Wargames Illustrated 290
Wargames Illustrated 290
Wargames Illustrated 290
T h e W O R L D ’ S P R E M I E R TA B L E T O P G A M I N G M A G A Z I N E
p l u s : t h e f l a m e s o f wa r e u r o g t, c o l o u r s 2 0 1 1 A N D m u c h M O R E !
FEATURED wargames illustrated issue wi290, december 2011
“This month’s theme focuses on the Eastern Front of WWII, in particular 1944. This
coincides with the release of two new Flames Of War compilations. Red Bear and Grey
TIGERS IN THE MUD ......... 10 Wolf contain all the forces from our Eastern Front books plus a load of new forces and
forces previously only available as PDFs.
Soon after finishing the books, I started thinking about German Tiger ace Otto Carius, who
I hadn’t thought to include in Grey Wolf. My fellow writer, Mike Haught, is a keen fan of
Otto Carius, so we naturally thought he’d make a great addition to this issue. As well as
Carius’s history and Warrior rules for Flames Of War, Mike and Victor Pesch recreate one
of his famous encounters, and we bring you a blow-by-blow account of that game.
Finally I take a look at one of the more unusual Soviet forces to serve on the Eastern
Front, the Machine-gun Artillery Battalion. These lightly manned, but heavily armed, units
garrisoned field fortifications in the Red Army lines, where they could pump out volumes
of firepower equal that of a much larger rifle unit.”
As well as the theme articles there’s lots more to enjoy in this issue, including action from
Wargaming 1866, The the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, American Civil War naval carnage in Clad in Iron, and
Austro-Prussian War 40 adventures on the Comanche warpath with a study of the Plains Indians by Chris Peers.
Dan Faulconbridge
UK Editor
This month’s cover illustration (seen again below) is by Vincent Wai, and is taken from the
new Flames Of War book Grey Wolf.
MANY WEAPONS! ............ 50
OF SYRACUSE .................... 56
Produced in the United Kingdom, Casey Davies, Sean Goodison, Mark
New Zealand and the United States Hazell, Michael Haught, Kyran Henry,
of America Victor Pesch, Chris Townley, Wayne
Turner and Phil Yates.
The Wargames Illustrated team:
Daniel Faulconbridge, Dave Taylor, Managing Editor: John-Paul Brisigotti.
Unit 26 Ian Bennett, Robert Townsend,
Whitemoor Court Industrial Estate Matt Parkes. Printed in the U.K. by: Warners PLC.
Nottingham. NG8 5BY
United Kingdom The Battlefront Miniatures Studio team: Marketing by: Comag Magazine
Copyright © Wargames Illustrated 2010 Tim Adcock, Evan Allen, Blake Coster, Marketing www.comag.co.uk
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• 10 December
GBX54 SS Kradschutzen Platoon
(with Panzer Meyer)
GBX59 Gebirgsjäger Infantry
GE504 Gebirgsjäger Pak36
Platoon (2 guns)
GE835 Gebirgsjäger Mortar
GE893 Unterscharführer Michael
Wittmann (with StuG A)
• 17 December
FW110 Grey Wolf (264p H/back)
FW111 Red Bear (216p H/back)
Raiding Aces!
December continues our Burning Empires
releases, with a focus on raiding forces as
groups of heavily-armed men dash across
the sands of the Sahara in Raiding Aces.
We also follow up on the new SS releases
from November with some great support
options including Kurt “Panzer” Meyer
and an SS Kradschutzen Platoon. We also
have Unterscharführer Michael Wittmann
and his StuG A Assault Gun joining the
fight for Greece.
During the second half of the month
we turn some of our attention to the
Eastern Front with our new Late War
Compilations: Grey Wolf and Red Bear.
For more information on these
two new books check out
page 62 for Wayne’s preview
of what you can expect
to see in them.
Osprey Publishing
Picks of the month
- World War III 1986
By Ambush Alley Games
“My fellow Americans, I’m pleased
to tell you today that I’ve signed
legislation that will outlaw Russia
forever. We begin bombing in
AMERICA 1700–1793 – Pearl Harbor 1941
five minutes.”
By René Chartrand By Mark Stille – Ronald Reagan, 1984.
Long before England established a In the early hours of December 7, 1941, With these words, spoken as a sound
serious presence in the New World, the Japanese First Air Fleet launched a check to a radio broadcast, President
Spain had already established an massive air-strike against the American Reagan came dangerously close to
overseas Empire. In North America, Pacific Fleet based at Pearl Harbor igniting the long-simmering Cold
this included vast tracts of territory in Hawaii. Supported by a group of War. Although Soviet forces were
including most of what today comprises midget submarines, the attack gutted placed on alert following reports of
the states of Florida, Arizona, Nevada, the American battleship fleet but, owing this comment, the full-scale conflict
New Mexico, Texas, Alabama, Illinois to a lack of intelligence, the American between the West and the Soviet Bloc
and California. In later years, as the aircraft carriers they hoped to destroy did not break out. Cold War Gone Hot,
British and the French came to expand were not present. In this new study of the latest companion volume for Force
their claims, they often came into the raid, Mark Stille reexamines the on Force, looks at the 44-year history
conflict with the Spanish. The Spanish political context of the attack and the of the Cold War and asks: “what if?”
also played a significant part during the intelligence operations of both sides, With the orders of battle, vehicle stats
American Revolution, fighting against and gives a detailed analysis of all the and missions included in this volume,
the British and drawing off forces major events during the battle. Backed Force on Force players can simulate the
needed to fight the Americans. This with numerous photographs, diagrams, advance of Soviet tanks across Western
book covers all of the North American maps, and artwork, this book is a Europe, a thrust into Alaska, or any
Spanish forces that fought in the complete study of the Japanese attack number of other plausible scenarios
campaigns of the 18th Century. that awoke ‘the sleeping giant’. where history took a different path.
If you have any news regarding releases, conventions, or other goings on, please send it through (along with some photos or a logo) to news@wargamesillustrated .net
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PENINSULAR WAR Graham Turner. You can choose from over 100 images from their books, including
WEEKENDER Spartacus, Tudor Warships and the 79th Highlanders at Waterloo. You can have
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Otto Carius was born in 1922 in Carius was hit in the face, losing several Tiger. Nevertheless, Carius went to work
Southwest Germany. In May 1940, teeth in the process. He recovered at an and met Hauptmann Schober, commander
Carius volunteered to join the 104th aid station and hitchhiked his way back of the 2nd Company. Carius kept him
Infantry Placement Battalion. He to the front. well supplied with French vermouth
received training in the infantry before and Schober saw to it that Carius
In early August 1941, Carius was
being assigned to the 21st Panzer was reassigned to his company. Soon
promoted to Unteroffizier and received
Regiment, of the 20th Panzer Division. thereafter the battalion was renamed the
orders to report to the 25th Panzer
He saw his first combat action in June 502nd Heavy Panzer Battalion, and Carius
Replacement Battalion to begin officer
1941, during Operation Barbarossa, was given command of a Tiger from the
training. In February 1942, Carius failed
the invasion of the Soviet Union. 2nd Heavy Panzer Company.
to meet the qualifications for officer
and was returned to the 21st Panzer After a short stay in France, where the
ON THE LENINGRAD FRONT, Regiment. He was given command of a crews became acquainted with their new
1941-42 Panzer platoon, but the regiment only had tanks, the company was dispatched to
The 21st Panzer Regiment was equipped enough tanks to equip a company, so his the Leningrad sector on the East Front.
with the Czech-made Panzer 38(t). Otto platoon had to fight as infantry until they Carius and the rest of the company first
Carius served as the tank’s loader in the received new Panzer 38(t) tanks. Carius saw action in July 1943 and fought for
10th Panzer Company. When Carius and and the rest of the 10th Panzer Company eight straight weeks.
the rest of his crew received their first finally received replacement tanks and
In November 1943, the company
Panzer 38(t) tanks they were excited. joined the fight once again.
was moved to counter the Russian
The tank was fast and manoeuvrable During the fighting in the early summer of breakthrough near Vitebsk and fought
and they felt the armour would protect 1942, the regiment received its first Panzer to hold open the important highway to
them from anything the enemy could III and IV tanks, which helped even the Newel. Here, Carius commanded several
throw at them. However, as Carius playing field against the tough new Soviet attacks with his platoon of Tiger tanks
noted, ‘We were enthusiastic about the T-34 tanks. For his combat experience and added several more tank kills to his
armour protection and didn’t realize until and leadership Carius was promoted to already impressive tally.
later that it would only serve as moral Leutnant and served as the commander of
During the fighting Carius’ gunner had
protection for us. If necessary, it would the battalion’s pioneer platoon.
an amazing stroke of luck. Carius wrote,
stop small arms fire’. ‘My gunner, Unteroffizeier Kramer, can
Only a month into the Russian campaign, CARIUS AND HIS TIGER take credit for a deed that was probably
Carius’ tank was hit and the crew had to In January 1943, Carius was transferred unparalleled on the Eastern Front. That is,
bail out for the first time. A disillusioned to the 500th Replacement Battalion. he succeeded in shooting down a Russian
Carius wrote, ‘We cursed the brittle When he arrived, he discovered that the fighter with a tank cannon ... Kramer,
and inelastic Czech steel that gave the battalion was formed exclusively from upset by the unrelenting nuisance of
Russian gun so little trouble. The pieces Eastern Front Panzer veterans to train on these guys, elevated his cannon along the
of our own armour plating and assembly the new Panzer VI Tiger heavy tank. approach route. I talked him in. He took
bolts caused considerably more damage His excitement was somewhat curbed a chance and pulled the trigger. On the
than the shrapnel of the round itself’. when he was assigned to run the officer’s second attempt, he hit one of the ‘bees’ in
club instead of taking command of a its wing. The Russian crashed behind us’.
In June 1944, Carius and the 2nd Heavy
Panzer Company were transferred to
Dünaburg to fend off the Soviet offensive
against Army Group North. The Soviets
managed to outflank the German
defensive lines further south during
Operation Bagration aimed at destroying
Army Group Centre. The renewed Soviet
assault in the north intended to take the
port city of Riga.
On 22 July 1944, Leutnant Carius
with his company of eight Tigers
advanced towards the village of
Malinava, north of Dunaburg, to halt
the Soviet advance. Carius and Leutnant
Albert Kerscher took a Kübelwagen
to recon the village. They found the
Soviets had arrived in the village. Carius
knew that the force in the village was leading into the village and attacking At that moment, Kerscher fired and
only the vanguard, waiting for the rest with the entire company would create knocked them out.
of the Soviet force to arrive. He knew a dangerous bottleneck. Carius led the
that this was the critical time to attack Then Carius noticed a strange tank ahead
attack in his Tiger and Kerscher’s Tiger
and recapture the village before the of him and for a second he thought he was
followed close behind.
reinforcements arrived. facing a captured King Tiger. However, he
Surprise and speed were critical to quickly reidentified the target as one of the
Carius attacked the village using two Carius’ plan. When Carius’ Tiger was new Soviet IS-2 heavy tanks. He opened
Tigers and kept the six remaining Tigers about to enter the village, two T-34/85 fire, hitting the heavy tank in the flank. The
in reserve. There was only one road tanks were observed rotating their turrets. Soviet tank exploded in a ball of flames.
Otto Carius (left) and Oberfeldwebel Zwetti (right) in front of Zwetti’s Tiger tank.
HERO OF THE FATHERLAND Carius’ Schwere Panzer Platoon may re-roll any failed
Carius became something of a legend. He was approached by Motivation Tests to Counterattack in assaults.
Himmler who tried to get Carius to join the Waffen-SS—an offer
he refused. Even the Soviets had placed a bounty on his head.
Carius and his gunner, Kramer, destroyed an impressive amount
If Carius is Destroyed during a game the morale of the entire of Soviet tanks in 1944, earning a total of over 150 kills!
German war effort takes a heavy blow, despite any other gains,
and the German player loses one Victory Point and their
opponent gains one Victory Point at the end of the battle. Tiger tanks in Carius’ platoon re-roll any failed To Hit rolls
when they shoot.
Carius scouted in his Kübelwagon before each battle. SETTING UP THE SHOT
Carius was a genius at spotting targets and setting up excellent
shots in order to inflict the maximum damage on enemy tanks.
Otto Carius may be either deployed as normal in his Tiger
I E tank at the start of the game, or begin the game as a
Kübelwagen Transport team. Enemy teams do not benefit from Concealment when shot at by
Carius. Furthermore, Carius ignores the normal +1 modifier
While mounted in the Kübelwagen, Carius is a Recce team. If when shooting at teams greater than 16''/40cm away.
mounted in his Kübelwagen, Carius’ Schwere Panzer Platoon
must be held off-table at the beginning of the game.
At the start of any of your turns, you may deploy Carius’
Feldwebel Albert Kerscher was Carius’s right-hand man.
Schwere Panzer Platoon held off-table so that all of the
Together they accumulated nearly 260 kills during their careers.
platoon’s tanks are:
• Concealed and more than 16''/40cm away from all enemy You may nominate one Tiger I E tank in Carius’s Schwere
teams, or are entirely out of Line of Sight of the enemy, and Panzer platoon to be commanded by Feldwebel Albert
• within 6''/15cm of Carius’ Kübelwagen. Kerscher for +50 points.
Once deployed, Carius remounts his Tiger I E tank and In addition, while Kerscher is within Command Distance of
fights as normal. Remove Carius’ Kübelwagen. The Tigers Carius, Kerscher may use the Setting up the Shot special rule.
placed on the table in this way can move and fight as
normal during the turn they appear.
If Carius is Destroyed while mounted in his Kübelwagen,
his Schwere Panzer Platoon is immediately placed in
Reserve. Carius’ Tiger becomes a normal Command
Tiger I E tank that still uses the Every Shot Counts special
rule, even though Carius has been Destroyed.
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The Battle of Marengo was fought on 14 June 1800 between French their cavalry or infantry either in line or
forces under General Napoleon Bonaparte and the Austrian army column, there may not be a mixture of the
under General der Kavallerie von Melas, near the city of Alessandria two formations within the same brigade.
in northern Italy. This battle saw a desperate and lucky Bonaparte Also Austrian generals’ command radius
eventually bring about the destruction of the main Austrian field force. is more limited than that of the French.
The French, under the Consulate, are a
The build up to Marengo began with forces time to regroup. As the French mixed force of seasoned professionals
Bonaparte’s Army of Italy debouching infantrymen held their line, Bonaparte
and new recruits, commanded by
from the alpine passes to concentrate issued new orders recalling marching
generals as varied as Bessieres, Lannes
in the plains of northern Italy, thereby divisions and feeding his troops
and Murat (all of whom would become
threatening the Austrian lines of into battle.
famous French Marshals under the
communication. After securing an early
victory over the defending Austrians at Our General de Brigade refight begins Napoleonic Empire) to such men as
the battle of Montebello, Bonaparte grew at this point, with the French desperately Chambharlac who quit his command
somewhat overconfident. Anticipating holding the line of the Fontanone stream and fled the battlefield at the start of the
that the Austrians would be on the back against the massed ranks of the advancing first Austrian attack! The French army
foot he was surprised when his enemy Austrians, whilst French reinforcements was nonetheless a well lead and a highly
rapidly concluded the siege of Genoa and race to the battlefield. flexible force - and it would need to
struck back at Bonaparte’s army. The clash at Marengo provides an be, as the combat at Marengo severely
interesting opportunity to field two tested its mettle. Under the rules, French
The Battle of Marengo began with the
quite different armies. With General flexibility is represented by an increased
Austrians launching a surprise attack
de Brigade the Austrian army is a command radius for French generals, an
from their fortress at Alessandria. The
Austrian force drove in the French trained and professional force, but ability to adopt any formation within the
outposts and soon found themselves does sometimes suffer from indifferent same brigade, thus formations such as
opposing the enemy’s main defensive line commanders and slow and limited order mixte (where two battalion columns
stationed just over the Fontanone stream. tactical ability. To reflect this under the rest on the flanks of a battalion deployed
The French defence of this swampy and rules the Austrians were required to in line) are permissible, along with open
uneven watercourse was to prove critical follow the Historical Brigade Formation order tactics available to all troops types
as it slowed the Austrian advance and and Linear Tactics rulings. This restricts regardless of whether they are designated
permitted the more scattered French early Allied brigades to deploying all as line infantry or light infantry.
Napoleonic Wars
9) 1245: Hardegg’s pioneers build a
new crossing. IR63 moves between
Lannes and Rivaud. Lannes moves a
battery up to counter the Austrians.
1250: Two Grenadier batts cross
with two squadrons of 1. Dragoons.
Bellegarde’s troops cross to
engage 22eme.
10) 1300: Rivaud leads up Victor’s
last two batts against the grenadiers.
11) 1330: Watrin’s Brigade breaks
up. Four Austrian squadrons engage
Champeaux and 40eme to the rear of
Marengo. 1345: Lannes’ reordered
troops attack again, pushing the
Austrians back to the Fontanone.
12) 1400-1430: O’Reilly pushes
Dampierre back to Casina Bianca.
Schustekh and a grenzer battalion
force the French to surrender, as the
rest of O’Reilly’s force head
for Frugarolo.
13a) 1415: Nobili’s Dragoons
charge over the bridge with cavalry
guns in support to clear
French infantry.
13b) Kellerman counters to drive
Nobili back as 96eme cover
Gardanne’s withdrawal
towards Spinetta.
14) 1430: Ott sends Schellenberg
through Castel Ceriolo to
support Gottesheim.
15) 1430: Latterman and IR63
cross the Fontanone again. Lannes
withdraws Watrin as Rivaud
evacuates Marengo, except 400 men
1) Gottesheim clears 6eme Legere 4) 2nd Batt 43eme committed to
in the farm. New French line established
outposts from Castel Ceriolo. Two Marengo as Kaim’s attack pulls back.
amongst the vines.
squadrons chase most of them up the
5) 1200-1230: O’Reilly’s Grenzers
Sale road. 1230: This cavalry is sent 16) 1430: Melas leads two Dragoon
engage 24eme Legere. Pilatti’s cavalry
further up the road. squadrons down the road to capture
cross the Fontanone. They drive off
Marengo. The Austrians cross in
2a) 1220: Gottesheim attacks 8eme Dragoons, but are scattered by
force. Austrian guns pound the entire
Lannes’ right. Kellerman’s cavalry.
French line.
2b) Four squadrons move into 6) Weidenfeld’s Grenadiers moved to
17a) 1500: Bonaparte arrives with
open ground. cover Pilatti’s withdrawal.
his Guard.
3) 1230: Lannes moves a battalion of 7) 1230 onwards: Ott’s two squadrons
17b) Monnier’s Division heads for the
22eme to form a right flank. 28eme form fight running skirmishes with J. Rivaud’s
French right and Castel Ceriolo
a single square. 40eme fill in to the rear. hussar outposts.
Above: Map from CAMPAIGN 70 - Marengo 1800, © Osprey Publishing Ltd. www.ospreypublishing.com
“The Granite Redoubt”: The Consular Guard Grenadiers at Marengo. (Flags by Flagdude: www.flagdude.com)
FCG 02
Consular Garde
FCG 01 Grenadiers (8) [B]
FCG 02 Command (4) [E]
FA 01 Foot Artillery Crew (6) [C]
FA 02 Horse Artillery Crew (6) [C]
FA 03 Gribeauval 12 pdr (1) [D]
FA 04 Gribeauval 8 pdr (1) [D]
FA 05 Gribeauval howitzer (1) [D]
FA 06 Gribeauval Limber (1) [A]
FA 07 Gribeauval 4 pdr (1) [D]
FLi 01 Marching/Advancing I (8) [B]
FLi 02 Marching/Advancing II (8) [B]
FLi 03 Firing Line (8) [B]
FLi 04 “Scruffy” (8) [B]
FLi 05 Command I (4) [E]
FLi 07 Elites, Bearskin, Marching/Advancing [E]
FLi 08 Elites, Bearskin, Firing Line [E]
FLi 09 Elites, Plumed Bicorne, Marching/Advancing [E]
FLi 10 Elites, Plumed Bicornes, Firing Line [E]
FLi 11 Command bis (4) [E]
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range - including figures for the Irish Uprising of http://stores.ebay.co.uk/arcane-scenery-and-models
1798 and the Haitian Revolution are available from: www.arcanesceneryandmodels.co.uk
NB: Flag Dude does flags for our Irish Uprising & Lombardy Legion: www.flagdude.com
In mid-1944, the Soviet war machine was slowly crushing its way west. Then suddenly, in June, the Red Army
launched Operation Bagration, destroying Germany’s Army Group Centre. Further south, Soviet forces pushed
into Romania and not only knocked the minor Axis power out of the war, but also forced them to turn on their
former allies, the Germans and Hungarians.
Meanwhile, in the north, the Germans were slowly pushed back from Narva to the small town of Dünaburg in
southern Latvia. Here the Germans once again made a stand against the Soviet army in late July 1944.
FROM THE TANNENBERG and the 1st and 2nd companies of 502. Malinava. From there the battalion could
Schwere Panzerabteilung across the Düna counterattack any place that the Soviets
LINE TO DÜNABURG (Dvina) River from the south to the north broke through.
Between January and July, 50,000 men
bank to support the 290. Infanteriedivision
of German Army Detachment Narva On 22 July, Carius’ 2. Kompanie
(290th Infantry Division) against a Soviet
staunchly held up 200,000 Soviets on the (2nd Company) received reports of the
armoured thrust.
Narva line. Sometimes referred to as the Soviet breakthrough. German troops were
‘Battle of the European SS’, the Battle panicking and fleeing toward Dünaburg
of Narva saw combatants from Germany, THE BATTLE OF MALINAVA ahead of the Soviet attack. Without wasting
Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, On 22 July, the Soviets launched another a moment, Carius and his right-hand man,
and Estonia fighting against the Red major attack and broke through the Feldwebel Albert Kerscher, sped out in
Army. During this time the 502. Schwere German lines northeast of Dünaburg. They a Kübelwagen against the tide of fleeing
Panzerabteilung supported various Heer sent the 48th Guards Tank Regiment and German troops to scope out the situation.
and SS units during the fighting. the 41st Tank Brigade through to exploit
the gap and drive deep behind enemy They reached a hill just to the south of
In April, Otto Carius and his company of lines. A forward detachment of IS-2 heavy Malinava and approached the crest on
the 502. Schwere Panzerabteilung (502nd tanks and some T-34/85 medium tanks foot. The two passed a set of binoculars
Heavy Tank Battalion) moved by train with infantry riding on their backs led between them. Carius noted that the
to Pskov, south of Lake Pskov, and spent the way. Soviets had occupied the town and
the next two months operating in the area were busy looting and milling about
between the lake and the Düna (Dvina) The Soviet tanks drove into the small outside their tanks. The Soviet forward
River supporting a number of German village of Malinava, 12 miles (20km) detachment had stopped to await the
and Latvian infantry formations. northeast of Dünaburg. Flush with their rest of the tank brigade to catch up with
successful advance, the Soviet tank crews its advance.
By July, Carius’ company had been jumped out of their tanks and took a break.
moved south and were positioned near Unbeknownst to them, however, they were Carius knew that time was of the essence
the town of Dünaburg (Daugavpils) in being watched from a nearby hill through and that the detachment would have to
southern Latvia. With the initial success a pair of binoculars belonging to none be destroyed before the rest of the Soviet
of Operation Bagration, Red Army other than Otto himself… tank brigade arrived to cement their hold.
forces were now pouring westwards out The main challenge that faced Carius
of Byelorussia into Lithuania and were Otto Carius and the 502. Schwere was the approach. He recognised that
threatening to cut off Army Group North Panzerabteilung had taken up a he could not storm the village en masse,
in Estonia and Latvia. On 22 July Carius defensive position just to the south of so he elected to keep six of his Tigers
Pilskalne Soviet Armoured Attack
25 July 1944
Ilukste Lipinski
2 502 I
3 502
(Carius) 1 502
I Zidina
3 502
0 Miles 10
Svente Dünaburg
0 KM 10 20 Kaplava
in reserve behind the hill, while he and quickly enough as each tank came the remaining tanks of the Soviet brigade
Kerscher charged into the village, using under the sights of Otto Carius and were scheduled to relieve the ones Carius
complete surprise to their advantage. Albert Kerscher. and his company had just destroyed.
The remaining tanks were to stop any Armed with this information, Carius
Suddenly a massive tank loomed in
reinforcements and mop up any Soviet prepared an ambush for them.
front of Carius, who at first thought
stragglers. With the plan firmed up,
it was a King Tiger that the Russians Carius and his eight Tiger tanks moved
Carius put Leutnant Nienstedt, a recent
had captured and put into use. Carius 6 miles (10km) to the east of Malinava
arrival to the company, in command of
quickly recognised the running gear and set up their ambush. Sure enough a
the remaining six Tigers. Kerscher and
of the tank as Russian and fired on it. column of tanks, trucks, and tank-riding
Carius moved out onto the road.
The Soviet IS-2 heavy tank burst into infantry appeared into their sights. In
Carius and Kerscher poured on the gas flames. In 20 minutes of mad shooting a short and sharp fight Carius and his
and charged head-long into Malinava. and explosions, Carius and Kerscher had men left 28 tanks and dozens of trucks
The Soviets were taken completely by destroyed 17 IS-2 and five T-34 tanks. destroyed and smouldering.
surprise. The 8.8cm guns of the Tigers Meanwhile, Leutnant Nienstedt moved
Carius and his men did not lose a single
ripped into the unsuspecting T-34 tanks, up and mopped up the Soviet tanks trying
Tiger in the battles around Malinava, but
which exploded left, right, and centre. to escape Carius’ rampage.
had destroyed over 50 enemy armoured
Slowly the Soviet crews reacted, but not
As the dust settled, a map was discovered vehicles. The Soviet exploitation had not
amongst the carnage that revealed that only been stopped, it had been destroyed.
You might notice that the two forces’ point-totals are not equal. 48TH GUARDS HEAVY TANK REGIMENT
This is because in the scenario, the Soviet tanks begin the game
with their vulnerable side armour exposed to Carius’ Tigers in
addition to beginning the game bailed out. Once the Germans
Gvardeyskiy Tyazhelyy Tankovy Company: (405 points)
have inflicted all of their damage after their first turn, the points
with 3x IS-2 obr 1943 tanks
should even out a bit.
Total: 1990 points
Objective German
Deployment Area Objective
Soviet Tanks in
Village begin the
game Bailed Out.
Otto Carius, one of Germany’s top Tiger Aces, has located the BEGINNING THE BATTLE
lead elements of the Soviet 48th Guards Heavy Tank Regiment 1. The Soviet player’s Tank teams in the village start the game
and 41st Tank Brigades in the small village of Malinava. Bailed Out.
2. The German player takes the first turn.
You must utterly destroy the Soviet spearhead to stop the Soviet The battle ends when:
offensive against Dünaburg.
• either player takes an objective,
Soviet • no German Tiger tanks remain on the table.
Your forward detachment has arrived in Malinava. Your
orders are to await the arrival of the rest of your forces before DECIDING WHO WON
proceeding to Dünaburg. The German player wins if he takes the objective, thereby
breaking the Soviet hold on Malinava and crushing the Red
PREPARING FOR BATTLE. Army’s spearhead.
1. Set up the table as shown above. The table is 6' x 4' (180cm
The Soviet player wins if he takes an objective, thereby turning
x 120cm).
the tables on the 502. Schwere Panzerabteilung and pushing
2. The Soviet Player now deploys his force as shown on the through to Dünaburg.
map above.
3. The German player now deploys his force anywhere in the
area marked on the map above.
4. The German player now rolls for his Tiger Ace skills.
True to history, Victor used Otto Carius’ special rule, Otto’s Kübelwagen, to deploy Carius’ and Kerscher’s Tigers in front of the
village. Victor immediately identified the IS-2 heavy tanks as the single greatest threat, so Carius’ and Kerscher’s special rules would
be critical for knocking them out as quickly as possible before they could fire back.
The remaining Tiger platoon and the Command Tiger I E tank took up excellent positions in a small wood overlooking Mike’s
reinforcement Tankovy and tank-riding infantry. Victor placed his 2iC Tiger I E in the middle the two groups to cover the space between.
1 1
Mike’s Tankovy were a little worse for Meanwhile, the T-34s poured off the Mike’s tanks stuck in the village
wear, but still had plenty of fighting spirit road, took cover in the nearby field, attempted to remount their tanks. A
left in them. The infantry riding atop the and engaged the Tigers in the woods. few succeeded, but several, including
second Tankovy dismounted and made a However, the clumsy nature of Soviet the remaining IS-2 heavy tank, did not.
dash at the double toward the enemy. tactics meant that none of the shots could Those that rallied attempted to return fire
find their mark. Still, they were in a on Carius and Kerscher, but had no effect
better position than previously! against the thick hides of the Tiger tanks.
3 2
Mike’s T-34s are dwindling and the push into the centre of the table, coldly force Kerscher to bail out.
last of the IS-2s have been knocked ignoring the casualties they took in the
The second Tankovy company opened
out without firing a shot! Still, the previous turn.
fire on the Tigers in the woods and
only option is keep the pressure on the
The tanks in the village return fire against knocked out a Tiger and bailed a
Germans and try for that lucky shot! To
Carius and Kerscher and managed to second one.
that end, Mike’s tank riders continue to
5 4
Mike’s T-34s are fighting to stay Victor’s 2iC Tiger stood in the way and On Mike’s right flank, his T-34s pushed
alive long enough to take out one of needed to be removed. forward to try and score some side
Germany’s best aces. The infantry were shots against the Tigers. One tank
The last two T-34/85 tanks remaining in
well on their way to putting pressure managed to get into the side of a Tiger,
the village opened fire on the 2iC Tiger
on their objective. Another few turns, while the other engaged the CiC tank
tank. Their combined effort saw the Tiger
and Carius would be forced to pull back from the front. The shooting bailed the
tank explode into a ball of flames. The
out of the village to defend against the remaining tank from the second Schwere
infantry were now free to press home
Soviet counterattack. But Mike knew that Panzer Platoon.
their attack!
Victor failed to convince the crew from flank, so he moved the Tiger out into a Meanwhile Carius and Kerscher carried
the bailed out Tiger tank to remount, much better position. He settled the Tiger on causing havoc in the village. Carius
despite having his company commander in such a way that Mike would have to located and destroyed Mike’s Battalion
there to help. The desperate fight between move one of his T-34s to get a side shot. commander, and bailed out the last
the two T-34s and the two Tigers was If Mike moved, Victor could rely on remaining T-34 obr 1942 tanks left the
suddenly becoming more even! Victor Hen and Chicks to make it very difficult village. Kerscher knocked out one more
put together a clever plan. for the T-34s to hit the Tigers! Once in T-34/85.
position, the CiC Tiger fired, but missed
The empty hulk of the bailed out Tiger All that remained of the Tankovy in the
its target. Still, it maintained a tactical
prevented Victor’s Company Commander village was a pair of T-34s, which refused
advantage over the Soviets.
from being able to shoot at the T-34 in the to quit the field, despite the terrible losses!
6 5
Mike had only a toe-hold in the village As the fight in the village came to a head, into the side of the bailed-out Tiger and
with only two T-34s, one being a 76mm Mike’s infantry stormed the objective, two into the front of the CIC Tiger. One of
tank and the other being an 85mm tank. At moving at the double to get there. the T-34s destroyed the bailed-out Tiger,
this point, Mike needed to buy a few turns scoring Mike a much-needed victory
On the right flank, Mike’s remaining two
for his infantry to snatch their objective. point! The other shots hit the CiC Tiger,
T-34/85 tanks had to make a decision: play
So the T-34s tried to shoot up Carius and but failed to penetrate its armour.
into Victor’s cunning plan and move, or
Kerscher, but both tanks missed!
stay put and divide their fire. In the end, With that, all Mike could do was hope Victor
Mike chose to stay put and put two shots failed to clean out his remaining T-34s!
8 5
Armament Top
8.8cm KwK36 gun, Co-ax MG, Hull MG Weight: 55 tonnes (63 tons)
Crew: 5
Armour: 120 mm (5'')
Armament: 1× 8.8cm KwK 36 L/56
2× machine-guns
Speed: 38 km/h (24 mph)
Produced: 1,347
Front Side
Armour Movement Armour Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes
9 Slow tank, Wide tracks 8 8.8cm KwK36 gun 40''/100cm 2 13 3+ Slow traverse.
Front Side
Armour Movement Armour Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes
10 Slow tank 8 122mm D-25T gun 32''/80cm 1 15 2+ Breakthrough gun.
Armament Top
T-34/85 OBR 1943
85mm D-5T gun, Co-ax MG, Hull MG Weight: 32 tonnes (35 tons)
Crew: 5
Front Armour: 75mm (3'')
Armament: 1× 85mm D-25T gun
2× machine-guns
Speed: 50 km/h (31 mph)
Produced: 29,430
Front Side
Armour Movement Armour Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes
7 Standard Tank 5 85mm D-5T gun 32''/80cm 2 12 3+ Limited vision.
Front Side
Armour Movement Armour Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes
6 Fast tank, Wide tracks 5 76mm F-34 gun 32''/80cm 2 9 3+ Limited vision.
alexandria / /
bjectives destroyed:
Cairo / /
bjectives destroyed:
/ /
objectives destroyed:
/ /
objectives destroyed:
/ /
objectives destroyed:
/ /
bjectives destroyed:
/ /
bjectives destroyed:
/ /
objectives destroyed:
Bardai / /
raiDing aceS campaign regionS
objectives destroyed:
important dates
Deep Sahara
Axis Axis
500 poinTS
Allied Allied Keep Your Fire up! cunning liKe a Fox cuStom riDe we lucKY Few DeSert explorer gave me thiS Scar Satchel chargeS Flat-o
out how’D You get on Turn one: Turn two:
A Combat platoon led by Your Ace may be held Your Ace is mounted in Before the game begins, Your Ace and any Your Ace receives +1 XP Instead of assaulting, While mounted in a If your Ace or 2iC team
your Ace that is Pinned off-table and placed a custom vehicle armed your Ace may roll up platoon he has joined al- if he Destroys opponent’s your Ace may place a vehicle, your Ace receives demolish an objective,
Turn Turn Turn
Down may still fire at near one of your pla- with two AA MGs and a to nine Motivation ways pass Skill Checks to Ace in this game. Op- single Satchel Charge an extra 4”/10cm to his the other team may re-
1 their full ROF during
their Shooting Step.
toons. On a 4+ your Ace
can return to being held
Twin AA MG . Your Ace
uses all of the Motorcycle
1 Tests. For each success-
ful result, add one Rifle
free Bogged Down teams
in your Starting Step.
ponent must allocate all
hits from your Ace on
1 token. Your Ace may det-
onate a Satchel Charge
movement while moving
across Cross Country
roll a failed attempt to
demolish an objective in
off-table. Reconniassance special team to a new Partisan their Ace, even if it is token within 16”/40cm terrain in your Move- the same turn.
Hon Jalo siwa rules. Platoon. attached to a platoon. and Line Of Sight. ment Step.
(500 poinTs) (700 poinTs)
Split up DiverSion heavY Firepower SpreaD the worD Sun compaSS bitter hatreD collateral Damage pit Stop one up
Turn three: smash & grab:
WeSTern DeSerT
Before the game begins, Once per game, at the You may upgrade up Your Ace may add an Teams from your HQ One of your Combat If a Satchel Charge Instead of Shooting, If your Ace or 2iC team
Axis Axis Axis you may split up to one beginning of your op- to one vehicle in each additional three dice Combat, and Weapons Platoons re-roll misses demolishes an Objective, Your Ace and any Hits in Assault Combat,
700 poinTS
combineD Strength boobY trapS improviSeD StabiliSerS our ranKS grow Sting oF the Scorpion See thiS through Special iSSue FiniSh line anYthing You can (900 poinTs) (500/700/900 poinTs)
Via BalBia
Combat platoon Com- Your force may use up to All vehicles in your Com- Your Ace may add an Your unarmoured Your Combat and Weap- exploSiveS Vehicles from your Do...
900 poinTS
mand Teams that are five Booby Traps during bat Platoons are equipped additional three dice teams from Combat and ons Platoons may re-roll Charges are Anti-tank 5 Combat and Headquar- For every Hit scored by
Turn Turn Turn
ToTal Campaign poinTs seCured in Turn 3 Destroyed survive on a the game. with Stabilisers for their to your We Lucky Few Weapons platoons may failed Motivation Tests and Firepower 2+. ters platoons may escape your Ace or 2iC team
3 3 3
Turn 3
roll of 3+. main guns. dice roll, for a total of ignore a Hit in Assault if to Counterattack against Enemy teams within in the same turn that during the Shooting
Axis Allied 15 dice. they roll a 6 (or 5+ while your opponent’s Combat 2”/5cm of a detonated they have moved At the Step, the other team may
under the effects of a and Weapons Platoons. Satchel Charge fail their Double on a result of 5+, re-roll a failed To Hit
Khamseen). saves. otherwise are Destroyed. roll in the same turn.
GOES TO SquaDron oF tricKSter quartermaSter private armY we are the Storm twiSteD FocuS Saboteur granD prix rivalrY
heroeS You may place one of Vehicles from your HQ Your Ace may recruit At the beginning the Teams from HQ, All command teams of Vehicles from your When your Ace and
When your Ace earns your Combat Platoons and Combat platoons do either two Partisan Pla- game you may place a Combat, and Weap- your Combat Platoons Combat or HQ Platoons 2iC teams join separate
this Ability, each Com- off-table with your Ace. not have their normal toons (using Our Ranks 24” wide Khamseen ons Platoons Hit your are equipped with the may move an additional Combat Platoons, the
mand Team of your You Ace may take a save. Instead, if they are Grow) or one large anywhere on the table. opponent’s teams on a Turn 1 Satchel Charges 6”/15cm on a roll of 2+. Rivalry Abilities also ap-
Combat Platoons may platoon with him when Hit your opponent must Partisan Platoon. Your troops ignore the 2+ in assault, but Hit Ability. You may re- However, if you roll a 1 ply to those platoons.
choose a level one Ace he is removed from the make a Firepower Test effects of the storm. teams from other forces roll failed Collateral they crash and become
ability. table. to Destroy them. on a 5+. Damage rolls Bogged Down.
© Copyright Battlefront Miniatures Ltd., 2010. All Rights Reserved.
To find your local stockist, or order any of our ranges on-line, please visit us at
Advancing 28mm Prussians from
North Star’s 1866 range.
THE OPPOSING FORCES If the disparity between the opposing discount this theory, they realised that it
forces was simply one of numbers then was a real possibility and in their training
Although her population was significantly
there would be little to recommend this emphasised range finding, marksmanship
smaller than Austria’s, thanks to the army
period over any other, but there was more and fire disclipine, accomplishments
reforms of the late 1850’s Prussia was
to it than that. In 1842 Prussia became which would stand them in good stead in
able to mobilise almost 300,000 front line the first major power to equip its infantry the encounters of 1866.
troops as opposed to Austria’s 400,000. with a breech-loading rifle, the famed
However, Prussia wasn’t only fighting Austria, on the other hand, had
Zündnadelgewehr. Initially restricted
Austria, she was fighting most abandoned her brief experiment with fire
to the Fusilier battalions of the regular
of the German Confederation as well, tactics after the army’s poor showing
infantry, by 1866 the needle gun had
which could (on paper at least) field against the French in 1859. Equipped
been issued to all branches of the regular
120,000 men. with a conventional muzzle-loading
infantry and some of the Landwehr too.
Minie-type rifle, the Lorenz Precision
In Austria’s case, the secondary threat In retrospect, the decision of the major Musket, poor Austrian marksmanship led
was principally Italy (though she was powers not to follow Prussia’s lead in them to conclude, erroneously, that the
forced to divert significant numbers of its choice of infantry weapon seems future lay with Stosstaktik, impetuous
troops to man her many fortresses and perverse, however at that time the attacks delivered in dense formations and
to ‘observe’ neutral Russia). Thus, at the majority of informed opinion was against carried at the point of the bayonet. In fact
outbreak of hostilities, after both sides the breech-loader. Ordinary soldiers, the the Lorenz, a muzzle loader and therefore
had made the necessary contingencies, experts reasoned, particularly conscripts, slower to load and fire than the needle
an Austrian army of 245,000 combatants couldn’t be trusted not to fire off all gun, was considerably more accurate.
would face three Prussian armies their ammunition at the beginning of Effective against individual targets at 400
(Elbe Army, First Army and Second the battle, leaving their pouches empty metres and against formations at 800, in
Army), totalling a slightly more when the conflict entered its second, the hands of trained men, like Jägers, the
numerous 254,000. decisive phase. The Prussians didn’t Lorenz was a formidable weapon.
Above: 6mm Prussians assault a Saxon held forest in Bruce Weigle’s “Problus, 1866” game. Look for more photos of this table next month.
Although leading the way in infantry By way of contrast, Austria’s artillery didn’t consider losing a gun as any
armarment and tactics, for many years in 1866 was probably the best in the kind of disgrace, on the contrary it was
Prussia’s artillereurs had not kept pace world. Outgunned by the French 1859, regarded as proof positive that the crew
with modern developments. By 1866, Austria had divested herself of all her had done their duty to the end.
the old school were mostly dead or smoothbores and re-equipped with rifled
pensioned off, but more than a third of 4pdr and 8pdr bronze muzzle-loaders (the And finally to the cavalry, where the
her guns were still smoothbore and the poundage of the gun refers to the size general concensus seems to be that
rest, rifled steel breech-loaders from of roundshot it would be theoretically here again the Austrians had the upper
the Krupp works in Essen, were so new capable of firing; in fact these guns hand. William Howard Russell of the
that their their crews were insufficiently fired coned cylindrical projectiles, (London) Times (he of the famous “Thin
practiced in their use. The description usually shrapnel or common shell, of Red Streak” despatch) wrote, “The horse
breech-loader in this context should approximately double the weight of the seemed to me the finest cavalry by many
not be misunderstood. These were not stated poundage). In addition to their degrees I ever saw”. Praise indeed from
the quick firing recoilless guns of 1914, technical superiority, the Austrians had a man who‘d seen the 11th Hussars at
the rate of fire was no different to a a more aggressive artillery doctrine that Balaklava. The Austrian horse comprised
well served muzzle-loader and, like the favoured siting the guns forward in large Light and Reserve cavalry. The Lights -
muzzle-loaders, they had to be re-layed batteries with a relatively small reserve. hussars and dragoons - were divided into
after every shot. In contrast to the Prussians, the Austrians two divisions.
The 1st Division was commanded by on the march and inadequate training, and space do not permit us to discuss
one of the great characters of the war, together with unenterprising, lackluster the subsidiary theatres in detail, suffice
Baron Leopold von Edelsheim-Gyulai. leadership, relegated them to an to day that Archduke Albrecht trounced
A keen student of the American Civil entirely subordinate role throughout the the Italians at Custozza, and the
War, Edlesheim understood that the campaign. Prussia’s cavalry comprised Prussians trounced the Federals
role of modern cavalry would be one dragoons, hussars and ulhans, mostly everywhere else, after suffering a
of scouting and skirmishing and to that attached to the infantry as divisional token defeat at Langensalza.
end armed his men at his own expense, reconaissance, and cuirassiers, who -
It was in Bohemia that the conflict was
with the excellent Werndl breech-loading unlike their Austrian counterparts - still decided and it is to Bohemia that we must
carbine. Attached to the Iser army retained their body armour. now turn.
(Austrian 1st Corps plus the Royal Saxon
Army), this extraordinary soldier gave an If the fighting arms represent the bone If you have access to Google Earth©,
object lesson on how to handle modern and sinew of an army, then the staff, select the “satellite view” and go to
cavalry and horse artillery in a combined in theory at least, should represent the the Czech Republic. Position Prague at
operation. For me, one of the war’s brain. Led by the wily old lizard himself, the bottom of the screen and Dresden
great ‘what ifs’ is what might he have Helmuth von Moltke, Prussia’s Großer at the top and turn off as many of the
achieved if given command of the Iser Generalstab was to prove a model of distractions as you can. You are now
army with a ‘delay and harry’ brief - efficiency, providing clear and decisive looking at the old Austrian Crownland
but I digress. leadership throughout the campaign. of Bohemia. To the north, running
Austria’s staff, by comparison, was continuously from west to east in a great
The Reserve, or Heavy, cavalry appalling. Chief of Staff Henikstein arc, are the Riesen mountains. Pierced in
comprised cuirassiers (divested of the (a dilettante) and Operations Chief only a few places, their ‘wizard solitudes
breastplate in 1862) and lancers, two Krismanic (a pedant) both proved so and highland wastes’ stand between
cuirassier regiments and one lancer bad that they were replaced during the Bohemia and Germany like a vast natural
regiment per brigade, two brigades to campaign - Henikstein on the very eve rampart. It was along this rampart that
a division. The cuirassiers were still of Königgratz. von Moltke arranged his armies: Elbe
trained for shock and charged in tight
THE CAMPAIGN and First Armies to the west, with Second
wedges rather than lines, a tactic
Army far away to the east. The plan
developed many years before during The War of 1866 can be divided was to invade Bohemia simultaneously
their wars with the Turks; armed with
into three separate theatres: Western from three directions and converge on
the long palach or straight sword and
Germany - where Prussia confronted the town on Jicin (significant for no
superbly mounted, Austria’s cuirassiers
the Federal (German Confederation) reason other than its central location).
were redoubtable opponents.
forces; Italy - where Austria’s Southern As his armies converged, reasoned
The Prussian cavalry, though by no Army faced the more numerous Italian von Moltke, they would at some stage
means second rate, was simply not a army, and Bohemia (the modern day encounter the Austrians and while one
match for the Austrians. A combination Czech Republic) - where the decisive army pinned the Austrian front, the other
of inferior bloodstock, poor husbandry engagements of the war took place. Time two would find their flank and rear. In
Napoleonic Wars
breech-loaders against muzzle-loaders, of
marksmen against targets.”
Haemorrhaging badly, defeated
everywhere, and retreating on all fronts,
Northern Army took up a defensive
posture on the heights above the Bistritz
stream, close to the fortified town of
Königgratz and waited for the end. On 3
July 1866, the end would come.
There are many rules for fighting
campaigns, but I still prefer to get mine Above: 10mm Austrian infantry battalions advance. Miniatures are by Pendraken, from the
‘off the shelf’. In 1994 Strategy & Tactics collection of Gerry Henry.
produced a board game called The Austro
Prussian War of 1866. The game covers THE BATTLES of smaller actions at Podol and
the northern theatre with numerous Huhnerwasser, neither of which were
‘what ifs’ thrown in. If you don’t want Although refighting the campaign
of any great significance other than
to use the combat resolution mechanism provides considerable intellectual
to formally establish the futility of
then why not let the game resolve the stimulation, it’s the battles that will
Stosstaktik. Edelsheim’s fighting retreat
strategic issues and fight the resultant always capture the wargamer’s
from Reichenberg would make an
imagination. The battles of the Bohemian
battles using miniatures, with Google excellent series of scenarios for the
theatre can be divided into the west -
Earth© to help recreate the terrain. On TOOFATLARDIES’ large skirmish rules
where Iser Army faced Prussia’s First
the subject of board games, Command when they finally get round to doing
and Elbe Armies, and the east - where
produced a tactical refight of Königgratz 1866 (that’s a hint, Richard). Iser Army’s
Benedek’s main body ‘advanced away’
called Slaughter at Hradec Kralove and day of glory was at Jicin (Gitchin) on 26
from Friedrich Wilhelm’s Prussian
Mike Bennighof’s Avalanche Games June. Jicin is a respectably sized battle,
Second Army.
are shortly to release Battles of 1866- pitting a large Austrian corps (1st Corps
Frontier Battles, and Battles of In the opening stages of the campaign, had five brigades instead of the usual
1866 - Königgratz. Iser Army was involved in a number four), a division of elite light cavalry and
I’ve refought the battles of 1866 using Bruce
Weigle’s Grand Tactical 1866 rules as well as
Brent Oman’s Field of Battle. Both sets are quite
different, Field of Battle being card driven, but
both give a flavour of the Rock, Scissors, Dynamite
nature of this conflict (Rock, Scissors, Dynamite –
a child’s game based on the relative strengths and
weaknesses of different materials). On the subject
of Bruce Weigle’s 1866, though I’m generally
not one to dogmatize, possession of this excellent
publication is de rigeur for anyone even vaguely
contemplating this period. Whether you intend to
use Bruce’s rules or not, 1866 contains a wealth
of well presented information, detailed OOBs and
superb scenario maps which, together with the most
comprehensive bibliography on the War of 1866
I’ve ever seen, make it an absolute must.
Other rule sets (although, unfortunately I have no
personal experience of these) include Bob Jones’
Zouave and Zouave II, Real Time Wargames’
Trapped Like a Fox, Warlord Games’ Black
Powder, and Crusader Publishing’s Rank and File.
“If you like that ‘down in the mud’ feel of commanding a division or corps in Napoleonic combat. The game scale and
mechanisms mean that some epic fight over a barricaded village, key height, or bridge can be recreated with all the ebb and
flow of the original. The rules are a very successful attempt to combine great historical accuracy with playability. I have
fought around 50 battles with them and still long for more.“
General de Brigade is supported by five scenario volumes.
“Described as the “thinking man’s WW2 rules” Battlegroup PanzerGrenadier certainly lives up to this and more! They are THE
hidden GEM of WW2 rules. “All I can say is I have FINALLY stopped searching for WW2 rules! Believe me I’ve been in
wargaming for 30 years and I've gone through a lot of sets.”
Battlegroup PanzerGrenadier is supported by three scenario volumes.
The Soviet Pulyemyetno-artillyeriyskiy Batalon (Machine-gun Artillery Battalion) seems like a strange and
unusual unit when you first stumble across them in any books or websites covering Soviet forces during the
Great Patriotic War (WWII). Their parent unit, the Fortified Region, often seems stranger. However, when you
look into the theory and purpose behind these units it begins to make a lot more sense.
FORTIFIED REGION attacks. A Fortified Region of around crew, with just four men per Maksim
The Fortified Region (Ukreplennye 2,000 men could cover the frontage machine-gun and two men per DP light
Raiony), despite its geographical name, usually occupied by a Rifle Division of machine-gun. The machine-guns were
is actually a regiment to brigade sized about 10,000 men. organised into four machine-gun platoons
unit, made up of a number of Machine- consisting of two Maksims, two DPs
gun Artillery Battalions. The Fortified MACHINE-GUN ARTILLERY and an officer, meaning the machine-gun
Regions formed between 1928 and 1941 platoons had just 13 men. However, due
were designed to hold the purpose built
BATTALION to casualties, some platoons operated
The building block of the Fortified with as little as eight men. The other
fortifications like those in key border
Region was the Pulyemyetno- weapons in the anti-tank rifle, mortar and
regions and other strategic locations, such
artillyeriyskiy Batalon (Machine-gun anti-tank platoons were equally lightly
as the Stalin Line. By 1944, the role of
Artillery Battalion). The Pulyemyetno- crewed. The total full-strength manpower
the Fortified Region had changed. They
artillyeriyskiy Batalon had only a small of a machine-gun artillery company was
remained defensive units, but instead
number of men manning a significant just 105 men to man 45 heavy weapons!
manned field fortifications in sectors of
amount of firepower. Each battalion However, on defence this was ideal.
the front line where the Red Army did not
consisted of four machine-gun artillery Often combined with the use of deception
intend to attack, rather than in purpose
companies and an artillery group. The to cloud the identity of the defending
build concrete and steel fortifications.
machine-gun artillery companies were unit, the firepower produced by a
A Fortified Region held parts of the
made up of Maksim machine-guns, DP Pulyemyetno-artillyeriyskiy Batalon was
line where mobility wasn’t required and
light machine-guns, light and medium indistinguishable to an attacking German
where their economy of men to weapons
mortars, anti-tank rifles and 45mm anti- commander from that produced by a
was ideal for holding the front against
tank guns. Each weapon had very few much larger Red Army rifle unit.
By Neil Smith and Jim Graham
AGGRO IN ARGOS meantime, a young upstart in Athens Argos and a resurgent Sparta followed,
named Alcibiades proposed an Athenian leaving Athens out in the cold. The
The small but significant state of Argos alliance with Argos. That was concluded whole Argive episode, however, and an
in the eastern Peloponnese was the in 420 with the Argives, Mantineans, and angry Alcibiades burning with desire for
perennial thorn in Sparta’s side. Sparta Eleans all on board. Alcibiades took a revenge, only brought the greater war
had tried and failed before to squash the more active role by leading a small army between Sparta and Athens closer.
Argives but as long as they remained to assist Argos with its growing list of
neutral in the wider war with Athens THE APPEAL OF SICILY
engagements in the Peloponnese. The
then Sparta could screen them out Peloponnesian pot boiled through the Sicily was already the great melting pot
through treaty. In 421, that treaty was next two summers with bouts of fighting of the Mediterranean by the time of the
coming to an end. Argos suspected a and diplomacy bubbling up then fading Peloponnesian War, but by 415 the city
Spartan attack and cast about for allies. back. When the Argives threatened the of Syracuse was the dominant force on
Mantinea came forward because they town of Tegea in 418, the pot boiled the island. That was bad news for Athens
too feared Sparta, then Corinth joined, over. The Spartans, far from being on because Sparta and Syracuse shared an
and finally the Chalkidians. All of this the wane as some of her allies suspected ethnic heritage, and the Syracusans held
alarmed the Spartans who now took a in 421, crushed the Argive alliance, open the back door to the Peloponnese,
renewed interest in their security. In the including the Athenian contingent, at rendering Athenian naval blockades
the resultant battle of Mantinea, the ineffective. So when envoys from
Below: The Syracusian hoplite move forward. largest battle of the Peloponnesian War. the Sicilian town of Egesta arrived in
Figures by Curteys Miniatures. A treaty between the suddenly terrified Athens asking for help, they gave the
Athenians the pretext they needed to
stage. The two main questions were who
was going to command and how large
an expedition should they take. The
Athenians appointed three commanders,
Lamachus, Alcibiades, and Nicias.
Three commanders produced three
strategies. Nicias wanted to deal with
the local conflict in Syracuse into which
they had been invited then sail round
Sicily in a show of strength; Alcibiades
wanted to win allies on Sicily through
diplomacy before attacking Syracuse;
Lymachus wanted to go straight for the
Syracusan jugular and get it over with.
Alcibiades won.
Above: Map from CAM195 Syracuse, © Osprey Publishing Ltd. www.ospreypublishing.com
The fleet sailed to Corcyra to pick up
allies then along the south Italian coast half mustered in an eight rank deep Lymachus was killed in one operation
to the ‘toe’ of Italy, and finally to Catania square to the rear to act as a reserve and leaving Nicias to continue alone in
on Sicily’s east coast which the Athenians as protection for the non-combatants. command. In the meantime, Alcibiades
intended to use as a base of operations. The Syracusans eschewed the idea of a had persuaded Sparta to get involved in
To their surprise, an Athenian ship waited reserve and drew up sixteen ranks deep Sicily and a Spartan army under Gylippus
for them, its mission to arrest Alcibiades all along the line, their reasoning being duly arrived along with a Corinthian
for religious crimes in Athens. Alcibiades that the greater depth would offset the fleet. An ailing Nicias responded by
agreed to go, but jumped ship in Italy Athenian advantage in quality of troops. asking for Athens to withdraw or send
and made his way to Sparta where he The all-important Syracusan cavalry reinforcements; they sent more men.
turned coat against Athens. The Sicilian moved out on to the right flank along Back in Attica, as predicted by Nicias,
expedition continued under the remaining with the Syracusan psiloi. the Spartans moved quickly to occupy
two commanders; interfering in affairs a permanent fort at Decelea from which
After exhorting his troops for the coming
along the coast occupied the rest of they could slowly strangle Athens
struggle, Nicias ordered the advance.
their summer. When winter arrived, the without having to leave for winter.
The light troops ran on ahead, engaging
Athenians prepared to attack Syracuse,
their Syracusan counterparts with slings Outside Syracuse, the fighting
but by now the Syracusans had become
and arrows. The blare of trumpets soon continued. Demosthenes arrived from
emboldened and were spoiling for a fight.
blasted out, sounding the charge of the Athens with 5,000 hoplites and launched
Using skillful sleight of hand, the hoplites, and on came the Athenian a massive night attack, but it failed,
Athenians misdirected the Syracusan heavy infantry to smash into into the leaving the Athenians with their backs
army into marching out to Catana while steadfast Syracusan hoplites. The two to the sea in an overcrowded camp
they boarded their ships and sailed sides met with an almighty crash, echoed right next to a marsh and its abundant
directly into Syracuse harbour. The by thunder and lightning in the skies malaria-carrying mosquitoes. Nicias and
reason for the deception was that the above, and quickly the heavens opened, Demosthenes concurred that it was time
Syracusans greatly outnumbered the dropping a deluge of rain onto the frantic to cut Athenian losses and head back to
Athenians in cavalry, meaning any land- battle below. The Syracusans held their Attica, but on the advice of their priests
based march on Syracuse was out of the ground desperately, but their lines frayed they agreed to wait another twenty-
question. The Athenians disembarked then broke, first on the left against the seven days; it was a fateful and terrible
and got busy preparing defences safe in Argives, then in the centre against the decision. Soon after, the Syracusan navy
the knowledge that the Syracusans had to rampant Athenians. Broken in two, the sailed in and crushed the Athenian fleet,
turn round and come back and thus could Syracusan infantry fled, but any prospect leaving the Athenian army in a desperate
not stop the construction. The Athenians Athens had of a decisive victory was situation. On 9 September 413, the
also chose their ground to favour their curtailed by the Syracusan cavalry who Athenians attempted to break out by
infantry and deter the Syracusan cavalry, held the Athenian infantry at bay long sea but they failed again. By land and
and built between cliffs on one side and enough for the battered army to escape sea, the noose slowly tightened around
a marsh and village on the other. When relatively intact. The battle was over, but the collapsing Athenian expedition.
the Syracusan army finally arrived, the thanks to the intervention of the cavalry Finally, the Athenians attempted to
Athenians and their allies were ready. the war was just beginning. break out by land, but the Spartans and
Syracusans dismembered the Athenian
army then destroyed it. All that was left
Both sides drew up their battle lines Athenian siege operations began almost for the Athenians was to surrender and
the next day. Nicias placed his Argive immediately in the wake of the first throw themselves on the mercy of the
and Mantinean allies on his right with battle of Syracuse. They also sent for Syracusans. They received little, those
the Athenians in the centre, other allied reinforcements. Inside the city, the that did not die were enslaved and few
contingents filled in the gaps. In addition, Syracusans reorganized and sent for help. returned to Athens to tell the sad tale of
Nicias deployed half his army in front The siege consisted of attack and counter- the utterly disastrous Sicilian expedition.
in an eight deep phalanx while the other attack with little strategic effect, although
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CD409 45mm A/T Guns CD437 T34 Model 1940 £6.00
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CD417 Su 76 SPG £7.25 CD RS1 Infantry Section Giving Fire £2.50
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CD RS3 Infantry Section Advancing £2.50
CD RS4 Platoon HQ £2.50
CD RS5 Maxim Gun Teams (x2) £2.50
CD RS5A MMG Gun Teams (x2) £2.50
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CD RS8 Soviet Naval Infantry Section £2.50 BMSP1 British Fighter Sqdn 1917 (inc 2x
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CD RS10 Tank Commanders £2.50 BMSP2 British Naval Fighter Sqdn 1916/17 (inc
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CD417 CD RS13 Seated Troops for Lorries £4.50 (2x DH4 & 2x Sop 1 1/2 Strutter) £15.00
CD RS14 S.P. Gun Crew £2.50 BM141A BMSP4 German Fighter Sqdn 1917 (2 Albatross
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BM141A Short Type 184 £12.50
CD418A BA10M A/C £6.00 CD RS17 Stretcher Bearers & Casualties £2.50 Fokker DVII & 2x Fokker DVIII) £15.00
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CD419 BA 64 Armoured Cars (x2) £6.00 CD RS18 Light Machine Guns £2.50 BMSP6 German Recce Sqdn
CD420 57mm A/T Guns CD RS19 Anti-Tank Rifles £2.50 (2x Hanover & 2x Halberstadt) £15.00
(x2 Firing, x1 Limbered) £6.00 CD RS20 NCO’s, Observers & BMSP7 German Heavy Bomber Sqdn
CD421 122mm Field Guns Radio Operators £2.50 (3x Gotha Bombers) £22.00
(x1 Firing, x1 Limbered) £6.00 CD RS21 Officers £2.50
CD422 GAZ 67 Jeeps (x2) £6.00 WWI Observation Balloon
CD426 T26 Light Tank £6.00 50 Figure Value Packs
CD426A T26S Light Tank £6.00 BM1 WWI Observation Balloon complete
CD RI 1 Command Figures £9.00 with basket observer & winch £20.00
CD RI 2 Riflemen (Pack 1) £9.00 BM2 Set of 2 mobile 3in AA Guns
CD RI 3 Riflemen (Pack 2) £9.00 & Crews £5.00
CD RI 4 Light Machine Guns £9.00 BM3 Set of 2 mobile AA Guns
CD RI 5 Heavy Machine Guns £9.00 & Crews £5.00
CD RI 7 Heavy Mortar Sections £9.00 BM4 Balloon Winch Lorry £3.00
CD RI 8 Dead/Wounded & Stretcher Teams £9.00 BM245 BM6 Parseval-Sigsfeld “Drachen” Type
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CD RI 10 Tank Riders £9.00
BM245 Hansa-Brandenburg W.12 £7.50
CD RI 11 Anti-Tank Rifles £9.00
CD RI 12 Infantry in Foxholes £9.00
CD RC 1 Tank Commanders £9.00
CD RC 3 Lorry Crew inc Seated Infantry £9.00
CD430 37mm AA Gun & Crew £6.00 CD RC 4 Anti-Tank Gun Crews £9.00
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(M1927) (x3) £5.00 CD RC 6 Jeep Crews £9.00
w w w. s k y t r e x . c o m
WI290 Skytrex.indd 1 14/10/11 15:39:41
289 Offensive.indd 1 14/10/11 15:40:35
What you can expect from Grey Wolf and Red Bear. By Wayne
Following on from our Normandy compilations, Turning Tide and Earth & Steel, we’ve been most recently
working on two compilations of our Late-war Eastern Front books. Red Bear and Grey Wolf contain all the forces
you will be familiar with from Stalin’s Onslaught, Hammer and Sickle, River of Heroes and Stalin’s Europe. We’ve
also added our most popular PDF Intelligence Briefings as well as some new Briefings.
We have also expanded the time frame fall of Budapest in February 1945. This Kaments-Podulsky, and the Soviet attacks
the two books encompass from our now includes the fighting in the north on Romania.
original focus on Operation Bagration through Estonia, Finland and Latvia, in
Both books are well over 200 pages and
and the attack on Hungary. We have now the Ukraine, and into Romania. We cover
are packed full of forces, something for
also included forces and background for the famous battles on the Narva River,
every Eastern Front enthusiast.
the fighting from January 1944 until the the epic pocket battles of Korsun and
MIG are the creators of the world’s best pigments and as with our paint range we wanted only the best so working with the world leader
was the only way to go. We have worked with MIG to pick the “core” six pigment colours to give you all the variety you will need for
your Flames of War models. If you are a kit painter, pigments and MIG will be old hat to you, but for everybody else they are coloured
powders that allow you to add effects to your models like mud, rust, soot and other battlefield weathering that are hard to achieve with
standard paints. Pigments allow the modeller a greater level of realism and finish to make their army stand out from the crowd.
In this article, the first of our Tabetop Musings, we take a peek inside the edging their way down the adjacent
relaxed thoughts of Jim Grahame as he ponders miniature movement, street. If our soldier is a recent recruit
cover, and ability over a glass or two of sangria. fresh from across the Volga he rests his
elbow on the windowsill, leans out and
SO, HERE’S THE PROBLEM… but that would be my choice based on fires; if a veteran of 1941 he stays back
a number of factors. Under most rules, but with the barrel sticking out; while a
Sitting happily on a Spanish beach last trained sniper stands even further back
however, soldiers don’t have that choice
summer, my thoughts naturally turned to
and are given a uniform movement in the shadows and the hapless Germans
a problem I have encountered with my
rate through urban terrain. You see the have no chance of seeing from where the
own “in-development” Spanish Civil War
problem: years of training and experience fatal shot came. In our example, the same
wargames rules. In particular, why does
count for nothing on wargames tables cover is available but not every soldier
terrain, and especially cover, seemingly
when positioning defences or knowing has the knowledge or training to use it to
affect all classes of miniature soldiers
how to use cover when moving, but they its best effect – the same problem exists
the same way? Why is it that my elite
could, and probably should. for the patrolling Germans who might be
panzergrenadiers get the same cover
ambling down the middle of the street or
bonuses as the unenthusiastic Ukrainian The subsidiary problem to my siesta-
slinking from door to door expecting a
conscripts next to them? Or, is a garden induced musings was one of groundscale.
shot to ring out at any moment.
shed hard or soft cover for everyone in As wargamers, we have to remember that
my units – is my lovingly painted hero our terrain is representative and figures Sticking to the Eastern Front in World
standing at the window of the shed, cover more physical area on the table War II for our examples, there were
relying on mere shiplap planking to than that which they represent. In my a number of occasions where better
stop MG bullets, or is he underneath the rules, I intend to use 16 figure battalions quality troops attacked defending units
shed with the fire passing harmlessly mounted on four 40mm x 30mm bases without ever being visible due to their
overhead? And why is it that my units to with a 5cm:100m groundscale. In most effective use of cover, and overran
grind to a halt every time they encounter historical cases, positioning a unit or badly sited trenches with few casualties
a town? I can run along my street as fast machine-gun team even five metres – think of “top of the range” German
as I could across a field, or I could take a from their optimum position can greatly Panzergrenadiers at the start of Operation
couple of hours and creep from cover to affect the ability of the enemy to see Barbarossa in 1941. Under most sets of
cover presenting a much smaller target, it, yet such a difference on the table is rules recreating the nuances of historical
hardly discernible at all. How can units examples is impossible to recreate.
be positioned with any accuracy on-table, As wargamers, moreover, we can’t
Tabletop musings therefore, while using a representative micromanage everything our troops do;
This article kicks off our new groundscale? just as we rely on them to pass morale
‘Tabletop Musings’ series, in which tests we have to rely on them to know
gamers take a side-ways look at where to be and how to use cover to the
anything and everything relating You might not be familiar with the best of their ability.
to our hobby. We welcome more Spanish Civil War, so let us take a
‘musings’ from any readers out there common scene from the siege of
who have something constructive, Stalingrad in 1942 – this would be a A straightforward way to reconcile our
debatable and/or interesting to good time to break out your Enemy at cover problem is to represent training
contribute to the series. Please write the Gates DVD! A Soviet soldier is in and experience on the table while adding
to [email protected] an upstairs room of a partially destroyed another level of realism to our games.
factory, firing into a patrol of Germans What I suggest is not that we all become
rules, by running across the ground
making no use of cover, they can move
16cm and gain one cover bonus as they
try to use the terrain, or they can move
8cm and gain two bonuses by doing their
best to advance by rushes from cover to
cover. They can only gain the maximum
terrain benefit if they are stationary.
A higher rated infantry battalion of
effectiveness 4 can use the maximum
cover and still move 6cm etc.
The concept works in more modern wars
too. Let us be charitable and assume
Argentine conscripts in the Falklands are
effectiveness rating 3, while the Gurkhas
the troops building them. For example,
attacking Mount Tumbledown are 5s. The
poor quality troops are more likely to
terrain they are contesting is rated 3. The
put trenches in the “wrong” place or be
Argentines get a cover bonus of 3 against
overlooked altogether, but even if the
experts in all aspects of warfare, but that Ghurka fire, a net -2. The Gurkhas can
defences are correctly sited and well
we devolve responsibility for tactics to use 3 cover points and take no casualties
built, poor troops don’t always know to
our figures. We can do this by making the keep their heads down. The cover rating because the Argentine fire factor is a
use of cover a quantifiable factor in the therefore might be level 4, but troops net 0. The diminutive British soldiers
same manner as establishing morale or with a 3 rating cannot use the cover can still move 10cms, however, so they
the effectiveness of firepower. We already effectively and only gain a bonus of 3. can either advance to contact or remain
quantify cover, hard, soft, total, whatever, stationary while winning the firefight.
so why not quantify troops’ ability to spot At the other end of the scale, troops with The better troops are able to use cover in
it and use it properly? a 5 rating for effectiveness can use the a realistic, historical fashion rather than
maximum cover available, say 3, and still in a simplistic, unrealistic way.
Historically, the better the troops, the have some movement or firing options
more effectively they could use cover and left. Moreover, the defending troops of SO, AS THE SUN GOES DOWN
the faster they crossed difficult terrain. effectiveness 3 firing at the effectiveness OVER THE MEDITERRANEAN…
Using cover is a skill, therefore, just as 5 rated troops from prepared trenches The use of cover is a function of training
much as using a rifle, and we should not may get the same cover benefits as their and experience in much the same way
expect all troops to be equally adept. attackers but have to remain stationary as firing weapons or remaining calm in
The solution I have devised for my own because their trenches may not be ideally battle. The principles I have developed
rules is a trade-off between protection sited, or they may not understand the apply equally to any level of battle above
and movement, with better troops having optimum way to use them. The rationale a skirmish fought on a groundscale that
a noticeable advantage even if equally for this is that the better trained and more
matches the figure scale. I have found
armed and in identical cover. experienced soldiers spot cover quicker,
that using the principles I have outlined
and are more familiar with dead ground
In my rules, troops and cover are rated here means incorporating another layer
etc. so can utilise it with fewer delays.
on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest of accuracy in my wargames without
level. For fixed defences the maximum Let’s put the cover and terrain factors into affecting the speed of the game or the
cover value is set by the effectiveness of a broader Spanish Civil War wargame flow of movement.
Visit our website and place your orders on our secured online ordering service.
You can also contact us at [email protected]
Note: The models are made from non-phthalate plastics and tested for compliance with toy
safety regulations.
event report
bu sh
By John Hopwoo
d the Panthers in am force then got pinne
d the y mo ve d to n and stayed that way
Panthers appeare German platoo
by WI to giv e an and kil led on e t of the game until
I have been asked ing hit the flame tanks d for most of the res
ey tow ard wi nn Th e KV ’s mo ve gh casualties to
account of my journ John and bailed another. they had taken enou
GT . M y na me is of ‘li ne of sig ht’ ec k, which they
the first European fo rward, but out force a morale ch
a Strelka ho lic . hind a ho us e, the d ran off. By this
Hopwood, and I am of the Panthers be promptly failed an
an y mo vin g up sault guns had done
relkovy from bigger infantry comp time though the as
My force was a St Th e IS U’ s an d nal assault took
d co ns ist ed of an wi th them in supp or t.
the ir job and with a fi
Fortress Eu ro pe an the other fl an k to e which Barkmann
th 5 sa pp ers , a tw o platoon SU’s moved down tiv e. Th e that flank’s objectiv
HQ wi t objec out.
toon company, put pressure on tha could do nothing ab
company, a one pla t gr ee dy and tried to finish
scout pla too n, 4 Pa nth ers go n, due to some
an under-strength rv er, a KV pla too n, but only hit with Game Two: 5 - 2 wi
with ob se of f the from Pete.
x 120mm mortars es , 2 sh ot (destroying a KV)
leaving poor reserve rolls
an ti tan k rifl on e
single platoon of ge of the flame
x Kv8s flame two Panthers in ran GAME THREE
x flamethrowers, 5 3 the oth er Panther within
th tan ko s an d tan ks an d d final one of the
tanks, 4 x SU122 wi s. inf antry. They failed
the The third game (an
ca ls an d tan ko 10 '' of the ting Withdrawal’
x ISU 122’s with .50 oper roll and got toa
sted and first day) was ‘Figh
of the fi ve ga me s being sto rm tro On ce Do nehue, again from
With four out d de cid ed to bug out. against Lauren
I thoug ht I ha d a as sa ult ed an ldherrnhalle PzGr
defensive battles, an k the assault guns
got to the UK, using a Fe
good chance of de
fen din g ov er the the oth er fl 0 and 3 x Hetzers.
fi rep ow er to thi n 16 '' and started work
ing over with 4 x Pz IV L7
ll ha d the wi
weekend, but sti
force an attack if ne
s ‘Breakthrough’
The first game wa
artinson from
against Andreas M
ing 12th SS PzGr
Sweden. He was us
ns an d Barkmann.
with fortificatio
and decided to
I was the attacker
wi th the larger infantry
flank march
122’s. With
company and the SU
his PAK’s to his
Andreas attaching
ns an d Ba rkmann
infantry platoo
SU were safer
hanging around, the
res t of my force
off the board. The
its wa y toward the
started to work
naged to take
two objectives. I ma
ea t away with few
most of the PAK thr
An dr ea s moved his
casualties while
trenches towards
infantry along his
nd turn 4 with
the objectives. Arou
erv es, I tried to
no sign of my res
8’s tow ard the nearest
force my KV
ught up fighting al (Top 10) Stan
objective but got ca nationals Fin
ks . Turn 5 and 2011 European
some panzerschrec
ca me on just as Andreas Army Total Score
both reserves Army Sports
light infantry gun Game
had moved his two Name Nationality 28.13
ion. The SU’s and 0.03
platoons into posit Soviet 23.1 5
took out the John Hopwood
some of the infantry 4.8 0.05
ns wh ile the rest of the German 22.4
infantry gu Steve Charlton 0.03
to the far objective. 21.7 4.8
infantry moved on German 25.13
everything he had Tommy Brown 0.03
Andreas then threw 20.3 4.8
bitter fight he was Rafal Anusiak
German 24.95
at them but after a 4.6 0.05
the objective. German
forced away from
Peter Entwistle 5 0.03
Soviet 19.6
n. Karl Benisch 24.43
Game One: 6 -1 wi 19.6 4.8 0.03
American 23.94
Marcin Nowicki 0.04
GAME TWO German 18.9 5
was ‘Hasty Matt Haywood 5 0.04
The second game German 18.9
te Entwistle Primoz Pirs 0.04
Assault’ against Pe 18.9 4.8
Gr with three British
using a 10th SS Pz Frank Roenspiess articles on:
Ba rk ma nn (that guy u can check out the
Panthers and great photos, yo
ults, and even more
sure gets around!). For full res
g Flames Of War
We have been playin
04, with our first
in Portugal since 20
ing held in Lisbon
LSG tournament be
. In December of that
in February 2005 e
ur other Portugues
year, myself and fo ou r fi rst
ain fo r
players went to Sp
ern ati on al FO W experience. Since
r looked back, and
then we have neve
have attended many
mo stly in Spain, but
events since then,
also in Italy.
ople have always
The Portuguese pe
ir adventures and
been known for the defending – the on
love to meet I started Day Two
explorations, and we ing do ub ts, bu t a ve ry go od Br iti sh
d cultures. Go was starting to have time I did – against
different people an tua lly just su pp orted me and so ro du ced himself as ‘Hi,
y FO W is ac my tea mm ate s pla ye r wh o int
abroad to pla ch built Finnish Hammy”. It was,
an excuse… I submitted my scrat everyone calls me
allenging and best
ment ISU ARV. by far, the most ch
A FOW Eu ro pe an To ur na
es…. I had in the tou rnament, and I
ea m fo r mo st ga me s the ms elv ga me
has always been a
dr Now to the rape a win.
ent players. This ired just managed to sc
European tournam I was very luc ky an d wa s pa
und out that our
eam came true – versaries. At lunch time we fo
year, finally, the dr st fi ve ex ce lle nt ad
his opponent would
t, I HAD, to attend again
th a match against guy lost, but since
there was no doub nt. Da y On e sta rte d wi
ropean Champion,
pean Tourname ish player on Table
One go on to be the Eu
the first ever Euro ne , I a go od Sw ed the pain.
to go alo everyone that helped ease
Since I didn’t want a lit tle , an d - the Ar nhem table, where
bo at’ a blast playin g we went over
started to ‘rock the fri en ds wa nted to play! I had To drown our sorrows
managed to conv inc e my s tight, bu t in the some things… and
B, to join me, there. The game wa to the store to buy s
Sousa, Xime ne s an d JA time to lun ch ! great time at Tim´
Po rtu ga l was born. end I lost. Oh well, ended up having a e BF ga ve
s Te am su rp ris
and thu again, this time workshop, the best
family Game 2, and I lost
Usually I ne ed to ‘tr ick ’ my
st a British playe r pla yin g us all weekend!!!
ab ro ad , ag ain
to be able to play FO
itish Paratroopers. played against
sn ’t an y dif fer en t. Br On the last game I
and this time wa th an FSSF
ho liday ter because we ran ou
t a Finnish player wi
So, I plann ed a tw o- we ek I fel t a lit tle bit had had a great
in London, t tha t’s the way it Army. Neither of us
for the wh ole fam ily of tim e, bu ing wise), so we
ne at times. tournament (scor
wi th a we ek en d alo go es so me ax ed ga me , with the
ly to vis it played a rel
Nottingham, os ten sib various wi nn ers throughout.
o liv es the re (and That afternoon the n we re conversation flowing
my broth er, wh mp eti tio
of the Iron Cross Co er the award and
works for Battlefron
t!). my surprise they End of the day, aft
announced, and to s time for a final
, I took the me! I was amazed
, was prize giving, it wa
So, on Fr ida y mo rn ing ca lle d my na fam iliar faces, such
t the res t s an d I had won the farewell to some
train to Notting ha m, sp en it true? W ell , it wa Belgian guys, and
rin g the cit y on foot, os s Be st Ob jective Award. as the Spanish and
of the day ex plo Iro n Cr
guys arrived time to pack up.
until the other three ou t From tha t mo me nt on , I didn’t
gal gave a hand to
and we went All of Team Portu
late in the evening te of re ab ou t an ything else in the cking things
to dinner. We had
our first tas ca
ery thi ng was great, the Battlefront gu pa ys
m Friday night.... Tourname nt - Ev also organize FOW
what is a Nottingha a be au tiful place, and away because we t
hat happens in the W or ld wa s lves, and know tha
let’s just say that “w bu t co mp let ely rewarded…. tournaments ourse thi ng s go
in Notting ha m” , I fel t by all ,
Nottingham stays if the work is split
nd it! !!! ck y, be ca us e I pr oceeded to be ea sie r fo r ev ery on e.
I recom me Lu
xt round by
y One of the beaten 2-5 in the ne on a great note,
The next mo rn ing wa s Da
very friendly Swed
ish player. We ended our trip
ur na me nt. an oth er rtu gu es e Team ending up
FOW European To with the Po
One my br oth er r, where we had
s that there At the end of Day at Hooters for dinne
rst im pr es sio n wa rtu ga l to a gr ea t ce more, “What
My fi
tif ul arm ies ou t too k all of Team Po ab ou t. a gr eat time, but on
were a lot of beau Nottingham restau
rant he knew happens in Notting
ham stays
delling side of . One of
there! I love the mo Between bit es , we too k sto ck
in Notti ng ha m” .
n the gaming, and ll and I had
the game more tha I wa s us wa s in 4th postion overa journey, and a
I’m proud of my arm
y, bu t
aw ard, so we all ag ree d That’s the end of the
of some of the my Iro n Cr os s all the Battlefront
awed with the level day for the Portugu
ese grateful thanks to
ls inv olv ed in it wa s a go od ed a wonderful first
beautifully painted
n ma de the mistake gu ys who organiz
Team. W e the and Tournament.
the GT. ce ag ain go ing out at night. I European FOW Gr
of on
mpete in the Iron s - Nottingham’s d again next
I had wanted to co just want to say thi ne We promise to atten e
mpetition, but no w I fast an d fu ll! No ling the Portugues
Cross Painting Co Saturday nights are nig ht. year, at least doub
ep tha t
of us had much sle representation!
Best Objective
Jose Martins
Best Hero
Frank Keast
Best Platoon
Jakub Charmo
Tony Weston
Best Tank Team
and best overall
Illustration by Jonathon Smith from Comanche 1800-74 , © Osprey Publishing Ltd. www.ospreypublishing.com
By Chris Peers
Comanches! Lords of the Southern Plains! In any discussion of Native their rise to power remain mysterious.
American warriors, or even of tribal warriors in history generally, the Historians have frequently taken this
Comanches will invariably crop up among the top three or four all time cultural poverty at face value, portraying
favourites, famed for their mobility, weapon skills, and sheer ferocity. the people as the archetypal Stone
Age savages, motivated by a primitive
attachment to their traditional ways and
They have even been compared to Many popular writers seem to see
lacking any real political leadership.
Chinggis Khan’s Mongols, and are the Comanches as being outside the
Recent research, however, has given
popularly credited with wrecking the mainstream “Plains Indian Wars” theme,
us a very different picture. It has
Spanish Empire in North America and and several recent books on the subject
revealed the role of prominent chiefs
holding back the Anglo-American virtually ignore them or even perpetuate
in making peace and war, and even
conquest of the south-west for several basic errors about their origins. We are
detected a coherent strategy behind
decades. And yet their appearances on informed, for instance, that they had
Comanche raiding.
the wargames table are much rarer than migrated onto the plains in the 18th
we might expect. There seem to be Century from further east, where they Certainly their warlike reputation is
several reasons for this. Against white had been farmers. This was true of the justified. Comanches campaigned far
men at least the Comanches tended to Sioux, Cheyennes, Arapahos and others, and wide against other Indian tribes,
rely on hit-and-run tactics, and were but not of the Comanches. They had and were one of the very few to initiate
more reluctant than the northern tribes come from the north-west, where they hostilities with the Anglo-Americans
to fight pitched battles. What is more, and their Shoshone relatives had lived before the latter actually threatened their
the southern warriors were on the whole as hunter-gatherers in the barren interior homelands, but scholars like Kavanagh
less showy than the Sioux, Crows or basin of the Rocky Mountains. Before and Hamalainen (see Further Reading,
Cheyennes, with fewer war bonnets, they got hold of horses at the beginning below) portray them as just as keen
decorated shirts and society insignia. of the 18th Century, they had been on trade as on fighting. According to
Another problem is that most of the among the poorest of the poor, and they this view, they clashed so disastrously
early Comanche wars were fought had no interest in recalling their former with the whites mainly because of a
against the Mexicans, and the Spanish in life. So their history before their contact mutual interest in the livestock business.
New Mexico and Texas, so that a lot of with the whites is almost entirely Of course the young warriors sought
the original sources are in Spanish. unknown, and the influences behind opportunities to gain status through feats
who had performed the bravest deeds. a longstanding hatred of “Tejanos”, the whites to suspect as much. Oh, and
But - like everyone else - what the as they called the Texans who had the people who did it were actually not
Comanches also wanted was to get dispossessed them of most of their best Comanches at all, but Kiowas.
rich, impress the girls and have an easy land. As late as 1878, when the tribe
I am not suggesting that Comanches
life. The best way to do this was by was supposed to have been pacified,
never tortured anybody, but there is
acquiring horses, which were useful as the Texan rancher Charles Goodnight
no reason to suppose that they were
currency, for transport, and of course suspected that Quanah Parker’s band
as bad as some of their neighbours.
for providing food directly by hunting would have killed him if he had not
There was an extensive 19th Century
buffalo. Eventually they obtained so claimed to be from Colorado.
“Comanche atrocity” literature which
many horses that they had more than all
Nevertheless Comanches were some historians continue to recycle
the other Plains tribes put together, and
frequently described as treacherous uncritically, though others have pointed
ended up looking less like hunters on
and cruel. It seems to have been the out that many of these tales are at best
horseback than herdsmen who did a bit
practice - especially among the Texans unproven. In fact the various Comanche
of buffalo hunting on the side.
- to blame them for everything, and bands came to rely heavily on
Before the 1860s it seems that they to some extent the habit continues captives taken in war, for employment
seldom killed white strangers in their to this day. Fehrenbach’s book is as domestic slaves, as a source of
territory, except when an attempt at extremely well written and entertaining revenue via trade or ransoming, and
horse rustling went wrong. In 1831 and has been enormously influential. for straightforward adoption to replace
Jedediah Smith, one of North America’s But although it is remarkably fair in their losses to warfare and disease. By
greatest explorers, produced a report many ways, it is written from a Texan the mid 19th Century a quarter of the
on Indian attacks on whites over the perspective, and essentially portrays tribe’s numbers might have been made
previous fifteen years. Out of more the people as warlike savages. Some up of prisoners, taken mostly as children
than 200 incidents, he claimed, only more recent writers have followed the but also including a sizeable proportion
ten were due to the Comanches. The same tradition, but with less fairness. of adult men as well as women. This
worst offenders were the Osages, who One states flatly that, having captured at least suggests that the notorious
were implicated in 43. There is an ironic a wagon train, Comanches would tie massacres of the innocent were much
postscript to this, though. Later the same the teamsters to the wagon wheels and rarer than contemporary writers would
year Smith was guiding a wagon train burn them alive. In fact this allegation have us believe.
Comanches were also among the first organisation, which paints a very But a lot of this must have been in
Plains Indians to use guns, which they different picture. He does dismiss the the eye of the beholder, because more
often acquired from unscrupulous idea of a unified Comanche “nation”, sympathetic witnesses gave very
whites in exchange for horses stolen but emphasises that individual bands different descriptions. A Colonel
from other settlements. They are could be effectively controlled by men Stiff, who was writing only two years
sometimes described as fighting from like Green Horn, Buffalo Hump and later, would seem to be describing
behind earthworks and barricades in Quanah, who might mobilise war parties a completely different people, and
an almost European style. While most several hundred strong. According to his conclusions about their military
Plains peoples came together for the Robert Neighbors, an Indian agent in the effectiveness were just as different too:
hunting and raiding season in summer 1840s and 50s, “the position of a chief is
“...uncommon fine looking men and
and autumn and then dispersed during not hereditary, but the result of his own women; some of them exhibiting
the winter, Comanches and their Kiowa superior cunning, knowledge, or success the most perfect symmetry united
allies often did the opposite. Between in war”. This is a very different thing with a muscular and athletic frame;
November and April they congregated from claiming that there were no formal the countenances strongly marked;
in the river valleys where shelter and chiefs, and in fact men selected on this indicative of intelligence and
firewood were available, settling in basis might have had more authority generosity... mostly honest in their
tented villages which could stretch rather than less, because of the respect intercourse with the whites, and
for miles and house thousands of in which they were held as individuals. would scorn an act of perfidy...Were
warriors. Those of us accustomed to the this tribe provoked to hostilities, or
usual image of fast moving mounted induced to believe that peace was
raiders may be surprised to read of The bad press which the Comanches not for their interest and honor, the
camps protected by moats and wooden have enjoyed has even extended to their present population of Texas would be
palisades, but these are described by appearance, and often-quoted sources exterminated...”
several 18th and early 19th Century describe them as small, squat, ugly,
sources. The famous war leader Cuerno ungainly on foot, and usually dirty into So, fine upstanding chaps or squalid
Verde (or Green Horn), who was trapped the bargain. Here, for example, is a savages? Take your pick. But however
and killed by New Mexican forces under report from the “Houston Telegraph” of you see them the Comanches did
Juan Bautista de Anza in 1779, made 1838: not quite conform to the normal
his last stand on foot, surrounded by his Plains Indian stereotype, and there is
“We had heard much of the nobility plenty of scope for some imaginative
bodyguard and firing his musket from
of this race, and expected to meet the figure conversions. We lack detailed
the cover of his horse.
noble savages in all the pride and descriptions of their appearance
De Anza recorded that Green Horn even lofty bearing which we had heard from the period before 1840, but the
had an aide to load his gun for him, imputed to them by travellers from preference of leading warriors for
which hints at the extent of his authority the far west. Judge our astonishment buffalo horn headdresses rather than
over the supposedly individualistic when we found the village of the feather war bonnets is well known. It
Comanches. I had previously accepted Principal Chief to be filled with half- is not true, as sometimes stated, that
the theory that they lacked any political starved savages... infinitely inferior to they did not wear war bonnets until
organisation and fought as a horde of any other nation of Indians which has the reservation period - Quanah had a
individuals, almost without direction or come within our knowledge... From spectacular one which almost reached
discipline. But Kavanagh has written an this race of Indians, Texas has nothing the ground when he was on horseback -
entire book on Comanche political to fear...” but they were less common than among
as Great Horsemen, but a Warrior (the COMANCHE FIGURES to depict tribesmen from the early to
next category up from a Young Blood or mid 19th Century, though a couple of
It is quite easy to create a Comanche
novice) gets only one extra skill to start them carry repeaters which obviously
with, chosen at random, and a Mighty warband from any of the Plains Indian makes them more suitable for the 1870s.
Warrior can have two of his own choice. figure ranges on the market, with Despite Conquest Miniatures’ mounted
Any additional abilities must be earned the help of a few conversions where Comanches being unavailable for some
on the battlefield, and are only awarded necessary. There are, however, a couple time, I have been assured that these
by an umpire for exceptional feats of of specific ranges which deserve a wonderful figures are available again
courage, luck or fighting prowess. I mention. HLBS make a small selection from conquestminiatures.com, in both
reflect the aversion to casualties by in their 1/48 scale Old West range, their mounted and dismounted forms.
requiring each tribesman to test for which is full of character and deserves With any luck we’ll see them available
Nerve every time a comrade is killed, to be more popular than it is. In 28mm from UK distributors soon too.
rather than just when half his friends are Conquest Miniatures have some
down as in the standard rules. Comanches which are intended mainly
A Guide to
Special Thanks to... Further Reading
Eric Roof of Conquest Miniatures - conquestminiatures.com - for providing T. R. Fehrenbach, Comanches - the
the Comanches (painted by Eric, Rich Dixon, and Orlando Munoz), and Destruction of a People, Allen &
Merle Dellinger for providing the US Cavalry figures (by Foundry), Unwin, 1974.
from his own collection.
P. Hamalainen, The Comanche
Empire, Yale University, 2008
- A modern view, the Comanches
are neither bloodthirsty barbarians
nor innocent victims, but cunning
strategists who controlled a huge
informal empire and made the
whites dance to their tune until the
very end.
T. W. Kavanagh, The Comanches -
A History, 1706 - 1875, University
of Nebraska Press, 1996 -
Another sympathetic treatment,
concentrating on political
organisation as documented by
Spanish and Anglo-American
writers, also includes some useful
detail on dress, equipment etc.
T. E. Mails, The Mystic Warriors
of the Plains, Aurum Press, 1995
- The place to go for detailed
reconstructions of the appearance
of Plains warriors and their gear.
B. Neeley, The Last Comanche
Chief - the Life and Times of
Quanah Parker, John Wiley &
Sons, 1995.
After one glimpse as the Clad In Iron game at Salute earlier this year, we this. Clad in Iron ran at conventions in
just knew we’d have to hear more about it in the pages of WI. We asked the U.S. for a couple of years, places
Dr. Howard J. Fuller, author of Clad in Iron: The American Civil War like HISTORICON or Cold Wars. But
and the Challenge of British Naval Power, to tell us all about it. wargame design (and I had other plans
in the works) was not about making real
FROM HUMBLE BEGINNINGS money; a revealing conversation with
and Rebel men-of-war since I was about
12; combat during this conflict was a John Hill of Squad Leader-fame at one
Perhaps this is unique, but Clad in Iron convention ultimately convinced me of
frenzied mix of ships versus forts, sail
is a game-of-the-book-of-the-game. I that…
and steam-power, paddle and screw-
developed the original set of rules whilst
propulsion, rifled and smoothbore guns, BACK TO SCHOOL
I was a history undergraduate at the Ohio ironclads and rams, mines, submarines,
State University in the early 1990s. This fleet battles and one-on-one duels. By the end of the decade I was back in
ACW naval was to be the first in a series Building my own game allowed me to school - though over in the U.K - doing
of games called ‘OCTA-WARS’, which literally play out and explore aspects the M.A. in War Studies at King’s
utilised an octagonal playing grid (‘for of warfare during this era which my College, London. This evolved into a
eight fields of fire and movement rather ongoing studies could only describe to Ph.D. there, and by then my interests
than six’), and combined miniatures with me in the past tense. drifted back to naval warfare of the mid-
counters into tactical and strategic levels 19th Century. My exposure to the British
of play - with boardgame simplicity. It never sold. side of things, however, opened me up
Although I was able to make use of an A trimmed down, strictly tactical version to a comparative study of Union and
early Apple-MAC computer, most of the interested Excalibur Games (who had British ironclad-building programmes.
work (mapboards, playing cards, etc.) bought up the rights to the old Yaquinto This had never been done before; James
was hand-crafted; epoxy-resin miniatures Ironclads), but we eventually fell out Baxter looked through American, British
were cast from scratch; and of course the over the issue of miniatures; I refused and French archives when compiling The
entire project was self-funded (when I to churn out yet another counter game. Introduction of the Ironclad Warship, in
should have been buying more books, or To me, a good wargaming experience the early 1930s, but his analysis ended
at least pints…) At the time, Clad in Iron had to be as graphic, or at least three- with the Battle of Hampton Roads
was also one of only a handful of rule dimensional, as possible. Games had (March 1862). Mine explored how
systems which focused on the naval side to evoke imagination by presenting a Anglo-American tensions throughout the
of the American Civil War. I had been spectacle. A simple four-colour map Civil War, and especially during the Trent
fascinated by the wild variety of Yankee with some chits was the opposite of Affair, influenced policy-making on both
Did my gaming experiences from years
before inform the book? Not exactly.
But the often meticulous research and
attention to detail involved in game
design, rule-making and game-testing
prepared me, I believe, for archival work
and a useful form of critical historical
analysis. Both projects, at any rate,
concerned ‘what-if?’ scenarios in one
way or another.
Thanks to the book, it wasn’t long
before I went back to Clad in Iron the
game. An academic study can only infer
counterfactual points and should never
attempt to draw conclusions. Wargames,
on the other hand, allow you to go all the
way - they’re just never ‘real’…
By the beginning of 2005 I was teaching
as a Senior Lecturer of War Studies at
the University of Wolverhampton, in
the West Midlands. The idea of digging
up the old game system and tweaking
it to include European ironclads was a
natural one, and Skytrex had just come
out with 1:1200 scale miniatures of
British and French steam-warships and
armoured-frigates - which would look
great next to Rod Langton’s range of Above: The original “Clad In Iron” demonstration game, circa 1992.
Below: The most recent demo version of “Clad In Iron” as presented at Salute 2011.
SHow report
Greeks, and Spartans, followed by New Kingdom
Egyptians, Hittites and Mycenaeans. The rules
used were War and Conquest which are due to be
published in October 2011.
Team Zulu presented a truly awesome display of this famous battle. Just how
awesome you may well ask...? Well, the terrain was 36' x 6' and dwarfed at one end
by the rocky hill that gave the battle its name. And if that’s not awesome enough
for you, the 28mm figures were at a 1:1 ratio! This display was clearly a massive
undertaking in many respects and so is unlikely to be seen at any other shows, so
if you couldn’t make it to Colours then I’m afraid you’ll just have to feast your
eyes on the photographs. But don’t worry, if these photographs have whetted your
appetite for more, Wargames Illustrated will be publishing and in-depth article on
the battle next year by no less an expert than Ian Knight, who was also present at
the show signing copies of his books. With Ian Knight and Bill Cainan, curator of
the Royal Regiment of Wales Museum, as members of Team Zulu, visitors could
be more than satisfied as to the historical authenticity of the display and with the
opportunity to talk to, and ask questions of, both these experts on the subject, they
certainly ‘added value’ to an already memorable display.
10-11 SEPTEMBER 1863
OVERVIEW: I confess that I became quite Next year’s event is scheduled for
frustrated at the difficulties I had prior 8th and 9th September at the same
So that’s it then: an excellent day out;
to the show, in accessing the show venue, so make a note in your diary.
plenty to see and ‘drool’ over; a broad
website, but I understand that this is Newbury and Reading Wargames
spectrum of traders from whom to
because the website is designed to Society’s Open Day, is scheduled for
buy; ok priced food... at least if you’re
work with Internet Explorer, but not the 11th February 20112, at Theale
accustomed to London prices; and
Mozilla Firefox, which I use. But Green School, Reading. For more
free parking. What more can anyone
that’s a relatively minor criticism information regarding Colours 2012,
really ask from a wargame show? Any
of what is a very popular show, and and the NWS Open Day, keep an eye
negatives? Well, I understand that
after Salute, is probably the largest on their website:
from a traders’ point of view, space
wargame show in the south and which
was decidedly limited, and as for the
I’m sure was attended in even greater www.colours.org.uk, or contact
Bring and Buy... I gave up trying to
numbers this year. [email protected]
fight my way through the crowds!
By Nick Buxey, in conjunction with Nick Gilmore.
The Battle of Pavia, 1525, is both well known and very widely wargamed, so this article will not
attempt to be a narrative of the history, but is rather about the passion and enthusiasm that history can
conjure up in the breast of a wargamer and how that excitement can lead on to re-living that history in
miniature. After all, isn’t that what wargaming is really all about? That... and having fun too!
manufacturer Old Glory for many years rest. The gate house was converted from HOW DID THE GAME PLAY?
now. Andy Copestake’s sponsorship and Hovels’ La Haye Sainte gateway. Nick French forces were already in position
the group’s massive figure requirements used an anaglypta wallpaper to represent
on the table top, as they would have been
have been invaluable in realising the the cobbled streets within the city walls
besieging Pavia. The Imperial forces
games that we have been able to put and various Italian buildings - Grand
were placed outside the deer park wall,
on. The vast majority of the figures Manner and scratch-builds - created
by the breaches and ready to march
for Pavia were Old Glory, and what an the complex inside. Grand Manner’s
in to threaten the French flank. The
excellent range Old Glory’s Renaissance campanile, from its large convent
Imperialists were given a head-start in
range is. Painted by Nick in all their complex, towered above the walls and
movement to simulate surprise, although
colourful pageantry and topped off with buildings making a really majestic feature
the French had excellent morale and
John Hutchinson’s stunning cloth flags - (Dave Bodley’s skills had served us well
recovered quickly. A dice was thrown for
(seventy in all!) - they certainly filled the by providing the convent for Bussaco,
visibility for up to six moves, as the dawn
bill on the table top. Why so many flags? LASW’s eponymous award-winning
proved to be very misty on the actual
Because every unit needed them; the demonstration game at Derby a few
day and added to the confusion. Thus,
various Swiss Cantons, the gendarmes, years ago) Little details, such as potted
an umpire could preside over troops
the Landsknechts, the Spanish infantry... conifers, wagons, civilians, etc, gave it
blundering into each other on the table
and they really do set off a table top. a further dimension. These are the little
top. A certain Mr. Perry, with tongue in
It’s great to have beautifully painted human touches that draw in the spectator
cheek, did ask why we had not dressed
figures, but, as wise old wargamer once and give the game ‘life’.
all the Spanish in white shirts, as Pescara
said, “have great bases, great flags and
Although the group possesses a huge had done at the time. I don’t recall the
great scenery and that’s what makes
catalogue of scenery boards, it is reply, but I think it was about balancing
the immediate impact on the eye”
quite impossible to provide for every accuracy and cost!
(paraphrase!) Old Glory, at that time
eventuality and nearly every new game
stocked the Hudson and Allen castle, so Spanish and Italian light cavalry
requires the making of at least a few fresh
Nick splashed out. As the accompanying blundered into French light cavalry
boards to accurately represent the battle
photographs show, he wasn’t to be and sharp fights ensued. Meanwhile,
in question. Nick found that he required
disappointed. I offered to make the deer Landsknecht pike blocks, shielded by
a ditch in front of Pavia’s walls, as well
park walling and achieved this with screens of the notoriously good Spanish
as new boards to accommodate the city
MDF of varing lengths, for flexibility. arquebusiers thrust up the centre of the
itself. The Mirabello castle required a
The fiddly bit was cutting and chiselling moat around it and, thus, a purpose-made table towards the Mirabello castle. This
the crenulations. The stonework was board too. The castle itself was another movement actually created a wedge
created by gluing appropriately textures Hudson and Allen model: the keep from between the main French army , entering
anaglypta wallpaper to both sides of the large castle set. the table on the Spanish right flank and
the MDF. Two walls were made with the French army’s Swiss mercenary
‘breaches’ made in them and ‘rubble’ The size of the table to accommodate this pike blocks, joining battle from the left
made from a cocktail of small stones scenario was 20' x 6', with an extension flank (from the direction of where their
tossed in PVA. Careful painting did the table on one side. encampment would have been).
Below: The splendour of Renaissance warfare, Italian Mediaeval Armies 1300-1500. By David Nicolle. Osprey Men-at-Arms series
- why we wargame it!
BEDFORDSHIRE Dice and Dagger Gaming Club Exiles League Lost Boys Wargaming Club
The Union Inn GW Falkland Square The Ainsdale Methodist Church.PR8 3NQ
Bedford Gladiators [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
North End Working Mens Club
[email protected] MidCornwall Gaming Club ESSEX LEICESTERSHIRE
Mad for Miniatures, Market House, St Austell
BERKSHIRE [email protected] Chelmsford Bunker Leicestershire Warrior Wargaming Club
Chelmsford Police Sports and Social Club Arnesby Village Hall
Bracknell Forest Gamers North Cornwall Beast and Bionics [email protected] [email protected]
St Pauls United reform Church Poldark Inn
[email protected] [email protected] Hornchurch Heros Gaming Club Loughborough First And Only
Tole Haven, 30 Roneo Corner, Hornchurch 29 Lime Avenue
BIRMINGHAM West Cornwall Games Club [email protected] [email protected]
St Just Methodist Chapel Hall
The Immortals [email protected] Southend Toy Soldiers Club LINCOLNSHIRE
All Saints Church Southend High School for boys
[email protected] CUMBRIA [email protected] Gobstyks Gaming Club
St Andrews Church Hall
Warlords of Walsall North West Warriors Tempus Fugitives [email protected]
Hatherton Church The Workshop, back ellersthwaite rd The Centrale Shopping Centre
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] LONDON
Oxford Gaming Club, Bognor Regis Gaming Asociation Harrogate and Ripon District Wargamers WALES
Botley Baptist Church Hall Newtown Sports and Social Club Dene Park Community Centre
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CrowValley Crusaders
Glenside community hall
SHROPSHIRE Brighton Warlords Celler Dwellers [email protected]
King and Queen Pub Laserquest
Firedrakes [email protected] [email protected] NORTHERN IRELAND
Osweth Street Youth Cafe
[email protected] Eastbourne Elementals Hulls Angels Queens University Belfast Dragon Slayers
The Terminus, 153 Terminus Road, Eastbourne Unit 2, Grimston St, Hull, HU13HG Quuens University, University rd. BT7 1NF
Gatekeepers Wargames Club [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
The Gateway Education Centre
[email protected] Gambit Games Leeds Nightowls Gaming Club PHILIPPINES
St Leonards Church Headingley Community Centre
STAGS [email protected] [email protected] Galleria Basterds
Hadley Scout Hut Neutral Grounds , 2nd Floor, West Wing,
[email protected] Outpost 47 Leeds Games Club Robinson’s Galleria Mall, Mandaluyong City,
Seven Sisters Pub Headingley Community Centre [email protected]
STAFFORDSHIRE [email protected] [email protected]
Tamworth Gaming Club Walberton Wargamers York Garrison Wargaming Club Eye of Terror Gaming Club
Central Methodist Church Pavillion, Warburton Playing Field Burton Stone Community Centre Alabang Town Center. Neutral Grounds Store,
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa
[email protected]
Rolling Hills Gaming Club
OL Grumblers The Gamers Outpost Gaming Kingdom 202 E. Rodriguez Avenue, Rom 307
The Wagon and Horses, Bath Rd 4a Beaconsfield Road, Gateshead NE9 5EU The meeting place RAF Lechars Elco Building, Quezon City 1112
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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WI290 G:Layout 1 14/10/11 14:52 Page 1
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WI290 B:Layout 1 14/10/11 14:54 Page 1
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