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a. The issuing of a PRCA certification indicates that the holder has met the applicable portions of
the Program requirements and applicable requirements of the ANSI/PRCA 1.0-.3-2014 American
National Safety Standards for Challenge Courses, Adventure Parks, Canopy Tours and Zip Lines:
Design, Performance, Inspection, Installation, Equipment, Operations, Training and Certifications
for that certification. The Instructor certification only recognizes that the holder possesses a
certain level of knowledge in the area of industry related staff/operator training. The Inspector
certification only recognizes that the holder possesses a certain level of knowledge to perform
professional inspections of industry related courses, equipment and devices. Certified
Instructors may apply for a Recuse Instructor and/or a Supervisory Endorsement. Certified Level
II Inspectors may apply for Supervisory Endorsement. Certified Level III Inspectors may apply for
an Inspection Instructor Endorsement.
b. For the purpose of these policies the term “industry related” shall, as applicable, reference
challenge courses, ropes courses, aerial adventure parks (adventure parks), canopy tours and zip
line tours, including those considered as specialty amusement devices/amusement devices by
an authority having jurisdiction.


a. The Certification and Examination Board (CEB) will supervise and administer the PRCA
Certification Program. The Board shall consist of no less than three (3) members nor more than
seven (7) members of the PRCA all of whom shall be appointed and approved by the PRCA Board
of Directors. The current PRCA BOD President shall be included in the CEB. The Chair of the CEB
shall be appointed by the PRCA BOD.
b. At least one (1) member shall be representative of Accredited Professional Vendors / private
consultants providing inspection and/or instruction and currently certified for such, one (1)
member shall be representative of the facilitated challenge course / ropes course industry, and
one (1) member shall be representative of the commercial aerial adventure park / canopy tour /
zip line industry. All additional members are considered Members at Large and must hold either
a current Inspector and/or Instructor certification.
c. The CEB shall meet a minimum of twice annually. Meetings may be conducted electronically.
Quorum for the conduct of business will require two-thirds of the voting members. The CEB may
conduct votes by electronic means allowing adequate time for members to respond.
d. The CEB shall develop a uniform standard for administrating examinations(s) and make the
examinations available at least once each calendar year.
e. Members of the CEB serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred
when performing duties as exam proctors or presenters during CEB approved Certification
Review training events.


a. Schedule of Fees:
i. Application Fee: (For all certifications Non-refundable) $ 75.00
ii. Qualified Instructor Certification Exam Preparatory Event: $ 250.00
iii. Qualified Instructor Certification Examination: $ 100.00

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

iv. Qualified Instructor Certification Renewal $ 100.00
v. Level I Basic Inspector Exam Preparatory Event $ 225.00
vi. Level I Basic Inspector Certification Examination $1 50.00
vii. Level I Basic Inspector Certification Renewal $ 55.00
viii. Level II Advanced/Professional Inspector Exam Preparatory Event $ 250.00
ix. Level II Advanced/Professional Inspector Certification Examination $ 200.00
x. Level II Advanced/Professional Inspector Certification Renewal $ 75.00
xi. Level III Senior Professional Inspector Certification Examination $ 200.00
xii. Level III Senior Professional Inspector Certification Renewal $100.00
b. Certificate Replacement Fee $25.00
c. Certification Card Changes / Replacement $25.00
d. Outside Examination Event: Any facility / organization may request to host a Certification Event.
The PRCA will charge a minimum fee of two thousand five hundred dollars ($ 2,500.00) in
addition to any applicable membership, review training, testing or related fees.

a. Examinations shall be prepared and administered by the CEB.
b. Examinations shall be conducted with a minimum of two (2) CEB members or CEB approved
proctors present.
c. Examinations shall be in writing, may include relevant practical skills demonstration. The
examination shall be confined to questions / skill assessments that will aid in determining the
candidate’s basic “industry related” knowledge of the industry itself and the inspection or
staff/operation instruction fundamentals. The Level II Inspector (Advanced) examination will
include practical skill inspection assessment on a course.
d. Inspection examination levels shall include but not be limited to applicable standards (E.g. ANSI,
ASTM…), general, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, ride /equipment safety knowledge and
advanced knowledge as appropriate to the level of the certification and the specifics of the type
of courses to be inspected.
e. Instructor examination shall include but not be limited to applicable standards (ANSI/PRCA 1.0-
.3-2013 Section 1.3 National Training Scheme, ANSI Z 490, ASTM), training documentation, adult
learning principals, safety/risk management, OSHA, and other training topics related to the safe
operation of “industry related” facilities.
f. Candidates must be able to comprehend, read and write English.
g. Applicants with special needs must request accommodations, in writing, to the CEB a minimum
of thirty (30) days before the examination date. The CEB must approve any special needs or
accommodations prior to the examination.
h. Examination results are confidential and will be conveyed to the cadidate by email within 60
days. Results will only indicate Pass or Fail. Examination results are available only to the CEB
and the individual candidate. Candidates who are unsuccessful on the exam may not apply for
retesting for a period of 180 days from their last exam.


a. Certification will be issued to successful candidates by the PRCA Board of Directors Secretary.
b. A PRCA Inspector Certification is valid for a period of two (2) years and will expire on June 1st.
Certifications that are issued after June 1st will be valid until June 1st of the 2nd year. Any

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

expired certification can be renewed within one year of expiration for the balance of the new
two (2) year cycle providing that the holder has provided evidence of the renewal requirements
(contained in both this document and the ANSI/PRCA 1.0-.3-2014 Safety Standards) to the CEB.
Certifications expired beyond one (1) year shall not be reissued without successful completion
of a retesting.
c. A PRCA Instructor Certification is valid for a period of three (3) years and will expire on June 1st.
Certifications that are issued after June 1st will be valid until June 1st of the 3rd year. Any
expired certification can be renewed within one year of expiration for the balance of the new
three (3) year cycle providing that the holder has provided evidence of the renewal
requirements (contained in both this document and the ANSI/PRCA 1.0-.3-2014 Safety
Standards) to the CEB. Certifications expired beyond one (1) year shall not be reissued without
successful completion of a retesting.
d. Certification holders must submit evidence of training, CEU (continuing education units) and any
other required documentation, as applicable to the certification, prior to April 30th of the year
of the certification expiration. This material/documentation shall be submitted to the CEB
through the PRCA.
e. Failure to submit the necessary documentation may result in a delay of the reissuance or in the
revocation of the certification.
f. Formal training shall consist of PRCA approved seminars, conference presentations, and/or local
training on certification applicable related subjects, including but not limited to, rescue, adult
learning principals, industry operations, course facilitation, risk management, employee/user
safety, inspection, OSHA General industry or construction regulations, welding, rigging,
mechanical /electrical systems, and non-destructive testing. Possible approved sources may
g. The PRCA shall maintain a file on each Certification holder and retain copies of all training
/renewal documentation submitted.


a. Endorsements are valid for a period of two (2) or three (3) years and will run concurrent with
the holder’s existing certification as applicable.
b. Candidates requesting a Supervisory or Inspection Instruction endorsement must submit all
required materials prior to the time of their certification examination.
c. Candidates requesting an endorsement renewal must submit evidence of training, CEU
(continuing education units) and any other required documentation, as applicable to the
endorsement, prior to April 30th of the year of the endorsement expiration. This
material/documentation shall be submitted to the CEB through the PRCA.
d. Incomplete submissions will not be considered and may constitute reason for rejection or non-
e. A minimum of two thirds of the current CEB must approve the endorsement at the time of


A. INSPECTORS: The Inspector Certification program is designed to confirm the varied levels of
knowledge and experience of persons performing inspections in the challenge course, aerial
adventure park and zip line / canopy tour industry.

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

1. LEVEL I INSPECTOR CERTIFICATION (BASIC) This certification covers both basic in-house
inspectors and supervised professional inspection service providers.
Candidates for Level 1 certification shall meet the following requirements:
a. Minimum age 21
b. High school diploma, GED or the equivalent with a minimum of one (1) year employment in
the last three (3) years in the design, manufacture, maintenance, repair, operation or
inspection of challenge courses, aerial adventure parks, zip lines or canopy tours.
Three (3) years of employment in the last five (5) years in the design, manufacture,
maintenance, repair, operation or inspection of challenge courses, aerial adventure parks,
zip lines or canopy tours.
c. Written verification from the employer (on letterhead) or a qualified sponsor
(professional vendor) that the candidate’s application information is true and correct.
d. Must be a current member of the PRCA in good standing.
e. Candidate must provide evidence of passing an eye exam within the previous 6 months. Eye
exam report is included in the application.
f. Candidate must receive a passing score on a written open book multiple choice and fill in
the blank exam as referenced in 4.c.
g. Candidate must be able to read, write, speak and comprehend the English language.

Renewal: Candidates for Level I Inspector certification renewal must provide evidence of
receiving 3.2 CEUs in their field or 32 credit hours of PRCA approved formal training during
the two year period of the current certification. The examination may not be taken in lieu of
the training requirements for renewal within three (2) years of the original issuance of the
expiring certification.

Any or all of the criteria for the renewal of a certification may be waived or postponed by the
CEB with a written request for consideration by the certification holder.


advanced in-house and professional inspection service providers.
Candidates for Level II Advanced certification shall meet the following requirements:
a. Minimum age 21
b. High school diploma, GED or the equivalent
c. minimum of five (5) years employment and current employment in the design, manufacture,
maintenance, repair, operation or inspection of challenge courses, aerial adventure parks,
zip lines or canopy tours.
d. Must be a current member of the PRCA in good standing.
e. Possess a current PRCA, NAARSO, AIMS or ACCT Level 1 Inspector Certification. These
criteria may be waived or modified by the CEB upon written request with evidence of
significant prior inspection experience.
f. Written verification from the employer (on letterhead) or a qualified sponsor (professional
vendor) that the candidate’s application information is true and correct.
g. Candidate must provide evidence of passing an eye exam within the previous 6 months. Eye
exam report is included in the application.

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

h. Candidate must receive a passing score on: a written open book multiple choice and fill in
the blank exam as referenced in 4.c. and on a Practical Exam administered on an actual
challenge course, aerial adventure park or canopy zip line tour.
i. Candidate must be able to read, write, speak and comprehend the English language.

Renewal: Candidates for Level II Advanced/Professional Inspector certification renewal must

provide evidence of receiving 3.2 CEUs in their field or 32 credit hours of PRCA approved
formal training during the two-year period of the current certification. The examination may
not be taken in lieu of the training requirements for renewal within three (2) years of the
original issuance of the expiring certification.
Any or all of the criteria for the renewal of a certification may be waived or postponed by the
CEB with a written request for consideration by the certification holder.


professional inspection service providers with extensive experience and knowledge beyond the
Level II Advanced/Professional Inspector Certification.
Candidates for Level III Senior Professional certification shall meet the following requirements:
a. High school diploma, GED or the equivalent
b. Candidate must have a minimum total of ten (10) years employment in the design,
manufacture, maintenance, repair, operation or inspection of challenge courses, aerial
adventure parks, zip lines or canopy tours.
c. Candidate must have been working in the industry a minimum of three (3) years within
the past five (5) years.
d. Candidate must be currently employed primarily in the design, manufacture,
maintenance, repair, operation or inspection of challenge courses, aerial adventure
parks, zip lines or canopy tours.
e. Candidate must be a member of the PRCA in good standing.
f. Candidate must hold a current PRCA Level II Inspector Certification.
g. Candidate must have sixty (60) hours of documented formal PRCA approved safety
training in the past five (5) years. This may include industry related safety training events
/presentations, presented by the candidate, at industry conferences, governmental
agencies or educational institutions.
h. Candidate must possess a high level of knowledge, education and experience related to
the challenge course, aerial adventure park, zip line and canopy tour industry which can
be verified through testing.
i. Candidate must pass an oral interview/testing by a minimum of two qualified CEB

Renewal: Candidates for Level III Senior Professional Inspector certification renewal must
provide evidence of receiving 3.2 CEUs in their field or 32 credit hours of PRCA approved
formal training during the two-year period of the current certification. On-line modules
are not accepted for Level III renewals.
• Level III Inspector certification holders must maintain their PRCA membership
without lapse during the duration of the certification.
• Level III Inspector certification holders must remain active within the industry during
the certification period.

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

• Level III Inspectors are required to assist the CEB with Inspector examinations, exam
development and practical testing.
• Level III Inspectors are expected to conduct industry inspection/safety related
presentations at PRCA conferences and events.
• Any or all of the criteria for the renewal of a certification may be waived or
postponed by the CEB with a written request for consideration by the certification
• Any Level III Inspector who cannot or does not desire to meet the requirements for
Level III renewal may submit a written request to the CEB to have a Level II
certification issued in place of the Level III if they meet the current requirements of
the Level II Certification.
• A return to the Level III Certification will require the candidate to complete the Level
III application process again.

B. QUALIFIED INSTRUCTOR: The Qualified Instructor Certification program is designed to confirm

the requisite levels of knowledge and experience of persons performing training in the challenge
course, aerial adventure park and zip line / canopy tour industry. This certification covers both
qualified in-house instructors and professional industry instruction/training service providers.
Candidates for Qualified Instructor certification shall meet the following requirements:
a. Minimum age 21
b. High school diploma, GED or the equivalent
c. A minimum of five (5) years employment in the staff training, operations, safety/risk
management or facilitation of challenge courses, aerial adventure parks, zip lines or canopy
tours OR five (5) years employment in staff training including employee safety training.
d. Candidate must have been working in the challenge courses, aerial adventure parks, zip
lines or canopy tours industry a minimum of three (3) years within the past five (5) years.
e. Candidate must be currently employed primarily in the facilitation, operation, staff training
of a challenge course, aerial adventure park, canopy or zip line tour or as an employee of a
professional training service provider for challenge courses, aerial adventure parks, zip lines
or canopy tours.
f. Must be a current member of the PRCA in good standing.
g. Candidate must be able to document a minimum of sixteen (16) hours of formal training in
adult learning principles, (e.g. recognized train the trainer program, instructor course,
teaching certificate) OR provide evidence of personally providing a minimum of sixteen (16)
hours of an approved safety training program including proper documentation of the
training (lesson plan, sign-ins, handouts, multi-media presentation, etc.).
h. Written verification from the employer (on letterhead) or a qualified sponsor
(professional vendor) that the candidate’s application information is true and correct.
i. Candidate must receive a passing score on: a written multiple choice and fill in the blank
exam as referenced in 4.c. and on a peer-reviewed practical instruction presentation exam
administered by the CEB
j. Candidate must be able to read, write, speak and comprehend the English language.

Renewal: Candidates for Qualified Instructor certification renewal must provide:

a. Submission of the renewal application, documentation and payment of renewal fees.
b. Supervisor Endorsement applications and/or Supervisor Endorsement renewal applications
and attendant fees should be submitted with the Certification renewal application.

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

c. Required renewal documentation:
• Applicant must provide evidence of receiving 3.2 CEUs in the field of
instruction/teaching during the Certification period.
• OR evidence of attending and/or presenting 32 hours of PRCA approved formal
instructor training / industry related operations / safety training / industry related
conference presentations during the three-year period of the current expiring
certification. (On the first renewal the attendance of a PRCA certification exam
preparatory session can be credited as 10 hours towards the renewal training
• OR applicants may elect to perform and properly document an industry related
conference presentation at the PRCA Annual Conference in the year of their renewal
requirement. (E.g. renewal required in 2020, conference presentation must be
performed at 2020 PRCA conference.) Applicants choosing this renewal method are
required to submit their proposed presentation during the call for presentations for that
year’s conference to allow for proper scheduling and are required to register for that
year’s conference. Proposed conference presentations are to be emailed to
[email protected]
• All renewal applicants must also provide evidence of having conducted a minimum of 60
hours of properly documented industry related employee training during the three-year
period of the current expiring certification. Proper documentation includes: a listing of
training events conducted during the three-year period, samples of sign-in sheets,
samples of pre and post tests administered, samples of skill set assessment
documentation utilized, samples of formal lesson plans for classes presented and of
certifications issued.
d. Applicant must provide a copy (ACORD form) of their current professional insurance or
employer's current professional insurance showing that the applicant or their employer
carries the proper insurance for delivering employee training.

e. Exemptions:
• The certification examination may not be taken in lieu of the certification renewal
• Portions of the renewal criteria may be waived or postponed by the Certification and
Examination Board (CEB) with a written request for such by the applicant. Written
requests must be emailed to [email protected] prior to February 1 of the renewal year.
The decision of the CEB is final. The renewal requirement for the performance of 60
hours of delivered training cannot be waived.


Supervisor and Inspector Instructor endorsement applications must be approved by the CEB.
Endorsements once granted run concurrent with the certification holder’s current certification and
expire with the current certification. Endorsements are indicated on the certification when issued.

Candidates for a supervisor endorsement shall meet the following requirements:

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

a. Inspector Supervisor endorsement candidates must possess a current Level II Inspector
(Advanced/Professional) or Level III Inspector (Senior Professional) certification.
b. Qualified Instructor Supervisor endorsement candidates must possess a Qualified Instructor
c. All supervisor endorsement candidates must provide documented evidence of their current
supervisory roles as an inspector or instructor for challenge courses, aerial adventure parks,
zip lines or canopy tours.
d. All supervisor endorsement candidates must provide proof of a minimum of twenty-four
(24) hours of management related training.


Candidates for an inspector instruction endorsement shall meet the following requirements:
a. Candidates must possess a current Level II Inspector (Advanced/Professional) or Level III
Inspector (Senior Professional) certification.
b. Candidate must provide evidence of a minimum of sixteen (16) hours of formal instruction
in how to conduct trainings, (e.g. recognized train the trainer program, instructor course)
and must submit a formal written lesson plan identifying the expected trainee experience
level, the training duration, required instruction materials, assessment methods, risk
management and expected outcomes OR provide evidence of personally providing a
minimum of sixteen (16) hours of inspection procedures and/or inspection safety training
programs including proper documentation of the training (lesson plan, sign-ins, handouts,
multi-media presentation, etc.).

The following documentation shall be maintained on each certification candidate:
a. Applications with supporting documentation
b. Written examination answer sheet and practical exam results
c. Candidate correspondence regarding examination results
d. Copy of the Certification
e. Proof of renewal requirements

10. Revocation of Certification:

a. A holder of a certification may have the certification revoked for violations of the certification
policies and the PRCA Codes of Professional Conduct.
b. Where a certification is to be revoked for violation of program policies or for a violation of the
PRCA Code of Professional Conduct, the following procedures apply:
i. A written complaint clearly alleging the violation(s) must be submitted to the President of
the PRCA Board of Directors.
ii. The PRCA President will convey the complaint to the CEB and PRCA Board members. The
PRCA shall consult with the PRCA counsel to determine if good cause for revocation of the
certification exists.
iii. The determination of good cause will be made within ten (10) business days.
iv. If the complaint is found to not have demonstrated good cause, the complaint will be
dismissed and the complainant will be notified by the PRCA Secretary. The complainant will
be notified that there is no appeal for this decision.

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

v. If the complaint is found to demonstrate good cause for revoking of the certification, the
PRCA President will forward a copy of the complaint to he certification holder and notice of
the determination. The PRCA President will also forward a copy of the revocation
procedures to both the complainant and the certification holder.
vi. The CEB will appoint a Review Board, including the PRCA Counsel within ten (10) business
days. The Review Board will schedule a hearing and notify both the complainant and the
certification holder a minimum of 30 days in advance of the hearing.
vii. The certification holder will be advised of their right to have representation during the
hearing, the right to present witnesses and cross-examine any witnesses.
viii. The complainant is required to give testimony against the certification holder.
ix. The certification holder may waive their rights to appear in the hearing and may agree that
evidence shall be submitted to the Review Board by any means acceptable to the Review
x. After the hearing the Review Board may dismiss the complaint against the certification
holder, may issue a warning to the certification holder or may revoke the certification. The
CEB will notify the complainant and the certification holder of the findings in writing.
c. The certification holder may appeal a Review Board decision to revoke the certification, by
submitting a written appeal explaining their position on the revocation decision to the PRCA
President within 30 days of the Review Board findings.
d. The following appeal procedures will be followed in response to a timely filed appeal.
i. The PRCA President shall appoint a three member appeal panel with one member as the
presiding member. No member of the appeal panel may have been a part of the Review
Board which handled the original complaint.
ii. The Appeal Panel will review the record of the previous proceedings, including the
certificate holders appeal statements and within 5 days will make a determination whether
a full hearing is to be held or not. If a full hearing is to be held it must occur within 45 days
of the receipt of the written appeal.
iii. If the Appeal Panel decides to hold a hearing, it will notify both the complainant and the
certification holder 30 days in advance of the hearing, including a notification that both the
complainant and the certification holder have ten (10) days to provide notice to the Appeal
Panel of their intent to appear at the hearing. If either party fails to do so the appeal will be
decided on the existing record and appeal documentation.
iv. The Appeal Panel must notify the certification holder and the complainant of their final
decision within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the appeal or thirty (30) days after the date
of the hearing if one was conducted upholds the determination to revoke the certification
the certification holder Appeal Panel decisions are final and no further appeal is available.
v. If the Appeal Panel upholds the decision to revoke the certification, the certification holder
shall immediately return their certification card and certificate to the PRCA and shall cease
all use the certification designation.

APPLICATION: All candidates must:
a. complete the appropriate application provided by the PRCA
b. provide any required documentation
c. pay the required application, prep session, and examination fees

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

d. All applications, documents and fees must be received at least ten (10) days prior to the testing
e. Application fees are not refundable.

Upon receiving the completed application, documentation and fees the candidate will receive an
admittance card for the session and testing.

ADMITTANCE: All candidates must present their Admittance card and a photo identification at the
session/exam site for admittance. If the candidate should not provide the necessary identification or
the information was inaccurate the examination results will be voided.

At least two CEB members (proctors) will be present throughout the examinations and it is their
responsibility to prepare the location for the examination.
Only proctors and properly registered candidates may be present in the examination locations or in
the direct area of outside skill assessment exam areas.
Only authorized items may be brought into the examination room or skill examination areas.
Authorized items may include a standard calculator, copies of applicable standards, personal fall
protection equipment which meets standards requirements, etc. Cellular phones are not permitted
and must be turned off or left outside of the examination area.
Once the examination period has commenced candidates will only be permitted to leave and re-
enter the location once during the testing period. All materials must remain in the examination area.
The candidate must present their exam, answer sheets and notes to the proctor before leaving the
All required information must be provided on the exam and answer sheets. Failure to do so will
result in a Fail grading.
Once a candidate has completed the written test, they are to leave the examination area and may
not return until all candidates have completed the test.
Candidates must turn in their test sheets, answer papers and any notes scratch papers before
exiting the examination.
If the examination is timed the proctors shall collect all materials at the end of the testing period.


No talking during written examinations. No talking or discussing skills during outdoor inspection skill
testing. Candidates must remain seated during written testing. Candidates who do not follow the
procedures for the examinations, or who conduct themselves in inappropriate or disruptive manner
will be excused from the examination. Candidates who are excused from the examination will fail
the exam and forfeit all fees associated with the session and examination. The applicant will be
eligible to apply again in the future.

All completed examinations will be graded by the CEB or a designee. Results of the examination,
answer sheets, applications and other necessary documentation will be kept in the candidates file at
the PRCA.
Candidates will be notified of a pass / fail grading in writing. It is the responsibility of each candidate
to ensure that their certification package contains complete information and where necessary

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

provide any additional information requested. Failure to do so may result in a delay in receiving
examination results and certification.
Unsuccessful candidates must wait a minimum of 180 days before applying to be retested.

Level I Inspector (Basic)
The exam consists of between 100 and 150 questions which must be passed with a minimum score
of 75%. Test questions are based upon general knowledge, mathematics, science, industry practices
and other questions directly related to challenge course, aerial adventure park, zip line and canopy
tour courses. Exams will consist of most or all of the question categories’ below.

General knowledge:
Word knowledge
Read and understand basic mathematical calculations
Measurement conversions
Mechanical comprehension
Electrical components
Science principles
Basic tool knowledge
Inspection Knowledge:
Applicable safety codes and safety standards
Applicable OSHA regulations
Wire rope
Fasteners (grades, type, use, etc.)
User and employee safety equipment
Welding practices and procedures
Accepted industry practices
Hydraulic/pneumatics in the industry
Electrical systems
Inspection procedures and practices

Level II Inspector (Advanced/Professional)

The exam consists of between 100 and 150 questions which must be passed with a minimum score
of 80%. Test questions are more advanced but are in the same categories of the Level I testing. Test
questions are based upon general knowledge, mathematics, science, industry practices and other
questions directly related to challenge course, aerial adventure park, zip line and canopy tour
courses. Exams will consist of most or all of the question categories.
Scope of questions:
Understanding industry and job information – Inspectors must read training and operations
manuals, blueprints and manufacturer design and specification sheets. Questions will assess your
ability to read, understand and apply this information.
Detail recall – Questions that will test your recall of details of technical papers or manuals.

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

Judgement – Questions that call for judgement on the part of the inspector while preforming an
Understanding mechanical systems and devices – Questions that test your understanding of general
mechanical systems and devices. Questions of knowledge of tools utilized during industry inspection
Basic mathematics and science – Questions that test your understanding of basis athematic and
science principles and how they are applied during inspections
Course Operations and general course safety – Questions involving knowledge of general common
operational procedures and user/employee safety practices.
Foreign designs and manufacture – Questions that test the knowledge of differences between US
and foreign design and safety requirements, also metric to US standard measurement conversions.
Codes and standards – Questions that test the knowledge of the differences between codes, safety
standards and regular standards. Questions that test the candidate’s ability to identify applicable
standards and OSHA regulations for inspection purposes.
Cable terminations, safety factors, back-ups, Working Load Limits – Questions that test the
candidate’s knowledge of the industry practices, requirements and recognition of deficits / non-
General inspection issues:
Wire rope
Fasteners (grades, type, use, etc.)
User and employee safety equipment
Welding practices and procedures
Blueprint symbols
Electrical, hydraulic, pneumatics and magnetic systems in the industry
Zip braking systems
Inspection procedures and practices
Practical Exam:
• Candidates are required to conduct an actual inspection of a real course’s elements. This
includes visual, tactile and tool-based testing. Explaining and/or demonstrating non-
destructive proof testing requirements and options for components. Compiling results of
inspection, determining compliance with applicable standards and inspection reporting

Qualified Inspector certification

The exam consists of between 100 and 150 questions which must be passed with a minimum score
of 80%. This is an open book test where candidates utilize the
ANSI/PRCA 1.0-.3-2104 ANS Section 1.3 National Training Scheme and ANSI Z-490.1 standards. Test
questions are based upon general training method knowledge, adult learning principles,
instructional structure, industry training practices and other questions directly related to challenge
course, aerial adventure park, zip line and canopy tour course staff training. Exams will consist of
most or all of the question categories.

Scope of questions:
Training documentation.
Safety of participants.

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

Training risk management.
Experiential education model.
Multi-media presentation
Development of training programs
Employee safety training
Skill assessments
Certification (in-house and general)
Applicable standards
Training requirements
Standard industry procedures
Facilitation vs guiding
Practical Exam:
• Candidates are required to utilize the National Training Scheme to develop and present an
approximately 30 to 45-minute-long, standard compliant employee safety or operations
training session on a topic on which they are knowledgeable and have industry experience
with. Candidates shall be prepared for a 5-minute Q&A and peer review comment period.
• The candidate will produce a formal written lesson plan identifying the expected audience,
the training duration, risk management, required instruction materials, assessment methods
and expected outcomes.
• The candidate will properly document the training session in compliance with the applicable
portions of the ANSI 1.0-.3-2014 and ANSI Z490.1 standards.
• The candidate must submit at least five (5) original multiple-choice questions with answers
and source documentation. If the questions contain graphics, the candidate must provide
the graphics in an acceptable electronic format.
• Candidates who require a laptop (PC based) and projector will be provided with one for
their exam session.


• Written examination questions will be multiple choice with four (4) possible answers.
Candidates will mark their answer by darkening the circle that corresponds with the
question number and answer letter on the answer sheet with the provided pencils.
• Candidates will make no marks or notes in the test booklets.
• Candidates will not write their names on their test booklet or on the answer sheet.
• Candidates will mark their answer sheet with their test booklet number, the date of the
exam and their examination ID number only. Thus, the CEB members grading the
examinations have no knowledge of which candidate’s exam they are grading.

Examination Tips and Hints

• It is not practical to “cram” for these tests. The required general knowledge you have gained
through your employment experience in the industry. This combined with self-study of
standards, training seminars/presentations from industry associations (e.g. PRCA, ACCT, and
NAARSO) will best prepare you for the exams.
• Bring eyeglasses if necessary.
• A watch will help you budget your written test time.
• Bring only supplies or materials that are CEB approved for use during testing.

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

• Get sufficient rest prior to the examination.
• Listen carefully to all oral instructions. If you do not understand raise your hand and ask for
clarification. Read all instructions carefully.
• Read all questions carefully and choose the best possible answer.
• If you skip a question, make sure that you skip the answer space on your answer sheet also.
• Periodically verify your answer number with the test question number to ensure that you
are marking the appropriate space.
• Make sure that you go back and answer all questions, even an “educated guess” is better
than a blank answer sheet.

PRCA Certification Program Policies: 2014, Rev. 2019

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