AD 399-Partial Penetration Butt Welds Design
AD 399-Partial Penetration Butt Welds Design
AD 399-Partial Penetration Butt Welds Design
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Advisory Desk and Codes & Standards
AD 399:
Design of partial penetration butt welds
in accordance with BS EN 1993-1-8
Partial penetration butt welds are covered by Clause 4.7.2, which directs design throat) is less than the preparation, or (b) to conduct weld procedure
the designer to ‘use the method for a deep penetration fillet weld” given in trials to demonstrate what penetration can consistently be achieved. The
clause 4.5.2(3). first approach was encouraged by the 1990 version of BS 5950, where clause
Clause 4.5.2(3) really concerns only the definition of the throat, and leaves specified a reduction of 3 mm for V and bevel welds. Clause 6.9.2 of
the designer unsure of how the design resistance is to be calculated. the 2000 version of BS 5950 specifies no reduction but refers to the depth of
penetration, which may be more or less than the preparation.
Partial penetration welds are considered to be less ductile than full
penetration welds and therefore many design Standards require that they are Design resistance
to be treated in the same way as fillet welds. This is the principle behind the It is recommended the the directional method of clause is used
advice in clause 4.7.2. Unless rotation is suitably restrained, eccentricity must when calculating the resistance of a partial penetration butt weld. Assuming
be taken into account when calculating the stress in the weld. Examples of there is no longitudinal stress, the direct stress must be resolved into a
details where eccentricity is introduced in partial penetration butt welds are perpendicular stress on the throat, σ⊥ and a shear stress on the throat,
shown in Figure 4.9 of BS EN 1993-1-8. τ⊥. Expression 4.1 of BS EN 1993-1-8 requires that the combination of
Eccentricity need not be considered if the weld is used as part of a weld perpendicular stresses are verified and also limits the perpendicular stress.
group around the perimeter of a structural hollow section (clause 4.12(3)). With no longitudinal stress on the weld throat, the verifications become:
It is reasonable to assume that there is no eccenticity if the welded element fu 0.9fu
(σ⊥2 + 3τ⊥2)0.5 ≤ and σ⊥ ≤
is part of a member which itself cannot rotate at the joint – for example if a βWγM2 γM2
partial penetration weld is used to connect the flange of a beam to an end
In case (b) of figure 1, assuming the applied force is 2000 N/mm, and the
throat is 9 mm, the components of force become:
In the numerical example which follows, it is assumed that rotation cannot
σ⊥ = 2000 Cos(33)/9 = 186 N/mm2 and τ⊥ = 2000 Sin(33)/9 = 121 N/mm2
take place.
The combined check of shear and perpendicular stress, with βw = 0.9 for S355
(taken from Table 4.1) becomes:
The throat of a partial penetration butt weld is the distance from the root to 470
(1862 + 3(121)2)0.5 = 280 N/mm2. The limit is = 418 N/mm2
the external face of the weld, as described in clause 4.5.2(1). Examples are 0.9 × 1.25
shown in figure 1.
0.9 × 470
The perpendicular stress σ⊥ is 186 N/mm2; the limit is
= 338 N/mm2
Of course, if a standard fillet weld is verified by the same process, using an
angle to the throat of 45°, it can be demonstrated that the resistances are
those quoted in the Blue Book1 for a transverse weld.
a a
33° Reference
1 Steel building design: Design data. In accordance with Eurocodes and UK
a National Annexes (P363). SCI, Reprinted 2015.
30 July/Aug 16