Marvin Thesis 061824
Marvin Thesis 061824
Marvin Thesis 061824
JUNE 2024
JUNE 2024
Date, time and venue of thesis defense: 05/23/24; 1:00PM – DISCUSSION ROOM 1,
Through every page turned and every lesson learned, I humbly thanks God's
financially and emotionally, throughout the study. Their love and belief in me have been
share his expertise and insights has been instrumental in shaping the direction of my
Caritan, who has a valuable contribution to my thesis study. Their insightful feedback,
which has helped me financially during the conduct of my study, it also helped me to
acquire essential materials needed in interpreting and analyzing the data of my thesis.
readers, Mr. Ritche U. Nuevo, and Mrs. Raynilda R. Baoy, who graciously accepted
my invitation to participate in my defense. And for sharing their thought and knowledge,
Cover Page i
Title Page ii
Approval Sheet iii
Acknowledgment iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Appendices viii
List of Plates xix
Abstract xx
Introduction 1
Nature and importance of the study 1
Objectives of the study 3
Review of Literature 4
Okra production 4
Current status of Okra Production in the Philippines 4
Common problems encountered in okra production 4
Pruning 5
Importance of Pruning to Crops 5
Effect of Pinching Treatments on Growth Flowering and Yield 7
of Okra
Materials and Methods 8
Research locale 8
Experimental design layout 9
Seed Preparation 10
Application of Treatments 10
Cultural Management 10
Land preparation 10
Weeding and cultivation 11
Fertility management 11
Pest management 11
Harvesting 11
Data Gathered 12
Growth Characteristics 12
Yield and Yield Components 13
Return of Investment 14
Statistical Analysis 15
Result and Discussion 16
General Observation 16
Growth performance 16
Yield performance 20
2 Experimental layout 9
3 Leaf length 12
4 Leaf width 13
5 Weeding 105
6 Harvesting 105
7 Measuring 106
8 Measuring 106
Okra is a key export crop of the Philippines, but many farmers avoid it due to
productivity issues during the rainy season such as the growth of excess leaves rather
than fruit production. Enhancing okra production can be achieved through different
pruning techniques, which redirect plant energy to fruit production, it can also improve
air circulation and light penetration. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of
different pruning techniques on the yield and growth of okra. The experiment followed a
Apical Bud Pinching, T3 - Four Leaves Only, and T4 - Apical Bud Pinching + Four
Leaves Only. The results show that the pruning technique of T3 significantly improved
okra height, with an average mean height of 56.33cm. However, all treatments had
minimal effect on the length and width of okra leaves. Treatment 3 displayed higher
performance in increasing the number of fruits per plant but showed lower weight of
marketable fruits compared to T2 which is the highest with a mean of 12g. On the other
hand, application of T2 and T4 enhanced the fruit length of okra but resulted in the lower
number of fruits per treatment compared to T1 and T3, despite yielding higher in average
weight of marketable fruits. Nonetheless, T3 still had the highest overall fruit weight per
plot, averaging 3513g. It also significantly outperformed all other treatments in total yield
per hectare and had the highest Return on Investment. In conclusion, the application of
T3 (Four leaves only) showed best effect in enhancing the growth and yield of okra.
Further studies focusing on the growth and yield of lateral buds in apical bud-pinched
that the Philippines has started to ship okra to Japan (Morato, 2020). Okra is important
vegetable because it contains nutrients. It is also used in many dishes and also exported
by the government. But as the demand grows the production is being slowed by some
environmental problem that causes abnormal leaf growth rather than fruit production.
growth and development of okra plants, often resulting in a higher number of leaves
compared to fruits. This phenomenon occurs because water stress conditions lead the
plant to allocate more resources towards vegetative growth (leaves) rather than
reproductive growth (fruits). Under such conditions, okra plants prioritize survival
energy levels, which inadvertently reduces fruit production. Although abnormal number
of leaves occurs during rainy season, there are still some ways to control its development
and to maximize fruit production. One such method is by pruning the leaves of okra.
Cutting back some of the larger branches allows the plant to redirect its energy from leaf
production to flower and fruit development. This can lead to a more abundant harvest of
Pruning on vegetables involves the selective removal of certain parts of the plant
to promote healthier growth and increase yield. By trimming away dead or diseased
leaves, stems, or branches, the plant's energy can be redirected towards producing more
robust and productive foliage and fruits. Proper pruning techniques can also help improve
air circulation and light penetration. According to Nickelson (2015), It Increases crop
production. Pruning tells a plant to focus its energy on production rather than new
growth. There are various pruning techniques that are commonly used in vegetable
gardening these are mainly due to some specific problems that farmers or gardeners
encounter during plants vegetative and productive stage. There Are Different types of
pruning it includes; Heading (cutting off flower buds) which encourages the growth of a
vegetable plant by removing flower buds. Heading can also be used to encourage
branching by removing the tip of a branch or stem, which is called “crown pruning.” This
technique will promote more lateral branching and yield a fuller plant. Another technique
is Pinching (removal of growing tips) There are various reasons why farmers might want
to pinch off the growing tips. Pinching encourages your vegetable plants to grow bushier
and more compact, ultimately producing more vegetables. The Thinning out congested
areas thinned out by reducing the number of overcrowded leaves and helping them dry
out between waterings. Many plants also produce more fruits, flowers, and foliage when
thinned out (Lenhof, 2021). Thus, this study was conducted to determine the effect of
different pruning technique for the improvement of its growth and yield.
terms of:
2. determine the effect of pruning on the yield components of okra in terms of:
3. determine the Return on Investment (ROI) through cost and return analysis.
Okra production
The Philippines has been ranked 16th among the group of countries that has an
31,708 tons in 2019 and all time low of 22,992 tons in 2003. In Southeast Asia,
Philippines is the top country by the area of the okra among 3 countries. As of 2020, the
area of the okra in Philippines was 4,080 ha that accounts for 49.79% of total the area of
the okra. The top 3 countries (others are Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam) account for
100.00% of it. The total the area of the okra was estimated at 8,194 ha in 2020 (Knoema,
changes, significantly influencing its yield. Analysis reveals a stark contrast in okra
production in rainy season. During the rainy season, okra yields are considerably lower,
with a production of only 5-10 tons per hectare but produces higher leaf yield. The
decline in productivity during the rainy season is primarily due to excessive moisture
stress. While okra plants thrive on sufficient water, an overabundance of moisture can be
detrimental. The rainy season's persistent high humidity and frequent rainfall create
conditions that are less than ideal for okra fruit development. This moisture stress
hampers the formation and maturation of okra pods, leading to a noticeable decrease in
yield. Interestingly, while the rainy season adversely impacts fruit yield, it encourages
robust vegetative growth. The abundance of water promotes the growth of leaves and
stems, yet this vegetative vigor does not translate to higher fruit production. Instead, it
underscores the plant's struggle to convert vegetative energy into reproductive success
their aesthetic appeal, shape, and growth patterns, while also managing their flowering or
fruiting processes. Pruning enables the canopy to open up, allowing more sunlight to
enter and stimulate the flower bud formation. By cutting unproductive plant parts such as
excess leaves and branches, the plants' resources and energy will focus more on fruit
development (Tababa, 2023). Farmers experience higher yields during harvesting when
pruning is implemented. According to All that Grows blog (2023) Pruning unwanted
parts of the plant increases its ability to grow more vegetables and increases the yield.
Pruning in okra is a method that will increase yield and will initiate larger growth in okra
by removing specific parts or leaves. Another way to maintain growing okra plants in
their advanced stages is by pruning them regularly. To do this, cut off any extra leaves
and leave only four (4) to six (6) healthy leaves at the top part of the plant (Taculao,
pruning at 35 days after germination (DAG), pruning at 40 DAG, pruning at 45 DAG and
no pruning(control). The result suggests that in all, pruning at 35 DAG enhanced better
vegetative growth compared to the control and the subsequent with pruning.
A study was also conducted by El-Rahman et. al (2016) shows that ABP at the
4th node increased the number of leaves per plant, dry weight of leaves, and total dry
weight per plant, and ABP at the 8th node increased the number of branches per plant.
However, apical bud pinching at the 6th node (30 days after seed sowing) increased the
number of green fruits yield per plant, green fruit yield per plant, and total green fruit
yield. Moreover, the interaction between a plant spacing of 30 cm and ABP at the 6th
node increased the number of leaves per plant, while the interaction between a plant
spacing of 50 cm and ABP at the 6th node increased the number of branches per plant,
dry weight of leaves, total dry weight per plant, number of green fruits per plant, and
green fruit yield per plant in both seasons. Narrow plant spacing (20 cm) combined with
ABP at the 6th node resulted in increased total green fruit yield per.
According to Aliyu et al. (2008), the objective was to compare the yield of
okra plants subjected to pruning versus those left unpruned. The experiment included two
groups: one with pruning and the other without. Results showed that pruned okra plants
exhibited superior growth and yielded more fresh fruit compared to their unpruned
counterparts. Pruning significantly impacted the growth and yield of okra. Despite
causing a delay in flowering, pruning was found to enhance the overall yield of okra.
treatments i.e. terminal bud pinching; Terminal bud along with one leaf pinching;
terminal bud along with two leaf pinching and no pinch on growth and flowering
characters of okra. The results obtained in the present investigation indicated that, the
plant, whereas, the maximum number of leaves and number of branches were recorded
with terminal bud pinching. As regards to yield parameters, the same pinching treatment
recorded significant higher values for number of fruits per plant; fruit weight per plant;
fruit girth; no. of seeds per fruit and ultimately yield per plot compared to plant pinched
with one terminal bud along with two leaf and un pinched plant.
Research locale
The study was conducted on a 300 sqm area at upper Lamac, Nalhub, Dalaguete,
Cebu (Fig. 1). It is approximately 1hr 26 min (43.8 km) from Argao, Cebu. It estimated
at 9.7652 degrees north latitude, 123.4552 degrees east longitude and 688.5 meters or
2,258.8 feet above mean sea level with an average temperature of 22-degree Celcius with
precipitation of 10%. And has a Type 3 Climate, Dry during December to May and wet
The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)
with four treatments and three replications, utilizing an area of 300 m2. Each replication
was divided into 12 plots, each measuring 20 sqm, with a total of 80 hills per plot planted
plots were provided to facilitate farm operation and management, as well as data
R1 R2 R3
T2 T4 T3
T1 T2 T1
T4 T3 T2
T3 T1 T4
Seed Preparation
The okra seeds were soaked in lukewarm water for 8-10 hours to increase the
germination chances of the seeds. The seeds were directly sown in the field, with one
seed planted per hill at intervals of 50 cm x 50 cm. Each seed was sown at a depth of one
Application of Treatments
Okra leaf was pruned at 30 days after sowing leaving few leaves. 2-3 leaves
removal was according to Sahu et. al, 2017 at 30 days after sowing. While removing
the apical bud was done also at 30 days after sowing. Okra plants were pinched
manually by removing the apical shoots at 30 days after seed sowing (El-
Cultural Management
To ensure the study was conducted properly and concisely, the following cultural
1. Land Preparation
Plowing was initially performed, followed by tilling to prepare the area after it
was cleaned. After plowing, the researchers created twelve plots for each replication.
Alleyways were established to serve as pathways for easier management and data
Weeding and cultivation were meticulously carried out to ensure the area
remained free of undesirable weeds. This maintenance activity was performed once a
week, diligently removing any expanding weeds that appeared in all the plots. This was
to prevent the weeds from competing with the okra plants for essential nutrients, water,
3. Fertility Management
Fertilization of okra was conducted twice: first during the growth stage and
again during the reproductive stage. The fertilizer was applied using the side dressing
method, with the application rates determined based on the recommended results of soil
4. Pest Management
Visible insect and pest in the area was manually remove by hand picking.
5. Harvesting
The okra was harvested every after 2 days and when the fruit is 2 to 4 inches
long; these appear about 2 months after planting. The harvesting was terminated after the
Data Gathered
Data was taken from ten (10) sample plants from each treatment plot. The main
Growth Characteristics
1. Plant Height. Plant height was assessed using a meter stick. This measurement
process began 37 days after sowing (DAS) and continued on a weekly basis. Each week,
the height of the okra plants was recorded to monitor their growth progression
2. Length of Leaves. was measured to determine if pruning had an effect on leaf growth.
This was done using a meter stick. The gathering was done by measuring one leaf only
and was replaced by another leaf after one week. It was measured from the tip of the
3. Width of Leaves. The measurement was done in one leaf only and was replaced by
another leaf after a week. It was done by laying down the meter stick horizontally
1. Number of fruits per Plant. It was determined after 51 days after sowing
(DAS) and was done by counting off the number of fruits in a plant in every sample each
treatment replications.
2. Number of fruits per Treatment plot. This was done by counting the total
3. Weight of fruits per treatment plot. This was done by gathering all the
harvested fruits per treatment plot. A digital scale was used for precise measurements,
5. Length of fruits. The measurement of okra fruits was conducted using a ruler.
6. Total Yield. The total yield was determined by summing all the collected
Return of Investment
This was ascertained by keeping track of every expense incurred during the
course of the study, from the preparation of the land to harvesting. The fruit yield of each
plot was multiplied by the current okra price to determine the gross return. While return
and multiplying the result by 100, net profit is calculated by deducting the total expenses
Statistical Analysis
The statistical method that was employed in this study to examine the variations
in group means in the sample plants was the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The Least
Significance Difference (LSD) was used to assess the significant differences between the
treatment means if the ANOVA computation yields findings that are significant at 5%
General Observations
The application of pruning has influenced the growth and yield of okra. The study
showed that the different treatments applied has significantly enhance the plant height in
terms of growth, though the treatments had a minimal effect to the leaf width and length.
While in yield, pruning surpasses the control group in terms of number of fruits per plant
and number of fruits per treatment. Pruning also shows notable increase in terms of fruits
weight. Overall, the study had showed that application of pruning can increase the
performance of Okra.
In this chapter, the data gathered was organized and compiled into tables, and
Growth Performance
The graph below shows the effect of different pruning techniques on the height of
Okra. In the 37 days after sowing (DAS), an intriguing pattern emerged in the growth of
various treatments. Notably, both the control group (referred to as treatment 1) and
treatment 3 (Four Leaves Only) exhibited the most robust growth, boasting an average
height of 20cm. This height surpassed the average heights recorded for treatments 2
(Apical Bud Pinching) and 4 (Apical Bud Pinching+ Four Leaves Only), which stood at a
more modest 18cm. As the observation period progressed to day 44, treatment 3
of 24cm, while treatment 2 lagged behind with a mean height of only 20cm. Subsequent
maintaining its lead in average height, closely followed by treatment 1. However, the
most striking divergence in growth trajectories occurred by day 65. Treatment 3 surged
ahead with a remarkable average height of 56cm, significantly surpassing all other
treatments. Meanwhile, treatments 4 and 2 trailed behind with notably lower average
heights, both registering at a mere 27cm. The consistent upward trajectory observed in
treatment 3's growth over time, suggesting a robust response to the experimental
conditions. According to Rajappa et al. (2020), Pruning the leaves of the okra plant
(Abelmoschus esculentus L.) revealed that the maximum plant height was observed in the
Okra variety Akola Bahar. Treatment 1 also displayed a consistent although slightly
slower growth pattern, while treatments 2 and 4 exhibited more stagnant growth trends.
Apical debudding, as a practice, effectively reduces the height of the plant, resulting in
Figure 4 shows the effect of the different treatment to the leaf length of okra.
suggesting that the initial growth stage was relatively uniform across all experimental
however, significant differences were shown among treatments, with apical bud pinching
(T2) and apical bud pinching + four leaves only(T4) showing the highest mean leaf
length (20cm). While in week 3 to week5, T1 and T3 maintains its higher mean length
compared to the control (T1) and four leaves only(T3). Overall, though T2 and T4 shows
higher mean length compared to T1 and T3, the effect of treatments has a less
pronounced differences which may have been affected by different factors such as the
wrong data gathering and treatment application, the data gathering should have been
done in all leaves acquiring all the leaf length and then divide it to gain the average.
According to Darren et al. (2020) the proper way of collecting data should be applied to
The graph below shows the effect of different pruning techniques on the leaf
width of okra. In 37 DAS, T3 and T2 shows wider leaf width with a mean of 21cm
showing that there is significant difference compared to T4 and T1. In 44 DAS, all
treatments had the same leaf width mean of 24 cm. But during 51 DAS, T2 and T4 has
the highest mean in leaf width and the it continues to 58 DAS which still had the same
leaf width mean of 30cm (T2, T4) and 29cm (T1, T3). On the other hand, all treatments
don’t have any significant difference during 65 DAS, the data showed that all treatment
had the same leaf width mean. The trend shows that overtime T4 gradually increase the
leaf width of okra. However, there are practices that may have been affected the data
specially in data gathering. The wrong practice of data gathering by the researcher causes
a biased result. The data gathering should have been done in all leaves determining all the
leaves width and then divide it to gain the average width. The researcher only uses one
leaves in every sample which is not the proper way of acquiring data.
Yield Performance
The graph depicts the trend of number of fruits per plant across different
treatments at various days after sowing (DAS), providing insights into the impact of
where only four leaves only, consistently demonstrated the highest number of fruits per
plant across all observation periods. This consistent trend suggests that reducing the
number of leaves on the plant significantly enhances fruit production. Conversely, the
control group (Treatment 1) consistently exhibited the lowest number of fruits per plant,
relatively low. Moreover, Treatment 2, involving apical bud pinching, generally showed
a moderate effect on fruit production compared to the control group. While it did not
especially in the later observation periods. This suggests that apical bud pinching might
have a delayed but notable impact on fruit production, possibly influencing plant
development in ways that become more apparent as the plants mature. Treatment 4,
which combined apical bud pinching with leaf reduction, exhibited mixed results. While
higher fruit yields, particularly in the later observation periods. However, the graph
shows that Treatment 3 shows significant difference among all treatments and had the
highest no. of fruits mean (4.17) during 79 DAS. According to Olasantan etal. (2007),
Pruning significantly increased the number of fruits/plant by 10–40% and fruit yield by
9–36% more than the control plants which had neither apical bud removal nor pruning.
The data on fruit length per plant across various treatments and days after sowing
(DAS) reveals significant differences in the effects of each treatment over time. Initially,
at 51 DAS, Treatment 3 (Four Leaves Only) showed the highest average fruit length at 11
cm, while the other treatments exhibited shorter fruit lengths ranging from 9 to 10 cm. By
58 DAS, the trend shifts dramatically, with Treatments 2 (Apical Bud Pinching), 3 (Four
Leaves Only), and 4 (Apical Bud Pinching + Four Leaves Only) all achieving the same
highest average fruit length of 16 cm, significantly outperforming the control group (15
cm). This convergence suggests that apical bud pinching and its combination with leaf
retention can significantly enhance fruit growth in the mid-growth stages. Moving to 65
DAS, Treatment 2 continues to lead with an average fruit length of 17 cm, maintaining a
statistically significant advantage over other treatments. Treatment 4 follows with 16 cm,
while Treatment 3 sees a decline to 15 cm, and the control remains stable at 16 cm. These
results indicate that apical bud pinching alone (Treatment 2) consistently promotes
superior fruit length compared to other treatments, highlighting its effectiveness during
this critical growth phase. At 72 DAS, the trend of Treatment 2's dominance persists with
an average fruit length of 16 cm, equaled only by the control group. Treatments 3 and 4
both average 15 cm, suggesting a plateau or slight reduction in effectiveness for these
methods over time. Treatment 3's earlier advantage in fruit length does not persist into
later stages, indicating that its benefits might be short-term. By the final observation at 79
DAS, Treatment 4 (Apical Bud Pinching + Four Leaves Only) reaches the highest
average fruit length of 17 cm, demonstrating a significant recovery and surpassing the
control and other treatments. Treatment 2 and the control both average 16 cm, while
Treatment 3 falls to 15 cm. This trend indicates that while single methods may show
early promise, combining techniques can yield the most substantial long-term benefits in
fruit development. According to Ayub et al. (2023) fruit length was also exaggerated by
pruning; a maximum fruit length was noted in terminal bud pruning, whereas the
The graph on the average weight of marketable fruits per plant across different
treatments and days after sowing (DAS) reveals significant differences and trends over
time. Initially, at 51 DAS, Treatment 2 (Apical Bud Pinching) shows the highest average
fruit weight at 13g, significantly outperforming the other treatments. The control group
(Treatment 1) and Treatment 4 (Apical Bud Pinching + Four Leaves Only) both have an
average weight of 11g, while Treatment 3 (Four Leaves Only) lags behind with only 7g.
By 58 DAS, the trend changes with Treatments 1, 2, and 4 all achieving the same highest
average weight of 13g. The treatments increase in average weight of fruits may have
been due to the application of fertilizer which was applied during 55 DAS. According to
University of Minnesota Extension (2021) The effect of urea in plants can occur in two to
four days and happens more quickly on high pH soils. In 65 DAS, all treatments show
similar average fruit weights of 12cm for Treatments 1, 2, and 4, and 11cm for Treatment
units, while Treatment 3 remains lower at 8.33g. Finally, at 79 DAS, Treatments 1 and 2
continue to lead with average fruit weights of 12g, while Treatment 4 has a slight drop to
11g, and Treatment 3 remains the lowest at 9g. This consistent trend underscores the
effectiveness of apical bud pinching, either alone or combined with leaf reduction, in
promoting higher fruit weights. The lower performance of Treatment 3 highlights that
reducing the number of leaves alone is less effective in enhancing fruit weight, possibly
due to reduced physiological changes. This convergence in fruit weights indicates that
the initial advantages of specific treatments may diminish over time, possibly due to the
plants fruit reaching a phase where genetic and environmental factors dominated growth
The data on the number of fruits per treatment plot across various days after
sowing (DAS) provides significant insights into the effects of different treatments over
time. Initially, at 51 DAS, Treatment 3 (Four Leaves Only) shows the highest number of
fruits per plot at 0.15, significantly higher than the other treatments. Treatments 1
(Control), 2 (Apical Bud Pinching), and 4 (Apical Bud Pinching + Four Leaves Only) all
have similar and lower fruit counts of 0.12. By 53 DAS, Treatments 2 and 3 both exhibit
the highest number of fruits per plot, with values of 0.15 and 0.16, respectively,
indicating a significant increase in fruit count for these treatments compared to the
control and Treatment 4, both at 0.13. At 58 DAS, Treatment 3 maintains its lead with
the highest fruit count of 0.23, while the other treatments show lower counts with
Treatment 2 at 0.20 and Treatments 1 and 4 both at 0.19 and 0.20 respectively. By 72
DAS, the trends are consistent, with Treatment 3 continuing to outperform all other
treatments with a fruit count of 1.14, followed by the control and Treatment 4 at around
1.05 each. Finally, at 79 and 81 DAS, Treatment 3 continues to show the highest fruit
counts, with 1.67 and 1.68 respectively, far surpassing the other treatments. The control
group follows with counts of 1.31 and 1.41, while Treatments 2 and 4 show the lowest
counts, with Treatment 2 decreasing to 1.01 by 81 DAS. The overall trend demonstrates
that four leaves only consistently result in higher fruit counts, emphasizing its
effectiveness over both the control and other treatments. The combination of apical bud
pinching and four leaf only(Treatment 4) shows mixed results, suggesting that while each
method may have individual benefits, their combined application does not synergize as
effectively for fruit count. Trimming the leaves of okra plants has the potential to
enhance fruit yield by redirecting nutrients towards fruit development (Kyun et al. 2011).
Figure 11. No. of Fruits per Treatment Plot as affected by different pruning techniques
The data on the weight of fruits per treatment plot across various days after
sowing (DAS) reveals significant differences and trends among the four treatments.
Initially, at 51 DAS, Treatment 2 (Four Leaves Only) shows the highest fruit weight of
Pinching) and Treatment 4 (Apical Bud Pinching + Four Leaves Only) follow with
weights of 149g and 151g, respectively, while the control group (Treatment 0) lags
behind at 108g. This early observation suggests that retaining only four leaves is
Treatment 2 continues to lead with a fruit weight of 186 units, while Treatments 1 and 4
have weights of 152g and 155g, respectively. The control group remains the lowest at
110g. This reinforces the initial trend that the strategy of four leaves only has a
substantial impact on increasing fruit weight early in the growth period, with apical bud
pinching alone or in combination with leaf retention also contributing positively but to a
lesser extent. At 58 DAS, the pattern remains consistent, with Treatment 2 showing the
highest fruit weight of 335g. The control group shows a significant increase to 324g,
narrowing the gap with the other treatments. By 72 DAS, Treatment 2 continues to
dominate with a fruit weight of 1428g, significantly higher than the other treatments. The
control group and Treatment 4 have weights of 1352g and 1339g, respectively, with
substantial lead with weights of 3475g and 3513g, respectively. The control group
follows with 2730g and 2938g, while Treatments 1 and 4 show the lowest weights, with
effectiveness of the four leaves only treatment in maximizing fruit weight, this may be
also because of the increase of fruits per treatment plot though T3 has a less average
weight per fruits but it has higher yield in terms of no. of fruits. According to Wenyonu
et al. (2012), scientific research has shown that pruning the leaves of okra (Abelmoschus
esculentus L.) can enhance the total yield per hectare. This practice has been observed to
promote better fruit development and overall plant health, potentially increasing the
this green tissue, plants can send more energy to the production of the fruiting portions of
plants. As more energy is sent in the flowers, fruits, and buds, their growth increases.
This process is known as pruning for bigger yields. Another benefit of pruning is
increased plant health. The increase of fruits per treatment and plant height may also
have been associated by the application of fertilizer which was done during the early
Figure 12. Fruit Weight per Treatment Plot as affected by different pruning techniques
The table below shows the total yield of okra per hectare. The data shows that
there is significant difference among treatments. T3 with application of four leaves only
has the highest total yield per hectare with a mean of 361.70, which was higher than other
treatments. While T2 (Apical bud pinching) and T4 (Apical bud pinching + four leaves
only) shows lower yield compared to T1 (Control). Overall, the data suggest that T3(Four
The table below shows the return on investment per treatment. The table shows
significant difference specially in T3. The treatment with the application of Four leaves
only(T3) had the highest return on investment mean . While the other treatment had a
lower ROI compared to T1 which is the control. This means that the application of Four
In conclusion, the study on the effect of pruning techniques on Okra growth and
1. The treatment involving the application of apical bud pinching (T2) resulted in a
significant increase in fruit length. The study shows the effectiveness of apical
2. While the treatment application of four leaves only (T3) has been shown to enhance
the Height of okra and also both the number and weight of fruits per treatment.
3. The treatment of four leaves only + apical bud pinching (T4) has been found to
improve the weight of Fruits per plant. This observation highlights the
4. The study also indicates that all treatments do not have a significant effect on the
length and width of leaves. This finding suggests that while the treatments
evaluated may influence other aspects of okra growth and yield, they do not
1. Okra should be pruned leaving four leaves only to achieve better yield in terms
2. The researchers also recommend the application of apical bud pinching (T1) and
apical bud pinching + four leaves only (T4) for enhancing fruit length. This
thereby contributing to the overall quality and marketability of the okra produce.
3. Further studies focusing on the growth and yield of lateral buds in apical bud-
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Term Definition
the plant.
and roots.
Appendix B16. No. fruits per plant (okra) at 51 days after planting
Appendix B17. No. fruits per plant (okra) at 58 days after sowing
Appendix B18. No. fruits per plant (okra) at 65 days after sowing
R1 R2 R3
T1= Control 2 2.2 1.9 6.1 2.03
T2= Apical Bud Pinching 2.1 1.9 2 6 2
T3= Four Leaves Only 2.5 2.4 2.5 7.4 2.46
T4= Apical Bud Pinching + 2.1 2.2 2 6.3 2.1
Four Leaves Only
Grand Total 25.8
Grand Mean 2.14
Appendix B19. No. fruits per plant (okra) at 72 days after sowing
R1 R2 R3
T1= Control 3 3.1 3.2 9.3 3.1
T2= Apical Bud Pinching 3 2.9 3 8.9 2.96
T3= Four Leaves Only 3.8 3.9 3.9 11.6 3.86
T4= Apical Bud Pinching + 3.5 3.7 3.8 11 3.66
Four Leaves Only
Grand Total 40.8
Grand Mean 3.39
Appendix B20. No. fruits per plant (okra) at 79 days after sowing
R1 R2 R3
T1= Control 3.6 3.7 3.6 10.9 3.63
T2= Apical Bud Pinching 3 2.9 3.1 9 3
T3= Four Leaves Only 4 4.2 4.3 12.5 4.16
T4= Apical Bud Pinching + 3.5 3.3 3.2 10 3.33
Four Leaves Only
Grand Total 42.4
Grand Mean 3.53
Appendix B31. No. of fruits per treatment plot at 51 days after sowing
Appendix B32. No. of fruits per treatment plot at 53 days after sowing
Appendix B33. No. of fruits per treatment plot at 58 days after sowing
Appendix B34. No. of fruits per treatment plot at 60 days after sowing
Appendix B35. No. of fruits per treatment plot at 65 days after sowing
Appendix B36. No. of fruits per treatment plot at 67 days after sowing
Appendix B37. No. of fruits per treatment plot at 72 days after sowing
Appendix B38. No. of fruits per treatment plot at 74 days after sowing
Appendix B39. No. of fruits per treatment plot at 79 days after sowing
Appendix B40. No. of fruits per treatment plot at 81 days after sowing
Appendix B41. Fruit’s weight per treatment plot (okra) at 51 days after sowing
Appendix B42. Fruit’s weight per treatment plot (okra) at 53 days after sowing
Appendix B43. Fruit’s weight of per treatment plot (okra) at 58 days after sowing
Appendix B44. Fruit’s weight per treatment plot (okra) at 60 days after sowing
Appendix B45.Fruit’s weight per treatment plot (okra) at 65 days after sowing
Appendix B46. Fruit’s weight per treatment plot (okra) at 67 days after sowing
Appendix B47. Fruit’s weight per treatment plot (okra) at 72 days after sowing
Appendix B48. Fruit’s weight per treatment plot (okra) at 74 days after sowing
R1 R2 R3
T1= Control 1376 1360 1392 4128 1376
T2= Apical Bud Pinching 1296 1312 1199 3807 1269
T3= Four Leaves Only 1536 1488 1472 4496 1498.66
T4= Apical Bud Pinching + 1314 1408 1317 4039 1346.33
Four Leaves Only
Grand Total 16470
Grand Mean 1372.5
Appendix B49. Fruit’s weight per treatment plot (okra) at 79 days after sowing
Appendix B50. Fruit’s weight per treatment plot (okra) at 81 days after sowing
Appendix C1. Analysis of variance on plant height of okra at 37 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr (> F)
replication 2 0.0717 0.0358 1.98 0.2180
treatment 3 13.3967 4.4656 247.32 ** 0.0000
Error 6 0.1083 0.0181
Total 11 13.5767
Grand Mean= 19, CV= 0.71%
** = Highly Significant
Appendix C2. Analysis of variance on plant height of okra at 44 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.1350 0.0675 1.09 0.3947
treatment 3 104.7933 34.9311 563.91 0.0000
Error 6 0.3717 0.0619
Total 11 105.3000
Grand Mean = 24, CV= 1.05%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C3. Analysis of variance on plant height of okra at 51 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0800 0.0400 1.12 0.3847
treatment 3 345.5267 115.1756 3239.31** 0.0000
Error 6 0.2133 0.0356
Total 11 345.8200
Grand Mean = 30, CV= 0.63%
** =Highly Significant
Appendix C4. Analysis of variance on plant height of okra at 58 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.6817 0.3408 3.62 0.0931
treatment 3 1094.8700 364.9567 3875.65** 0.0000
Error 6 0.5650 0.0942
Total 11 1096.1167
Grand Mean = 36, CV= 0.85%
** = Highly Significant
Appendix C5. Analysis of variance on plant height of okra at 65 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.6717 0.3358 2.60 0.1537
treatment 3 2095.6425 698.5475 5408.11 0.0000
Error 6 0.7750 0.1292
Total 11 2097.0892
Grand Mean = 40, CV= 0.89%
** = Highly Significant
Appendix C6. Analysis of variance on leaf length of okra at 37 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 1.5200 0.7600 1.05 0.4067
treatment 3 5.3133 1.7711 2.44ns 0.1619
Error 6 4.3467 0.7244
Total 11 11.1800
Grand Mean = 15, CV= 5.60%
** = Not Significant
Appendix C7. Analysis of variance on leaf length of okra at 44 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0817 0.0408 3.77 0.0870
treatment 3 0.3425 0.1142 10.54 0.0083
Error 6 0.0650 0.0108
Total 11 0.4892
Grand Mean = 20, CV= 0.52%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C8. Analysis of variance on leaf length of okra at 51 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.3467 0.1733 1.64 0.2699
treatment 3 0.6467 0.2156 2.04 0.2096
Error 6 0.6333 0.1056
Total 11 1.6267
Grand Mean = 23 CV= 1.40%
** =Not Significant
Appendix C9. Analysis of variance on leaf length of okra at 58 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0200 0.0100 0.09 0.9175
treatment 3 1.1533 0.3844 3.36 0.0964
Error 6 0.6867 0.1144
Total 11 1.8600
Grand Mean = 24, CV= 1.41%
**= Not Significant
Appendix C10. Analysis of variance on leaf length of okra at 65 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.2150 0.1075 0.69 0.5385
treatment 3 1.8067 0.6022 3.85 0.0753
Error 6 0.9383 0.1564
Total 11 2.9600
Grand Mean = 25, CV= 1.60%
**= Not Significant
Appendix C11. Analysis of variance on leaf width of okra at 37 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.1250 0.0625 2.92 0.1300
treatment 3 1.6092 0.5364 25.08** 0.0009
Error 6 0.1283 0.0214
Total 11 1.8625
Grand Mean= 21, CV= 0.70%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C12. Analysis of variance on leaf width of okra at 44 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.2067 0.1033 1.37 0.3241
treatment 3 0.7092 0.2364 3.13ns 0.1090
Error 6 0.4533 0.0756
Total 11 1.3692
Grand Mean = 24, CV= 1.14%
** = Not Significant
Appendix C13. Analysis of variance on leaf width of okra at 51 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0800 0.0400 0.17 0.8451
treatment 3 3.9133 1.3044 5.64* 0.0351
Error 6 1.3867 0.2311
Total 11 5.3800
Grand Mean = 30, CV= 1.64%
*= Significant
Appendix C14. Analysis of variance on leaf width of okra at 58 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.2017 0.1008 0.46 0.6498
treatment 3 3.8025 1.2675 5.83* 0.0328
Error 6 1.3050 0.2175
Total 11 5.3092
Grand Mean = 30, CV=1.56%
*= Significant
Appendix C15. Analysis of variance on leaf width of okra at 65 days after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.4317 0.2158 0.62 0.5691
treatment 3 3.1292 1.0431 3.00ns 0.1172
Error 6 2.0883 0.3481
Total 11 5.6492
Grand Mean = 30, CV= 1.95%
**=Not Significant
Appendix C16. Analysis of variance on fruits per plant of okra at 51 days after
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0017 0.0008 0.13 0.8801
treatment 3 2.8092 0.9364 146.57** 0.0000
Error 6 0.0383 0.0064
Total 11 2.8492
Grand Mean = 1.14, CV= 7.00%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C17. Analysis of variance on fruits per plant of okra at 58 days after
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0117 0.0058 1.24 0.3554
treatment 3 1.1567 0.3856 81.65** 0.0000
Error 6 0.0283 0.0047
Total 11 1.1967
Grand Mean = 1.58, CV= 4.34%
** = Highly significant
Appendix C18. Analysis of variance on fruits per plant of okra at 65 days after
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0150 0.0075 0.57 0.5912
treatment 3 0.4167 0.1389 10.64** 0.0081
Error 6 0.0783 0.0131
Total 11 0.5100
Grand Mean = 2.15, CV= 5.31%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C19. Analysis of variance on fruits per plant of okra at 72 days after
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0450 0.0225 3.86 0.0837
treatment 3 1.7000 0.5667 97.14 0.0000
Error 6 0.0350 0.0058
Total 11 1.7800
Grand Mean = 3.40, CV= 2.25%
**=Highly Significant
Appendix C20. Analysis of variance on fruits per plant of okra at 79 days after
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0017 0.0008 0.04 0.9589
treatment 3 2.2067 0.7356 37.30 0.0003
Error 6 0.1183 0.0197
Total 11 2.3267
Grand Mean = 3.53, CV= 3.97%
** = Highly Significant
Appendix C31. Analysis of variance on no. of fruits per treatment plot at 51 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 1.0000
treatment 3 0.0019 0.0006 19.00** 0.0018
Error 6 0.0002 0.0000
Total 11 0.0021
Grand mean = 0.1250, CV=4.62%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C32. Analysis of variance on no. of fruits per treatment plot at 53 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0000 0.0000 0.27 0.7703
treatment 3 0.0013 0.0004 13.82** 0.0042
Error 6 0.0002 0.0000
Total 11 0.0015
Grand mean = 0.1433, CV= 3.86%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C33. Analysis of variance on no. of fruits per treatment plot at 58 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0003 0.0001 1.50 0.2963
treatment 3 0.0025 0.0008 9.34* 0.0112
Error 6 0.0005 0.0001
Total 11 0.0033
Grand mean = 0.2058, CV= 4.58%
*= Significant
Appendix C34. Analysis of variance on no. of fruits per treatment plot at 60 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0008 0.0004 1.24 0.3554
treatment 3 0.0053 0.0018 5.34* 0.0395
Error 6 0.0020 0.0003
Total 11 0.0081
Grand mean = 0.2242, CV= 8.11%
*= Significant
Appendix C35. Analysis of variance on no. of fruits per treatment plot at 65 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0011 0.0005 2.91 0.1310
treatment 3 0.0046 0.0015 8.43* 0.0143
Error 6 0.0011 0.0002
Total 11 0.0067
Grand mean = 0.5050, CV= 2.66%
*= Significant
Appendix C36. Analysis of variance on no. of fruits per treatment plot at 67 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0006 0.0003 0.66 0.5502
treatment 3 0.0084 0.0028 5.71 0.0342
Error 6 0.0029 0.0005
Total 11 0.0120
Grand mean = 0.5325, CV= 4.16%
*= Significant
Appendix C37. Analysis of variance on no. of fruits per treatment plot at 72 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0018 0.0009 0.74 0.5169
treatment 3 0.0246 0.0082 6.65* 0.0245
Error 6 0.0074 0.0012
Total 11 0.0338
Grand mean = 1.06, CV= 3.30%
*= Significant
Appendix C38. Analysis of variance on no. of fruits per treatment plot at 74 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0010 0.0005 0.60 0.5806
treatment 3 0.0435 0.0145 17.02** 0.0024
Error 6 0.0051 0.0009
Total 11 0.0497
Grand mean = 1.07, CV= 2.72%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C39. Analysis of variance on no. of fruits per treatment plot at 79 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0056 0.0028 9.34 0.0144
treatment 3 0.8753 0.2918 981.61** 0.0000
Error 6 0.0018 0.0003
Total 11 0.8826
Grand mean = 1.25, CV= 1.38%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C40. Analysis of variance on no. of fruits per treatment plot at 81 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 0.0043 0.0021 5.65 0.0418
treatment 3 0.9869 0.3290 870.82** 0.0000
Error 6 0.0023 0.0004
Total 11 0.9935
Grand mean = 1.28, CV= 1.52%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C41. Analysis of variance on fruit’s weight per treatment plot at 51 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 24.5000 12.2500 1.25 0.3519
treatment 3 7156.9167 2385.6389 243.29* 0.0000
Error 6 58.8333 9.8056
Total 11 7240.2500
Grand mean = 146.25, CV= 2.14%
*= Significant
Appendix C43. Analysis of variance on fruit’s weight per treatment plot at 58 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 44.6667 22.3333 6.09 0.0359
treatment 3 204.2500 68.0833 18.57** 0.0019
Error 6 22.0000 3.6667
Total 11 270.9167
Grand mean = 329.08, CV= 0.5819%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C44. Analysis of variance on fruit’s weight per treatment plot at 60 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 38.0000 19.0000 1.74 0.2527
treatment 3 982.9167 327.6389 30.09** 0.0005
Error 6 65.3333 10.8889
Total 11 1086.2500
Grand mean = 336.75, CV= 0.9799%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C45. Analysis of variance on fruit’s weight per treatment plot at 65 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 138.5000 69.2500 0.63 0.5648
treatment 3 2531.5833 843.8611 7.67* 0.0178
Error 6 660.1667 110.0278
Total 11 3330.2500
Grand mean = 521.25, CV= 2.01%
*= Significant
Appendix C46. Analysis of variance on fruit’s weight per treatment plot at 67 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 18.0000 9.0000 0.42 0.6739
treatment 3 494.2500 164.7500 7.72* 0.0175
Error 6 128.0000 21.3333
Total 11 640.2500
Grand mean = 541.75, CV= 0.8526%
*= Significant
Appendix C47. Analysis of variance on fruit’s weight per treatment plot at 72 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 2701.5000 1350.7500 0.75 0.5124
treatment 3 22056.2500 7352.0833 4.08ns 0.0676
Error 6 10820.5000 1803.4167
Total 11 35578.2500
Grand mean = 1358.25, CV= 3.13%
**= Not Significant
Appendix C48. Analysis of variance on fruit’s weight per treatment plot at 74 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 4802.0000 2401.0000 1.30 0.3405
treatment 3 81981.6667 27327.2222 14.75** 0.0036
Error 6 11115.3333 1852.5556
Total 11 97899.0000
Grand mean = 1372.50, CV= 3.14%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C49. Analysis of variance on fruit’s weight per treatment plot at 79 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 24986.0000 12493.0000 9.91 0.0126
treatment 3 3777400.0000 1259133.3333 998.52 ** 0.0000
Error 6 7566.0000 1261.0000
Total 11 3809952.0000
Grand mean = 2607, CV= 1.36%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix C50. Analysis of variance on fruit’s weight per treatment plot at 81 days
after sowing
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
replication 2 19905.1667 9952.5833 7.65 0.0223
treatment 3 4278372.2500 1426124.0833 1096.81** 0.0000
Error 6 7801.5000 1300.2500
Total 11 4306078.9167
Grand mean = 2664.08, CV= 1.35%
**= Highly Significant
Appendix D1. Least significant difference test of plant height at 37 days after
Appendix D2. Least significant difference test of plant height at 44 days after
Appendix D3. Least significant difference test of plant height at 51 days after
Appendix D4. Least significant difference test of plant height at 58 days after
Appendix D5. Least significant difference test of plant height at 65 days after
Appendix D6. Least significant difference test of leaf length at 44 days after
Appendix D7. Least significant difference test of leaf width at 37 days after sowing
Appendix D8. Least significant difference test of leaf width at 51 days after sowing
Appendix D9. Least significant difference test of leaf width at 58 days after sowing
Appendix D10. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits of okra per plant at
51 days after sowing
Appendix D11. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits of okra per plant at
58 days after sowing
Appendix D12. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits of okra per plant at
65 days after sowing
Appendix D13. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits of okra per plant at
72 days after sowing
Appendix D14. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits of okra per plant at
79 days after sowing
Appendix D15. Least significant difference test of fruit’s length at 58 days after
Appendix D16. Least significant difference test of fruit’s length at 65 days after
Appendix D17. Least significant difference test of fruit’s length at 72 days after
Appendix D18. Least significant difference test of fruit’s length at 79 days after
Appendix D23. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits per treatment plot at
51 days after sowing
Appendix D24. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits per treatment plot at
53 days after sowing
Appendix D25. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits per treatment plot at
58 days after sowing
Appendix D26. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits per treatment plot at
60 days after sowing
Appendix D27. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits per treatment plot at
65 days after sowing
eatment means N Group
1-Control (no pruning) 0.5000 3 b
2- Apical bud pinching 0.4833 3 b
3- Four leaves only 0.5367 3 a
4- Apical bud pinching + four leaves only 0.5000 3 b
Alpha: 0.05
Error Degrees of Freedom: 6
Error Mean Square: 0.0002
Critical Value: 2.4469
Test Statistics: 0.0268
Appendix D28. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits per treatment plot at
67 days after sowing
Appendix D29. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits per treatment plot at
72 days after sowing
Appendix D30. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits per treatment plot at
74 days after sowing
Appendix D31. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits per treatment plot at
79 days after sowing
Appendix D32. Least significant difference test of no. of fruits per treatment plot at
81 days after sowing
Appendix D33. Least significant difference test of fruit’s weight per treatment plot
at 51 days after sowing
Appendix D34. Least significant difference test of fruit’s weight per treatment plot
at 53 days after sowing
Appendix D35. Least significant difference test of fruit’s weight per treatment plot
at 58 days after sowing
Appendix D36. Least significant difference test of fruit’s weight per treatment plot
at 60 days after sowing
Appendix D37. Least significant difference test of fruit’s weight per treatment plot
at 65 days after sowing
Appendix D38. Least significant difference test of fruit’s weight per treatment plot
at 67 days after sowing
Appendix D39. Least significant difference test of fruit’s weight per treatment plot
at 74 days after sowing
Appendix D40. Least significant difference test of fruit’s weight per treatment plot
at 79 days after sowing
Appendix D41. Least significant difference test of fruit’s weight per treatment plot
at 81 days after sowing
Appendix D42. Least significant difference test of total yield per hectare
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4000
Sub - Total 4000
B. Miscellaneous
1. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1,383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 305.1 48 14,644.8
Net Income 4,041.8
ROI 38.11%
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4,000
Sub - Total 4,000
C. Miscellaneous
1. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1,383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 308.1 48 14,788.8
Net Income 4,185.8
ROI 40%
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4000
Sub - Total 4,000
C. Miscellaneous
1. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1.383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 315.6 48 15,148.8
Net Income 4,545.8
ROI 42.8%
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4,000
Sub – Total 4,000
C. Miscellaneous
1. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1,383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 261 48 12,528
Net Income 1,925
ROI 18.15%
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4,000
Sub - Total 4,000
C. Miscellaneous
1. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1,383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 266.4 48 12,787.2
Net Income 2,184.2
ROI 21%
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4,000
Sub - Total 4,000
C. Miscellaneous
1. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1,383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 265.5 48 12,744
Net Income 2,141
ROI 20.19%
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4,000
Sub - Total 4,000
C. Miscellaneous
1. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1,383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 359.7 48 17,265.6
Net Income 6,662.6
ROI 62.83%
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4,000
Sub - Total 4,000
F. Miscellaneous
2. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1,383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 363.6 48 17,452.8
Net Income 6,849.8
ROI 64.6%
Total Cost
ITEMS Quantity Unit Price
Variable Cost
B. Labor Cost
2. Land Preparation
Clearing the Area 2 MD 320 640
Plotting and Ditching 2 MD 320 640
Fertilizer Application 2 MD 320 640
3. Sowing 2 MD 400 800
4. Care and Maintenance
Weeding, Pruning, Watering 2 MD 320 640
5. Harvesting 2 MD 320 640
Sub-Total 3,360
6. Material Cost
7. Seeds 1 Kilo 720 720
8. Fertilizers
Urea (46-0-0) 10 Kilo 38 380
Sub - Total 1,100
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4,000
Sub - Total 4,000
9. Miscellaneous
2. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1,383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 361.8 48 17,366.4
Net Income 6,763.4
ROI 63.8%
Appendix E10. Return on investment of T4R1 (apical bud pinching + four leaves
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4,000
Sub - Total 4,000
16. Miscellaneous
3. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1,383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 261.9 48 12,571.2
Net Income 1,968.2
ROI 19%
Appendix E11. Return on investment of T4R2 (apical bud pinching + four leaves
Total Cost
ITEMS Quantity Unit Price
Variable Cost
D. Labor Cost
4. Land Preparation
Clearing the Area 2 MD 320 640
Plotting and Ditching 2 MD 320 640
Fertilizer Application 2 MD 320 640
17. Sowing 2 MD 400 800
18. Care and Maintenance
Weeding, Pruning, Watering 2 MD 320 640
19. Harvesting 2 MD 320 640
Sub-Total 3,360
20. Material Cost
21. Seeds 1 Kilo 720 720
22. Fertilizers
Urea (46-0-0) 10 Kilo 38 380
Sub - Total 1,100
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4,000
Sub - Total 4,000
23. Miscellaneous
4. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1,383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 272.7 48 13,089.6
Net Income 2,486.6
ROI 23.5%
Appendix E12. Return on investment of T4R3 (apical bud pinching + four leaves
Fixed Cost
Tools And Equipment 4,000
Sub - Total 4,000
30. Miscellaneous
5. Plastic Straw 1 1kg 120 120
Sub - Total 120
Contingency Fund (15% of 1,383
Variable Cost)
Total Cost Of Production 10,603
Gross Income 265.5 48 12,744
Net Income 2,141
ROI 20.2%
Land Preparation
Sowing Of Okra
First Application of
First Application of
First Data
Second Application
Of Treatment
Second Data
Second Application
Of Fertilizer
Third application
of treatment
Third Data
First Harvest
Fourth Application
Of Treatment
Fourth Data
Second Harvest
Fifth Application
of Treatments
Fifth Data
Third Harvest
Fourth harvest
Fifth harvest
Plate 5. Weeding
Plate 6. Harvesting
Plate 7. Measuring
Plate 8. Measuring