Estmt - 2024 07 16
Estmt - 2024 07 16
Estmt - 2024 07 16
Box 15284
Wilmington, DE 19850 Customer service information
En Español: 1.800.688.6086
5272 69TH ST APT 2B
MASPETH, NY 11378 Bank of America, N.A.
P.O. Box 25118
Tampa, FL 33622-5118
Account summary
Beginning balance on June 13, 2024 $47.75
Deposits and other additions 6,463.00
ATM and debit card subtractions -4,043.48
Other subtractions -2,413.00
Service fees -4.95
Ending balance on July 16, 2024 $49.32
JUNIOR ALEXANDER REYES VEGA I Account # 4831 0257 9742 I June 13, 2024 to July 16, 2024
How to Contact Us - You may call us at the telephone number listed on the front of this statement.
Updating your contact information - We encourage you to keep your contact information up-to-date. This includes address,
email and phone number. If your information has changed, the easiest way to update it is by visiting the Help & Support tab
of Online Banking.
Deposit agreement - When you opened your account, you received a deposit agreement and fee schedule and agreed that
your account would be governed by the terms of these documents, as we may amend them from time to time. These
documents are part of the contract for your deposit account and govern all transactions relating to your account, including all
deposits and withdrawals. Copies of both the deposit agreement and fee schedule which contain the current version of the
terms and conditions of your account relationship may be obtained at our financial centers.
Electronic transfers: In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers - If you think your statement or receipt
is wrong or you need more information about an electronic transfer (e.g., ATM transactions, direct deposits or
withdrawals, point-of-sale transactions) on the statement or receipt, telephone or write us at the address and number
listed on the front of this statement as soon as you can. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you
the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared.
For consumer accounts used primarily for personal, family or household purposes, we will investigate your complaint and will
correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days (10 calendar days if you are a Massachusetts customer) (20
business days if you are a new customer, for electronic transfers occurring during the first 30 days after the first deposit is
made to your account) to do this, we will provisionally credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will
have use of the money during the time it will take to complete our investigation.
For other accounts, we investigate, and if we find we have made an error, we credit your account at the conclusion of our
Reporting other problems - You must examine your statement carefully and promptly. You are in the best position to
discover errors and unauthorized transactions on your account. If you fail to notify us in writing of suspected problems or
an unauthorized transaction within the time period specified in the deposit agreement (which periods are no more than 60
days after we make the statement available to you and in some cases are 30 days or less), we are not liable to you and you
agree to not make a claim against us, for the problems or unauthorized transactions.
Direct deposits - If you have arranged to have direct deposits made to your account at least once every 60 days from the
same person or company, you may call us to find out if the deposit was made as scheduled. You may also review your
activity online or visit a financial center for information.
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JUNIOR ALEXANDER REYES VEGA I Account # 4831 0257 9742 I June 13, 2024 to July 16, 2024
06/13/24 Zelle payment from ENEMENCIA CEDENO DE PADILLA Conf# u3smqp4Nj 100.00
06/14/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ULTRA"; Conf# 99aiqodgk 239.00
06/17/24 BKOFAMERICA ATM 06/17 #000008418 DEPOSIT 1600 HILLSIDE NEW HYDE PARK NY 415.00
06/17/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ULTRA"; Conf# 99aisg5gj 17.00
06/18/24 Zelle payment from GIANNINA SIALER LENGUA Conf# h9w5dm450 450.00
06/18/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ULTRA"; Conf# 99aiwzq95 225.00
06/20/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ultra"; Conf# 99aizp9h0 150.00
06/20/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ULTRA"; Conf# 99aj0o5k0 72.00
06/20/24 Zelle payment from LUIS MENDOZA CASTRO for "Juan luis"; Conf# nqhlbnhw1 70.00
06/21/24 Zelle payment from YUDY CENTENO Conf# dTnVLclUY 200.00
06/21/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ultra"; Conf# 99aj40qtq 141.00
06/21/24 Zelle payment from GALO CHOCHO GUZMAN Conf# kb40yypfm 119.00
06/21/24 Zelle payment from MADELEY URETA VIOLETA Conf# detj3gl69 50.00
06/21/24 Zelle payment from GALO CHOCHO GUZMAN Conf# pwgostz10 1.00
06/24/24 Zelle payment from JOSSELIN DEL CASTILLO Conf# XXXXXXXXX 200.00
06/24/24 Zelle payment from JEANPIERR TORRES VALDEZ for "Junta 2do pago"; Conf# dp8in7656 100.00
06/24/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ULTRA"; Conf# 99aj9125y 96.00
06/25/24 BKOFAMERICA ATM 06/25 #000005314 DEPOSIT MASPETH FLUSHING NY 420.00
06/25/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ULTRA"; Conf# 99ajapj7a 94.00
06/27/24 Zelle payment from GIANNINA SIALER LENGUA Conf# dkkqt3wax 134.00
06/27/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ULTRA"; Conf# 99ajdmj6a 68.00
06/28/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ultra"; Conf# 99ajgr3nt 131.00
07/01/24 BKOFAMERICA ATM 06/30 #000007533 DEPOSIT MASPETH FLUSHING NY 240.00
07/01/24 BKOFAMERICA ATM 06/30 #000007223 DEPOSIT MASPETH FLUSHING NY 200.00
continued on the next page
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JUNIOR ALEXANDER REYES VEGA I Account # 4831 0257 9742 I June 13, 2024 to July 16, 2024
07/01/24 Zelle payment from JOHEL HOCES SAENZ for "junta"; Conf# AA0Log91l 100.00
07/02/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ULTRA"; Conf# 99ajobutq 123.00
07/02/24 Zelle payment from JEANPIERR TORRES VALDEZ for "Junta #3"; Conf# lhgnyx82e 100.00
07/03/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ultra"; Conf# 99ajrk8s6 150.00
07/08/24 BKOFAMERICA ATM 07/07 #000001415 DEPOSIT MASPETH FLUSHING NY 350.00
07/08/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ultra"; Conf# 99ajw71ay 140.00
07/08/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ultra"; Conf# 99ak0mwf3 135.00
07/08/24 Zelle payment from GALO CHOCHO GUZMAN Conf# lkttcdxx1 120.00
07/08/24 Zelle payment from JEANPIERR TORRES VALDEZ Conf# kmvqf65ob 100.00
07/08/24 Zelle payment from JOSSELIN DEL CASTILLO Conf# XXXXXXXXX 100.00
07/08/24 Zelle payment from JOSSELIN DEL CASTILLO Conf# XXXXXXXXX 44.00
07/11/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ultra"; Conf# 99ak4f7pc 150.00
07/11/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ultra"; Conf# 99ak5rqpd 72.00
07/15/24 Zelle payment from GIANNINA SIALER LENGUA Conf# cglgk9b5f 400.00
07/15/24 Zelle payment from DAHLIA TRANSPORTATION CORP for "ultra"; Conf# 99akam14c 167.00
07/15/24 Zelle payment from JEANPIERR TORRES VALDEZ Conf# mprv3536e 100.00
07/15/24 Zelle payment from JOHEL HOCES SAENZ for "junta"; Conf# AA0MBN82j 100.00
07/15/24 Zelle payment from OSCAR RENE GALEAS Conf# 99akc0ha4 80.00
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JUNIOR ALEXANDER REYES VEGA I Account # 4831 0257 9742 I June 13, 2024 to July 16, 2024
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JUNIOR ALEXANDER REYES VEGA I Account # 4831 0257 9742 I June 13, 2024 to July 16, 2024
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JUNIOR ALEXANDER REYES VEGA I Account # 4831 0257 9742 I June 13, 2024 to July 16, 2024
Other subtractions
Date Description Amount
Service fees
Date Transaction description Amount
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JUNIOR ALEXANDER REYES VEGA I Account # 4831 0257 9742 I June 13, 2024 to July 16, 2024
Braille and Large Print Request - You can request a copy of this statement in Braille or Large Print by calling 800.432.1000 or going
to and enter Visually Impaired Access from the home page.
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