DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W3-Jvses

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: AMIEL E. RIVERA Learning Area: SCIENCE

6:20 AM-7:10 AM ROXAS
9:40 AM-10:30 AM GARCIA
Teaching Dates and 11:00 AM-11:50 AM OSMENA
Time: 11:50 AM-12:40 AM MAGSAYSAY Quarter: 2ND QUARTER



The learner demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human body work together to form organ systems
A. Content Standards
The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the musculo-skeletal, integumentary, digestive ,circulatory excretory,
B. Performance Standards respiratory and nervous systems.

C. Learning Competencies/ Explain how the organs of each organ system work together (S6LT-IIc-d-2)
Objectives Write the LC code
for each
Identifies the parts of the Identifies the parts of the Explains the functions of the Identifies the circulatory routes of
intergumentary system. intergumentary system. circulatory system. Identifies the the blood.
main parts of the circulatory
Describes the functions of Describes the functions of each Describes the function of each Traces the path of blood as it flows
II. CONTENT each part of the part of the intergumentary part of the circulatory system. from the heart to the different
intergumentary system. system. parts of the body and back using a


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning


A. Reviewing previous ENGAGEMENT: Ask pupils to express what they learned from the ENGAGEMENT: Show an ENGAGEMENT: Review the
lesson or presenting the previous lesson through: illustration of children playing digestive and respiratory system.
the new lesson Name an organ of the _____and describe its function and ask questions about the Ask “What happens to the digested
parts of the body involved while food that flowed to the blood and
playing. that oxygen which entered the
Ask, “What makes the body capillaries in the lungs?”
function well when doing any

B. Establishing a purpose . Answer the following:

for the lesson Let the pupils answer the puzzle-arranging the letters to form the Write TRUE if the statement is
correct word. correct and write FALSE if it is
1. K S I N incorrect.
2. A H R I 1 The heart pumps blood
3. I A N L S throughout the body.
4. E R N S V E 2 Blood does not flow in the Complete the illustration by
Let the pupils describe each word they formed. head. drawing arrows inside the loop to
3 The heart beats faster after indicate blood flow.
doing heavy work.
4 When you are sleeping, the
heart stops beating.
5 Blood vessels are not
connected to the heart.

C. Presenting EXPLORATION: Let pupils perform Observing the Let them perform Process of Blood
examples/instances of Let the pupils answer ACTIVITY 9 Function or Not? Have a paired Heart by group. Guide them on Circulation.
the new lesson discussion of the result of the activity the instructions. Discuss the result of the activity.
Have them report their findings

D. Discussing new EXPLANATION: (Power Point Presentation) EXPLANATION: (Power Point EXPLANATION: : (Power Point
concepts The intergumentary system consists of the skin, hair, fingernails, Presentation) Presentation)
glands and nerves. 1 The Circulatory System consists 1 Circulation is the movement of
The main function of the intergumentary system is to act as a of the heart, blood and blood blood as it delivers oxygen and food
barrier to protect the body from the outside world. It also functions vessels that work together to nutrients to the cells and removes
to retain body fluids, protect against diseases, eliminate waste provide food and oxygen to the waste materials from the cells.
products and regulate body temperature. body cells. 2 Circulation involves two maor
2 The heart which consists of two routes-pulmonary circulation and
chambers-auricle and ventricle- Systemic Circulation.
pumps blood to all parts of the 3 During pulmonary circulation, the
body. oxygen-poor blood enters the right
3 The blood consists of three atrium of the heart and flows to the
types of cells: red blood cells, right ventricle, which pumps the
white blood cells and blood blood to the pulmonary arteries.
platelets. 4 During systemic circulation, the
4 There are three kinds of blood left ventricle pumps the oxygen-rich
vessels, areteries, veins and blood into aorta, which branches
cappilaries, which are the out into the arteries going to the
passages of blood to and from upper and lower part of the body.
the heart.

E. Continuation of the .Activity: How Does the Intergumentary System Work? Activity: Activity: Complete the concept map
discussion of new Complete the graphic organizer:
concepts (leads to
Formative Assessment

F. Developing mastery Answer the question; Answer the question: .

(leads to Formative Answer the following questions: After learning the how the parts 1 What happen when the path of
Assessment 3) 1 What can happen if a part of the body is not covered with skin? of your circulatory system work, blood circulation is blocked?
2 What can happen if your sweat glands do not produce 2 What happens when the
what can you say about your
perspiration? circulatory system cannot transport
body? Are the parts of your the substances needed by the body
circulatory system working well? cells and cannot carry wastes from
the cells?
G. Finding practical Show pictures of person with skin disorder. Ask ‘Why do you think Do this; You are still very young and cannot be a blood donor. However
applications of this person suffers such?” you can do something to help in blood donation activities of your
concepts and skills in community. Describe or draw what you can do now to help and what do
daily living you plan to do later when you are already at the right age of donating
(reflective approach) blood. Use a bond paper and submit your output to your teacher.
H. Making generalizations The Intergumentary system consists of the skin, hair, fingernails, The human circulatory system 1 Circulation is the
and abstractions about glands and nerves. functions to transport blood and movement of blood as it
the lesson The main function of the intergumentary system is to act as a oxygen from the lungs to the various delivers oxygen and food
barrier to protect the body from the outside world. It also functions tissues of the body. The heart pumps nutrients to the cells and
to retain body fluids, protect against diseases, eliminate waste the blood throughout the body. removes waste materials
products and regulate body temperature. Encourage pupils to ask question about from the cells.
Encourage pupils to ask question about the lesson. the lesson.. 2 Circulation involves two
maor routes-pulmonary
circulation and Systemic
3 During pulmonary
circulation, the oxygen-poor
blood enters the right atrium
of the heart and flows to the
right ventricle, which pumps
the blood to the pulmonary
4 During systemic circulation,
the left ventricle pumps the
oxygen-rich blood into aorta,
which branches out into the
arteries going to the upper
and lower part of the body.
Encourage pupils to ask
question about the lesson..
I. Evaluating learning EVALUATION: EVALUATION:
Answer the question; Match Column A with Column B to link the parts to their respective
Why should you use umbrella or other protective cover when functions
walking under the sun? A
1 Arteries a. carry blood away from the heart
2 Capillaries b. distributes the nutrients and oxygen to the
3 White blood cells c. fight germs that enter the body
4 Veins d. carry the blood toward the heart
5 Platelets e. help in blood clotting
J. Additional activities for . Do this;
application or Ask your father and mother about their blood pressure. Do they have
remediation normal blood pressure? If not, ask what the doctor advised them.
B.P. reading: mother _____________ father _____________
Normal __yes ___no Normal ___yes _____no
Doctor’s advice: __________________________________________


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:
Teacher 1

Noted by:
Principal 1

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