NRT.002 Saline Replacement
NRT.002 Saline Replacement
NRT.002 Saline Replacement
Saline Replacement
1.0. Principle
0.2 Saline replacement is not done when all red cells tested by antiglobulin testing show
positive reactions.
3.0. Specimens
EDTA anticoagulated whole blood
4.0. Materials
Equipment: Serological centrifuge
Block for test tubes
Vacuum aspiration (optional)
6.0. Procedure
6.1. Read tubes 6.1.1. Check agglutination for the characteristic “stacked coins”
microscopically appearance
6.2. Centrifuge the tubes 6.2.1. Centrifuge all tubes at 3400 rpm for 10-15 seconds.
6.2.2. Using a pipette or vacuum aspiration equipment, remove all
the supernatant from the centrifuged tubes leaving the cell
button undisturbed
6.3. Re-Suspend and Read 6.3.1. Add 2 drops of normal saline to each tube
6.3.2. Re-suspend gently, read by initial reading method (i.e.,
macroscopically or microscopically).
6.4. Grade and record 6.4.1. See RT. 001 – Reading and Recording Hemagglutination
results. Reactions.
6.4.2. Indicate that the reading is after normal saline replacement
by writing “SR” above the column where the results are
being recorded.
If Then
entering results Footnote “reading performed after
in a computer normal saline replacement.”
6.5. Interpret the results 6.5.1. See 7.0 – Reporting.
6.6. Perform a clerical 6.6.1. When the procedure is complete, perform a clerical check
check. that:
The patient name and identification number are
identical on all specimens and the request form or
computer screen
The patient name is the same on all the test tubes and
the request form or computer screen
Verify that the test results have been interpreted
6.7. Initial 6.7.1. Initial or sign and record the completion time and date on
the request form or in the computer.
6.7.2. Verification of results must be recorded. See 7.0 Reporting.
7.0. Reporting
7.1 No agglutination after the normal saline replacement procedure usually indicates that
rouleaux was present and has been dispersed by the normal saline. Report the
reaction as negative.
9.0. References
9.1 Roback JD, ed. AABBTechnical Manual, 17th ed. Bethesda, MD: American Association
of Blood Banks, 2011: 488,901-902.
9.2 Issitt PD, Anstee DJ. Applied Blood Group Serology, 4th ed. Durham, NC: Montgomery
Scientific Publications, 1998: 1135.