XGA105 OMM.矿用自卸卡车操作及保养(中英文版本)2024.4

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Mining dump truck operation and maintenance

01 正确操作车辆
Proper operation of vehicle

02 保养指南
Maintenance guide

03 故障诊断与排查
Maintenance guide

正确操作车辆 Proper operation of vehicle
Ø 功能介绍 Function introduction Ø 行车前检查 Pre-service inspection

Ø 发动机启动 Engine start Ø 行驶 Steer

Ø 离合器 Clutch Ø 排气制动 Exhaust braking

Ø 液力缓速器 Hydraulic retarder Ø 变速箱 Gearbox

Ø 差速器 Differential Ø 举升 Lift

正确操作车辆|功能介绍 Function introduction
1、驾驶室内介绍 Cab introduction

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.换挡手柄 2翘板开关面板 3.空调控制面板 4.驻车制动手柄 5.收音机 6.方向盘 1.水温表 2.蓄电池电压表 3.车速表 4.显示屏 5.转速表 6.燃油表 7.显示屏F1旋钮
7.仪表显示面板 8.机油压力表
1. Shift lever 2.warping switch panel 3. Air conditioning control panel 4. 1. Water temperature meter 2. Battery voltmeter 3. Speed meter 4. Display
Parking brake lever 5. Radio 6. Steering 7. Instrument display panel screen 5. Tachometer 6. Fuel gauge 7. Display F1 knob 8. Oil pressure gauge
正确操作车辆|功能介绍 Function introduction
1、驾驶室内介绍 Cab introduction
Xuzhou XCMG heavy vehicle off-highway wide-body vehicle, the electrical system adopts intelligent, with electrical fault self-
diagnosis function, to solve the actual difficulties of customers, built-in GPS module, can effectively monitor the vehicle operation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.换挡手柄 2翘板开关面板 3.空调控制面板 4.驻车制动手柄 5.收音机 6.方向盘 1.水温表 2.蓄电池电压表 3.车速表 4.显示屏 5.转速表 6.燃油表 7.显示屏F1旋钮
7.仪表显示面板 8.机油压力表
1. Shift lever 2.warping switch panel 3. Air conditioning control panel 4. 1. Water temperature meter 2. Battery voltmeter 3. Speed meter 4. Display
Parking brake lever 5. Radio 6. Steering 7. Instrument display panel screen 5. Tachometer 6. Fuel gauge 7. Display F1 knob 8. Oil pressure gauge
正确操作车辆|功能介绍 Function introduction
2、符号指示说明 Symbolic indication

Exhaust Charging Front fog Brake Low water

Left steering Right steering Distance light Rear fog lamp Parking brake
braking system failure lamp indication alarm

Brake system Oil-water Engine Engine Engine The engine is Engine

low-end Engine alarm Door lock
failure separation preheating braking condition usually blocked shutdown

正确操作车辆|功能介绍 Function introduction
2、符号指示说明 Symbolic indication

Transmission Low urea Differential Power emergency Line filter The oil suction Power Transfer case
suspension Retarder
operation failure level lock steering blocked filter is blocked stripper top

Transfer case Uneven road The air filter Brake pressure Brake pressure High coolant Oil pressure Natural gas Natural gas
Low fuel level
low surface is blocked loop 1 loop 2 temperature alarm buffer tank cylinder

正确操作车辆|功能介绍 Function introduction
3、翘板开关用途 Use of warping switch
1 2 3 4 5 6

W i n d s h i e l d k n o b a n d s h u t d o w n ke y
2.制冷按键 Cooling button
3.出风模式按键 Press the Air mode button
Internal and external circulation buttons
5.除霜按键 Defrost button
Heating and cooling knob and automatic
15 14 7.危险报警灯开关 Danger alarm light switch
8.空气干燥器开关 Air dr yer switch
16 13 9 . 差 速 器 开 关 D i f fe r e n t i a l s w i t c h
10.报警灯开关 Alarm light switch
11.侧雨刷开关 Side wiper switch
1 2 . 刹 车 鼓 冷 却 开 关 B r a ke d r u m c o o l i n g s w i t c h
13.后工作灯开关 Rear working light switch
1 4 . 工 作 灯 开 关 Wo r k i n g l i g h t s w i t c h
1 5 . 取 力 器 开 关 P o w e r t a ke - o f f s w i t c h
16.电气喇叭转换 Electrical horn conversion

7 8 9 10 11 12 8
正确操作车辆|功能介绍 Function introduction
( 1 ) 轴 间 差 速 锁 D i f f e r e n t i a l l o c k b e t we e n a xe s






( 2 ) 取 力 器 举 升 开 关 Po we r e x t r a c to r l i f t s w i tc h



( 3 ) 制 动 鼓 冷 却 开 关 B r a ke d r u m c o o l i n g s w i tc h

正确操作车辆|功能介绍 Function introduction
( 1 ) 轴 间 差 速 锁 D i f f e r e n t i a l l o c k b e t we e n a xe s
When the wheel slips or gets stuck in a mud hole, the interaxle differential lock can lock the interaxle differential between
the middle axle and the rear axle to improve vehicle passability.
The differential lock can only be combined when the vehicle is in a straight state or the speed equivalent to human walking.
Note: A. When the vehicle is running normally, do not operate the differential lock switch. It is strictly forbidden to use the
differential lock for a long time, otherwise it will damage the differential lock and cause excessive tire wear;
B. The differential lock switch can only be pressed after the vehicle has completely stopped, otherwise the differential lock will
be damaged;
C. When the vehicle is driving, the clutch must be separated before the differential lock is combined, and the clutch must be
carefully turned after the combination.
( 2 ) 取 力 器 举 升 开 关 Po we r e x t r a c to r l i f t s w i tc h
T h e e n g a g e m e n t a n d d i s e n g a g e m e n t of t h e f o rc e e x t r a c to r m u s t f i r s t s te p o n t h e c l u tc h a n d p re s s t h e
w a r p i n g s w i tc h . T h e s w i tc h of t h e f o rc e e x t r a c to r m u s t b e t u r n e d of f b e f o re d r i v i n g , o t h e r w i s e i t w i l l
c a u s e t h e f a i l u re of t h e h yd r a u l i c s y s te m .
A f te r l i f t i n g t h e c o n t a i n e r, re s to re t h e l i f t i n g h a n d l e to t h e c e n te r h o l d i n g p o s i t i o n .
( 3 ) 制 动 鼓 冷 却 开 关 B r a ke d r u m c o o l i n g s w i tc h
W h e n t h e b r a ke s y s te m i s i n u s e , t h e c o o l i n g s w i tc h i s o p e n e d , a n d t h e i n te r n a l d e v i c e c a n e f f e c t i ve l y
c o o l t h e b r a ke d r u m t i m e l y a n d q u i c k l y, p re ve n t t h e t h e r m a l d e c l i n e of t h e b r a k i n g p e r f o r m a n c e , a n d
e n s u re t h e n o r m a l b r a k i n g of t h e b r a ke s y s te m . 10
正确操作车辆|行车前检查 Pre-service inspection

Ø 车辆启动前检查项目—静态检测

ü 检查轮胎是否外部划伤及气压过于小

ü 检查轮胎轮辋螺栓及轮胎是否鼓包等异常现象

ü 检查是否有漏水、漏油、漏气现象

ü 检查离合油壶液位,液面应在油壶中间位置

ü 检查发动机机油油液位是否正常,有无泄露

ü 检查液压油箱液位是否正常,有无泄露

ü 检查防冻液及管路是否正常,页面应达到水箱的2/3位置

ü 检查油气缸高度是否正常,有无泄压

ü 检查制动储气筒及管路、接头是否松动漏气磨损

ü 检查前后方向车灯总成是否损坏破裂

ü 检查蓄电池正负极螺栓是否有松动

ü 检查板簧螺栓及板簧是否有松动现象
请立即进行复紧或维修,避免发生故障以及磨损! 11
正确操作车辆|行车前检查 Pre-service inspection
Before leaving the car, check the tire pressure, and see if the vehicle has leaks, loose, fallen off or damaged parts.
Ø Vehicle pre-start-up inspection items - static testing
Ø Check tires for external scratches and low air pressure
Ø Check tire rim bolts and tires for bulging and other anomalies
Ø Check for water leakage, oil leakage and gas leakage
Ø Check the liquid level of the clutch oil pot. The liquid level
should be in the middle of the oil pot
Ø Check whether the engine oil level is normal and there is no
Ø Check whether the fluid level of the hydraulic tank is normal
and whether there is leakage
Ø Check whether the antifreeze and pipeline are normal, and the
page should reach 2/3 of the water tank
Ø Check whether the height of the oil cylinder is normal and
whether there is pressure relief
Ø Check whether the brake air reservoir, pipelines and joints are
loose, leaky and worn
Ø Check whether the front and rear direction headlight assembly
is damaged or broken
Ø Check whether the positive and negative battery bolts are loose
Ø Check whether the bolt and spring are loose
⚠Note: When the vehicle is checked before operation, if it is found
that bolts are loose or oil leakage or leakage,Please retighten or
repair immediately to avoid breakdowns and wear! 12
正确操作车辆|发动机启动 Engine start
• 发动机机起动后,先怠速运转3-5分钟,然后将转速提高到1000-
• 发动机启动不大于10秒,间隔时间大于30秒, 1200 r/min,并加上部分负荷,只有当出水温度高于60℃,机油温
度高于50 ℃,时才允许进入全负荷运转。负荷和转速的增加应逐渐
• The engine starts for no more than 10
seconds, the interval is greater than 30 进行,尽量避免突加和突卸负荷,发动机正常运转时。
seconds, and the cause cannot be started for • After starting the engine, idle for 3-5 minutes, then increase the
3 consecutive times speed to 1000-1200 r/min, and add part of the load, only when the
water temperature is higher than 60 ° C, oil temperature is higher
than 50 ° C, it is allowed to enter the full load operation. The
increase of load and speed should be carried out gradually, and try
to avoid sudden loading and unloading of load when the engine is
running normally.

• 在斜坡上行驶要及时减速,在大扭矩工况不宜长
• 柴油机在正常使用时,(机油压力应在350KPa帕到550KPa帕之间)
• Driving on the slope should be slowed down in
time, in the large torque condition should not 怠速运转1~2分钟方可停车。
work for a long time, nor should the load be too • In normal use, the diesel engine (oil pressure should be between
small, because the speed is too low at this time, 350KPa and 550KPa kpa) is allowed to run continuously at rated
easy to appear oil and other failures. power and rated speed, but if it is run at 105% of rated speed and
110% of rated power, a maximum of 20 minutes is allowed. The
注 意:发动机起启动后,要注意各仪表读数,观察机油压力表显示的压力值。 engine should idle for 1 to 2 minutes before stopping after
Note: After the engine starts, pay attention to the reading of each unloading the load.
instrument and observe the pressure value displayed by the oil pressure
gauge. 13
正确操作车辆|发动机启动 Engine start
发动机的启动—注意事项 Starting of the engine - precautions
u 禁止突然加大油门,如果是经常凉车,活塞环位置、曲轴、凸轮轴会早期磨损,车辆会轻微烧机油,如果是热车,费油、费轮胎、发动机磨损会略微加大,
u It is forbidden to suddenly increase the throttle, if it is often cool, the piston ring position, crankshaft, camshaft will wear early, the vehicle will
burn oil slightly, if it is a hot car, the cost of oil, tires, engine wear will be slightly increased, but the carbon deposit will be slightly less.

n 柴油机的下列特征Diesel engine has the following characteristics:

The fuel consumption rate is low when the torque is maximum, and the fuel consumption
increases with the speed increasing
B.扭矩在发动机中速范围(1200 r/min ~1700 r/min)达到最大值。
The maximum torque is reached in the engine medium speed range (1200 r/min ~1700
The power of the engine increases with the increase of the speed, and the rated power is
reached at the rated speed.
u 禁止发动机长时间怠速, 怠速超过30分钟,会导致燃烧室温度下降,引起燃烧不良,形成积碳堵塞油嘴喷孔并引起活塞环和气阀的粘着。
u It is forbidden to idle the engine for a long time, idling for more than 30 minutes, which will cause the temperature of the combustion
chamber to drop, cause poor combustion, form carbon deposits to block the nozzle nozzle hole and cause the sticking of the piston ring
and the valve. 14
正确操作车辆|发动机启动 Engine start

危害1 Hazard 1
After starting the cold car engine, it starts directly
without preheating and is put into operation The engine does not receive oil lubrication
Causing early wear and tear (cylinder pulling)

2 危害2 Hazard 2

02 03 Diesel fuel cannot burn fully and easily forms

carbon deposits, which accumulate in the engine

3 危害3 Hazard 3
Insufficient power output from the engine

Generally speaking, after the engine stops running for a few hours, the residual lubricating oil on various metal surfaces is gone, and the
engine loses the protection of lubricating oil, resulting in a significant increase in wear and tear. If running at high speed immediately, due to
the body being too cold and the lubrication effect being poor, it may cause serious consequences such as engine damage, piston damage, and
turbocharger burning. 15
正确操作车辆|发动机熄火 Engine stalling
发动机的熄火—注意事项 matters needing attention

u 发动机在高负荷运转时不能立即熄火。在这种情况下立即熄火,高温部件的热量向低温部件传递,使轴承
u The engine cannot immediately shut down during high load operation. In this case, immediately turn off the engine,
and the heat from the high-temperature components is transferred to the low-temperature components, causing
the bearing temperature to rise. The lubricating oil of the bearing ages and coking due to the high temperature,
accelerating the wear of the bearing. So idle for 3-5 minutes to allow the oil to take away the heat from the
components before turning off the engine.
u 发动机熄火前怠速时间不宜超过10分钟。因为长时间怠速运转(低速状态),发动机负荷极小,燃烧的温
u The idle time before engine shutdown should not exceed 10 minutes. Due to prolonged idle operation (low-speed
state), the engine load is extremely low, and the combustion temperature is also low, which can cause incomplete
combustion, form carbon deposits in the combustion chamber, block the fuel injector nozzle holes, and lead to
phenomena such as sticking the plug ring and valve sticking. Therefore, the idle speed should not be too long.

u 由于增压器内转子的转速很高(约70000~100000转/分),其转子轴承的润滑为强制润滑,由发动机主
u Due to the high speed of the rotor in the turbocharger (about 70000-10000 rpm), the lubrication of the rotor
bearings is forced lubrication, which is provided by the main oil passage of the engine with pressure lubricating oil.
Stop fuel supply when the engine stops.

正确操作车辆|行驶 Steer
行驶的正确操作步骤 The correct operating steps for driving
After starting the engine, first ensure that the brake pressure is sufficient. If the low pressure warning light is on, the vehicle cannot start. After the
inflation pressure reaches 6.5 bar, the warning light will turn off and the alarm buzzer will stop, release the handbrake handle to prepare for starting.
抬离合到半联动 Lift the clutch to half linkage

挂1档 Shift to 1st gear

抬离合到半联动 Lift the clutch to half linkage

松开手制动 Release the handbrake

加油、抬离合 Refueling and lifting the clutch

正确操作车辆|离合器 Clutch
离合器的介绍及功用 Introduction and Function of Clutches

T h e c l u tc h syste m i s a co m p l ex a n d i n d i s p e n s a b l e syste m . T h e c l u tc h i s i n sta l l e d b et we e n t h e e n g i n e a n d t h e
t ra n s m i s s i o n , a n d i s a co m p o n e nt d i re c t l y a s s o c i ate d w i t h t h e e n g i n e i n t h e t ra n s m i s s i o n syste m . T h e c l u tc h
syste m s e p a rate s a n d e n ga ge s t h e e n g i n e a n d t ra n s m i s s i o n syste m by m a n i p u l at i n g t h e c l u tc h m e c h a n i s m
f ro m " sta r t i n g " to " d r i v i n g " , t h at i s , c u tt i n g o ff a n d t ra n s m i tt i n g t h e e n g i n e ' s o u t p u t k i n et i c e n e rg y.

离合器的功用 The function of the clutch:

u 平顺接合动力,保证车辆平稳起步;
u Smooth engagement of power ensures smooth starting of the vehicle;
u 临时切断动力,保证换档时工作平顺;
u Temporarily cut off power to ensure smooth operation during gear shifting;
u 防止传动系统过载。
u Prevent transmission system overload.

正确操作车辆|离合器 Clutch
离合器正确使用要点 Key points for correct use of clutch

规 范 驾 驶 起 步 档 位 S ta n d a rd i ze d r i v i n g sta r t i n g ge a r :
H e av y l o a d , st r i c t re q u i re m e nt s fo r sta r t i n g at t h e l owe st ge a r .

规范起步油离配合 Standardize the starting oil separation fit:

D u r i n g t h e p ro c e s s o f c l u tc h e n ga ge m e nt , s l ow l y re l e a s e t h e c l u tc h
p e d a l a n d a d d f u e l a p p ro p r i ate l y to e n s u re a sta b l e e n g i n e s p e e d , w h i c h
ca n e n s u re a s m o o t h sta r t o f t h e ve h i c l e ;
W h e n t h e s l o p e i s l a rge , t h e l o a d i s h e av y, a n d t h e ro a d co n d i t i o n s a re
h a rs h , i t i s n e c e s s a r y to i n c re a s e t h e e n g i n e e n ga ge m e nt s p e e d
a p p ro p r i ate l y a n d ex te n d t h e e n ga ge m e nt t i m e .

正确操作车辆|离合器 Clutch
离合器烧蚀原因 Reasons for clutch erosion

The main reason for clutch failure can be explained in two words: overheating.
The high heat between the flywheel, driven plate, and pressure plate causes the metal to melt and the friction material to decompose,
resulting in clutch failure. In a fully engaged state, the clutch does not generate heat or wear, but during the engagement process, a large
amount of heat is generated due to friction. An incorrect adjustment, operation, or clutch slippage can result in self destructive heat.

摩擦friction 过热superheat

正确操作车辆|离合器 Clutch
离合器—错误操作危害-注意事项 Misoperation hazards - precautions
l 注意在行车时,左脚切勿总放在离合器踏板上,这样很容易造成离合器打滑、离合器片烧蚀等现象,严重时甚至使离合器
l B e c a r e f u l n o t t o a l w a y s p l a c e y o u r l e f t fo o t o n t h e c l u t c h p e d a l w h i l e d r i v i n g , a s t h i s c a n e a s i l y c a u s e s l i p p i n g o f t h e c l u t c h ,
burning of the clutch plate, and in severe cases, even burning and pulling of the clutch pressure plate and flywheel end face,
resulting in annealing failure of the clutch pressure spring.
l 注意行驶中,换档应准确加档、减档均应逐档进行。★注:严禁越级加档或减档。
l During driving, gear shifting should be accurate and both upshifting and downshifting should be done step by step. ★ Note: It is
strictly prohibited to upshift or downshift beyond the level.
l 注意踩离合器时,要踩到最低点。避免离合器长时间处于接合状态,要确保离合器完全分离,不至于磨损。
l W h e n s t e p p i n g o n t h e c l u t c h , b e s u r e t o r e a c h t h e l o w e s t p o i n t . To a v o i d p r o l o n g e d e n g a g e m e n t o f t h e c l u t c h , e n s u r e c o m p l e t e
d i s e n g a g e m e n t o f t h e c l u t c h a n d p r e v e n t w e a r.
l 注意控制离合的时机。在开车时,离合器不要松得太快或刻意将发动机转速提升得过高。这会加速离合器的损耗。
l Pay attention to controlling the timing of the clutch. When driving , do not loosen the clutch too quickly or deliberately increase
the engine speed too high. This will accelerate the loss of the clutch.
l 注意在完全踩下离合器踏板后才换档。
l Be careful not to shift gears until the clutch pedal is fully pressed.
l 注意在踩离合器踏板时,加速踏板应该迅速松开。
l Note that when stepping on the clutch pedal, the accelerator pedal should be quickly released.
l 注意离合器操作要和手部换档动作相配合。在手部未能顺利换档时,应该先松开离合器,然后再踩离合器一次,再换档,
l Pay attention to the coordination between clutch operation and manual gear shifting. When the hand fails to shift gears
s m o o t h l y, t h e c l u t c h s h o u l d b e r e l e a s e d f i r s t , t h e n t h e c l u t c h s h o u l d b e s t e p p e d o n a g a i n , a n d t h e n t h e g e a r s h o u l d b e s h i f t e d .
D o n o t fo r c e t h e g e a r t o s h i f t , o t h e r w i s e i t w i l l c a u s e f r i c t i o n i n t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n g e a r s , r e s u l t i n g i n c u p d a m a g e .
l 当驱动车轮在松软、泥泞路面打滑时,严禁采用猛加油门/猛抬离合器踏板的方法前行。
l W h e n t h e d r i v i n g w h e e l s s l i p o n s o f t o r m u d d y r o a d s , i t i s s t r i c t l y p r o h i b i t e d t o u s e t h e m e t h o d o f fo r c e f u l l y a c c e l e r a t i n g / l i f t i n g
t h e c l u t c h p e d a l t o m o v e fo r w a r d . 21
正确操作车辆|排气制动 Exhaust braking
排气制动( WEVB辅助制动)—正确操作步骤 Correct operating steps



B. 前推关闭排气制动

正确操作车辆|排气制动 Exhaust braking
排气制动( WEVB辅助制动)—正确操作步骤 Correct operating steps

The exhaust brake is controlled by the right combination switch. When using the exhaust brake, push the exhaust brake switch. At the same time, the exhaust
brake can only work when the engine speed is greater than 1000 rpm. The exhaust brake light on the car is the light that appears when using the exhaust brake when
driving on ice, snow, slippery muddy roads, and downhill slopes. If the exhaust brake indicator light is on, it indicates that the car's exhaust brake is working. Using
exhaust brakes during driving on icy, snowy, and slippery muddy roads can reduce sideslip; Using exhaust braking during long downhill journeys can reduce the
number of driving brakes, lower the temperature rise of the brake drum, and improve the reliability of braking. Exhaust braking, also known as auxiliary braking, is
the installation of a pneumatic butterfly valve on the exhaust pipe to control the displacement of exhaust gas and limit the power of the engine to achieve braking
Attention: During the downhill process, avoid repeatedly activating the exhaust brake at high engine speeds. Control the vehicle speed and appropriate
gear before going downhill to prevent the engine from running at an excessive speed.
The exhaust brake should not be used for more than 5 minutes each time. When the transmission is in neutral or the clutch is disengaged, and the engine
speed is below 1000r/min, the auxiliary brake will not work; The lower the gear, the higher the exhaust braking efficiency.

A.Pull back to activate the exhaust brake

B. Push forward to close exhaust brake

正确操作车辆|液力缓速器 Hydraulic retarder
液力缓速器—正确操作步骤 Correct operating steps


• 液力缓速器为辅助制动装置,不能替代行车制动器;
• 液力缓速器不能用于驻车制动,液力缓速器严禁在湿滑、冰雪路面使用。
• 发动机水温过高时,液力缓速器会退出工作模式,此时需要使用制动踏板进行刹车,避免发动机转速超过2300r/min。

正确操作车辆|液力缓速器 Hydraulic retarder
液力缓速器—正确操作步骤 Correct operating steps
The function of a hydraulic retarder is to convert the kinetic energy of the entire vehicle into thermal energy, which is carried away
by the engine's circulating coolant and dissipated into the atmosphere through the engine's cooling system. Hydraulic retarder is
one of the auxiliary braking devices. A reliable auxiliary braking device can improve vehicle driving safety, effectively improve
vehicle operation efficiency, reduce main brake wear, and extend tire life.

The hydraulic retarder is also controlled by the right combination switch. When using the hydraulic retarder, simply turn the knob
on the right combination switch.
In addition, the use of hydraulic retarders requires special attention to the following points:
• The hydraulic retarder is an auxiliary braking device and cannot replace the service brake;
• The hydraulic retarder cannot be used for parking brake, and it is strictly prohibited to use it on wet, slippery, icy or snowy roads.
• When the engine water temperature is too high, the hydraulic retarder will exit the working mode. At this time, the brake pedal
needs to be used to brake to avoid the engine speed exceeding 2300r/min.

正确操作车辆|变速箱 Gearbox
Automatic transmission - lever shifter

F unc t ion
E x plain
k ey s

1 S hif t m ode
Shift key
s wit ching
R Rev er se gear M ode
2 S wit ching of
but t on
N Neut r al posit ion f ault codes
3 Clear ing f ault
D F or war d gear
c odes
Low speed gear
( 1st gear )
Query function button

n 显示屏上方数字代表电脑设定的最高挡,下方数字表示当前挡位。仪表灯或车内阅读灯亮时换挡器背光灯会亮
n The number above the display screen represents the highest gear set by the computer, and the number below represents the current
gear. When the instrument lights or the interior reading lights are on, the shifter backlight will light up
n 在较大坡度上行驶时 ,可挂到L档(变速箱档位为1档),防止换挡循环 。
n When driving on steep slopes, you can shift to L gear (transmission gear is 1 gear) to prevent gear shifting cycles.
正确操作车辆|变速箱 Gearbox
Automatic transmission - lever shifter
升/降档位置标记 Upshift/downshift position markings

By using the shift lever upshift/downshift function, the preset maximum gear of the gearbox
can be achieved to prevent shifting cycles 27
正确操作车辆|变速箱 Gearbox
自动挡变速箱—按键式换挡器 Button shifter
Maintenance indicator light
Set the highest gear Current gear

Fu n cti o n keys Ex p l a i n
LCD display window 1 Sh i ft m o d e
sw i tch i n g
2 Sw i tch i n g o f
S hif t M o d e b u tto n fa u l t co d es
E x plain
key MODE 3 Fa u l t co d e
Rever se d eter m i n ati o n
but t on
4 C l ea r i n g fa u l t
Neut r al co d es
but t on
U ps h i ft o p erati o n
F or war d ( p res et)
D gear
D ow n s h i ft
but t on
o p erati o n ( p res et)

n 在较大坡度上行驶时 ,操作上下箭头来实现预设挡位 ,防止换挡循环。

n When driving on steep slopes, operate the up and down arrows to achieve
preset gear positions and prevent gear shifting cycles 28
正确操作车辆|变速箱 Gearbox
自动挡变速箱—变速箱升挡条件 Transmission upshift conditions

The transmission computer detects multiple signals to determine whether to upshift, including:

1. 发 动 机 油 门 开 度 E n g i n e t h ro t t l e o p e n i n g

2. 发动机转速 Engine speed

3. 变速箱输出轴转速(等同于车速)
Tra n s m i s s i o n o u t p u t s h a f t s p e e d ( e q u i va l e n t t o v e h i c l e s p e e d )
Ø 只有三个条件同时达到要求,才能升挡,只是猛踩油门但输出轴和车速都没达
Ø Only when all three conditions are met simultaneously can the gear be upshifted, but the output shaft and vehicle
speed are not met when the accelerator is forcefully pressed
Ø 到设定的升挡指标,发动机只能产生空耗,而不升挡,尤其是1挡升2挡过程。
Ø At the set upshift target, the engine can only generate idle without upshifting, especially during the process of
shifting from first gear to second gear.

正确操作车辆|变速箱 Gearbox
自动挡变速箱—换挡策略介绍 Introduction to Shift Strategy

01 艾里逊变速箱电脑已经设置两种换挡模式:动力模式和经
The Allison transmission computer has set two shifting modes:
power mode and economy mode, and the transmission defaults
to power mode as the initial first shifting mode. By using the
mode button (MODE), the transmission can switch between two

02 在重载上坡的作业情况下,可选用动力模式,在空载下坡
In the case of heavy-duty uphill operations, power mode
can be selected, and in the case of unloaded downhill
operations, economy mode can be selected.

第一换挡模式 第二换挡模式
(动力模式) (经济模式)
First shift mode Second shift mode
(Power mode) (Economic model)
正确操作车辆|变速箱 Gearbox
自动挡变速箱—重载上坡的操作方法 Operation method for overloading uphill

] • 当车辆在正常行驶爬坡过程中,如果变速箱在某两个档位之间来回循环换挡,可通过降

] When the vehicle is driving normally uphill, if the gearbox shifts back and forth between certain two gears, the downshift
button can be used to limit the highest gear of the gearbox to the low gear of the two gears to prevent shifting cycles.
When passing through roads without shifting cycles, the upshift button can be used to restore the gearbox to the previous

] • 当车辆在需要重载爬较大坡度时,可提前将变速箱档位可挂到L档(变速箱档位为1档),

] When the vehicle needs to climb a steep slope with heavy loads, the transmission gear can be shifted to L gear
(transmission gear is 1 gear) in advance to prevent shifting cycles.

正确操作车辆|变速箱 Gearbox
变速箱—违规操作 Violation of regulations
拖行和滑行 Towing and sliding
uDuring the operation of the transmission, it is required that the gears on the intermediate and second shafts rotate continuously in order
to provide sufficient lubricating oil for the transmission. But when the vehicle is towed with the rear wheels on the ground and the
transmission system connected, the above-mentioned gears do not rotate, but the second shaft is driven by the rear wheels to rotate at
high speed. Friction will inevitably occur between the spline gaskets on the second shaft, and due to the large speed difference and lack of
lubrication, the transmission will be severely damaged. Sliding the vehicle in neutral gear can also have the same negative effect.
uTherefore, it is prohibited for vehicles to tow or slide in neutral. When towing operations are required, the transmission shaft at the output
end of the gearbox of the towed vehicle should be removed or the half shaft of the vehicle should be pulled out. The drive wheel can also
be towed off the ground to prevent the gear and gasket end faces on the second shaft from burning and causing damage to the gearbox.
AT变速器操作注意 Precautions for AT transmission operation

u严禁空挡滑行!No sliding in neutral gear!

u严禁R挡与D挡之间直接切换!It is strictly prohibited to switch between R gear and D gear directly!
u车辆焊接作业时:断开控制器两个接插件,防止大电流烧毁控制器!When welding vehicles: Disconnect the two connectors of the
controller to prevent high current from burning the controller! 32
正确操作车辆|差速器 Differential
轴间差速锁—正确操作步骤 Inter axle differential lock - correct operating steps

When the car is driving on muddy and bumpy roads, causing the middle and rear drive axles to slip and the vehicle to be stranded, turn on the axle differential lock
switch, shift the transmission into the appropriate gear, release the clutch pedal, and the vehicle can drive out of the faulty road. Using the axle differential lock can
lock the axle differential between the middle and rear axles, thereby improving the vehicle's passability. Immediately turn off all differential lock switches when
driving out of a faulty road surface.

Press the axle differential rocker switch,
and when the axle differential is engaged,
the axle differential indicator symbol on the
instrument panel will light up.

A, 轴间差速锁的接合:在车辆处于停止状态,或低速(相当于人步行的速度)直线行驶时,才能接合差速锁。
Engaging the differential lock between axles: The differential lock can only be engaged when the vehicle is in a stopped state or when driving at a low speed
(equivalent to walking speed) in a straight line.
B, 轴间差速锁的脱开:放松油门,踩下离合器,扳上轴间差速翘板开关。当轴间差速器脱开后,仪表盘上的轴间差速指示符号熄灭。
Release of the axle differential lock: Release the throttle, press the clutch, and pull the axle differential rocker switch. When the axle differential is disengaged, the
axle differential indicator symbol on the instrument panel goes out. 33
正确操作车辆|差速器 Differential
轴间差速锁—注意事项 matters needing attention

A, 车辆正常行驶时,禁止操作差速锁开关。严禁长时间使用差速锁,否则会损坏差速锁,造成轮胎过度磨损;
When the vehicle is driving normally, it is prohibited to operate the differential lock switch. It is strictly prohibited to use the differential lock for a long time,
otherwise it will damage the differential lock and cause excessive tire wear;
B, 必须在车辆完全停止后,才能按下差速锁开关,否则会损坏差速锁;
The differential lock switch can only be pressed after the vehicle has come to a complete stop, otherwise it will damage the differential lock;
C, 车辆行驶时,轴间差速锁结合前必须分离离合器。
When the vehicle is in motion, the clutch must be disengaged before the axle differential lock is engaged.

故障分析 Fault analysis

A, 承载负荷过大车辆超载;Vehicle overload due to excessive load capacity;
B, 驱动桥缺油或齿轮油变质;Lack of oil in the drive axle or deterioration of gear oil;
C, 差速器各齿轮配合间隙过大;The clearance between the differential gears is too large;
D, 未能正确使用差速锁。Failed to use differential lock correctly.

正确操作车辆|举升 Lift
货箱举升—正确操作 Container lifting - correct operation
②踩下离合器,按下取力器开关。 按下取力器翘板开关,
③取力器接通后,应缓慢抬起离合器,此时取力器输出轴带动油泵开始运转。 当取力器接通后,仪
2、车箱举升 符号亮。
举升”位置,车箱即举升,车箱举升至最大高度时,系统会自动泄油而停止举升。 车箱举升
力箱动力断开,使油泵停止工作。 35
正确操作车辆|举升 Lift
decline Press the power take-off rocker
货箱举升—正确操作 Container lifting - correct operation
switch, and when the power
1、Power take-off control: take-off is connected, the
① Start the engine and confirm that it is working properly, with the gear lever in neutral position. power take-off indicator symbol
② Step on the clutch and press the power take-off switch. on the dashboard will light up.
③ After the power take-off is connected, the clutch should be slowly lifted, and at this time, the output Lifting handle 按下取力器翘板开关,
shaft of the power take-off drives the oil pump to start running. 当取力器接通后,仪
2、Car body lifting 表盘上的取力器指示
When the oil pump is in operation, press the lock button of the lifting control switch (as shown in the 符号亮。
figure) and turn the handle from the "O" position to the "lifting" position to lift the vehicle. When the lift
vehicle is lifted to the maximum height, the system will automatically drain oil and stop lifting. The lifting
speed of the car body increases with the increase of engine speed. The lifting speed of the vehicle body
should not be too fast. Generally, when lifting, the engine should use the middle throttle, and the engine
speed should not exceed the maximum allowable value to prevent the oil pump from running over speed.
3、Lowering and resetting the trunk
After unloading the goods, the car should be immediately lowered and restored. When the car is lowered,
the lifting switch lock button should be pressed, and the handle should be turned from the "lifting"
position to the "lowering" position. The car gradually lowers. When the car is lowered and reaches a
complete reset, the lifting switch lock button should be pressed again to put the handle in the "O"
position. Only when the vehicle is fully reset and both the lifting switch handle and the power take-off
switch handle are in the "O" position, can the vehicle start driving.
4、Stopping during the lifting process of the vehicle body
During the lifting or lowering process of the vehicle, if it is necessary to temporarily stop at a certain angle
position (0-50 °), simply turn the lifting switch to the "O" position (self-locking position of the handle). If it
stops for a short time, the power of the power take-off box should not be cut off. If it stops for a long time,
the power of the power take-off box should be cut off to stop the oil pump from working.
正确操作车辆|举升 Lift
货箱举升—注意事项 matters needing attention

l 禁止举升卸货后在取力器开关没有脱开的情况下,将控制手柄至于下落位置。
l It is prohibited to place the control handle in the falling position after lifting and unloading without
disconnecting the power take-off switch.
l 禁止车箱内粘有货物时,采用惯性闪车厢(急刹车)的方式进行卸载货物。
l When there is cargo stuck inside the carriage, it is prohibited to use the method of inertia flashing
(emergency braking) to unload the cargo.
l 禁止车厢在举升状态下行驶。
l Do not drive the carriage in a raised state.
l 液压相关的接头一定要定期复紧,否则会有泄露风险,造成其他安全事故。
l Hydraulic related joints must be re tightened regularly, otherwise there is a risk of leakage and other
safety accidents.

Abnormal wear of
the lifting cylinder

正确操作车辆|举升 Lift
货箱举升—注意事项 matters needing attention
正 确 Correct 错 误 Error

Do not deviate from the load

Do not lift on uneven roads or slopes

Personnel must not stand in the
working area of the dump truck

Personnel must not stand under
unsupported compartments

Do not brake urgently for unloading,
otherwise it will seriously damage the
oil cylinder and other components 38
Ø保养指南 Maintenance Guidelines
Ø 发动机 Engine Ø 变速箱 Gearbox

Ø 车桥 Axle Ø 悬架 Suspension

Ø 液压 Hydraulic pressure Ø 制动 Braking

Ø 空调 Air-conditioning Ø 主要润滑点 Main lubrication points

Ø 螺栓扭矩 Bolt torque Ø 定期保养表 Regular maintenance schedule

保养指南|发动机 Engine
发动机的保养 Engine maintenance

空 滤 器

①1天检查一次滤芯,3-5天清理一次,恶劣工况须每天清理; 主滤芯 主滤芯 安全滤芯


保养指南|发动机 Engine
发动机的保养 Engine maintenance
Engine maintenance mainly includes the replacement of air filter, engine oil, oil filter, diesel filter, and coolant. Secondly, it is necessary to
regularly inspect the engine electrical connectors, water pipes, air pipes, and suspension cushions.

空滤器 Air filter

①Check the filter element once a day, clean it every 3-5 days, and clean it every day in 主滤芯 Main filter 主滤芯 Main filter 安全滤芯 Safety
harsh working conditions; element element filter element
The oil filter bowl and filter screen must be cleaned and replaced with oil after
cleaning the filter element five times.

②Method: Use compressed air to blow out the dust from the filter element from the
inside out. As the air filter is made of paper, it is important to note that the air
pressure should not be too high (3-4 kg/㎡) when blowing to avoid damaging the filter.
The filter element needs to be replaced in the following situations:
When the outer filter element is damaged or cleaned 5 times;
★ When the maintained filter element is installed and the alarm indicator light is still
on and the alarm still sounds;
★ The safety filter cannot be maintained. When the main filter is replaced, replace the
safety filter together.

③Harm: Improper maintenance can cause dust to enter the engine, causing early
wear of the engine's four sets, leading to replacement of the four sets.

④Attention: It is strictly prohibited to use filter elements with cracks and perforations,
otherwise the filter will lose its filtering effect. 41
保养指南|发动机 Engine
Oil filling and precautions for air filter oil basin 4、当晃动油盆,机油不易流动时,必须清洗粗滤芯总成,
1、投入运营前必须加注机油,且机油型号与发动机使用的相同, 并更换机油;
或机油黏度与发动机同期使用的类似; 一般情况下可以连续使用200~300小时;
2、加油高度不得高于规定的油面高度(油盆外侧有标识,且不 在特别恶劣的使用条件下,必须每天检测清洗更换机油。



保养指南|发动机 Engine
Oil filling and precautions for air filter oil basin 4. When shaking the oil pan and the oil is not easy to flow, it is necessary to clean
the coarse filter assembly and replace the oil;
1. Before putting into operation, it is necessary to add engine oil, and the oil
Generally, it can be used continuously for 200-300 hours;
model is the same as the one used by the engine, or the viscosity of the oil is
Under extremely harsh usage conditions, it is necessary to check, clean, and
similar to that used by the engine at the same time;
change the oil every day.
2. The refueling height shall not exceed the specified oil level height (marked
on the outside of the oil pan and not higher than the height of the oil baffle), 清洗
with a fuel volume of 5 liters; 滤网
filter Oil Change

5. When cleaning the coarse filter assembly, first remove the oil basin, and then
sequentially remove the disc-shaped nuts at the bottom of the upper coarse filter
3. Every day, it is necessary to check whether the steel wire clamp connecting assembly.
the shell and the oil pan is loose;

保养指南|发动机 Engine
柴油滤芯 机油滤芯
Diesel filter oil filter element

• 新车250小时/3000km需要更换机油,之后每500小时更换一次
• 每500小时/5000km更换一次滤芯
• The new car requires oil change every 250 hours/3000km, and then
• Replace the filter element every 500 hours/5000km
every 500 hours
• 更换时,应同时更换四个滤芯(三个粗滤、一个精滤)
• 滤清器在更换机油时一并更换,机油加注量约24L
• When replacing, all four filter elements should be replaced simultaneously
• The filter should be replaced together with the oil, and the oil filling
(three coarse filters and one fine filter)
amount is about 24L
• 过滤器失效将造成高压油泵的损坏,燃油供给系统管路的堵塞,影响
• 两个关联机油滤清器的滤芯要同时更换,在密封垫上涂上一层薄
• Failure of the filter will cause damage to the high-pressure fuel pump,
• The filter elements of two associated oil filters need to be replaced
blockage of the fuel supply system pipeline, affect combustion, and result
simultaneously. Apply a thin layer of oil to the sealing gasket and
in a decrease in engine power
tighten the filter

Attention: Observe the oil level
gauge. The oil level is approximately
above the upper and lower limits of
the gauge. 44
保养指南|发动机 Engine

01 悬置软垫 02 风扇 03 接插件
Suspension cushion Fan Connector
每运行2500km或250h后检查一次减震垫情况, 每运行5000km或500h检查发动机风扇及风 每运行5000km或500h检查发动机电器插接
损坏即更换; 圈间隙,调整发动机皮带的张紧; 件是否松动,损坏。检查发动机线束是否磨
Check the condition of the shock absorber pad Check the clearance between the engine fan 损,做好固定措施。
every 2500km or 250h of operation, and replace it and wind coil every 5000km or 500h of Check if the engine electrical connectors are
if it is damaged; operation, and adjust the tension of the engine loose or damaged every 5000km or 500h of
每运行5000km或/500h检查一次悬置螺栓是否 belt; operation. Check if the engine wiring harness is
松动,根据螺栓螺母的力矩要求做好复紧。 皮带挠度调整数据为10~15mm。 worn and take proper fixing measures.
Check whether the suspension bolts are loose The adjustment data for belt deflection is 10-
every 5000km or 500h of operation, and tighten 15mm.
them according to the torque requirements of the
bolts and nuts.
保养指南|手动挡变速箱 Manual transmission
Transmission model: 7DS200+hydraulic retarder

• 变速箱齿轮油:新车运行3000km或200h后需要更换齿轮油(GL-5 85W/90),约23L左
• 操作方法:打开变速箱下方堵头,放空齿轮油,从变速箱上方重新添加。
• 变速箱悬置:新车运行3000km或200h后需要检查一次螺栓紧固情况及减震垫情况,根据螺

液力缓速器 Hydraulic retarder


保养指南|手动挡变速箱 Manual transmission
Transmission model: 7DS200+hydraulic retarder
1. Daily maintenance items: Check the gearbox for oil leakage, difficulty shifting, and any abnormal
noises during shifting every day.
2. Periodic maintenance items:
• Transmission gear oil: After running for 3000km or 200h, the new car needs to replace the gear oil
(GL-5 85W/90), which is about 23L. Afterwards, it needs to be replaced every 10000km or 2000h.
• Operation method: Open the plug under the gearbox, empty the gear oil, and add it again from
above the gearbox.
• Transmission suspension: After running a new car for 3000km or 200h, it is necessary to check the
bolt tightening and shock absorber pad condition. Retensing should be carried out according to the
torque requirements of the bolts and nuts. If the shock absorber pad is damaged or fails, it needs to
be replaced in a timely manner. Afterwards, check the re tightening every 5000km or 500h.

液力缓速器 Hydraulic retarder

• 1. Please add special oil for Faust hydraulic retarder, brand FL-03A. It is not allowed to add other
brands of oil;
• 2. Recommend using a measuring cup and funnel for refueling, with a total refueling volume of 6.3-
6.5 liters, to ensure that the oil does not spill on the surface of the retarder during the refueling
• Maintenance cycle: 70000km or 1 year.
保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission

• 首保:新车200小时换滤芯(用量一台车1个),
• 定保:每1500小时换一次变速箱油和滤芯(使用专用油的情况下)
• 滤芯图号:389-1085变速箱滤芯
• 油品图号:法士特变速箱专用润滑油
• 油品用量:一桶18L,大约需要2桶半(因油液无法完全放出,无法
• 确定升数,需要油尺判断或者放多少加多少)


保 养项目
变速器油 油滤清器 磁性滤网 通气塞
保 养 周期 注意:1. 表中数据是根据客户使用:壳法2长效增强型自动变
速箱专用油 。
每工作10小时 检查油位
2. 以上保养周期中,行驶里程(里程表)、运行时间或日历时
初始200工作小时/8000公里 更换

每1500工作小时/3年/120000公里 更换 清洁 清洁

保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
Dual Special Transmission Model: FC6A250PRT
• First maintenance: New car requires a 200 hour filter replacement (1 per vehicle),
• Fixed warranty: Change the transmission oil and filter every 1500 hours (when using specialized oil)
• Filter element diagram number: 389-1085 Transmission filter element
• Oil Product Drawing Number: Faster Transmission Special Lubricating Oil
• Oil usage: One barrel of 18L, approximately 2 and a half barrels are needed (as the oil cannot be
completely drained, it cannot be fully drained)
• To determine the number of liters, it is necessary to use a dipstick to determine or add as much as needed

FC6A210/250 series hydraulic automatic transmission maintenance cycle:

Maintenance items Transmission Magnetic Ventilation
Oil filter 注意:1. 表中数据是根据客户使用:壳法2长效增强型自动变速
Maintenance cycle oil filter screen plug
箱专用油 。
Check the oil
Every 10 working hours 2. 以上保养周期中,行驶里程(里程表)、运行时间或日历时间,

Replace 以先到者为准。
Initial 200 working hours/8000 kilometers
Note: 1 The data in the table is based on the customer's use of Shell
Replace Method 2 long-lasting enhanced automatic transmission specific oil.
Every 1500 working hours/3 years/120000
Check the oil Replace clean clean 2. In the above maintenance cycles, the mileage (odometer), running
kilometers level time or calendar time, whichever comes first, shall prevail.

保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
AT变速器保养方法 Maintenance methods for AT transmission

准备干净容器,卸掉放油塞放油 使用活动扳手将油滤器拧开 FC6A140/180滤芯样式

注意:油液可能会飞溅 注意:拆前观察外漏螺丝纹多少 注意:滤芯和黑色壳体卡槽需对准安装

使用S13套筒拆除3个螺栓 FC6A210/250滤芯样式 50
保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
AT变速器保养方法 Maintenance methods for AT transmission

Prepare a clean container, remove the oil Use a wrench to unscrew the oil filter FC6A140/180 filter cartridge style
drain plug, and drain the oil Attention: Before disassembly, observe the Attention: The filter element and the black
Attention: Oil may splash number of exposed screw patterns housing slot need to be aligned for installation

Remove the cover plate and magnetic filter

Use S13 socket to remove 3 bolts element, and clean any debris on them FC6A210/250 filter cartridge style 51
Attention: The sealing ring on the cover plate
保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
FC变速器的油位检查 Oil level inspection of FC transmission
Ø 操作:同时按下“↑”和“↓”按钮(手柄式换挡器直接按下油位检测按钮),再次按
Check the oil level using the gear shift panel 下该按钮时退出油位检查。
Ø 条件:发动机怠速运行、变速器置于空挡、车辆位于水平地面、车辆静止、变速器油
温高于60℃。如条件未达成时,显示屏显示左下 表格信息。
Ø 结果:如满足油位检查条件,则在倒计时2分钟(显示屏上从60倒数到0)后,在显示

保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
FC变速器的油位检查 Oil level inspection of FC transmission
使用换挡面板检查油位 Ø Operation: Press the "↑" and "↓" buttons simultaneously (the lever shifter directly presses the

Check the oil level using the gear shift panel oil level detection button), and press the button again to exit the oil level check.
Ø Conditions: Engine idling, transmission in neutral, vehicle on level ground, vehicle stationary,
Oil level status display
transmission oil temperature above 60 ℃. If the conditions are not met, the display screen will
Display Explain
display the information in the bottom left table.
O L -L 0 -X X Oil level below standard # # quarts Ø Result: If the oil level inspection conditions are met, the upper left table information will be
0 L -H I-X X Oil level above standard # # quarts displayed on the display screen after a countdown of 2 minutes (counting from 60 to 0 on the
O L -O K The oil level is appropriate display screen).

Fault display when the oil level test conditions are not met
Display Explain

0 L -ES-LO Engine speed too low

O L -ES-H I Engine speed too high

O L -OT -LO Oil temperature too low

O L -OT -H I Oil temperature too high

O L -VS-H I Vehicle not stationary

0 L -SE System error 53

保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
变速器的油位检查 Transmission oil level inspection

保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
双特变速器的油位检查 Oil level inspection of dual special transmission
Check the oil level using a dipstick
冷态油位检查 Cold oil level inspection
l 条件 condition:
Dipstick and refueling
Transmission in neutral and idling
Vehicle located on level ground
3.车辆静止 Vehicle stationary Hot state maximum oil level

热态油位检查 Hot oil level inspection Enlarge the view Hot minimum oil level
l 条件 condition:
1.发动机怠速运行 Engine idling
2.变速器置于空挡 Transmission in neutral
Cold minimum oil level
Vehicle located on level ground
4.车辆静止 Vehicle stationary
Transmission oil temperature above 60 ℃
保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
变速箱油的作用 The function of transmission oil

1 2 3
Power 冷却 润滑
transmissio Cooling Lubrication

4 5 6
清洁 缓冲 缓速器型)
Clean Buffer
(with hydraulic
retarder type)

保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
艾里逊变速箱油位检查 Allison Transmission Oil Level Check
• 通过换挡器检查油位的条件
Conditions for checking the oil level through the shifter
Ø 车 辆 停 放 在 水 平 路 面 The vehicle is parked on a level road surface
Ø 发 动 机 处 于 怠 速 运 转 状 态 The engine is running at idle speed
Ø 变 速 箱 置 于 空 挡 状 态 Transmission in neutral
Ø 输 出 轴 转 速 为 零 The output shaft speed is zero
Ø 变 速 箱 油 面 稳 定 Stable transmission oil level
Ø 变速箱的油温处在正常测量范围40-104℃
The oil temperature of the gearbox is within the normal measurement range of 40-104 ℃

• 查询方式---同时按升挡 按钮与降挡 按钮1次

Query method - simultaneously press the upshift button and the downshift button once
• 退出方式---按空挡键按钮N退出油位检查模式
Exit method - Press the neutral button N to exit the oil level check mode
Note: 1. When the shifter query shows 3 quarts of
oil, it is necessary to check the oil dipstick to
confirm the specific quantity.
2. Allison transmission recommends using
transmission oil that meets the TES295 standard.
Normal oil level 1 quart more oil 1 quart less oil 57
保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
Allison Transmission Handle Shifter Query Function

1 次查油位
Check the oil level once

2 次查油的寿命
The lifespan of two oil inspections

3 次查滤芯的寿命
Check the lifespan of the filter
element three times

4 次查变速箱寿命
Check the lifespan of the gearbox
four times

5 次查故障码
Check fault codes 5 times

Press the logo button on the shifter

保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
艾里逊变速箱油位检查 Ø 变速箱油温低于40度时,需要通过油尺检查油位
Allison Transmission Oil Level Check Ø When the transmission oil temperature is below 40
degrees, it is necessary to check the oil level through the
Ø 拔出油尺检查油位,重新安装时必须旋紧油尺
Ø Pull out the oil dipstick to check the oil level. When
Oil drain plug position
reinstalling, the dipstick must be tightened
Ø 加油通过油尺
Ø Refuel through the dipstick
Ø 放油通过油底壳上的放油塞
Hot oil level Ø Drain oil through the drain plug on the oil pan

Cold oil level

保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
Query of Allison gearbox prediction function

检查油寿命 检查滤芯寿命 检查离合器寿命

同时按上下箭头2次 同时按上下箭头3次 同时按上下箭头4次
Check oil lifespan Check the lifespan of the filter Check the lifespan of the clutch
Press the up and down arrows element Press the up and down arrows 4
twice at the same time Press the up and down arrows times simultaneously
three times simultaneously

保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
Alarm of Allison gearbox prediction function

n 在选择前进档时,服务指示标 持续点亮两分钟,提示变速箱油寿命需要更换。
n When selecting forward gear, the service indicator will remain illuminated for two minutes,
indicating that the transmission oil lifespan needs to be replaced.
n 在选择前进档时,服务指示标 持续闪烁两分钟,提示滤芯需要更换。
n When selecting forward gear, the service indicator flashes continuously for two minutes,
indicating that the filter element needs to be replaced.
n 在所有档位,服务指示标 持续点亮,提示变速箱建康状态差。
n In all gears, the service indicator lights up continuously, indicating that the transmission health
status is poor.

注意事项 Matters needing attention

When the service indicator prompts an alarm, please strictly follow the maintenance
procedures for maintenance.
When the alarm reaches the number of warnings set by the program but has not been
maintained, it will cause the "fault check light" to light up.
After completing maintenance and upkeep, the monitoring function needs to be reset.
When the fuel added does not meet the standards calibrated by the computer, the
maintenance indicator light will light up abnormally. 61
保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
Inspection of the transmission during vehicle maintenance
确保变速箱电液控制系统的 Eliminate the phenomenon of open circuit/short circuit/grounding
正确连接 2.排除线束/油管的正确布置
E n s u re t h e co r re c t co n n e c t i o n Correct arrangement of wiring harness/oil pipe
o f t h e t ra n s m i s s i o n e l e c t ro -
hyd ra u l i c co nt ro l syste m Ensure the correct transmission of electronic control signals

Check the reliability of the transmission support method and connection
底盘和传动系统的检查 Check for damage or loss of connecting bolts and other components
Inspection of chassis and 3.校对传动系的角度
Proofreading the angle of the transmission system
transmission system 4.检查传动轴的花键磨损情况Check the wear of the splines on the transmission
Damaged transmission shaft splines often lead to severe damage to transmission
components, and such damage is not within the scope of the claim. 62
保养指南|自动挡变速箱 Automatic transmission
Precautions for AT transmission operation

严禁空挡滑行! 严禁R挡与D挡之间直接切换! 车辆焊接作业时:断开控制

No sliding in neutral gear! It is strictly prohibited to 器两个接插件,防止大电流
switch between R gear and D 烧毁控制器!
gear directly! When welding vehicles:
Disconnect the two
connectors of the controller
to prevent high current from
burning the controller!

保养指南|车桥 Axle
日常维护保养项目 Daily maintenance and upkeep items

边有无漏油现象,出车前检查车辆制动性能。 轮毂轴承润滑
Check whether the tire nuts are loose every day, and whether there Hub bearing lubri
is any oil leakage at the input shaft, axle housing, reducer housing, cation
and wheel edges of the axle main reducer. Check the vehicle's
braking performance before driving.
齿轮油加注 Regular maintena 连接螺栓复紧
Gear oil filling Retensioning of
nce and upkeep it
connecting bolts
ems for axles

Brake shoe friction
plate replacement 64
保养指南|车桥 -连接螺栓复紧 Retensioning of connecting bolts
Regular maintenance of vehicles every 5000km or 500h of operation

Check if the connecting bolts of each component are loose and tighten them
• 横拉杆球头与球头卡箍、锁紧螺母
• Tie rod ball joint and ball joint clamp, locking nut
• 主销固定螺栓是否松动
• Is the fixing bolt of the main pin loose
• 轮边有无漏油及螺栓是否松动
• Is there any oil leakage at the wheel edge and is the bolt loose
• 气室连接螺栓有无松动 连接螺栓
• Is there any looseness in the connecting bolts of the air chamber
• 转向节或助力缸臂连接螺栓是否松动 Connecting bolts
• Is the connecting bolt of the steering knuckle or power cylinder arm loose
• 轮胎螺栓(新车使用或更换轮胎后50km需要复紧)
• Tire bolts (need to be re tightened 50km after new car use or tire replacement)
力矩要求Torque requirements:
M22×1.5 750±70 N•m
M24×1.5 865±35 N•m

保养指南|车桥 -制动蹄摩擦片 Brake shoe lining
Regular maintenance of vehicles every
5000km or 500h of operation 制动蹄摩擦片
Brake shoe lining

摩擦片厚度 制动器蹄鼓间隙
Friction plate thickness Brake shoe drum clearane
摩擦片厚度要求不小于8mm,小于8mm的应 制动器蹄鼓间隙应保持在0.7-1.2mm 之
及时更换 间。
The thickness of the friction plate should not be l The brake shoe drum clearance should be
ess than 8mm, and those less than 8mm should maintained between 0.7 and 1.2mm.
be replaced in a timely manner 66
保养指南|车桥 Axle
车辆每运行5000km或500h定期保养 汉德桥25T前桥及35T中后桥润滑油/脂加注标准
Regular maintenance of vehicles every Hande Bridge 25T front axle and 35T middle and rear axle lubricating oil/grease filling standards
5000km or 500h of operation 车桥类型 润滑部位 润滑剂 润滑剂类型 用量 备注
驱动桥齿轮油的加注 Axle type Lubricating parts Lubricant Lubricant type Dosage Remarks

Filling of drive axle gear oil HD-R01汉德

润滑脂 专用锂基脂 拧开油面观
Lubricating HD-R01 Hand 400-500g 察孔螺塞,
At the hub bearing 观察油面距
前桥 grease specific lithium
加油量以与润滑油液面控制口平齐为准。 Front grease 油面孔齐平,
axle 以不溢出为
The amount of oil added should be level with the 准。
润滑脂嘴处 润滑脂 2#锂基脂
lubricating oil level control port. Lubricating grease Lubricating 2 # Lithium
注满 Unscrew the
Fill up screw plug
nozzle grease based grease
of the oil
中桥 level
middle 21L observation
主减 润滑油 荷车辆齿轮油
bridge hole and
Main lubricating 85W/90 heavy-
reduction 后桥 oil duty vehicle observe that
17L the oil level
驱动桥 rear axle gear oil
is flush with
Drive axle
普通轮 填满轮毂2/3 the oil
轮边 边 润滑油 内腔 surface,
6.3L/每边 ensuring no
Wheel Ordinary lubricating Fill 2/3 of the
edge wheel oil inner cavity of overflow.
edge the wheel hub
Observation hole Oil drain hole Refueling hole
保养指南|前悬 Front overhang
Front suspension oil and gas spring maintenance

出车前 Before departure

It is necessary to check whether the conne
cting bolts between the front suspension o
il and gas spring seat and the frame are loo
se, broken, or missing, and repair them.

Check the no-load static balance height every 2500km or 250h of operation, and suppleme
nt nitrogen as necessary.

保养指南|前悬 Front overhang
前悬油气弹簧检查气压及充气具体方法 油气悬簧充气阀 油气悬簧中心高度
Check the air pressure and specific inflation method of Oil and gas suspension spring Center height of oil and gas
the front suspension oil and gas spring inflation valve suspension spring

Nitrogen inflation tube with
Inflation valve protective cover Inflation valve protective cap Inflation valve

气接头手柄2缓慢推进顶针,当压力表3有压力显示时, 再继续将手柄2旋转半圈即可,记录压力值后逆时针旋动手柄2,
Check the air pressure: Park the vehicle unloaded on a level road surface. Before checking the air pressure, the top pin of the tool should be
completely removed. Connect 1 to the inflation valve and tighten it. Slowly push the top pin through the handle 2 of the gas inspection joint at
the end of the tool. When the pressure gauge 3 shows pressure, continue to rotate handle 2 by half a circle. Record the pressure value, then
rotate handle 2 counterclockwise to push out the inflation valve core, remove the gas inspection tool, and the gas inspection is completed. 69
保养指南|前悬 Front overhang
Check the air pressure and specific inflation method of the front suspension oil and gas spring
Nitrogen inflation tube with pressure

Re inspection: Check whether the no-load pressure is accurate and
whether the height of the no-load static balance center matches. If
it does not meet the requirements, adjustments need to be made.
充 气 至 略 高 于 指 定 的 压 力 值 0 . 5 M Pa 后 关 闭 氮 气 瓶 , 保 持 1 0 s 至 压 力 稳 定 , 逆 时 针 旋 动 充 气 接 头 手 柄 2 , 推 出 充 气 阀 阀 芯 , 旋 动 压 力 表 底 座 上 的
Inflation: Park the vehicle unloaded on a horizontal road surface, use specialized tools to ensure that the front axle is in a stress free state, and ensure
that the piston rod of the oil and gas spring is fully extended. Remove any dirt outside the oil and gas spring inflation valve. Connect one end of the inf
lation tool with a pressure gauge, nut 4, to the nitrogen cylinder, and the other end, rotating joint 1, to the oil and gas spring inflation valve that needs
to be inflated. Before inflation, the tool's top pin should be completely removed. After connecting to the inflation valve, slowly push the top pin throu
gh the inflation joint handle 2 at the end of the tool. When pressure gauge 3 shows pressure, continue to rotate handle 2 half a circle to open the nitr
ogen cylinder valve core for inflation. After inflating to a pressure slightly higher than the specified value of 0.5MPa, close the nitrogen cylinder and m
aintain it for 10 seconds until the pressure stabilizes. Rotate the inflation joint handle 2 counterclockwise, push out the inflation valve core, rotate the 70
deflation handle 5 on the pressure gauge base, place it at the rated pressure, remove the inflation tool, and the inflation is completed.
保养指南|前悬 Front overhang
Empty pressure Empty static
(with cargo box) balance center
± 5% MPa height (with cargo
box) ± 10mm
The specific model, corresponding height, and
pressure of the front suspension oil and gas spring Cylinder drawing number

保养指南|后悬 Rear overhang
Balance shaft maintenance

油轴承平衡轴 橡胶轴承平衡轴
Oil bearing balance shaft Rubber bearing balance shaft
• 新车运行3000km或200h后,需要对锁紧螺母进行复紧。拆下 • 端面螺栓出现松动会导致凸缘衬套过早损坏,新车运行
端盖,将锁紧螺母复紧,复紧力矩450-600N•m,密封端盖安 3000km或200h检查端盖螺栓紧固情况,端盖螺栓通
装时,端盖与钢板弹簧座之间用耐油硅胶涂抹均匀,然后密封端 孔的深度,若大于35mm,则视为端盖螺栓松动并复紧。
盖圆周均匀将螺栓预紧后,弹簧座内应满加85W/90GL-5重负 • Loose end face bolts can cause premature damage to the flange liner. When
荷齿轮油,单边约0.75升。 the new car runs for 3000km or 200h, check the tightening of the end cover
• After running a new car for 3000km or 200h, it is necessary to re tighten the locking nut. bolts. If the depth of the through hole of the end cover bolts is greater than
Remove the end cover and tighten the locking nut again with a tightening torque of 450- 35mm, it is considered that the end cover bolts are loose and re tightened.
600N · m. When installing the sealed end cover, apply oil resistant silicone evenly betwe • 之后每运行2500km或250h检查复紧一次。
en the end cover and the steel plate spring seat. Then, seal the end cover and pre tighte • Afterwards, check and tighten every 2500km or 250h of operation.
n the bolts evenly around the circumference. The spring seat should be filled with 85W/ • 凸缘衬套结构(橡胶衬套)每40000km或4000h检查
90GL-5 heavy-duty gear oil, with about 0.75 liters on one side. 更换一次。
• 之后每运行5000km或500h检查复紧一次。 • The flange liner structure (rubber liner) should be inspected and replaced e
• Afterwards, check and tighten every 5000km or 500h of operation. very 40000 km or 4000 hours. 72
保养指南|后悬 Rear overhang
螺栓螺母复紧要求 Requirements for bolt and nut re tightening

板簧与板簧座U型螺栓 推力杆座与推力杆的固定螺栓
U-shaped bolt for leaf spring and leaf spring seat Fixed bolts between thrust rod seat and thrust rod

新车运行1000km或100h后,将钢板弹簧与钢板弹簧座进行 车辆每运行5000km或500h检查复紧一次,拧紧力矩
Check and re tighten the vehicle every 5000km or 500h of operat
固定时,请分级多次均匀预紧。之后每运行2500km或250h ion, with tightening torque
After running a new car for 1000km or 100h, when fixing the steel plate 865±50 N•m(M24×1.5 施必牢 螺母)
spring to the steel plate spring seat, please grade and evenly pre tighten
it multiple times. Afterwards, check and re tighten every 2500km or 250
h of operation
2100±150N•m(M33×2施必牢 螺母)
保养指南|液压 Hydraulic pressure

回油滤清器 高压过滤器 液压泵 液压油箱上呼吸阀 举升轴与轴套

Breathing valve on Lifting shaft and shaft
Return oil filter High pressure filter Hydraulic pump hydraulic oil tank sleeve

行复紧易产生油品泄露,发生其他安全事故。 74
保养指南|液压 Hydraulic pressure

回油滤清器 高压过滤器 液压泵 液压油箱上呼吸阀 举升轴与轴套

Breathing valve on Lifting shaft and shaft
Return oil filter High pressure filter Hydraulic pump hydraulic oil tank sleeve
After running the new car for 3000km or 200h, check if there are any iron chips in the return oil filter and steering filter in the hydraulic oil tank.
If there are iron chips, please check the hydraulic oil pump.
Replace the filter element every 10000km or 1000h of operation. Replace the hydraulic oil every 20000km or 2000h of operation, and do not
add oil below or above the liquid level line indicated by the hydraulic oil tank. The hydraulic oil model is HV32.
Every 5000km or 500h of vehicle operation, check whether the breathing valve on the hydraulic oil tank is blocked, whether the oil cylinder
lifting shaft and shaft sleeve are worn, and repair them.
After running the new car for 3000km or 200h, regularly tighten all hydraulic joints, and then check and tighten them every 2500km or 250h.
Not tightening according to the cycle can easily lead to oil leakage and other safety accidents.
保养指南|制动 Braking


继动阀 快放阀 制动阀 组合式空干器 放水阀

Relay valve Quick release valve Brake valve Combination air dryer Drain valve
After running the new car for 3000km or 200h, check whether the fixing bolts and connecting nuts of the relay valve,
quick release valve, brake valve, and combined air dryer are loose, and tighten them again. Check for any interference or
wear on the tube bundle and adjust accordingly. Afterwards, check and tighten every 2500km or 250h of operation.
After running the new car for 3000km or 200h, check if there is any water vapor spraying out of the vehicle's waterproof
valve. If there is, replace the dryer, and then check and drain the water every 5000km or 500h of operation. 76
保养指南|空调 Air-conditioning
日常保养 Daily maintenance
1 . 正 常 开 关 机 N o r m a l p o we r o n / of f
Normal power on and off can significantly reduce the impact of abnormal voltage fluctuations on electrical compone
nts, effectively reducing electrical component failures.
2 . 蒸 发 器 保 养 E va p o r a to r m a i n te n a n c e
To ensure the freshness of the air inside the car, please regularly clean the return air filter. You can remove the return
air filter and clean it with water or disinfect it appropriately.
Note: A new return air filter needs to be replaced every 10000 kilometers.
3 . 冷 媒 保 养 Re f r i g e r a n t m a i n te n a n c e
The HVAC assembly is a part of the air conditioning system. The amount of refrigerant in the system directly affects the cooling effect of the air c
onditioner, and the refrigerant in the system should be checked regularly. The amount of refrigerant in the air conditioning system can be unders
tood by regularly inspecting the sight glass of the system. When insufficient refrigerant is found, the cause should be further investigated. Leakag
e is prone to occur at the joints of various pipelines. If oil stains are found at the pipeline interface, it indicates a leakage. Please loosen the nut, r
eplace the sealing ring, or contact the American standard after-sales service center.
Note: Any leakage treatment must go through a series of processes such as draining refrigerant, vacuuming, and adding refrigerant. Please follow
the guidance of professionals. 77
保养指南|主要润滑点 Main lubrication points
Statistical table of butter filling points
系统 system 位置 position
of items
前悬推力杆 10
前悬架Front suspension
油气悬挂缸 4
前悬推力杆-10 主销 4 油气悬挂缸 -4
Front suspension thrust rod-10 Hydraulic and pneumatic suspension cylinder -4
调整臂 2
前桥Front axle

中后桥Middle and rear 调整臂 4
前桥主销-2 axles 前桥调整臂及制动滚杠-6
制动滚杠 8
Front axle main pin-2 Front axle adjustment arm and brake roller -6
举升油缸支座 4
改装系统Modification system 翻转轴 2
七子钩销轴 2
前传动轴十字轴 2
前传动轴滑叉 1
传动轴transmission shaft
后传动轴十字轴 2
后传动轴滑叉 1
中后桥调整臂及制动滚杠-12 转向系统steering system 转向油缸 4 举升油缸支座-4
Middle and rear axle adjustment arm and brake roller -12 Lift cylinder support -4 78
保养指南|主要润滑点 Main lubrication points
After running a new car for 3000km or 200h, it is necessary to add lubricating grease to all parts that require lubrication, and then check
and add once after running 2500km or 250h. Use No. 2 industrial lithium based grease for lubrication. (Note: If the lubricating oil cannot
be added, it should be checked in a timely manner and cannot be continued to be used)
Statistical table of butter filling points
系统 system 位置 position
of items
前悬推力杆 10
前悬架Front suspension
油气悬挂缸 4
货箱翻转轴-2 主销 4
Box flipping axis -2
调整臂 2
前桥Front axle
制动滚杠(凸轮 Box sales cancellation axis -2
中后桥Middle and rear 调整臂 4
传动轴十字轴及滑叉-6 制动滚杠 8
Transmission shaft cross shaft and sliding fork-6 举升油缸支座 4
改装系统Modification system 翻转轴 2
七子钩销轴 2
前传动轴十字轴 2
前传动轴滑叉 1 转向助力油缸-4
传动轴transmission shaft
后传动轴十字轴 2 Steering power cylinder -4
后传动轴滑叉 1
转向系统steering system 转向油缸 4
Front suspension skateboard bracket-4
保养指南|主要螺栓螺母拧紧力矩 Main bolt and nut tightening torque
Numb 名称 Name 主要控制项目 Main control items 力矩参数 Torque parameters(N.m)
前桥U型螺栓拧紧 前桥U型螺栓锁紧螺母拧紧力矩 530± 50N· m( M20× 1.5)
1 830± 80N· m( M24× 1.5 施必劳螺母)
Front axle U-bolt tightening Front axle U-bolt locking nut tightening torque 1200± 100N· m( M27× 2 施必劳螺母
830± 80N· m( M24× 1.5 施必劳螺母)
后悬架U型螺栓拧紧 后悬架U型螺栓锁紧螺母拧紧力矩 1200± 100N· m (M27× 2 施必劳螺母)
Rear suspension U-bolt tightening Rear suspension U-bolt locking nut tightening torque 1550± 150N· m (M30× 2 施必劳螺母)
2100± 200N· m (M33× 2 施必劳螺母)
360± 30N· m (M18× 1.5 施必牢螺母)
Tightening torque of the nut connecting the thrust rod support and
450± 50N· m (M20× 1.5 施必牢螺母)
整体式平衡悬架 suspension
3 475± 25N· m (M20× 1.5 施必牢螺母)
Integrated balanced suspension
上、下推力杆安装螺母拧紧力矩 650± 20N· m (M22× 1.5 施必劳螺母)
Tightening torque for installation nuts of upper and lower thrust rods 830± 80N· m( M24× 1.5 施必劳螺母)
1200± 100N· m (M27× 2 施必劳螺母)
230± 20N· m (M14× 1.5)
Tightening torque of the connecting nuts between the middle support
中间传动轴及中间支撑总成 290± 30N· m (M16× 1.5)
bracket assembly and the frame crossbeam
4 Intermediate drive shaft and
intermediate support assembly
Tightening torque of connecting nuts between transmission shaft and 230± 20N· m (M14× 1.5)
transmission shaft, middle axle, middle and rear axle, and gearbox
车轮外螺母拧紧力矩 750± 70N· m (M22× 1.5)
5 Front, middle, and rear axle wheel
Tightening torque for wheel outer nuts 865± 35N· m( M24× 1.5)
转向盘 转向盘锁紧螺母力矩 80± 10N· m( M20×1.5)
Steering wheel Steering wheel lock nut torque 90± 10N· m( M22×1.5)
转向器与转向器支架螺栓拧紧力矩 530± 50N· m( M20×1.5)
7 Power steering gear to steering
gear bracket
Tightening torque of steering gear and steering gear bracket bolts 60± 5N· m( M10×1.5) 80
保养指南|主要螺栓螺母拧紧力矩 Main bolt and nut tightening torque
名称 Name 主要控制项目 Main control items 力矩参数 Torque parameters(N.m)
转向锤臂于转向器 转向锤臂锁紧嫘母力矩 锥形花键式:
Steering hammer arm to steering gear Steering hammer arm locking bolt torque 550± 50N· m(M45×1.5)
转向器带支架总成与车架连接螺母拧紧力矩 290± 30N· m( M16×1.5)
9 Tightening torque of the nut connecting the steering gear with 530± 50N· m( M20×1.5)
Power steering gear and bracket assembly to frame
bracket assembly and the frame 60± 5N· m( M10×1.5)

85± 5N· m( M18×1.5)

105± 5N· m( M20×1.5)
转向器直角接头(与转向器连接端) 125± 5N· m( M22×1.5)
Steering gear right angle joint (connected to the steering gear end) 155± 5N· m( M24×1.5)
转向油管 180± 5N· m( M27×1.5)
10 250± 5N· m( M30×2)
Steering oil pipe
63± 3N· m (M20x1.5 φ 14)
转向油管与管接头、 油管连接力矩 84± 4N· m (M24x1.5 φ 16)
Steering oil pipe and pipe joint, oil pipe connection torque 90± 4N· m (M26x1.5 φ 18)
115± 5N· m (M30x2 φ 22)
20± 5N· m( M8×1.25)
Steering column bracket and sheet metal connection
安装转向立柱与支架 转向柱与传动轴连接
11 60± 10N· m( M10×1)
Install the steering column and bracket Connection between steering column and transmission shaft
60± 10N· m( M10×1.5)
Connection between transmission shaft and steering gear
空调管压紧螺母拧紧力矩( 直径) 23± 3N· m( Ф 9)
12 Tightening torque (diameter) of the air conditioning pipe 26± 3N· m( Ф 12)
Assembling air conditioning pipes
compression nut 30± 3N· m( Ф 16)

装配液压举升油管 举升液压油管连接拧紧力矩 (36.5± 1.5)N· m( Ф 6)

Assembling hydraulic lifting oil pipes Tightening torque for lifting hydraulic oil pipe connection (39± 1)N· m( Ф 8)
保养指南|一般螺栓螺母拧紧力矩 General bolt and nut tightening torque
Nominal Tightening Thread Tightening
diameter Pitch torquer size Pitch torquer

level 10.9
e level 8.8

保养指南|定期保养表Regular maintenance schedule
最初initial 每
每Every 每 每 每 每
3000Km/200 2500K 备注
10h 5000Km 10000Km 20000Km 40000Km/40
h(首保First m/250 Remarks
(日day) /500h /1000h /2000h 00h
maintenance) h
Check the oil level ●
Replace the engine oil and oil filter ● ●
Replace the diesel filter element ●
Check the water pump (lubricated through a ●
grease cup)
检查空气滤清器油面及滤芯 Depending on the local environment,
Check the oil level and filter element of the air ● ● shorten the inspection cycle
filter appropriately
Power 清洁空气滤芯,检查空气滤清器及进气系统管 1. Depending on the local environment,
路连接密封性 shorten the cleaning cycle appropriately.
Clean the air filter element and check the sealing ● ● Extreme harsh environments require
of the air filter and intake system pipeline daily cleaning; 2. After 6 maintenance
connections cycles, replace the main filter element
Check if the engine electrical connectors are ● ●
loose or damaged
Check and tighten the connecting bolts, pipe ● ●
clamps, and fittings of various parts of the engine
保养指南|定期保养表Regular maintenance schedule
最初initial 每
每Every 每 每 每 每
3000Km/200h 40000K 备注
10h 2500Km 5000Km 10000Km 20000Km
(首保First m/4000 Remarks
(日day) /250h /500h /1000h /2000h
maintenance) h
● ●
Check the suspension damper

Check and clean the fuel tank
检查皮带 Check the belt ● ●
Check if the water pipes and air pipes ● ●
are worn or leaking
Check the gap between the fan and the ●
wind coil
Check if the breathing valve of the ●
expansion water tank is normal

Check the coolant level
更换冷却液Replace coolant ●

Check and clean the cooling system
● ●
Check the diesel filter element
柴油滤清器放水 按发动机使用状况,出现故障进行放水作业
Diesel filter drain ● ● According to the usage of the engine, if there is
a malfunction, drain the water 84
保养指南|定期保养表Regular maintenance schedule
最初 每 每 每 每 每
3000Km/200h 2500Km/2 5000Km/5 10000Km/1 20000Km/2 40000Km/4 备注
(首保) 50h 00h 000h 000h 000h
检查轮胎及轮胎气压 ● ● 前桥12~13Bar;中后桥14~15Bar
● ● 830Nm±50
检查驱动桥通气孔 ● ●
检查驱动桥是否漏油 ● ●
车桥 边单边6升(蓬翔40T驱动桥)
Axle 中桥主减总成加油22升,轴差单独注油2升,

更换驱动桥润滑油 ● ● 中后桥水平放置,油位达到注油口处;推荐润
检查龙门架磨损情况 ● ●
● ●
车桥加注黄油 ●
保养指南|定期保养表Regular maintenance schedule
每Every 每 每 每 每 每
3000Km/200h 备注
10h 2500Km 5000Km 10000Km 20000Km 40000Km
(首保First Remarks
(日day) /250h /500h /1000h /2000h /4000h
Check the tires and tire Front axle 12~13Bar; 14~15Bar for the middle and rear
● ●
pressure axles
Check the wheel rim and
● ● 830Nm±50
wheel rim bolt torque
Check the drive axle vent hole ● ●
Reference fuel consumption: 35 liters for the middle axle housing, 32
liters for the rear axle housing, 3.5 liters for the wheel edge (Thomson
50T drive axle), 21 liters for the middle axle housing, 17 liters for the
rear axle housing, 6.5 liters for the wheel edge (Hande 40T drive axle),
检查驱动桥是否漏油 21 liters for the middle axle housing, 17 liters for the rear axle housing,
6.3 liters for the wheel edge (Hande 35T drive axle), 24 liters for the
Check for oil leakage in the ● ● middle axle housing, 20 liters for the rear axle housing, 6 liters for the
drive axle wheel edge (Pengxiang 40T drive axle), 22 liters for the main reducer of
the middle axle, 2 liters for the axle difference, and 20 liters for the
Axle rear axle housing. 6 liters on one side of the wheel (Pengxiang 35T
drive axle) Actual fuel consumption: The main reducer and wheel fuel
consumption should be at the same level as the fuel inlet
Place the middle and rear axles horizontally, with the oil
Replace the lubricating oil of
● ● level reaching the oil filling port; Recommended lubricating
the drive axle
oil model 85W/90
Check the wear of the gantry
● ●
Check the fixing bolts of the
● ●
thrust rod support
Butter filling points: 6 adjustment arms, 12 camshafts, and
Adding grease to the axle ●
4 main pins 86
保养指南|定期保养表Regular maintenance schedule
最初 每 每 每 每 每
3000Km/200h 2500Km/ 5000Km/ 10000Km/1 20000Km/ 40000Km/ 备注
(首保) 250h 500h 000h 2000h 4000h
由行程,确保分离轴承间 ● ●

● ●

检查变速箱是否漏油 ●
更换变速箱润滑油 ● ● 首保在3000km或两个月
检查、清洗变速箱通气孔 ●
检查复紧悬置螺栓 ●
检查悬置减振器 ●
检查传动轴紧固螺栓 ● ●
检查传动轴花键磨损 ●
传动轴打黄油(若有) ●

保养指南|定期保养表Regular maintenance schedule
每Every 每 每 每 每 每
3000Km/200 备注
10h 2500Km 5000Km 10000Km 20000Km 40000Km
h(首保First Remarks
(日day) /250h /500h /1000h /2000h /4000h
Check and adjust the free
stroke of the clutch pedal
● ●
to ensure the clearance of
the release bearing
Check the clutch oil level to
● ●
ensure sufficient fluid level
Check for oil leakage in the Add FL-01C special lubricating oil for Faster

transmission transmission, approximately 34L each time
Replace the gearbox
● ● First maintenance at 3000km or two months
lubricating oil
传动 Check and clean the

Transmission transmission vent hole
Check and tighten the

suspension bolts
Check the suspension

Check the fastening bolts of
● ●
the drive shaft
Check the wear of the drive

shaft splines
Apply grease to the Butter filling points: 4 cross shafts and 2 sliding

transmission shaft (if any) forks
保养指南|定期保养表Regular maintenance schedule
每Every 每 每 每 每 每
3000Km/200h 备注
10h 2500Km 5000Km 10000Km 20000Km 40000Km
(首保First Remarks
(日day) /250h /500h /1000h /2000h /4000h
Check if the height of the hydraulic ● ●
suspension cylinder is normal
● ●
Check the wear of the limit block
Check the re tightening U-bolts and ● ●
Check the bolt of the re tightening ● ●
thrust rod
悬架 检查推力杆球销
Suspe Check the thrust rod ball pin ● ●
nsion 检查板簧导向板
● ●
Check the leaf spring guide plate
1. Butter filling points: a total of 10 front axle tie
润滑点位注入润滑脂 rod pins and straight rod pins, and 4 hydraulic and
Injecting lubricating grease into ● ● pneumatic suspension cylinders.
lubrication points 2.视使用情况适当缩短保养周期
2. Depending on usage, shorten the maintenance
cycle appropriately
● ● 89
Check the tightness of the leaked bolts
保养指南|定期保养表Regular maintenance schedule
每Every 每 每 每 每 每
3000Km/200h 备注
10h 2500Km 5000Km 10000Km 20000Km 40000Km
(首保First Remarks
(日day) /250h /500h /1000h /2000h /4000h
● ● Fill the hydraulic oil level to the upper middle line
Check the steering hydraulic oil level
of the observation port
更换转向液压油 液压油型号HV46

Replace the steering hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil model HV46
● ●
Check and replace the filter element
The full hydraulic steering system does not have a
Check the torque of the vertical arm ● ●
vertical arm or straight rod, and does not require
and straight rod bolts
Steering 检查转向系统个油管及液压元器
system 件是否存在漏油及磨损情况
Check if there is any oil leakage or ● ●
wear on the oil pipes and hydraulic
components of the steering system
润滑点位注入润滑脂 Main lubrication points: 4 steering cylinder pins
Injecting lubricating grease into ● ● 2.视使用情况适当缩短保养周期
lubrication points Depending on usage, shorten maintenance
intervals appropriately
● ● Irregular inspection and re tightening can easily 90
Double tightening pipe joint
cause safety hazards
保养指南|定期保养表Regular maintenance schedule

每Every 每 每 每 每 每
3000Km/200h 备注
10h 2500Km 5000Km/ 10000Km 20000Km 40000Km
(首保First Remarks
(日day) /250h 500h /1000h /2000h /4000h

Replacing the dryer and drying cylinder
● ●
Adjusting the braking clearance of the entire vehicle
● ●
制动 Check and replace the brake friction pads
Braking 检查制动系统各元器件及气管是否存在漏气及磨
● ●
Check if there is any air leakage or wear on the
components and air pipes of the braking system
● ●
Water discharge from gas storage tank
Check and tighten the front and rear suspension ● ●
components of the driver's cab
驾驶室 检查更换驾驶室举升系统管路
Driver's cab Check and replace the cab lifting system pipeline ● ●

● ●
Check and replenish the oil for the cab lift pump

保养指南|定期保养表Regular maintenance schedule
每Every 每 每 每 每 每
3000Km/200h 备注
10h 2500Km 5000Km 10000Km 20000Km 40000Km
(首保First Remarks
(日day) /250h /500h /1000h /2000h /4000h
Check and clean the surface of the ●
空调 condenser assembly
Air- 检查空调滤芯

conditio Check the air conditioning filter
ning 检查空调系统各管路及元器件三漏
Check the three leaks in the pipelines and ●
components of the air conditioning system

Check if the battery terminal is loose
检查蓄电池 Check the battery ●
equipme 检查线束及接插件是否存在磨损、松动
nt 情况
● ●
Check for wear and looseness in the wiring
harness and connectors

Check the wear of the cargo box guide plate
货箱 Check the wear of the lifting shaft and shaft ●
Cargo sleeve
box 主要润滑点位:两侧翻转轴共2个、七
Injecting lubricating grease into lubrication ● ●
Main lubrication points: 2 flip shafts on
both sides and 2 seven hook pin shafts 92
保养指南|定期保养表Regular maintenance schedule
每Every 每 每 每 每 每
3000Km/200h 备注
10h 2500Km 5000Km 10000Km 20000Km 40000Km
(首保First Remarks
(日day) /250h /500h /1000h /2000h /4000h
● ●
Check the hydraulic oil level

Check and replace hydraulic oil

Check and replace the filter element
检查呼吸阀Check the breathing valve ●
Check the fastening bolts of the bracket ● ●
on the re tightening oil cylinder
液压举升 Check the wear of the oil cylinder lifting ●
Hydraulic shaft and shaft sleeve
lifting 检查各组件三漏、磨损情况
Check the three leaks and wear of each ●
Main lubrication points: There are a total of 4
upper and lower brackets for the oil cylinder;
Injecting lubricating grease into ● ●
lubrication points
Depending on the situation, shorten the
maintenance cycle
复紧管接头(举升相关) 不定期检查复紧易造成安全隐患
Double tightening pipe joint (lifting ● ● Irregular inspection and re tightening can 93
Fault diagnosis and troubleshooting

故障诊断与排查|未定期润滑 Unscheduled lubrication
1.故障现象 Fault phenomenon
During the inspection of the vehicle during use, cracks were found in the engine
flywheel housing.

2.原因分析 Cause analysis

The reason for the cracking of the flywheel housing is poor lubrication
of the transmission shaft. Poor lubrication or lack of lubrication can
accelerate the wear of the transmission shaft expansion joint, tooth
groove, and tooth groove. At the same time, due to the inability of the
transmission shaft to freely expand and contract (the effective length
3.处理结果 Processing results of the transmission shaft can expand and contract to adapt to the
bending of the steel plate spring and the up and down movement of
更换飞轮壳后,每周对传动轴进行加注润滑一次 。 the wheel shaft), the end supporting the transmission shaft is
After replacing the flywheel housing, lubricate the drive shaft once a week. excessively compressed, causing the flywheel housing to crack. 95
故障诊断与排查|未定期按正确量加润滑油 Failure to regularly add the correct amount of
lubricating oil
1.故障现象 Fault phenomenon
Abnormal noise from the middle axle during vehicle operation, and sintering of the differential cross
shaft and planetary gear between the axles after disassembly and inspection.

Sintering site

2.故障分析 Fault analysis

Upon inspection, it was found that the planetary gear inside the middle axle differential was
abnormally worn, resulting in damage to the cross shaft and requiring replacement. Analyze 3.处理结果 Processing results
the existence of poor lubrication of planetary gears.
During uphill driving, the position of the axle differential is higher than that of the middle axle
According to the slope of the working
housing, causing gear oil inside the axle differential to flow back into the axle housing. The axle
condition, supplement the gear oil.
differential is used without lubrication for a long time, resulting in axle wear.
故障诊断与排查|司机违规操作 Driver's violation of regulations
1、发动机超速 Engine overspeed
During the driver's downhill journey, the engine runs at an excessive
speed due to low gear and high speed

Reverse speed car - engine speed exceeds 2300r/min, valve system
Ø 推杆弯曲 Push rod bending
Ø 挺柱碎裂 Pillar fragmentation
Ø 气门撞活塞,气门断裂,捣缸
Ø Valve collision with piston, valve fracture, cylinder
Ø 摇臂及摇臂调整螺钉断裂
Ø Rocker arm and rocker arm adjustment screw broken
Ø 喷油器接线柱断裂 Fuel injector terminal broken
Ø 前端轮系附件损坏--皮带断、风扇离合器硅油高温失效
Ø Front wheel system accessory damage - belt breakage,
high temperature failure of fan clutch silicone oil
故障诊断与排查|司机违规操作 Driver's violation of regulations
The driver violated regulations by suddenly turning on the sprinkler
system during prolonged exposure to high temperatures on the middle
and rear axles:
During the high temperature process of the brake drum, sudden spraying of
cold water is equivalent to a quenching treatment, which can easily cause
changes in the crystal structure and lead to cracking faults
Attention: Before using the brake for a long time, the water should be
turned on to avoid cold water stimulating the brake drum and causing
it to crack
Danger: At any time, if there is brake weakness, it should be stopped and checked in a
timely manner. If there are no other problems, it can be used normally after the
brake drum temperature drops!

故障诊断与排查|司机违规操作 Driver's violation of regulations
1、离合器烧蚀故障 Clutch erosion fault
When starting with the clutch, if you are unable to complete the start at once due to heavy loads, steep slopes, or muddy roads, you
should apply for a loader or excavator to help you start. Do not start again, otherwise it is easy to cause the clutch to burn out; The
driver's operating habit of stepping on the clutch pedal for a long time can also cause the clutch to burn out.
It is strictly prohibited to slide in neutral gear during downhill driving, and reasonable gear should be selected for driving.
Before going uphill, choose a reasonable gear for driving and avoid shifting gears during heavy climbing.

故障诊断与排查|举升系统常见故障 Common faults in lifting systems
1. 拉缸 Cylinder pulling 2. 拔缸 Pulling out the cylinder
原因分析 Cause analysis: 原因分析 Cause analysis:
Ø 安装原因-油缸安装偏斜(与车架中心线不重合) Ø 卸载粘性货物且后悬较大时刹车卸货
Ø Installation reason - cylinder installation deviation (does not Ø When unloading sticky goods with a large rear overhang,
coincide with the centerline of the frame) brake to unload
Ø 自身原因-系统内有铁屑异物,顶端大螺母松动 Ø 限位阀失效后长期大油门举升
Ø Self caused - there are iron shavings and foreign objects in the Ø Long term high throttle lifting after limit valve failure
system, and the large nut at the top is loose Ø 举升阀(溢流阀堵塞、篡改溢流阀压力等)
Ø 车辆原因-箱体或车架刚性不足,举升时扭曲变形量较大 Ø Lift valve (overflow valve blockage, tampering with overflow
Ø Vehicle reason - insufficient rigidity of the box or frame, resulting valve pressure, etc.)
in significant distortion and deformation during lifting
解决方案 Solution:
Ø 使用原因-偏载、行车举升或降落
Ø Reason for use - unbalanced load, driving lifting or lowering Ø 更换油缸,检查限位阀、举升阀等系统部件
Ø Replace the oil cylinder and inspect the system components
解决方案 Solution: such as the limit valve and lifting valve
Ø 更换缸筒及维修包 Ø 检查、清理系统内异物(特别是油箱和回油滤)
Ø Replacing cylinder barrels and repair kits
Ø Check and clean foreign objects in the system (especially
Ø 检查、清理系统内异物(特别是油箱和回油滤)
the fuel tank and return oil filter)
Ø Check and clean foreign objects in the system (especially the fuel
tank and return oil filter) Ø 与改装厂及客户充分沟通,避免再次拔缸
Ø 与改装厂及客户充分沟通,避免再次拉缸 Ø Fully communicate with the modification factory and
Fully communicate with the modification factory and customers to customers to avoid pulling out the cylinder again
Ø 100
avoid cylinder pulling again
故障诊断与排查|举升系统常见故障 Common faults in lifting systems
3. 乱缸 Disorderly cylinder 4. 中停自动下滑 Mid stop automatic descent

原因分析 Cause analysis: 原因分析 Cause analysis:

Ø 油缸内部套件配合松紧度不一 Ø 系统内有异物造成内部损伤,造成内泄漏
Ø The internal components of the oil cylinder have varying Ø Internal damage caused by foreign objects in the system,
degrees of tightness in their matching resulting in internal leakage
Ø 油缸安装偏斜导致阻力异常 Ø 液压油温度高,密封圈损坏
Ø The installation deviation of the oil cylinder causes Ø High hydraulic oil temperature, damaged sealing ring
abnormal resistance 解决方案 Solution:
Ø 缸筒变形 Ø 更换举升阀
Ø Cylinder deformation Ø Replace the lifting valve
解决方案 Solution: Ø 检查、清理系统内异物(特别是油箱和回油滤)
Ø 需要磨合(多次举升后再观察) Ø Check and clean foreign objects in the system (especially
Ø Need to run in (observe after multiple lifts) the fuel tank and return oil filter)
Ø 重新安装一次油缸
Ø Reinstall the oil cylinder once
Ø 检查缸筒是否有变形后决定是否更换缸筒或油缸
Ø Determine whether to replace the cylinder or cylinder after
checking for any deformation in the cylinder

故障诊断与排查|双特变速箱故障 Fast transmission malfunction
1 . 电 路 故 障 Circuit malfunction

1.1故障灯介绍 Introduction to Fault Lights


The general fault light indicates a general fault. If the fault occurs sporadically and is not continuous, the driver

can drive normally.


If the general fault light stays on for a long time, the service station needs to promptly troubleshoot.
故障诊断与排查|双特变速箱故障 Fast transmission malfunction
红色严重故障灯 Red serious fault light


The red fault light indicates a serious malfunction that requires immediate parking for

When this warning light is on, it indicates that the differential pressure of the transmission oil filter bypass pressure
switch is high, or the oil temperature of the transmission oil pan is too high, and the oil temperature of the transmission
torque converter is high. The software can diagnose the fault code to determine which of the above reasons is causing
the red warning light to light up.
故障排查顺序 Troubleshooting sequence:

The driver must immediately stop the vehicle to check if the oil level is normal or if there are
too many impurities in the oil;
2.排查滤芯是否堵塞或破损 Check if the filter element is blocked or damaged;

3.排查旁通压力开关是否损坏 Check if the bypass pressure switch is damaged;

4.排查整车散热或者油冷器 Inspect the vehicle's heat dissipation or oil cooler; 103

故障诊断与排查|双特变速箱故障 Fast transmission malfunction
1.2 故障现象:换挡面板显示“- -”。Fault phenomenon: The shift panel displays "--"

故障原因 Cause of malfunction 处理方法Processing method

TCU供电电压异常 Check if the J3 power supply voltage is normal. (Normal 24V).
TCU power supply voltage 检查启动继电器、空挡继电器是否为带二极管的继电器,是否正常。检查10A保险是否烧断。
abnormality Check if the start relay and neutral relay are relays with diodes and if they are functioning
properly. Check if the 10A fuse is burnt out.

Turn on the power of the entire vehicle, measure the voltage between CAN-H, CAN-L, and the
CAN line malfunction,
power pin to ground. Under normal circumstances, the voltage values of CAN-H and CAN-L are
communication interruption
around 2.5V. The power supply voltage is equal to the battery voltage. A short circuit or open
between shifter and TCU
circuit in the CAN line can cause a double crossbar fault.

变速器控制器故障 控制器受大电流烧毁,接插件有烧蚀黑斑;针脚进水锈蚀短路。
Transmission controller The controller is burnt out by high current, and the connectors have black spots of erosion; Pin
malfunction water ingress, corrosion, and short circuit.

故障诊断与排查|双特变速箱故障 Fast transmission malfunction
故障现象:天气寒冷时,空挡N条件下挂前进挡D或倒退档R,换挡面板显示“- -”,车辆无法正常运行。
Fault phenomenon: When the weather is cold, when shifting to neutral gear N and shifting to forward gear D or reverse gear R, the shift panel
displays "--", and the vehicle cannot operate normally.

故 障 原 因 Cause of malfunction:

1 : AT 相 关 继 电 器 建 议 全 部 采 用 二 极 管 式 继 电 器 , 其 中 三 个 继 电 器 : 启 动 继 电 器 , 空 挡 继 电 器 , 倒 档 报 警 输 出 继 电 器 , 必
须 采 用 二 极 管 式 继 电 器 。 不 能 采 用 电 阻 式 继 电 器 , 因 为 电 阻 随 温 度 变 化 阻 值 会 变 化 , 引 起 整 车 电 压 瞬 时 变 化 , 导 致 TC U 诊
断 电 压 异 常 引 起 AT 自 保 护 , 换 挡 面 板 显 示 双 横 杠 。

It is recommended to use diode type relays for all AT related relays, including three relays: start relay, neutral relay, and reverse alarm output relay.
Diode type relays must be used. Resistive relays cannot be used because the resistance changes with temperature, causing instantaneous changes
in the vehicle voltage. This can lead to abnormal diagnostic voltage at the TCU, causing AT self-protection and double horizontal bars displayed on
the shift panel.

Special attention must be paid to the positive and negative pins of diode relays, as incorrect wiring methods can burn out other circuit modules in
the vehicle.

二极管式继电器 电阻式继电器
故障诊断与排查|双特变速箱故障 Fast transmission malfunction
1.3 变速器换挡面板挡位字符闪烁故障 Transmission shift panel gear character flashing fault

故障现象 故障原因 处理方法

Fault phenomenon Cause of malfunction Processing method
发动机转速过高 机调整怠速至正常值。
Engine speed too high Check if the engine idle speed is between 500-800rpm. If not,
adjust the engine to idle to normal value.
换挡器显示屏“N N”,挂档后 车速过高 停车,使车速为0后挂挡。
左侧字符闪烁 Vehicle speed too high Stop the car and set the speed to 0 before shifting into gear.
The shifter display screen "N N" 先踩下刹车踏板后挂档
flashes on the left side after shifting Press the brake pedal first and then shift into gear
gears TCU未采集到刹车信号(配置踩刹车挂档功
TCU did not collect brake signal (equipped with 知整车处理
Check the brake signal with software. If there is still no signal
brake and gear shifting function)
after pressing the brake pedal, notify the entire vehicle to
handle it

Attention: It is prohibited to switch directly from R to D, or from D to R,
and the middle gear must be switched back to neutral first.
故障诊断与排查|双特变速箱故障 Fast transmission malfunction
2.档位故障 Gear malfunction

For example, the vehicle has no power in first gear, and cannot shift up to fifth gear in fourth gear.
主要原因Main reasons:
Whether the oil is added too little, whether the oil has a sticky taste, and whether there are black impurities;
Based on the shifting logic, determine whether the relevant wiring harness of the corresponding solenoid valve is
short circuited or open circuited;
3、电磁阀阀体或电磁线圈损坏;Damaged solenoid valve body or solenoid coil;
4、变速器内部离合器损坏;The internal clutch of the transmission is damaged;
Ø 利用测油压工具测量主油压和离合器油压是否正常来排除。
Ø Use oil pressure measuring tools to measure whether the main oil pressure and clutch oil pressure are normal to
5、控制器TCU故障;Controller TCU malfunction;
Ø 检查TCU是否进水锈蚀短路。
Ø Check if TCU has water ingress, corrosion, and short circuit.

故障诊断与排查|双特变速箱故障 Fast transmission malfunction
3.取力器不工作原因 Reason for power take-off not working

The oil pump is stuck. Disconnect the power take-off oil pump connection and check if the power take-off rotates

The power supply of the solenoid valve is abnormal. Turn on the power take-off working switch, check if the working
indicator light is on, and measure whether the power supply voltage of the solenoid valve is 24V (test the light, be
careful of false voltage);

If there is a malfunction in the solenoid valve and there is no problem with the working indicator light and power supply,
unplug the pressure switch and turn on the power take-off working switch to check if there is any oil spraying;

The internal clutch of the power take-off slips or the piston releases pressure.

故障诊断与排查|艾里逊变速箱故障 Allison gearbox malfunction
日常行车故障处理方法 Daily driving fault handling methods
锁挡时的处理方法 Handling methods when locking gears: Display screen during gear locking
• 不要熄火, 将车开到安全地带, 报修
• Do not turn off the engine, drive the car to a safe area, and
report for repair
• 一旦熄火,拖车时必须断开传动轴
• Once the engine is turned off, the drive shaft must be
disconnected when towing 无显示
No display

换挡器上显示猫眼 Cat's eye displayed on the shifter:

• CAN总线故障
• CAN bus malfunction
• 检查换挡器接口的插头是否松动
• Check if the plug of the shifter interface is loose
• 检查换挡器线束上的CAN接头是否松动
• Check if the CAN connector on the shifter harness is loose
• 电脑故障
• Computer malfunction

故障诊断与排查|艾里逊变速箱故障 Allison gearbox malfunction
日常行车故障处理方法 Daily driving fault handling methods

突然断电的处理方法 Handling method for sudden power outage:

• 不要熄火, 将车开到安全地带,报修
• Do not turn off the engine, drive the car to a safe area and report
for repair
• 一旦熄火,拖车时必须断开传动轴
• Once the engine is turned off, the drive shaft must be disconnected
when towing

Method of handling when the gearbox maintenance indicator light is on
• 需要换油、滤芯或摩擦片
• Oil change, filter element or friction plate required
• 尽快到保养厂处理
• Go to the maintenance plant as soon as possible for processing

故障诊断与排查|艾里逊变速箱故障 Allison gearbox malfunction
变速箱油温报警及处理方法 Transmission Oil Temperature Alarm and Handling Methods
变速箱油温报警指示灯 Transmission oil temperature warning indicator light
When the transmission oil temperature continues to exceed a certain limit, the transmission oil
temperature warning indicator light will light up. The conditions for the oil temperature warning
light to light up are as follows:
a. 变速箱油温达到 121 ºC持续15分钟。
The transmission oil temperature reaches 121 º C for 15 minutes.
b. 变速箱油温达到 127 ºC持续1分钟。
The transmission oil temperature reaches 127 º C for 1 minute.
c. 变速箱瞬间油温达到 132 ºC 。 Oil temperature
The instantaneous oil temperature of the transmission reaches 132 º C.
warning light
d. 变速箱缓速器瞬间温度达到 166 ºC。
The instantaneous temperature of the gearbox retarder reaches 166 º C.

油温报警灯亮时的处理方法 Method of handling when the oil temperature alarm light is on

Ø 此灯点亮时,表明变速箱油底壳油温高,需立即将车停到安全地带
When this light is on, it indicates that the oil temperature in the transmission oil pan is high and the vehicle
needs to be immediately parked in a safe area
Ø 保持空挡,发动机1200-1500转运转至少2分钟,以利于散热
Keep in neutral and transfer the engine from 1200 to 1500 for at least 2 minutes to facilitate heat dissipation
Ø 灯灭后将车开到安全地带,报修
After the lights go out, drive the car to a safe area and report for repair 111
故障诊断与排查|艾里逊变速箱故障 Allison gearbox malfunction
缓速器不工作 The retarder does not work

Circuit malfunction of the retarder control valve
The retarder control module (RMR) is damaged
The circuit of the solenoid valve for the retarder accumulator is damaged
Computer damage
Line issues The working stroke
of the retarder
Damaged handle or brake pedal

Brake stroke

故障诊断与排查|艾里逊变速箱故障 Allison gearbox malfunction
换挡冲击 Shift shock 无法启动发动机 Unable to start engine
l 故障原因 Cause of malfunction Ø 发动机故障
Ø 大量缺油或多油会导致换挡冲击 Ø Engine malfunction
Ø Excessive or insufficient oil can cause gear shifting shock Ø 变速箱空挡启动输出电路问题
Ø 电路故障 Ø Transmission neutral start output circuit issue
Ø Circuit malfunction Ø 电脑损坏
Ø 电脑故障 Ø Computer damage
Ø Computer malfunction Ø CAN线问题
Ø 发动机动力不足 Ø CAN line issue
Ø Insufficient engine power 变速箱无法挂出空挡,无故障码
Ø 传动系统间隙过大 Transmission unable to shift out of neutral, no fault codes
Ø Excessive clearance in the transmission system Ø 发动机怠速高于900转 Engine idle speed above 900 rpm
l 解决办法 Solution Ø 发动机怠速时有油门开度信号There is a throttle signal when the engine is idling
Ø 针对原因排除 Ø 进挡功能起作用,通常是制动系统中压力开关失效
Ø Troubleshooting the cause Ø The gear shift function works, usually due to the failure of the pressure switch in
the braking system 113

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