S Amlodipina 4
S Amlodipina 4
S Amlodipina 4
Angel Cogolludo, Francisco Pérez-Vizcaı́no and Juan Tamargo
Table 1. Goals of the new antihypertensive agents A inhibitor EC33, given intravenously, inhibits brain
aminopeptidase A and the formation of Ang III and
1. Interfere with the mechanisms involved in the genesis and
maintenance of elevated blood pressure reduces blood pressure for up to 24 h in DOCA-salt rats
2. Better blood pressure control over 24 h [9,10]. Thus, brain aminopeptidase A inhibitors represent
3. Greater protection against organ damage associated with a potential antihypertensive treatment.
4. Effects on other cardiovascular risk factors
5. More effective prevention of cardiovascular disease Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 modulators
6. Safer and better tolerated ACE2 is a carboxypeptidase with specificity, tissue distri-
bution, and function distinct from those of ACE [11,12].
ACE2 hydrolyses Ang I into Ang-(1–9), Ang II into Ang-
Table 2. New antihypertensive drugs under development (1–7) and bradykinin into [des-Arg9]-bradykinin, but
does not convert Ang I into Ang II, being insensitive
1. Modulation of the RAS
Oral renin inhibitors: aliskiren to ACE inhibitors [11,12]. In addition, ACE2 appears to
Brain aminopeptidase A inhibitors: RB150 be a negative regulator of ACE in the heart and kidney. It
ACE2 modulators can be speculated that ACE2 plays a role in the regulation
Angiotensin receptor blockers: pratosartan, TAK-536
2. Ca2þ channel blockers: clevidipine, S-amlodipine, KYS05001 of blood pressure by counterbalancing the potent vaso-
3. Inhibitors of vascular NAD(P)H oxidase: apocynin, pefabloc, constrictor effects of Ang II [11]. If so, ACE2 stimulation
S17834, PR-39, p91ds-tat would be synergistic, or additive, to ACE inhibitors/ARBs
4. AGE crosslink breakers: alagebrium
5. Rho kinase inhibitors: Y-27632, fasudil, hydroxyfasudil, KI-2309 in inducing vasodilation and lowering blood pressure
6. Drugs with multiple mechanisms of action [13]. By contrast, ACE2 inhibition might become useful
ACE/NEP inhibitors in the treatment of symptomatic hypotension. The
ECE/NEP inhibitors: SLV-306
NO-releasing drugs: NO-sartans, NO-releasing statins development of specific ACE2 antagonists and agonists
(NCX 6550, NCX 6553) would allow us to understand the pathophysiological
AT1 and ETA receptor antagonists: MS-248360, BMS-248360 role of ACE2 and its role in the modulation of blood
7. Naþ/Kþ ATPase inhibitors: PST 2238
8. Potassium channel openers: iptakalim pressure.
RAS, renin–angiotensin system; ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme;
AGE, advanced glycosylation end-products; NEP, neutral endopepti- Calcium channel blockers
dase; ECE, endothelin-converting enzyme; NO, nitric oxide; AT1, Ang II Patients undergoing surgical interventions often develop
receptor type 1. hypertensive episodes that require a rapid control of
blood pressure. Clevidipine is an ultrashort-acting L-type
Ca2þ channel dihydropyridine antagonist [14]. In hyper-
renin inhibitor that in experimental models reduces tensive patients after coronary artery surgery, clevidipine
blood pressure as effectively as valsartan or benazeprilat infusion produces a rapid arteriolar vasodilatation and a
[4]. In hypertensive patients, once-daily oral doses of dose-dependent decrease in blood pressure that, in con-
aliskiren (150–640 mg) decrease plasma Ang I and II trast to sodium nitroprusside, is not associated with an
levels for 48 h and its antihypertensive efficacy and increase in heart rate, cardiac index or cardiac filling
tolerance is similar to enalapril [5], losartan [6] and pressures. Clevidipine has a high clearance (0.06 l/min/
irbesartan [7]. In mildly sodium-depleted normotensives kg), a small volume of distribution (0.19 l/kg) and is
a combination of aliskiren, 150 mg/daily, plus valsartan, rapidly metabolized by ester hydrolysis to inactive
80 mg/daily, lowers blood pressure at least as effectively metabolites (half-life < 1 min), which translates into a
as higher dose (300 and 160 mg/daily, respectively) rapid cessation of its effects. These characteristics make
monotherapy [8]. Thus, aliskiren is the first orally active clevidipine a drug of choice to reduce blood pressure in
renin inhibitor and provides a true alternative to ACE cardiac surgery.
inhibitors and ARBs for hypertension and other cardio-
vascular and renal diseases. Azelnidipine and S-amlodipine (the only vasoactive
enantiomer of amlodipine) are two new L-type Ca2þ
Brain aminopeptidase A inhibitors antagonists producing long-lasting antihypertensive
Aminopeptidase A hydrolyzes Ang II to Ang III (Ang 2– effects with lesser reflex tachycardia. KYS05001 is a
8). Intracerebroventricular injection of both angiotensins new selective T-type Ca2þ channel blocker nearly equi-
causes similar pressor responses. The intracerebroventri- potent to mibefradil [15].
cular injection of EC33, a specific aminopeptidase A
inhibitor, blocks the formation of brain Ang III and the Inhibitors of vascular NAD(P)H oxidase
pressor response of intracerebroventricular Ang II in hyper- Oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of
tensive rats, suggesting that the conversion of Ang II hypertension. NAD(P)H oxidase is the major source of
to Ang III is a prerequisite to increasing blood pressure superoxide anion in blood vessels and its expression
[9]. RB150, a prodrug of the specific aminopeptidase and activity are modulated by Ang II acting via AT1
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