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separation is sometimes used to separate magnetic orthopyroxenite, with an irregular and discontinuous outer
pyrrhotite from pentlandite and chalcopyrite minerals shell of amphibolite. These intrusions are part of a conduit
(King, 2007).The magnetic susceptibility of rocks can be system that occupies an area of 70 x 15 km, oriented in the
measured directly in samples and testimonies, or inferred NEE-SWW direction and sectioned by NS-SE and NW-SE
via magnetic aerial and terrestrial surveys. ductile systems, totaling about 150 linear kilometers of
intrusive rocks (Mota-e-Silva et al.,2013). According to
Geology Früchting (2017), the massive sulfide (70% pyrrotite, 15%
chalcopyrite and 15% petlandite) has a remarkable
The study area is the Rio Capibaribe Terrain (RCT), which susceptibility contrast ranging from zero to 1450 x 10-3 SI,
is located in the eastern part of the Transversal Zone, the and shows that there are two types of massive sulfide: one
central domain of the Borborema Province, Northeastern magnetic and conductive and other non-magnetic and
Brazil (Figure 2). The boundaries of this terrain are the conductive. No specific study was performed on the
main structures Congo – Cruzeiro do Nordeste shear zone remanence magnetization. However, the results of
(to the north and northwest) and the Pernambuco shear Früchting (2017) suggest that there are presence of
zone to the south. This terrain exhibits gneissic-migmatitic monoclinic (magnetic) pyrrhotite and hexagonal (non-
basement complexes of Paleoproterozoic age and magnetic) pyrrhotite in Limoeiro Ni-Cu-PGE deposit.
Neoproterozoic fold belts of the Tonian (Cariris Velho
cycle) and the Cryogenian–Ediacaran (Brasiliano cycle). It Geophysical data
is cross-cut by many intrusive rock assemblages of the
Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic High-resolution airborne magnetic and gamma-ray data
ages, of different sources and tectonic natures (anorogenic were used to interpret the structural framework and to
plutonism, plutons related to shear zones, and magmatic identify the main rock units exposed in the region. The
arcs, among others); those presenting calc-alkaline rock airborne geophysical data used are part of the CPRM
types of different compositional groups are emphasized database and refer to the Borda Leste do Planalto da
(Brito Neves et al., 2013). Borborema (2007) and Pernambuco-Paraíba (2008)
projects. The magnetic and gamma-ray sensors were
coupled on board the aircraft, and planned flights were
spaced 0.5 km between N-S flight lines and 10 km between
E-W control lines, respectively, and the average flight
height of 100 m over the ground.
Conclusions References
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high susceptibility volumes close to the deposit suggests (TRC,Província Borborema). Geologia USP Serie Cientifica, v. 13(2), p. 97-122.
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Exhibition, Australia.