E Clip
E Clip
E Clip
Xiao Hong1,2 , Guo Xiao1, Wang Haoyu3, Ling Xing1 and Wu Sixing1
This article used a combined solution of ABAQUS and FE-SAFE to evaluate the performance and predict the fatigue life
of the e-clip (a widely used e-clip in the railway system) under cyclic loading. With the proposed methods, the fatigue life
analysis of the e-clip has been performed under 12 working conditions. The results show that the inside of the rear arch
has the shortest fatigue life and it is therefore the most critical part, which is proved by the field observation. Another
conclusion is that the insertion depth of the rear arch into the cast shoulder (short of the insertion depth) and the clip
deflection are two of the most important parameters to the fatigue life. The mismatch of the two parameters may cause
e-clip fractures. Finally, after optimization of the fatigue life analysis and energy analysis for the e-clip, it is suggested for
the installation of e-clips that the clip deflection should be within 10–12 mm and the gap from rear arch to cast shoulder
should be within 3–9 mm.
E-clip, fatigue life analysis, life prediction, insertion depth, clip deflection
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Table 1. The material properties of the fastening clip. example, C x Altınok,24 L Zou and T Center,25 and HO
Alil have used ABAQUS and FE-SAFE to analyze
Tensile Yield strength, Elongation Cross-sectional metal fatigue. S Wang et al.27 have used this method in
strength, ss (MPa) rate, reduction
sb (MPa) d10 (%) rate, C (%) highway pavement reflection crack analysis and nonme-
tal fatigue life analysis.
1274 1176 5 25 The fracture of the e-clips, under the long-term train
load, is a typical metal fatigue failure, but at the same
time, the fatigue damage of the fastener is different
from that of conventional metal fatigue. The main rea-
parameters which can identify the fatigue process. son is that the fastener is not only under the dynamic
S Mohammadzadeh et al.7 conducted the stress-based load of constant pressure, bending, shear, torsion, and
fatigue reliability analysis of the Vossloh spring clip other complex changes but also under the train axle
type SKL14 under traffic loads. J Sadeghi et al.8 stud- load, speed, and other changes in the different fatigue
ied the influences of train speed and axle loads on life responses. Based on this consideration, the FE-SAFE
cycle of rail fastening clips (Vossloh and Pandrol) and WORKS is a fatigue analysis software which has inter-
proposed that increases in axle loads cause substantial faces with many finite element software and post-pro-
increases in the clip plastic deformations; train speeds cessors. FE-SAFE module uses the advanced single
have less influence on the deflection. biaxial fatigue calculation method, which allows to cal-
T Deshimaru et al.9 proposed a method for predict- culate the elastic or elastoplastic load history.28 Hence,
ing the fatigue life of rail clips by established the rela- the software is used to perform fatigue analysis of the
tionship between the applied loads and stress on the rail e-clip in this study. Besides, the software ABAQUS has
clip in laboratory tests. Z Yu et al.10 studied the fatigue been used to model the fastening system, with the con-
life and the critical position of the X2 e-clips, under the sideration that the two solver modules (Standard and
fatigue loading. S Zhu et al.11 studied the Vossloh e- Explicit) are good at solving the complex nonlinear
clips and concluded that the rail corrugation would problems and the post-processor is user-friendly. In
accelerate the fatigue failure of the e-clips. Z Yan12 summary, the main purpose of this article is to try to
claimed that the coarse and inhomogeneous material in adopt a new analysis method which combines the cal-
the e-clips is the main reason of the reduction in the culation of ABAQUS and FE-SAFE to study the fati-
fatigue life. W Wang et al.13 concluded that main rea- gue failure of the fastening system in the subway.
son of the fracture of the e-clips is the local stress con- Furthermore, this method can be used to predict the
centration under the alternating stress. In addition, the life of Metro fasteners in Beijing and provides an effec-
fatigue cracks caused by the poor surface condition are tive means for the analysis of similar problems.
also one of the important reasons of the fatigue failure.
J Zhang14 performed the fatigue test on the v-clips; he
found that the v-clips fractured after three million times The simulation of the e-clip
load cycles, and other scholars also studied the mechan- Material properties
ism of fracture.15 As can be seen from the above study,
most researches of the fastening system fatigue are To ensure the accuracy of the calculation, the material
focused on the details such as the material properties, properties in the fastening systems model are defined
processing technology, and the loading conditions. according to the factory index.
However, the theoretical analysis is less focused, with
the problems such as the models are over simplified, the E-clip. E-clip is made by 60Si2Mn steel, and the material
boundary conditions are unreasonable, and it is incap- properties are shown in Table 1.
able to achieve a quantitative prediction of the service As the clamping force increases, the e-clip yields
life of the fastening system. Especially, a method for plastic deformation. The theoretical elastic model is
calculation and analysis that can be widely used has not therefore not able to simulate the actual stress state of
yet been developed. As a result, it is still difficult to the e-clip. This study takes the plastic material property
evaluate the fatigue performance of the e-clip under into consideration and conducts the nonlinear analysis
actual operating conditions and, moreover, to accu- to prevent that. The material property of the e-clip used
rately estimate the fatigue life of each part of the e-clip. in the simulation adopts the theoretical elastoplastic
With the development of technology, a variety of model, which is based on the material characteristics
fatigue analysis simulation technologies have been used and the processing technology and also combined the
in the field of aircraft, cars, cranes, asphalt, and other elastoplastic model in ABAQUS. A feature of the
metallic or non-metallic materials16–23; the popular soft- material is that after the material reaches the yield
ware includes the following: FE-SAFE, HyperWorks, strength, the stress continues to increase, but with a
MSC Fatigue, ANSYS, and ABAQUS (XFEM). For strengthening elastic modulus. According to Chinese
Hong et al. 3
which allows the ‘‘elastic slippage’’ as shown as dotted is shown in equations (4)–(7), while the parameters of
lines in Figure 4. The ‘‘elastic slippage’’ means a rela- the reconstructed S-N curve are shown in Table 6
tively small amount of movement that occurs between
the contact surfaces. When it occurs, ABAQUS can ðlg N ÞPC = Aav ZP + t1C ng 1 Arms
automatically select the penalty stiffness (the slope of + Bav Zp + t1C ng 1 Brms g lg Sa
the dot lines). By such contact settlings, the discontinu-
ity caused by the bonding and the slip in the fastening
system can be solved. ðlg N ÞPC = APC + BPC lg Sa ð5Þ
The boundary condition under the cast shoulder of the
fastening system model adopts the nonlinear Cartesian where APC and BPC are solved by equations (6)
spring instead of the rigid constraints, which is to properly and (7)
simulate damping behavior of the rail pads.
APC = Aav ZP + t1C ng 1 Arms ð6Þ
Combined solution of ABAQUS and FE-SAFE BPC = Bav ZP + t1C ng 1 Brms ð7Þ
The P-S-N curve of the smooth bar which is of 7.5 mm where N is the fatigue life and Sa is the fatigue strength;
diameter, made of the 60Si2Mn spring steel under four- APC and BPC are material constants; Zp is the per-
level strength, which has the survival rate at 95%,32 is centage function value when probability level P is in
shown in Table 5. accordance with normal distribution; ng is the number
Equations (2) and (3) are the regression based on of the samples; t1C (ng 1) is the value of the distribu-
parameters given in Table 5 tion function t when the freedom is ng 1 under the
confidence level C; Aav and Bav are the material con-
ðlg N Þav = 44:4068 13:3849 lg Sa ð2Þ stants of the mean relationship; and Arms and Brms are
ðlg N Þ0:95%95% = 39:5953 11:8436 lg Sa ð3Þ the material constants of mean–variance relationship.
The parameters of the fatigue analysis of the e-clips
According to Basquin S-N equation, the P-S-N fastening system can be achieved by fitting the 95%
curve is reconstructed when N obeys the logarithmic survival rate S-N curve to the fatigue model of e-clip in
normal distribution. The reconstructed P-C-S-N curve FE-SAFE. The elastic yield strength is 1200 MPa, the
Hong et al. 5
Fatigue limit stress models Expression ultimate fatigue stress models33 for mean stress are
2 shown in Table 7 and Figure 5.
Gerber parabolic model sa =s1 1 ssmb
In Table 7, sf is the actual breaking strength advisa-
h i
Goodman linear model sa =s1 1 ssmb ble to s0f ; cs is the conversion coefficient of the mean
h i stress when R . 0.
Soderberg linear model sa =s1 1 ssmy As can be seen from Table 7, the expressions of
h i Goodman model and Morrow model are simple, which
Morrow linear model sa =s1 1 ssmf are often applied in engineering, but the results are rel-
s cs sm R<0 atively conservative; the results of Gerber model and
Cepeheeh polyline sa = 1
s0 =2ð1+c0 s Þc0 s sm R.0 Cepeheeh model are close to the experiment data, but
the former has a complicated expression and the latter
needs to first get the fatigue limit s0 under cyclic load-
design fatigue life is five million, and the axle load of ing. The conception of Soderberg model is easy to
the subway vehicle is 14 t. The stress ratio of the cyclic understand, but the results are also conservative, which
loading can therefore be obtained based on the stress may introduce larger the deviation. By balancing the
extreme of the e-clip calculated by ABAQUS. Later, accuracy of results and convenience of the calculation,
the load spectrum can be made in FE-SAFE. the Goodman model, as one of the widely used model,
In engineering field, the fatigue life of components is selected to be modified.
depends not only on the stress amplitude but also on ABAQUS, as a re-processing and post-processing
the initial stress state. Prior to the vehicle loads, the e- visualization software, inputs first the calculation
clip undergoes relative high initial stress caused by results file (odb file) of the various conditions to FE-
buckle pressure during the installation process. Hence, SAFE for the calculation of the fatigue life. Then, it
it is not enough to only consider changes in stress inputs the prediction results to the ABAQUS for visua-
amplitude when calculating the fatigue life. The mean lization after which the distribution of the fatigue life
stress should be therefore modified. The common can be seen. The analysis process is shown in Figure 6.
Results analysis
The distribution of the fatigue life of the e-clip in the
Case study typical cases is shown in Figures 9–17, and the
detailed results are shown in Table 10. Note that the
Case conditions fatigue life is the logarithmic value, namely, lg (N ).
According to the operational characteristics of the sub- Because of the complexity of the e-clip structure and
way lines, the fatigue analysis of the e-clip considers the the demand of displaying the most unfavorable posi-
vertical vibration load caused by the moving of the tion of the e-clip, we only show the part of the model
trains and the resonant of the e-clip caused by the rail in Figures 9–16.
corrugation. The fatigue loads are applied to clip toe In the distribution of the fatigue life, the blue zones
and the amplitudes of the displacements are applied are the dangerous positions, while the red zones are the
according to the test results, as shown in Figure 7 and safe zones. As shown in Figures 9–16, the rear arch is
Table 8. As proved by experiments, the two main fac- the most critical cross section, which is in accordance
tors that affect the performance of the e-clips are the with the fracture position of the e-clip found in the
Cases 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 10. The distribution of fatigue life of case 3. Figure 13. The distribution of fatigue life of case 7.
Figure 17. The fracture of the fastening clip (fracture at the rear arch).
Hong et al. 9
lgN凚 N—Fatigue Life凞 10 Thousand Times凛 Figure 19 shows that when the gap from rear arch
10 d=1.5mm
d=3mm to cast shoulder is 1.5 mm, the fatigue lives of all e-clips
9 d=6mm are lower than the expected service life, and when the
8 d=8mm gap from rear arch to cast shoulder is 3 mm and the
clip deflection is 14 mm, the fatigue life does not meet
the requirement, either. It is therefore suggested that
6 the gap from rear arch to cast shoulder should be more
5 than 3 mm, while the clip deflection is less the 12 mm.
In general, the insertion depth and the clip deflection
should be combined carefully to prevent fracture of the
3 e-clips.
N=5 Million Times
The optimization based on the energy analysis
10.5mm 12mm 14mm
Besides meeting the requirements of the pressure, fati-
Clip Displacement(mm) gue strength, and residual deformation, an e-clip is also
evaluated for the ability to store energy, in other words,
Figure 18. The effect of the insertion depth and the clip the more the energy can be stored per unit mass of the
deflection to the fatigue life. e-clip, the better the e-clips are.34,35 The energy W,
stored by the unit mass of the e-clip after the same
loading, is therefore used as a criterion for the design
of the e-clip. The equation is shown as follows
lgN 凚N—Fatigue Life 凞10 Thousand Times凛
10 h=10.5mm
h=14mm PD
W= ð8Þ
where P is the clamping force (kN), D is the clip dis-
tance, m is mass of the e-clip (kg), and smax is the maxi-
mum equivalent stress in the e-clip after installation
4 (MPa).
If other requirements are satisfied, the more W is,
the better the design of the fastening clip is. The mass
N=5 Million Times of the e-clip is 0.64 kg.28 Combining with the analysis
results calculated by ABAQUS in the previous section,
1.5mm 3mm 6mm 8mm with the condition that the insertion depth is within
3–9 mm and the clip distance is within 10–12 mm, it is
The gap from rear arch to cast shoulder/d
found that the clamping force scales linearly with the
clip deflection. The results of energy W are shown in
Figure 19. The fatigue life of fastening clip in all cases. Table 11 and Figure 20.
Inside of the rear arch 1 173.73 97.31 8.46 5.45e7 3.59e6 416.87
2 175.27 98.77 8.81 5.57e7 3.61e6 323.30
3 172.98 98.12 9.11 5.80e7 3.52e6 492.79
4 174.21 97.78 8.98 6.29e7 3.78e6 366.35
5 173.38 99.17 9.24 5.47e7 3.92e6 362.83
The connection between the front arch 1 7.62e5 5.43e4 784.98 1.32e9 4.53e8 1.88e6
and the toe part 2 7.87e5 5.24e4 778.82 1.20e9 4.62e8 2.12e6
3 7.92e5 5.76e4 769.61 1.16e9 4.89e8 2.71e6
4 7.74e5 5.61e4 773.46 1.25e9 4.44e8 2.50e6
5 7.68e5 5.32e4 782.26 1.26e9 4.76e8 2.73e6
The fatigue life of the fastening clips 172.98 97.31 8.46 5.45e7 3.52e6 323.30
10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Inside of the rear arch 1 6.18e8 1.69e7 4412.66 2.43e9 5.94e7 2.23e4
2 6.15e8 1.74e7 4616.36 2.56e9 6.08e7 2.82e4
3 6.37e8 1.82e7 5265.02 2.84e9 6.12e7 2.50e4
4 6.56e8 1.88e7 6067.36 2.44e9 6.27e7 2.14e4
5 6.23e8 1.94e7 4483.02 2.51e9 6.42e7 3.10e4
The connection between the front arch 1 – 1.80e9 3.40e7 – – 5.62e7
and the toe part 2 – 1.88e9 2.69e7 – – 4.64e7
3 – 2.42e9 2.91e7 – – 4.57e7
4 – 2.07e9 3.46e7 – – 4.95e7
5 – 2.25e9 3.38e7 – – 4.71e7
The fatigue life of the fastening clips 6.15e8 1.69e7 4412.66 2.43e9 5.94e7 2.14e4
The clip deflection (mm) 10 0.1098 0.1089 0.1081 0.1073 0.1069 0.1067 0.1066
10.5 0.1196 0.1186 0.1177 0.1170 0.1166 0.1163 0.1161
11 0.1300 0.1291 0.1282 0.1274 0.1269 0.1266 0.1265
12 0.1514 0.1502 0.1492 0.1482 0.1478 0.1475 0.1471
suggested that the insertion depth should be increased,
0.16 d=4mm while the clip deflection should be decreased within the
d=5mm reasonable range.
d=8mm Conclusion
Elastic Energey W
0.14 d=9mm
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