2023 The Impact of Service Quality, Ticket Price Policy and Passenger Trust On Airport Train Passenger Loyalty
2023 The Impact of Service Quality, Ticket Price Policy and Passenger Trust On Airport Train Passenger Loyalty
2023 The Impact of Service Quality, Ticket Price Policy and Passenger Trust On Airport Train Passenger Loyalty
The impact of service quality, ticket price policy and passenger trust on airport train passenger
Prasadja Ricardiantoa, Tito Aji Yantoa, Djarot Tri Wardhonoa, Peppy Fachriala, Mustika Saria, Abdullah
Ade Suryobuwonoa, Erni Pratiwi Perwitasaria, Aang Gunawana, Indriyatia, and Endri Endric*
Institute of Transportation and Logistics Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia
Article history: This research aims to know and analyze the direct and indirect impacts of service quality and ticket
Received May 12, 2022 price policy on trust and also its impact on the passenger loyalty of Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train,
Received in revised format June Cengkareng, Indonesia. The main problems are that the service quality provided by Soekarno-
24, 2022
Hatta Airport Train is not maximal and that the ticket price of the Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train is
Accepted September 19 2022
Available online relatively expensive because the passengers still have to use another transportation mode to go to
September 19 2022 the station. This research uses a quantitative approach with Structural Equation Modelling, assisted
Keywords: by the Lisrel program with a sample of as many as 150 passengers. The results of this research
Service Quality prove that service quality and ticket price policy have both direct and indirect impacts on passenger
Ticket Price Policy loyalty through the mediation of passenger trust. The key finding is that the policymakers can take
Passenger Trust advantage of the findings of this research, especially the crucial aspects in the questionnaires on
Passenger Loyalty service quality and ticket price policy which are considered not optimal by the passengers of
Airport Train Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train. So, passenger loyalty can be enhanced through the improvement of
service quality and ticket price policy supported by passenger trust.
© 2023 Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train serves roundtrip from and to Soekarno-Hatta Airport-Manggarai with suit star formation as
many as six trains with the loading capacity of 272 passengers. Six halt stations serve Airport Train, namely Manggarai
Station, BNI City Station, Duri Station, Batuceper Station, and Soekarno-Hatta Airport Station. Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train
is a breakthrough for people to get the facility and punctuality to go to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Soekarno-Hatta
Airport Train is equipped with various interesting facilities, such as an LED screen, information on train position, special
baggage for accommodating passenger’s luggage, separate toilets for men and women, a charging port, an air conditioner,
and the seat and armchairs with tilt that can be set (reclining seat). Providing such facilities is performed by the management
to attract the interest of passengers to use the transportation service of Airport Train to minimize the traffic jam toward
Soekarno-Hatta Airport (Ricardianto et al., 2022a)
The intercity train has long been the most reliable, economic, and secured transportation mode for both short and long
distances, especially in the developing countries (Farazi et al., 2022). Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train competes tightly with
other transportation service providers. This makes Railink as the management pays attention to several important things, such
as service quality, empathy, assurance, responsiveness, and reliability. If Railink as the management of Soekarno-Hatta
Airport Train can provide high service quality and meet the passenger need and expectations, then it will drive the enhancing
passenger loyalty. Passenger loyalty can be built through the satisfaction the passengers get from the service quality provided
by Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train.
Specifically, the main problems of Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train are; (1) The provided service quality of Soekarno-Hatta
Airport Train has not been maximal yet, (2) The ticket price of Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train is relatively expensive because
the passengers still have to use other transportation modes to continue their trip to the station, (3) The access to the Airport
Train Station is far, (4) The passenger occupancy of Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train is still low, (5) The train passenger trust
to PT KAI as the management of passenger trains is limited, and (4) The loyalty of Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train passengers
has not been secured. The other problems are that there are still unsatisfactory services of Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train, such
as no facilities for flight check-in at the Airport Station, no certainty of arrival or departure schedule of Airport Train which
is suitable with the initial trip program so that the passengers may be late to board on the airplane. In addition, from the ease
of accessibility, there is a next trip after having arrived at the Soekarno-Hatta Airport station by using the Feeder Bus of
Soekarno-Hatta Airport that connects one departure terminal and another or by using Skytrain, which was not operated during
the pandemic. This makes the users take more time and, in turn, there will be consequences related to their flight schedule.
Based on data, it is shown that the train frequency is still below the predetermined program, train delay also still happens and
the occupancy is low. The ticket price policy is a decision made by the producer over the unit of consumer sacrifice in the
form of money to obtain the product or service, which is seen in the aspects of transparency, quality ratio, relative price,
confidence, reliability, and honesty. When the management of Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train as producer or service provider
always considers its price policy on the products or services and sets a good ticket price that is reasonable and acceptable for
the consumers by the above-mentioned aspects, then such a condition will drive the enhancing passenger loyalty. In addition
to service quality, passenger loyalty can also be generated through a ticket price policy, especially for Soekarno-Hatta Airport
Train. Meanwhile, there is a gap in ticket prices if Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train is compared with other transportation modes,
namely with Airport Bus having the route of Soekarno-Hatta Airport to Gambir Station or taxi. Compared to using a bus or
taxi which has been available in each of the arrival and departure terminals in the airport, using the airport train still needs to
use another transportation to the station and this becomes more expensive and takes a longer travel time. Accessibility
becomes the reason for the relatively expensive ticket of the Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train. The Airport Train ticket can be
obtained through the KA Bandara application, Railink Website, vending machine at the station as well as in the ticket booth
at the Airport Train station.
Trust is the customer's self-confidence toward the producer that can generate a positive expectation from an action, which is
reflected in the dimensions of goodwill, integrity, competence, and honesty. When the trust in the management of Soekarno-
Hatta Airport Train includes the dimensions of goodwill, integrity, competence, and honesty which are well-conditioned in
the meaning of sufficiency, then this can give an impact on consumer satisfaction and finally enhances the passenger loyalty.
The train operation will impact the user's trust to use Airport Train mode. Since it is a new transportation mode, passengers
still have not been fully sure about the reliability of the Airport Train as an alternative for going to Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
In general, by using the Grönroos concept, some variables are clear patterns of the service quality and trust dimensions which
have impacts on the loyalty variable (Caceres & Paparoidamis, 2007; Eisingerich & Bell, 2007; Indrasari et al., 2022; Siagian
& Surip, 2022). In those researches, they find the differential effect of perceived service quality, trust, and loyalty on the
intention of repeat purchase. Other research by Aydin and Özer (2005), and Yieh et al. (2007) state that service quality, trust,
and customer switching costs are the main antecedents of customer loyalty, who can buy more, and accept higher prices.
Some previous research concerning airport trains show the significant impacts of such variables as passenger loyalty and
service quality, as conducted by Chou et al. (2014), Esmaeili et al. (2013), and Kumuthadevi (2013). The previous research
by Ali and Suciana (2019), and Le et al. (2019) show that service and tariff have positive impacts on the decision to buy a
train ticket. The result of research by Siagian and Surip (2022) at Soekarno-Hatta airport explains that service quality has an
impact on ticket price and passenger trust. Based on the study by Wonglakorn et al. (2021) about urban railways in Thailand,
it is stated that service quality, trust, and change of service fees have significant impacts on passenger loyalty. From its
technology, the train to the airport now has been much integrated with the prospect (Chen & Lin, 2016; Chiambaretto et al.,
2013; Givoni & Banister, 2007; Jiang et al., 2017).
2. Literature Review
Customer loyalty is a condition expected by every company, especially service companies, for example, the companies
running land transportation services like train services. Griffin (2013) explains loyalty as the behavior of deciding to purchase
not randomly by the decision-making unit from period to period. According to Kotler and Keller (2016), and Oliver (2010)
the willingness of the consumer to stay using the same product is a form of loyalty. Likewise, customers stay becoming
customers and do repeat purchases (Pahala et al., 2021; Savila et al., 2019; Upamannyu et al., 2015). Loyalty can be shown
from the intention to repeat buying, recommend and not move to others. Pereira et al. (2016) emphasize how customers' tacit
knowledge can represent the resources that can promote customer loyalty. From passenger loyalty, the certainty of better
traveling time to the airport by train compared with other transportations makes Soekarno Hatta Airport Train the main choice
(Ricardianto et al., 2022b). Shiftan et al. (2015) state in their study that the loyalty of public transportation passengers will
be able to measure the repeat order and passenger attitude.
P. Ricardianto et al. /Uncertain Supply Chain Management 11 (2023) 309
The results of previous research by Dimitriades (2006), Yuan et al. (2021), and Zhang et al. (2019) also indicate that high
loyalty enables repeat purchases for the same service and passenger loyalty is an important indicator to keep the market
stability. The result of previous research in China by Li et al. (2017) also explains that loyal customers will have positive
effects on the customer’s rights. Theoretically, Kotler (2018) and Kotler and Keller (2016) mention some examples of the
indicators of loyal customers, namely: (1) Loyalty to the product; (2) The existence of positive mouth-to-mouth
communication; and (3) The company as a certain consideration. Griffin (2013) states that the dimensions of customer loyalty
include; (1) Showing immunity to the appeals of similar products from competitors; (2) Recommending other products (refers
to other); (3) Purchasing outside the product line or service line (purchase across), (4) Deciding to purchase regularly (repeat
Based on the opinion of some experts and those previous research, it can be synthesized that loyalty is the customer
commitment to supporting or buying repeatedly in the future the services and products they like although the conditions or
other marketing efforts potentially have impacts on the moving-out of a customer, based on the four-variable dimensions; (1)
Regular purchase, (2) Purchase outside the service line, (3) Recommending other products and (4) Appeals of similar
Service quality is a must for a company to perform to maintain and obtain consumer trust. Customer lifestyle and consumption
patterns force a company to be able to provide quality services. Theoretically, Kotler and Armstrong (2018), say that quality
has a direct impact on the performance of a product or service. A theoretical approach to service quality, or SERVQUAL
according to Parasuraman (2010), and Zeithaml and Bitner (2011) related to expectation and relies on the gap the customer
perceives with the SERVQUAL approach is multidimensional using the dimensions of assurance, emphasis, reliability,
response, and tangible. Service quality plays a very important role in determining customer satisfaction as the service user
(Angelova & Zekiri, 2011; Harahap et al., 2021; Mat et al., 2019; Miranda et al., 2018; Simanjuntak et al., 2022). However,
in the research by Bambale et al. (2020) on Malaysian Electric Train Service (ETS), the results show a negative correlation
between customer satisfaction and the five dimensions of service quality. Train service quality according to Panday (2018)
includes three fields, namely service at the booth, service at the station, and service in the compartment.
In improving the train services, the approach more holistic to control the traffic is to improve the quality of train traffic control
(Tschirner et al., 2014). Another research by Savirah et al. (2020) concerning tourist trains has proved that service quality
can give an impact on the intention of repeat buying. Finally, the result of research by Ricardianto et al. (2022b) can be
explained through the service quality variable of airport trains, that the sustainable access to trains will facilitate continuing
the trip to the airport without leaving the railway station. Parasuraman (2009), and Zeithaml and Bitner (2011) say that service
quality has five dimensions of service quality variable; (1) reliability, (2) responsiveness, (3) assurance, (4) empathy, and (5)
physical evidence. In the five criteria of service quality studied by Piche and Mesta (2021) the highest scores of the gap are
in the criteria of responsiveness and the criteria of tangible. While based on the research by Hidayaha et al. (2019) on the
train having the route of Bandung-Jakarta, it is explained that the quality measured through the dimension of empathy shows
a good result. Then, the instruments of SERVQUAL developed by Cavana and Corbett (2007), Irfan et al. (2012), and
Sadeghdaghighi and Cheginl (2016) including empathy, assurance, physical evidence, punctuality, responsiveness, safety,
and security have been used to measure the passenger perception on the train service quality. Based on some theories
mentioned above, it can be synthesized that service quality is the potential of a good or service to fulfill the consumer
expectation and need, with five variable dimensions, namely; (1) Tangible, (2) Empathy, (3) Assurance, (4) Responsiveness
and (5) Reliability.
Price is the value designed as the value reference of a product or service. Referring to the opinion of Kotler and Armstrong
(2018), it is a unit of money sacrificed by the customer for a product or service or the amount of money value over the benefits
of using or having the goods or service. Kotler and Keller (2016) also add that price is one of the elements resulting in revenue
that is easiest to adapt to the marketing mix. The research of Aisyah et al. (2019), states that passengers still prioritize the
existence of goods and services for their comfort although the ticket price of the train is considered as competing with those
of other transportation modes. In addition, based on the result of research in Soekarno-Hatta airport by Adelia et al. (2020)
shows that ticket price has a positive and significant impact on the interest of train passengers. However, according to (Nuraizi
et al., 2018; Ricardianto et al., 2022b) in their studies, the ticket price has not been fully accepted by the passengers of the
Soekarno-Hatta Airport train.
Based on the research by Nadeau (2016) in Midway International Airport, Chicago, public transportation fee enables
determining whether the commuters with low income choose to work at the airport and facilitate and extend the accessibility
for the commuters with low income to use public transportation to the airport. In Italy, Europe, Rotoli et al. (2018) give an
explanation related to ticket price policy by European and national laws, the manager of the railway infrastructure presents a
new cost scheme with a better cost orientation and deeper market segmentation based on the ability to pay. Whereas in China,
combined market segmentation is made, and the policy on setting a dynamic train tariff is a portfolio of train tariff policy
applicable for developing passenger transportation (Qin et al., 2016). Whereas Ibrahim et al. (2019), in their research
concerning the quality of train services in Kualalumpur, explain that ticket price is of important service that must be
immediately improved. Based on some theoretical explanations and previous research, it can be synthesized that price policy
is a decision made by the producer for the amount consumer sacrifices in the form of money to obtain the product or service,
using four-variable dimensions such as; (1) Transparency, (2) Quality ratio, (3) Relative price, and (4) Confidence.
Socially mutual trust and social norms like obligation and willingness will lead to mutually beneficial acts (Abbas et al.,
2020; Nakagawa & Shaw, 2004). Whereas low trust will be able to reduce sharing, affection can overcome the social capital
that hinders trust (Walker, 2021). In the research of Schoorman et al. (2007), it is stated that one of the most important aspects
of trust can be seen in how two people can communicate intensely and directly. Trust from the passengers of the Soekarno-
Hatta Airport train has a significant correlation with some main variables (Farachiyah et al., 2020; Paddeu et al., 2020). In
the research of Savirah et al. (2020), passenger trust to use the service of the the Argo Parahyangan train is the priority of
public service. (Jeffcott et al., 2006) say that in the operation of trains in England, trust is considered less important than the
theory of safety and organization with high reliability. Referring to the opinion of (Robbins & Judge, 2016), the dimensions
of trust variables include (1) Openness, (2) Consistency, (3) Competence, and (4) Integrity. Another researcher, (Schoorman
et al., 2007), states that trust consists of three dimensions, namely: (1) Competence, (2) Honesty, and (3)
Benevolence. Referring to some theories and previous research above it can be synthesized that trust is the customer’s self-
confidence toward the producer that can generate positive expectations from an act, with four variable dimensions, namely;
(1) Goodwill, (2) Integrity, (3) Competence, and (4) Honesty.
This research aims to know and analyze the direct and indirect impacts of passenger trust on the loyalty of Soekarno-Hatta
airport train passengers based on the service quality and ticket price policy. To prove the aims of this research empirically,
seven hypotheses will be tested as follows:
Based on the framework and previous research, the constellation of causal relations (impact) between variables can be
constructed (Fig. 1).
Service Quality
(X1) pz.x1
Passenger Ɛ
Passenger Trust Pz.y Loyalty (Z)
Ticket Price Policy
passengers of the Soekarno-Hatta airport train and the sampling is done using accidental sampling. There are four latent
variables in this research; namely service quality, ticket price policy, trust, and passenger loyalty. Structural Equation
Modeling is used to test the research hypotheses. The result of the questionnaire is considered reliable and valid in the
previous trial on 30 respondents. Before hypothetical testing is done, validity test, reliability test as well as normality test,
and significance test or regression linearity test are done first. Structural Equation Modeling nowadays is widely used by
some previous researchers to examine the conceptual framework, especially in the research of train and urban rail services
(Ricardianto et al., 2022c; Najib et al., 2021; Shen et al., 2016; Soltanpour et al., 2020; Yilmaz & Ari, 2017).
4. Results and discussion
4.1. Validity Test and Instrument Reliability
A Validty test in this research is very necessary. To measure it, item analysis is used. Measurement in the item analysis is done
in the way that the existing score is subsequently connected using the correlation formula of Product Moment described by
Pearson. The result of statement item testing for each research variable is obtained through the distribution of a trial
questionnaire involving 30 respondents. In addition to validity calculation, this research also uses reliability calculation. The
reliability test in this research is done using the technique of the Alpha Cronbach Formula. In the trial for 30 respondents,
the result of the validity test in the instrument indicates that most statement items are valid or as many as eight statements
out of a total of 68 statements are stated as not valid. Whereas in the result of the reliability test, all variables above 0.9 or
having high reliability are stated as reliable.
4.2. Normality Test
In the normality test of service quality on passenger loyalty, the test statistic is obtained as big as 0.049 with the value of
asymp. sig 0.200 > 0.05, then the residual data has a normal distribution. For the ticket price policy on passenger loyalty, the
test statistic is obtained as big as 0.055 with the value of asymp. sig 0.200 > 0.05, then the residual data has a normal
distribution. For trust in passenger loyalty, the test statistic is obtained as big as 0.050 with the value of asymp. sig 0.200 >
0.05, then the residual data has a normal distribution. For service quality on passenger trust, the test statistic is obtained as
big as 0.058 with the value of asymp. sig 0.057 > 0.05, then the residual data has a normal distribution. And for ticket price
policy on passenger trust, the test statistic is obtained as big as 0,034 with the value of asymp. sig 0.200 > 0.05, then the
residual data has a normal distribution.
4.3. Significance Test of Regression Linearity
The results of both the significance test and regression linearity test for each impact of service quality and ticket price policy
on trust and passenger loyalty can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1
Summary of the Results of Significance Test and Regression Linearity Test
Significance Test Linearity Test Conclusion
Regression Regression Equation Fstatistic Ftable Fstatistic Ftable
α = 0.05 α = 0.05
Z on X1 Ŷ = 18.118 + 0.468X1 45.477** 3.90 1.190ns 1.75 Linear Reg.
z on X2 Ŷ = 16.157 + 0.590X2 52.873** 3.90 1.108ns 1.75 Linear Reg.
Z on Y Ŷ = 17.666 + 0.507Y 75.382** 3.90 0.971ns 1.75 Linear Reg.
Y on X1 Ŷ = 25.409 + 0.554X1 49.587** 3.90 1.461ns 1.75 Linear Reg.
Y on Z Ŷ = 31.891 + 0.542Z 30.063** 3.90 1.466ns 1.75 Linear Reg.
Fig. 2. Path Coefficients of the Impacts of Service Quality and Fig. 3. Tstatistic of the Impact of Service Quality and Ticket
Ticket Price Policy on Trust and Passenger Loyalty Price Policy on Trust and Passenger loyalty
The overall results of the path coefficient and t-test of the impact of service quality and ticket price
policy on trust and passenger loyalty are in Table 2.
Table 2
Summary of Path Coefficient and t-Test
Path Path Coefficient t-statistic
αn as big as 0.05 αn as big as 0.01
X1 – Y2 0.15 2.02* 1.655 2.351
X2 – Y2 0.28 3.83** 1.655 2.351
Y1 – Y2 0.39 5.35** 1.655 2.351
X1 – Y1 0.39 4.94** 1.655 2.351
X2 – Y1 0.22 2.73** 1.655 2.351
X1 – Y2 – Y1 0.15 3.63** 1.655 2.351
X2 – Y2 – Y1 0.08 2.43** 1.655 2.351
The path coefficient of the direct impact of service quality on passenger loyalty is 0.15. The value of the path coefficient is
positive, proving that improving service quality can enhance passenger loyalty. The value of the t-statistic is obtained as big as
2.02, whereas the value of the t-table for n as many as 150 at the error level (α) 5% is 1.655. The value of t-statistic > t-table at α =
5%, thus accepting H1 and rejecting Ho. It means service quality gives a positive and significant direct impact on passenger
The path coefficient of the direct impact of ticket price policy on passenger loyalty is 0.28. The value of the path coefficient
is positive, proving that improving ticket price policy can enhance passenger loyalty. The value of the t-statistic is 3.83, whereas
the value of the t-table for n as many as 150 at the error level (α) 1% is 2.351. The value of t-statistic > t-table at α = 1%, thus
accepting H1 and rejecting Ho. It means ticket price policy gives a positive and significant direct impact on passenger loyalty.
The path coefficient of the direct impact of passenger trust on passenger loyalty is 0.39. The value of the path coefficient is
positive, proving that improving trust can enhance passenger loyalty. The value of the t-statistic is 5.35, whereas the value of the
t-table for n as many as 150 at the error level (α) = 1% is 2.351. The value of t-statistic > t-table at α = 1% thus rejecting Ho and
accepting H1. It means trust gives a positive and significant direct impact on passenger loyalty.
The path coefficient of the direct impact of service quality on passenger trust is 0.39. The value of the path coefficient is
positive, indicating that improving service quality can enhance trust. The value of the t-statistic is 4.94, whereas the value of the t-
table for n as many as 150 at the error level (α) = 1% is 2.351. The value of t-statistic > t-table at α = 1% thus accepting H1 and
rejecting Ho. It means service quality gives a positive and significant direct impact to trust.
The path coefficient of the direct impact of ticket price policy on passenger trust is as big as 0.22. The value of the path
coefficient is positive, indicating that improving ticket price policy can enhance trust. The value of the t-statistic is 2.73, whereas
the value of the t-table for n as many as 150 at the error level (α) = 1% is 2.351. The value of t-statistic > t-table at α = 1% thus
rejecting Ho and accepting H1. It means ticket price policy gives a positive and significant direct impact to trust.
4.1.6. Service Quality Has an Indirect Impact on Passenger Loyalty with the Mediation of Trust
The path coefficient of the indirect impact of service quality on passenger loyalty with the mediation of passenger trust is
0.15. The value of the path coefficient is positive, indicating that improving service quality supported by trust can enhance
passenger loyalty. The value of the t-statistic is obtained as big as 3.63, whereas the value of the t-table for n as many as 150 at the
error level (α) = 1% is 2.351. The value of t-statistic > t-table at α = 1% thus rejecting Ho and accepting H1. It means service
quality gives a positive and significant indirect impact on passenger loyalty with the mediation of trust.
P. Ricardianto et al. /Uncertain Supply Chain Management 11 (2023) 313
4.1.7. Ticket Price Policy Has an Indirect Impact on Passenger Loyalty with the Mediation of Trust
The path coefficient of the indirect impact of ticket price policy on passenger loyalty with the mediation of passenger trust is
0.08. The value of the path coefficient is positive, indicating that improving ticket price policy supported by trust can enhance
passenger loyalty. The value of the t-statistic is 2.43, whereas the value of the t-table for n as many as 150 at the error level (α) = 1%
is 2.351. The value of t-statistic > t-table at α = 1% thus rejecting Ho and accepting H1. It means ticket price policy gives a positive
and significant indirect impact on passenger loyalty with the mediation of trust.
The results of this research prove that service quality has a positive and significant impact on passenger loyalty. This indicates
that service quality contributes to the loyalty of Soekarno-Hatta airport train passengers. So, improving service quality can
enhance passenger loyalty. When the quality of the Soekarno-Hatta airport train service is in good condition, this impacts the
enhancement of passenger loyalty. Theoretically, Griffin (2013) explains, it will be seen by doing regular purchases, buying
outside the service or product line, recommending other products, or showing the immunity to the appeals of similar products
from the competitors. With good service quality, customers will keep using the service, recommend other people to use the
services of Airport Train, not move to other transportation modes from and to the airport, and use another train to trip. This
research supports the studies conducted by Hizam et al. (2021), Janitra et al. (2021), Tamaruddin et al.,(2020), Razak et al.
(2016), and Ricardianto et al., 2022b), in which this study strengthens the vitality of service quality features to enhance the
loyalty of train passengers and focus more on the public transportation mechanism of commuter. The result of this research
is also in line with the findings of Aydin and Özer (2005), Chou and Kim (2009), Heng and Hamid (2021), Ricardianto et al.
(2022b), and Segoro (2013) showing that service quality gives a significant impact to loyalty. This finding is consistent,
based on the previous research proving that service quality gives an impact on passenger loyalty.
The result of this research also proves that ticket price policy gives a positive and significant impact on passenger loyalty.
This finding implies that ticket price policy is an important determinant of the loyalty of Soekarno-Hatta airport train
passengers. So, if the ticket price policy is improved then the passenger loyalty will be better. With an appropriate price
policy, passengers will give positive inputs to the management, convey positive things to other customers, invite other
customers to use the services, recommend the advantage of the services, use another type of train to trip, as well as regularly
use the services of the airport train. In general, customer perception of price fairness and product quality, and customer trust
all have a positive correlation with customer loyalty (Anuwichanon, 2011; Aydin & Özer, 2005). Another finding by Roy
and Akter (2017) is in line that there is a correlation between price and consumer loyalty, proving that price policy gives a
significant impact on loyalty. This research also supports the studies by Maryana et al. (2019), and Milasariningsih et al.
(2019) previously studied that cheap train ticket price becomes the main cause or factor of passenger loyalty. Thus, this
research confirms the previous research that ticket price policy has an impact on passenger loyalty.
The result of this research shows that passenger trust has a significant impact on passenger loyalty. This proves that trust is
a crucial factor of Soekarno-Hatta airport train passenger loyalty, so improving trust can stimulate passenger loyalty.
Theoretically, one of the factors that can give an impact on the high passenger loyalty is trust. When the management of the
Soekarno-Hatta airport train shows high trust reflected in the competence, integrity, openness, and good consistency, those
can give an impact on the arising passenger loyalty. Loyalty is the key mediating variable in the relation between the intention
to repeat a purchase and consumer trust (Eisingerich & Bell, 2007). Overall, trust positively correlates with customer loyalty
(Yieh et al., 2007). The result of this research is in line with the previous studies by Anuwichanon (2011), Aydin and Özer
(2005), Kospandani and Wahyudi (2021), and Restuputri et al. (2021) that trust is found significantly affect customer loyalty.
Finally, it also proves that trust gives a significant impact on loyalty. Thus, this research is in line with the previous studies,
that passenger trust gives a significant impact on passenger loyalty.
The result of this research proves that service quality gives a positive and very significant impact on passenger trust. This
confirms the meaning of service quality as an important determinant of Soekarno-Hatta airport train passenger trust, so
improving service quality can enhance passenger trust. So that consumers trust the provided services, the service provider
needs to have an excellent service quality. If the service quality of the Soekarno-Hatta airport train is reflected in the visible
evidence, responsiveness, reliability, empathy, and assurance are in good conditions or sufficient, then such conditions can
generate trust among passengers so that consumers keep using the same service. The result of this research supports the
research by Aydin and Özer (2005), Ehbara and Shukor (2016), Eisingerich and Bell (2007), Yieh et al. (2007), and Mansur
et al., (2022). Thus, this research is in line with the previous studies that service quality gives a significant impact on passenger
The result of this research shows that ticket price policy gives a positive and significant impact on passenger trust. This
indicates that ticket price policy is an important factor that can determine the trust of Soekarno-Hatta airport train passengers.
So, if the ticket price policy is improved then the passenger trust will be better. Usually, every company has a service price
policy, including the management of the Soekarno-Hatta airport train, especially in determining the ticket price. Every
company always considers such a policy to be applied in their business activities. If the ticket price policy established by the
management of the Soekarno-Hatta airport train is understandable and acceptable to the consumers, this can drive to generate
consumer trust to consistently use the same service. The result of this research is in line with the previous studies by
Anuwichanon (2011), and Kim et al. (2012) stating that ticket price policy has a direct impact on passenger trust. Another
opinion by Yieh et al. (2007) explains that the customer perception of price correlates positively with customer trust. Their
opinion proves that price policy has a significant impact on trust. Thus, this research is in line with the result of the previous
research that ticket price policy gives an impact on passenger trust.
The result of this research also proves that service quality gives a positive and significant indirect impact on passenger loyalty
mediated by trust. This indicates that service quality is the potency of a product or service to satisfy the consumer's needs
and expectations. Such a condition will generate positive expectations for an action, which is seen in the form of goodwill,
integrity, competence, and honesty so that it raises passenger loyalty. The commitment of customers is to support or repeat
purchase the product and service they like in the future although the conditions or other marketing efforts have an orientation
to impact the move-out of a customer. Loyalty will be seen when a customer purchases regularly, buys outside the product
or service line, recommends other products, and shows immunity to the appeals of similar products from the competitors.
This research is in line with the previous research by Unidha and Sentani (2017), that service quality has an impact on
passenger loyalty with the mediation of trust. Thus, this research is different from the previous studies, because the result is
that service quality gives a positive and significant indirect impact on passenger loyalty with the mediation of trust. This
finding is supported by research by Widiyanto et al. (2021) which also proves that service quality has a positive effect on
customer satisfaction.
The result of this research proves that ticket price policy gives a positive and significant indirect impact on passenger loyalty
with the mediation of trust. So, ticket price policy is the decision made by the producer over the amount the consumer
sacrifices in the form of money to obtain the product which is manifested in the customer's trust in the producer. This can
generate positive expectations for an action, which is seen from goodwill, integrity, competence, and honesty so that it
enhances passenger loyalty. It impacts the move-out of a customer, which is seen when doing regular purchases, buying
outside the product or service line, recommending other products, and showing immunity to the appeals of similar products
from the competitors. Eisingerich and Bell (2007) state that loyalty is the key variable in mediating the intention of repeat
purchase so that it raises consumer trust. Thus, this research is not in line with that study because the result is that ticket price
policy gives a positive and significant indirect impact on passenger loyalty with the mediation of trust.
5. Conclusions
Service quality and ticket price policy have both direct and indirect impacts on the mediation of passenger trust, giving an
impact on passenger loyalty. So, passenger loyalty can be enhanced through the improvement of service quality and ticket
price policy with the support of passenger trust. The management of the Soekarno-Hatta airport train can make a specific
policy to support the improvement of service quality. The management of the Soekarno-Hatta airport train can make an
accelerated policy to support the improvement of the ticket price policy. As for consideration, the policymakers can take
advantage of the findings of this research, especially the crucial aspects in the questionnaires on service quality and ticket
price policy which are considered as not optimal by the passengers of the Soekarno-Hatta airport train. Another accelerative
policy is to enhance the trust of Soekarno-Hatta airport train passengers. It is considered necessary to continue this research
more deeply by using more samples and adding more indicators and other relevant variables such as passenger satisfaction
and customer relationship management. Further research can also be conducted by studying other aspects that may have
impacts on trust and loyalty, for example, accessibility and network services.
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