saints were assembled to look after the infected masses. One of these individuals, ST. Blaise was a miracle worker who could cure illnesses of the throat via the power of his faith in the Almighty. Because of the success he met, every February 3rd, throats would be blessed by a pair of crossed candles. Some Cainites found irony in this and the fact that the day of this is the day after Candlemas, a Pagan fire festival. Intrigued by the serendipity of these events being so reminiscent to them, they formed a Secret Society to exist as their shadowy counterpart. This order quickly began to infiltrate the Church and proved to be invaluable to the survival of many Cainites during the reign of the Inquisition. The Order of Saint Blaise plays a dangerous and careful game. They have subtly integrated themselves into the Catholic Church and use this to see to things that most Sabbat largely neglect. They influence the mortal world in ways such as generating soup kitchens to function as herds. Most useful is that in cities with massive crime rates and terrible instances of murder, rape etc; the mortal flock are often driven to the house of God in search of respite from the horros of day to day living. In a Sabbat city, the Church flourishes. Nickname Preacher Symbols/Iconography The Order commonly makes use of religious iconography, such as the crucifix or Rosary beads. Members of Moncadas Legionnaires combine this with military fatigues or black bandanas.

Role within the Sabbat The Order as mentioned above maintains vast networks of mortal influences but that is only the beginning of their role. Another is to offer shelter to the wounded within the Sect and spiritual guidance. A number of the most revered priests of the Sect belong to this order. Beyond this are Mocadas Legionnaires who after the death of Moncada, have devoted their efforts to maintaining his dreams and reminding humanity why they should fear the dark. The Legionnaires are also a potent military arm of the Order and Lasombra at large. There is also a growing group of Cainites who call themselves the Fabians. A group of humane Cainites who believe that the Sectswar against the Ancients doesnt necessarily require one to strip their souls to such a base state asso many do and offer guidance to the growing surplus of Cainites who have been receiving minimal aid from inexperienced pack priests, (albeit often creating different problems in the process.)

Prerequisites to Join Approval of the Order of St. Blaise Sub-coordinator Storyteller Approval Leadership x2, Lore: Sabbat x2, Theology x1, Rituals x1, Influence: Church x3 You must be a staunch believer in Catholicism in order to seek membership. Immediate Benefits of Local Importance The immediate benefit of membership is access to an elder within your region (Often shared over multiple chonicles by multiple pcs.) who serves as the equivalent of Mentor 4. In addition to this powerful contact, the character may enjoy the benefits of a safe haven with the Church when the character (Potentially his/her entire pack if careful enough.) travels. I would add that this mentor only functions for use of allies, contacts, and influence Immediate Detriments of Local Importance The Order of St. Blaise works diligently to maintain its network of mortal influences in sabbat held cities. That means a great deal of leg work for all of its members. The PC will be expected to cultivate influences for the Order and may be called upon to use them in certain ways. In addition to this a pc may be expected to create a mortal identity for use within the Order. I would prolly add something about neg status for being to humane in the Sabbat. Prerequisites for Advancement (Regional Importance) Approval of the Order of St. Blaise Sub-coordinator Storyteller Approval You must have been of Local Importance for at least 6 Months. Change to a year Leadership x3, Lore: Sabbat x3, Theology x3, Occult x2, Rituals x3, Influence: Church x4 You must hold the position of Abbot or Priest in a pack. Additional Benefits of Regional Importance At this point the characters Mentor rating gained through membership is considered a five and will often see use to gain equivalent levels in a sphere of influence or Lores. However, it can also teach pcs one Advanced leveling a discipline. Whether it be Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate or Presence. Not to mention the character also now gains access to the Combi Disciplines practiced by this society which will be discussed later in the packet. Combi Disciplines listed below

Additional Detriments of Regional Importance At this point it becomes expected that members of the Faction begin acquiring mortal fame in order to be able to affect the surrounding area of their respected City. They will also likely be pushed to obtain some sort of power beyond pack positions and even be sent as a missionary to deal with problems of the faction. Last Fame level requirement and I would include something more about neg status. Prerequisites for Advancements (National Importance) Approval of the Order of St. Blaise Sub-coordinator Add Sabbat Coord Storyteller Approval You must have been of Regional Importance for 1 Year Leadership x5, Theology x5, Lore: Sabbat x5, Rituals x5, Influence: Church x5, Fame x3 You must hold and retain the position of Priest or Abbot within your Pack, serve as Archbishop of your Diocese (or a higher position within the Clergy), and possess at least 8 measures of Personal Status. Additional Benefits of National Importance At this point the character is a mover and shaker within the Order and may induct new members into the Order who work beneath them. (Requires same OOC approvals) In addition to this, the member gains the ability to call Moncadas Legionnaires to their aid. (Mechanics of this should be left to the individual ST but their arrival should have a serious impact on the game in question.) Additional Detriments of National Importance As a mover and shaker there are expectations of you and youd better meet them. Now you must coordinate Missions among the factions and punish failure etc. You are the Order of St.Blaise. Again some status effecting thing. Known Members Moncada. Write Blurb on Moncada Plans within plans (Other groups within the Faction) The Fabians A group of Cainites dedicated to preserving the souls of their peers. In addition to this, the group is also an order of warriors who defend their beliefs with swift sword. These warrior priests

accept members up to the task of serving such a high purpose but only once tested. I would elaborate on the history a bit more. Nickname: Zealots Membership Requirements: Theology x2, Lore: Noddist x2, Melee x5, Dodge x5, Brawl x3, Lore: Sabbat x3 Discipline Requirements: Potence x2, Celerity x2, Fortitude x2, Presence x2, Auspex x2 Benefit: (THOUGHTS???) Fabians are considered to have teachers for Potence, Celerity and Fortitude. However only one of these may be used to learn the Advanced Level Moncadas Legionnaires Nickname: Legionnaires (Insert Flavor Text here.) Approvals Approval of the Order of St. Blaise Sub-coordinator Lasombra Coordinator Approval Storyteller Approval Membership Requirements: Theology x3, Stealth x4, Firearms x5, Melee x4, Intimidation x5, Lore: Lasombra x2 Discipline Requirements: Potence x4, Celerity x2, Fortitude x2, Dominate x3, Obfuscate x2, Obtenebration x5 Other Requirements: Must be Lasombra, Must be on the Path of Righteous Night or Allied Night, Must make pilgrimage to the resting place of Moncada. Benefit: Members of this group tend to have access to military grade weaponry. (Gain access to the Equipment Background, which is detailed in Laws of the Hunt.) Also, with Lasombra Coordinator approval the character may begin to learn Abyss Mysticism. Would Insert a custom Combi that lets them do the shadow wall meld thing. Advantages

Common Merits within the order are available in Laws of the Hunt. Storytellers are advised to use their judgment. Combination Disciplines Will be added dependant on what the Sabbat Coord finds appropriate.) Suggested Paths of Enlightenment Humanity, Honorable Accord, Redemption, Righteous Night, Night Suggested Merits and Flaws Combination Disciplines Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Anticipatory Visage Auspex 4, Obfuscate 3 Archons & Templars pg 142 Regionally Important The player spends a blood point and makes Social Challenge versus the targetretest Performance. If successful, the character immediately takes the form (per Mask of a Thousand Faces) of the individual the target most expected. The character is not immediately aware of the form she has taken, and may have difficulty carrying the ruse further than the initial contact. While this power provides the form of the expected individual, it does not provide any knowledge of her personality or memories; the character must be exceedingly careful not to give herself away through suspicious behavior. A vampire with Auspex can see through this power if her Auspex exceeds the characters Obfuscate. 12 Anticipatory Locution Auspex 4, Obfuscate 3, Anticipatory Visage Archons & Templars pg 142 Nationally Important This power does not require the expenditure of blood, as it is considered active when the user

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

has succeeded in invoking Anticipatory Visage. Any time the character utters a short answer to a question (no more than a single moderate sentence or so), the player makes Social challenge versus the target using Subterfuge as the retest. If successful, the target hears the answer he would have expected from whoever he believes the character to be. This power breaks down in long conversation or under in-depth questioning, and it can be seen (heard) through with Auspex if the Kindreds Auspex is greater than the characters Obfuscate. 10 Mortal Skin Dominate 3/Obfuscate 3 Road of Humanity pg 71 Locally Important Road of Humanity pg. 71 5 Beasts Communion Animalism 3/Auspex 4 Road of Humanity pg 70 Locally Important Road of Humanity pg. 70 14 Echo of the Subtle Vizier Obtenebration 2, Dominate 2 Guide to the High Clans pg 165 Regionally Important The player spends one blood point and engages in a Static Social challengeretest Empathy versus the targets Willpower. Success allows the vampire to suspend a Dominate power for up to one hourthis suspended power must be

Xp Cost: Media Sources

immediately activated, with all necessary expenditures and challenges. The target resists as appropriate. Regardless of the results, the target does not remember the brief exchange and nothing actually happens until the duration of suspension passes. One of the more cunning uses of this power is to suspend Revelers Memory (Forgetful Mind) so that it retroactively erases all memories during the time the power was suspended. The vampire then issues commands with immediate uses of Dominate, knowing the servant will remember none of his actions later. 7


Overview Nickname Devil Symbols and Iconography Role within the Sabbat Prerequisites to Join Immediate Benefits of Local Importance Immediate Detriments of Local Importance Prerequisites For Advancement (Regionally Important) Immediate Benefits of Regional Importance Immediate Detriments of Regional Importance Prerequisites For Advancement (Nationally Important) Immediate Benefits of National Importance Immediate Detriments of National Importance Suggested Paths of Enlightenment Humanity, Honorable Accord, Metamorphosis, Caine, Death and the Soul Suggested Merits and Flaws Combination Disciplines Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Shape of all Beasts Protean 4/Vicissitude 3 Mexico by Night pg 114 Regionally Important Changing form costs one blood point and takes three turns. Each additional blood point spend reduces the time by one turn, to a minimum of one turn. If the Character uses the power to transform someone else, the transformation takes minutes instead of turns. Additionally, an

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

unwilling character can resist. In addition to trying to break free of the users grip assuming an unwilling participant wouldnt be restrained in some shapeunwilling characters may also resist by making a contested Willpower challenge against the would-be-flesh-shapers Physical Traits. Unlike Shape of the Beast, the transformation does not assimilate the Cainitess clothing and small personal possessions. While in animal form, a character can use any of her Disciplines except for Necromancy, Serpentis, Thaumaturgy, or Vicissitude. The ST defines the natural abilities of the various animal forms. A character with Shape of All Beasts can stay in animal form as long as she wants. She can resume her human form at will, without the need to expend more vitae. So can another character who has Shape of the Beast. Cainites of equal or lower generation than the character can heal back the transformation as if it were five levels of lethal damage. Mortals and Cainites of higher generation than the character cannot reverse the change at all without extensive reshaping by another master of Vicissitude. 12 Enhance the Wild Ride Animalism 4, Protean 4 Libellus Sanguinis 3 pg 36-37 Nationally Important As Subsume the Spirit but use the table above instead of the one in the standard description. The vampire-animal bond is much stronger in Enhance the Wild Mind than in Subsume the Spirit. As such, the player need not spend Willpower

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

to get the animal to go against its instinct and, with the expenditure of five Traits, the player can spend blood (from the animals blood pool) to enhance its physical Attributes. If blood point spending reduces an animal below half its blood pool, however, it dies instantly, with the vampires mind in place. This complete inhabitation has a side effectit clouds the vampires soul with the instincts and nature of the animal inhabited. When the vampire retakes their natural form they gain the permanent Negative Social Traits of Bestial x2 which may be bought off normally. Spending 4 temporary Willpower reduces the effects on the psycheresulting in the player gaining only Bestial x1. If the animal inhabited dies or gets over stimulated the ST may call for a Static Mental challenge (difficulty 8 Traits)retest Empathyin order to maintain control over the animals body. Failure results in the player getting snapped back to their body and prevents them from spending Willpower to temper this powers bestial psychic aftershocks. Use of this power during the day functions exactly as Subsume the Beast. 8 Unchain the Wrathful Beast Animalism 5, Vicissitude 4 Guide to the High Clans pg 170 Regionally Important The vampire releases his Beast using the Animalism power Drawing Out the Beast. Once the Beast finds a home, it burns two of the vampires blood points to change the host into zulo shape (Horrid Form). The painful transformation lasts two turns, after which the host enters

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

immediate frenzy. The Beast will not attack the vampire it rightfully belongs to, but assaults everyone and anyone else in range of its claws. At any time, the vampire may recall his Beast with a successful Simple Social challengeretest Animal Ken. Only one such attempt may be made per turn. . If the host dies before the vampire recalls his Beast, the Beast rises out of the corpse as a black, writhing miasma and flies back to the Cainite faster than mortal eyes can follow. Even after the Beast leaves the host, the physical changes remain. Vampires regain their form over three nights and lose all beneficial augmentations. Mortals and ghouls are not so fortunate, remaining locked in the zulo shape indefinitely. Worse still, mortals suffer one level of aggravated damage each day until they perish from rotted bone marrow and unnatural tumors. This decay can be slowed to one level of damage per week if the mortal remains a ghoul. Mortals (ghoul or otherwise) cannot heal the damage from their degenerating tissue, so this power spells their death sentence without extremely potent curative magic. 18 See the True Shape Auspex 2, Vicissitude 2 Guide to the High Clans pg 169 Locally Important The vampire scrutinizes the target and her player makes a Simple Mental Challenge retest Body Crafts. If the player fails, the vampire senses no alteration and assumes the target is in its

Xp Cost: Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

natural form. Success in the challenge allows the user to spot works of Vicissitude. Additional Mental traits may be expended to see through other shapechanging evoked through vampiric Disciplines, other magic (including mortal wizardry) and for natural shapechanging such as Lupines use. 7 Flesh of Wind and Water Celerity 2, Vicissitude 3 Archons & Templars pg 141 Locally Important Flesh of the Wind and Water (so named because of the rippling effect seen in the flesh as it operates) allows the Tsimisce to make those alterations allowed by the first three levels of Vicissitude almost instantly (each use of the power takes but a single turn), without the need to physically sculpt the alterations. The player spends two blood points each time this power is invoked, and must make all standard challenges required for the use of Vicissitude. He may use only a single Vicissitude power per use of Flesh of Wind and Water. Thus, if he wanted to use both Fleshcraft and Bonecraft on himself, he would have to use Flesh of Wind and Water twice, requiring a total of four blood points, two challenges and two turns. 8

Xp Cost:

Media Sources

Sub-Sect Factions

Overview The first incarnation of the Sabbat Inquisition was created in 1804 by Priscus Gustav Mallenhaus after a run in with demon cultists in Europe. With the assistance of the Shepherds of Caine he ran the first Inquisition War Party. Soeur Jeanne of the Shepherds of Caine took the position of leadership when the Inquisition first became an institution. At the peak of her power, she had 50 Inquisitors serving under her, and then they fell pray to the Sabbat Civil War. By 1900 it was impossible to tell if the Inquisition were hunting political rivals or infernalists. In 1911, Dominion Julian of the Black Hand met with the Shepherds of Caine and came up with a plan. Alfred Benezri and Julian created a formula for a smaller crusade, one that would remain independent of the Black Hand, thus requiring Julians abandonment of his Brothers. The two also came to the conclusion that Soeur Jeanne would have to be sacrificed and watched as she and her followers fell to the Black Hand outside the city of Philadelphia in 1919. In 1924 Julian abandoned his position within the Black Hand to form a new Inquisition. He held the position of Grand Inquisitor from 1924 until he met his final death in 1970 during an attack on a corrupted Black Hand cell in El Paso, Texas. At the time of his death, he was known to have survived 12 assassination attempts by the Hand. The position of Grand Inquisitor remained under contention for three years until Maria Sandoza, a survivor of the fight in El Paso, took the position. She has led the Inquisition ever since, slowly growing the faction from 15 Inquisitors to 30, in large part due to the success of the faction within the Sabbat. Nickname Purifier Symbols/Iconography The Iron Reliquary is perhaps the most famous symbol of the Sabbat Inquisition. They are swords forged of blackest iron in the traditional shape of the Sword of Caine, though they are modified to suit the Inquisitor that wields it, as well as to make an effective weapon. Inquisitors and their Templars and Paladins usually wear thick, red robes and red hoods with eye slits during formal proceedings. Some Inquisitors who have made great accomplishments have been gifted by high ranking Sabbat with ornate masks that are usually made of bone by skilled use of Vicissitude.

Role within the Sabbat The Inquisition exists to root out and hunt down Infernalists and Heretics within the sect. Due to their frequently brutal tactics there is little love for them. Those who call upon them for assistance or make accusations against others are also interrogated for heresy and infernalism. They have the ability to depose Bishops and Archbishops and to discredit Prisci. The Inquisition has only just avoided stepping over the line into becoming a political tool within the Sabbat. Prerequisites to Join (Templar to the Inquisition) The requirements for a PC to be appointed as a Templar to the Inquisition are as follows:

Storyteller and Sabbat Coordinator (Inquisition Sub-Coord) Approval IC approval from the higher ups within the Inquisition, both NPC and PC. Your actions prior to submitting a request for membership will be taken into account. Demon Lore 3 Fallen Lore 1 Infernal Lore 3 Sabbat Lore 3 Occult 3 Politics 3 Rituals 3 (both the Ability and the Background) Theology 3

Immediate Benefits (Templar to the Inquisition) Being appointed as a Templar to the Inquisition you will be assigned to a Judge or Knight Inquisitor to whom you are deemed to be a good fit. Teachers for Demon Lore, Infernal Lore, Sabbat Lore, Occult, Politics, Rituals and Theology up to 5. Teachers for Fallen Lore, Noddist Lore, Bahari Lore, and Baali Lore up to 2. Access to the Shepherds of Caine pack as a level 2 Mentor.

Immediate Determents (Templar to the Inquisition) Being appointed as a Templar to the Inquisition you will be given tasks by the Inquisitor that you work for. Some of these tasks may require travel. You are Inquisition now, no matter how low in their hierarchy. The Black Hand arent going to go out of their way to offer assistance to you. The Inquisition often engages in Witch-hunts. Other Cainites are less likely to trust you, as such, you gain the negative social trait of Untrustworthy. The only way to lose this trait is to leave the Inquisition, or have the Regent himself remove the stigma.

Prerequisites for Advancement (Paladin to the Inquisition) The requirements for a PC to advance to be a Paladin to the Inquisition are as follows: Storyteller Approval and Sabbat Coordinator (Inquisition Sub-Coord) Approval. IC approval from the higher ups within the Inquisition, both NPC and PC, that you serve under. You will be held accountable for your actions, as well as the actions of those that report to you. One year spent as a Templar to the Inquisition Demon Lore 4 Fallen Lore 2 Infernal Lore 4 Sabbat Lore 5 Occult 5 Politics 5 Rituals 5 (both the Ability and the Background) Theology 5 Noddist Lore 2 Bahari Lore 2 Baali Lore 2

Additional Benefits (Paladin to the Inquisition)

Being appointed as Paladin to the Inquisition. You have more free reign than as a Templar, but you are still required to report to the Judge or Knight Inquisitor youve been assigned to. You may even be given a Templar to assist you in your duties. Access to teachers for Fallen Lore, Bahair Lore, and Baali Lore 3, and Noddist Lore 5. Access to the combination disciplines: An Ear For Lies (Road of Kings, pg. 72), Minds Eye (Archons & Templars, pg. 143), Anticipatory Visage (Archons & Templars, pg. 142), Anticipatory Locution (Archons &Templars, pg. 142), Truth of Blood (Libellus Sanguinis III, pg. 66).

Additional Detriments (Paladin to the Inquisition) Being appointed as a Paladin to the Inquisition. You have more duties than a Templar and are held to a higher standard than other Cainites. You will be called upon to perform investigations and rid the sect of Heretics and the Infernal. Depending on past experience with the Inquisition, you may find Bishops and Archbishops will be less than welcoming to having an agent of the Inquisition within their city. The Legions of Hell have heard your name in passing. They wont go out of their way to send minions after you, but should you be present where they have agents, they will pursue you.

Prerequisites for Advancement (Knight or Judge Inquisitor) The requirements for a PC to advance to be a Paladin to the Inquisition are as follows: Storyteller Approval and Sabbat Coordinator (Inquisition Sub-Coord) Approval. IC approval from the higher ups within the Inquisition, both NPC and PC, that you serve under. You will be held accountable for your actions, as well as the actions of those that report to you. One year spent as a Paladin to the Inquisition Demon Lore 5 Fallen Lore 3 Infernal Lore 5 Noddist Lore 5 Bahari Lore 3 Baali Lore 3

Additional Benefits (Knight or Judge Inquisitor) When appointed as a Judge or Knight Inquisitor, you gain the ability to appoint up to 3 Templars and 1 Paladin to serve under you within the Inquisition. Access to the Shepherds of Caine pack as a level 4 Mentor. Approval from the Occult Underground to learn Hermetic Thaumaturgy. (In order to actually learn Hermetic Thaumaturgy you must have the approval of the Tremere Coordinator, the Sabbat Coordinator, the Inquisition Sub-Coord, and your HST).

Additional Detriments (Knight or Judge Inquisitor) As a Judge or Knight Inquisitor, you are held responsible for the actions of your Templars and Paladin. Their failings are your failings. You will be tasked with difficult and potentially life threatening tasks. You are one of 30 Inquisitors in the Sabbat. You are held to the highest standard of behavior within the Inquisition and are under a great deal of scrutiny. Should you fail to achieve these standards, you may find yourself under investigation. The denizens of Hell know your name. If given the chance, they will send their minions to hunt and kill you in payment for those you have hunted down and killed in your duties to the Inquisition. I would describe the differences between a Judge and Knight Inquisitor and perhaps some mechanical differences between the two besides thaum Known Members Maria Sandoza Grand Inquisitor (Montreal by Night, pg. 124) Black Wallace the Righteous Judge Inquisitor (Children of the Night, pg. 18 - 20) Navarrese - Judge Inquisitor (Archons & Templars - Narrator, has no actual write-up) Alfred Benezri - Judge Inquisitor (Montreal by Night, pg. 85 - 86)

Mercy Knight Knight Inquisitor (Children of the Night, pg. 17 - 18) Kervos - Knight Inquisitor (Nights of Prophecy, pg. 157) The Twilight (PC) Paladin to the Inquisition, serving Black Wallace the Righteous Father Erikon (PC) Templar to the Inquisition, serving Black Wallace the Righteous

Hermetic Thaumaturgy in the Inquisition To learn Thamauturgy within the Sabbat Inquisition one must first attain the rank of Knight or Judge Inquisitor. They must then seek approval from the Grand Inquisitor, Maria Sandoza. If the applicant is deemed worthy, they will be given permission to start their study of Hermetic Thaumaturgy. See the Tremere Thaumaturgy packet for learning times. The student must master all of the Rarity 1 Thaumaturgy before they will be considered for Rarity 2 Thaumaturgy. All Rarity 2 Thaumaturgy must be mastered before approval will be considered for that which falls under the Rarity 3 category. If the student is found to be abusing these gifts, their tutelage will be stopped, and depending on the situation, further punishment may follow. Judge Inquisitor Paths Gift of Morpheus (Rarity 1) Path of Blood (Rarity 1) The Path of the Fathers Vengeance (Rarity 1) Spirit Manipulation (Rarity 2) The Path of Corruption (Rarity 2) The Path of Curses (Rarity 3) Thaumaturgical Countermagic (Rarity 3)

Knight Inquisitor Paths

Rituals Basic

The Path of Mars (Rarity 1) Path of Blood (Rarity 1) Hands of Destruction (Rarity 1) Elemental Mastery (Rarity 2) The Path of Corruption (Rarity 2) The Path of Curses (Rarity 3) Thaumaturgical Countermagic (Rarity 3)

Craft Bloodstone (Rarity 1) Preserve Blood (Rarity 1) Summon the Guardian Spirit (Rarity 1) Deflection of Wooden Doom (Rarity 2)

Illuminate Trail of Prey (Rarity 2) True Sight (Rarity 3)

Intermediate Firewalker (Rarity 1) Mirror of Second Sight (Rarity 1) Summon the Mischievous Spirit (Rarity 1) Bottled Voice (Rarity 2) Ward versus Cainites (Rarity 2) Mirror Walk (Rarity 3)

Advanced Eyes of the Beast (Rarity 1) Lion Heart (Rarity 1) Invisible Chains of Binding (Rarity 2) Ward versus Demons (Rarity 2) Warding Circle versus Demons (Rarity 2) Dominion (Rarity 3) Mindcrawler (Rarity 3) Paper Flesh (Rarity 3)

Suggested Paths of Enlightenment Humanity, Honorable Accord, Cathari, Redemption, Caine, Power and the Inner Voice, Righteous Night Suggested Merits and Flaws Combination Disciplines Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Name the Fallen Auspex 3, Blood Magic 1 Archons & Templars pg 140 Judge or Knight Inquisitor By spending a Blood Trait and making a Mental challenge (see difficulty chart below) a Thaumaturge may identify a deceased person, kindred or kine. The Thaumaturge must have a part of the physical remains, such as a bone, finger or other body part, a pile of ash is also sufficient. If the test is not successful, the body part being used cannot be used again to identify the deceased; a new part must be used on a new attempt. Only the identity of the person is given. The user does not get any

Xp Cost:

information about clan, method of death, generation, powers or abilities. This must be determined by alternate means or powers. Time since death Difficulty: Kindred Difficulty: Kine Less than 24 9 7 1-7 Days 9 7 1 Month or less 10 8 6 Months or less 11 9 1 Year or less 12 10 10 Years or less 14 12 1 Century or less 18 16 More than 1 Century NA 18 5

What is Hersey in the Sabbat Media Sources


Overview The Black Hand incorporates all factions but serves for a purpose unknown to the average Sabbat member. Generally, the Hand tends to keep the Moderate agenda and push forward the status quo agenda. However, it is clear to anyone paying attention that the Hand, despite its tendency to not get directly involved in Sect politics, is not shy to throw its weight around if it feels something needs to be done. The most obvious example of this being the recent ascension of a new Regent, some say on the Hand's endorsement alone. And yet, there are whispers that the Hand believes it has come to be a crutch for the Sword of Caine and it is removing itself completely from the Sabbat's politics. Whether these rumors are true or part of a larger plan is unclear, as is the role the Hand plays or will play in the Sect's politics at all. Nickname Chosen Symbols and Iconography A Crescent Moon or a Black Hand Role within the Sabbat The Black Hand serves as the Sabbats military elite; they are the sects assassins and deadliest warriors. The Black Hand is the Sabbats Special Forces as well as being an extremely secretive sect in its own rights. Contrary to popular belief, the Black Hand is not forbidden from participating in Sabbat politics. Rather the sub-sect tends to remain neutral in the affairs of the Sabbat as far as the faction goes. As a rule of thumb the Black Hand does not get directly involved in the sects politics unless its baking a winner or the sect is on the verge of collapse (as was the case in the second sabbat civil war, which the Black Hand ended). Members of the Black Hand are also members of the Sabbat. As such they are free to politic all they like among the rest of their brothers and sisters. As long as they arent doing it in the name of the Black Hand. While at certain levels within the Black Hand, Dominion for example, do not partake in sabbat politics it does not mean they cannot. It is simply those members of the Black Hand so involved in the sub-sect rarely care what the Sabbat as whole thinks politically, unless its against the wishes of the Black Hand. For more information on how the Black Hand deals with the politics of the Sabbat please consult the white wolf book Caines Chosen

Prerequisites to Join Membership in the Black Hand is only allowed through the sub-sects Dominions and Seraphim. The Black Hand looks for Cainites willing to sacrifice all in the name of the Black Hand and will have devout loyalty to the Hand above all others. The Black Hand is rigid military like structure mixed with a cult. Its members are diverse in scope and are all fanatically loyal to the Hand. For better information on the requiting process for the Black Hand please consult Caines Chosen and the OWbN Black Hand Packet. Immediate Benefits See the OWbN Black Hand Packet for more information Immediate Detriments See the OWbN Black Hand Packet for more information Prerequisites For Advancement See the OWbN Black Hand Packet for more information Suggested Paths of Enlightenment Caine, Honorable Accord, Orion, Power and the Inner Voice, Beast (including Feral Heart) Suggested Merits and Flaws Merits: Ambidextrous, Ability Aptitude, Jack of all Trades, Daredevil, Iron Will, Accepted Ally, Extremist Group, Alternate Identity, Loyalty Flaws: Clan Enmity, Enemy, Hunted, Methuselahs Thirst, Permanent Fangs, Addicted to Kindred Vitae, Hatred, Beacon of the Unholy Combination Disciplines See the OWbN Black Hand Packet for more information Media See Caines Chosen for more information Sources Caines Chosen Guide to the Sabbat Mexico City by Night See OWBN Black Hand Packet

Heretical Factions

Overview Much less a recognized faction and more of a semi-recognized problem, the Infernalists within the Sabbat tend to be extremely secretive and well hidden. You have to find one to know one and finding one isnt easy when they spend their time hiding what they are from others. Seen as a solution by some, a curse by others and a real problem by more, the Infernalists in the Sabbat are very real and very willing to help you with your problems, for power and for the glory of the Sword of Caine! Or so they told you. In the past at times when the Inquisition was weak and in disarray, there were three full and known packs roaming the North American countryside, the Devils Taken pack, the Horned Wanderers pack and the Marked by Fire pack. They would roll into a town where a pack or local bishop had put out a call for help and provide their devilish help only to leave the city behind, seemingly better off. Until the source of their help came calling or the Inquisition to purify everything by fire. The Devils Taken were supposed destroyed in the chaos of New York. The Horned Wanderers wandered to close to Mexico City. Marked by Fire was last heard of by the docks of Miami before a large fire of undetermined origin wiped 5 piers and several shipping cranes from existence. No one can confirm how many members were ever in any of these packs or if they actually met Final Death. Nickname Daemon Symbols/Iconography Infernalists tend not to wave any flags or show their colors. Members of the faction can smell each other and know each other only after close observation. Role Within the Sabbat The Infernalists in the Sabbat fill a real gap in terms of providing magical power and support within the Sabbat. Unlike the dead Tremere Anti-tribu, the Kolduns, Abyssal Mystics and others, the Infernalists are willing to share. What they intentionally leave out is the cost. Most who sign on with an Infernalist or join a pack full of infernalists either become one quickly or become fodder for the rest. Their goal is usually to provide magical support within the sect, but the price for that support is high and not discovered until its too late. Prerequisites to Join

* Accepting a deal with Demon * Accepting the help of another Infernalist I would mention this as Infernal Subcoord Approval. Immediate Benefits of Local Importance Access to powers, gifts and such from a Demon as detailed in the Infernal packet. Immediate Detriments of Local Importance You are an Infernalist, you are going to Hell at some point. Noticeable aura if you dont have Infernal Shield Target for the Inquisition Prerequisites for Advancement * Create a pack of willing Infernalists * Keep your true masters hidden from the Sabbat Additional Benefits * Access to the Devils Taken pack, the Horned Wanderers pack or the Marked by Fire pack * Improved access to a more powerful patron Suggested Paths of Enlightenment Revelations Suggested Merits and Flaws

Known Members *Carter Rowney, Brujah Anti-tribu of the Devils Taken *Maggie Schultz, Ventrue Anti-tribu of the Horned Wanderers *Nikki Six Shooter Huerta, City Gangrel of Marked by Fire Media The Prophecy, 1995 The Ninth Gate, 1999

Devil's Advocate, 1997 Constantine, 2005 Sources In general I would just elaborate more and include notes about approvals and see the Infernal packet for more info.


Overview From time uncounted the line of Caine has ruled this earth. All of human history has seen the children of Seth plagued by their ancient cousins. Yet before the rise of the Camarilla and Sabbat. Before the Anarch Revolt. Before the Long Night. Before Rome and lost Carthage. Before Enoch and the Jyhad. Even before mighty Caine raised his fist to heaven, there was another. Ahi Hay Lilitu. Many are the names of the First Woman, against whom even Caine's mother is but a shadow. The Dark Lady created as Adam's equal, cast out by the arrogance of Her would-be husband. The Maid of Desolation who became the wife of God himself, to be cast aside by him as well. The Bride of Samael, wed a third time to great Lucifer, only to be abandoned yet again. Yet with each betrayal, the Queen of Gehenna stole a tiny but cherished portion of Her suitors' power. Through Her pain and sorrow, She learned. Ahi Hay Lilitu When Caine found the garden She had raised as a reflection of forbidden Eden, the Mare of Night welcomed the broken son of her replacement. It was She who taught Caine the words of power that allowed him to survive in the lands east of Nod. It was only through Her teachings, Her attentions, Her love that Caine prospered in his exile. And he repaid Her kindness by abandoning Her and sending his children to slaughter Her own. Yet the Mother of Abominations saw through Her rage and Her anguish, and She learned. She sowed the seeds of a new garden. When pharisees and priests forsake the One Above and cry out to a new and wicked Prophet, I shall come unto ye in my Chariot of War, girt before the Lightbearer once again with my Sword of Wrath, and my cries shall be the tempest of Lust in all men. The shells are broken the demons free the waters rise. Weep O' ye prophets of Jehovah! Ye shells shall be as the food of worms! A plague shall smite ye and blood shall be as tepid as water, and ye cities shall burn with the fires of pestilence, armies of another prophet shall stir across the seas of the east. Yea, I shall slay Jehovah with the coming of the Rising Tides, yea, Ba'hara the Third Garden of Abominations shall be birthed! Shine black the sun! Shine black the moon! Ahi Hay Lilitu Nickname Bahari

Symbols and Iconography The Cults of Lilith are ancient traditions that predate the vampiric sects by millenia. As such they have many symbols reminiscent of hieroglyphic languages. When conducting their private rituals, Bahari often wear scarlet robes inlaid with black briar patterns. Role within the Sabbat The Bahari exist as a counter point to the more mainstream cainite scholars, the Noddists. While they both claim to serve the ideals of enlightenment, the quest for knowledge, and expansion of personal growth, the methods of the Bahari are held as at best needlessly cruel and bizarre, and at worst outright heretical. The Bahari themselves scoff at this notion, as there is knowledge in every cut, power in every burn, and the Dark Mother herself welcomes those that find a moment of clarity in their agony. To them, the crude mortal maxim "no pain, no gain" is one of the more insightful comments by the children of Adam. The Sabbat Inquisition largely considers the Path of Lilith to be heresy, and more than a few Lilins have died as a result of their attentions. Rare is the devotee whom successfully defends his beliefs to his sectmates, and most of those who walk in Her footsteps do so in secret. Prerequisites to Join The requirements for PCs to join the Cult of Lilith are as follows:

Storyteller Approval and Sabbat Coordinator Approval Would Change this to Cult of Lilith Subcoord Approval Must be an follower of the Path of Lilith (Alt: Must adhere to the tenets of the Path of Lilith, though need not be on the path itself) They must have the following abilities: o Torture x3 o Investigation x2 o Theology x3 o Occult x3 o Meditation x2

When all of the requirements above have been met, members of the Cult of Lilith start at the Neophyte rank. Immediate Benefits for Neophyte Upon being inducted into the Cult of Lilith as a Neophyte, you will be introduced to a small cell of Lilins (whose real identities you will likely never know). o This cell functions as Mentor x2 for the purposes of learning abilities and disciplines at your storyteller's option.

o The cell will require you to spend at least one night every two weeks meeting with them to perform the dark rites of Lilith. Failure to do so will result in the loss of them as a Mentor for a period of one month for every meeting you miss. Immediate Detriments for Neophyte You are certainly a "cainite of interest" to the Sabbat Inquisition and the more fanatical adherents of the Path of Caine should your devotion become known. Tread carefully lest you attract their attentions too closely. For Camarilla members, your inhumane and reprehensible actions are sure to draw both the ire of your Prince and the attention of Archons, for which you will likely lose status and owe boons. Youd best keep things away from prying eyes.

Prerequisites for Advancement to Ba'ham The requirements for PCs to advance to the rank of Baham in the Cult of Lilith are as follows:

Storyteller Approval and Sabbat Coordinator Approval. Would Change this to Cult of Lilith Subcoord Approval Must be an follower of the Path of Lilith with at least a rating of 3+, which the character must maintain (Addition: non-cainites must take the merit Code of Honor: Path of Lilith and adhere to the tenets of the path at a level 2 rating, as slightly less is expected of them) Must have held the rank of Neophyte for at least 1 year They must have the following abilities: o Torture x4 o Investigation x4 o Theology x4 o Occult x4 o Meditation x4 o Bahari Lore x2 o Cainite Lore x3

Immediate Benefits for Ba'ham Upon becoming a full Ba'ham, the character is now considered a child of Lilith rather than Caine, and is given greater access and welcome by her peers.

Interacting with cells beyond her local one, the character can now count the Cult of Lilith as a level 4 Mentor for the purposes of learning abilities and disciplines. With Sabbat Coordinator approval, even "forbidden" knowledges such as Demon Lore and the secrets of obscure combination disciplines can be garnered in this way. See below for suggested combi powers. o In order to maintain this ability, the Ba'ham is required to spend at least one week each month with other Lilins outside her own city. Failure to do so results in the loss of the Mentor benefit for a period two months for each week missed.

Immediate Detriments for Ba'ham You are a heretic in the eyes of the Sabbat Inquisition, and your life is forfeit if they catch on to you. More so, for your continued devotion and your entire pack will most certainly be investigated and tried for failing to root out your heresy should you be discovered. For Camarilla members, your bizarre devotions are sure to be ascribed to Sabbat sympathies or infernalism by the Justicariate, your life will undoubtedly be forfeit if you are ever discovered. Theres only so much status and boons can do for you. For Anarchs, youre an Anarch. That should be punishment enough For Everyone else, nothing really, keep being awesome.

Prerequisites for Advancement to Hierophant The requirements for PCs to advance to the rank of Baham in the Cult of Lilith are as follows: Storyteller Approval and Sabbat Coordinator Approval Must be an adherent of the Path of Lilith with a rating of 4+, which the character must maintain Must have held the rank of Ba'ham for at least 1 year Must be a cainite Must have Advanced levels of Animalism, Celerity, Fortitude, and Obfuscate Must have converted at least one other cainite to the Path of Lilith They must have the following abilities: o Torture x5 (with any specialization) o Investigation x5 o Theology x5 (with a Specialization in: Studies of Lilith) o Occult x5 (with a Specialization in: Bahari Rites) o Meditation x5 (with a Specialization in: Clarity Through Pain) o Bahari Lore x4 o Cainite Lore x5 (with a Specialization in: Legends of Lilith)

Immediate Benefits for Hierophant The character is now considered a leader among the Cult of Lilith, and many of it's members show her their devotion.

The Cult of Lilith now counts as both Mentor, Allies, and Retainers each of level 5, and the character likely leads cells across several metropolitan areas. In order to maintain this ability, the Hierophant is required to spend at least one week each month with other Lilins outside her own city. Failure to do so results in the loss of the Mentor benefit for a period two months for each week missed. With Sabbat Coordinator approval, the character gains access to the unique blood magic of the Cult of Lilith. Each path and ritual must be approved separately. This blood

magic is not found outside the Cult of Lilith, and may not be taught to anyone whom is not a Hierophant of the Cult under any circumstances. Immediate Detriments for Hierophant

The character must forever leave the Sabbat. The Caine-centric nature of that sect is intolerable to the fanatical devotion of a Hierophant. There is no such thing as "hiding among them" or "destroying them from within" or whatever self-delusions one might use to try and justify remaining a Sabbat member at this point. The character must leave the sect. As the character's activities at this point push the very edge of the Masquerade at best, they may not join/remain in the Camarilla either, and wouldn't consider those deluded fools worthwhile anyway. It is common for those whom attain this rank to fake their deaths and live as Autarkis.

Suggested Paths of Enlightenment Lilith (and all variations there of) Suggested Merits and Flaws Combination Disciplines Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost: Veil the Sin Auspex 2/Obfuscate 2 Road of Sin pg 72 Neophyte Road of Sin pg. 72 7

Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost:

Enhance Sensation Auspex 2/Presence 3 optional: Vicissitude 2 (3/3 Opt: 2 LARP) Road of Sin pg 70 Baham Road of Sin pg. 70 11

Name Disciplines Required

Record/Recall Sensation Auspex 3 or 4/Vicissitude 2 (3 or 5/2)

Book/Page Rarity System Xp Cost:

Road of Sin pg 71 Baham Road of Sin pg. 71 11 Basic and Advanced

Name Disciplines Required Book/Page Rarity System

Xp Cost:

Diplomats Boon Presence 5, Auspex 3 Libellus Sanguinis 2 pg 37 Hierophant The player spends a blood point and has her character concentrate for one turn on her subject. She then knows what to say to elicit a particular response. If the character is attempting to further an idea that the target believes fundamentally wrong (such as convincing a pacifist monk to propose war, or a happy person to consider suicide), the target is permitted a Static Willpower challenge (difficulty 8). The effects last for one turn. 11

Bahari Magic I would try to find a cooler ancient sounding name for the Blood Magic :-p In the days before mankind ruled the earth, Lilith walked between the gardens of the gods and learned the secrets of all creation. Given mastery over the night by Lucifer himself, the Dark Mother has passed the secrets and knowledge she learned down to her most devoted children. Considered by Lilins to be the oldest and purest form of blood magic, as it supposedly predates even Caine, the black rites of the Bahari are like no other magic known to the vampiric race. Functionally the same as all blood magic, the Bahari consider the nature of their powers quite different. To enact a power, the Bahari inflicts superficial wounds upon her own flesh and calls upon the cursed blood in her veins. The pain brings them focus, and the touch of the One Above embedded in their cainite vitae lends them the power to shape the world. Channelling it in the ways taught to them by the Dark Mother herself, the Bahari become the true fruit of her garden.

All practitioners of Bahari Magic must take the Path of Bahara as their primary path. Paths

Path of the Four Humours (See Faith and Fire) Path of the Father's Vengeance (Called the Path of the Dark Mother's Wrath) Path of Blood Path of Curses Path of Pain (This path is not considered "infernal" for a hierophant) Path of the Blood's Curse (Generational limits on this path still apply) Path of Phobos (This path is not considered "infernal" for a hierophant) The Green Path (Called the Path of Ba'hara) Path of Shadowcrafting (Called the Path of Samael's Cloak)

Rituals Basic Rituals

Defense of Sacred Haven Deflection of Wooden Doom Devil's Touch Dominoe of Life Enhancing the Curse Eyes of the Night Hawk Illuminate Trail of Prey Impassable Trail Impressive Visage Mourning the Life Curse Recure of the Homeland Steps of the Terrified Ward Vs. Ghouls Widow's Spite

Intermediate Rituals Awaken the Verdent Thorn Clinging of the Insect Fire in the Blood Friend of the Trees Infirm Inert Mirror of Second Sight Protean Curse Rend the Mind The Sire Impotent Ward Vs Kindred

Advanced Rituals


Curse of Clytaemnestra Dominion Lilith's Vengeance Paper Flesh Warded Womb

Sources Additionally I might add something about BaHari rituals. Either make them Ignoblis Ritae or some other form of rites and rituals. Give them some fluff and descriptions.


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