NBR 14039 - Medium Voltage Electrical Installations From 1.0kV To 36.2 KV
NBR 14039 - Medium Voltage Electrical Installations From 1.0kV To 36.2 KV
NBR 14039 - Medium Voltage Electrical Installations From 1.0kV To 36.2 KV
Headquarters: Rio
de Janeiro Av. Treze de Maio, 13/28th
floor CEP 20003-900 - PO Box 1680 Rio de
Janeiro - RJ Tel.: PABX Origin: Project NBR 14039:2003 ABNT/
(21) 3974-2300 Fax: (21) CB-03 - Brazilian Electricity Committee CE-03:064.11 - Study
2240-8249/2220-6436 Email address:
www.abnt.org.br Committee for High and Medium Voltage Electrical Installations
1 Objective
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
4 Fundamental principles and determination of general characteristics
5 Protection to ensure safety
6 Selection and installation of components
7 Final check
8 Maintenance and operation
9 Substations
ABNT - Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - is the National Standards Forum. The Brazilian Standards, whose content is the
responsibility of the Brazilian Committees (ABNT/CB) and Sector Standardization Bodies (ABNT/ONS), are prepared by Study
Committees (CE), formed by representatives of the sectors involved, including: producers , consumers and neutrals (universities,
laboratories and others).
The Brazilian Standard Projects, prepared within the scope of ABNT/CB and ABNT/ONS, are circulated for Public Consultation among ABNT members and other
interested parties.
1 Objective
1.1 This Standard establishes a system for the design and execution of medium voltage electrical installations, with nominal voltage from
1.0 kV to 36.2 kV, at industrial frequency, in order to guarantee safety and continuity of service.
1.2 This Standard applies from installations powered by the concessionaire, which corresponds to the delivery point defined through
current legislation issued by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). This Standard also applies to installations powered by their
own medium voltage energy source.
1.3 This Standard covers installations for the generation, distribution and use of electrical energy, without prejudice to the particular
provisions relating to locations and special conditions of use contained in the respective standards.
Special installations, such as marine, electric traction, power plants, quarries, lighting with gases (neon and similar), must comply, in
addition to this Standard, with the specific standards applicable in each case.
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NBR 14039:2003
1.4 The requirements of this Standard constitute the minimum requirements that the electrical installations to which it refers must comply, so that they do not,
due to their deficiencies, harm and disturb neighboring installations or cause damage to people and animals and to the conservation of property and property.
1.5 This Standard applies to new installations, renovations to existing installations and permanent or temporary installations.
NOTE - Modifications intended, for example, to accommodate new equipment or replace existing equipment do not necessarily imply total
renovation of the installation.
1.6 Installation components are considered only with regard to their selection and installation conditions. This is also valid for prefabricated assemblies of
components that have undergone the applicable type tests.
1.7 The application of this Standard does not exempt compliance with the regulations of public bodies that the installation must comply with. In particular, in the
section between the delivery point and the origin of the installation, it may be necessary, in addition to the requirements of this Standard, to comply with the
concessionaire's norms and/or standards regarding the conformity of graduation values (timed and instantaneous phase overcurrents). /neutral) and short circuit
power breaking capacity.
NOTE - ANEEL Resolution 456:2000 defines that the delivery point is the connection point between the concessionaire's electrical system and
the consumer unit's electrical installations, characterizing itself as the limit of supply responsibility.
a) the electrical installations of concessionaires for the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy services, in the exercise of their
functions in public utility services;
2 Normative references
The standards listed below contain provisions that, when cited in this text, constitute prescriptions for this Standard. The editions indicated were in force at the
time of this publication. As every standard is subject to review, those who enter into agreements based on it are recommended to check the convenience of
using the most recent editions of the standards mentioned below. ABNT has information on the standards in force at a given moment.
NBR 6251:2000 - Power cables with extruded insulation for voltages from 1 kV to 35 kV - Construction requirements
NBR 6979:1998 - Switchgear and control set in metallic casing for voltages above 1 kV up to 36.2 kV -
NBR 8451:1998 - Reinforced concrete posts for electrical energy distribution networks - Specification
NBR 8453:1984 - Reinforced concrete crosshead for electrical energy distribution networks - Specification
NBR 8456:1984 - Preserved eucalyptus posts for electricity distribution networks - Specification
NBR 8458:1984 - Wooden crosspieces for electrical energy distribution networks - Specification
NBR 9511:1997 - Electrical cables - Minimum bending radii for installation and minimum diameters of spool cores for packaging
NBR 10478:1988 - Clauses common to electrical switching equipment with nominal voltage above 1 kV -
NBR 11301:1990 - Calculation of the current carrying capacity of insulated cables in steady state (load factor 100%) - Procedure
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NBR IEC 60050 (826):1997 - International electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 826: Electrical installations in buildings
IEC 60949:1988 - Calculation of thermally permissible short-circuit currents, taking into account non-diabatic heating effects
IEC-CISPR 18-1:1982 - Radio interference characteristics of overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment -
Part 1: Description of phenomena
IEC-CISPR 18-2:1996 - Radio interference characteristics of overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment -
Part 2: Methods of measurement and procedure for determining limits
IEC-CISPR 18-3:1996 - Radio interference characteristics of overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment -
Part 3: Code of practice for minimizing the generation of radio noise
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this Standard, the definitions of NBR 5460, NBR 5463 and NBR IEC 60050 (826) apply, and the following:
3.1 shielded busbar: Installation component consisting of a rigid conductor, supported by insulators and protected by a metallic
casing or material with equivalent resistance.
3.2 insulated overhead cables: Cables that, with adequate insulation, are not in contact with the ground or installed in conduits or channels, and remain in direct
contact with the environment. They can be self-sustained and non-self-sustained.
3.3 self-supporting cables: Aerial cables that, due to their construction, resist all mechanical stress resulting from their
installation, without the use of supplementary support devices.
3.4 non-self-supporting cables: Aerial cables that require auxiliary devices for their support and to resist the efforts resulting
from their installation.
3.5.1 in installations fed directly by the public distribution network at medium voltage corresponds to the output terminals of the
general command and protection device; In the exceptional case where such a device is located before the measurement, the
origin corresponds to the output terminals of the measuring instrument transformer.
3.5.2 in installations fed by a transformation substation, corresponds to the transformer output terminals; If the substation has
several transformers not connected in parallel, each transformer corresponds to a source, with as many installations as there are
3.5.3 in installations powered by their own low voltage energy source, the origin is considered in order to include the source as
part of the installation.
3.6 energy input substation: Substation that is fed by the concessionaire's energy distribution network and that contains the
delivery point and the origin of the installation.
3.7 transformer substation: Substation that feeds one or more transformers connected to equipment
3.8 unitary substation: Substation that has and/or feeds only one power transformer.
Installations and equipment must be capable of withstanding the environmental, electrical, mechanical and climatic influences
expected for the installation location.
In 4.1.1 to 4.1.11, fundamental prescriptions are indicated to guarantee the safety of people and animals and the conservation of
property and the environment against dangers and damages that may result from the use of electrical installations, in conditions
that may be predicted.
People and animals must be protected against dangers that may result from contact with live parts of the installation.
animals must be protected against dangers that may result from contact with masses accidentally placed under voltage.
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4 NBR 14039:2003
The electrical installation must be arranged in such a way as to exclude any risk of fire from flammable materials due to high
temperatures or electrical arcs. Furthermore, in normal service, people and animals should not be at risk of burns.
Every circuit must be protected by devices that interrupt the current in that circuit when it, in at least one of its conductors, exceeds the
value of the nominal current carrying capacity and, in case of prolonged passage, could cause deterioration of the installation.
Every circuit must be protected by devices that interrupt the current in that circuit when at least one of its conductors is crossed by a
short-circuit current, and the interruption must occur in a time sufficiently short to avoid deterioration of the installation.
People, animals and property must be protected against harmful consequences due to an electrical fault between live parts of circuits
with different nominal voltages and other causes that may result in overvoltages (atmospheric phenomena, switching overvoltages,
4.1.5 Sectioning and control
If it is necessary, in the event of danger, to de-energize a circuit, an emergency disconnection device must be installed, which is easily
identifiable and quickly maneuverable.
Means must be provided to allow adequate sectioning of the electrical installation, circuits or individual equipment, for maintenance,
verification, troubleshooting and repairs.
The electrical installation must be arranged in such a way as to exclude any harmful influence between the electrical installation and
non-electrical installations.
a) sufficient space for initial installation and possible subsequent replacement of individual components;
The characteristics of the components must be suitable for the power supply conditions of the electrical installation in which they
are used.
Any component must have, by construction, characteristics appropriate to the location where it is installed, which allow it to withstand
the stresses to which it may be subjected. If, however, a component does not present, by design, the appropriate characteristics, it
can be used whenever provided with appropriate additional protection when carrying out the installation.
4.1.10 The design, execution, verification and maintenance of electrical installations must only be entrusted to people qualified to
design and carry out work in accordance with this Standard.
4.1.11 The following characteristics of the installation must be determined, in accordance with the following:
These characteristics must be considered when choosing protective measures to ensure safety (see section 5) and when selecting
and installing components (see section 6).
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NBR 14039:2003 5
Determining the power supply is essential for the economical and safe design of an installation within the appropriate
temperature and voltage drop limits.
When determining the power supply of an installation or part of an installation, the equipment to be installed must be foreseen,
with their respective nominal powers and, after that, consider the possibilities of non-simultaneous operation of this equipment, as
well as capacity reserve for future expansions. Load forecast
The load forecast for an installation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements mentioned below:
a) the load to be considered for a piece of equipment is its nominal absorbed power, given by the manufacturer or calculated
from the nominal voltage, nominal current and power factor;
b) in cases where the nominal power supplied by the equipment (output power) is given, and not the absorbed power, the
efficiency and power factor must be considered.
4.2.2 Limiting disturbances
Installations connected to a public distribution network must not harm the operation of this distribution in normal service, in the
same way that the devices that are part of the installation, when in operation, must not cause significant disturbances to the
4.2.3 Grounding schemes
This Standard considers the grounding schemes described below, with the following observations:
- second letter- situation of the masses of the electrical installation in relation to the earth:
T = directly grounded masses, regardless of eventual grounding at the power supply point;
N = masses connected directly to the grounded power supply point (in alternating current, the grounded point is
normally neutral);
- third letter situation of eventual connections with the substation masses:
R = the substation masses are connected simultaneously to the installation's neutral grounding and to the
installation masses;
N = the substation masses are directly connected to the installation's neutral grounding, but not
are connected to the installation masses;
S = the substation masses are connected to a ground that is electrically separate from that of the neutral and
from that of the installation masses.
RPnA is the resistance of the grounding electrode common to the substation mass, the neutral and the installation masses.
6 NBR 14039:2003
In this scheme, the phase-to-ground direct fault currents must be lower than a short-circuit current, but sufficient to cause the
emergence of dangerous contact voltages.
Two types of schemes are considered, TTN and TTS, according to the arrangement of the neutral conductor and the substation
earth protection conductor, namely:
a) TTN scheme, in which the neutral conductor and the protective conductor of the substation masses are connected to a
single grounding electrode (figure 2);
b) TTS scheme, in which the neutral conductor and the protective conductor of the substation masses are connected to
different grounding electrodes (figure 3).
Rpn is the resistance of the grounding electrode common to the substation earth and neutral;
In this scheme, the current resulting from a single phase-to-ground fault must not be strong enough to cause the emergence of
dangerous contact voltages.
Three types of schemes are considered, ITN, ITS and ITR, according to the arrangement of the neutral conductor and the earth
protection conductors of the installation and substation, namely:
a) ITN scheme, in which the neutral conductor and the protective conductor of the substation masses are connected to a
single grounding electrode and the installation masses are connected to a different electrode (figure 4);
b) ITS scheme, in which the neutral conductor, the protective conductors of the substation and installation masses are
connected to different grounding electrodes (figure 5);
c) ITR scheme, in which the neutral conductor, the protective conductors of the substation and installation masses are
connected to a single grounding electrode (figure 6).
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NBR 14039:2003 7
Rpn is the resistance of the grounding electrode common to the substation earth and neutral;
Rpn is the resistance of the grounding electrode common to the substation mass, the neutral and the installation masses.
When the installation is supplied by a dealer, the neutral conductor, if it exists and the dealer allows it, must be grounded at the
origin of the installation.
NOTE - From an installation point of view, grounding the neutral at the source provides an improvement in potential equalization essential to safety.
4.2.4 Food The following characteristics of the power supply must be determined, with a view to providing the estimated power in accordance with 4.2.1:
b) voltage value;
c) frequency value; These characteristics must be obtained from the electricity concessionaire, in the case of an external source, and must be
determined, in the case of an own source. They are applicable for both normal power supply and backup and backup power
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8 NBR 14039:2003 The nominal voltage of the installation is the highest voltage (rms value) between phases found under normal operating
conditions, at any time and point in the installation or part thereof.
NOTE - An installation can have several nominal voltages, one for each part. The installation's nominal voltages are as follows: 3 kV, 4.16 kV, 6 kV, 13.8 kV, 23.1 kV and 34.5 kV. The nominal voltage and circuit identification must be clearly indicated. The nominal voltage, standardized in NBR 10478, of the equipment used in the installations must be equal to or greater than the
nominal voltage of the installation. The maximum voltage values for the equipment depending on the nominal voltage of the installation must be selected in
accordance with the equipment standard. Installations must be designed and constructed to safely withstand thermal and mechanical effects resulting from short-circuit currents.
a) three-phase;
b) biphasic;
NOTE - Examples of short circuit calculations and their effects can be obtained from IEC 60909-0 and IEC 60949. Installations must be provided with automatic devices to isolate short circuits between phases, dangerous earth faults or to indicate
the fault condition, depending mainly on the earthing scheme.
4.2.8 Corona
Installations must be designed so that radio interference due to the corona effect does not exceed the limits established in specific
standards and/or regulations on the subject.
NOTE - Examples of recommendations for minimizing radio interference from installations can be obtained from IEC-CISPR 18 Parts 1, 2 and 3.
Equipment and support structures, including their foundations, must withstand the combinations of various mechanical stresses
anticipated in an installation.
NOTE - The most common stresses to be considered are the following: tensioning load, lifting load, wind load, commutation forces, short circuit forces and
loss of voltage in the conductors.
This section establishes a classification and coding of external influences that must be considered in the design and execution of electrical
installations. Each condition of external influence is designated by a code that always comprises a group of two capital letters and a
number, as described below:
- A = environment;
- B = use;
- C = construction of buildings;
b) the second letter (A, B, C,...) indicates the nature of the external influence;
c) the number (1, 2, 3,...) indicates the class of each external influence.
NOTE - The coding indicated in this section is not intended for marking components.
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NBR 14039:2003 9
4.3.1 Environment
The ambient temperature (see table 1) to be considered for a component is the temperature in the location where it must be installed, considering the influence
of all other components installed in the location and in operation, not taking into account the thermal contribution of the component considered.
1 The average value over a 24-hour period must not exceed the lowered upper limit of 5°C.
2 For certain environments it may be necessary to combine two regions among those defined above. Thus, for example, installations located outdoors can be subjected
to ambient temperatures between - 5°C and + 50°C, that is, AA4 + AA6. Altitude
According to table 2.
Table 2 - Altitude
AC1 Low 1 000 m For some materials, special measures may be necessary from 1,000 m above sea level.
AD2 Water droplets Possibility of vertical water falls Locations where moisture occasionally condenses as water droplets or
where water vapor is occasionally present
AD3 Water sprinkler Possibility of rain falling in a Places where water, when splashed, forms a film on walls or floors
direction at a maximum angle
of 60°C with the vertical
AD4 Water projections Possibility of water projections in Places where, in addition to having water on the walls, the
any direction components of the electrical installation are also subjected
to water projections
AD5 Water jets Possibility of water jets under pressure in any Places that are frequently washed with hoses
AD6 Waves Possibility of water waves Locations located by the sea, such as piers, beaches, anchorages,
AD7 Immersion Possibility of Locations susceptible to flooding and/or where the water may rise at
intermittent, partial or total covering least 15 cm above the highest point of the equipment, with the lowest
by water part of the equipment being a maximum of 1 m below the water surface
AD8 Submersion Possibility of complete Locations where the components of the electrical installation are
permanent water coverage completely covered with water, permanently, under a pressure greater than
10 kPa (0.1 bar, 1 m of water)
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10 NBR 14039:2003
According to table 4.
AE2 Small Presence of solid bodies whose smallest Tools and small objects are examples of solid bodies whose
objects dimension is equal to or greater than 2.5 mm smallest dimension is equal to or greater than 2.5 mm
AE3 Very small objects Presence of solid bodies whose smallest Wires are examples of solid bodies whose smallest
dimension is equal to or greater than 1 mm dimension is equal to or greater than 1 mm
AE4 Dust Presence of dust in appreciable quantities Dusty places. When dust is flammable, conductive, corrosive
or abrasive, other classes of external influences
must be considered simultaneously, if necessary.
NOTE - In conditions AE2 and AE3 there may be dust, as long as it does not influence electrical materials.
According to table 5.
Table 5 - Presence of corrosive or polluting substances
AF2 Atmospheric Significant presence of corrosive agents Installations located in the vicinity of the seafront and installations located
or pollutants of atmospheric close to industrial establishments that produce significant air pollution, such as
origin chemical industries, cement factories, etc.; these types of pollution come
mainly from the production of abrasive, insulating or conductive dust. Places
where chemical products are handled in small quantities and where these
products can only come into accidental contact with
AF3 Intermittent Intermittent or accidental actions of electrical materials; such conditions are found in factory laboratories,
corrosive chemicals or educational establishment laboratories or in places where hydrocarbons are used
pollutants in common use (heating plants, garages, etc.)
AF4 Permanent A permanent action of corrosive chemicals Chemical industry, for example
or pollutants in
significant quantities
According to table 6.
According to table 7.
According to table 8.
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NBR 14039:2003 11
AG3 Significant Means that can produce shocks of energy equal to or less than 20 J Industrial conditions
AG4 Very Means that can produce shocks of higher energy Very industrial conditions at 20 J
significant severe
AH1 Weak Negligible vibrations -
AK2 Scratchs Risks of damage due to flora or The risks depend on local conditions and the nature of the flora. They can
mold be separated into risks due to the harmful development of
vegetation and risks due to their abundance
AL2 Scratchs Risks of damage due to fauna The risks depend on the nature of the fauna. They can be separated
(insects and small into: dangers due to insects in harmful quantities or of an aggressive
animals) nature; presence of small animals or birds in harmful quantities or
of an aggressive nature
12 NBR 14039:2003 Rays
AQ2 Indirect Risks arising from the power supply Installations powered by overhead lines
AQ3 Direct Risks arising from the exposure of equipment Parts of the installation located outside the buildings
4.3.2 Uses
BA4 Warned Persons sufficiently informed or supervised by qualified persons to enable Maintenance and/or operations
them to avoid the dangers that electricity may present personnel working at electrical
service locations
BA5 Qualified People who have technical knowledge or experience Engineers and/or technicians
enough to allow them to avoid the dangers that electricity can working in enclosed electrical
present service locations
NBR 14039:2003 13
BD2 Long Low occupancy density, Common and circulation areas in exclusively residential
difficult escape conditions buildings with more than 15 floors and buildings of other types with more than
6 floors
CA2 Fuels Buildings constructed mainly Buildings constructed mainly with wood or other
with combustible materials combustible materials
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14 NBR 14039:2003
CB2 Fire spread Buildings whose shape and dimensions facilitate the spread High-rise buildings (see code BD2
of fire (e.g. chimney effect) in table 15) or buildings with forced
ventilation systems
CB3 Movements Risks due to structural movements (for example, displacements High-rise buildings or built on unstabilized
between different parts of a building or between a building and the land
ground), settlement of land or building foundations
CB4 Flexible or Fragile constructions or those that may be subject to movement Installations under awnings, fixed to
unstable (such as oscillations) removable partitions or
walls, or on flammable covers
4.4 Maintenance
The frequency and quality of maintenance of the installation must be estimated, taking into account the expected durability.
These characteristics must be considered when applying the prescriptions of sections 5, 6, 7 and 8, so that:
a) all necessary periodic checks, tests, maintenance and repairs can be carried out easily and safely;
Protective measures to ensure safety can be applied to a complete installation, to a part of an installation or to a component.
The order in which protective measures are described does not imply any notion of relative importance.
Protection against electric shocks must be provided by applying the measures specified in 5.1.1 and 5.1.2.
The insulation is intended to prevent all contact with live parts of the electrical installation. Live parts must be completely covered by insulation that can only be
removed by destroying them. Please note that:
a) for factory-assembled components, the insulation must meet the requirements relating to these components;
b) for other components, protection must be guaranteed by insulation capable of withstanding the mechanical, chemical, electrical and thermal stresses
to which it may be subjected;
c) paints, varnishes, lacquers and similar products are generally not considered to constitute sufficient insulation in the context of protection against
direct contacts.
NOTE - When insulation is carried out during installation, the quality of this insulation must be verified through tests similar to those intended to
verify the quality of insulation of similar industrialized equipment. Barriers or enclosures are intended to prevent all contact with live parts of the electrical installation, in accordance with NBR 6146. Live parts must be inside enclosures or behind barriers that provide at least the IP3X degree of protection, in accordance with NBR 6146.
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NBR 14039:2003 15 The upper surfaces of barriers or horizontal enclosures that are easily accessible must meet at least the IP4X degree
of protection, in accordance with NBR 6146. Barriers and enclosures must be securely fixed and have sufficient robustness and durability to maintain degrees of
protection and appropriate separation of live parts under normal service conditions, taking into account conditions of external
influences relevant. The removal of barriers, the opening of casings or covers or the removal of parts of the casings or covers must not be
possible, unless:
a) with the use of a key or tool; It is
b) after de-energizing the live parts protected by these barriers, casings or covers, the voltage cannot be restored until the
barriers, casings or covers are replaced; or
NOTE - This requirement is met with the use of mechanical and/or electrical interlocking.
c) there is a second barrier or insulation that cannot be removed without de-energizing the live parts protected by these
barriers and that prevents any contact with the live parts. Protection through obstacles Obstacles are intended to prevent incidental contact with live parts, but not voluntary contact by a deliberate attempt
to bypass the obstacle. Obstacles must prevent:
a) an unintentional physical approach to live parts (for example, by means of handrails or wire mesh);
b) unintentional contacts with live parts when operating equipment under voltage (for example, through screens or panels
over disconnectors). Obstacles can be dismantled without the help of a tool or key, however, they must be fixed in such a way as to prevent
any involuntary removal. Partial protection due to placement out of reach Placement out of reach is only intended to prevent accidental contact with live parts. When there is spacing, it must be sufficient to prevent people traveling near live parts at medium voltage from coming
into contact with these parts, either directly or through objects that they handle or transport. The minimum spacings provided for internal installations are defined in figures 7-a) and 7-b) with the values in table 19
and for external installations in figure 8 with the values in table 20.
16 NBR 14039:2003
Switchgear devices
Minimum dimensions mm
D 300 up to 24.2kV Distance between the live part and a vertical bulkhead
400 to 36.2kV
A - Minimum distance values from table 21
R1 200 Maneuver locations
B 2 700 Minimum height of a live part with circulation
K 2 000 Minimum height of a horizontal bulkhead
F 1 700 Minimum height of a vertical bulkhead
J E+300 Minimum height of a live part without circulation
Maximum dimensions
AND 300 Maximum distance between the bottom of a vertical bulkhead and the floor
M 1 200 Height of manual override handles
mesh 20 Mesh opening
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NBR 14039:2003 17
Live parts W - Circulation area permitted for warned people
Switchgear devices
Minimum dimensions
D 500 Minimum distance between the live part and a vertical screen
F 2 000 Minimum height of a vertical bulkhead
H 6,000 On streets, avenues and entrances to buildings and other places with traffic
7,000 On highways
C 2,000 Circulation
Maximum dimensions
600 Maximum distance between the bottom of a vertical bulkhead and the floor
18 NBR 14039:2003
Nominal installation Test voltage at industrial frequency (rms Nominal atmospheric impulse withstand Minimum phase/ground 1)
value) kV voltage (peak value) kV and phase/
voltage kV distance
Internal External
3 10 20 60 120
40 60 120
4.16 19 60 90 120
6 20 40 60 120
60 90 120
13.8 34 95 160
110 180
125 220
23.1 50 95 160
125 220
These distances must be taken between closest extremities and not from center to center. Minimum distance values
indicated can be increased, at the designer's discretion, depending on the classification of external influences.
Protection against indirect contacts must be guaranteed by grounding and equipotentialization described in and, and the automatic
power supply disconnection described in is a measure that aims to guarantee the integrity of the components of the equipotential grounding
systems and limit the duration of the fault. Grounding
The masses must be connected to protective conductors under the conditions specified in 4.2.3 for each grounding scheme. Simultaneously accessible
masses must be connected to the same earthing network individually, in groups or collectively.
NOTE - The provisions relating to grounding and protective conductors must comply with the requirements of 6.4.
The contact voltage at any point in the installation cannot be higher than the limit contact voltage (UL ), with the value indicated in table 22. To the limits
indicated, the tolerances defined in IEC 60038 apply. This rule is satisfied if in each building there is a main equipotential bond, bringing together the
following elements:
b) main equipotential conductors connected to metallic utility and service pipes and to all other conductive elements foreign to the installation,
including metallic elements of the construction and other metallic structures;
c) grounding conductor(s);
d) grounding electrode(s) of other systems (for example, of lightning protection systems, etc.).
1 The main equipotential connection, as a rule, is carried out by the main grounding terminal (see
2 When such elements originate from outside the building, their connection to the main equipotential connection must be made as close as
possible to the point at which they enter the building.
NBR 14039:2003 19
a) grounding: the masses must be connected to protective conductors under the conditions specified for each grounding scheme.
Simultaneously accessible masses must be connected to the same earthing network - individually, in groups or collectively;
NOTE - The provisions relating to grounding and protective conductors must comply with the requirements of 6.4.
b) power supply disconnection: a protection device must automatically section off the power supply to the circuit or equipment
protected against indirect contacts by this device whenever a fault between live part and ground in the circuit or equipment considered
gives rise to a contact voltage higher than the value UL Appropriate .
1 A "ripple-free" DC voltage is conventionally defined as having a ripple rate not exceeding 10% in rms value; the maximum peak value must
not exceed 140 V for a ripple-free direct current system with nominal 120 V or 70 V for a ripple-free direct current system with nominal 60 V.
2 The maximum values of the limit contact voltage presented are for contact voltage lasting greater than or equal to 10 s.
For times shorter than 10 s, the values obtained in figure A.1 can be used.
In a TNx scheme, every insulation defect is a phase/neutral short circuit. When protection is ensured by overcurrent protection devices,
the assessment of the minimum short-circuit current is necessary in order to verify the operating conditions of these devices.
a) the resistances of the earth and neutral sockets, the latter increased to the value of the limiting resistance and can be
inserted between the neutral point and the earth;
b) the resistance of the occasional connections, used to interconnect the masses and earth sockets. Even if the first fault current
is important, its detection cannot be ensured by overcurrent protection devices; In fact, its functioning is difficult to verify. On the
other hand, the detection of small leakage currents resulting from a slow degradation of the insulation is not possible with these
devices whose operating threshold is very high (often their nominal current). That is why it is necessary to use devices sensitive
to differential current and do not require checking the trip conditions.
Non-interruption at the first insulation defect is justified in installations when it is necessary to ensure continuity of service.
After the first insulation defect appears, it is recommended to quickly search for and eliminate this defect. The persistence of a first
defect leads to the installation operating with a point connected to earth, corresponding to operating conditions for which the installation
is not designed.
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20 NBR 14039:2003
5.2.1 General
People, fixed components of an electrical installation, as well as adjacent fixed materials, must be protected against the harmful effects of heat or thermal
radiation produced by electrical equipment, particularly with regard to:
a) risks of burns; Electrical components must not present a fire hazard to neighboring materials. In addition to the requirements of this Standard, any relevant instructions
from manufacturers must be observed. Fixed components, whose external surfaces may reach temperatures that could cause a fire hazard to adjacent materials, must:
a) be mounted on materials or contained within materials that withstand such temperatures and have low thermal conductance; or
b) be separated from the building construction elements by materials that withstand such temperatures and have low thermal conductance; or
c) be mounted in a way that allows the safe dissipation of heat, at a safe distance from any material on which such temperatures may have harmful
thermal effects, and any means of support must be of low thermal conductance. Fixed components that present heat focusing or concentration effects must be at a sufficient distance from any fixed object or element of the building, so
as not to subject them, under normal conditions, to dangerous temperature rises. Enclosure materials arranged around electrical components during installation must withstand the highest temperature likely to be produced by the
component. Combustible materials are not suitable for the construction of these enclosures unless preventive measures against ignition are taken, such as
coating with non-combustible or difficult-to-burn material with low thermal conductance.
Accessible parts of electrical equipment that are located within the normal reach zone must not reach temperatures that could cause burns to people and must
meet the temperature limits indicated in table 23. All parts of the installation that could, in normal service, reach, even for short periods, temperatures that exceed the
limits given in table 23 must be protected against any accidental contact.
The values in table 23 do not apply to components whose limit temperatures of exposed surfaces, with regard to protection against burns, are fixed by specific
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NBR 14039:2003 21
Table 23 - Maximum temperatures of the external surfaces of electrical equipment arranged within the normal
range zone
- metallic
- non-metallic
Surfaces intended to be touched in normal service, but not intended to be held by hand continuously:
- metallic
- non-metallic
- metallic 90
- non-metallic
1 This prescription does not apply to materials whose standards set temperature or heating limits for accessible surfaces.
2 The distinction between metallic and non-metallic surfaces depends on the thermal conductivity of the surface considered. Layers of paint and varnish are not considered to
modify the thermal conductivity of the surface. On the contrary, certain non-conductive coatings can significantly reduce the thermal conductivity of a metallic surface and allow
it to be considered as non-metallic.
3 For manual control devices, arranged inside enclosures, which are only accessible after opening the enclosure (for example, emergency levers or shutdown levers) and
which are not used frequently, higher temperatures may be permitted.
The device located between the energy delivery point and the source of the medium voltage installation is considered general protection. This general
protection must meet at least what is specified in and
In a unitary substation with an installed capacity of less than or equal to 300 kVA, general protection at medium voltage must be provided by means of a
circuit breaker activated through secondary relays with functions 50 and 51, phase and neutral (where the neutral is provided) , or by means of a disconnector
switch and fuse, in which case, in addition, the general protection, at low voltage, must be carried out by means of a circuit breaker.
In a substation with an installed capacity greater than 300 kVA, general medium voltage protection must be carried out exclusively by means of a circuit
breaker activated through secondary relays with functions 50 and 51, phase and neutral (where the neutral is provided).
Live conductors must be protected against overload currents, except when they supply loads (transformers, motors, etc.) which have their own protection against
Live conductors must be protected against short-circuit currents that could cause damage.
The protective devices must be chosen from those indicated in and
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22 NBR 14039:2003 Devices that simultaneously guarantee protection against overload currents and short-circuit currents
These protective devices must be capable of interrupting any overcurrent less than or equal to the assumed short-circuit current at the point where the device is
installed. Such devices can be circuit breakers activated through secondary relays with functions 50 and 51, phase and neutral (where the neutral is provided).
Relays with liquid delay operating principle are not accepted.
1 When relays with functions 50 and 51 of the microprocessed, digital type, whether self-powered or not, are used, in the event of a power outage, a backup power supply must be
provided, with a minimum autonomy of 2 h, which guarantees the signaling of events that have occurred and access to the relays’ registration memory.
2 Transformers for instruments connected to secondary relays must always be installed upstream of the circuit breaker or switch to be actuated, thus ensuring protection against failures
of the device itself.
3 For any type of relay, an exclusive device must be installed that guarantees the energy necessary to activate the circuit breaker opening coil, allowing individual testing, recommending
the use of a capacitive source.
4 The general protection system of the consumer unit must allow coordination with the concessionaire's protection system, be sized and adjusted in order to allow adequate selectivity
between the installation's protection devices.
Such devices can be used when overload protection is provided by other means or when omission of overload protection is permitted. These devices must be
capable of interrupting any short-circuit current less than or equal to the assumed short-circuit current. Relays with liquid delay operating principle are not accepted.
Can be used:
b) current limiting fuse devices in accordance with NBR 8669 and expulsion type in accordance with NBR 7282, for exclusive use in external installations.
Overvoltages in medium voltage electrical installations must not compromise the safety of people, nor the integrity of the installations themselves and the
equipment served.
NOTE - The proper use of non-linear resistance surge arresters is considered a protective measure against overvoltage of atmospheric origin.
5.5 Protection against minimum and maximum voltage and phase failure
5.5.1 Protective measures must be considered when a significant voltage drop (or total lack thereof) and its subsequent restoration are likely to create danger for
people and property or disrupt the proper functioning of the installation.
NOTE - In the case of protection against voltage drops and shortages, undervoltage relays coupled to isolating devices are normally used.
5.5.2 When applicable, the maximum voltage protection must act on the appropriate isolating device.
When applicable, installations must be protected against phase inversion, so that the corresponding protection relay acts on the appropriate isolating device.
Electrical installations must be constructed and installed in such a way that the necessary measures can be used to ensure the protection of people working in
electrical installations.
5.7.1 The protective equipment to be used by workers is at least the following: helmets, safety glasses, gloves, voltage detector, boots and insulating platform or
5.7.2 Equipment must be provided with means that allow, when necessary, its isolation from the installation.
5.7.3 Equipment must be provided so that the complete installation or parts of the installation can be isolated, depending on operating conditions. This can be
done, for example, by turning off disconnectors or removing links or interconnections.
5.7.4 The entire installation or parts of the installations that can be energized by several sources must be arranged so that all sources can be isolated.
5.7.5 If the neutral terminals of several pieces of equipment are connected in parallel, it must be possible to isolate them individually. This also applies to coils
and ground fault resistors, and in these cases, overvoltage protection must be maintained.
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NBR 14039:2003 23
5.7.6 Means must be provided to discharge equipment that can still transfer electrical potential even after being disconnected from the installation, such as, for
example, capacitors.
5.7.7 Equipment used for isolation purposes must be provided with appropriate electrical and/or mechanical devices that guarantee their isolation condition.
When removable parts, such as extractable fuses or circuit breakers, are used to disconnect the complete installation or part thereof and are replaced by covers
or barriers, these must be mounted in such a way that their removal can only be carried out with the use of an appropriate tool.
Equipment that is manually operated must allow the use of mechanical locking devices to prevent restarting.
5.7.8 Devices for checking the de-energization status must be made available to ensure the safety of people working in electrical installations.
The devices must allow the de-energization status to be checked at all points where work is carried out.
NOTE - Both fixed and portable devices can be used to meet this requirement.
5.7.9 Each part of an installation that can be isolated from other parts must have devices that allow it to be grounded and short-circuited.
NOTE - Equipment such as transformers and capacitors must be provided with means for grounding and short-circuiting at the point of installation. This requirement should not be
applied to parts of the system where this is not practicable or inappropriate (for example, transformers or electrical machines with sealed terminations or flanged cable terminations). In
these cases, grounding and short-circuiting must be carried out in the respective cubicles or compartments located on the primary and secondary sides.
For each part of the installation, easily accessible and appropriately sized connection points shall be provided to the earthing system and live parts to permit
connection of earthing devices and
short circuit. Mechanisms in cubicles or compartments must be designed to allow manual connection of grounding and short-circuiting devices.
When grounding and shorting are performed by remotely controlled grounding switches, the position of the switch must be faithfully transmitted to the remote
control point.
5.8.1 Installations containing 100 L or more of insulating liquid must be provided with a containment tank.
5.8.2 In sheltered installations, impermeable floors with appropriate thresholds may be used as storage if no more than three transformers or other equipment
are installed and if each of them contains less than 100 L.
5.8.3 In outdoor installations, impermeable floors with an appropriate threshold may be used as a deposit that is not intended to contain all the liquid, even
without containment tanks, if the polluted surface can be removed and if the liquid is not destined for systems drainage or streams. This does not apply to
containment areas, water source protection zones and other special cases, in which the competent authorities must be consulted.
Devices and equipment that can generate arcs during operation must be selected and installed to ensure the safety of people working in the installations.
Below are some measures to ensure the protection of people against dangers resulting from arc faults:
- interlocking systems;
f) selection of very short interruption times, which can be obtained through instantaneous relays or through devices sensitive to pressure, light or heat,
acting on fast interruption devices;
24 NBR 14039:2003
6.1.1 General The choice of the component and its installation must allow compliance with the protection measures to ensure safety, the
prescriptions to ensure adequate functioning for the use of the installation and the prescriptions appropriate to foreseeable external
influence conditions. Components must be selected and installed in order to satisfy the requirements set out in this section, as well as the
applicable requirements of the other sections of this Standard. The installation components must comply with the Brazilian Standards applicable to them and, in their absence, the IEC and ISO standards. In the absence of Brazilian Standards, IEC and ISO, the components must be selected through agreement between the
designer and the installer. Voltage
The components must be suitable for the nominal voltage (rms value in alternating current) of the installation.
If, in an installation using the ITx scheme, the neutral conductor is distributed, the components connected between a phase and the
neutral must be isolated for the voltage between phases. Current
The components must be chosen considering the design current (rms value in alternating current) that can flow through them in normal
service. The current likely to flow through them in abnormal conditions must also be considered, taking into account the duration of
the passage of such a current, depending on the operating characteristics of the protection devices. Frequency
If frequency has an influence on the characteristics of the components, the nominal frequency of the component must correspond to
the frequency of the current in the relevant circuit. Power
The components chosen according to their power characteristics must be suitable for normal service conditions, considering the
load regimes that may occur. Compatibility
Unless appropriate measures are taken during installation, the components must be chosen so as not to cause, in normal service,
harmful effects, either to the other components or to the supply network, including maneuvering conditions. Specific care must be
observed when using aluminum conductors. Components must be selected and installed in accordance with the prescriptions in table 24.
This table indicates the characteristics of the components depending on the external influences to which they may be subjected and which are defined in 4.3. The
characteristics of the components are determined, either by a degree of protection or by compliance with tests.
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NBR 14039:2003 25
AA4 - 5°C to + 40°C Normal (in certain cases special precautions may be necessary)
AG2 Medium Components for industrial use, when applicable, or reinforced protection
26 NBR 14039:2003
Table 24 (continued)
B - Uses (4.3.2)
BA People’s competence (
NBR 14039:2003 27
Table 24 (conclusion)
CB Structure of buildings
CB1 Negligible risks Normal
CB2 Fire spread Components made of non-flame propagating materials, including fire of non-electrical
origin. Fire barriers. Use of non-flame-propagating materials with low smoke and toxic
gas emissions involving installation components When a component does not have, by construction, the characteristics corresponding to the external influences of the
location, it can be used under the condition that it is provided, when the installation is carried out, with appropriate complementary
protection. This protection cannot affect the operating conditions of the protected component. When different external influences occur simultaneously, their effects may be independent or influence each other and the
degrees of protection must be chosen accordingly.
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28 NBR 14039:2003 The choice of component characteristics depending on external influences is necessary not only for their correct functioning, but also to guarantee
the reliability of the protection measures, in accordance with the prescriptions of 5.1 to 5.9. The protective measures associated with the construction of the
components are only valid for the given conditions of external influences if the corresponding tests provided for in the component standards are prescribed for
those conditions.
- conditions of use and construction of buildings (B and C): XX1 for all parameters, except XX2 for the BC parameter.
2 The word normal appearing in the third column of table 24 means that the component must generally comply with the applicable Brazilian Standards or, failing that,
the IEC and ISO standards or through a special agreement between the designer and the installer .
6.1.4 Accessibility
Components, including electrical lines, must be arranged in such a way as to facilitate their operation, inspection, maintenance and access to their connections.
Such possibilities must not be significantly reduced by mounting equipment in enclosures or compartments. General
Indicative plates or other appropriate means of identification must make it possible to identify the purpose of the control and protection devices, unless there is
no possibility of confusion. If the operation of a control and protection device cannot be observed by the operator and this could result in danger, an indicator
plate or signaling device must be placed in a location visible to the operator.
Electrical lines must be arranged or marked in such a way as to allow identification when carrying out checks, tests, repairs or modifications to the installation. Conductors Any single-core cable or multi-core cable vein used as a neutral conductor must be identified according to this function. In case of identification by color,
light blue must be used on the core of the multipolar cable or on the cover of the single-pole cable.
NOTE - The light blue insulated core of a multi-core cable can be used for functions other than neutral conductor if the circuit does not have a neutral conductor or if
the cable has a peripheral conductor used as neutral. Any single-core cable or multi-core cable core used as a protective conductor (PE) must be identified in accordance with this function. In case of
identification by color, the double green-yellow coloring (colors exclusive to the protection function) must be used on the vein of the multipolar cable or on the
cover of the unipolar cable.
NOTE - In the absence of a double green-yellow color, the use of green is permitted. Any single-core cable or multi-core cable vein used as a PEN conductor must be identified according to this function. In case of identification by color,
light blue must be used, with yellow-green identification at visible or accessible points, on the core of the multipolar cable or on the cover of the single-pole
cable. Any single-core cable or multi-core cable vein used as a phase conductor must be identified in accordance with that function (for example, by number,
arrangement, colors or symbols) and this identification must be indicated on the diagrams and drawings. Any bare conductor used as a phase conductor must be identified in accordance with this function. If identification is made by color, the colors
defined in must be used. If colors are used to identify phase conductors, the following colors must be used:
a) in alternating current:
- phase A: red;
- phase B: white;
- phase C: brown;
b) in direct current:
NBR 14039:2003 29 Equipment When there are different voltages or different types of currents in the same installation, the equipment and materials associated with each of them
must, as far as possible, be grouped and separated from the others and be easily identifiable. Protection devices must be arranged and identified in such a way that it is easy to recognize the respective protected circuits. The closed and open positions of non-visible contact switching equipment must be indicated using letters and colors, and the following convention
must be adopted:
1 Disconnector switches: vertical mechanical displacement of the lever or control handle downwards must correspond to the equipment
turned off.
2 Circuit breakers: The cables or buses coming from the source must be connected to the upper input terminals.
Components must be chosen and arranged in such a way as to prevent any harmful influence between electrical installations and non-electrical installations. The installation must be carried out based on a specific project, which must contain at least:
a) plants;
d) descriptive memorial;
e) specification of components: brief description of the component, nominal characteristics and standard(s) to which they must comply. After installation is complete, the documentation indicated in must be reviewed according to what was carried out (project as built).
6.2.1 General
When selecting and installing electrical lines, the application of 4.1 to conductors, their terminations and/or splices, the supports and suspensions associated
with them and their casings or methods of protection against external influences must be considered. Other types of electrical lines, in addition to those listed in table 25, may be used, as long as they meet the general requirements of this section.
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30 NBR 14039:2003
method to be
Installation Description
used for current
carrying capacity
1 Three juxtaposed single-core cables (horizontal or trefoil) and one three-core cable outdoors A
Three single-core cables spaced outdoors B
3 Three single-core cables juxtaposed (horizontal or trefoil) and one three-core cable in a closed W
channel in the ground
5 Three juxtaposed single-core cables (horizontal or trefoil) and one three-core cable in outdoor conduit AND
6 Three juxtaposed single-core cables (horizontal or trefoil) and one three-core cable in a duct F
bank or conduit buried in the ground
Three single-core cables in a bank of buried ducts or conduits and spaced apart, one cable per non-
conducting duct or conduit
7 G
8 Three juxtaposed single-core cables (horizontal or trefoil) and one directly buried three-core cable H Cables used in electrical lines must meet the requirements of NBR 6251. In AD8 locations, regardless of the type of cable, it is mandatory to use conductors with blocked construction, in accordance with NBR 6251. In installations with a nominal voltage greater than 3.6/6 kV, unipolar cables and the cores of multipolar cables must be of the radial electric field type
(provided with conductor and insulation shields), in accordance with NBR 6251. The nominal voltage of the cables must be chosen depending on the characteristics of the installation, in accordance with NBR 6251. In installations with nominal voltage greater than 3.6/6 kV, the use of cables with insulation made of polyvinyl chloride or copolymer of vinyl chloride
and vinyl acetate or thermoplastic polyethylene is not permitted. The accessories necessary for the correct installation of the cables must be electrically, chemically and mechanically compatible with them, taking
into account the conditions of external influences foreseen for the installation location. Prefabricated lines must meet specific standards and be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
NOTE - The requirements relating to the selection and installation of lines are presented in table 26, considering the external influences indicated in 4.3.
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NBR 14039:2003 31
AA4 - 5°C to + 40°C When the ambient (or soil) temperature is higher than the reference values (20°C for underground lines and
30°C for others), the current carrying capacities of insulated conductors and cables must be reduced in
AA5 + 5°C to + 40°C
accordance with 6.2. 5.3
AA6 + 5°C to + 60°C
AD7 Immersion
AD8 Submersion Special cables for use under water and the use of conductors with blocked construction is mandatory.
Lines with appropriate IP grades, in principle without external metallic coating
AF4 Permanent Only the use of single- or multi-polar cables suitable for the chemical agents present is
AG = Mechanical shocks (
AG1 Weak No limitations
AG2 Medium Lines with light protection, with the usual single- and multi-polar cables being
considered suitable
AG3 Significant Lines with reinforced (AG3) and very reinforced (AG4) protection, noting that single- and multi-
AG4 Very significant core cables provided with a metal frame are considered suitable (interlocked frame for AG4
AH = Vibrations (
AH1 Weak No limitations
AH2 Averages No limitations
AH3 Significant Only flexible lines made up of flexible single or multi-core cables may be used.
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32 NBR 14039:2003
Table 26 (continued)
AM3 For conditions AM2, AM3 and AM5, protection can be guaranteed by a continuous and
AM4 Electromagnetic grounded metal coating, or also by distance. For condition AM4, specific standards must be used
AM5 Ionizers
AM6 Induction Cables with special design, taking into account the shielding factor
AN = Solar radiation (
AN1 Negligible No limitations
AN2 Significant Cables outdoors or in open conduits and conduits must be weather resistant. The rise in surface temperature
of the cables must be taken into account when calculating the current carrying capacity
B Uses
BA = Competence of people ( (no influence)
BB = Electrical resistance of the human body (
BB1 High No limitations
BB2 Normal
BB3 Weak In principle, only single- or multi-core cables without a conductive frame should be used.
The use of multipolar cables with a conductive frame is permitted, as long as it is connected to
the circuit's protective conductor at both ends.
BC = Contacts of people with local potential (
BC3 Frequent In principle, only cables without a conductive frame should be used. It is permitted to use
multipolar cables provided with a conductive frame, as long as it is connected to the circuit's
protective conductor at both ends. The use of metallic conduits is also permitted, as long as
they are grounded at both ends.
BD = Escape of people in emergency (
BD1 Normal No limitations
a) in the case of lines made up of cables fixed to walls or ceilings, or made up of open conduits, the cables must be
BD2 Long fire resistant under simulated fire conditions, halogen-free and with low emission of smoke and toxic gases
b) in the case of lines in closed ducts, they must be fire resistant under simulated fire conditions,
free of halogen and with low smoke and toxic gas emission
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NBR 14039:2003 33
Table 26 (conclusion)
a) in the case of lines made up of cables fixed to walls or ceilings, or made up of open conduits,
the cables must be fire resistant under simulated fire conditions, halogen-free and with low
BE2 Fire risks emission of smoke and toxic gases
b) in the case of lines in closed ducts, they must be fire resistant under simulated fire conditions,
free of halogen and with low smoke and toxic gas emission
C - Construction of buildings
CA2 Fuels Exposed electrical lines must meet one of the following conditions:
a) in the case of lines made up of cables fixed to walls or ceilings, or made up of open conduits,
the cables must be fire resistant under simulated fire conditions, halogen-free and with low
emission of smoke and toxic gases
b) in the case of lines in closed ducts, they must be fire resistant under simulated fire conditions,
free of halogen and with low smoke and toxic gas emission
a) in the case of lines made up of cables fixed to walls or ceilings, or made up of open conduits,
the cables must be fire resistant under simulated fire conditions, halogen-free and with low
CB2 Fire spread emission of smoke and toxic gases
b) in the case of lines in closed ducts, they must be fire resistant under simulated fire conditions,
free of halogen and with low smoke and toxic gas emission
CB3 Movements Flexible lines or lines containing expansion and expansion joints
CB4 Flexible Only flexible lines made up of flexible single or multi-core cables may be used.
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34 NBR 14039:2003
The prescriptions of this subsection are intended to guarantee a satisfactory life for electrical cables subjected to thermal effects produced by the circulation of
currents of values equal to the respective current conduction capacities, during prolonged periods in normal service. Other considerations come into play when
determining the section of the conductors, such as the requirements for protection against electric shocks (see 5.1), protection against thermal effects (see 5.2),
protection against overcurrents (see 5.3), voltage drop (see 6.2.7), as well as the temperature limits for the equipment terminals to which the conductors are
Reference methods are installation methods for which the current carrying capacity has been determined by calculation. Are they:
C - single-pole cables juxtaposed (horizontally or in trefoil) and three-pole cables in closed channels in the ground;
E - juxtaposed single-core cables (horizontally or in trefoil) and three-core cables in outdoor conduit;
F - juxtaposed single-core cables (horizontally or in trefoil) and three-core cables in a bank of ducts or conduits buried in the ground;
G - unipolar cables in a bank of buried ducts or conduits, with one cable spaced per non-conducting duct or conduit;
H - juxtaposed single-core cables (horizontally or in an itrofoil shape) and directly buried three-core cables;
1 In methods A and B, the cable is installed with free convection (over insulators, trays, beds, etc.) and the distance to any adjacent surface must be at least
0.5 times the external diameter of the cable, for single-core cable, or at least 0.3 times the external diameter of the cable, for three-core cables, without
taking into account the effect of direct solar radiation.
2 In methods C and D, the cable is installed in a closed channel, 0.5 m wide and 0.5 m deep, and the distance to any adjacent surface must be at least 0.5
times the external diameter of the cable, for single-core cable, or at least 0.3 times the external diameter of the cable, for three-core cable.
3 In method E, the cable is installed in a non-conductive conduit and the distance to any adjacent surface must be at least 0.3 times the external diameter of
the conduit, without taking into account the effect of direct solar radiation.
4 In method F, the unipolar cables are installed in a non-conducting conduit and the tripolar cables in non-conducting, metallic conduits in the soil with a
thermal resistivity of 2.5 Km/W, at a depth of 0.9 m. In the case of a duct bank, a width of 0.3 m and a height of 0.3 m was considered, with a thermal
resistivity of 1.2 km/W.
5 In method G, unipolar cables are installed in non-conductive conduits spaced from the adjacent duct by once the external diameter of the duct, in soil with
a thermal resistivity of 2.5 Km/W, at a depth of 0.9 m. In the case of a duct bank, a width of 0.5 m and a height of 0.5 m was considered, with four ducts, and
a thermal resistivity of 1.2 Km/W.
6 In method H, the cable is installed directly in the soil with a thermal resistivity of 2.5 km/W, at a depth of 0.9 m.
7 In method I, the cable is installed directly in the soil with a thermal resistivity of 2.5 Km/W, at a depth of 0.9 m and the spacing between the unipolar
cables must be at least equal to the external diameter of the cable.
8 In table 25, for each installation method, the corresponding reference method used to obtain the current conduction capacity is indicated. General The current carried by any conductor, during prolonged periods in normal operation, must be such that the maximum temperature for continuous service
given in table 27 is not exceeded. The current carrying capacity shall be in accordance with or determined in accordance with
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NBR 14039:2003 35
Maximum temperature for continuous service Overload limit temperature Short-circuit limit temperature
(conductor) °C (conductor) °C (conductor) °C
Type of insulation The requirement of is considered met if the current in the cables does not exceed the current carrying capacities appropriately chosen in
tables 28, 29, 30 and 31, affected, if applicable, by the correction factors given in tables 32 to 38.
1 Tables 28, 29, 30 and 31 give the current carrying capacities for reference methods A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I, described in,
applicable to different types of lines, as indicated in table 25.
2 The current carrying capacities given in tables 28, 29, 30 and 31 refer to continuous operation at steady state (load factor 100%), direct current
or alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz .
3 The current conduction capacities in ducts (columns C and D of tables 28 to 31) were calculated for pre-fixed installation conditions (example:
duct dimensions, cable grouping, etc.). Changing one or more of these installation conditions implies a variation in the temperature inside the
channel, different from that used in calculating the values. Therefore, it is recommended to consult the cable manufacturer if it is necessary to
calculate correction factors for this type of installation. The appropriate values of current carrying capacities can be calculated as indicated in NBR 11301. In each case, the characteristics of the load and, for
buried cables, the real thermal resistivity of the soil can be taken into account. The ambient temperature value to be used is the temperature of the surrounding environment when the cable or conductor considered is not loaded. When the current carrying capacity value is chosen using tables 28 to 31, the reference ambient temperatures are as follows: When tables 28 to 31 are used and the ambient temperature in the location where the cables are to be installed differs from the reference temperatures, the
correction factors specified in table 32 must be applied to the conduction capacity values. current from tables 28 to 31. The correction factors in table 32 do not consider the increase in temperature due to solar radiation or other infrared radiation. When cables are
subjected to such radiation, current carrying capacities must be calculated using the methods specified in NBR 11301. The current carrying capacities in tables 28 to 31 for buried cables correspond to a soil thermal resistivity of 2.5 Km/W. In places where the thermal resistivity of the soil is greater than 2.5 Km/W, typical of dry soils, an appropriate reduction in current conduction capacity
values must be made, unless the soil in immediate vicinity of the cables is replaced with more appropriate earth. Table 33 provides correction factors for soil
thermal resistivities other than 2.5 Km/W. The correction factors specified in tables 34 to 38 are applicable to groups of single-core cables or multi-core cables with the same maximum temperature
for continuous service. For groups containing cables with different maximum temperatures for continuous service, the current carrying capacity of all cables in the
group shall be based on the lowest of the maximum temperatures for continuous service of any cable in the group, affected by the appropriate correction factor. If, due to known operating conditions, a multi-core circuit or cable is predicted to carry no more than 30% of the current carrying capacity of its conductors,
already affected by the applicable correction factor, the circuit or multipolar cable can be omitted for the purpose of obtaining the correction factor for the rest of
the group.
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36 NBR 14039:2003
When two or more conductors are connected in parallel in the same phase or polarity, measures must be taken to ensure that the current is divided equally
between them.
When conductors and cables are installed in a path along which cooling conditions (heat dissipation) vary, the current carrying capacities must be
determined for the part of the path that presents the most unfavorable conditions.
185 510 613 435 491 357 263 304 311 347
240 602 721 509 569 419 303 351 358 395
300 687 824 575 643 474 340 394 402 437
400 796 959 658 734 543 382 447 453 489
500 907 1100 741 829 613 426 502 506 542
630 1027 1258 829 932 686 472 561 562 598
800 1148 1411 916 1031 761 517 623 617 655
1000 1265 1571 996 1126 828 555 678 666 706
185 513 595 437 482 363 265 307 312 347
240 604 702 510 560 425 306 355 360 395
300 690 802 578 633 481 342 398 404 439
400 800 933 661 723 550 386 452 457 491
500 912 1070 746 817 622 431 507 511 544
630 1032 1225 836 920 698 477 568 568 602
800 1158 1361 927 1013 780 525 632 628 660
1000 1275 1516 1009 1108 849 565 688 680 712
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NBR 14039:2003 37
16 88 106 80 93 67 55 63 65 77
240 472 566 398 448 328 238 277 281 316
300 541 649 453 508 373 267 312 316 352
400 635 763 525 586 433 305 357 361 398
500 735 885 601 669 496 345 406 409 447
630 848 1026 685 763 566 388 461 462 501
800 965 1167 770 856 640 432 519 517 556
1000 1083 1324 853 953 709 473 576 568 610
16 91 106 82 93 70 56 64 65 76
185 400 465 341 377 283 207 241 244 276
240 472 550 399 440 333 239 280 282 316
300 541 630 454 498 378 269 315 317 352
400 634 740 525 575 437 306 361 363 399
500 733 858 601 657 501 347 410 412 448
630 845 994 686 750 572 391 465 465 502
800 961 1119 774 837 649 437 526 522 559
1000 1081 1270 858 934 722 479 584 576 614
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38 NBR 14039:2003
Rated 95 376 453 327 372 273 200 229 235 270
120 435 523 375 425 313 227 260 266 303
smaller or
equal 150 496 596 424 479 354 254 291 298 336
to 8.7/15 kV
185 568 683 482 543 403 286 328 335 375
240 672 802 564 630 472 330 379 387 427
300 767 918 639 712 535 369 426 434 473
400 890 1070 731 814 613 416 483 490 529
500 1015 1229 825 920 693 465 543 548 588
630 1151 1408 924 1035 777 515 609 609 650
800 1289 1580 1022 1146 863 565 676 671 712
1000 1421 1762 1112 1253 940 608 738 725 769
240 672 779 565 619 479 332 383 389 427
300 768 891 641 699 542 372 430 436 475
400 891 1037 734 800 621 420 488 493 531
500 1018 1192 829 905 703 469 549 553 590
630 1155 1367 930 1020 790 521 616 616 653
800 1297 1518 1033 1124 882 574 686 682 718
1000 1430 1694 1125 1231 961 619 748 739 775
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NBR 14039:2003 39
Section A B W D AND F G H I
10 75 89 68 79 58 51 53 54 64
16 98 118 89 103 75 66 68 70 83
185 443 534 376 425 314 256 257 261 298
240 525 629 441 495 370 298 298 303 341
300 603 722 502 561 421 337 336 341 381
400 708 850 582 648 488 387 386 389 430
500 820 986 666 740 560 440 439 442 483
630 947 1145 760 844 639 499 498 499 542
800 1079 1302 856 948 723 560 562 559 603
1000 1213 1480 950 1057 803 618 624 616 663
Nominal 120 340 391 293 323 247 204 205 208 239
150 387 445 330 363 279 229 230 232 265
greater than
8.7/15 kV 185 444 516 377 416 318 259 260 262 298
240 524 610 441 485 374 302 302 304 341
300 601 699 501 550 425 340 340 342 381
400 705 822 581 635 493 390 389 391 431
500 815 953 665 726 565 444 443 444 484
630 941 1106 760 829 646 504 503 503 543
800 1070 1244 857 926 733 568 569 565 606
1000 1205 1414 953 1034 815 628 632 624 666
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40 NBR 14039:2003
Table 32 - Correction factors for ambient temperatures different from 30°C for non-underground lines and 20°C (soil temperature) for
underground lines
Temperature °C Insulation
1.15 1.13
1.12 1.10
1.08 1.06
1.04 1.03
0.96 0.97
0.91 0.93
0.87 0.89
0.82 0.86
0.76 0.82
0.71 0.77
0.65 0.73
0.58 0.68
0.50 0.63
0.41 0.58
From soil
10 1.07 1.06
15 1.04 1.03
25 0.96 0.97
30 0.93 0.94
35 0.89 0.91
40 0.85 0.87
45 0.80 0.84
50 0.76 0.80
55 0.71 0.76
60 0.65 0.72
65 0.60 0.68
70 0.53 0.64
75 0.46 0.59
80 0.38 0.54
Table 33 - Correction factors for cables contained in conduits buried in the ground or directly buried, with thermal resistivities other than 2.5 Km/W,
to be applied to the current conduction capacities of the reference method F, G, H and I
1 The correction factors given are average values for the nominal sections included in tables 28, 29, 30 and 31, with a dispersion generally
less than 5%.
2 The correction factors are applicable to cables in buried or directly buried conduits, at a depth of up to 0.9 m.
3 Correction factors for different thermal resistivities can be calculated using the methods given in NBR 11301.
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NBR 14039:2003 41
Table 34 - Correction Factors for Outdoor Spaced In-Plane Single-Pole Cables to be Applied to the Current Carrying
Capabilities of Reference Method B
Cable grouping in three-phase systems, installed in open and ventilated environments. Number of suits
These values are valid as long as the cables maintain the proposed installation arrangements
1 two 3
Number of
2cm Correction factor (fa)
dd 1 1.00 0.97 0.96
Cases where there In the case of flat installations, increasing the distance between the cables reduces mutual heating.
is no need for However, at the same time, losses in metallic shields increase. Therefore, it is impossible to give an
indication of provisions for which there is no need for a correction factor.
The maximum values of short-circuit currents that can flow through cable conductors must be indicated by the manufacturers.
The maximum values of short-circuit currents that can flow through the metal shields of cables must be indicated by the
NOTE - To calculate the voltage drop in a circuit, the circuit design current must be used, calculated based on the requirements of 4.2.1. The voltage drop between the origin of an installation and any point of use must be less than or equal to 5%. Voltage drops greater than those indicated in are permitted for equipment with high starting current, during the starting
period, as long as they are within the limits allowed in their respective standards.
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42 NBR 14039:2003
Table 35 - Correction factors for single-core outdoor trefoil cables to be applied to the
current conduction of reference method A
Cable grouping in three-phase systems, installed in open and ventilated environments. Number of suits
These values are valid as long as the cables maintain the proposed installation arrangements
1 two 3
of Correction factor (fa)
Cases where
4d 2d Any number of triples
is no need for
NBR 14039:2003 43
6.2.8 Connections Connections of conductors to each other and to equipment must be suitable for the materials of the conductor(s) or equipment
terminals and installed and used appropriately. Connections must be able to withstand efforts caused by currents equal to the current carrying capacities and by short-circuit
currents, determined by the characteristics of the protection devices. On the other hand, the connections must not undergo unacceptable
changes as a result of heating, aging of the insulators and vibrations that occur in normal service. In particular, the influences of thermal
expansion and electrochemical stresses that vary from metal to metal must be considered, as well as the influences of temperatures that
affect the mechanical resistance of materials. Precautions must be taken to prevent metallic parts of connections from energizing other metallic parts normally isolated from live
parts. Except in the case of overhead lines, conductor connections between each other and with equipment must not be subjected to any
traction or torsional effort. For electrical lines made up of closed conduits, only connections contained in appropriate casings, such as boxes, frames, etc.,
that guarantee the necessary accessibility and mechanical protection are permitted. Connections must be made so that the contact pressure is independent of the insulating material. When electrical devices or equipment are intended to be directly connected to aluminum conductors, they must meet the requirements
of the aluminum connection standards.
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44 NBR 14039:2003
Table 37 - Correction factors for single-core cables and three-core cables in duct banks to be applied to the current carrying capabilities
of reference methods F and G
w The
w The
w The
B d d
Up to section 95 mm2
1.00 0.90 0.82
Above 95 mm2
1.00 0.87 0.77
w The w The
Up to section 95 mm2
0.91 0.85 0.79
w The w The
w The
Up to section 95 mm2
0.91 0.85 0.79
1 The values indicated are applicable for a soil thermal resistivity of 0.9 Km/W. These are average values for the same dimensions of the cables used in columns F and G of tables 28 to 31. The
rounded average values may present errors of 10% in certain cases. If more precise values are required or for other configurations, NBR 11301 must be used. Aluminum connections with screw tightening must be installed to ensure adequate pressure on the aluminum conductor. This pressure is ensured by the use
of controlled torque when tightening the screw. Proper torque must be provided by the manufacturer of the connector or equipment that has the connectors. Pressed connections must be made using tools suitable for the type of connector size used, in accordance with the connector manufacturer's
recommendations. In aluminum conductors, splices are only permitted using compression connectors or suitable welding. The connection between copper and aluminum must only be made using connectors suitable for this purpose. In locations subject to conditions of external influences AD2, AD3 and AD4, all components of a connection must be protected against
corrosion caused by the presence of water and/or humidity
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NBR 14039:2003 45
Table 38 - Correction factors for single-core cables and three-core cables in duct banks to be applied to the current carrying
capabilities of reference methods H and I
directly buried)
Up to section 95 mm2
0.86 0.79 0.71
Up to section 95 mm2
0.86 0.79 0.71
1 The values indicated are applicable for a soil thermal resistivity of 2.5 Km/W. These are average values for the same dimensions of the
cables used in columns H and I of tables 28 to 31. The rounded average values may present errors of 10% in certain cases. If more precise
values are required or for other configurations, NBR 11301 must be used.
2 Dimensions (for all configurations in table 38):
20cm 20cm
Protection against external influences provided by the method of installation must be ensured on a continuous basis. Ends
At the ends of electrical lines and especially at points where equipment penetrates, protection must be achieved continuously and, if
necessary, watertightness must be ensured.
When crossing walls, electrical lines must be provided with adequate mechanical protection. Neighborhood In cases of proximity between electrical lines and non-electrical pipes, the lines and pipes must be arranged in such a way as to
maintain a distance between their external surfaces such that any intervention in one installation does not risk damaging the others. In
practice, a distance of 20 cm is considered sufficient. This rule does not apply to embedded lines and plumbing. In the vicinity of heating ducts, hot air ducts or smoke exhaust ducts, electrical lines must not run the risk of being brought to a
harmful temperature and, therefore, must be kept at a sufficient distance or be separated from those pipes by suitable bulkheads. Electrical lines must not use smoke exhaust or ventilation ducts.
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46 NBR 14039:2003 Electrical lines must not be placed parallel below pipes that may generate condensation (such as water, steam, gas pipes, etc.),
unless precautions are taken to protect the electrical lines from the effects of these condensations. Electrical lines must not use the same channels or wells as non-electrical pipes, unless the following conditions are
simultaneously met:
a) protection against indirect contacts is ensured in accordance with the requirements of 5.1.2, considering non-electrical metallic
pipes as conductive elements;
b) electrical lines are completely protected against dangers that may result from the presence of other installations.
Electrical lines of different nominal voltages must not be placed in the same channels or shafts, unless adequate precautions are taken
to prevent circuits with lower nominal voltages from being subjected to overvoltages in the event of a fault. When electrical lines cross floors and walls, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent the spread of a fire. In construction spaces and galleries, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent the spread of a fire. Multipolar cables must only contain conductors from one and only one circuit and, if applicable, the respective protective
conductor. Closed conduits may contain conductors from more than one circuitq, when the following three conditions are simultaneously met:
a) the circuits belong to the same installation, that is, they originate from the same general switching and protection device, without
the interposition of equipment that transforms the electric current;
b) the nominal sections of the phase conductors are contained within a range of three successive normalized values;
c) the cables have the same maximum temperature for continuous service. Single-core cables belonging to the same circuit must be installed in close proximity to each other. This rule also applies to the
corresponding protective conductor. The installation of a single single-core cable inside a closed conduit made of conductive material is not permitted. When multiple cables are bundled in parallel, they must be bundled into as many groups as there are parallel cables, with each
group containing one cable of each phase or polarity. The cables of each group must be installed in close proximity to each other.
NOTE - In particular, in the case of closed conduits made of conductive material, all live conductors of the same circuit must be contained in the same conduit. The shields and/or metal covers of the cables must be earthed at one end. The second end can be grounded.
NOTE - The second end can be grounded, as long as the potential transfer and current flowing through the shield are within acceptable limits. Examples of situations where this
a) in long feeders, where the electromotive force induced in the metal shield or cover, when grounded at one end, can reach a value that is dangerous to people or even cause
b) when it is intended to use the shields as a return path for the fault current to the source. The internal dimensions of the conduits and respective connection accessories must allow the cables to be easily installed and
removed after installing the conduits and accessories. To achieve this, it is necessary that the maximum occupancy rate in relation to the
cross-sectional area of the conduits is not greater than:
NBR 14039:2003 47 In each section of piping, between two boxes, between ends, or between end and box, a maximum of three 90° bends or their equivalent up to a
maximum of 270° may be provided. Under no circumstances should curves with deflection greater than 90° be foreseen. Bends made directly in conduits must not effectively reduce their internal diameter.
a) at all entry or exit points of pipeline cables, except at transition points or passages from open lines to conduit lines, which, in these cases, must be
topped with bushings;
c) to divide the piping into suitable sections that consider the tensile efforts to which the cables may be subjected during pulling. The cables must form continuous sections between the junction boxes; splices and derivations must be placed inside the boxes. Cables that have
been spliced together or whose components have been damaged and replaced must not be routed into conduits. Conduits embedded in reinforced concrete must be placed in such a way as to avoid deformation during concreting, and the boxes and mouths of
the conduits must also be closed with appropriate parts to prevent the entry of mortar or concrete layer during concreting. The junctions of embedded conduits must be made with the aid of accessories that are watertight in relation to the construction materials. Conduits must only be cut perpendicular to their axis. All burrs that could damage the cable insulation must be removed. In expansion joints, rigid conduits must be sectioned, and the characteristics necessary for their use must be maintained (for example, in the case of
metallic conduits, electrical continuity must always be maintained). When necessary, rigid insulating conduits must be provided with expansion joints to compensate for thermal variations. Cables must only be routed after the conduit network has been completely completed and all construction work that could damage them has been
completed. Pulling should only be started after the piping is perfectly clean.
a) pulling guides which, however, must only be inserted when pulling the cables and not during the execution of the pipes;
b) talc, paraffin or other lubricants that do not harm the integrity of the cable. Only conduits that do not propagate the flame are permitted in visible installations. Only conduits that withstand the deformation efforts characteristic of the type of construction used are permitted for built-in installation. In built-in installations, conduits that can propagate the flame must be completely surrounded by non-combustible materials. The means of fixing, trays, beds, shelves or supports must be chosen and arranged in such a way that they cannot harm the cables. They must have
properties that allow them to withstand the external influences to which they are subjected without damage. On vertical routes, it must be ensured that the traction efforts exerted by the weight of the cables do not lead to deformation or rupture of the conductors.
Such tensile forces must not be exerted on the connections. On trays, beds and shelves, cables must preferably be arranged in a single layer. Channels
Channels installed in the ground are classified, from the point of view of external influences (presence of water), as AD4, according to table 3.
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48 NBR 14039:2003
b) unipolar or multipolar cables without a frame, but with additional mechanical protection provided by the adopted construction method. Cables must be protected against deterioration caused by earth movement, contact with hard bodies, shock from tools in the case of excavations, as
well as against humidity and chemical actions caused by soil elements. To prevent the effects of earth movement, the cables must be installed, on normal ground, at least 0.90 m from the ground surface. This depth must
be increased to 1.20 m when crossing roads accessible to vehicles and in an area 0.50 m wide, on one side and the other of these roads. These depths can be
reduced in rocky terrain or when the cables are protected, for example, by conduits that can withstand the external influences to which they may be subjected
without damage. When a buried line crosses another buried electrical line, they must, in principle, be at a minimum distance of 0.20 m. When a buried electrical line is along or intersects with conduits of non-electrical installations, a minimum distance of 0.20 m must exist between its
closest points. In particular, in the case of telecommunications lines that are parallel to medium voltage lines, a minimum distance of 0.50 m must be maintained. Any buried line must be continuously signalized by a warning element (for example, colored tape) not subject to deterioration, located at least 0.10 m
above it. Splices and derivations must be made to ensure the continuity of the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the cables.
The splices and derivations of cables installed in conduits must be located in inspection wells. Inspection wells must be built in masonry or equivalent material, have adequate strength and drainage and have a top cover resistant to the load to
which they may be subjected.
Wells more than 0.60 m deep must allow one person to enter. To do this, they must have minimum dimensions such that it is possible to inscribe, in the lower
part free for circulation, a circle with a minimum diameter of 0.80 m. The inlet plug must be circular with a minimum diameter of 0.60 m. Inside, the well must have
steps spaced 0.30 m apart.
The well floor must be located 0.30 m below the bottom of the lowest level conduit. The minimum bending radius of cables must comply with NBR 9511. Unarmored cables can only be installed properly protected by conduits, except when manufactured especially for direct installation on the ground. When
installed in open channels, they are considered outdoor installation. If conduits made of conductive material are used, all live conductors must pass through the same conduit.
The internal dimensions of the conduits and respective connection accessories must allow the cables to be easily installed and removed after installing the conduits
and accessories. To achieve this, it is necessary that the maximum occupancy rate in relation to the cross-sectional area of the conduits is not greater than:
Conduit lines must have an adequate slope to facilitate the drainage of infiltration water, with a minimum slope of 1%.
Between two consecutive inspection shafts, a single bend, in any plane, not exceeding 45° is permitted.
The use of bare conductors is permitted, and it is necessary to use, in the vicinity of trees, conductors with adequate protection against accidental contact with
the tree. The protective conductor can be bare in any condition.
Conductor splices must be carried out in order to ensure perfect permanent electrical contact and the continuity of the conductor's mechanical characteristics,
and must not be made on insulators.
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NBR 14039:2003 49
Whenever there are resulting forces that cannot be supported by the pins, arising from end points, angles, unbalanced efforts, etc.,
insulators and hardware with characteristics suitable for the mechanical stresses must be used, in accordance with NBR 5433 and NBR
The junctions between conductors made of different materials must be made exclusively with appropriate connectors that do not allow
The maximum mechanical stress on the conductors must be in accordance with NBR 5433 and NBR 5434.
The pin must support the weight of the driver, the wind pressure on it and the mechanical efforts of the driver, when at an angle or at a
The crosspieces can be made of reinforced concrete, according to NBR 8453, suitable wood treated against rot, according to NBR 8458, or
zinc-plated steel, according to agreement between the parties. The crosshead fixing accessories, when made of steel, must be zinc plated.
The crossheads and fixing accessories must be sized to resist the resulting mechanical stress from the conductors. In the case of deflection
points, the most unfavorable imbalance of conductor rupture must also be considered. In the case of mooring points, the imbalance
resulting from broken lines must be considered, in the most unfavorable situation.
Poles or towers to support overhead lines must be designed to resist all stresses from the lines, wind pressure and efforts arising from
assembly. In the case of deflection points, the most unfavorable imbalance resulting from the rupture of the conductors must also be
considered. In the case of mooring points, the imbalance resulting from broken lines must be considered, in the most unfavorable situation.
The posts can be made of reinforced concrete, in accordance with NBR 8451, of appropriately treated wood, in accordance with NBR 8456,
or of steel (profiled or tubular), according to agreement between the parties.
When several circuits with different voltages are installed, they must be arranged in decreasing order of their voltages, starting from the top
of the support.
Exclusive circuits for telephony, signaling and the like must be installed at a lower level than the electrical energy conductors, in accordance
with NBR 5434.
Overhead lines, when in the vicinity of communication lines or similar, must be installed in such a way as to avoid induced voltages that
could cause disturbances or damage to operators or their users. Leaves
The distance between conductors of the same circuit or different circuits, supported on the same structure, must comply with:
b) in any other plane, to the values indicated in the graph in figure 9, however, it must not be less than 0.66 m.
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50 NBR 14039:2003
2 For nominal voltage values above 15 kV, the above data is under study.
Figure 9 - Minimum separation between conductors of the same circuit or different circuits
The minimum distance, in any direction, between conductors of one circuit and conductors of another circuit, or communication lines, messengers and shielded
cables installed in different structures, must be equal to the maximum sag plus 1 cm/kV, considering the circuit of greater tension. This separation must not be
less than 1.20 m.
The minimum vertical distance between conductors of a circuit and circuits of different nature, installed in the same structure, must be in accordance with NBR 5433
and NBR 5434.
The minimum vertical distance of conductors, when crossing, installed in different structures, in the most unfavorable conditions, must be in accordance with
NBR 5433 and NBR 5434.
The minimum vertical distance of the conductors, above the ground or rails, in the most unfavorable conditions, must be in accordance with NBR 5433 and NBR
The minimum distance from conductors of a circuit to any part of the support structure of different circuits must be greater than or equal to 1 m + 0.7 f, where f is
the arrow, in meters, of the conductor considered.
When there are circuits installed in different horizontal planes, the deflections of the conductors in the lower plane must be equal to or greater than those in the upper
The minimum vertical distance from conductors to buildings, in accessible or not accessible locations, must be greater than or equal to 2.40 m.
The minimum horizontal distance from conductors to buildings, in accessible locations, windows, terraces, awnings and balconies must be greater than or equal
to 1.50 m + 0.7 f, where f is the arrow, in meters, of the conductor considered.
The minimum horizontal distance from conductors to buildings, in non-accessible locations, such as walls and roofs, must be greater than or equal to 0.8 m + 0.7
f, where f is the arrow, in meters, of the conductor considered.
The distance between lateral lines and any point on bridges or structures must be at least 5 m in all directions, however, it must be in accordance with NBR 5433
and NBR 5434.
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NBR 14039:2003 51
In non-self-supported cable installations, the guide cable supports and supports cannot be spaced more than 40 m apart, unless
otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
Clips, wraps or simple fixing or support supports, when rectangular in section, must not have, at contact, a dimension less than 6% of
the diameter of the supported cable and, when circular in section, their diameter must not be less than 8% of the cable diameter, and in
both cases the minimum dimension must be 3 mm. Armored busbars Definition
Armored busbars must be used exclusively in non-embedded installations, and the possibilities of mechanical impacts and aggressiveness
of the environment must be foreseen.
The enclosure must be solidly connected to the earth and the protective conductor, throughout its entire length, by means of a continuous
conductor, accessible and installed externally.
When installed at a height less than or equal to 2.50 m, the enclosure cannot have openings or holes. Above this level, hollow casings
are permitted, as long as there is no possibility of accidental contact.
When installed in an environment subject to dust or material suspended in the air, the casing must be hermetic.
6.3 Protection, sectioning and control devices
6.3.1 General Devices that ensure, at the same time, more than one function must satisfy all the requirements set out in this subsection for
each of the functions.
6.3.3 Overcurrent protection devices General provisions
Circuit breakers and load-disconnecting switches must be operated in a single attempt by warned (BA4) and/or qualified (BA5) people,
according to table 12. Selection of overload protection devices
When applicable, protection against overloads must be ensured by devices that interrupt the current when at least one conductor is passed
by an overload current, the interruption intervening in a time sufficiently short so that the conductors are not damaged.
a) its interrupting capacity must be at least equal to the presumed short-circuit current at the point where this device is installed;
b) the device's operating time must be shorter than the circulation time of the presumed short-circuit current so that the
temperature of the conductors reaches a value lower than or equal to the values specified in table 27;
c) the protection device must act for all short-circuit currents, including the presumed minimum short-circuit current, which generally corresponds to a two-
phase short-circuit at the furthest point of the electrical line.
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52 NBR 14039:2003 In replacement of the condition of, the use of a protective device having an interrupting capacity lower than the assumed short-circuit current
at the point where it is installed is permitted. , as long as it is completed by another device that has the necessary interrupting capacity. If this device is placed
upstream, it must be located in the immediate vicinity of the first protection device. The characteristics of the set formed by these two devices must be such that
the device with the lowest interrupting capacity interrupts short-circuit currents of intensity lower than its interrupting capacity and that, for short-circuit currents of
higher intensity, the operating times of this same device are longer than those of the other device.
When selecting protection devices against undervoltage and lack of voltage, the requirements of 5.5 must be met. Protection devices against undervoltage and lack of voltage must consist of undervoltage relays acting on contactors or circuit breakers and, or
disconnectors for opening under load equipped with an electric opening trigger. Protection devices against minimum voltage and lack of voltage may be delayed if the operation of the protected equipment can tolerate, without
inconvenience, a short-term lack or minimum voltage. Delayed opening and reestablishment of protection devices must not, in any case, prevent instantaneous sectioning due to the action of other control and
protection devices. When the restoration of a protective device is likely to create a dangerous situation, the restoration must not be automatic.
When two or more protection devices are placed in series and when safety or usage needs justify it, their operating characteristics must be chosen in such a way
as to only section the part of the installation where the fault occurred.
Every isolating or control device must meet its respective specifications. If a device is used for more than one function, it must satisfy the requirements for each
of its functions.
NOTE - In certain cases additional prescriptions may be necessary for the combined functions. The sectioning devices must effectively section all the supply conductors of the circuit considered, taking into account the provisions of and
The equipment used for sectioning must comply with the requirements from paragraph a) of this section to
a) the opening distance between the device contacts must be visible or clearly and reliably indicated by the Off or On marking. This indication must only
appear when the opening distance between the opening contacts is met on all poles of the device;
NOTE - This prescribed marking can be carried out by using the symbols O and I, indicating, respectively, the open and closed positions. Isolating devices must be designed and installed in such a way as to prevent any inadvertent restoration.
NOTE - Such an installation can be caused, for example, by mechanical shocks or vibrations. Precautions must be taken to protect disconnecting devices suitable for unloaded opening against accidental or unauthorized opening.
NOTE - This can be achieved by placing the device in a locked location or enclosure. Another solution would be to interlock the sectioning device with another suitable for opening
under load. Isolation must be guaranteed by a multipolar device that disconnects all poles of the corresponding supply.
b) fuses (removal);
c) bars;
NBR 14039:2003 53 Devices used for sectioning must be clearly identified, for example, by means of marks to indicate the disconnected circuits. The installation of disconnecting switches and fuse switches must be done in such a way as to prevent them from closing
due to the action of gravity. When this action acts in the opening direction, the disconnecting switches must be equipped with
locking devices. Switches that do not have characteristics suitable for operating under load must be installed with the following indication,
placed in a clearly visible manner. This switch must not be operated under load. Simple disconnect switches and fuse switches must be arranged so that, when opened, the moving parts are not under
voltage. Sectioning devices for mechanical maintenance Isolating devices for mechanical maintenance must, preferably, be arranged in the main supply circuit. When switches
are provided for this function, they must be able to isolate the full load current of the corresponding part of the installation.
NOTE - Sectioning for mechanical maintenance can, for example, be carried out through:
a) multipolar switches;
b) circuit breakers;
c) control devices that can be locked in the open position, acting on the contactors. Isolating devices for mechanical maintenance, or the respective control devices, must be manually operated. The opening
distance between the device contacts must be visible or clearly and reliably indicated by the Off or On marking. Such an indication
should only appear when the Off or On position is reached on all poles of the device.
NOTE - This marking can be carried out using the symbols O and I, indicating, respectively, the open and closed positions. Isolating devices for mechanical maintenance must be designed and/or installed in such a way as to prevent any
inadvertent restoration.
NOTE - Such restoration can be caused, for example, by mechanical shocks or vibrations. Isolating devices for mechanical maintenance must be located so as to be easily identified and must be suitable for the
intended use. Emergency disconnection devices (including emergency stop) Emergency isolating devices must be able to interrupt the full load current of the corresponding part of the installation. Manually controlled isolating devices should preferably be chosen for direct sectioning of the main circuit. Circuit
breakers, contactors, etc. activated by remote control must open when the supply to the coils is interrupted, or other techniques
that present equivalent security must
be used. The control elements (handles, buttons, etc.) of the emergency release devices must be clearly identified, preferably by
the color red contrasting with the yellow background. Control elements must be easily accessible from locations where a hazard may occur and, where applicable, from any
other location from which a hazard can be eliminated remotely. The control elements of an emergency isolating device must be capable of being locked in the open position of the
device, unless these elements and the re-energizing elements of the circuit are both under the control of the same person. Emergency disconnection devices, including emergency stop devices, must be located and marked in such a way that
they can be easily identified and suitable for their intended use.
6.4 Grounding and protective conductors
6.4.1 General The characteristics and effectiveness of the grounding must meet the human and functional safety requirements of the
installation. The value of the grounding resistance must satisfy the protection and operating conditions of the electrical installation, in
accordance with the grounding scheme used.
NOTE - The arrangement and dimensions of the grounding system are more important than the value of the grounding resistance itself.
However, a resistance of the order of magnitude of 10 ohms is recommended as a way of reducing potential gradients in the soil.
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54 NBR 14039:2003 The selection and installation of grounding components must be such that:
a) the value of the grounding resistance obtained does not change considerably over time;
c) are adequately robust or have appropriate mechanical protection to meet the conditions of external influences (see 4.3). Precautions must be taken to prevent damage to electrodes and other metallic parts due to electrolysis effects. Mechanical connections embedded in the ground must be protected against corrosion, through an inspection box with a minimum diameter of 250 mm
that allows tool handling. This requirement would not apply to connections between copper or copper-plated parts with exothermic welding. Lightning arresters with non-linear resistance must have the shortest possible earth connection, in which pronounced curves and angles must be avoided. The grounding electrode must form a mesh under the floor of the building, at least a ring surrounding the perimeter of the building. The efficiency of any
grounding electrode depends on its spatial distribution and local soil conditions; An electrode suitable for the soil conditions, the value of the earthing resistance
required by the adopted earthing scheme and the maximum contact voltage in accordance with must be selected. Conventional grounding electrodes, indicated in table 39, may be used, observing that:
a) the type and installation depth of the grounding electrodes must be such that changes in soil conditions (for example, drying) do not cause a large
variation in the grounding resistance;
b) the grounding design must consider the possible increase in the grounding resistance of the electrodes due to corrosion. Metallic water supply pipes and other services must not be used as grounding electrodes, which does not exclude equipotential bonding.
Zinc Plated Steel Pipe 2.40 m long and nominal diameter of 25 mm Fully vertical burial
Zinc plated steel profile Angle (20 mm x 20 mm x 3 mm) 2.40 m long Fully vertical burial
Zinc plated steel rod 15 mm diameter with 2.00 m or Fully vertical burial
2.40 m long
Copper Coated Steel Rod 15 mm diameter with 2.00 m or Fully vertical burial
2.40 m long
copper rod 15 mm diameter with 2.00 m or Fully vertical burial
Galvanized Steel Tape 100 mm² section, 3 mm thick and 10 m long Minimum depth of 0.60 m. Width in vertical position
NBR 14039:2003 55 Grounding conductors must comply with the general requirements of 6.4.3. When the grounding conductor is buried in the ground, its minimum section must be in accordance with table 40. When connecting a grounding conductor to a grounding electrode, electrical continuity and the integrity of the assembly must
be guaranteed. Where applicable, a main earthing terminal or bar must be installed and the following conductors must be connected to it:
a) grounding conductor;
e) equipotential conductors connected to grounding electrodes of other systems (for example, SPDA);
f) building structure. When conventional grounding electrodes are used, a device must be provided in an accessible location to disconnect the
grounding conductor. Such a device must be combined with the main grounding terminal or bar, in order to allow the measurement of the
electrode's grounding resistance, be removable only with the aid of a tool, be mechanically resistant and guarantee electrical continuity. The section must not be less than the value determined by the following expression (applicable only for protection device
actuation times that do not exceed 5 s):
I is the (effective) value of the fault current that can flow through the protection device, for a direct fault, in amps;
NOTE - The current limiting effect of the circuit impedances must be taken into account, as well as the limiting capacity (Joule integral) of
the protection device.
k is the factor that depends on the initial and final temperatures and the material: the protective conductor, its insulation and
other parts.
Tables 41, 42 and 43 give the values of k for protective conductors under different conditions of use or service. If, when applying the
expression, non-standardized values are obtained, conductors with the immediately higher normalized section must be used.
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56 NBR 14039:2003
Table 41 - Values of k for protective conductors provided with insulation, not incorporated into multi-core cables or
bare protective conductors in contact with the cable cover
Aluminum 95 116
Steel 52 64
2 The final temperature of the conductor is considered equal to 160°C for PVC and 250°C for EPR and XLPE.
Table 42 - Values of k for protective conductors that are veins in multi-pole cables
1 The initial temperature of the conductor is considered equal to 70°C for PVC and 90°C for EPR and XLPE.
2 The final temperature of the conductor is considered equal to 160°C for PVC and 250°C for EPR and XLPE.
Table 43 - Values of k for bare protective conductors where there is no risk of damage
in any neighboring material at the indicated temperatures
Conductor material Visible and in Normal conditions Fire risk
restricted areas
Maximum temperature 500°C 200°C 150°C
228 159 138
Maximum temperature 300°C 200°C 150°C
125 105 91
Maximum temperature 500°C 200°C 150°C
82 58 50
1 The temperatures indicated are only valid when they cannot harm the quality of the connections. The section of the protective conductor can, optionally to the calculation method of, be determined using table 44. If the
application of the table leads to non-standard values, conductors with the section nearest normalized. The values in table 44 are only valid if
the protective conductor is made of the same metal as the phase conductors. If not, its section must be determined so that its conductance is
equivalent to that of the section obtained from the table.
NBR 14039:2003 57 Protective conductors must be adequately protected against mechanical, chemical and electrochemical deterioration and electrodynamic forces. No control or protection device must be inserted into the protective conductor, however detachable connections using tools may be used for testing
purposes. Exposed conductive parts of equipment must not be used as parts of protective conductors. The equipotential conductors of the main equipotential connection must have sections that are not less than half the section of the largest protective
conductor in the installation, with a minimum of 16 mm². An equipotential conductor of a supplementary equipotential connection connecting two masses must have a section equivalent to or greater than the
section of the smaller section protective conductor connected to these masses.
An equipotential conductor of a supplementary equipotential connection connecting a mass to a conductive element foreign to the installation must have a
section equivalent to or greater than half the section of the protective conductor connected to that mass.
A supplementary equipotential connection can be ensured by conductive elements foreign to the installation that cannot be removed, such as metallic
structures, or by additional conductors or by a combination of both types.
When a transformer is used to supply a partially or completely unbalanced circuit, the operating conditions and corresponding guarantees (relative voltage
variation, heating, etc.) must be agreed with the manufacturer.
Supervision, regulation and command devices must be provided to the extent that these devices are necessary for the correct use of the transformers and
when the importance of these transformers and the service guaranteed by them justifies it.
In this case, if a transformer contains many single-phase elements, each of them must be equipped with a supervision device.
Power transformers must be protected against internal defects, overloads and short circuits and, in certain cases, against earth insulation defects and overvoltages.
Measuring transformers must be arranged so that they are easily accessible for checking or possible replacement.
The secondary of voltage transformers must be protected against downstream defects by low voltage fuses, except in special cases. These fuses must be
placed in a safe with a padlock independent of high voltage, and access to the transformers must only be possible after sectioning their primary circuit.
a) the thermal limit values for the short-term current of a transformer must be chosen based on the maximum value of the short-circuit current assumed
in the location where the transformer is installed and the possible limiting power of the short-circuit protection device ;
b) current transformers intended for measurements must be chosen in such a way that the measuring devices they supply are not damaged when the
primary current reaches the value of the short-circuit current at the point of installation;
c) current transformers intended for protection must be chosen so that their accuracy limit factor is sufficiently high so that current errors in the event
of a short circuit are not too large;
d) current transformers must be provided with dme and ios to short-circuit their secondary terminals.
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58 NBR 14039:2003
7 Final check
7.1.1 Every installation, extension or alteration to an existing installation must be visually inspected and tested, during and/or upon
completion of the installation, before being put into service by the user, in order to verify, as far as possible, compliance with the
requirements of this Standard.
7.1.2 Installation documentation, in accordance with 6.1.7, must be provided to the people responsible for verification, in the condition of
as-built documentation.
7.1.3 During inspection and testing, precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of people and avoid damage to property and installed
7.1.4 When the installation to be checked constitutes an extension or alteration of an existing installation, it must be checked that this
does not nullify the safety measures of the existing installation.
7.1.5 Based on this verification, a report must be prepared certifying the installation's compliance with this Standard, by a duly qualified
and/or accredited professional.
The visual inspection must precede the tests and must be carried out with the installation de-energized.
7.2.1 Visual inspection must be carried out to confirm that permanently connected electrical components are:
b) correctly selected and installed in accordance with this Standard and the installation design;
d) free from remnants of materials, tools or other objects that could compromise their insulation.
7.2.2 Visual inspection must include at least the verification of the following points, when applicable:
a) protective measures against electric shock, including measurement of distances relating to protection by barriers or enclosures,
by obstacles or by placement out of reach;
b) presence of fire barriers and other precautions against fire spread and protection against thermal effects;
c) selection of conductors, according to their current carrying capacity and voltage drop;
7.3 Tests
a) electrical continuity of protective conductors and main and supplementary equipotential connections;
f) functional tests;
Tests must be carried out with values compatible with the nominal values of the equipment used and the nominal voltage value of the
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NBR 14039:2003 59 In case of non-conformity in any of the tests, it must be repeated, after correcting the problem, as well as all previous tests that
may have been influenced. The test methods described here are provided as reference methods; other methods, however, can be used, as long as
they are proven to produce results that are no less reliable.
7.3.2 Electrical continuity of protective conductors and main and supplementary equipotential connections
A continuity test must be carried out. It is recommended that the voltage source has a no-load voltage between 4 V and 24 V,
in direct or alternating current. The test current must be at least 0.2 A.
During this measurement the phase and neutral conductors can be interconnected. The insulation resistance must meet the minimum values specified in the standards applicable to the installation
components. These values are provided by the manufacturers of each installation component.
This test must be carried out on equipment built or assembled at the installation site, in accordance with the test method and limit values described
in the standards applicable to the equipment or when recommended by its manufacturer. This test must be carried out every time earth grids are installed or expanded in order to ensure compliance with the
values set out in the project. To carry out this test, all safety precautions must be taken, especially in the case of expansions to installations in
operation. In these cases, it is often necessary to completely shut down the installations.
All equipment that has special installation conditions must undergo inspection of its assembly based on the information provided
by its manufacturers. The need for special tests on equipment that is an integral part of its approval for energization can be
verified in the appropriate documents.
a) dielectric strength test of insulating oil - applicable to transformers, circuit breakers and disconnecting switches;
b) power factor test - applicable to transformers, large electrical machines and generators;
c) gas chromatography test and physical-chemical analysis of insulating oils - applicable to power transformers;
e) electrical contact resistance tests - applicable to circuit breakers and high current capacity buses;
f) applied voltage test - applicable to electrical cables, vacuum and SF gas insulated equipment 6. Assemblies such as frames, drives, controls, interlocks, controls, etc. must be subjected to a functional test to verify that
the set is correctly assembled, adjusted and installed in accordance with this Standard and operational design philosophy. Protective devices must be subjected to functional tests, if necessary and applicable, to verify that they are correctly
installed and adjusted.
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60 NBR 14039:2003
Before carrying out any maintenance and/or operation service, the requirements of 8.1.1 to 8.1.7 must be met.
8.1.1 Whenever applicable, the installation to be checked must be de-energized after the de-energization maneuver, all live parts must
be tested for the presence of energy using detection devices compatible with the installation's voltage level.
All de-energized equipment and/or installation must be grounded, according to the adopted grounding scheme (see 4.2.3) and protection
against direct contact and indirect contact (see 5.1.1 and 5.1.2).
All de-energized installation and/or equipment must be blocked and identified, according to the adopted grounding scheme (see 4.2.3) and
protection against direct contact and indirect contact (see 5.1.1 and 5.1.2).
NOTE - Before proceeding to ground a de-energized installation, it must be ensured that there is no residual or cumulative charge, first
carrying out an electrical discharge.
8.1.2 The devices and provisions adopted to ensure that live parts are out of reach can be removed for better inspection, and must be
reinstated at the end of maintenance.
8.1.3 The reliability of measuring instruments and testing must be guaranteed, calibrating them according to the manufacturer's instructions.
8.1.4 Entrance and exit access to maintenance sites must be unobstructed, and it is mandatory to include appropriate signage that makes
it impossible for people other than BA4 and BA5 to enter, as per table 12.
8.1.5 Any maneuver, whether scheduled or emergency, must only be carried out with the authorization of a qualified person (BA5),
according to table 12.
8.1.6 Any maneuver must be carried out by at least two people, one of whom must be BA5.
8.1.7 The use of appropriate EPC (collective protective equipment) and EPI (personal protective equipment) is mandatory in all
maintenance services for medium voltage electrical installations.
NOTE - Those involved in the service must be aware of the procedures that will be carried out.
8.2 Maintenance
8.2.1 Periodicity
The frequency of maintenance must be adapted to each type of installation, considering, among others, its complexity and importance,
external influences and the useful life of the components.
Preventive maintenance is that carried out at predetermined intervals, or in accordance with prescribed criteria, designed to reduce the
probability of failure or degradation in the functioning of an item.
The condition of the cables and their respective accessories, as well as the fixing and support devices, must be inspected, observing
signs of excessive heating, cracks, dryness, fixation, identification and cleaning.
The structure of the switchgear and control set must be checked, observing its general condition regarding fixing, damage to the structure, painting, corrosion,
locks and hinges. The general condition of conductors and grounding devices must be checked.
In the case of components with moving internal parts, the condition of the contacts and arc chambers, signs of heating, cleaning, fixing,
adjustments and measurements must be inspected, when the component allows. If possible, some maneuvers should be carried out on
the component, checking its operation.
In the case of fixed components, the general condition must be inspected, observing heat, fixation, identification, dryness and cleaning.
Flexible connections that supply mobile equipment must be checked in accordance with, as well as their adequate articulation.
At the end of the checks and tests, a general operating test must be carried out, simulating all control, sectioning, protection and signaling
situations, also observing the adjustments and measurements of the components (relays, sensors, timers, etc.), as well as the use of
fuses, circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, etc., in accordance with the project.
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NBR 14039:2003 61 Corrective maintenance is that which is carried out after the occurrence of a breakdown, intended to restore an item to a
condition to perform a required function. Any installation or part thereof, which for any reason puts the safety of its users at risk, must be immediately de-energized, in whole or in the affected
part, and must only be returned to service after satisfactory repair. Any failure or anomaly found in the installations, components or electrical equipment, or in their operation, must be reported
to a qualified person (BA5), for repair purposes, notably when protection devices against overcurrents or electric shocks act without
known cause.
8.3 Operation
8.3.1 Only qualified personnel (BA5) may operate medium voltage installations.
8.3.2 It is mandatory to use appropriate EPC (collective protective equipment) and EPI (personal protective equipment) in all
operating services of medium voltage electrical installations, except in cases of remote operation, where protection measures
against direct and indirect contact must comply with NBR 5410.
9 Substations
9.1.1 Substations can be sheltered or outdoor. As for their position in relation to the ground, they can be installed on the surface,
below the ground surface (underground) or above the ground surface (aerial).
9.1.2 Substations must have definitive construction characteristics, be made of non-combustible materials and have adequate
stability, offering well-being and safety conditions to operators, when necessary.
9.1.3 Substations must be located to allow easy access to people, materials and equipment for operation and maintenance, and
have adequate dimensions, ventilation and natural or artificial lighting compatible with their operation and maintenance.
9.1.4 Substations may or may not be an integral part of other buildings, they must meet safety requirements and be adequately
protected against accidental damage resulting from the environment.
9.1.5 In internal and external installations, the distances between live parts must be as indicated in table 21.
These distances must be taken between closest extremities and not from center to center.
9.1.6 Access to substations is only permitted for people BA4 and BA5, access to people BA1 is prohibited.
9.1.7 Control, protection, switching and measuring equipment, operating at low voltage, must constitute a separate set, in order to allow easy, safe access to qualified
people, without interrupting the medium voltage circuit.
9.1.8 The arrangement of the equipment must offer adequate operating conditions, safety and ease of replacement of the whole or
9.1.9 Signs with the words Danger of death and the respective symbol must be fixed in the following locations:
9.1.10 A general diagram of the installation must be available inside the substations, in an accessible location.
9.1.11 All signs and documentation must be in Portuguese, with the use of additional foreign languages permitted.
9.1.12 When installing equipment containing flammable insulating liquid with a volume greater than 100 L, the following precautions
must be observed:
a) construction of non-combustible barriers between equipment or other suitable means to prevent the spread of fire;
b) construction of a suitable device to drain or contain the liquid resulting from a possible leak. Sheltered substations are those in which their components are protected from the weather. Control and maneuver corridors and access points must be large enough to provide a minimum free circulation space of
0.70 m, with all doors open, in the worst condition or equipment removed during maintenance.
If there is maneuvering equipment, free space must be maintained in front of the steering wheels and levers. Under no circumstances
may this free space be used for other purposes.
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62 NBR 14039:2003 Substations must have artificial lighting, complying with the lighting levels established by NBR 5413, and natural lighting, whenever
possible. Windows and panes used for this purpose must be fixed and protected using resistant metal screens, with mesh sizes of 13 mm
maximum and 5 mm minimum, when subject to possible damage. The use of wired glass eliminates the need for a protective screen.
Substations must be provided with safety lighting, with a minimum autonomy of 2 hours. Substations must have natural ventilation, whenever possible, or forced ventilation. Where the equipment operates, the difference between the internal temperature, measured 1 m from the heat source at full load, and
the external temperature, measured in the shade, must not exceed 15°C. Where operators remain indoors, the ambient temperature cannot exceed 35°C. In regions where the external temperature, in the
shade, exceeds this limit, the ambient temperature in the room can, at most, equal the external temperature. When this condition cannot
be achieved by keeping the environments together, the operators' place of stay must be separate. Openings for natural ventilation must be conveniently arranged to promote air circulation. In the case of forced ventilation, when the air taken in contains suspended dust or particles from manufacturing, the air intakes must
be equipped with suitable filters. In substations located in a corrosive environment, the air must be sucked in from outside and the location must be kept under pressure
higher than that of the corrosive environment. Alarm or automatic shutdown devices must be provided in case of failure of this system. In order to prevent the entry of rain, runoff and foreign bodies, ventilation openings must have the following characteristics:
c) they must be externally protected by resistant metal mesh, with a minimum mesh opening of 5 mm and a maximum of 13 mm. At underground entrances, on the external side, the cable must be protected by metal conduit, heavy class, in the exposed section,
up to a minimum height of 3 m above ground level. All live parts accessible from the normal operating side must be provided with sufficiently rigid and non-combustible shields, with
protection against accidental contact. When dealing with a metal cabin, it must comply with the requirements of NBR 6979.
Substations must be provided with metal doors, with minimum dimensions of 0.80 mx 2.10 m. All doors must open outwards.
NOTE - In cases where waterproofing is not viable or cannot prevent water infiltration, a drainage system must be implemented. Substations must be provided with at least one opening for service or emergency, with minimum dimensions of 0.80 mx 2.10 m,
when lateral, and have sufficient dimensions to allow the inscription of a circle of at least 0.60 m, when located on the ceiling. Regarding protection against water intrusion, the following types are permitted:
1 In the first case, emergency entrance must be provided, not subject to flooding. In the second case, the mouth must be fitted with a screen to
prevent animals from entering. If it is not possible to build enclosures with the above characteristics, the equipment and installation must be
waterproof (submersible type).
2 Semi-buried substations apply to these same provisions, however, the use of watertight doors and submersible equipment is unnecessary, as
long as they are not subject to flooding. Service and emergency access openings must open outwards and be easy to open from the inside. Suitable means must be provided for the initial installation and possible subsequent replacement/removal of individual components. Accesses may be of the chimney type, in which case they must be high enough to prevent flooding. All conduit entrances and exits must be closed in order to ensure the substation’s watertightness.
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NBR 14039:2003 63 Weather substations are those in which their components are subject to the action of the weather. In weather substations, all equipment must be weather resistant, in accordance with 4.3. These installations must be provided with protective elements around them, in order to prevent the approach of people BA1, BA2,
BA3 and animals. When screens are used as external protection, they must have meshes with a maximum opening of 50 mm and be made of
galvanized steel with a diameter of at least 3 mm, or material of equivalent mechanical resistance. Signs with the words Danger of death and a symbol must be fixed in a clearly visible location on the external side; on all sides of
the external protection and near access. The lower part of the protection must be a maximum of 10 cm above the ground surface. The external protection system, when metallic, must be connected to earth, satisfying, where applicable, the conditions prescribed
in 5.1. Access to BA4 and BA5 personnel must be done through a door, opening outwards, with minimum dimensions of 0.80 mx 2.10 m.
When also used to access materials, the door must have adequate dimensions. The door must be equipped with an external safety lock,
allowing free opening from the inside. The installation must be equipped with an adequate rainwater drainage system. Substations must have artificial lighting, complying with the lighting levels established by NBR 5413 and natural lighting, whenever
possible. Windows and panes used for this purpose must be fixed and protected using resistant metal screens, with mesh sizes of 13 mm
maximum and 5 mm minimum, when subject to possible damage. The use of wired glass eliminates the need for a protective screen.
Substations must be provided with safety lighting, with a minimum autonomy of 2 hours. When installing equipment containing insulating liquid, the requirements of 5.8 must be observed. All unprotected live parts in personnel circulation areas BA1 must be located at least 5 m above the ground surface.
When it is not possible to observe the minimum height of 5 m for live parts, the limit of 3.5 m may be tolerated, provided that the location is
provided with a horizontal screen made of metal mesh or equivalent, duly connected to earth, with the following features: The layout of the equipment must provide free safety space, which allows access for a BA4 or BA5 person for maneuvering,
inspection or maintenance purposes, with dimensions such that it is possible to inscribe a straight cylinder, with a vertical axis, with a
minimum diameter of 0.60 m and sufficient height to allow access to the highest parts. Equipment support structures must offer adequate operating, safety and maintenance conditions.
a) posts or towers made of steel, concrete or suitable wood, in accordance with NBR 5433 or NBR 5434;
b) elevated platforms on a suitable concrete, steel or wooden structure, in accordance with NBR 5433 or NBR 5434;
c) areas on the roof of buildings, inaccessible to people BA1 or provided with the necessary external protection system. The use
of flammable insulating liquid is not permitted in this equipment.
9.4.1 Transformer substations are installations designed to transform any of the quantities of electrical energy, within the scope of this
9.4.2 Special attention must be given to devices with a live housing, which must have signs indicating danger.
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64 NBR 14039:2003
9.4.3 When the transformation substation is an integral part of the industrial building, only the use of non-flammable insulating
liquid transformers or dry transformers and vacuum or SF6 circuit breakers is permitted.
NOTE - The enclosure is considered an integral part if it is not insulated or does not have masonry walls and fire doors.
9.4.4 When the transformation substation is an integral part of the residential and/or commercial building, only the use of dry
transformers and vacuum or SF6 circuit breakers is permitted, even if there are masonry walls and fire doors.
9.4.5 If transformers are installed in hazardous environments, the equipment must comply with specific standards.
9.4.6 When the switching device that powers equipment is located in a position that is not visible from the point of view of the
equipment operator, a disconnect switch must be used next to that equipment.
When the disconnecting switch does not have the capacity to interrupt the load current, it must be interlocked with the switching
9.5.1 Control and maneuver substations are installations designed to control any magnitude of electrical energy, turn on or turn
off electrical circuits or, even, provide means of protection for these circuits.
9.5.2 It must be located in the most convenient position for its operation, and may be located in the same area as the
measurement or transformation substations.
9.5.3 Indicating instruments and control and maneuver devices must be grouped in such a way as to facilitate operations. This
grouping must comply with the criteria for separating the various circuits and lines with proper identification.
9.5.4 The exclusive use of electrical interlocking in adjacent devices is not permitted, where possible failures could cause
damage to people or things.
When, in the case of non-contiguous devices, mechanical interlocking is not possible, the implementation of electrical interlocking
must be complemented with another redundant measure.
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NBR 14039:2003 65
Annex A (normative)
Maximum duration of assumed contact voltage