One Way Anova Data Set

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Method A Method B Method C

63 80 96 ANOVA: Single Factor

75 83 88
79 87 90 Group Count
81 86 94 Method A 7
78 85 Method B 6
68 Method C 5

Sources SS
Between Groups 956.387301587302
Within Groups 346.057142857143
Total 1302.44444444444
group mean
Alpha 0.05 Method A 73.85714
Sum Mean Variance SS Std Err Lower Upper Method B 85
517 73.85714 41.47619 248.8571 1.815429 69.98765 77.72664 Method C 91.4
510 85 10 50 1.960887 80.82047 89.17953
457 91.40 11.8 47.2 2.148045 86.82155 95.97845 Q TEST
df MS F P value Eta-sq RMSSE Omega Sq #NAME? #NAME?
2 478.1937 20.72752 4.819E-05 0.734302 1.848287 0.686712 #NAME? #NAME?
15 23.07048
17 76.61438
size std dev
7 6.440201
6 3.162278
5 3.435113

alpha 0.05
Method A Method B Method C 1. Hypothesis
63 80 96 Null: Ma=Mb=Mc
75 83 88 Alternative: at least 2 means are not equal
73 89 89 2. One-way anova
79 87 90 3. Groups Mean
81 86 94 A 73.86c
78 85 B 85b
68 C 91.4a
*significant at 5%
4. Reject null h

ANOVA: Single Factor


Group Count Sum Mean Variance SS Std Err
Method A 7 517 73.85714 41.47619 248.857142857143 1.8154289611343
Method B 6 510 85 10 50 1.96088739224856
Method C 5 457 91.4 11.8 47.2 2.14804451492404

Sources SS df MS F P value Eta-sq
Between G 956.3873 2 478.1937 20.72752 4.8185301027981E-05 0.734301801252834
Within Gro 346.0571 15 23.07048
Total 1302.444 17 76.61438
F-value P-value
20.728 0

group mean size std dev
Method A 73.85714 7 6.440201
Lower Upper Method B 85 6 3.162278
69.98765 77.72664 Method C 91.4 5 3.435113
80.82047 89.17953
86.82155 95.97845 Q TEST alpha 0.05
1.848287 0.686712 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?
Technique A Technique B Technique C ANOVA: Single Factor
78 85 90
75 82 87 Group Count Sum
79 86 91 Technique 15 1178
80 83 89 Technique 15 1270
83 87 86 Technique 15 1336
76 80 90
81 84 88 ANOVA
77 85 91 Sources SS df
74 82 89 Between G 839.6444 2
79 87 92 Within Gro 240 42
80 86 87 Total 1079.644 44
81 88 90
75 83 86
78 84 88 Table 1. Differences on the scores of students when comp
TechniquesMean F-value
A 78.53 c 73.469*
B 84.67 b
C 89.07 a
* - significant at 5%

The mean scores of students when compared according to

Based on the post hoc analysis, the mean of TA is significa

group mean
Alpha 0.05 Technique A 78.53333333333
Mean Variance SS Std Err Lower Upper Technique B 84.66666666667
78.53 7.409524 103.7333 0.617213 77.28775 79.77892 Technique C 89.06666666667
84.67 5.666667 79.33333 0.617213 83.42108 85.91225
89.07 4.066667 56.93333 0.617213 87.82108 90.31225 Q TEST
MS F P value Eta-sq RMSSE Omega Sq #NAME? #NAME?
419.8222 73.46889 1.93E-14 0.777705 2.213126 0.76308 #NAME? #NAME?

es of students when compared according to the techniques

P-value ANOVA: Single Factor
0.000 .000<.05
Group Count
Technique A 15
Technique B 15
hen compared according to the techniques differ significantly. Technique C 15

the mean of TA is significantly different from TB. … ANOVA

Sources SS
Between Groups 839.6444444444
Within Groups 240
Total 1079.644444444
size std dev
15 2.722044
15 2.380476
15 2.016598

alpha 0.05

Alpha 0.05 Technique A
Sum Mean Variance SS Std Err Lower Upper Technique B
1178 78.53 7.409524 103.7333 0.617213 77.28775 79.77892 Technique C
1270 84.67 5.666667 79.33333 0.617213 83.42108 85.91225
1336 89.07 4.066667 56.93333 0.617213 87.82108 90.31225 Q TEST
df MS F P value Eta-sq RMSSE Omega Sq #NAME?
2 419.8222 73.469 1.93E-14 0.777705 2.213126 0.76308 #NAME?
42 5.714286
44 24.53737
mean size std dev
78.5333333333 15 2.722044
84.6666666667 15 2.380476
89.0666666667 15 2.016598

alpha 0.05
Habit A Habit B Habit C
75 85 90
80 78 92
85 80 87
70 83 85
78 88 92
82 85 89
79 90 86
81 82 88
77 87 90
73 85 91
84 80 85
76 81 87
80 79 92
79 83 90
81 85 88

ANOVA: Single Factor


Group Count Sum Mean Variance SS Std Err Lower Upper
Habit A 15 1180 78.66667 16.09524 225.3333 0.870444 76.31815 81.01518
Habit B 15 1251 83.4 11.97143 167.6 0.870444 81.05149 85.74851
Habit C 15 1332 88.8 6.028571 84.4 0.870444 86.45149 91.14851

Sources SS df MS F P value Eta-sq RMSSE Omega Sq
Between G 771.2444 2 385.6222 33.93045 1.7E-09 0.617698 1.504005 0.594086
Within Gro 477.3333 42 11.36508
Total 1248.578 44 28.37677
group mean size std dev
Habit A 78.66667 15 4.011887
Habit B 83.4 15 3.459975
Habit C 88.8 15 2.455315

Q TEST alpha 0.01


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