Financial Analysis Tools
Financial Analysis Tools
Financial Analysis Tools
Financial analysis tools are one of the most efficient ways that can be used for
ensuring good profit from your investments. These financial analysis tools are highly
helpful in evaluating the market and investing in a way so as to maximize the profit
from the investments made. These financial analysis tools are useful for deciphering
(interpret) both internal and external information related to a specific business
تعتتتبر.تعد أدوات التحليل المالي من أكثر الطرق فعالية التي يمكن استخدامها لضمان ربتتح جيتتد متتن استتتثماراتك
أدوات التحليل المالي هذه مفيدة للغاية في تقييم السوق والستثمار بطريقة تؤدي إلى زيادة الربح من الستثمارات
تعتبر أدوات التحليل المالي هذه مفيدة لتفسير المعلومتتات الداخليتتة والخارجيتتة المتعلقتتة بمؤسستتة أعمتتال.التي تتم
W – Weaknesses
O – Opportunities
T – Threats
The economic conditions in the present day market are analyzed by management
professionals with assistance from SWOT analysis performed by the various
financial analysis tools. Each section of the evaluation process contains specific
information which is helpful in gauging the general performance of a company.
Moreover, financial analysis tools are really important for any investor for the
company’s performance shows direct impact on the price of a company’s stock.
SWOT يتم تحليل الظروف القتصادية في السوق الحالية من قبل متخصصين فتتي الدارة بمستتاعدة متتن تحليتتل
يحتوي كل قسم من عملية التقييم علتتى معلومتتات محتتددة.الذي يتم إجراؤه بواسطة أدوات التحليل المالي المختلفة
تعتبر أدوات التحليل المالي مهمة حق ا لي مستتثمر حي ث، علوة على ذلك.تساعد في قياس الداء العام للشركة
.يظهر أداء الشركة تأثيقرا مباشقرا على سعر سهم الشركة
Vertical Analysis (التحليل العامودي )الرأسي
The most common use of vertical analysis is within a financial statement for a
single reporting period, so that one can see the relative proportions of account
balances. Vertical analysis is also useful for trend analysis, to see relative changes
in accounts over time, such as on a comparative basis over a five-year period. For
example, if the cost of goods sold has a history of being 40% of sales in each of
the past four years, then a new percentage of 48% would be a cause for alarm.
Formula الصيغة
The formula for vertical analysis of income statement can be derived by dividing
any item in the income statement by the total sales and express it in terms of
percentage. Mathematically, it is represented as,
The most common use of vertical analysis in an income statement is to show the
various expense line items as a percentage of sales, though it can also be used to
show the percentage of different revenue line items that make up total sales. An
example of vertical analysis for an income statement is shown in the far right
column of the following condensed income statement:
$ Totals Percent
Sales $1,000,000 100% (1000000 / 1000000 ) 100%
Cost of goods sold 400,000 40% (400000 / 1000000 ) 100%
Gross Profit 600,000 60% (600000 / 1000000 ) 100%
The information provided by this income statement format is useful not only for
spotting spikes in expenses, but also for determining which expenses are so small
that they may not be worthy of much management attention.
The central issue when creating a vertical analysis of a balance sheet is what to
use as the denominator in the percentage calculation. The usual denominator is
the asset total, but one can also use the total of all liabilities when calculating all
liability line item percentages, and the total of all equity accounts when
calculating all equity line item percentages. An example of vertical analysis for a
balance sheet is shown in the far right column of the following condensed
balance sheet:
The formula for vertical analysis of Balance Sheet can be derived by dividing any
item in the Balance Sheet by the total Assets and express it in terms of
percentage. Mathematically, it is represented as,
$ Totals Percent
Cash $100,000 10% (100000 / 1000000 ) 100%
Accounts receivable 350,000 35% 100% ( 1000000 / 350000)
Inventory 150,000 15% 100% ( 1000000 / 150000)
Total current assets 600,000 60% 100% ( 1000000 / 600000)
The information provided by this balance sheet format is useful for noting
changes in a company's investment in working capital and fixed assets over
time, which may indicate an altered business model that requires a different
amount of ongoing funding .
One of the most common ways you can use vertical analysis is to understand how a
company's expenses are affecting its overall net profit. The following chart shows a
company's income statements with expenses for two years with the total dollar
amounts and percentages:
In this example, you can quickly see that while total sales increased in year two, the
company's gross and net profit percentage decreased. While you would likely expect
the cost of goods sold to increase as the total sales amount increases, using the vertical
analysis method reveals that the costs didn't increase proportionately to the increase in
In year one, the cost of goods sold was only 25% of the company's overall total sales,
but in year two the percentage increased to 30%. This means the company needs to
reduce its cost of goods sold while trying to increase or maintain its total sales
amount to increase its gross and net profits in year three.
Example of vertical analysis on an income statement with revenue
Another way you can use vertical analysis is to understand how much each product or
service a company offers contributes to its total sales. The following chart shows a
company's income statement with total dollar amounts and percentages for the
revenue generated by each of its products or services:
In this example, you can quickly see that while the company's total sales increased in
year two, its cost of goods sold also increased by 5%, causing the company to
experience a 5% profit loss in year two compared to year one. The lower portion of
the chart shows how each of the company's products contributed to the company's
total sales for the year.
Using the vertical analysis method shows you that the proportion of the company's
total sales from dresses and children's clothing remained the same from year one to
year two, the proportion of the company's total sales from jeans, purses and shoes
decreased from year one to year two and the proportion of the company's total sales
from t-shirts increased by 10% from year one to year two. This information suggests
that the company didn't do as well at selling jeans, purses and shoes in year two as it
did in year one.
Combining this information with other information about the company, such as where
they focused their marketing efforts each year, can help you determine the best ways
for the company to increase its total sales and profit margins.
Vertical Analysis
A Vertical Analysis is performed for a specific period such as a month, quarter, year,
etc. then it is compared to similar periods such as the first quarter of 2011, the first
quarter of 2012, the first quarter of 2013, etc.
When creating a Vertical Analysis for a balance sheet, total assets are used as basis for
analyzing each asset account. Total liabilities and stockholder’s equity is used as the
basis for each liability and stockholder account.
Advantages of the Vertical Analysis Formula
1- It is one of the easiest methods of financial analysis.
يوفر التحليل الرأسي للبيان المالي نسبة مئويتتة قابلتتة للمقارنتتة يمكتتن استتتخدامها للمقارنتتة متتع -2
.السنوات السابقة
.يمكن مقارنة البيانات التنظيمية المختلفة حيث يتم إجراء المقارنة بالنسبة المئوية -3
حيتتث يستتاعد علتتى فهتتم التتتركيب الهيكلتتي للمكونتتات المختلفتتة مثتتل التكلفتتة والمصتتروفات -5
والصأول والخصوم
Disadvantages of the Vertical Analysis
1- The vertical analysis of financial statements does not help to make a firm
ل يساعد التحليل الرأسي للبيانات المالية في اتخاذ قرار حازم حيث ل توجد نسبة مئوية أو -1
.نسبة معيارية فيما يتعلق بالتغيير في مكونات قائمة الدخل أو الميزانية العمومية
ل يتم تحليل الجودة باستخدام التحليل الرأسي للبيانات المالية حيث ل يوجد اتساق في نسبة -4
التحليل الفقي )المعروف أي قضا باسم تحليل التجاه( هو أسلوب لتحليل البيانات المالية يعرض التغييتترات
. إنها أداة مفيدة لتقييم مواقف التجاه.في مبالغ عناصأر البيانات المالية المقابلة على مدار فترة زمنية
The statements for two or more periods are used in horizontal analysis. The
earliest period is usually used as the base period and the items on the statements
for all later periods are compared with items on the statements of the base period.
The changes are generally shown both in dollars and percentage.
تتستخدم الفترة الولى عاد قة كفترة أساس وتتم.يتم استخدام القوائم المالية لفترتين أو أكثر في التحليل الفقي
مقارنة البنتتود التتواردة فتتي القتتوائم الماليتتة لجميتتع الفتتترات اللحقتتة متتع البنتتود الموجتتودة فتتي بيانتتات فتتترة
. تظهر التغييرات بشكل عام بالدولر والنسبة المئوية.الساس
متتع وجتتود تبتتاين يوضتتح، مثتتل ذلتتك الموضتتح أدنتتاه، عادة ما يكون التحليل الفقي لبيان الدخل بتنسيق لمدة عامين
التنستتيق البتتديل هتتو ببستتاطة إضتتافة العديتتد متتن الستتنوات التتتي تناستتب.أي قضا الفرق بين العامين لكل عنصتتر ستتطر
التنستتيق. بحيث يمكنك رؤية التغييرات العامة حسب الحساب على متتدار عتتدة ستتنوات، دون إظهار تباين، الصفحة
بحيتتث تيظهتتر كتتل عتتام النفقتتات كنستتبة مئويتتة متتن إجمتتالي، الثالث هو تضمين تحليل عمودي لكل عام فتتي التقريتتر
.اليرادات في تلك السنة
Horizontal analysis of the balance sheet is also usually in a two-year format, such
as the one shown below, with a variance showing the difference between the two
years for each line item. An alternative format is to add as many years as will fit
on the page, without showing a variance, so that you can see general changes by
account over multiple years.
مع تبتتاين يوضتتح، مثل الشكل الموضح أدناه، عاد قة ما يكون التحليل الفقي للميزانية العمومية بصيغة مدتها سنتان
دون إظهتتار، يتمثل التنسيق البديل في إضافة العديتتد متتن الستتنوات التتتي تل ئتتم الصتتفحة.الفرق بين السنتين لكل بند
. بحيث يمكنك رؤية التغييرات العامة حسب الحساب على مدار عدة سنوات، تباين
There are various formats for creating a Horizontal Analysis but the most popular
is to display the variance between Income Statements in dollar amounts and
percentage. The difference in percentage is computed by taking the dollar
difference in an Income Statement item and dividing it by the base year.
Horizontal Analysis of Balance
Sheet ↑
Horizontal Analysis
Evaluates Percentage Changes in Financial Statement Items from one Period to
يقيم التغييرات بالنسبة المئوية في بنود البيانات المالية من فترة إلى أخرى
Vertical Analysis
Evaluates Financial Statement Items as a Percent of a Base Amount.