Test 1 Reading
Test 1 Reading
Test 1 Reading
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 on pages 6 and 7
Cape Adare
Cape Adare is located several hundred kilometres north of Scott's hut. The huts on Cape Adare are not as 24
……………………………….. as those on Ross Island and the workers have to be careful not to disturb the group of 25
………………………………… living nearby. Visitors to Antarctica must have a 26………………………………….. to
see the restored huts.
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 on pages 11 and 12.
Questions 27 – 33 Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-vill, in boxes 27-33 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
27. Paragraph A i. A negative reaction to receiving flowers
ii. Some surprisingly strong responses to flowers
28. Paragraph B
iii. A mutually beneficial relationship?
29. Paragraph C iv. Becoming more open about personal matters
33. Paragraph G
Flower Power
A. Why do we give people flowers? To offer condolence to those who are grieving. To celebrate. To woo. To ask for
forgiveness. We all know Intuitively that there is something psychologically powerful about giving flowers; in fact,
few objects provoke such a universal emotional response. In the US alone, the flower industry is now worth about
$5bn a year - which suggests that, at the very least, they service a compelling human need.
B. Recent studies at the Department of Psychology at Rutgers State University of New Jersey Investigated claims that
flowers are unique among living organisms in their ability to induce profound changes in our emotional state. As the
first part of their research, the Rutgers team visited 150 women in their homes. Each was presented with a variety of
gifts such as flowers, fruit or sweets. The women were unaware that the study was about the effect of the flowers on
their emotions. They were told that it was a study about their daily moods, and that they would receive a gift in
return for taking part. Following the presentation of the gift, those receiving flowers were assessed as displaying a
much more positive mood than those who got other gifts, and this effect lasted for several days. After receiving
flowers, they were also more willing to answer questions concerning their social circle and intimate conversations
with friends and family. The results suggest that flowers influence our secondary socio-emotional behaviours, as
well as having a strong effect on our immediate emotional expression.
C. In the second study, the psychologists observed participants being handed single flowers, or alternative gifts, in a
constrained and stressful situation - inside an elevator. Contrary to predictions regarding gender differences, both
men and women presented with flowers were more likely to smile, to stand closer and to initiate conversation.
Several subjects who were given the alternative gift then learnt that flowers were also being handed out, and
returned to the elevator and demanded a flower. The scientists used elevators for this study precisely because the
most typical behaviour in sparsely occupied elevators is for people to retreat to opposite corners. The subjects who
received flowers, however, closed up that space to a considerable extent - indicating that the flowers not only
induced a strong positive mood, but brought a significant affiliation among people who had never previously met.
D. The third study involved regularly sending flowers to a selected sample of men and women. The researchers found
not only a profound elevation of mood, but also reliable improvements in other measures of cognitive function, like
memory. In this series of experiments, some participants produced such extraordinary emotional displays that the
psychologists were totally unprepared for them. Subjects gave spontaneous hugs and kisses to the people who
delivered the flowers, and sent invitations to the psychologists to come to their homes for refreshments.
E. Various evolutionary hypotheses attempt to explain the remarkably powertul psychological effect of flowers. One is
that our aesthetic preferences for fertile locations and growing things stem from prehistory, when these clues in our
environment could mean the difference between starvation and survival. We may have become hardwired to respond
positively to flowers because for early man, finding them in a particular location predicted future food supplies and
possibly a better place to rear children. Yet the flaw in this argument is that the showy flowers which humans seem
to find most visually attractive are generally found on those plants which yield no edible products.
F. The Rutgers psychologists' findings show that the various physical attributes of flowers combine to directiv affect our
emotions through multi-channel interactions. We have evolved preferences for the particular colours, textures,
patterned symmetries and specific floral odours which influence our moods. Indeed, previous research has
established that popular perfumes, which often have a floral top-note', will actually reduce depression. The origins
of these inclinations may well be as the evolutionary theories suggest: the patterned symmetries of flowers can be
detected easily as a recognisable signal within a wide variety of visual arrays, and a response to certain colour tones
is important in finding ripe fruit against a leafy background. But, claim the Rutgers team, these preferences have
long been separated from their primary evolutionary use, and become rewarding to us more generally. Thus plants
with preferred colours, shapes and odours - despite having no other products - would therefore be protected and
G. The Rutgers study suggests that flowers may have actually evolved to exploit their peculiar impact on humans. The
team's theory proposes a plant-human co-evolution, or even domestication, based on the intense emotional rewards
that flowers provide. The idea that flowering plants, with no known food or other basic survival value to man, have
co-evolved with us by exploiting an emotional niche instead, is very much like the scenario presented for the
evolution of dogs. Flowers may be the plant equivalent of 'companion animals'. If this is true, then there is a very
real sense in which, when you next give flowers, they are using you just as much as you are using them.
The presence of flowers might indicate a potential source of 38 ……………………… in a particular location, and
primitive humans would search for such signs when looking for a suitable site to raise their 39………………………
The interpretation of these signs was essential for the survival of our ancestors. However, the problem with this idea is
that the plants producing the most attractive flowers do not usually have fruit which is 40………………………