JJs Ultimate Guide To Manifesting
JJs Ultimate Guide To Manifesting
JJs Ultimate Guide To Manifesting
1. Strong language (I swear a lot), cynical stuff, and sarcasm ahead, tough love typa
shit.This is meant to be helpful and reassuring, but I'm not going to treat yall like you're
made of sugar and talk like I'm from 50 years ago. Deal with it or not.
2. Not everyone gonna agree on every point, and that's okay, but I don't care about it, and
not really gonna argue against it, refer to point 1.
3. This is a Neville sub, I know, and this all stemmed and is based on his teachings, but
it's been a while and it's time to evolve and update some stuff, so sorry if I'm not gonna
use purely Neville terms or quotes or terminology.
4. My main approach to manifesting is Affirmations - and I'll explain why, but whatever
it is you feel most comfortable doing (visualization, scripting, tripping on acid, acting
as if, dancing naked under the full moon singing Taylor Swift songs) applies the same.
5. For all you naturally skeptic, anxious, fearful or 'logical' - I got you, with a 'logical'
reasoning why you shouldn't worry about the shit you worry about.
MANIFESTING SP (And recreating them) - The ultimate and only guide you'll ever need
Manifesting is easy - everything you didn't want but needed to hear %5Bwhy you fail.%5D
AFFIRMATIONS are goat - literally EVERYTHING you need to know about affirming
Manifesting is easy – everything you did not want but need to hear (why you fail)……….... p. 11
Introduction.………………………………………………………………………………….….... p. 11
Repeating the old story.…………………………………………………………………………... p. 12
Affirming what you do not want.……………………………….…………………………….…... p. 13
Taking responsibility.……………………………………………………………………..……..... p. 15
Stop looking, start having.………………………………………………………………………... p. 16
Manifesting SP (and recreating them) – the ultimate and only guide you will ever need……..p.19
Introduction.…………………………………………………………………………...................... p. 19
Circumstances does not matter.……………………………………………………………….…... p. 19
Everyone is you pushed out and free will.……………………………………………………….... p. 21
Self concept.…………………………………………………………………………………..…... p. 24
Time, patience, searching and techniques.…………………………………………………....…... p. 25
Think as if they are who you want them to be.……………………………………………….…... p. 26
Ignoring circumstances and the 3D.………………………………………………………….…... p. 27
Drop the old story.………………………………………………..……………………….…….... p. 27
Be patient and persist.…………………………………………………………………..………... p. 28
Put the law and you belief to the test.…………………………………………..………………... p. 28
Bonus – manifesting an unknown SP.…………………………………………….……………... p. 29
FAQ.……………………………………………………………………………………………... p. 30
How do we manifest? It seems that so many people are just quick to give vague Neville quotes
that just confuse the fuck out of those who are new. 'The state of the wish fulfilled, be in the
Sabbath'. What the fuck does that even mean?
Manifesting (in its essence) is piss easy. All you have to do - is think, live in your head, imagine
yourself - as the person who has what you want.
That's it. Yes, really, that's all it takes. You want something? someone? an experience, an
object? a job? cool! Just having the desire means it is - literally - meant to be yours. It doesn't
matter what it is, who it is, which way, what colour, what pay - it's possible. It's here. where?
here. when? right now.
You want something? think from the state of the wish fulfilled - aka think from a standpoint of
having it. It's done, It's already yours, it's already here. Think about it in one affirmation,
specific (I am married to Kim Taehyung from BTS with 5 children!) or vague (isn't it
wonderful?). That's all, really.The only thing that can delay (nothing can ruin your
manifestation. Nothing. I don't give a shit what he or she said, I don't care what your situation
is, I don't care how many beliefs you have or not. It legit doesn't matter nothing can ruin your
manifestation) is thinking against it. Why? because, well, that's also just you manifesting - but
just manifesting the opposite of what you wish to see in your world.
But if that's all it takes, where do all the confusion and questions come from?
Well, manifesting is easy, the base principle (and the only principle) is as stated above, but with
all the information, the mix between law of attraction and law of assumption, social media,
TikTok, Neville quotes that people just LOVE to throw around to a point it seems they don't
even understand what they mean in their essence and what not, limiting beliefs, general beliefs,
world views, etc. Whatever the reason is, people seem to complicate it with rules and guides,
'do's and don't's' that in all honestly don't even matter.
Short answer: Yes, you can manifest something you need, want, obsess over. You can want it.
You can need it. You can be as obsessed with it as you'd like.
Long answer: Well, still yes, but i'mma explain why. Because all you have to do to manifest is
just think of it as already yours, or already the way you want it to be! People tend to complicate
this shit so much for literally no reason, either for some weird moral high ground or because
maybe they don't understand the law to it's most basic, raw form - but the ONLY thing that can
stop you from manifesting is thinking against it (because it's manifesting the opposite, you're
still manifesting successfully!) All this 'let go' shit.. why? have you ever thought about it? Why
would you let go?'Oh it's because it means you're coming from lack!' Shut the fuck up. If that's
how it is, why did you have the desire in the first place? Going by this logic means that wanting
ANYTHING (how would you manifest consciously something if you didn't at least think of
WANTING or NEEDING it?) Coming from lack just means you're manifesting the absence of
what you want by entertaining thoughts that directly say or somehow imply you don't have
what you want.
Your reality is a mirror of your inner thoughts. If your inner thoughts imply you're looking for
something, waiting for something, your subconscious knows you're looking for something -
aka, it isn't here. But you can still want or need something, and you can absolutely obsess over
it. No, it's not bad, unless you give it a bad meaning. If we can 'obsess' over bad scenarios that
didn't even happen and have them manifest because we held them in our imagination (aka
thought about them day and night) why wouldn't it work the other way? There's no good or
bad in manifesting, Only the consistent. Read that. Read that again. Until it sinks in.
Manifesting is NATURAL. Whatever works for you, is whatever feels natural for you. 'Oh but
when you actually have something you don't care about it that much, you're not looking for it
all the time' well, it's partially true, but isn't 100%. Just because you get used to something
being in your reality doesn't take away the need for it. You can 'have' a person, be with them,
and still NEED and WANT them, you can be so in love you are obsessed with them [i'm not
talking about if it's a healthy relationship or not, that's a different discussion]. Having something
doesn't stop you from needing it, or wanting it in your reality, so why can't you want it in your
head anyway? If you got your crush, after years of pining after them, wouldn't you fucking be
overjoyed? over the moon? would you really be like 'ah cool I knew it was gonna happen well
cool anyway - ' .. The only tricky part is the quality of scenarios or thoughts you're obsessing
it, not the actual fact if you do or not.
If you obsess by constantly repeating affirmations, sats, thoughts of having it, daydreams about
it, then by all means obsess away. Think about it 186034788437289 times, live it in your head
24/7, who cares? it makes you happy? it keeps doubts or bad thoughts away? cool! it will still
work. Because you're only thinking as if you have it. Nothing else matters (thanks, Metallica).
In reality, no matter how many Sabbaths you get into or Neville quotes people will throw at
you, you can't turn off your logical mind. A part of your brain will always be aware, vaguely,
that something isn't here or you're not experiencing it (yet) in the 3D, so a part of you will
always be in 'lack', so to speak. Otherwise, just the actual act of manifesting would imply you're
in lack, in need, in want, whatever?
Arguably I'd say it's better to obsess if it makes you keep in check with what's going on in your
head other than forcefully try to 'let go' or not think of something out of fear of thinking too
much or obsessing ('because what if it implies that i'm in lack!) which will MOST LIKELY will
just make you stress unnecessarily about if you're doing it right or not , enough or too much,
whatever it is.
Bottom line is; It's OKAY! it's FINE! Obsess over it, need it, want it, build an altar for it. As
long as the ONLY (and I mean ONLY) thing that goes in your head - is anything that implies
you already have it, it's yours, it's done.
[2] - 'Am I doing it right? Can I do this? Does doing this mean X or Y? Does it influence?
Stop. Seriously. You guys HAVE to stop overcomplicating shit and cutting yourself short. The
problem with how things are said or answered is that it makes it seem like there are so many
unnecessary rules that people put on, you can't say this or can't say that, because it means this
or it means that. It also relates to the previous point as well, and I'll use an example of a question
in the beginner thread for this (slightly paraphrased)
'Can I enjoy being degraded and being called things because it's my kink, or will it influence
my SC?' If all desires are meant for you, that includes your kinks, your sexual preferences,
etc.Stop giving meaning to every single thing, it's not that deep if you don't want it to be!
Manifesting is a lifestyle, life-changing, and a gateway to something deeper... but it doesn't
mean you can't also just enjoy life and have fun with it! not everything has to have a deeper
meaning, serve a higher purpose, or imply or mean anything unless you WANT it to. Cut
yourself some slack. If your SC is that high anyway, then you should have more common sense
and confidence to know that simply enjoying something that you enjoy in the moment (sexual
or not, degrading or not, whatever) or even just saying shit as a joke, you can decide it doesn't
matter! you know it isn't true or doesn't say anything about you as a person, so stop being
scared. Manifestation is simple, it's fun, it shouldn't make you feel like you're walking on
eggshells every single moment of your life.You can keep things you say or blue or think at a
moment and label them as jokes or empty words that just make you horny at that specific
moment - as just that, and nothing more.
YOU MAKE YOUR OWN RULES. You can LITERALLY decide that this or that thing
doesn't affect your manifestation - and it won't! (like a reverse placebo, so to speak.)
Whatever you're doing - stop giving it meaning, stop doubting and second-guessing. Just do
whatever the fuck you want! do all the methods and techniques or do none at all, think about
your desire a million times a day or just once. Phrase it or word it however the fuck you want
as long as it's what's natural for you and implies you have it (or will get it in the near future
100% guaranteed). As long as you imply you already have it - nothing else around it matters
(yeah, i'm gonna repeat this a lot).'
One more time, repeat after me: YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT! IT'S OKAY! YES YOU CAN
DECIDE IT CAN. Nothing can ruin or keep your desire from you. The only delay is thinking
against it, instead of as someone who has it. Cool?
Just get back up after, no matter what you feel - keep your thoughts in check. You have doubts?
correct that shit. Daydream. Rampage. Sing it, dance it, shove a crystal up your ass I don't care
- whatever helps you get back on track and stay persistent. But don't beat yourself up over it,
don't feel guilty for having human emotions. Just discipline yourself, do what you gotta do, get
back on your affirmations.
[3] - 'It's not enough to just think of your desire, you need to ..' [Affirmations rule, literally].
Stop. Shut up. Legit. Just actually, shut up. I'mma say it once.
It is, quite LITERALLY, possible, to manifest by simply thinking as if you have it. [Yes, in
any form, in any way, as many times as you want!] STOP putting more fucking rules! and stop
spreading dumb limiting beliefs. First of all, that's the whole point of Joseph Murphy's
teachings (who was Abdullah's student just as Neville was, who just put more emphasis on
affirmations while Neville put his emphasis on imagination). Everything around us, our
feelings, our emotions, our imaginations and scenes - all of it stems from our thoughts. Our
inner conversation. That little voice in the back of your head - however you wanna call it.
Everything begins with a thought.And that's what affirmations essentially are - they are your
thoughts. That's why I'm so pro-affirming. If you prefer to imagine and shit, go for it! But even
still, you have so many thoughts that you can't turn off ( 70,000 of them a DAY, more or less),
and if they are telling a story that is opposing whatever you imagine during your SATS, it can
delay your manifestation. Thoughts naturally create an image or feeling, and even if not... it
doesn't matter. OOP, I said it! That's why no matter what your 'method' (even though affirming
isn't a method, it's just ...thinking) you need to still keep a mental diet - aka you just watch
carefully what you think, and only allow yourself to think thoughts that imply you have your
desire and correct the ones that imply you don't.Which brings me to another point that relates
to the previous ones but I think it deserves it's own moment. Drum roll, please.
[4] - 'Feeling it real?' No, you don't have to feel anything. You don't even have to believe it.
WHAT? WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY? Yeah, you read correctly. You don't have to feel anything
real. You don't have to believe it's real, you don't even have to believe in your affirmations. You
can even only have 1% belief in the LAW itself, or in the fact that repeating affirmations (aka
thoughts) or your imaginal act might manifest - is honestly enough! as long, of course, as you
don't dwell on those doubts. If no matter what your 'logical mind' says to you about 'bro you
being delusional'.. you still in your head only entertain your chosen affirmations (YES BE
DELUSIONAL!) - it will manifest. And no, 'not believing' won't delay it. If you don't think
about if you believe or not, if you don't stop to think too much and overthink every step of the
way, just persist in the thought of having it without believing or shit - it will manifest.
And yes, I literally did it, I got manifestations and revised shit by literally mind-spamming
thoughts without even 'believing' in them so.. yes, it can be done. It's THAT fucking easy.
[5] - 'Don't listen to coaches, read Neville! Listen to Neville! Quote Neville!'
Listen, I love my man Neville. He's undoubtedly the 'icon' of the Law of Assumption, he's the
stepping stone into this and he's definitely worthy of studying, listening to and reading. But
people get so hung up on literal meanings of what he said and his quotes, but Neville wasn't
(and isn't) the end all be all of manifesting. He himself was a student once, and manifesting
existed way before him too. Don't get so hung up just because YOUR way isn't purely Nevilles
Another thing is phrasing; Neville was alive at a different time - and those changed; The way
we talk changed, the world changed, and sometimes it's hard for people to understand
(especially those who's native language isn't English) to understand, which is why when people
say 'don't listen to coached only read Neville!!!!!!' piss me off. If you think about it, Neville
was literally the same? A 'coach' so to speak? of his own time? As was Abdullah to him.It seems
like there is a taboo around when it comes to listening to coaches on youtube, some more than
others, for reasons that sometimes make no sense to me, and just miss the whole point.
So i'm gonna tell you now. It's OKAY to learn about the law without directly reading Neville,
and only doing research on this sub or on 'modern' coaches on youtube. SHOCKING! Don't get
me wrong, starting with Neville, trying to understand his teachings is great, go for it, really! It's
how we got to this sub in the first place, but don't get caught up in the exact way he did things
or said things, don't be afraid to stray away and evolve your own way, experiment, find out
what works for you better.
You have anxiety, doubts and some coach on youtube makes you feel powerful? Go for it!
Binging someone makes you feel good, and stay motivated? Hell yeah! Don't let people's
opinions on others here influence you or make you feel bad or guilty for preferring to listen to
someone who talks in a more relatable way in HD over 320p lectures from 50 years ago. It's
ok-a-y! seriously, it is! The only thing I will say, is that you do need to be careful who you
watch, to not get confused with Law of Attraction teachers or people who put limiting beliefs.
The easiest way to tell is - is this person giving you motivation? telling you you can do literally
anything easy peasy? good! enjoy your video. Do they make you doubt, feel powerless, or like
you have to do this or this or that to manifest? you have to work on X, Y, Z eat A,b,c - probably
should drop it. As long as you feel good and like you can do anything then by all means - do
what makes you happy man, and don't let people's narrow vision stop you or make you feel for
enjoying something that makes you feel good.
And no, there is no such thing as an 'appointed hour' (Unless you believe there is, I suppose).
Your manifestation can come as fast as minutes, or as long as months, it only depends on how
much shit you were thinking before about that situation. The only factor that influences the
time, is the amount of 'resistance' (aka opposing thoughts) that you have, the amount of
wavering (aka dwelling in doubt, fear etc..)Neville talked about the 3 days it takes to manifest
- but in reality, things can manifest on the spot, out of nowhere, in a minute, in a few hours, in
a few months. Don't limit yourself by making rules or time frames... in fact, don't focus on time
at all.And no, you don't need to let go of your needs, wants, whatever. Only let go of the doubt,
fear anxiety, and limiting beliefs and rules.
Just persist in your affirmations, stop counting the minutes, stop looking, just persist, chill, and
watch it happen. Because well, it has to!
Manifesting is easy – everything you did not want but need to hear (why you fail)
First of all, let's address something right from the get go.
Whether you're a beginner or someone who's been here a hot minute, you should already know
the principles of manifestation. You probably heard of terms like Everyone is you pushed out,
Mental diet, States, Wish fulfilled, etc.
If so, you probably also heard countless times (or at LEAST once) - CIRCUMSTANCES DO
NOT MATTER.Why? Does it matter? does it matter WHY, or does it only matter that you know
that no matter what the situation is, what happened, what people said, done, thought - none of
it makes a difference to your manifestation? that you can, LITERALLY, do, have, experience -
anything, everything that you could possibly imagine?An Ex? A billion dollars?
An orgy with all the Kardashians? Anything?
If you want to know why - it's because - it's the law.Just like gravity works on everything the
same - a person, a mouse, a feather, a plane - pulling all of them down - so does the law works
on anything you want to manifest, if it's a person, a mouse, a feather, a plane.There is a reality
where every possible scenario you could imagine already exists - it means anything you can
imagine, think of, desire - already exists, and you can get it by getting to that reality - by
thinking, living (in your HEAD, and 3D if you want I don't really care whatever makes you
happy), imagining - as someone who already has it. If you want it - it was meant to be yours. I
don't give a shit how 'big', 'small', profound or shallow it might be. If you truly want it - it is
MEANT for you.
Part of manifesting is to truly understand - and I mean TRULY understand - that everything is
possible. That you are, as gojo's signature move - limitless.
That you have NO boundaries or limits to what you are capable of achieving, doing, or having
- apart from those you put on YOURSELF.
So why is it that you STILL can't seem to manifest just THAT specific little thing or person?
Why hasn't your shit still manifested?
1. 'Hey, I need help, so... once upon a time-' - YOU'RE REPEATING THE OLD STORY.
You know, I get it. When times are rough and shit seems bad, you're emotional, desperate,
hopeless, sad, broke, whatever, all you want is reassurance, for someone to hold your hand and
tell you it's gonna be okay. It's okay, it's valid, and it's understandable.
But you also should know that one - circumstances don't matter, as I said. And as you also know
- you manifest what you ARE, not what you WANT. You manifest what you want by saying
you already ARE IT. When you come to me crying about what happened, what is, what he/she
said, what you did, and whine about your shitty situation - all you're doing is KEEPING
YOURSELF IN THAT SAME SITUATION. I know that it's tempting to cry, but you have to
stop seeking outside validation. I'm not saying you should bottle things up, and never release
them, that's fine. But once you did, you have to stop thinking about it. You have to stop being
tempted so easily to think that someone outside of you is going to make this shit magically
disappear without you actually fucking STOPPING repeating that same old shit!
If you come to me and feel the need to ask me about your situation specifically - I KNOW
that you haven't understood the law yet fully. Or embraced that there is nothing outside of you
that you can't control, or change. That's your first mistake.
When you bitch about your shit all you're doing is reaffirming that you are still that same person
that doesn't have what they want and that you are still in that same situation you want to get out
of. How do you expect shit to shift when you still feel the need the complain and explain your
situation to anyone who will listen?
I'm not saying it's always the easiest thing to do, but what other choice do you have? You either
bitch about shit and stay in the same situation for longer, or you shut up for a moment, do what
you know need to do, understand that you can change anything that you want to change, and
DISCIPLINE YOURSELF and start dropping all that shitty baggage, all those circumstances,
all that history and start by thinking differently and actually get a chance to
The longer you keep whining and telling people about the shit you don't want the more you
keep it alive in your mind - and the longer it will take to actually get rid of that shit, so do
yourself a favour, and start already now.
And quite honestly if you feel the need to still repeat it that means you either aren't sure that
the law truly works (and we will get to how to deal with it a little later), or you still dwell in it
too much and let yourself get dragged and think TOO much about it or you don't understand
how it works and that circumstances don't matter. Well, Now you do! congratulations.
Now move on from it. Drop the old story. It's gone. Dead. Deceased. El rip. GG. Whatever
happened doesn't matter. You can even revise it and literally say it never happened - and it will
be erased from your reality, but whatever it is just realize that the more you talk about it the
more you'll need to wait (probably) to get rid of it.It is what it is.
2. 'I Do the work and I do but it doesn't work, there's no movement and it never did and'
You guys need to realize that you manifest literally EVERYTHING in your reality. From the
sky being blue to the people around you, everything. That includes - your abilities, your
experiences, your luck, success, etc - including your ability to manifest as well! You're
manifesting EVERYTHING, at every moment, since the day you were born pretty much.
Just like with repeating your old story - even if you don't talk about what happened, if you keep
dwelling and repeating how shit doesn't work - you are literally manifesting it not working! It's
like chewing and chewing food but saying you never get full because you never swallow it. If
you affirm for something that you want, but then affirm that this never works - then guess which
assumption you believe more. What do you think is easier for your brain to accept faster, a new
idea that you are trying to get used to (that you probably still kinda doubt and go back and forth
from), or an assumption that you are just SO FUCKING SURE OF that it never works because
you're so caught up in the lack of it in your 3D? not Rocket Science.
You have to start looking deeper and being honest with yourself. DID You actually do the work?
ALL of it?Did you actually watch your thoughts, all the time? Did you pay attention to what
goes on in your head outside your sats or affirmation sessions? Because if you truly were, then
you wouldn't have time to think about how it doesn't work.You wouldn't have time to put
yourself in a victim state, crying how you're just the only one who can't manifest (which isn't
true, btw, you're perfectly manifesting your desires not being there, just saying.)
How do you know it's not working? How? Do you know everything that goes in your SP's /
Employers / Dealers head? No. Do you know which contracts are being looked at, which
opportunities are being set up for you? No. The absence of progress is only that because you
assume it so.
Every time you think about how there's no movement, it isn't here, it's not working - you put
yourself right back at square one. It doesn't matter how long you THINK you're doing it, you're
not going to see anything if you keep giving up and putting yourself back at square one by
affirming that there's no movement. Why do you just assume there isn't one just because you
can't see it? If you are asking yourself what someone is thinking that is you giving your power
away to them. That is you not taking the opportunity and responsibility to DECIDE what they
are thinking because you are still a slave to your senses, your fears, and the inability to take
control of your thoughts - which is literally the only thing you need to do.
It doesn't matter if you did 10k or 100k affirmations, how spread out or not.If you are
manifesting it a few days or a few months or YEARS - the amount of time you are doing
something doesn't determine shit. Affirming for two years doesn't guarantee you a better
success over someone who's been doing it for a week - it comes down to your diligence, your
persistence, your DISCIPLINE.
Imagine manifesting is a board game, where you have to take 10 steps forward to get your shit.
When you affirm, live in the end, you take a step forward. But every time you say it's not
working, it's not here, you think about how you're 'working so hard' to get it INSTEAD of just
HAVING IT you go back to square one and start over, and over, and over. You haven't been
manifesting for X years, you've been moving a step or a few steps and then going back to the
start all over again for x years.So what does it mean? that you're still stuck somewhere in this
loop of going back to square one.
[But didn't you say that you don't even need to believe in them to work?]
Yeah, and I stand by it. But not believing means that it's okay that your logical brain is 'aware'
that the 3D is not what you want it to be yet, you're always going to be 'aware' of your
surroundings, in a sense, but you still make the difference between that to actually TELLING
yourself that you don't believe, or that it isn't here, or whatever. It's okay to physically be 'aware'
it's not there (aka you don't believe it) but IN YOUR HEAD you don't let yourself THINK
anything that isn't 'I have it. I don't care, I have it.'
side note: doesn't apply to where you are actually asking a coach or similar situations or
general questions about manifesting processes/methods etc, maybe, I guess, maybe still does
Why? Because HOW THE FUCK can someone else tell you what you are doing wrong? You
comment it on a post or ask a person that has never met you, what YOU are doing wrong in a
matter that is all about YOUR PERSONAL MIND? The fact you ask means you assume you're
doing something wrong, why do that?
Manifesting isn't like a gym where you have a trainer that can just look at you from the side
and see in one glance what you're doing wrong. Manifesting consists of everything in your head
- from your constant thoughts to the vague assumptions that you gathered throughout your
entire life until this point that even YOU might not be aware of. The reality is that when you
approach 'random' people and ask 'where did I go wrong I lost a friend' - no one, not even me,
can answer that. Because manifesting is just your thoughts. It starts and ends with you, only
you can know what goes on in your head - and what shouldn't go on in your head.
Luckily for you, it's not hard to identify where you go wrong.
Are you watching your thoughts carefully as much as you can?
Are you affirming or imagining things that imply you have what you want? or are you worried
about doing it wrong or right instead of just doing what you know you should? Are you
wondering if things are moving, happening, or working? instead of just assuming they are?
And if you TRULY, HONESTLY are doing it right (which, if you were, you wouldn't really be
asking) - then you just have to keep going and persist until it manifests, that's all, you're not
doing anything wrong, you just need to keep doing it and persist and be disciplined. That's it.
4. 'How long does it take to manifest X?', 'I've been doing it X days / weeks / months / years'
Funny enough, this relates to the last point but still deserves a stage of its own. Just because
you don't think things that are DIRECTLY opposing your desire (like I don't have my SP / I
have my SP) doesn't mean you're not thinking against it.
Every time you find yourself LOOKING for it - you are telling yourself that there is something
to look for - aka, that it isn't already here. Every time you think about time, about how long it's
been, you're confirming to yourself that it isn't here yet and again set yourself back once more.
The more you look the more you're manifesting things to look for because you're still focusing
on the 'where, how, when' instead of 'I have it.'
Give yourself the time to learn, understand, implement, experience, try things out, and tweak
shit. Understand that just counting affirmations for the sake of counting doesn't mean shit.
People are different. Your manifestations can depend on so many things, beliefs about yourself,
the world, the desire..
Just because you counted 10k affirmations doesn't mean you're gonna get shit right away if you
still have a shit ton of opposing thoughts, or you are looking for it right after hitting that counter,
because...you're back at square one, again.
Focus on the quality. Focus on really watching what you tell yourself day in and day out. Be
honest and start tackling your doubts and persisting and repeating until they go, instead of
giving up and running back to question more shit that you already know.
Another example is the amount of DM's people sent me saying 'so I want to manifest X, what
do I do?' even though the whole post answered that exact question 20 times in 20 different
Another person asked me questions, I answered them, and they said 'Got it! I will do it' and
then the next day I see them asking the same or similar question in a different thread.
You guys have to get guts and just DO THE WORK. Asking questions and learning is fine, but
it won't get you anywhere until you actually start implementing what you learned and have
been told. It makes me feel like people just look for a magic quick fix or dopamine rush from
someone telling them 'I DID IT IN 2 MINUTES KEK' so they can get some endorphins - but
that's not how it works. People are different, experiences are different, and they manifest
differently. Just like I can't know what goes on in your head you can't know what goes in others,
so asking them what they did and how they did and how long isn't going to change anything
for you until YOU start doing the work yourself.
It gives the impression that people read posts, or listen to Neville or coaches and then just
ignore everything they heard or read because they need someone to spell shit out specifically
for them for whatever reason. Stop. Grow up.
Watching stuff for motivation, reading success to see different pov's and get hope is okay, bless,
watch videos all day if you want - but it can't REPLACE the work you still have to do the rest
of the time for yourself.
No one can do the work for you. No one can manifest FOR YOU. It's YOUR reality. Stop being
lazy. Stop making excuses. Stop looking and looking and asking and start actually doing it
yourself because that's the only way you get what you want.
You already have ALL the answers, techniques, explanations, motivation you could POSSIBLY
need and more, you have no reason to ask. Instead, start looking inside, and answering yourself.
Become your own guide. You don't have a reason not to.
Unless you prefer to just whine and cry about your situation or life all the time instead, the
choice is yours only.
3. Test the law, give yourself time to learn and stop stressing about the when.
Manifestations are still manifestations, no matter if people label them 'big' or 'small'. In reality,
there's no such thing as big or small. Give yourself time to experiment, to try manifest shit, gain
confidence in the law, in yourself, see that shit work for yourself, it will make it so much easier
for you.
Manifesting an SP (and recreating them) – The ultimate and only guide you
will ever need.
Let me start by saying it - YES, it is possible, and even 'easy' (in terms of 'complexity' and
what you need to do) to manifest - ANYONE.
And yes, it is absolutely possible to recreate them too - aka change to be exactly the person you
want them to be. You can change literally anything - their behavior, ideals and ideas,
personality, religion, likes, dislikes, habits - hell you can change how their farts smell.
Yes, ANYONE! That girl, that guy, that person, that celebrity, that YouTuber, that sugar daddy,
Bakugo, that boss, your mom your dad your sister your nan your best friend (it doesn't always
have to be someone romantic). Hell, you can manifest someone that you never met! you can
literally create a person in your mind and manifest someone to fit your criteria to come into
your life (but I'll touch on that later)
We start with something I keep having to remind you guys, because you keep crying to me
about your story.
Not what was, not what happened, it doesn't matter what your history (or lack of it is). It doesn't
matter WHO or WHAT your sp's are - it doesn't matter AT ALL what they say, what they said,
how they act or what they do, how they used to be, it doesn't matter where they are, how far
they are.
The common dominator is that everyone comes to me and feels the need to tell me their whole
life story with their sp, the whole autobiography of them and why things are like this or like
I know from experience that for some reason, no matter how many success stories people read
with the old story explained, how many comments they go through, they will always find a
reason to justify why THEIR circumstances are worse / impossible or why OP's story was
bound to happen anyway, rather than a good, hard work that came to fruition.
This 'everyone but me' mindset HAS to go. Stop fucking yourself over by trying to find ways
to justify why it can work for others but not you just because you're still stuck with your old
story playing in your head like a broken ass record.
I know, that when I was manifesting my sp, despite my 'circumstances' being not as bad as some
people, to ME, it felt worse, to ME my place still felt... impossible, in comparison. At least
when I was first starting out and couldn't grasp that my circumstances don't matter. Now, when
it's all behind me and my sp got through exactly how I wanted him to, I look back and see how
much they really didn't matter. None of what he said, matters now. None of it.
And that's what you all need to realize; Crying and complaining to anyone who would listen
about what they said or are saying now, doesn't help you and doesn't get you anywhere. I can
guarantee you that no matter how many stories I've heard and read, my reply to all of you stayed
the same. No matter what's the story you spilled, I always said the exact same thing.
You need to realize your old story has no place anymore in your new reality. Idc how you want
to think about it, as something that's in the past, as something that never happened - but you
need to seriously DROP IT. It's DEAD, it's irrelevant.
Like ngl, for a second I almost tripped and thought 'what the fuck, did I fail? what's going on?'.
Like the 3D threw so much shit, literally the opposite of what I wanted - but I didn't let myself
fall into the trap, I affirmed through the tears and the worry and I just fucking persisted - and
then out of nowhere - boom. It happened, Complete 180. Everything I affirmed for, everything
I wanted, just like that - just a moment after the worst 3D shit.
Here's the spicy thing and where you all need to really pay attention.
So if you have dived even a little into Neville you probably heard of a little term called EIYPO.
"The world is a reflection of your inner world. People are just mirrors of you". What does that
People aren't actually a reflection of who YOU are as an individual, but they ARE a
manifestation. Aka, they are a reflection of your bundles of assumptions about them as
individual, specific people, about them as a gender / race / type of personality, you assumptions
about people in general, you assumptions about the world as a whole - and your assumptions
about YOURSELF (for examples your assumption about how people treat you, see you, how
attractive you are to people, how lucky or unlucky you are with relationships, etc.).
You need to realize that your sp's - their words, their action, opinions, and decisions are all
YOUR manifestation. They are all your previous assumptions they played out because you just
suddenly decided or dwelled in doubts of being unwanted, unloved, what not. And yeah,
sometimes we might know exactly where we fucked up - and sometimes, we don't, because we
don't know all the different assumptions we have, but the thing is, no matter if we know or don't
why things turned out the way they did - again, they don't matter one bit. And whatever situation
we created - is GREAT news! because that means that we can create a NEW, favourable
situation for us going forward.
So, why is it possible to manifest literally anyone? And what about free will? are we
'manipulating' people, are we controlling them? Don't they have their own thoughts and desires
and shit?
People in your reality have NO free will. none. nada. zero. error 404.Everyone - EVERYONE,
in the world, in YOUR world, is playing out your assumptions. From specific people because
you assume that Joe always goes to drink coffee at 8 am in your local Starbucks, to the existence
of serial killers because we have collective assumptions as humans that some people are just
fucked up and do fucked up shit and whatnot.
Your sp is no exception. Whatever they are and do and say, are all just manifestations of YOUR
dominant thoughts and assumptions.
When you're manifesting your sp you have to really sit down with yourself and try to think;
What do I think about my sp?
What kind of person do you think they are? What do you assume they are thinking? feeling?
So many times I've seen you guys fall into the trap. You tell me all about what they did or you
did or circumstances and then "But I don't know if he/she likes me, they hate me, they don't want
to be with me, they aren't ready to commit".
Why are you listening to them? Why are you even ALLOWING them to have their own
thoughts and feelings?
All those things are just shit YOU assume, so why assume the worst instead of assuming they
are absolutely in love, in awe with you?' But he said -'I DON'T CARE what they said who
GIVES a fuck about what they said or did? We KNOW the 3D means FUCKALL, we KNOW
we don't look at it because it's just a manifestation of our previous thoughts, so STOP.
Stop letting whatever the fuck they said affect your thoughts. From now on, I don't give a shit
what you see, hear, read, now or in the past. From this point onward, you will ONLY and I
mean ONLY - assume and affirm only what benefits YOU and what you desire. 'But how what
about free will are we manipulating - " NO. First of all, shut up. Second of all - you ain't
manipulating shit. How the fuck are you 'manipulating' when all you're doing is just changing
what you think??
The reason free will doesn't exist (and frankly doesn't matter even) is because of two
The first, is that we are gods of our reality. That's why everything in general is possible for us.
I have my own 'bubble', my own reality, where I decide what I want and how I want it. If I want
someone, but that someone wants something else - it doesn't matter! because they have their
own reality, where they decide what they want, and I have mine, and it isn't the same reality.
Simple as.
The second is that with that being said when you manifest an SP - or a specific version of them,
you're not like physically changing them. You're not taking them and physically remolding
them, deconstructing their atoms and wiring or anything .. you are choosing and moving to a
different reality where they are ALREADY the way you want them to be, they ALREADY want
you or are with you.
That's all. That's why anything and any version of your SP is achievable - because they are
infinite realities and infinite possibilities and everything you could every want and imagine
already exists in one of them, you're just navigating yourself to that reality with your thoughts
(aka affirmations).
3. Self Concept (Do I have to work on it????)
Here's the thing. Despite what most people think, self-concept isn't self-love or confidence,
although most people confuse the two. Having a high self-concept doesn't always mean you
think you're a bad bitch it girl cunty momma (although it can be that too).
Self-concept is just a term for the general variety of assumptions and beliefs you hold about
yourself. And not only physically or in regards to relationship or attractiveness or being 'the it
girl / boy', but everything. How life treats you, being lucky or unlucky, your abilities and
strengths or weaknesses (including, btw, your abilities to manifest, and how well or fast you
can do it), how you are treated, what kind of situations you find yourself in - everything. From
being immune to anything harmful like cigarettes and alcohol to what your average day looks
There are people who have shitty beliefs about their looks (they don't think they are all that, or
that hot, etc) but still believe that they have unreal luck with relationships and dating. And some
are the opposite.
So when you ask if you should work on your self-concept - depends, but not in regards to your
confidence and shit necessarily, but in regards to how you view yourself when it comes to
manifesting. Do you think you deserve your sp, or that you're 'worthy' of their love? affection?
Are they worthy of yours? what about your luck with relationships in general? What about your
belief in the law? in manifesting? in your abilities to manifest?
Sometimes your manifestation will take care of those beliefs along anyway, sometimes you'll
have to work on it, it all depends on where you and your beliefs stand.
If you're gonna come and cry about ALL the shit, and then come back to me a week later saying
'I've been affirming a week but nothing happened! why is nothing happening! Why no
movement!" I'm just gonna clown emoji you. Like this baffles me.
Will it happen if you all you care about and all you do is affirm > look for it > affirm > look for
it? no. Because you spend most of your time wondering where it is, how long it's going to take,
and just being an (for lack of better words) impatient little bitch (respectfully). Stop treating
manifestation like some wishful thinking that you think just because you read a post of said
your affirmation a few times that's it and you can go and bitch and look for it. It took a while
to get you to your shitty position, it might (MIGHT) take a moment to fix it. Not to mention
that first your affirmations need to become your DOMINANT thoughts, and even then -
sometimes things just take some time to unfold, and there's still a small delay. You don't know
what the fuck is happening behind the scenes, but when you decide that just because you don't
physically SEE movement - you fuck yourself over and put yourself back in the reality of no
The irony is the less you try to focus on the time and searching, the less you focus on how many
times you affirmed or how long it's been - and just focus on affirming no matter what (aka being
in the state of having it) - the faster your manifestation will come through.
Lastly, stop treating affirmations like a 'technique'. "I'm bored, I'm tired of affirming" Then I
guess you just want a quick fix with no effort, if that's the case - The Law isn't your answer
The Law is natural, simple, easy, but you still gotta do the fucking work.
Affirmations are NOT a technique, affrimations ARE YOUR THOUGHTS. Your thoughts
dictate which state you will enter, which 'reality' you enter, which will in turn determine what
you will experience in the 3D.
But you HAVE to be FUCKING PATIENT. There's no other way to say it. You can manifest
being good at manifesting, you can manifest having shit show up real fast in the 3D but you
still have to be fucking patient until it does.
Stop looking at success stories and asking people how long it took! stop taking their time frame
as the end all be all, and stop fucking acting like impatient little kids. Even if it takes you 6
months instead of 3 weeks to manifest your person, would you still bitch about how long it is
and be upset? or would you just be happy that you get to be with the person of your dreams for
the rest of your life?
How do you want them to be? act? talk? what do you want them to think and feel? about the
world? in general? I don't care what they are now. I don't care about anything you have to say
about them, what they said or done. What. DO. YOU. WANT.
Now, imagine having that! Imagine, see them, visualize them, and affirm them to be exactly
what you want them to be. It doesn't matter what you experienced or heard so far, it doesn't
matter what the 3D shows you.
See them in your mind, and affirm them to be what you want.
You want constant texts? calls? gifts? simping? "he/she is constantly texting / calling me, they
are obsessed with they can't get enough." "They treat me like a princess / king / god /
diamond / 18 karat gold ring / succubus / god". What are they? your bf / gf ? partner? wife /
husband / whatever? then think as if they already are!
You can feel ANYTHING you want - physically. You can experience physical emotions of
missing them, wanting them, obsession, lust, anger, sadness, happiness, excitement - whatever
it is you need to feel for whatever reason, anxiety fear - it's FINE. It's all OKAY.
BUT - and it's a very important but - you can feel them physically, BUT NOT MENTALLY.
AKA, no matter what physical sensation you are going through, no matter what your senses
tell you, in your head? you are immovable. In your head they are in love with you, treat you in
the best way possible, are in a beautiful happy committed loyal relationship with you, simp
you, spoil you, sugar daddy/mommy you.
You get an angry text? you get blocked? You look at your phone, PC, whatever - and the only
thing that goes through your head is "omg they are just so in love with me, lucky me! they treat
me so good, they are so obsessed with me, they just told me again how much they miss me and
love me ugh love it".
No excuses. No 'but's or 'if's. I don't care what happens, I don't care how many times or days
you have to see something and imagine or affirm the opposite - DO IT.
Do you want your fucking sp or not? if the answer is yes then you learn to be your own
motivator and fucking persist. You learn to not shit yourself mentally every time you see or
hear something that you don't like. You learn to be patient and ignore the time it takes with
visible movement or not. Ignore time altogether.
5. PUT THE LAW TO THE TEST AND BUILD BELIEF (recommended, not necessary).
I think the common theme is that people find the Law out of desperation because of their sp
situation, therefor their first thing is trying to manifest them, without previous experiences
manifesting. All the belief is built on hope and success stories from subs, but those are all flimsy
and fragile, especially compared to personal experience.
It's completely fine to watch videos and read stuff for motivation and learning, but trust me
when I tell you nothing will hit you right quite as much as actually putting things to the test and
manifesting stuff for yourself. Even if it's 'small' (there's no really such thing as big or small),
it will still build your belief both in the law and your own personal abilities. It's not a 'must',
but it's definitely something you should do and it will make manifesting sp's a lot easier.
It doesn't mean you have to put your sp's on hold or that you can't manifest them as your first
conscious thing (it just makes the process a lot easier, as you have more belief so you can chill
and ignore shit easier) you can manifest sp and small stuff. After all, manifestation isn't a
wishing well, you don't drop a coin every time you want something else - it's truly a
LIFESTYLE, and you manifest every step of the way, every experience, every person, every
thing and everything. So fucking go for that free coffee or pink car or ladder or seeing a naked
gojo it doesn't matter - you can do that as well as your sp, there is no 'limit' to how much or
what you can manifest.
At the end of the day all you have to worry about is what you think all day long (or at least
every time you think of sp or shit related to them). You only have to watch yourself and what
you think, keep it at thinking as already having it and that's all. Everything else - and I mean,
EVERYTHING - will take care of itself.
All the circumstances, all the 'but's and 'if's. Don't worry how, don't worry about when, don't
worry, Just do the work and they will have no choice but to change. It doesn't matter who they
are, who they were, what they said or did, celebrity, long distance, a fucking alien from mars;
It's just as easy (if not easier as you don't have any history). And quite frankly it's the same -
Imagine your ideal partner (btw, when you affirm 'ideal / perfect / dream' you don't need to go
into details even, your higher self / subconscious already knows exactly what that implies and
means to you.) You can make a list, a vision board, affirm for their looks and personality. You
can manifest a book / show character and then happen to meet someone who looks and behaves
like them.
Literally just imagine or affirm you met your ideal SP! have fun with it. Make it exciting like
those wet day dreams you had, you lil nasty ones. Enjoy it.
It all really is that simple.
Lastly, I understand that some people just need guidance or a little hand holding, but at the end
of the day, it all comes down to YOU. Your diligence, your persistence, your control. If you
still decide to come to me with your old story, or feel the need to cry about what happened to
anyone who would listen, ask if it's possible - then you don't grasp what the law is yet. Get a
grip, read the posts, UNDERSTAND that, and get your shit together and get your mans/girl.
I believe in you.
[ I read what you wrote, but my situation is this and that, what do I do? ]
Man I wrote the answer to that so many times even chatgpt repeated it. I know it seems like
OUR situation is always different, that one detail makes it impossible compared to others who
succeeded, what not. I feel your pain, truly, I've been there, looked for the stories that were as
bad or worse than mine so I have the glimmer of hope, binged watched everything possible,
cried, msg'd people, what not.
But you gotta understand that, first of all - I said quite literally everything there is to say in the
post because, there's no more and no less to it. Your situation literally doesn't matter - and I say
it in a good way - whatever it is, no matter how the person is, what they say, do, type - none of
it matters one fucking bit. They can be your neighbour, any member of BTS , got7, stray kids,
black pink, orange yellow, my little pony, they can have a lonely single life or a harem of anime
waifus, they can live next door or on fucking planet mars - It makes
difference. Anything you want to have, see, experience, fuck, motorboat, tier 3 sub to whatever
it is - is possible, just as easy, just as fast by doing the only thing I stress: Think . as. if. you
have it. Don't think against. Don't feel anything or feel everything all at once like you're stuck
in Gojo's domain expansion, doesn't matter. You - in your head - are stuck like a 98' Windows
on reboot with just that one single vision or thought that implies you have what you want and
don't allow anything else to come through, unless it's beneficial. That is all. I'm not gonna say
anything different, I promise. There's no secret information to gatekeep (if anything there's just
too much information), there's no secret sauce. It's just that. Literally just ignore anything you
see (mentally, I mean), anything they type say, whatever they do or don't do - in your head, they
said what you wanted them to say, they act how you want them to act, it is what you want it to
fun with it, you know? be excited! (or don't be anything at all, really). If you persist, it has to
manifest. It's LAW. (I know it was kinda SP specific but the same principle applies to literally
any subject / object / experience just the same).
Yes, mindless repetition (despite what Neville said) does work, I tried it, many others did, works
just as great. Just keep your mind in check.
['One slip up and back to square one' - 'Resistance' and our own rules]
Maybe that analogy was taken too literally. For me it was just a good 'visual' to show you why
you might not see your manifestation (aka reaching your end goal of the board). You might be
stuck in the same step, not going back to square one, it all depends on how disciplined you
are, your assumptions, and other shit.
Now relax, no, having some doubts here and there won't stop your manifestation, might delay
it a bit and might not. If you have a breakdown sometime, if you need to vent out because it
helps you get back on your game it's fine.
And yes, you CAN create your own rules. You can literally DECIDE that doubts won't make a
difference - but that's still an assumption you need to create/manifest on it's own, which means
the same work still applies to it (unless you can just instantly believe it fully and shit, in which
case - hella good for you).
Not every bad thought will manifest, not every doubt will interfere with getting your shit, and
it's okay to have them.
Aka one slip-up won't matter, but if you keep having 'one slip-up' over and over, every day or
other day, that's a different story.
But I stand by it that no one can do it for you because me manifesting for someone will apply
in MY reality - but won't necessarily be true to you in YOURS.
You can't just live your life relying on others doing it for you your whole life, for every desire
(unless you can manifest others manifesting for you but that's also a manifestation that you
need to do the work for ;) )
I stand by it, you want something - you do the fucking work. Simple as.
You ain't a baby, you don't need a babysitter, hold yourself accountable (or your desire is just
not important enough for you I guess? idk). Not to mention how the fuck am I supposed to
know what you think all day? every day..?
If you don't agree then okay but that working or not is on you, so..
Ah, affirmations. I've seen so many opinions span across posts, comments, my discord,
youtube, twitter, everywhere. From people who swear by them to people who, for whatever
reason, treat them like a plague.
It's not that you can either affirm or not, it's that you're ALWAYS affirming something
because you are ALWAYS THINKING SOMETHING. Thinking about your shitty
circumstances with SP and how they don't text you IS Affirming that they are not texting
you. You're thinking about it, you're affirming it.
So when it comes to affirming, it's not a question of doing it or not, because you're always
thinking. It's a question of WHAT you are deciding to affirm (aka, think) - what you are
deciding to focus on, what you decide to put your awareness and attention on.
Thinking in general - is affirming something. You're always thinking, therefor you're
ALWAYS affirming for something.
Everything still includes affirmations. Inner conversations are still affirmations you hear,
coming from your SP or a friend or any outside source that isn't your 'inner voice' - but it
still thinking statements that you decide are true.
When you visualize, you hear people SAY things - aka affirm them - you're basically
affirming in pictures, but even when you visualize, you think of a scene that implies your
desire is true
[NOTE: PLEASE remember this point when I mention 'affirming']
Being in the state has been interpreted in so many ways, said in so many ways, but what is
being in the state?
In whatever way you choose to describe it, being in the state is the same as being in the
wish fulfilled, it is no more and no less than identifying (mentally) with being the person
who has the desire. It literally means - thinking as if.
I don't know where or why this 'war' between affirming and states began, that it sprouted
Twitter wars and YouTube debates, but states and affirming don't contradict. In fact, they
are what influences one another.
When you are in a state, it means you are in a STATE OF MIND. You are in a certain
mindset, which means you think a certain way. Being in a state means that in your mind,
you identify, describe yourself, see yourself in a specific way. A STATE is what is the pov
you are thinking from.
If you're in a state of being rich - you're going to think in a way you would think naturally
if you were rich in the 3D, like 'i'm so rich, I can afford anything I want, I always have
more than enough money, I'm so blessed' etc.
When you start affirming you have your desire (aka, thinking as if), you enter the state of
having it - because you start thinking as the YOU who has the desire.
If you notice that you're thinking about waiting, looking for it, or checking for it, that is an
indication that you aren't in the state because if you were, if you had your desire right now
in the 3D, would you be thinking about waiting for it? looking for it? or would you just be
thinking how nice it is to have it? experience it? Same thing goes for.. any type of thought
you have regarding your desire.
Affirmation - your thoughts - are the way you enter, and maintain, a state of being, a state
of the wish fulfilled, by constantly choosing to be aware, focus, on your desire being true.
By constantly choosing to think as the version of you who is and has what you want.
Think about it this way; even the decision to enter a state - is first a THOUGHT. The thought
of ' I am in the state / i'm not in the state' is an affirmation on its own.
Thoughts, are how you communicate to your subconscious, it's how you translate your
awareness, or how you direct and navigate it. But you can be aware of things, vaguely, and
still CHOOSE to think something different (that's what it means ignoring the 3D btw!).
You can think (affirm) things to be true even if you are aware they aren't 'true' (HEAVY
AIR QUOTES) in your 3D reality, and your thoughts - your imagination, will always win
over your awareness.
You can view affirming is a way of how to focus and navigate your awareness, how to
guide it to be aware of the realness of your desire - or in simple words - affirmations guide
you to be aware of your desire being true, it's enabling you to focus on the idea that your
reality is conformed, etc. You get the idea.
Repetition is the key to us mastering almost .. well.. anything. Learning skills, languages,
training and - installing new beliefs / assumptions - comes from repetition. Even a lot of
the assumptions we already have in us come from things that were repeated to us since
childhood by parents, teachers, media, friends, what not. Repetition is the key for things
becoming familiar to us, and becoming 'normal' and automatic to our brain.
Our brain is a habitual organ; it literally thrives from repetition. Even Neville said to LOOP
the scene - aka, repeat it. Repeat doing sats at night. Because it's the repetition that takes an
unfamiliar concept, and makes it familiar, natural and automatic to our brain.
When you train in the gym - you do reps, every time, to increase strength and get used to
the weight you are lifting at the moment. When you learn math in school you repeat
questions and equations to really understand the concepts and learn how to problem solve;
When you learn how to swim you repeat the same motion, and repeat laps around the pool
until you can swim without even thinking about it.
Every thing that we want to become a second nature, we REPEAT. The same thing applies
to our desires and our thoughts;
When you want something to become your new assumption, whatever it is (that you're
loved by sp, that you're rich as fuck, that you're a model, that you're the fucking queen of
England) - you need to start REPEATING the thoughts that whatever desire you have IS
TRUE. Your brain is used to thinking a certain way, by habit, by reaffirming the 3D and
past for a while, whatever reason (sp doesn't love me, i'm poor, shit just happens to me),
and you need to start repeating your affirmation / imaginal act to start making your brain
USED to the new idea. Your brain needs to start becoming comfortable, familiar, with the
thoughts and idea that X thing is true - hence why repetition is, literally, the key.
Let's talk about it! Taking everything I just said - when your affirmations are your dominant
thoughts, when your brain is thinking primarily AS IF - that means you're in the STATE
most of the time. And thus, the 3D has to reflect.
And a lot of the time you don't even have to wait for affirmations to become assumptions;
as long as you're in the state - aka AS LONG AS YOUR AFFIRMATIONS ARE YOU
DOMINANT THOUGHTS - things already start to to shift, conform, and manifest. And
once you get that proof, or it's becoming a normal - the dominant thoughts will solidify into
assumptions and beliefs.
So when people go into the 'it's not your dominant thoughts!!!! It's your STATES!!!!' - it's
literally, the fucking same. BEING IN THE STATE - thinking as if, consistently - aka,
dominant thoughts (affirming)!
Now that we have a proper, deeper understanding of what affirmations are, we can tackle
on the how, when, where, how much.
The answer to this depends on your existing assumptions, resistance ( my own, friends,
clients, and more.. feelings - as in your physical emotions - are NOT what dictates your
outcome. Furthermore when it comes to desires, our negative feelings stem FROM some
assumption or thought (doubts, fear of the desire not happening, 'wasting time', the law
being bs, not seeing enough proof, different meanings we assign to circumstances or things
we see happen in the or similar experiences in the past, what not).
[in my experience and understanding] it means two things; One, is changing the mindset as
a whole towards the law and your desire; Two, is changing your thoughts. 'being in the
knowing' or 'knowing is done' could be simplified to just starting to think as if your desire
is true.
How do you 'know' something? Knowing something means thinking about that thing in a
certain way that is to YOU irrefutable, factual - basically, you believe that something is the
way it is, almost beyond a shadow of a doubt. Knowing the sky is blue means you THINK
the sky is blue and you have NO THOUGHTS that contradict that idea, you believe it fully
- meaning your brain is so used to that idea that it generates literally no contradicting
Think about it this way, how did you 'know' something but then 'didn't know'? it's either
something you had no contradicting thoughts for (and even if you occasionally did you just
instantly dismissed them) - but then something, or someone, made you start having doubts
about it or change how you view said thing, and suddenly, you didn't 'know' anymore (and
notice how the feelings of confidence, 'knowing', were changed AFTER you started
changing your mind about whatever it is you thought you knew).
So to be in the 'knowing' (simplified and bluntly put) - means you start thinking of your
desire as something that is true (affirming, basically), making it a dominant thought, and
repeating it until it becomes natural to your brain where it thinks in that way an auto pilot,
with generating little to none opposing thoughts (it's okay if you have some, again, it's
about what's dominant).[which is also being in the state! amazing how everything comes a
full circle, huh]
[part 2 - PRACTICE]
Once you understand that affirming is just thinking - the 'how' is simply thinking of your
desire is true in a way that's natural to you.
- what's the best affirmation / how do I choose? what's a 'natural' way to you?
The same way you'd choose a scene; How would you tell someone close your desire became
true / is true? If you became the person who is or has the desire right now, how would you
think of it or yourself? 'I'm rich, i'm happy, I'm in an amazing relationship with my sp,
everything is perfect, isn't it wonderful?, i'm perfect, all my desires manifested'.
It can be a direct thought like ('im in a loving relationship with x), it can be as if you're
telling someone that the desire is true ('Yeah me and X got together!), or anything that
implies your desire has been fully realized. The language or specific wording doesn't
matter, only the MEANING. If you decide that saying 'Monkey ass' means you are literally
the Regina George of your school and you arrive every morning in a pink lambo with a
creamy ice latte, then yes, just thinking 'Monkey ass' will make it manifest. That's how
umbrella affirmations work - if you say you got all your desires, and you know your desires
are a,b,c - then hell, it means you got a,b,c.
The fine details like affirming specifically or generally, focusing on a few desires or one at
a time, affirming in 'steps' vs full desire (for example contact, then dates, then relationship
vs straight into the relationship) depend solely on YOU and your preference. Usually,
choose whatever you feel less resistance too, whatever feels more tangible. There's no right
or wrong with that (Or even both, if they don't contradict each other. For example, going
on dates and being in a relationship go together, so you can affirm for both, literally
whatever you want, don't let anyone tell you what your goal is, do whatever feels more
comfortable for you, it will make the journey easier).
If you affirm it as something that is already a fact and already true but is just going to
happen then it's fine. If you are affirming in future tense because you are doing it from a
more 'hopeful' place rather than knowing then that's just you avoiding the confrontation of
dealing with your doubts regarding it.. then..
Example (it makes it easier to explain): say you have a pizza in the freezer and you're going
to make it for dinner, you affirm 'i'm going to eat pizza for dinner' and that's fine, because
you know you literally already have the pizza, it's already in your freezer, but you will just
get to actually eating it later (but its a guarantee because you know it's already sitting in the
But if you say 'i'm going to eat outside later' but it's more hopeful, because you're not really
sure right now if your friend will be up to it later, or maybe the place will be closed, then ..
it's not exactly it. That's why I PERSONALLY (you can still do whatever you feel like, if
you believe saying it in future tense will manifest then that's how it will be) recommend
present tense / 'factual' - it's just a bit more 'fool proof'.
And you simply think in affirmations every time you think of your desire (however much
that is) directly or indirectly (that's you thinking as if!)
It is possible to manifest things by literally affirming / imagining them once, I did that many
However when it comes to what we label as 'big' desires (usually things like sp, money,
house, appearance) - that importance causes us to have more 'resistance' - impatience, fear
(of failure), doubt (and i'm not talking about the emotions, but rather the thoughts that imply
our impatience 'where is it? how long? is it working?', thoughts of fear and doubt 'I don't
see movement, is it not working? what if it doesn't work?', etc).
That's where you'll need to affirm more. That's where the repetition comes in. It's how you
start making yourself think from the pov of having the desire whenever it or the subject
related to it comes to mind.
Our subconscious doesn't pick and choose what it receives, it simply takes what you feed
it in imagination and replicates it in the 3D. It's YOUR job to choose what to feed it via
your thoughts, your imagination.
So when the majority of the information it receives is 'i'm scared, where is it, when is it
gonna happen?' - because that's what you're thinking and affirming - your subconscious
takes that as reality and duplicates more of that, or keeps your 3D reality the same
(because you're thinking about how it's the same).
Bottom line - Affirm as much as you want, but AT LEAST every time you think of your
desire and / or as much as you need to make it your dominant thought (if it's once, it's once.
If it's all day - then it's all day). No, you don't have to go crazy, but you DO need to make
the effort to change your thoughts to have your affirmations as your dominant ones - and
the 'amount' of that depends... on you.
Mental diet is the most important thing - but all it is is simply being aware of what you're
thinking, being mindful of what goes in your head when you think about your desire, and
starting to take responsibility.
I've heard so many excuses of 'I affirm but my brain just fights me.. My thoughts are
running wild.. my brain my this my that'. There is no 'my thoughts / brain' acting on their
own.. it's YOU.
YOU are allowing automatic thoughts to just pass by without stopping or correcting them,
your brain isn't a part outside or separate - it's YOU. YOU are the one choosing and deciding
and allowing yourself to think shit that doesn't fucking serve you.
This triggers a lot of people. And no, you don't have to beat yourself up over things that
happened or assumptions you may have, but you DO need to start taking responsibility on
what you're choosing to think from now on.
Keeping a mental diet means you are committing to ONLY thinking as if (you don't need
to be perfect! but you still should strive to be as consistent as possible can), and not thinking
MANIFESTS (and after).
DOESN'T MATTER what happens in the 3D, what happened in the past, doesn't matter
what your circumstances are, doesn't matter if they became worse, hot and cold, yes and
not, black or white, doesn't matter what you are used to or not used to, had, whatever. If
you're thinking right now 'but my circumstances are this and that... but they said x or y'
then stop.
You're already going about this sideways. No matter what you're going to say my answer
will remain the same (and I can promise you that from the hundreds of DM's and questions
and comments I got) - WHATEVER IT IS, you affirm and persist - you keep your mental
diet clean, you COMMIT to being responsible for your thoughts.
be easy, it won't always be sunshine and rainbows, sometimes you will feel like shit,
sometimes things will suck, and that's fine. But you STILL will ALWAYS have the choice
Bottom line - how do you keep a mental diet? You don't let opposing thoughts throw you
off, you don't give them meaning, power, you watch what you think and choose only
beneficial thoughts (aka, affirm, and not reaffirm the opposite).
Your mindset matters. It's what changes affirming from what it is - just, thinking, literally
- into a technique, a 'chore' almost;
People treat affirming as means to an end; They see them as a way to 'fix' a problem without
realizing that in between that they still ACKNOWLEDGE that there is a problem that needs
to be fixed.
Don't think of affirming as something you do to get (even thought technically it's how it
works), don't view it as something you're doing TO get desire but rather treat it something
you tell yourself because.. that's the truth.
Now you don't have to overthink it and literally go mental trying to constantly see 'am I
affirming because I have it or am I doing it because I have it?? WILL IT INFLUENCE MY
It's okay; You don't have to stress or question it. The reason i'm mentioning it is simply
because when you treat affirmations as that 'fix' that sometimes causes people to miss some
opposing thoughts. As i mentioned, sometimes they still view their reality as 'a problem
they are 'working' on' or trying to fix by affirming, or get lost into all the side details like
'did I affirm 10k times already??', ' I affirmed this and this amount why isn't it here? Where
is my movement or signs?', etc. That's where the problem lies, in those thoughts still
existing in your mind as a constant.
When you go into it WITH the understanding and mindset of 'I’m affirming because that's
my reality' , it leaves less room for error.
But either way - it's still comes down to simply how much you think against vs as if.
That leads me to the whole question about 'how to make things manifest faster' and my
verdict on robotic affirming.
There is no way to 'speed up' manifestation - as a general thing - there's no secret sauce,
technique or secret that will 'speed it up' in general, because manifestation IS ALREADY
INSTANT. Manifestation will - BY DEFAULT - come to you in the fastest, natural, fun
Not to mention if you are thinking about speeding manifestation you're already starting
from the wrong mindset, because if you had the desire (which is how you should be
thinking), what would you be trying to speed up and get?
Any manifestation is INSTANT.
What it means is that every thing you could possibly desire, from the 'smallest' to the
'biggest' change - ALREADY exists. There's already a universe where you are a rich boss
ass bitch with your sp (or 6 of them) and the job and the money and the cars and the looks
and the personality and whatever the fuck else you could possibly every want - there's a
reality where that is ALREADY true, and existing.
All you have to do is to shift there is imagine, aka - think - that you are already there. You
basically shift your awareness and consciousness to that reality by THINKING as the
person in that reality.
However the way we shift isn't - when we manifest at least - isn't like omg a portal lemme
just walk through!!! It's - in our human perspective - things just naturally shifting to fit our
desire. Sp's 'randomly' changing their mind, job offer suddenly comes, we win the lottery
because our friend filled a ticket for us as a joke, whatever. And it looks and feels natural
because even the way things unfold can still fit our assumptions about the world and how
it works, what is possible, etc.
Now, when you don't waver - and you don't put limits and conditions on your manifestation,
then BY LAW it will choose the most straightforward, fast, direct way to you. Your desire
- if you stop putting fucking 49082620 limits on it - will by default ALREADY find the
BEST and FASTEST route to you that you, from your limited perspective, wouldn't even
be able to perceive.
Plus your own discipline, your persistence, how good your mental diet is, all these also
contribute to how much you think as if vs against.
So what about robotic affirming, and why do people say it helps you 'get shit faster'?
It's not that the number itself that determines the speed, it's not that robotic affirming as a
technique on its own better, or affirmations have to be repeated a certain amount of times.
But MOST people - especially beginners who start with 'big' desires - have a LOT of
wavering , resistance, spiralling, and they struggle with keeping up with mental diet.
Robotic affirming is a way that can easily help you eliminate it.
First because it's a way to keep your mind occupied so you don't even have TIME to waver
or think against, because by the time you start doubting you're already saying your
Second, it trains our brain to think habitually the NEW affirmations and the NEW story,
the repetition literally drills it into your brain so much that like a dog it's just going to repeat
it. You know when your friends repeat some meme or dumb phrase so much you start
thinking it and then start saying it so much?
or you say a funny thing once, twice, and then it slowly becomes a habit and before you
know it you're saying it all the time? yeah, same principal.
And that literally just dumbly trains your brain to think the affirmations all the time as an
automatic response.
All of these help with just getting to a point where you think in affirmations regardless or
anything, because it becomes a natural habit to your brain - thus eliminating or minimizing
resistance and THATS what makes it come 'faster'.
[TL;DR Less resistance > faster manifestation. That's why robotic affirming works, but it's
not the 'technique' itself, it's not the robotic affirming or the specific number - it's just the
lack of resistance, meaning you tell your subconscious ONLY the new story and none of the
old one, and boom you get your shit, because it doesn't have conflicting 'instructions']
[PART 3 - FAQ]
Ask yourself first - why did you feel the need to check? what thoughts led you to check?
You're not pushed back to square one, but it also depends on how much and what you been
thinking prior to checking (like questioning if you have movement, needing 'proof' because
you're doubting your manifestation, etc) - and the consequences of checking (does seeing
something you don't like or not seeing anything causes you to spiral? complain?)
In general, checking the 3D on it's own doesn't matter, it comes down to what's going on in
your head before, during, and after. If it's a quick fleeting impulse thought / action and you
quickly dismiss it and go back to affirming, you're fine.
If you are doing it because you been just constantly going on about 'is there movement? is
it working? what's going on?' and spiralling, then... you're still manifesting the reality
you don't want.
It does get easier over time the more you get used it.
At the end of the day, you choose; You're thinking ALL THE TIME anyway, will you just
let yourself think shit that doesn't serve you just because it's easier because it's automatic?
Remind yourself of the benefits of the desire, how powerful you are. Use past experiences
and successes to push forward.
Try evaluate WHY do you feel unmotivated? (could it be you're just... being too hung up
on the 3D and 'lack' of visible movement, signs, and are being impatient? hmmm?)
At the end of the day, how badly do you want your desire? Or do you just want things to
stay the same?
- How do you deal with time, being needy, or obsessing over desire when you’re not
consciously affirming for your desires but have the old unfavourable thoughts on
autopilot unconsciously?
and circumstance related); you can 'feel' the impatience but still remind yourself 'oh I
already got my desire, have nothing to worry about because it's already mine, oh I literally
manifested that last week / month haha silly me.
Same for 'needy' or 'obsessive' or 'missing (like missing you sp, or missing an experience
or trait)';
It depends on HOW you are interpreting being needy obsessive; If you are obsessing with
the idea of 'how amazing it is to have my desire!' and just think about it 24/7 from the pov
of having it, then you are fine. You can still know you 'need' something but also affirm you
have it - for example you know people, in general, need money to live well, but you don't
have to make it apply to you because you already have that money!
No sensation / emotion will affect you negatively if you don't acknowledge it or the reasons
for it and just keep your mental diet in check and stay strong with your mind.
Old, unfavourable thoughts - even if on auto pilot - are STILL thoughts you CHOOSE to
allow yourself to think, acknowledge, and let them perpetuate. It comes down to your
You have to start choosing to be disciplined and watching what goes on in your head, and
start choosing to affirm and stick to thinking as if even if it means having to 'battle' those
thoughts at first. They aren't separate from you or 'on their own', you just trained your brain
/ got used to thinking this way, now you need to train it to choose otherwise.
Same with thoughts that come from those 'feelings' -
- thoughts on affirming for SC or just affirming for the specific desire instead?
the assumptions and view you have on SP in particulate - same principal applies to any
Self concept DOES include everything about you - even your abilities to manifest - so it
should always be worked on along with desires, but you have to look inwards and see which
category you fall into to choose what to 'prioritize'.
overall, you can work on both, always affirm for whatever you're thinking about!
Manifesting IS A LIFESTYLE - which means you learn to consistently think positively
about ANY area or subject. But again, just choose based on your observation on how you
think about the desire and in regard to you.
- how to stop feeling overwhelmed with affirming when you feel you have multiple
Understand you don't have to literally affirm 24/7 per desire, you can just assign some time
for each desire, and / or affirm for each desire whenever they come to mind naturally until
your attention drifts to something else
Another good way is to make a list (physical or mental) and affirm that you got everything
on the list, you have all your desires, everything is perfect, etc.
You can also just prioritize to focus on them one / two at a time, depending on what you
want more or what's more 'urgent' or you want 'more', etc.
- Does something like over saturating your mind exist?
Would you be thinking this way or that way if it was already true? If the answer is yes, then
you're good. If the answer is no, adjust.
You will .. know? like you know what you're thinking, you can take note of what and how
you're thinking most of the time. A good indication would be that you will randomly think
in your affirmations, especially when you think of your desire (your brain will opt for
affirming when it comes to mind).
It means that you think in affirmations even if you don't see the proof of them in the 3D
I wanna point out - saying 'I know it's not in my 3D but I have it in imagination' - is STILL
Affirming you don't have it. Ignoring the 3D means you ignore circumstances, you ignore
not having the desire, and only focus on seeing your 3D not as an enemy you have to fight,
fix - but as your best friend who is PERFECTLY conformed right now. No 'I have it in 4D,
my 3D is just catching up uwu' none of that.
You see (mentally) your reality as already the way you want it to be in every or any aspect.
- What if i know in the back of my mind that i don't actually already have my desires yet
The same goes with 'believing' and discipline. You have to choose what you are focusing
on and thinking about majority of the time. 'Knowing' you don't have it means you either
just notice the absence of it in the 3d (see question about believing), or just thinking against
having it (well, the same thing pretty much).
Discipline yourself.
There's no such thing as affirming 'from a place of lack', unless you literally think 'I don't
have it, i'm affirming because I don't have it'.
First, anxiety doesn't come from the affirming, it comes from the follow up of 'what if i
don't get it, what if it doesn't get better'. Anxiety comes from fear, from not feeling safe;
In general, over time, the more you get used to thinking of your desire as true, it gets better
and your anxiety subsides with that too.
In the moment, you can do whatever usually helps you feel calm.
Remind yourself you are powerful and can have anything you want, in whatever way you
You can do EFT tapping (google it if you don't know).