Entrep Final Defense Rubric

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Section: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Group Number: 6


4 Points (Needs Score

Criteria 10 Points (Very Good)) 7 Points (Good) Improvement)
The executive summary is The executive
Executive The executive summary is
comprehensive and written summary is
Summary somehow organized.
excellently. disorganized.
The proposed business is
excellently explained
The proposed
Project including the name of the The proposed business is
business is not
Background business, the overview of moderately explained.
explained well.
the products, and the
Some aspects of the
organizational plan are Inadequately defined
Organizational Well-defined organizational clear, but improvements organizational plan,
Plan plan. are necessary for a resulting in a lack of
comprehensive clarity.
Clear marketing plan with
Adequate marketing plan Ineffective marketing
Marketing Plan some room for
with noticeable gaps. plan/ strategy.
Clear and organized Adequate plan but lacking Ineffective
Operational Plan
operational plan. in detail or clarity. operational plan.
The investment
The investment capital is The investment capital is
capital is not
Budget Plan appropriate and reasonable somehow appropriate for
appropriate for the
for the proposed business. the proposed business.
proposed business.
Exceptionally well-
organized, coherent, and
Overall Paper Adequately organized but Difficult to follow
presents information
Presentation and may be challenging to with noticeable
clearly, facilitating a
Clarity follow in places. organizational issues.
thorough understanding of
the content.
Total Score/
70 points

10 Points
(Very 7 Points 4 Points (Needs
Criteria Good)) (Good) Improvement)
The speaker showed mastery of the business plan.
The speaker successfully established a rapport with the
The speaker spoke confidently and clearly.
The speaker was able to answer questions professionally.
The speaker is poised, controlled, and smooth in
answering questions.
Total Score/
50 points

Name The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker was The speaker is Total
showed successfully spoke able to answer poised, controlled,
(Alphabetical- Surname mastery of the established a confidently and questions and smooth in Score
first) business plan. rapport with the clearly. professionally. answering
audience. questions.
Bailo, Trisha Mhae B.
Mercado, Stephanie Anne S.
Montoya, Loemera Eunice Z.
San Pedro, Carl James V.
Santiago, Eunice L.
Tayag, Kiervy S.
Tayag, Sarah Kristine R.
Zerna, Althea Jodie A.

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