Comparative Review of Hydrogen and Electricity As Energy Carriers For The Energy Transition
Comparative Review of Hydrogen and Electricity As Energy Carriers For The Energy Transition
Comparative Review of Hydrogen and Electricity As Energy Carriers For The Energy Transition
Handling Editor: Dr J Ortiz Researchers and policymakers are seeking alternatives to oil products. Hydrogen and electricity could be the
answer. This review compares both carriers and their technologies across the production chain. This study in
Keywords: dicates electricity is more mature and advanced on a large scale. It also presents greater Energy Returns on
Hydrogen Investment (EROI) over hydrogen, which portends a viable alternative to oil products. Hydrogen is not adaptable
to traditional uses and comes with significant transportation losses, so it’s recommended as an energy storage
Energy production
option instead of a carrier. It is a competitive option in areas where grid extension is not feasible and is hard to
Energy transport
Energy storage abate industries. The primary resource of carriers is crucial for their energy and environmental sustainability.
Energy transition Therefore, clean energy and carbon capture and storage technologies and their hybridization across the pro
duction chain could define the future energy landscape.
1. Introduction prices of the energy services provided by the energy carrier, the utility of
the carrier and its market dominance [3–6]. Currently, the focus is on
Petroleum, the primary energy resource for over a century, com finding energy sources to drive the global economy like oil has for the
prises crude oil and natural gas. It has been used as oil products and past century. The most promising and researched alternatives consid
natural gas as primary energy carriers. Oil products, the principal energy ered are electricity, hydrogen [7], and hydrogen derivatives such as
carrier, account for over 154 Exajoules (~40 %) of total global final formic acid, synthetic natural gas and Fischer-Tropsch products [8].
consumption (Fig. 1) leading natural gas (18 %) and electricity (23 %). These are low to zero-emission alternatives and potentially provide
Transport and industrial sectors collectively account for 58 % of global high-grade energy for end-uses, particularly for the transport sector.
energy consumption and 43 % of carbon dioxide emissions (see Fig. 2). Consequently, the dominance of either of these carriers would produce a
The combustion of petroleum has led to environmental issues and new dominant economy: hydrogen economy or electricity economy as
climate change, necessitating the exploration of new, sustainable energy against the current fossil fuel economy.
sources. This dilemma poses a global challenge, balancing the need for The hydrogen economy entails hydrogen use as an energy carrier to
energy with environmental sustainability. meet energy needs in place of fossil fuels. The key components of the
“An energy carrier is a compound capable of transferring energy. It allows hydrogen economy include production, storage, transport, distribution
energy from an external energy source, whether primary or secondary, to be and end-use, which are at different stages of development. Several au
stored and transferred over time, then released at the appropriate time” [2]. thors posit that the hydrogen economy would provide advantages to the
Energy carriers could be oil products (i.e. gasoline, diesel, etc.), elec future energy system. These are higher integration of renewable en
tricity, hydrogen, and so on. Since the Industrial Revolution, there has ergies into the existing energy infrastructure, accessibility, reliability,
been competition between the different energy carriers such as coal and affordability, energy system resilience, medium to long-term energy
natural gas for power generation [3] and for the oil market, this storage and so on [6–9]. Hydrogen is used in petroleum refineries,
competition has been most clear in transport [4]. Competition between ammonia and methanol synthesis, metals refineries, and is proposed as a
energy carriers is determined by factors like energy density, substitut residential energy source and fuel for vehicles. According to Acar et al.
ability, technology, transportability, cost, economic superiority, and [9], its production will meet 18 % of projected future energy demand,
government policies. These factors affect the costs (direct and indirect), resulting in a significant CO2 reduction annually (6 Gt) and creating
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.M. Aba).
Received 13 March 2023; Received in revised form 27 November 2023; Accepted 3 January 2024
Available online 12 January 2024
0360-3199/© 2024 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
transport”, “energy transition”, “hydrogen mobility”, “electricity pro CO2. It is an endothermic and energy-intensive process that occurs at
duction” “electricity storage”, “electricity transport”, “electric vehicles”, 700–1100K and a pressure of 3.25 bar in the presence of a catalyst.
“electrification for the industry”. Article titles were further screened to Natural gas (Methane) is the main feedstock but heavier hydrocarbons
eliminate unrelated articles. Results are further screened through ab can also be used for this process. The SMR process occurs in three steps.
stract screening to arrive at the most relevant articles reviewed herein. The first is the reaction between methane and water vapour to produce
the synthesis gas and the hydrogen. In the second step, synthesis gas
3. Comparative state-of-the-art review of the hydrogen and reacts with more water vapour to produce carbon dioxide and more
electric economy hydrogen and in the third and final step, gas separation occurs with CO2
adsorption and hydrogen purification [30,32,33,34]. The chemical
The comparative state-of-the-art review presents discussions on en equations that describe the processes are as follows in equations (1) and
ergy production, storage, transport and delivery and end-use technolo (2):
gies for hydrogen and electricity. These discussions are presented in the ( m)
following sections. Cn Hm + H2 O → nCO + n + H2 Eq. 1
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
1 1 1 1 sustainable solution in the long term.
Cn Hm + H2 O + nO2 → nCO + n + m H2 Eq. 4
2 4 2 2
3.1.2. Electricity production
Coal Gasification involves the reaction of coal with steam at 31.1 bar
Electricity can be produced from various sources such as natural gas,
and 1073-1173 K to produce H2, CO and CO2. It can be subdivided into
coal, fossil fuel, biomass, nuclear, solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal.
surface coal gasification (SCG) and underground coal gasification
However, the associated conversion technologies vary from one source
(UCG). It is an intermittent process that begins when coal is comminuted
to another. According to the IEA data [38], global electricity production
and fed into the gasifier, where it reacts with oxygen and steam at high
is dominated by coal (37 %), and natural gas (23 %) which are material,
temperatures to produce H2, CO and CO2. The CO2 gas is removed from
CO2 and energy-intensive and alter the Greenhouse gas (GHG) balance.
the final gas by washing using monoethanolamine or potassium hy
Coal’s power generation has the largest generation capacity and
droxide. It is also noteworthy that emissions for this process are twice
emissions globally, with 9914 TWh and 10178.02 Million metric tons of
the amount from SMR and have the highest global warming potential of
CO2, respectively [38]. Steam generation via the combustion of pul
all known hydrogen production methods [32,34].
verized coal (PC) is the most common coal power generation technology
Hydrocarbon pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of liquid and
globally. However, newer, cleaner coal technologies (CCT) are also
gaseous hydrocarbons into elemental hydrogen and solid carbon with no
being developed and deployed around the world. These include the In
production of CO2 in the presence of a catalyst. It happens in two steps:
tegrated Gasification Combined cycle (IGCC), Supercritical (SC) and
hydrogasification and cracking of methane. This process occurs at 1253
ultra-supercritical pulverized coal (USCPC) combustion, Circulating
K and atmospheric pressure and is perceived to be more environmentally
fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) [39], Integrated Gasification Fuel Cells
friendly, less costly and energy-intensive than Steam Methane Reform
(IGFC) [40], chemical looping combustion (CLC) coal-based plant [41]
ing and partial oxidation. Difficulty with separation of carbon resulting
to mention a few. Deployment of these CCTs incorporating Carbon
from low H2 partial pressures in the reaction mixture product charac
Capture and storage (CCS) holds a promise of greater energy efficiency
terization difficulty and low membrane durability because of high
and environmental friendliness for future energy generation; however,
temperatures also characterized this process. This process holds the
these new technologies are currently limited in scale and development.
promise of becoming a more environmentally friendly path for large-
Natural gas use for electricity was also responsible for 3124 million
scale hydrogen production if powered by renewable electricity, but
metric tons of CO2 emissions as of 2019 [38]. Since the 1940s, natural
high carbon production also limits it on a large scale beyond the current
gas has been the main fuel for electricity generation in simple cycle
market demand level [33,35].
turbines, however, in the 1970s the first combined-cycle natural gas
The discussed hydrogen production methods emit a great amount of
plant (NGCC) which provided greater efficiency compared to the simple
CO2 as a byproduct, making them unsustainable options in the context of
cycle system was built [42]. Natural gas power plants are the most
the energy transition unless coupled with carbon storage and storage
efficient thermal power plants on the grid (45–57 %) with the lowest
technologies. Therefore, sustainable hydrogen production options
environmental emissions.
would be “CO2 free” or “CO2 neutral” pathways concerning the process
Both natural gas and coal could still play a significant role in the
and energy source. Water electrolysis and biomass-based hydrogen
future electricity matrix in configurations with carbon capture and
production are two promising net-zero carbon paths for hydrogen
storage. Jiang et al. [43] simulated an NGCC using different CO2 capture
adsorbents. The authors showed that NGCC adapted for CO2 capture had
Thermochemical and biological methods are used for hydrogen
energy and efficiency costs, but using activated carbon lowered the
production from biomass. Biological methods are bio-photolysis, photo
levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and energy demand for the desorp
fermentation and dark fermentation. Biological methods for hydrogen
tion of CO2 from adsorbents. Xia et al. [44] evaluated the prospect of a
production, unlike others, occur at room temperature and pressure and
near-zero-emission integrated coal gasification combined cycle (IGCC)
do not require catalysts because the enzymes assume the catalytic
power plant in China. The authors found that incorporation of the CCS
function. They also have the minimum environmental impact but are
system resulted in increased cost of power generation ($42 per metric
limited in scale because of the inherently low yield. On the other hand,
ton CO2), which makes it uncompetitive against conventional pulverized
the thermochemical process includes biomass gasification, which is an
coal and IGCC power plants. Y. Jie Zhao et al. in Ref. [41] compared
endothermic process that occurs at temperatures of 973-1473 K. The
different coal-based power plant configurations with and without CCS.
main reactions involved in this process are biomass pyrolysis, tar
The authors found that the CLC coal-based plant was the most sustain
cracking, combustion of methane, dry reforming and steam reforming,
able option but with a lower net generation efficiency and higher costs
as well as Water-Gas-Shift (WGS) reactions to produce H2 and CO2 [33,
than conventional IGCC. A CLC plant integrated with carbon utilization
34]. Hydrogen may also be produced from biogas via SMR and ATR
and hydrogen generation systems may hold greater potential for emis
similar to the natural gas process however, the presence of H2S and
sion reduction [45] using solid amine-based CO2 capture, which is
carbon in the gas mixture affects catalysts performance, hence devel
competitive in energy consumption [46].
oping catalysts that are not limited by these contaminants would
The “greening” of electricity generation is a necessary step in
maximize biogas’ potential for hydrogen production [36].
achieving the energy transition. Cleaner technologies with fewer emis
Electrolysis is the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen
sions have great potential for energy production; however, only CO2-
molecules using electricity (Reverse hydrogen oxidation). It entails
free generation sources like nuclear and renewables such as wind,
converting electrical energy to chemical energy and is associated with
solar, geothermal, biomass and hydropower are needed to push the
significant energy losses. Water electrolysis doesn’t produce greenhouse
energy transition. These are described in the following:
gasses (GHG) except for associated GHG emissions from the primary
Nuclear power, a mature and commercial technology for electricity
source of electricity [19]. In recent times, research has proposed the
generation, has expanded in capacity with more than 454 operational
application of hydrogen as a store of variable renewable energy during
power reactors, achieving an average 81 % capacity factor. It contrib
off-peak periods that can also reduce the curtailment of power plants
utes over 10 % of global electricity. Although most nuclear plants are
[10,19,32,33,34]. Bossel et al. [19] posit that electrolysis is the only link
large-scale plants dominated by the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)
between intermittent renewable energy and the non-stationary fuel cells
and Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), recent research is focused on devel
needed for transportation. It is a mature technology; however, there are
oping small modular nuclear reactors (SMNR) as well. SMNRs can
no large-scale deployments because of the associated energy intensity (i.
switch on and off in small power increments in response to the inter
e. high energy cost). Baykara [37] posits that hydrogen produced via
mittent supply and demand on the grid, especially with the high inte
water electrolysis and biomass using solar energy would be the most
gration of variable renewable energy. Adoption of SMNRs would reduce
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
build times from 8 to 3 years, reduce the emergency planning zone and complex structures of hydrothermal reservoirs at high temperatures,
imply lower initial capital outlay, making it accessible to more coun which are located close to tectonic place boundaries at a depth of
tries, especially new-to-nuclear countries. Some of the new designs approximately 2 km. These sites could also be classified by a specific
would be less dependent on water usage and hence can be deployed exergy Index (SEI) where a resource with SEI greater than 0.5 is clas
inland, where water scarcity is a concern [47,48]. Nuclear plants are sified as a high exergy resource and has an energy efficiency of 18.2 %.
also being envisioned for the integrated generation of electricity and There are several geothermal plant technologies including dry steam
compressed hydrogen [49,34], a nexus of energy, food, fuel and water systems used where geofluids exist as super-heated vapour, flash steam
production [50], and more efficient clean power from hybrid cycles for geofluids existing in two-phase mixtures under high temper
nuclear-solar systems [47]. However, this technology and its global ature and pressure and binary Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) to transfer
penetration are also faced with challenges such as nuclear waste man heat from geofluids to organic fluid in the ORC and well suited for
agement, operational safety, low thermal efficiencies, cost competi geofluids with low-grade heat. Hydrogen and electricity generation can
tiveness against other mature technologies especially in, petroleum-rich be successfully coupled to geothermal plants. However, limited suitable
countries lacking natural deposits of nuclear materials, unequal global geothermal sites limit its growth among renewable technologies
distributions of nuclear resources [51,52]. Despite the technological [63–66].
advancements, these challenges limit the widespread adoption of nu A major concern regarding the future production potential of
clear power adoption. renewable energies is the impact of climate change. As studied by
Hydropower is quite a common and mature electricity generation Alirahmi et al. [67], worsening climate change will impact hydrological
technology globally. It currently accounts for 4329 TWh of electricity cycles for hydropower, biomass production, wind production, solar
generation as of 2019, with further expansions occurring in Asia and irradiation, and geothermal generation. However, the impact would be
Latin America [42,53]. However, the impact of climate change is positive in some regions and negative in others, such as increased hy
altering global hydrological cycles resulting in direct impacts on pre dropower, biomass, and solar energy production for some, while others
cipitation, evaporation, stream flow and soil moisture, spatial and would have diminished resources. In addition, geothermal generation
temporal redistribution of water resources, and thus leading to changes would be affected by changes in water availability, damage to infra
in global water balance [54]. Climate change’s impact on the Pearl River structure, flooding and ambient temperature. The associated challenges
in China is also projected to threaten hydropower reliability and resil would include water availability, damage to infrastructure, flooding and
iency in the future [55]. Carvajal et al. [56] make a similar prediction of an increase in ambient temperature. Hence, more work is done to
hydropower’s vulnerability to climate change in Ecuador. These pre improve the situation and provide security for a greener energy future.
dictions question hydropower participation in the future energy land The hybridization of renewable energy technologies for energy and/
scape. However, localized solutions may be adopted in different or hydrogen production has proven to be more beneficial than the
locations to improve the situation. To address climate change’s impact deployment of standalone technologies. Couto & Estanqueiro [68]
on hydropower, Chang et al. [54] simulated and proposed new opera investigated the complementarity between wind and solar PV in
tions roles for cascade hydropower plants in the Hanjin river, China, Portugal, which showed that hybrid wind and solar power plants
under climate conditions to improve power generation efficiency. The significantly reduced power curtailment associated with using wind
study indicated the proposed new rules resulted in an annual power resources alone. Song et al. [69] proposed a hybrid concentrated solar
generation increase of 16.1 %. The authors in Ref. [57] posit that an and geothermal power generation with supercritical CO2 as a working
increased profit is realizable when hydropower is combined with green fluid. The proposed system resulted in a 45 % higher power output and
hydrogen production from excess available hydropower. Tarroja et al. low specific power cost compared to the standalone supercritical CO2
[58] also investigated the impact of climate change-induced hydro (S-CO2) plant. Kaur et al. [70] also proposed hybrid biomass and solar
power variability on the future electric grid of California and revealed an systems for the cost-effective supply of renewable energy in developing
increase in GHG emissions but with a minimal effect on the LCOE and countries like India. Sen et al. [71] thermodynamically modelled a
renewable power use. The authors also revealed a growth in dis hybrid solar thermal and geothermal system to produce energy. The
patchable power plant capacity. Although hydropower is mature and a study revealed significant exergy losses (81.1 %) with subsequent con
common technology, its future is becoming uncertain considering the versions from electricity to hydrogen and back to electricity. A hybrid
impacts of climate change on hydrological cycles. Therefore, localized nuclear and concentrated solar power (CSP) plant is proposed and
innovative solutions are needed to sustain its participation in the future thermodynamically analyzed compared to a standalone CSP [47]. The
energy mix. study demonstrates a decrease in specific power cost (25 % reduction)
Wind power is growing fast with 732.4 GW of installed capacity and while net efficiency increased (up to 37.5 %) and a possibility of
a 5 % contribution to total electricity generation globally as of 2020 [53, continuous all-year-round operation. Summarily, hybridization of
59]. Wind turbine technology has evolved with bigger turbines con renewable energy technologies presents benefits such as reduce power
structed to harvest greater amounts of wind power [42]. In addition, curtailment, increased efficiency, lower costs and greater output.
solar power technologies convert solar energy to heat and electricity. Table 1 presents a comparison of technical and environmental sus
There are different types: solar photovoltaic (PV), which converts solar tainability criteria of hydrogen and electricity production technologies.
energy directly to electricity and concentrated solar power (CSP), which The table shows that most electricity production technologies are
uses reflective surfaces to concentrate solar energy, to generate elec mature or are in a commercial state of development while most
tricity and heat. Solar photovoltaics have a maximum energy efficiency hydrogen production technologies are still emerging except for con
of 25 % while the CSPs have a maximum of 16 % for commercially ventional SMR, coal gasification and electrolysis production
mature options [60]. Biomass energy is solar energy stored in the form of technologies.
chemical energy. It can be used as a transport fuel, as is the practice Exergy efficiency is one of two important sustainability indicators of
today, and for electricity generation via Combined Heat and Power exergy analysis, which assesses energy systems’ sustainability. It is the
(CHP) and biogas generation systems. It can also be hybridized with maximum work (or electricity) obtainable from a system or energy
other forms of renewable energy technologies, such as solar, wind, and relative to a reference environment. This differs from energy efficiency,
biogas [38,59–62]. which measures the ratio of output energy to input energy. The higher
Geothermal energy technology harnesses sub-surface heat for elec the system’s exergy efficiency, the more sustainable the system is and
tricity generation through the drilling of man-made fractures into the the less the irreversibility associated with such a system and vice versa
earth and circulating water to a depth that is sufficiently hot to transfer [72,118]. Comparing the technologies for electricity and hydrogen
heat into a working fluid. Potential geothermal sites are found in production in Table 1, the renewable electricity production technologies
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
Table 1
Exergy efficiency, emissions, energy return on energy investment (EROEI) and maturity of electricity and hydrogen production technologies.
Technology Exergy Efficiency Emission (KgCO2/ EROEI Maturity Source
(ψ%) kWh)
Electricity production
Coal-fired plant 36 1 46 Commercial [72,73]
NGCC 44 % 0.2 31 Mature [74,75]
NGCC w/CCS 39 % 0.02 21.2 Emerging [76–78]
Biomass 43 % 0.227 0.5–5.7 Mature [79–81]
Nuclear 49 % 0.099 59 Commercial [4–13,82,83, 14–23, 24–34,49,84–86, 35–48,50, 51–65, 66–81,
Solar 11 % 0.04 4–25 Commercial [72,90,78]
Wind 71 % 0.00911 5–18 Commercial [97–99]
Geothermal (EGS 71 % 0.032 4 Commercial [64,100–102]
Hydro 80 % 0.273 59–84 Mature [89,103–106]
Hydrogen production
SMR 65.2 % 0.27 2.5 Commercial [33,103,104]
SMR w/CCS 27–36 % 0.14 N.A Emerging [35,105,106]
POX 58 % 0.37 N.A Commercial [32,107,108]
ATR 89 % 0.27 N.A Emerging [108,109]
Coal Gasification 40.98 % 0.88 26 Commercial [32,110,111]
Coal Gasification w/CCS 27–36 % 0.23 N.A Emerging [104–106]
CHs pyrolysis 47 % 0.17 N.A Emerging [15,35,112]
Biomass pyrolysis 45–54 % 0.01–0.26 N.A Emerging [104,106]
Biomass gasification 21–39 % 0.01 0.39a Commercial [105,106]
Electrolysis (Wind) 27 % 0.02–0.03 1.8 Commercial [106,113,114]
Electrolysis (Solar) 3–5% 0.05–0.19 1.7–6.31 Commercial [112,115–117]
Electrolysis (Nuclear) 35–37 % 0.02–0.03 2.1 Emerging [33,106,113,114]
Electrolysis (Nat gas) 0.69 N.A Commercial [114]
have greater exergy efficiency than renewable hydrogen sources how invested energy needed to make this energy useable. It can have eco
ever; comparing fossil-based production technologies, hydrogen tech nomic implications, as it determines the value of fuel technology and its
nologies indicate greater exergy efficiencies. This portends that using economically useful energy output. It also determines the economic
renewable electricity is more environmentally sustainable for the energy viability of the fuel production technology compared to other alterna
transition. tives. As it concerns energy carriers such as electricity and hydrogen,
Emissions from natural gas and coal-based hydrogen production are EROEI is important in comparing the amount of useful energy obtained
significant (Fig. 4). However, the adoption of carbon capture and storage from a primary resource across its entire supply chain [78,119]. Thus,
technologies leads to reduced emissions of up to 90 %, but with asso EROEI demonstrates the best production chain technologies and routes
ciated energy and efficiency costs. Technological progress can reduce for optimal energy supply to society. Computing EROI could also be
CCS energy costs, allowing fossil fuels to have a large role in future affected by system boundary and type of energy end-use [120,115],
energy production, as proposed by IPCC. Renewable energy and nuclear therefore this comparison is only limited to production of hydrogen and
technologies indicate significantly lower emissions compared to their electricity.
fossil fuel counterparts, while nuclear plants produce the minimum Moliner et al. [119] have documented that the Energy Return on
emissions. Energy Invested (EROEI) for electricity production technologies exceeds
A metric seldom considered for comparative evaluation of energy that of hydrogen production technologies, surpassing the crucial
carriers is the energy return on energy invested (EROEI). EROEI refers to threshold of seven for economically viable energy systems (as illustrated
the ratio of the useable energy returned over a system’s lifetime to all the in Fig. 5). Furthermore, conventional electricity generation methods
Fig. 4. Comparison of the carbon footprint of electricity and hydrogen production technologies (kgCO2/kWh).
(Source: Authors based on Table 1).
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
Fig. 5. Comparison of Energy Return on Energy Invested for electricity and hydrogen production.
(Source: Authors, based on Table 1).
relying on coal and natural gas exhibit higher EROEI values when applied to the Nyos and Monoun lakes demonstrated a potential storage
compared to most renewable electricity technologies, with the excep capacity of 756 MWh of electricity and some other socio-economic
tions being hydropower and nuclear technology. It is noteworthy that benefits. Hunt et al. [123] also conducted a computational evaluation
the EROEI of hydrogen production via coal gasification is relatively of the energy generation and storage potential of the Indus River basin to
high, but this method is marred by substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) overcome the seasonal energy challenge in Asia. The authors’ study
emissions, rendering it environmentally unsustainable. However, it is showed that the Indus River basin offered a vast and inexpensive energy
feasible to capture these emissions at the expense of energy and effi production and storage option at 12 USD MWh− 1 and 1 USD MWh− 1,
ciency. In summary, the evidence suggests that electricity production respectively. Ternary Pumped Storage Hydropower was examined by
stands as a more economically and technically promising alternative to Nag & Lee [124] to provide primary frequency regulation for both
traditional oil-based products. pumping and generating modes with low inertia power. The findings
confirmed the ability to regulate and smoothly transition between
generation and pumping functions within a few seconds. Hunt et al.
3.2. Energy carrier storage [125] present a compendium of existing and planned global PSH
Energy storage would play an important role in the energy transition Other studies on the innovative application of PHS include the
by providing a carbon-free energy source of flexibility to operations, simulation of a hybrid solar-wind-hydropower system where the PHS
aiding higher integration of renewable energy, and improving capacity effectively reduce the fluctuations from wind and solar power and en
utilization of generation assets [116]. hances the absorptive capacity of the power grid. However, the PHS
Several types of energy storage technologies are applied for sec system encountered several fatigue failures due to the unstable and non-
ondary energy storage. They can be classified according to the energy rated operations mode [124]. A similar study performed by Salimi et al.
form of the storage systems, such as mechanical, electrochemical, [126], demonstrated increased penetration of wind power when wind
chemical energy, electrical, and thermal. Hydrogen can be stored power and PHS are simultaneously operated. The technical feasibility of
through liquefaction, compression, and chemical (i.e., NH3, formic acid, underground PHS systems in Northern Spain coal mines was established
methanol etc.) and physical storage media. Whereas for electricity by Menendez et al. [127]. Furthermore, Zheng & Sahraei [128]
storage, pumped hydropower storage (PHS), Flywheel, Compressed air demonstrated the feasibility of leveraging existing water and waste
energy storage (CAES), electrochemical storage: batteries, ultra- water infrastructure for the state of California, the USA, for energy
capacitors, etc [83,117,121], Flux batteries, compressed air systems, storage with a capacity of over 280 MWh. Pradhan et al. [129]
or reversible pumping hydroelectric installations are the best applica demonstrated the feasibility of using seawater PHS to reduce fossil fuel
tions for meeting demands in the order of MWhs, given their discharge power dependency and increase renewable power penetration in small
times at peak hours [122]. islanded locations.
Pumped Hydropower storage (PHS), a store of gravitational potential However, there are unique situations like the National Inter
energy is the most prevalent, efficient large-scale electricity storage connected System (SIN) in Brazil with 212 TWh of storage capacity,
technology used to provide daily peak load hours. During off-peak times, when reservoirs are full, accounting for one-third of total annual power
water is pumped from the lower basins to the upper basins to generate production, thus allowing operational flexibility to accommodate sig
electricity during peak demand. It usually comprises two reservoirs–an nificant insertion of intermittent sources like solar and wind capacity.
upper and lower reserve which acts as the store of water. The PHS has a The Brazilian system is unique for its dual function as a hydroelectric
low energy density of 0.5–1.5 Wh/kg and an effective efficiency of plant and as an energy storage system (reservoir). This combination
65–80 % for each kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity produced. This provides enough storage to permit greater penetration of variable
technology can only be deployed in special sites and has long lead times renewable energy resources and reliable clean electricity generation,
[117,121]. which provides a multiplier effect on energy storage capacity [130,131].
Nzotcha et al. [123] proposed a strategy to remove carbon dioxide This type of hydrological storage may be referred to as “Hydropower
(CO2) and methane (CH4) from deep waters without disrupting the with Accumulation Reservoirs (HPAR)” in this article. PHS may also be
balance of the water body, using a special PHS arrangement. The study
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
hybridized with different power sources, as demonstrated by Wang et al. few have large-scale electric vehicles, load levelling and industrial ap
[55] in the simultaneous operation of wind and pumped storage hy plications such as lithium-ion and sodium nickel chloride batteries. They
dropower plants, which increased the effectiveness of wind power are classified as electrochemical or redox flow batteries. Electrochemical
plants. In addition, combining large hydropower plants with seasonal batteries include Lead-acid batteries, nickel-based batteries, sodium-
pumped hydro storage results in complementarity adding long-term sulfur batteries, sodium nickel chloride batteries lithium-ion batteries
water and energy storage with fewer sediments, and social and envi and metal-air batteries, accumulators, ultra-capacitors etc. [134]. Flow
ronmental impacts [123]. batteries are one of the promising technologies being considered for
Compressed air energy storage (CAES) entails the storage of excess long-term and large-scale energy storage. This is described in the
electricity by mechanically compressing air in a natural and mechani following.
cally formed cavern that is used to generate electricity in the future. The Flow batteries are relatively new and promising for long-term, large-
CAES technology can be either adiabatic or diabatic. In diabatic tech scale applications. They are highly scalable and provide ease of
nology, the air is compressed with heat gain during the process, which is replacing or increasing the number of electrolytes. They store electrical
removed by cooling before storage. The process is reversed in the energy by charging two liquid electrolyte solutions and releasing the
discharge of compressed air by first heating the air in a combustion stored energy when discharged. The electrolytes are stored externally in
chamber, which then drives the turbines to produce electricity. Whereas tanks and cycled through the electrochemical fuel cell separated by a
in the adiabatic process, compressed air is stored in a heated state which selective membrane that converts electrical energy directly to chemical
facilitates the discharge for electricity production. This configuration energy and vice versa. These batteries offer certain advantages, such as
results in increased system efficiency of up to 20 % [132]. It acts as a no self-discharge rate, no degradation for deep discharge, long lifetime
large-scale, long-duration energy-saving solution (usually within a few and low maintenance requirements. Different types of flow batteries
days) just like the PHS. The CAES has a quick startup and operates with have been developed over the years, such as vanadium redox flow bat
an efficiency between 60 % and 80 % and with a lifespan of 40 years but teries (VRB), polysulfide bromide batteries (PSB), and zinc-bromine
has a low energy density [133,134]. The typical capacity of a CAES plant batteries (ZBR). VRBs offer the advantages of high efficiency, long life
ranges between 100 and 300 MW. Llamas et al. [135] simulated a hybrid cycle, low operating and maintenance costs and safety. However, they
system integrating biogas as heat and energy sources in the CAES sys have lower energy density and thus require large space. ZBRs have
tem. This innovative approach increases the efficiency of the CAES to 70 similar characteristics as the VRB, but with higher energy density and
% and makes the system 100 % renewable. Zhao et al. [136] also sur discharge time of up to 10 h and can be applied as seasonal storage due
veyed the hybridization of combined heat and CAES systems (CH-CAES), to their low self-discharge. PSBs offer lower efficiency due to their
demonstrating the smoothing of different frequencies from fluctuations pumping requirement and pose an environmental risk in case of pump
of wind power. In general, PHS and CAES technologies are already failure [134].
commercialized and have been implemented in several countries how The discharge time, application and system capacity ratings of
ever, does not provide power for seasonal energy storage [117]. Other different energy storage media are provided in Fig. 6. It can be observed
forms of renewable energy storage include Onsite fuel storage, com that of the electrical storage devices PHS, CAES, and TES indicate the
bined with generating capacity (OFSC), which provides resource flexi greatest capacity and discharge time for large-scale grid and energy
bility for both transmission and distribution level stability. A good management applications. However, these storage mechanisms may be
example is the biogas plant, a renewable resource that additionally limited by their site-specificity.
provides environmental services to treat organic residues [137]. Hydrogen is an energy carrier just like electricity and some studies,
Batteries are the most popular and mature electricity storage devices, such as [141–143] describe it as a store of excess electrical energy.
which directly convert electricity to chemical binding energy. The en Hydrogen has a low density of 0.09 kg per cubic meter at ambient
ergy efficiencies of the batteries discussed herein are presented in temperature and pressure, which limits its widespread use. This neces
Table 2 in the following. Electrochemical batteries are the most mature sitates compression or liquefaction for storage and transport purposes.
and widely used for both small and large applications. However, only a Hydrogen energy storage (HES) is one of the proven and promising
Table 2
Comparison of electricity storage options and hydrogen for large-scale applications.
Energy storage Capacity (MW) Round trip efficiency (%) Power rating (MW) Energy rating (MWh) The energy density (Wh/L) Self-discharge rate (%/day)
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
Fig. 6. Comparison of Energy Storage Technologies by power capacity and discharge time.
CAES: Compressed air energy storage, HPAR: Hydropower with Accumulation Reservoirs
OFSC: Onsite fuel storage, PHS: Pumped hydropower storage, SMES: Superconducting magnetic energy storage, TES: Thermal Energy Storage.
(Adapted from Refs. [134,139,140])
long-term energy storage (months) techniques with the potential to ammonia (NH3), methanol, formic acid, metal hydrides, carbohydrates,
bridge several sectors, such as transport and electricity. Electricity can synthetic hydrocarbons, and liquid organic hydrogen carriers. Ammonia
be converted and stored as hydrogen. HES offers the benefit of high is the most common and widely distributed chemical storage. It can be
energy density, modular design, low maintenance need, low toxic mixed with existing fuels, produce no CO2 and burns efficiently. How
emissions, and low noise and vibrations. HES, when coupled with ever, it is toxic at normal temperature and pressure, energy-expensive
renewable energy, can also reduce GHG emissions [83,117,134]. and even after decomposition leaves traces in the produced hydrogen
Currently, compression is the most common way of hydrogen storage [83]. These demerits make Ammonia unfit for the widespread storage of
but the mechanical work input and compression cost are greater than energy except handled by skilled professionals and in a controlled
the energy stored resulting in an inefficient gravimetric and volumetric environment. Formic acid is a carboxylic acid that is gaining a lot of
density of 13 wt% and lower than 40 kg/m3 (0.03 kg/L), respectively. research attention because it produces hydrogen without carbon mon
This method is also faced with safety and hydrogen loss issues and it is oxide (CO), however, CO2 is produced as a byproduct [145].
unlikely to be used in future applications. Energy used in compression Methanol is another chemical storage option. It is liquid at ambient
(>2.21 kWh/kg) amounts to about 13–18 % of the lower heating value temperature and pressure and can be directly combusted as fuel, stored
(LHV) of the stored hydrogen. Liquefaction, on the other hand, entails and transported easily at low costs, which makes it a suitable hydrogen
hydrogen storage in cryogenic tanks (at temperatures 20.15K) through a carrier but has high initial costs. It serves as an attractive compound
double-step compression and cooling process in a heat exchanger. An because of the direct application and ease of the CO2-free de-
estimated 15.2 kWh/kg of work is needed to achieve 70.8 kg/m3 (0.07 hydrogenation process. The low heating demand of the de-
kg/L) volumetric density at atmospheric pressure. This method is also hydrogenation and the high storage capacity make methanol an
plagued by high costs, high energy consumption (up to 45 % of the appealing option for long-distance transport. For long-distance imports,
hydrogen energy content), safety issues, contamination of hydrogen methanol is not only economical but also energetically advantageous.
stream with air, storage and transport equipment embrittlement, and However, pure methanol is toxic, and cannot be sold in the current
daily boil-off losses into the atmosphere within a range of 0.06–0.4 % for petroleum retail infrastructure [83,142,146].
volumes within 50-20,000 cubic meters. There is no large-scale imple Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC) are also able to store large
mentation of liquid hydrogen storage up to 600 cubic meters. This amounts of hydrogen with gravimetric densities of about 6 wt% and
method is promising, but research is still needed to address these issues hydrogenated when needed. LOHCs hold great potential for long-
[9,32,137,144–146]. distance hydrogen transport but to be technically and economically
Chemical methods can also be used to store hydrogen. Chemical feasible, the provision of dehydrogenation heat is required [83,142].
storage uses chemical substances/compounds as a storage media and Carbohydrates are considered the most abundant renewable
source of the generation of hydrogen. Some identified materials include hydrogen storage with high hydrogen densities. The carbohydrate-to-
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
hydrogen technology can be classified as chemical catalysis (including A comparison of technical efficiencies of the energy storage in
gasification, pyrolysis, gasification in supercritical water (SCW), and Table 2 shows that electrochemical storage options have greater effi
aqueous-phase reforming (APR)), biological transformations (including ciencies than hydrogen storage, although hydrogen storage has greater
dark fermentation, light fermentation, their combination, electrically specific energy. The low hydrogen storage efficiency would imply sig
assisted microbial fuel cells (MFCs), microbial ethanol fermentation nificant energy losses as compared to other technologies. The self-
followed by ethanol partial oxidation reforming, and cell-free SyPaB) or discharge rate of hydrogen is almost zero and is comparable to long-
hybrids. The current theoretical maximum yield of carbohydrate-to- term electricity storage options.
hydrogen production with water is 12 mol of hydrogen per mole of Implementing the hydrogen storage methods discussed in the fore
hexose and 10 mol of hydrogen per mole of pentose. Although this going would require the development of a new infrastructure, which is
technology seems to be devoid of the demerits of other technologies, it is still in the developmental stages. On the other hand, mature options are
limited by the cost of enzymes and their stability, the cost of non-protein technically and economically infeasible for widespread application
chemical compounds and their stability, and low reaction rates [83, [141]. However, hydrogen can be stored as synthetic fuels such as
147]. methane, or synthetic hydrocarbons through the conversion of excess
Metal hydrides are compounds capable of absorbing hydrogen and power-to-gas (PtG) and power-to-liquids (PtL). These methods of storage
releasing it when required. They are compact because of their high ab would leverage existing mature petroleum and industrial processes and
sorption capacity and are safe for use at low pressure. However, ab infrastructure to provide long-term energy storage. PtG and PtL pro
sorption is an exothermic process, while desorption is endothermic, thus cesses offer the flexibility of producing different industrial compounds
they require thermal management. Metal hydrides have a hydrogen and extra revenue streams. However, they are regarded as options for
storage capacity of 5-7 wt% and tend to bond strongly with hydrogen, storage of excess electricity, not a means of satisfying gas demand, as
creating a need for high temperatures (393-473 K). Despite the merits of this would require large capital investments [149].
metal hydrides, they suffer from violent reactions when exposed to moist Methanation is the principal process of converting hydrogen to
air, cause skin and eye irritation, and reduce tank lifetime due to the synthetic fuels and chemicals. It involves the production of methane
uptake of impurities during hydrogen absorption [83,134]. from hydrogen and carbon dioxide [150,151]. Methanation can be
Other hydrogen storage methods include physisorption by weakly referred to as either CO or CO2 methanation, which are both exothermic
bonding the hydrogen molecules to the surface of materials such as reactions, associated with the release of great amounts of heat and
carbon-based materials, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphene, oxides, require heat management. This process and technology development
chalcogenides, group III-nitride etc. However these methods are still at has been described in detail by Ref. [150]. There have also been ad
experimental stages and have not been commercialized for hydrogen vances in research such as biological methanation [152], direct
storage [83,148]. methanation of biogas [153], and methanation catalyst improvement
Technological development of both electricity and hydrogen energy [154–158]. Italiano et al. [159] described CO and CO2 methanation
storage shows that the most matured and developed technologies for using Nickel catalysts, Ye et al. [154] studied the enhanced stability of
large-scale long-term energy storage are electric, hydrogen storage is Ni/SiO2 catalyst for CO2 methanation, Vrijburg [155] studied the Ni
still under research and development (Fig. 7) and the most mature Mn/TiO2 catalysts for CO2 methanation, while Frontera et al. [156]
hydrogen storage technology (compression and liquefaction) are revie3ed the various catalysts supported for methanation process.
economically and energetically infeasible for widespread usage. How Production of synthetic methane or synthetic natural gas (SNG) from
ever, Marchenko & Solomin [11] posit that both hydrogen and elec renewable energy has an efficiency of about 63.6 % because of the losses
tricity storage could complement each other in the future where associated with the conversion of electricity to hydrogen and hydrogen
electricity storage provides short-term (Seconds-Minutes) and to natural gas. According to Schaaf et al. [151], when SNG is applied to
Medium-term (Minutes-hours) energy storage while hydrogen provides electrical power generation, overall efficiency is reduced to approxi
long-term storage (hours-months). mately 38 % and up to 54 % when applied to combined heat and power
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
(CHP). In addition, greater efficiencies are achieved by the direct com were suited for long-distance electricity transport while HVAC is suited
bustion of hydrogen, but the authors did not consider the efficiency of for permitting various voltage levels in different forms of generation,
electricity production technologies. On the other hand, Preuster et al. transmission and distribution. Environmentally, Kalair et al. [163] posit
[8] postulate that there are limits to synthetic natural gas storage due to that HVDCs are best suited for electricity transport in the energy tran
the difficulty of recovering hydrogen from SNG and the devaluation of sition. Semeraro [164] compared the cost of transporting renewable
the hydrogen stored in SNG. However, SNG can be used directly for energy via pipelines and transmission lines. The author posits that
energy instead of re-hydrogenation. Robles et al. [158] provided effi hydrogen pipeline transport is more economical and cheaper than using
ciencies of different power-to-gas process chains illustrated in Fig. 8. HVDCs, but this is dependent on the assumption of maturation of all
Other synthetic but unfavourable hydrogen storage options include technologies and cost reduction of technologies across the hydrogen
formic acid and Fischer-Tropsch Syncrude production [8]. However production chain. This research was limited because it did not consider
[82], study indicates significant gaps between fossil-based products’ the options of leveraging natural gas infrastructure or grid
cost and synthetic chemical storage, making synthetic fuels modernization.
uneconomical. Grid modernization implies the smartening of the grid. This involves
Despite the plethora of hydrogen storage options, selecting the the adoption of monitoring and control devices for grid management
appropriate option that meets manufacturers’ and end-user re [165]. Smart grids combine smart meters, enabling management of
quirements remains a pertinent issue because the available options do demands, higher renewable energy integration, CO2 emissions re
not currently meet the widespread application of hydrogen storage. ductions, enabling the provision of quality electricity, smooth opera
Therefore, there is a need for further improvement of methods and tions and system security [166,167]. Kapustin & Grushevenko [168],
materials to improve efficiency, considering cost and safety [83]. the authors posit that the expansion of the electric fleet globally would
require a deep modernization of the grid to permit the integration of
3.3. Energy transport energy storage technologies. According to the IEA [169], an annual in
vestment of US$600 billion is required until 2030 to get on the Net Zero
Energy transport is critical in getting carriers from the generation Scenario trajectory, which is double current investment levels.
source to the point of end-use. The efficiency, cost, adaptability, safety, Hydrogen transport can be achieved via bulk transport modes, such
reliability, and capacity of the transport medium are thus important in as storage vessels, trucks, trailers, railway tanks, and containers and
determining the feasibility of a widespread application. The use of pipelines. Conventional bulk transport modes are characterized by high
pipelines, trucks, trailers; transmission and distribution grids have delivery costs because of the low carrying capacity coupled with low
dominated the energy transport sector for decades with over 4.7 million handling capability [10,33,170]. According to an IRENA report [10], the
kilometres, and over 40,600 transformers capacity. The electricity grid use of pipelines for hydrogen transport is currently technically feasible
has attained maturity and widespread adoption globally over this time and has been used for decades, but has been limited and does not pro
[160]. Therefore, the adoption of existing infrastructure with minimal mote rapid large-scale deployment. Leveraging existing natural gas
modification costs in the energy transition would yield a rapid and pipeline infrastructure without significant investment is also possible by
sustainable process. blending hydrogen with natural gas at low shares (10–20 %). However,
The electricity transmission and distribution grid has been used for Nikolaidis et al. [33] postulate that higher shares would lead to signif
electricity transport since the 20th century. High–voltage lines are used icant transport losses of up to 20 % compared to that of natural gas,
to transport electricity over long distances efficiently and cheaply while which ranges between 5 and 7% thus, significant innovations and up
low-voltage electricity is transported over a shorter distance and is more grades are needed to reduce the transport losses.
suited for homes and businesses. The electricity grid transport also is Transportation of renewable energy stored as hydrogen over long
associated with low energy losses (5 %), making it quite efficient in distances could be economically attractive where there is insufficient
delivering high-grade energy for industrial and domestic end-users grid capacity or where grid extension is impractical or more expensive
[161]. However, grid modernization is necessary to make it ready for than hydrogen transport. Such as with harnessing remote renewable
the transition. Niermann et al. in Ref. [142] posit that high-voltage energy such as offshore wind etc via indirect electrification, i.e. con
direct current (HVDC) electricity is a promising technology for version of electricity to hydrogen and/or synthetic fuels [171]. This
long-distance electricity transport via existing or new power lines transportation is via liquid-ships, according to Table 3. However,
because energy losses are significantly lower than the existing method of long-distance transport of hydrogen by shipping is associated with the
using alternating current lines. The authors also posit that compressed highest investment cost, and significant losses in pressurization
hydrogen can bridge shorter distances more efficiently or a combination (compression) and liquefaction as already described in the previous
of HVDC with onsite hydrogen production. Akinte et al. in Ref. [162] section. Transportation of hydrogen stored as ammonia, although con
also justified the applications of both HVAC and HVDC, where HVDCs taining 1.7 times more hydrogen than liquefied hydrogen, is associated
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
Table 3
Comparison of electricity and hydrogen transport and delivery modes.
Transport and Transport Suitability Investment Costs Efficiency Capacity Energy required
delivery mode
Electricity Grid Short, medium, and large $0.00075 M -$0.0033 M for long-distance & 97 % (3 % loss) per 1000 km up to 7 GW No external energy
(HVDC) distance transfer of bulk $0.0012M-$0.0066 M for lower voltage required
electricity transmission per MW-km depending on
Pipeline Bulk H2 gas transport over $0.2M-$1 M per km depending on the terrain >99.2 % per 100 km Up to 100 tons Electricity for
Short, medium, and large h− 1 (3.9 GW) pipeline
distances. compressors
Tube trailer Short distance delivery Around $0.3 M + per truck 94 % per 100 km Up to 0.4 tons Vehicle fuel
(gas) per truck
Liquid–road Bulk liquid transport over $0.3M-$0.4 M per truck 99 % per 100 km Up to 4 tons per Vehicle fuel and
short and medium distances (liquefaction efficiency is truck liquefaction energy
approximately 75 %)
Liquid–ships International delivery (long $465 M -$620 M per LH2 barge 0.3 % boil-off per day Up to 10,000 Transport fuel
distance) of Very large gas tons per
quantities shipment
Source [172,173].
with up to 45 % energy losses, and transport losses of hydrogen stored as cell technology, such as fuel cost, poor water management, degradation
methyl-cyclohexane (MCH) are up to 43 %. Although the future of cell material. A Swiss case - study by Çabukoglu et al. [177] also posits
hydrogen transport and distribution networks would look like the cur that fuel-cell electric vehicles would only be feasible with established
rent natural gas network, they would require significant upgrades in infrastructure and green hydrogen production.
equipment such as compressors which is capital intensive [10,22]. On the other hand, electric mobility has been developed and adop
Table 3 presents a comparison of the major delivery modes for tion has grown to over 10 million vehicles in circulation as of the year
hydrogen and electricity. The table shows the suitability of transport 2020, dominated by battery electric vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrid
modes for electricity and hydrogen-based on their investment costs, electric vehicles (PHEV) [178]. Despite the growth of EVs, Nadel [21]
efficiency, capacity, and energy requirements. The table shows that both identified barriers limiting EV adoption to include upfront cost, range
hydrogen and electricity transport modes are suitable for both short anxiety, inadequate charging infrastructure, and weather impacts on
(0–100 km), medium (100–1000 km) and long-distance (>1000 km) performance and variety. However, tax credits and fuel and mainte
transfer [172,173], however, the investment costs for hydrogen trans nance savings often offset upfront costs over the life of the vehicle.
port modes are significantly greater than electricity grid modernization Newer models also have increased ranges up to 1000 km on a single
using HVDC transmission lines. Furthermore, the electricity grid por charge. These developments build the case for increased feasibility of
tends greater efficiency and less loss per 100 km than hydrogen trans higher electrification of the transport sector in the future. Transport
port options. In addition, electricity grid transport also does not require electrification also portends GHG mitigation potential. However, this is
an external energy supply for transport in contrast to hydrogen delivery dependent on the electricity generation structure, as shown in
modes. Ref. [179]. Hou et al. [179] estimated the GHG mitigation potential of
electrification of transport to range from 40 to 215 Mt CO2e by 2030. In
addition, Nadolny et al. [180] evaluated the feasibility of a fully elec
3.4. End-use trified land transport system in a 100 % variable renewable electricity
generation scenario using Australia as a case study. The authors posit
The energy transition would affect energy usage and result in the this pathway is feasible in regions with wind and solar resources coupled
substitution of prevailing energy carriers (fossil-fuel derivatives) in with storage options such as PSH.
certain sectors. However, adopted alternatives must sustainably meet A comparative analysis of hydrogen and charging refuelling infra
the requirements of safety, ease of use, reliability, minimal infra structure by Robinius et al. [181] shows that high penetration of electric
structural investment, and efficiency. As identified in the introduction vehicles is more economically feasible compared to hydrogen fuel-cell
section, the transport and industry sectors are the highest consumers of vehicles due to its higher efficiency, and high cost of electricity gener
energy and emitters of CO2 emissions. These are the focus of this section. ated for electrolysis and geological storage for excess renewable energy.
The study shows that the availability of excess renewable energy during
3.4.1. Transport sector off-peak hours makes complementary operations of electric vehicles and
The transition to a CO2-free transport sector would require fuel hydrogen fuel cell vehicles possible to create sustainable solutions with
substitution from the fossil-dominated scenario to emission-free alter high relevance and efficiency where electric vehicles meet the need for
natives. In this context, electric mobility and hydrogen-powered engines short-distance travel while hydrogen fuel cell electric and hydrogen
dominate research proposals. Hydrogen fuel cells have been developed refuelling would meet the need of long-distance travels. This is also
and used in both light and heavy-duty vehicles. They offer higher effi corroborated by the IRENA report [82] which posits that direct elec
ciency than internal combustion engines (ICE), no end-use GHG emis trification has a higher end-use efficiency than the hydrogen alternative.
sions and can be applied at various scales [83]. Hydrogen can also be The study in Ref. [176] also concluded that the future of mobility is
used in internal combustion engines (ICE) or hybrid internal dependent on electric mobility. Despite these merits of electric vehicles
combustion-fuel cell engines that leverage the maturity of the ICE. The over its hydrogen alternatives, the long refuelling time of electric ve
feasibility of hydrogen use in ICEs makes it a transition fuel for land hicles compared to hydrogen refuelling time is still a major challenge
transport and also promises greater efficiencies over conventional fuel [182].
options, but is still plagued with abnormal combustion and backfiring
problems [174]. However, Ajanovic & Haas [175] identified limited 3.4.2. Industry and power sector
deployment of infrastructure, low infrastructure utilization, cost and Industrial application of energy is mainly in the form of electricity
lack of regulation and coordinated action among stakeholders. In and heat. And to decarbonize it, Thiel and Stark [23] posit that heat
addition, Wilberforce et al. [176] identified other challenges to the fuel
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
must be decarbonized. The authors identified several research path Pumped Storage Hydro (PSH), batteries, and Compressed Air Energy
ways, which include zero-carbon fuels, zero-carbon heat sources, elec Storage (CAES) offer round-trip efficiencies ranging from 40 to 95 %.
trification of heat and better heat management. However, since the focus Despite lower energy densities (50-500 Wh/L), these technologies serve
of this article is on hydrogen and electricity alternatives, these would be as long-term storage solutions. Addressing low efficiency challenges,
the focus. Metal-Air and ZEBRA batteries, with up to 30,000 Wh/L, show promise.
Electrifying industrial processes is currently difficult and technically Conversely, hydrogen storage boasts higher energy density (500–3000
infeasible for processes with high-temperature heat requirements. It Wh/L) but lower round-trip efficiency (30–50 %) compared to batteries.
would result in significant technological changes in the industrial sector Improving the efficiency of hydrogen storage would enhance its viability
and increased electricity demand [22]. According to Nadel [21], some for long-term electricity storage, minimizing energy loss.
electrothermal technologies may apply to some industrial processes like Energy transfer for end-use is also a critical aspect of the production
steel production but may be infeasible in several others. However, heat chain. In this study, the major transport modes for hydrogen and elec
pumps may be applied to low-to-medium temperature heat supply. This tricity transport were evaluated for suitability and electricity, the most
is also corroborated by Thiel and Stark [23] who posit that heat pumps mature and viable technology is presented as the most efficient transfer
provide more than one unit of useful heat per unit of electricity and can mode owing to the significant losses associated with hydrogen transport
be used with renewable electricity but are associated with high upfront and the low energy density of large-scale hydrogen transport in addition
costs, long payback periods and low temperature and small capacities. to its significant infrastructure investment requirement. However, an
Wei et al. [183] postulate that the application of solar thermal electricity transport medium (grid) already exists, although still
technology and hydrogen for indirect electrification and decarbon requiring new investment and modernization; it still portends a more
ization of the industrial sector using renewable energy could be a so viable option for large-scale energy transport than the available options.
lution. However, applying renewable electricity is limited by its Furthermore, the carrier form must meet the end-use requirement in
variability and limited capacity. HYBRIT, a Swedish venture, has terms of its adaptability, handling and safety of use. Hydrogen, either in
developed a process to produce fossil-free steel using hydrogen instead the liquid or gaseous state, cannot be applied to current major end-uses
of coal. Although it is still on a small scale and expensive, the venture without technological modifications, and efforts are still being made to
aims to produce this commercially and economically by 2026 [184]. modify existing engines to run on hydrogen however, their direct
For power generation, gas turbines and diesel engines dominate hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are being developed by major automakers
current large-scale power-generation technologies and can attain up to and companies such as HYBRIT have applied hydrogen in industrial
500 MW power levels per engine and 60 % maximum thermal efficiency production of steel [184]. Despite these efforts, cost remains an issue
in the combined cycle or combined heat and power plants [174]. Ac with hydrogen use thus, it would be more suitable to convert hydrogen
cording to IRENA [82], the application of hydrogen in current gas tur from excess renewable electricity to other forms of energy for ease of
bines is limited to 1–2% and can be increased to 10–15 % without major end-use. This implies that hydrogen would rather serve as a store of
retrofits to the infrastructure. However, Nowakowski et al. [185] found energy for future end-uses.
that hydrogen levels in the gas mixture must be monitored and adjusted
accordingly to minimize negative effects on the industrial combustion 4.2. Environmental sustainability
process. Niaz et al. [83] posit that hydrogen-based steam generators are
better for industrial and medical purposes, while catalytic burners may Contrary to the claims of the environmental friendliness of both
be applied for cooking and heating purposes. However, the adoption of energy carriers considered in this study, the production chain approach
fuel cells for power generation is also an alternative because of their adopted in this study shows that both carriers may produce significant
higher efficiency, but it is still not economically feasible in comparison emissions at the production stage of the lifecycle. The conventional and
to existing engines [174]. mature production technologies for both hydrogen and electricity pro
duction had greater emissions than renewable and nuclear energy op
4. Findings and discussion of findings tions. This points to the importance of considering the energy source for
each energy carrier and the production route [186]. Only low emissions
This section presents a discussion of the findings of the review in technologies such as wind, solar, hydro and nuclear energy currently
terms of energy efficiency, environmental efficiency, technology readi promise environmental sustainability for large-scale applications.
ness level, and complementarity/competition. However, adopting carbon capture and storage for conventional tech
nologies like the NGCC and IGCC presented opportunities for
4.1. Energy sustainability low-emission production from fossil fuels as well as energy and effi
ciency costs.
The efficiencies of conventional hydrogen production through SMR, The actual end-use of hydrogen and electricity is not associated with
POx, and ATR, are greater than electricity generation technologies. the release of carbon emissions since hydrogen is a clean-burning fuel
However, hydrogen’s dependency on electricity input makes it less and electricity requires no combustion to produce work. However, the
efficient than the direct production of electricity because of associated energy sources play an important role in determining their environ
losses in energy conversion processes. Electricity production pathways mental sustainability thus making renewable, nuclear energy and con
also demonstrate greater energy return on energy invested for both fossil ventional fossil energy adapted with CCS technologies the most
and renewable energy and exergy efficiency for renewable electricity in plausible options for an environmentally sustainable energy future.
comparison to energy returns via hydrogen production, making elec
tricity a more energetically viable replacement for oil products as an 4.3. Technical readiness level
energy carrier.
Electricity production pathways also demonstrate greater energy As discussed in the foregoing, electricity production technologies for
return on energy invested (EROEI) for both fossil and renewable energy both renewable and non-renewable energy have attained commercial
and exergy efficiency for renewable electricity in comparison to energy and matured status and have existed for a long period. Despite this, a
returns via hydrogen production (Table 2), which may imply greater global energy access deficit still exists. Consequently, the radical adop
viability for electricity to replace oil products as an energy carrier. tion of new technologies requiring significant infrastructural changes to
However, this only applies to renewable energy production attain a sustainable energy future is a difficult and unrealistic path to
technologies. follow. Building on this premise, a radical adoption of hydrogen tech
Various energy storage options exhibit different characteristics. nology may be physically and economically inviable [19,158,187]. In
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
addition, although fossil-based hydrogen production technologies are solution, addresses some limitations associated with electricity, such as
quite mature and commercial, technologies to support large-scale storage challenges. However, the maturity and efficiency of electricity
hydrogen transport and end-use are still in development and yet to systems, coupled with a diverse and cleaner energy generation portfolio,
technically and economically compete with alternative technologies position it as a robust and established player in the current energy
[188]. landscape.
Furthermore, hydrogen is just as flammable as most other flammable The findings suggest that a hybridized approach, combining the
liquid or gaseous fuels and may even portend to be safer because of its strengths of both hydrogen and electricity, could define the future en
low density, high auto-ignition temperature and high diffusion coeffi ergy scenario. As technologies evolve, addressing weaknesses and
cient. However, safety concerns increase when handling it without leveraging opportunities becomes crucial. Green hydrogen production,
special training and equipment because of its high flammability, diffu advancements in energy storage, and smart grid implementation emerge
sivity, higher flame temperature, explosion energy, flame emissivity, as key areas for further research and development.
volatility, and ability to attack and cause leakage in storage vessels [158,
187]. Electricity, on the other hand, also has viable applications in 4.5. Complementary and competitive roles of hydrogen and electricity
almost every industry but can still contribute significantly to the
replacement of fossil fuel usage, especially in transport, power and in Both electricity and hydrogen are produced from similar energy
dustrial sectors. Although some authors posit that electricity may not be sources hence; there is an inherent competition that exists when they are
suitable for industrial heating functions, using renewable hydrogen produced from depletable sources such as fossil fuels and nuclear
would be thermodynamically inefficient compared to the direct appli sources. Whereas, considering renewable sources, this competition is
cation of electricity [19]. Industrial heating is still a major area of reasonably minimized because of their renewable nature, however;
research where the development of sustainable alternative carriers is variability and climate change impacts may affect their sustainability.
still required. Furthermore, Hydrogen can be produced from electricity making it a
The large-scale development of hydrogen projects is mostly in the good store of electricity and vice versa, which portends a complemen
development phase in contrast to electricity, which has been established tary role for hydrogen where it can be the solution to electricity gen
for decades and is still gaining rapid adoption such as growth in electric eration curtailment or excess renewable electricity losses. In addition,
vehicle adoption in the last decade. Therefore, studies focused on the hydrogen can be used to generate electricity, which can be transported
large-scale evaluation of hydrogen deployment must be scaled carefully, over long and short distances with minimal losses and costs compared
as detailed studies are still required to understand and quantify large- to hydrogen transport (interconversion). There is also an opportunity
scale hydrogen applications [189]. for both carriers to be co-produced from the same sources as has been
demonstrated in this study (co-production) [168]. Hence, both
4.4. Comparative SWOT analysis of hydrogen and electricity hydrogen and electricity could provide complementary roles to each
other. The latter is also evident in fuel cell electric vehicles where
A SWOT analysis of the trends in the hydrogen economy and elec hydrogen is converted to electricity to drive the electric motors.
tricity economy proposals is shown in Fig. 9. The comparative SWOT Although the current energy infrastructure does not provide oppor
analysis emphasizes the complementary and competitive roles that tunities for the co-transport of hydrogen and electricity, electricity is in a
hydrogen and electricity can play in a sustainable energy future. state of transition to accommodate smart technologies and higher inte
Hydrogen, with its potential as a versatile carrier and energy storage gration of renewable energy. Thus, Rödl et al. [168] propose a future
Fig. 9. Comparative SWOT Analysis of hydrogen and electricity economies adapted from [190–192].
M.M. Aba et al. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57 (2024) 660–678
where both carriers can be co-delivered in a super grid with hydrogen scale compared to hydrogen and portends a viable alternative physically
acting as cooling to the electrical grid enabling superconductivity and and economically to oil products, even when both carriers are produced
minimizing transmission losses. It would also improve grid reliability from renewable sources. Furthermore, the study shows that the energy
and higher integration of renewable energy. source for the production of either hydrogen or electricity is critical in
Considering the complementarity and competitiveness of both en determining their energy and environmental sustainability. Therefore,
ergy carriers, co-production and interconversion of both carriers from renewable energy technologies, nuclear and carbon capture and storage
renewable energy sources in the short to medium term could be the most could define the future energy landscape. Hybridization of technologies
optimal configuration. In this scenario, hydrogen would serve as an across the production chain also proves to be more efficient than the use
electricity storage medium in most cases except for onsite production of standalone technologies.
and applications and electricity would be best suited for most end-uses. Furthermore, hydrogen is proposed to be an energy storage medium
However, hydrogen may also feature in industrial applications like in the short to medium term than a carrier because of its associated high
heating processes where applying electricity would be infeasible or losses during transfer, infrastructural requirements and little or no
costlier. As newer and cheaper hydrogen technologies are developed current end-use adaptability unless transformed into synthetic fuels,
and challenges associated with hydrogen transport and end-uses are which can be combusted in engines or electricity for direct consumption.
overcome, this configuration would be modified to accommodate both Electricity, on the other hand, already has several end-uses in all in
hydrogen transport and end-use at competitive rates. Table 4. Syntheses dustries. Despite hydrogen being proposed as a long-term energy storage
of the findings and future research considerations for the across the medium, its round-trip efficiency is still quite low compared to other
production chains of the carrier alternatives. electricity storage alternatives, thus efficiency improvement coupled
with its high energy and power density would make it more competitive
5. Conclusion among seasonal storage alternatives.
Electrification of transport has been the major driver for growth in
As the world is plagued with a sustainable energy dilemma, the electric vehicles and has seen significant growth in the last decade. More
question of which energy alternative could replace oil products as an growth is also still expected as several governments have made pledges
energy carrier remains pertinent to policymakers and researchers. to net-zero emission transport thus, electrification has the potential to
Hydrogen and electricity are the most promising alternatives considered define the future of passenger transport however, other heavy-duty and
among researchers and policymakers. However, most studies have been long-distance transport sectors like aviation and shipping sectors should
focused on discussing individual energy technologies based on economic be the target of the hydrogen economy.
terms and are mostly optimistic. This study thus compared the hydrogen However, some obstacles threaten the viability of these alternative
and electricity economies for future environmental and energetic sus energy sources. Obstacles to hydrogen include limited economic bene
tainability. A comparative review of both technologies was performed to fits, immature technologies, inadequate infrastructure availability,
compare recent studies and their developmental trajectories across the competition from alternative renewable energy sources, and expensive
production chain to attempt to answer the question of “What is the most investment needs. Similar problems with electricity include the need for
sustainable path to follow?” significant modifications to its old infrastructure, limited availability of
The findings demonstrated that electricity is the most mature tech critical minerals, the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources,
nology and presents greater energy returns on energy invested than high transmission losses, and insufficient energy storage mediums.
hydrogen. It is also already more infrastructurally advanced on a large These difficulties show how important it is to use multidisciplinary
Table 4
Hydrogen versus Electricity as alternative carriers to oil products: current state and unresolved issues.
Description Production Storage Transport/Distribution End-use
Current state • Existing competition for primary •Storage is important to facilitate •The existing electricity Transport
resources for carriers. the transition to a carbon-free infrastructure is extensive but needs
•Hybridization of production economy. modernizing for a carbon-free tech •Hydrogen finds use in ICEVs, fuel
technologies for electricity and/or •Current electricity storage transition. cell vehicles, and hybrids.
hydrogen production proved more mechanisms are suited for short- •Needed: New infrastructure for •Electric vehicles excel in short-range
beneficial than standalone term large-scale storage. widespread hydrogen adoption, due and passenger use, while hydrogen
technologies. •Hydrogen is a plausible solution to high conventional transport costs suits long-range and heavy-duty
•Renewables, nuclear and fossil to the generation curtailment of and limited carrying capacity. transport.
energy with CCUS most plausible renewable energies and long- •Hydrogen transport in pipelines, up Industry & Power
production routes. term electricity storage. to 20 % possible in current natural
•Current hydrogen storage gas infrastructure; greater shares •Decarbonization focuses on
methods are plagued with safety, necessitate network upgrades. industrial heating.
energy efficiency; loss and cost •Electrification of high-temperature
issues. industrial processes is currently diffi
cult and technically infeasible.
•Indirect electrification via
conversion of electricity to hydrogen
is a solution to industrial heating
Unresolved issues •Incorporation of climate change •Development of novel hydrogen • Engineering equipment to • Challenges in electric and hydrogen
& possible impact on renewable energy storage materials to enhance enhance natural gas networks for mobility: limited infrastructure,
research generation in model development. safety, efficiency and costs. increased hydrogen integration. high costs, regulatory gaps, and
directions •Addressing competition from •Creating affordable new battery • Upgrading grid for greater stakeholder coordination.
existing petroleum carriers and chemistries for large-scale use. renewable integration and EVs. • Fuel cell costs exceed those of
vested interests. •Enhancing Power-to-X chemical conventional natural gas power
•Improvement in efficiency of green storage for efficient energy and plants.
hydrogen production methods. cost efficiency.
•Adaptation of existing engines
for chemical storage like
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