Menopause Brain Anatomy Cognition and Alzheimers
Menopause Brain Anatomy Cognition and Alzheimers
Menopause Brain Anatomy Cognition and Alzheimers
The menopause transition has been repeatedly associated with decreased cognitive performance
and increased incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), particularly when it is induced surgically 1,2 or takes
place at a younger age 3,4. However, there are very few studies that use neuroimaging techniques to examine
the effects of these variables in aggregate and in a large sample. Here, we use data from thousands of
participants from the UK Biobank to assess the relationship between menopausal status, menopause type
(surgical or natural), and age at menopause with cognition, AD, and neuroanatomical measures derived
from magnetic resonance imaging. We find that for brain and cognitive measures, menopausal status,
menopause type and age at surgical menopause do not impact the brain; but that there is a positive
correlation between anatomy, cognition and age at non-surgical menopause. These results do not align with
previous reports in the literature with smaller samples. However, we confirm that both early and surgical
menopause are associated with a higher risk of developing AD, indicating that early and abrupt ovarian
hormone deprivation might contribute to the development of the disorder.
Menopause is associated with a decrease been used to model the impact that ovarian
in circulating ovarian hormones, which impacts hormone deprivation may have on the ageing
multiple physiological systems, including brain process. Critically, lower cognitive performance
structure and function . Surgical menopause and increased incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease
(where ovaries are removed via bilateral (AD), have been observed in women who had
oophorectomy) as opposed to spontaneous (after their ovaries removed prior to non-surgical
one year without menstruation) leads to a faster menopause . Similarly, early non-surgical
decrease in hormone production. The timing of menopause has been associated with accelerated
the transition is also believed to impact women’s neurodegeneration, measured with magnetic
health, thus, surgical and early menopause have resonance imaging (MRI), in addition to worse
bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted October 21, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license.
cognition . Adding to this critical body of Socioeconomic status (SES) was quantified
literature are mixed findings related to improved based on total household income and missing
cognition in women taking hormone therapy data was imputed by the mean. HT was encoded
(HT), exogenous female hormones, during the as a binary variable, distinguishing those with a
transition . Although these vary in type, dose, history of HT during the menopause transition
duration and timing, they contain estrogens with and those without it. Unfortunately, no additional
or without progestin 2. Thus, we investigated how information about HT was available in UK
both surgical and spontaneous menopause, as Biobank records. Date of AD diagnosis was
well as age at menopause, related to multiple obtained from hospital admissions data linked to
measures of cognitive performance, brain the dataset. 9
anatomy, and AD incidence in a large cohort of
women from the UK Biobank, while robustly Cognitive Data
controlling for age. Cognitive tests were performed at the UK
Biobank’s assessment centers 10. Seven domains
Methods were selected, based on data availability: fluid
Sample intelligence score, numeric memory, pairs
Cross-sectional demographic, cognitive, matching, prospective memory, reaction time,
MRI and health-outcome data was obtained from symbol digit substitution and tower
the UK Biobank. Based on self-report data, rearrangement. To maximize power while
female participants were divided into avoiding missing data, participants were included
premenopausal women (PRE), women who if they had participated in all of the first five tests
underwent a bilateral oophorectomy (with or (cognitive group 1) or in both of the last two
without a hysterectomy) prior to menopause (cognitive group 2) (Table 1).
(SURG) and women who underwent menopause
without surgical interference (POST). MRI Data
Participants who reported uncertainty of their T1-weighted structural MRI scans were
menopausal status or who underwent a processed with CIVET 2.1.1 and four
hysterectomy without a bilateral oophorectomy morphometric outputs were selected: total brain
were excluded from the study. Different volume (TBV), total gray matter volume (GMV),
subsamples of these groups were included in each total white matter volume (WMV) and vertex-
analysis, based on data availability (Table 1). wise cortical thickness (CT) measurements at
Participants were excluded if self- 77,122 points across the cortical surface.
reported data was missing for menopausal status Participants were further excluded based on
or type, age at menopause or use of HT.
bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted October 21, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license.
manual quality control of raw scans and cortical were carried out on a vertex-wise basis, with CT
reconstructions. as a response variable and false detection rate
(FDR) correction. A chi squared test was
Statistical Analysis performed to compare the prevalence of AD in
Groups were age matched using the the POST and SURG groups and models 2 and 3
nearest neighbors algorithm with the MatchIt were used to examine the effects of age at
package in R 4.1.2 and the supplementary menopause on age at AD diagnosis. Logistic
methods can be found in the online-only regressions with the same predictors as models 2
materials. Multiple regressions were performed and 3 were performed with AD diagnosis as a
with the seven cognitive tests and the three response variable. Analyses were run in R v4.1.2
whole-brain anatomical measures as response and using RMINC v.
variables. For each of them, three models were
used: Supplementary analyses
Alternative models were attempted,
Model 1: (cognitive/anatomical measure) ~ age including the encoding of age at menopause as a
+ group + SES categorical variable (premature: <40, early: <45,
Model 2: (cognitive/anatomical measure) ~ age spontaneous: 45+) (Supplementary fig 1), the
+ age at menopause + HT + SES, POST only inclusion of a group by age at menopause
Model 3: (cognitive/anatomical measure) ~ age interaction term (Supplementary fig 2), the
+ age at menopause + HT + SES, SURG only removal of all participants under the age of 60
(Supplementary fig 3) and the removal of all
Multiple comparisons were accounted for using participants who with a history of HT
Bonferroni correction. These same three models (Supplementary fig 4)
Unmatched Matched
Age 58.83 (6.63) 60.11(5.40) 52.07 (5.82) 52.55 (5.58) 53.08 (5.25)
Age at
menopause 44.89 (6.90) 49.84 (5.06) 42.38 (6.94) 47.33 (5.43)
2 ,633/370 23
Unmatched Matched
Age 57.05 (6.07) 58.34 (5.14) 51.70 (4.00) 51.83 (3.87) 51.95 (3.74)
Age at
menopause 45.77 (6.00) 50.07(4.50) 44.15 (5.47) 47.84 (4.66)
Unmatched Matched
Age 63.68 (6.91) 63.42 (6.63) 54.11(2.95) 53.78 (2.67) 53.42 (2.39)
Age at
menopause 46.33 (6.32) 50.48 (4.65) 44.89(6.22) 49.29 (4.33)
123/268/254/160/4 1,694/3,467/3,487/2
SES 6 ,382/688 24/37/69/57/22 29/68/112/141/52 14/28/71/72/28
Unmatched Matched
Age at
menopause 45.58 (6.71) 49.78 (5.05) 45.58 (6.71) 49.17 (5.44)
Unmatched Matched
Age at
menopause 44.25 (8.28) 49.68 (5.90)
Age at
diagnosis 73.08 (5.41) 73.57 (4.52)
Table 1: Basic demographic information for the participants in each analysis. For age and age at
menopause, the mean and standard deviation, in parentheses, are shown. The number of participants who
used HT as well as the proportion of the total sample that they represent is also reported. For SES, the
values represent the number of participants in each of the following income categories, in pounds sterling:
less than 18,000/18,000-30,999/31,000-51,999/52,000-100,000/greater than 100,000. Over 90% of the
sample identifies as ethnically white.
Some limitations to the study are the Thus, our study is the first to
lack of a perimenopausal group and of comprehensively analyze well-powered MRI,
distinction between HT regimens, due to data cognitive, and clinical data in the context of
availability. Most demographic and reproductive menopause with robust age correction. We
variables were self-reported, which is known to observed that, in healthy populations,
introduce noise and bias, such as incorrect menopause was not associated with changes in
determination of menopausal status. the brain, except in women who underwent early
Furthermore, we do not have any measure of spontaneous menopause. However, both surgical
verbal memory, which is known to decrease transitions and early age at menopause of any
during perimenopause 18. Finally, the proportion type increased the risk of AD. Further research
of the cohort that was diagnosed with AD is is needed to understand the mechanisms behind
limited, particularly in the SURG group. the interactions between these two systems.
Therefore, it will be critical to monitor the AD-
conversion rates as UK Biobank continues to
collect data. Since this study only examines the
long term effects of the transition, no
conclusions can be drawn on how
perimenopause affects the brain.
bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted October 21, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license.
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(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
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