Industrial Training Report
Industrial Training Report
Industrial Training Report
This is to certify that Ms. Sanjana Omprakash Dubey . With Enrollment No. 2100720009
Solution Pvt . Ltd . from 07th June to 22nd July for partial fulfillment towards completion
Signature Signature
First I would like to thank Mr. Nikhil Shende the Director of Mountreach Solutions Pvt . Ltd.
for giving me the opportunity to do an internship within the organization. I also would like
all the people that worked along with me with their patienceand openness they created an
enjoyable working environment. It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense
of gratitude that Iacknowledge the help of these individuals . I am highly indebted to our
Principal Prof V. M. Gulhane, for the facilitiesprovided to accomplish this internship .I
would like to thank my Head of the Department Prof. S. M. Dhopte for hisconstructive
criticism throughout my internship. I would like to thank Prof. S. M. Dhpote, Institute
internship coordinator/mentorfor his support and advices to get and complete internship in
above said organization. I am extremely great full to my department staff members and
friends whohelped me in successful completion of this internship.
01 Title Page
02 Institute Certificate
03 Acknowledgement
04 Executive Summary / Abstract
05 1.Learning Objectives
2.Internship Objectives
06 Introduction
07 Internship Discussion
08 Weekly overview of internship activities
09 Conclusion
10 Bibliography
a)Company : The MSBTE has implemented I- Scheme industrial training of 6 Weeks after completion
of 4th Semester. For this Industrial Training, I have completed my industrial training in Android
Development at Mount Reach Solutions. MOUNTREACH SOLUTIONS is a software- based company
in Amravati. The company was established in 2021. Mr. Nikhil Shende is the CEO and H.R. Manager of
the company. Having 6 years of industry experience.
The company is one of the few IT system integration and software development companies in
Maharashtra. As a privately owned company, Mount Reach Solutions provides IT Consultancy, software
design, internships in android development, web development, python, Java, Html/CSS as well as
professional services.
b)Problem/Opportunity: In today’s world all smart phones are having Apps which are giving easeto
the society, education, business, tourism, research and development and various other sectors. Thescope of
android app developers has increased and will increase in the coming years in India. Big companies like
Samsung, Vivo, Oppo, OnePlus are launching mobile phones with a new update every year, that has
increased the demand for android. The android app provides enhanced user experience, It helps students,
teachers, Principal, management and other related bodies to connect virtually to provide and gather
information from different perspective, promote collaborative projects and assignments. Educational
mobile Apps are helping teachers to keep appropriate track of student performance. Students have
started accepting the digitalization of education and learning and soon this will change the entire
education system in India.
c)Methodology: There are in total 15 task performed during the internship. Each task had a theory lecture
and coding lecture and its implementation span. Each Task was observed and supervised under the mentor
and graded according to the task performed. Each lecture video was uploaded on the YouTube channel of
the company for leaning more and revision of the task. The app is developedfor the use of educational
organization which can be used by management members, students, teachers, parents, staff and other
related body. Each task was started with the front end coding and designing of pages and then started with
its backend coding for indicating user interface. During thecoding errors were solved with the help of
mentor. To check the working of app it was operated on mobile phone and Emulator. Daily quiz session
was conducted during internship and given points asper the performance of student
d)Key parts of the report & your findings and solutions provided in the report: Fordeveloping this
project we have used Android Studio. Programming in android studio needs knowledge of Java, HTML, C,
C++. During the internship I have also attended expert lecture conducted by Akshay Bahadarpur on how to
face interview. There are various new features in the app which in explained in detail in this report. This
report gives a detailed information about the app its making and overall idea about its working.
e)Benefits to company / Internship through your report : The app made by me with its detailed project
report is readily available to the company . This will help the company to modify it as per the requirement
of customer/ client. The company also promote that the number of students trained under corporate social
responsibilities for getting government schemes and develop company report.
➢ To integrate or synthesize knowledge from diverse disciplines, courses and areas ofexperience.
➢ To apply higher order thinking skills (critical thinking, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, complex
problem solving) to “real world” situations.
➢ Work persistently to achieve the targets.
➢ Attempts alternative solutions/ revise aims/execute alternative plans to gain real lifeindustry
➢ Show concern for material and cost reduction.
➢ Work independently for the responsibility undertaken and participate effectively in groupproducts.
➢ To achieve ability to present findings/features of projects in seminars, and answer the questions asked
about the project confidently.
➢ Project-related skills: develop skills in research, analysis, organization, time management,teamwork,
multiple task coordination, initiative, adaptability, and project completion.
➢ Computer/technology skills: improve skills with specific hardware/software/applications or social
media; understand how certain technologies are used in specific industries/companies; achieve
certification in a specific technical area.
➢ To develop career awareness, direction and exploration of vocation.
➢ Develop communication, interpersonal and other critical skills in the job interview process.
➢ It serves as a guide and reminder to the student, work supervisor and faculty supervisor ofthe academic
purpose and activities of the internship, regarding both the learning and skills fostered by the work
In recent times, Android became the world's most popular operating system for various reasons. Studio is
an IDE for Google Android Development launched on 16th May 2013, during Google's I/O 213 event.
Android Studio contains all the Android tools to design, test, debug, and profile your application. The
Android Studio uses Gradle to manage the project, a Build Automation Tool. For developing your first app,
you need to download Android Studio for your preferred platform (Windows. Mac OS X, or Linux) from
the Android developers site. Android Studio can develop and test your application on either a real device
or an emulator. The Internship in Android Development at Mountreach Solutions started from 1 july to 14th
of august .Internship trainings prove to be an important step in career growth in terms of knowledge, skills
and industry experience. An aspiring developer learns things that cannot be taught in training but must be
known in a working space. Internships are the first step to a career opening. The Industry provided 6 weeks
of internship. The first four days of internship was about the introduction of Industry and interaction with
the staff and students of Mountreach solutions. In the introductory lecture we were explained about the
industrial training , its mind map , timeline , Topics to be learned and benefits of internship. During this we
were informed about the rules and regulation of company that we need to follow .Next we learned about the
installation of Android Studio and learnt about its configuration and installed sdk tools. We have performed
total 15 task . I have made App on Book Shop in this app there are different types of book like History
books , Coding books , Technology books. This books gives information about Coding , History ,
During the internship we have attended daily quiz session which made us gain more information about the
topic. We were given points on our quiz which built learning strategy in us. Confidence – it’s something a
lot of people struggle with, especially interns. Internships not only help students build their measurable
abilities, but soft skills as well. Whether it’s through public speaking, giving presentations, or suggesting
new ideas, internships help build confidence, allowing me to grow as both a worker and a person .With an
internship experience, the job opportunities open up for a developer as a real time experience helps
companies in recognizing potential and knowledge and skills of a developer. An aspirant has some real
experience to show and that can open up a lot of opportunities for Android development jobs. During my
android internship, my co-workers allowed me to get creative with my assigned work. A combination of
these two things helped me build confidence by truly making me feel I was an asset to their company and
the work I was doing was important to them. In this android development we have performed the following
A splash screen is the first screen of the app when it is opened. It is a constant screen
which appears for a specific amount of time, generally shows for the first time when the
app is launched.
2) The Splash screen is used to display some basic introductory information such as the
companylogo, company title, company tag line and etc. just before the app loads
3) Here we created one activity MainActivity showing the Splash Screen ,inside this we
used oneTwo Textview for show title and Subtitle of Company. The main program is
written in MainActivity in java language.
Output :
➢ TASK 2 :- (Splash Screen To Login Page)
❖ Below the Logo create one Cardview
❖ Inside the Cardview used one Textview as the title of Cardview.
❖ Next below the card title create two Edittext name as username and Password.
❖ Below the last Edittext create one Button name as Login.
❖ At the below of Button create one Textview name as New User Click Here.
➢ In Task 4 we learnt about how to create checkbox below the Edittext Password to show
and hidethe password when user was click on it.
We Perform backend operation on Checkbox to work properly as on click.
In Task 4 we also learn about how to apply validation on Edittext, we apply various
validation as follow:-
1) Username not be Empty
2) Username length not less than 8.
3) Password not be Empty.
4) Password length not less than 8.
On last in this task if all validation work perfectly then we show Toast .Toast can be used to
display information for the short period of time. A toast contains message to be displayed
quickly disappears after sometimes.
➢ TASK 5:- (Login to Registration page)
In Task 5 learnt to design Registration Page using Textview and Edittext inside the
Cardview in which contain following fields
o Name
o Mobile Number
o Email Id
o Username
o Password
After the last Edittext create one Button name as Register.
We Perform backend operation on Registration Page as follow
o Create Object
o Find Id of Every Widget where we performing action
o Performing Validation
On Last if all validation work perfectly then show Toast as Register Successfully. Toast
can be used to display information for the short period of time. A toast contains message
to be displayed quickly and disappears after sometime.
➢ TASK 7 :- (Apply Back press, double tap, One time login and welcome
dialog box)
In Task 8 we are going to learn about how to create Tabbed in Activity using
TabLayout on Homepage.
Create Following Tabs using
TabLayout. o Students
o Teachers
o Branches
In TabLayout we can display more screens in a single screen using tabs. We can quickly
swipebetween the tabs.
ViewPager widget is found in the support library and it allows the user to swipe left or
right tosee an entirely new screen.
In Task 9 we learnt about how to create Google map, through Google Map
Console. to Show our Current Location using Latitude and Longitude.
Applied Animated Camera by adding dependencies.
Added Circle in Location to get clear view
Apply Various Map Type on Google
Map Add Polyline between two
➢ TASK 10:- (Explicit and Implicit Intent)
Explicit Intent :-
1) Explicit intent can do the specific application action which is set by the code like
changing activity, downloading the file in the background, etc.
2) In explicit intent, you can pass data to other activity by using the
putExtramethod and retrieve by using getIntent ().
3) Here we transfer our username and password from Login Page to Home Page
and HomePage to My Profile Page
4) In My Profile Page we set receive intent to username and password Textview.
o Implicit Intent:-
1) It specifies the only action to be performed and does not directly specify
Android Components.
2) Here we just mention the action in the intent and OS decides which
applications aresuitable to handle the task, action across two different
3) Here we Create Term and Condition Textview in Login Page and
On Click on Textview opening Goggle Policy page.
Step 2:- Goto Tools => Select Firebase => Select Cloud Messaging => Click on
First Option Setup with Firebase Cloud Messaging
Step 3:- Click on Connect to Firebase Button => Browse will be open => Select
You Gmail Account => Enter/Update your Project name => Next => Next=>
Continue => Connect
Step 4:- In Firebase Assistant => Select/Click on Add FCM to Your App Button =>
And Click on Accept Changes => and wait till completion of gradle build
Step 5:- We need Method to get the token of app so in firebase assistant scroll
down andin step 5 Step next select/click on first option
Step 6:- In Firebase Documentation goto Android Section => Select First option Setup an
Android Client=> Scroll Down copy the Retrieve the current registration token code and paste
inside the splash screen page.
➢ TASK 13:- (Text to speech, converting text to voice)
Generally, the android Text to Speech instance can only be used to synthesize
text once it has completed its initialization so implement Text To Speech.
➢ TASK 14:- ( Bluetooth technology )
Bluetooth is a way to send or receive data between two different devices.
Android platform includes support for the Bluetooth framework that
allows a device to wirelessly exchange datawith other Bluetooth devices.
Once you enable the Bluetooth, you can get a list of paired devices
by calling getBondedDevices() method.
➢ TASK 15:- (Music Player)
Methods used :
IsPlaying()-This method just returns true/false indicating the song is playing or not.
selectTrack(int index) - This method takes an integer, and select the track from
the list on thatparticular index.
It creates a basic media player that allows you to forward, backward, play and pause a audio.
On the whole, this internship was a useful experience. I have gained new knowledge, skills
andmet many new people. I achieved several of my learning goals very effectively. I got
insight into professional practice. I learned the different facets of working within an
industry. LI experienced that financing, as in many organisations, is an important factor for
the progress.
In this study, a mobile application was developed for courses at undergraduate level. The
application has been developed and used practically for 6 weeks. In other words, the
findings are based on a practical experience rather than a theoretical basis. The shows that
mobile applications will support education and increase motivation. This study supports
that mobile applications improve academic achievement. I can conclude that there have
been a lot I’ve learnt from my work at MountReach Solutions. whatsoever I believe my
time spent in internship and discovering it was well worth it and contributed to finding an
acceptable solution to build a fully functional Application. Two main things that I’ve
learned are time- management skills and self-motivation.