Microsoft Excel Basics Lessons
Microsoft Excel Basics Lessons
Microsoft Excel Basics Lessons
Excel Basics
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program allowing users and
companies to organize, format, visualize, and calculate
Microsoft Excel Fundamentals: Getting Around, and Workbook Basics
Creating Worksheets: Entering data, Formulas, Functions, Moving and copying data
Formatting: Text & number formatting, alignment & borders, & highlighting & styles and
Manipulating data: Data entry shortcuts, and paste options
Charts: creating charts & chart types and elements
Output: Managing worksheet windows, printing worksheets, and sharing workbooks
Settings and templates: Workbook options, properties, and templates
Kristi Snow
[email protected]
Kubota Training Lab
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2. Pull up @Kubota Microsoft Excel Basics- Presentation and Microsoft Excel
Practice Workbook - Car Data
Greet everyone and introduce yourself. “Today we are going to look at Salina Public
Microsoft Excel.”
You will be referencing the presentation but switching to Microsoft Excel so patrons
can practice applying how to use Excel Basics as we go through the class.
“Thank you for answering that question for me.” Today we will be going through some
basic Microsoft Excel terminology and walking through a step-by-step in how to create
and work with some data provided (Car Data should be given to them prior or at the
beginning of the class).”
Walk through the labels and definitions on Slides 3-5.
“Today we will be going through some basic Microsoft Excel terminology and walking
through a step-by-step in how to create a workbook and work with some data you
were provided.”
(All of the steps from here on will be demonstrated on an Excel Workbook with
slides needed for further information).
“To create an Excel Workbook, you will click on the Microsoft Excel Icon, on your
computer/laptop. Move the mouse over and left click on Blank Workbook or open the
Car Data.csv file. Save and title your Workbook by clicking on File, move mouse down
to Save. Then double left click on Recent. This will open a dialog box where you will
find File name: Book 1. You will delete Book 1 and type in “Practice Workbook.” Then
click on the Save button.”
“Next you are going to need to create a worksheet and enter data.”
You can go over this briefly but if they have already used the provided data they will
not need to enter any data. Or some of the data could be left out so that they will
need to add some.”
“When moving data, you can move it into a new workbook or another worksheet. You
will right click on Car Data. Then click on Move or Copy…, Then click the down arrow
under To book: and click (new book) or under Before sheet pick Sheet1 or whichever
sheet you want to move it to. When copying data, you can copy it into another
workbook, a new worksheet or into the same worksheet. You will right click on Car
Data. Then click on Move or Copy…, Then click the down arrow under To book: and
click (new book) or under Before sheet pick Sheet1 or whichever sheet you want to
move it to.”
“Freezing the title row helps when you are adding or looking at data in a worksheet.
When you are on row 253 you will still see the titles for the data or information. To
freeze the row, you will click on the row you want to freeze. Click on the View from
the tabs. Then select the down arrow next to Freeze Panes and pick Freeze Top
Row.This is the result of freezing the first row and you can see it stays even though
you can be on row 67.”
“When formatting numbers,you will want to highlight numbers that you plan on
changing. Like the example here with the price. In Excel you can format numbers
using the Number command under the home tab. Then you will want to go up to the
Number command box and click on the down arrow and click on the currency you
want the price in. English (United States) was picked for this. Then you will see that it
placed dollar signs, decimals followed by two zeros. If you do not want the zeros, you can
highlight the price amounts and go back to the Number command and click on decrease decimal
and it will take the zeros off of the price.”
Walk them through how to do this on their laptops.
“When Highlighting data, you will want to highlight the information you will want to
add highlighting to. You will then go to the Conditional Formatting under the Home tab. You
will then click on the down arrow and click on Highlight Cells Rules. You will then Choose a
rule you want to apply. This shows Greater Than. You will then set an amount that is greater
than the specified amount you want to look at. You can pick the color you want to highlight. You
can repeat it for the Less Than and change the color.
“To format borders, you will highlight the data or information you want to place
borders on. Under the Home tab in the fonts command box, click on the borders and
you can choose what you want to have borders or if you want to remove borders. You
can also change the border colors by clicking on the Borders and going to Line Color
and you can change the color of the lines.”
“When formatting Themes, you will go to the Page Layout tab and the Themes command box.
There you can pick a theme, colors, fonts, and effects of your worksheets.”
“When using Paste Options, you will want to highlight and copy the information you
would like to paste. You will also need to add a sheet to put the information you are
copying in. When using Paste - from left to right top row to bottom row pasting
Paste-All cell contents and formatting, including linked data.
Formulas- Only the formulas.
Formulas & Number Formatting- Only formulas and number formatting
Keep Source Formatting-All cell contents and formatting.
No Borders- All cell contents and formatting except cell borders.
Keep Source with Column Widths- Only column widths.
Transpose-Reorients the content of copied cells when pasting. Data in rows is
pasted into columns and vice versa.
When using Other Paste Values - from left to right pasting options:
Formatting- All cell formatting, including number and source formatting.
Paste Link-Link the pasted data.
Paste a Picture- A copy of the image.
Linked Picture- A copy of the image with a link to the original cells (if you
make any changes to the original cells those changes are reflected in the
pasted image).
When using Paste Special - use the dialog box that appears to select how you would
like it to paste. “
“Now you will look at manipulating data using Sort. One way to assist with
manipulating data is to Sort the data. A way to sort the data would be by the car
Brand and the Vehicle Age. You are going to highlight the data you will want to sort.
Go up and click on Data tab from the Ribbon then click on Sort. Click on the down
arrow next to Sort by and pick the Brand. Since you are going to sort by two values,
you will need to click on Add Level and then click the down arrow next to Then by
and pick Vehicle Age.”
“Microsoft Excel has several different types of Charts that you can choose from to
Insert into your worksheet. To see them all you click on the little corner arrow to
open a Chart box then click on All Charts. To change the Chart Elements you will want
to click on Design from the Chart Tools. Then you will want to click on Add Chart
Element. Here you will find ways to move your chart data around to get the precise
chart you want.”
“To get to Workbook Options you will click on the File Tab and then click on Info. You
can Protect your Workbook by controlling what other people can do:
Always Open Read-Only
Encrypt with Password
Protect Current Sheet
Protect Workbook Structure
Add a Digital Signature
Mark as Final
You can also choose Browser View Options by picking what viewers can see. You can
choose the Sheets you only want them to see or all of them.”
“You can set certain Properties on your Workbook. First you will want to click on File.
Then click on Info and on the right side of the screen go to Properties. Click on the
down arrow next to Properties.Click on Advanced Properties and this will open a
dialog box that you can give your workbook Specific Properties like who the author is,
the company name, etc.”
“Now you will look at some Output options with Excel. You can manage worksheet
windows anytime you are working on your workbook. You just need to click on the
View tab and go to the Window command box. New Window will copy your workbook
and put it in a new window as another workbook. Arrange all will allow you to choose
how you want to work in both workbooks at the same time. Similar to split screen.
Freeze Panes allows you to Unfreeze panes, Freeze Top Row, or Freeze First column.
Clicking on Split will separate your worksheet so that you can scroll in each separated
area. Hide will hide your whole worksheet and you will have to unhide to see it again.
View Side by Side will allow you to view more than one workbook next to each other
and allows for synchronous scrolling. Switch Windows allows you to switch between
different workbooks you have open.”
“ If you are ready to print your worksheet. You will click on File then click on Print.
Then a Print dialog box will open. You will want to make sure you have the correct
printer and decide whether you want it One Sided, Collated, Orientation, Paper size,
Margins, and Scaling. If you click on the down arrow next to Print Active Sheets it
gives you options to Print Active Sheets, Print Entire Workbook, or Print Selection.
Once you have decided on the settings you can click on Print.”