ICICISec Nov'18
ICICISec Nov'18
ICICISec Nov'18
November 5, 2018
Rating matrix
Rating : Buy Apcotex Industries (APCLAT) | 558
Target : | 650
Target Period : 12 months
Potential Upside : 16% Product mix offsets increase in RM costs…
What’s changed? Apcotex Industries (AIL) reported strong Q2FY19 results but
Target Unchanged witnessed deterioration on the balance sheet front
EPS FY19E Changed from | 22.7 to | 22.8
Revenues came in at | 160.1 crore, up 24.1% YoY. Gross margins
EPS FY20E Changed from 25.9 | to | 26.2
declined 140 bps YoY. However, employee expenses remained flat
Rating Unchanged
during the quarter. Accordingly, EBITDA margins came in at 12.3%
Quarterly performance vs. 11.7% YoY. Absolute EBITDA came at | 19.6 crore, up 29.9% YoY
Q2FY19 Q2FY18 YoY (%) Q1FY19 QoQ (%) AIL reported other expenses of | 0.37 crore during the quarter. Thus,
Revenue 160.1 129.0 24.1 150.1 6.7 PAT grew 19.1% YoY to | 10.1 crore
EBITDA 19.6 15.1 29.9 17.9 9.8
Strong performance despite spike in raw material prices
EBITDA (%) 12.3 11.7 (590) bps 11.9 (470) bps
PAT 10.1 8.5 19.1 11.2 -10.1 AIL’s raw materials are crude linked derivates that have significantly
spiked over the last three to four months. However, a combination of
Key financials product mix and productivity led initiatives helped the company offset
Change in estimates
FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
(| Crore) Actual Actual Old New % Change Old New % Change
Revenue 390.1 526.2 589.1 626.7 6.4 668.3 721.6 8.0
EBITDA 28.9 63.8 71.9 77.7 8.1 81.5 90.2 10.6
EBITDA Margin (%) 7.4 12.1 12.2 12.4 20 bps 12.2 12.5 30 bps
PAT 19.1 38.6 47.0 47.4 0.7 53.7 54.3 1.0
EPS (|) 9.2 18.6 22.7 22.8 0.7 25.9 26.2 1.0
Source: Company, ICICI Direct Research
FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
800 721.6
700 626.7
600 526.2
500 390.1
| crore
400 296.5
FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
13.3 12.5
100 12.1 12.4 14
80 90.2
70 77.7 10
60 8
| crore
40 6
30 39.4 4
20 28.9
0 0
FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
60 54.3
38.5 38.6
| crore
FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
Net Proft
35 22.2 22.2 25
30 17.0 20
25 20.8
20 15
15 18.8 19.2
16.1 10
8.6 5
0 0
FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
For augmenting growth, the company has taken several organic and
inorganic steps over the past several years. AIL’s net debt free status,
sound operating cash flow generation from the business of ~| 30 crore
over the next two years (FY19E & FY20E) and its modernisation &
efficiency plans give us reasonable confidence about the prospects of the
Oct-15 Jan-16 Mar-16 Jun-16 Aug-16 Oct-16 Jan-17 Mar-17 Jun-17 Aug-17 Oct-17 Jan-18 Mar-18 Jun-18 Aug-18 Nov-18
Source: Bloomberg, Company, ICICI Direct Research, Initiated coverage on July 18, 2014
Key events
Month-Year Event
May-16 Increases synthetic latex capacity from 30,000 tonnes to 40,000 tonnes
May-16 Stock split in 1:1 ratio
May-16 Increases synthetic latex capacity from 40,000 tonnes to 55,000 tonnes
Apr-16 Strong FY15 performance with 20% YoY growth in revenues and 88% YoY growth in PAT led by expansion in EBIDTA margins by 320 bps primarily due to a decline in
raw material prices & better inventory management. Increase in capacity utilisations & good volume growth also contributed to the strong performance
Jul-16 Apcotex board approves bonus in 1:1 ratio
Feb-16 Acquires 100% stake of Omnova Solutions India Pvt Ltd (OSIPL) at EV of | 36 crore. The acquisition gives Apcotex an opportunity to grow in new adjacencies in
emulsion polymers. The company plans to invest around additional | 40 crore in the acquired business
Source: Company, ICICI Direct Research
Recent Activity
Buys Sells
Investor Name Value Shares
L&T Investment Management Limited +0.23M +0.03M
Shah (Mita Dipak) +0.01M +0.00M
Strong Buy: >15%/20% for large caps/midcaps, respectively, with high conviction;
Buy: >10%/15% for large caps/midcaps, respectively;
Hold: Up to +/-10%;
Sell: -10% or more;
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