Pvl3703 October 2023 Eqp
Pvl3703 October 2023 Eqp
Pvl3703 October 2023 Eqp
October/November 2023
Law of Delict
100 Marks
23 OCTOBER 2023
This paper consists of five (5) pages including the cover page.
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Next, apply these principles to the facts. Then give the appropriate advice.
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Lethabo suffers from insomnia and, when he does sleep, he often sleepwalks. His doctor has prescribed
him medication to control this condition. Lethabo goes on a camping trip with his friends and as a
precautionary measure keeps a knife under his pillow while sleeping. One evening while sleepwalking,
he thinks he is being attacked by a robber and stabs one of his friends, Mandla. In reality, there was no
robber and Mandla was trying to assist Lethabo to get back to his bed. It transpired that Lethabo had
not taken his medication prescribed by the doctor that morning. Mandla was seriously injured and
hospitalised. Mandla would like to institute a delictual action against Lethabo.
1.1 Discuss with reference to relevant authority whether Lethabo indeed acted for the purposes of the
law of delict. (15)
1.2 Would your answer to question 1.1 above differ if Lethabo had not suffered from insomnia before
and this was the first time that he was found sleepwalking? (5)
There has been much debate about the traditional test for determining wrongfulness and the new test
for determining wrongfulness.
Nomsa, while playing a game of netball, was struck on the head by the ball. As a result of this, Nomsa
sustained a serious head injury. It transpired that her fellow player Kefilwe had attempted to shoot the
ball into the goal ring but missed. The ball subsequently struck Nomsa’s head. Nomsa would like to
institute a delictual action against Kefilwe for the head injury she sustained.
Discuss with reference to authority, which ground of justification Kefilwe may rely on as well as the
likelihood of it succeeding. (Take care not to write about the topic of Question 4.1 here.) (15)
Greg regularly invited Bert to his ostrich farm in the Karoo. Greg warned Bert to be cautious around the
ostriches and not to startle them. Bert informed Greg that he knew how to deal with ‘these birds’ and
that he always interacted with one ostrich, known as Daisy, during his visits. Bert always teased and
taunted Daisy for self-amusement. During his last visit, Bert picked up a stone and threw it in the
direction of Daisy. Daisy began to chase Bert. Bert then ran towards the house and tripped and fell,
injuring his leg. Bert was hospitalised due to the injury and unable to return to work for a month. Bert
would like to institute a delictual action against Greg based upon Greg’s alleged negligent conduct of
keeping wild animals in a place that the public can have access to.
4.1 Assume for the purpose of answering this question (4.1) that Bert can prove that Greg’s conduct
was wrongful and negligent. Under these circumstances, what defence may Greg rely upon and what
will the effect of a successful reliance on the defence be? Discuss in detail with reference to case law
and legislation. (Take care not to write about the topic of Question 3 here.) (20)
4.2 Now assume for the purpose of answering this question (4.2) that Bert cannot prove that Greg’s
conduct was wrongful and negligent. Under these circumstances, what remedy would Bert have against
Greg and how likely is he to succeed with this remedy? Discuss with reference to case law. (5)
Differentiate clearly between factual and legal causation in the law of delict and discuss with reference
to case law the respective tests used to determine whether they are present in a given factual scenario.
UNISA 2023