A Collection of Class Archetypes and Options for Barbarians and Paladins
created by Christopher Buza Barbarian Class Options Path of the Walking Path of the Hurricane Fortress A bloodthirsty orc stands tall, greateaxe lifted above his head, A child from your tribe cowers as a pair of wolves creeps ready to deal the finishing blow against your comrade. That toward their new quarry. But you strike your weapon into the all changes when a wave of steel crashes into him, your twin ground and unleash an undeniable bellow, your skin weapons cutting flesh and smashing bone in a fountain of hardening as you do so. The wolves quickly turn and spring at gore. Barbarians who follow the Path of the Hurricane hold you instead as the youth runs in panic. Yet the wolves find no the simple belief that two weapons are better than one. And purchase on your steel-like skin and you leave them as whereas other dual-wielding warriors might see the vocation crumpled corpses in your wake. as a matter of form, grace, and style, those who walk the Path As a barbarian on the Path of the Walking Fortress, you of the Hurricane practice their art with all the dexterity of a have one job: interpose yourself between your allies and rampaging herd of buffalo. If the fool who opposes you does whatever might come your way. Your mindset might best be not drop after one blow, you hit it again… And again… And described with the phrase “Why don’t you pick on someone again… your own size?” And while your attitude is sure to draw violent attention, your supernatural ability to further solidify Vicious Hands your own frame makes you an even graver threat to those You excel at fighting with a weapon in each hand. Beginning unfortunate enough to stand against you. at 3rd level, the weapons you wield no longer have to have the Light property in order for you to engage in Two-Weapon Living Bulwark Fighting. Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can choose to tense your frame when you go into a rage, making Brute Force Blows it more deflective and resistant. You can choose to do so as By 6th level, you’ve gathered enough confidence and part of the action taken to enter a rage for the first time or by experience to sacrifice your defenses in favor of greater using a bonus action on your turn while you are raging. If you striking power. When you choose to use your Reckless Attack choose to do so, for the duration of your rage, you gain the feature while raging, you can choose to gain leverage for even following effects: deadlier strikes at an equally greater cost to your defenses. Doing so doubles your rage damage bonus for all attacks you You gain a bonus to your armor class equal to your Rage make during your turn, but you suffer a penalty to your armor Damage bonus. class equal to your original, undoubled rage damage bonus You have advantage on saving throws against stun effects. until the start of your next turn. Your speed is halved. Safe-Passage Denied Impossible To Ignore Beginning at 10th level, your presence denies safety to any Beginning at 6th level, you have a preternatural ability to who would dare venture near. While raging and wielding a draw the violent attention of those around you. While you are weapon in each hand, if a creature grants you an attack of raging, you can use your action and choose up to two opportunity, you can choose to use your reaction to make two creatures that you can see within 30 feet of you. Each of the attacks on the creature, one with each of your two weapons. designated creatures that can see or hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Careening Strikes your Charisma modifier). On a failure, each affected creature Your ability to make every attack count and squeeze in uses its movement on its next turn to move as close to you as additional strikes develops further as you optimize your possible, avoiding obviously dangerous ground, such as an killing potential. Beginning at 14th level, you can use your open pit, but otherwise moving in as direct a manner as action to attack momentously. In order to use your action in possible. At the end of its movement, each affected creature this way, you must move at least 15 feet and end your must use its action to make a melee, ranged, or spell attack movement within 5 feet of a creature. If you choose to attack against you. If an effected creature has the option of using an momentously, your speed is reduced to 0 until the start of attack that targets only you or an attack that targets an area, your next turn and you may make three attacks against one such as a Red Dragon’s breath weapon or a wizard’s fireball, it creature within your reach: two attacks with your main forgoes the latter option in favor of making as direct an attack weapon and one attack with your off-hand weapon. If you against you as possible. If you use this feature and your rage choose to attack momentously, you can still make an would drop early due to you not making an attack or not additional attack with your off-hand weapon using your bonus taking damage, your rage persists as if you had made an action. attack. Mental Cutoff Beginning at 10th level, you’ve learned to harden your mind as well as your body, staving off mental intrusion. When you use your Living Bulwark feature, you can additionally choose to harden your mind, gaining the following effects while your rage persists:
2 by Christopher Buza You cannot be charmed or frightened. proficient in utilizing its advantages. While raging and not You have resistance to psychic damage. wearing any armor, your jump distance and height are You lose the ability to speak or read any of the languages doubled, and you can use your bonus action to take the Dash you know, to understand any form of verbal language, and action on your turn. to send messages to others via telepathy or if you would normally have the ability to do so. Blood Halo While under the effects of this feature, other creatures can Beginning at 10th level, the horrific nature of your still send messages to you via telepathy or other magical transformative rage has reached untold levels of gruesome effects, but they must make a DC 25 Charisma check and morbid fascination. Those near enough to see the whenever an attempt to do so is made. On a success, the transformation in stark detail swear that a viscous red aura telepathy functions normally. On a failure, you hear the surrounds your head, resembling a menacing halo of blood communication as gibbering nonsense with no inherent that radiates a boiling heat. When you first enter a rage or at meaning. If you choose to use your bonus action to end the any point during your rage, you can choose to activate your effects of your Living Bulwark feature, as listed in that blood halo. If you choose to do so, all creatures within 15 feet feature’s entry, the above listed effects also end. of you that can see you must immediately make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). Creatures that are friendly to you make Goading Blow this save with advantage. On a failure, an affected creature is Beginning at 14th level, your ability to feed off and fuel an frightened of you until the start of your next turn. If a creature opponent’s ire reaches its peak. While you are raging, you can succeeds on its saving throw, it cannot be affected by this use your action to make a single melee weapon attack against feature for 24 hours. For the remaining duration of your rage, a creature within your reach. If this attack hits, the targeted you shed dim light in a radius of 5 feet, centered on yourself. creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your This light is a dull, bloody red. A creature that enters this light proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failure, the for the first time or begins its turn in the light must make a creature’s speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your next Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency turn, and it must use its action on its turn to make a melee, bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, the ranged, or spell attack against you, with the same caveats to creatures takes 1d12 fire damage. When you reach 20th level, attack targets as listed under your Impossible To Ignore this damage increases to 2d12 fire damage. feature. When your rage ends and your blood halo dissipates, you suffer one level of exhaustion. Path of the Warp Spasm Pierce the Gut Some say it is a genetic gift or curse, passed down through By 14th level, the terror of your form and its horrific force generations of warriors, stemming from a martial god. Others seem to seep into your very weapon, allowing you to deliver a suggest that it is a practiced technique, originating in an strike infused with such fury that it seems to burn the target order of savage, magic-minded warriors, utilizing an arcane from the inside, suffusing them with pain and fear. While spark to manipulate their own bodies. Regardless of its raging, you can use your action to make one melee weapon origin, the Path of the Warp Spasm is a disturbing and attack. This attack scores a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19, or destructive force, its followers believing and living the 20. Additionally, a creature hit by this attack must make a ideology that one’s inward rage is best supplemented by an Strength saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency outward physical change. While elements of these changes— bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failure, the creature is bulging eyes, broadening jaws, spine-like hair, more- stunned until the start of your next turn, and you may pronounced or protruding bones—vary between individuals, immediately make one additional melee weapon attack the one uniform feature is an unnatural extension and against it. After you use this feature, you can't use it again contortion of the limbs, often accompanied by gut-wrenching until you finish a long rest. sounds of snapping and reshaping bone and sinew. Those who walk this path hone their rage-fueled forms into physical Paladin Class Options paragons, reaching new heights of strength, and instruments of terror, sewing havoc and fear across the battlefield. Oath of Coterie Warp Spasm The Oath of Coterie binds a paladin to the belief that Beginning when you choose this path at 3rd level, your rage civilization is the greatest driving force behind the spark of influences your physical makeup, causing your body to twist the universe. Variably called partisans, iron knights, or into eerie, advantageous contortions. While raging and not blessed architects, these paladins seek to bolster the wearing any armor, your reach with melee weapon attacks hallmarks of civilized society against the those who would increases by 5 feet and your Rage Damage Bonus increases seek the destruction of such creations. They hold true to by 1. Additionally, when you gain the Persistent Rage feature values of cooperation, integrity, and structured beauty. at 15th level, you also gain advantage on all Charisma While paladins of this oath may worship gods of law or the (Intimidate) checks while you are raging. arts, they revere the physical signs of reasoned development and creation with extreme fervor. They hold the outer plane Battle Deeds of Arcadia as an ideal model for the world. Those bound to Beginning at 6th level, you have further adapted to the this oath may incorporate imagery of civilization’s progress freakish bodily makeup of your rages and grown more into their garb, including depictions of wheels, gears, tools, HEROES OF FLESH AND FAITH | Created by Christopher Buza 3 architecture, writing systems, or other similarly themed The creature loses the ability to fly, if it has it. If the conventions. creature is flying when affected by this feature, it immediately falls prone and suffers damage appropriate Tenets of Coterie for the distance fallen. Though the exact words and strictures of the Oath of Coterie The creature’s movement types are reduced to 30 feet if vary, paladins of this oath share these tenets. they are normally greater than 30 feet. Cooperation and communication are key. The strength The creature cannot be affected by magic that allows it to of alliance can outweigh any individual. Bring people together teleport, shift planes of existence, or move more than its in communion whenever possible. current speed across its current plane of existence. Praise the beacon of creation. The blessed creations of Expendable resources (i.e. spell slots, consumable civilization’s toil and cooperation give meaning to a world that material components, etc.) are still expended if such an is naturally violent and hostile. Revere the realizations of the effect is attempted on the creature. social contract and the peace won thereby: public works, At the end of each of its turns, the target creature can make written texts, pieces of art, systems of law, architecture, and another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the effects of all else good wrought by civilized folk. this feature end. The order of civilization above the chaos of nature. At its best, the natural world works in conjunction with civilization; farmland and domesticated animals are to be Aura of Solidarity cherished. But hostile nature must be tamed for civilization’s Starting at 7th level and while you are conscious, you and benefit; dam raging rivers, build paths through impassable friendly creatures within 10 feet of you have advantage on mountains, and slay beasts that would threaten community. attack rolls against any creature that is within 5 feet of you. Purge the cancers of greed and tyranny. The greatest At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet. threats to civilization may stem from within. Those who break the social contract must be brought to order or, in Tireless Progress extreme cases, expunged. When you see greed and jealousy, Starting at 15th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points assuage it. When you see oppression and exploitation, snuff it and are not killed outright, you can choose to drop to 1 hit out. When you see violence perpetrated against peaceful point instead. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again people, bring the silent order of death to those who would until you finish a long rest. assault civilization. Additionally, whenever you would suffer a level of exhaustion, you can choose to instead suffer psychic damage Oath Spells equal to twice your paladin class level. The psychic damage You gain oath Spells at the paladin levels listed. taken as part of this feature cannot be reduced in any way. Oath of Coterie Spells Scion of Optimization Paladin Level Spells At 20th level, your faith in the power of civilization to overcome all has reached its peak. As an action, you can 3rd comprehend languages, sanctuary present your holy symbol and utter a word of defiance against 5th calm emotions, hold person the chaos of the world. When you do so, flames in the shape 9th leomund's tiny hut, mass healing word of a spoked wheel or gear appear to burst from and hover behind your back. For 1 minute, you shed bright light out to a 13th control water, fabricate distance of 30 feet and dim light to another 30 feet beyond 17th animate objects, hold monster that, and you gain the following effects: A hostile creature who begins its turn within the bright Channel Divinity light or enters it for the first time on its turn suffers 10 When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following points of fire damage. This damage overrides resistance two Channel Divinity options. and damage immunity. Divine Uniformity. As a bonus action, you can present You and friendly creatures within the bright light gain the your holy symbol and utter a prayer that your strikes against benefits of your Divine Uniformity Channel Divinity. the wicked ring true and consistently, like the measured Difficult terrain does not impede your movement, and strokes of a master craftsman. For the next minute, any difficult terrain within 30 feet of you does not impede the damage rolls you make that are below half the maximum movement of friendly creatures. possible value for that die are instead treated as half the maximum possible value for that die. For example: a die roll The effects of this feature end early if you fall unconscious. of 3 or less on a d8 is treated as a 4, and a die roll of 5 or less Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you on a d12 is treated as a 6. The effect of this feature ends early have finished a long rest. if you fall unconscious. Motion for Equality. As an action, you can present your Oath of Enlightenment holy symbol and censure a creature whose natural methods of motion surpass those of the common, hardworking folk. The Oath of Enlightenment vows to defend the pursuit of Using your Channel Divinity, target one creature within 60 knowledge and the art of thought against all who would seek feet of you. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. to restrain and repress those endeavors. Those who swear On a failed save, the creature immediately suffers the the Oath of Enlightenment believe that the peace of the world following effects for the next minute: is maintained by a universal drive for self-improvement. This HEROES OF FLESH AND FAITH | Created 4 by Christopher Buza personal betterment is achieved through understanding and Momentous Inspiration. As an action, you can use your the impulse to make one’s thoughtful dreams and ideas into Channel Divinity to speak a word of guidance and inspiration physical reality. The practices of discourse and the to your allies. Up to three creatures of your choice within 30 applications of one’s skills are life’s greatest joys, and the loss feet of you who can hear you gain a 1d6 Enlightenment die. of knowledge is a sadness beyond all others. Paladins Once within the next 10 minutes, a creature affected by this swearing the Oath of Enlightenment often ensconce feature can roll the Enlightenment die and add the number themselves as protectors or representatives of colleges, rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it libraries, and other places of collected knowledge. To swear makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 this oath is to oppose all those who would oppress others’ before deciding to use the Enlightenment die, but must freedom of contemplation and expression, to strike against decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. those who would horde knowledge for themselves to the Once the Enlightenment die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can detriment of the greater good. have only one Enlightenment die at a time, and a creature cannot have both an Enlightenment die and a Bardic Tenets of Enlightenment Inspiration die simultaneously. The path of enlightenment, despite its devotion to the public good, is an innovative method unknown to most and entirely Aura of Guidance respected by even fewer. It abhors and seeks to defeat all Beginning at 7th level, the spirit of knowledge and discovery those who would destroy or degrade others for selfish pervades your very being. You and friendly creatures within benefit, and is thereby a servant of the greater good. Law and 10 feet of you have advantage on all Intelligence chaos are not this path’s chief concerns; the enlightened (Investigation) and Wisdom (Insight) ability checks and respect law as far as it protects one’s rights and respect chaos Wisdom saving throws while you are conscious. so long as it strives toward creativity and expression. The Additionally, you and all creatures within 10 feet of you four foundational principles act as meditations for those who have disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) ability checks swear the oath. while you are conscious. Seek Truth in All Things. To protect the world, one must At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet. first understand its mysteries. Pursue knowledge and empathy above all else. Enlightened Understanding Share Knowledge With All. Peace can only be achieved Beginning at 15th level, you are always under the effects of by understanding. Dispel ignorance where you can and kindle both a comprehend languages spell and a zone of truth spell, others’ desires for knowledge. centered on you. Expose Hidden Dangers. Only evil refuses to show itself before the glory of the enlightened mind. Do not let the Epiphany withholding of information pass by unquestioned. At 20th level, as an action, you can focus your devotion to Depose the Usurpers. Those who would suppress others truth and knowledge into a single moment of absolute and extinguish the flame of discovery must be stopped. To understanding that manifests as a visible aura around you. deny another’s quest for self-improvement is the gravest For 1 minute, bright light shines from you in a 30-foot radius, offense. and dim light shines 30 feet beyond that. For the duration, you gain the following benefits. Oath Spells You and each friendly creature within 30 feet of you You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. cannot be blinded, charmed, deafened, possessed, or Oath of Enlightenment Spells stunned. If a creature affected by this aura is already Paladin Level Spells blinded, charmed, deafened, possessed, or stunned, that creature has advantage on any new saving throw against 3rd comprehend languages, identify the relevant effect. 5th augury, detect thoughts You and friendly creatures within 30 feet of you gain a +3 9th sending, speak with dead bonus on all ability checks. Whenever a hostile creature starts its turn within the 13th divination, fabricate bright light that radiates from you or enters the bright light 17th legend lore, scrying for the first time on its turn, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s Channel Divinity speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn. The When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following first attack made against a creature whose speed is two Channel Divinity options. reduced to 0 by this effect has advantage. Expose the Ignorant. As an action, you can put forth your The effects of this feature end early if you fall unconscious. holy symbol and decry the expertise of a creature you can see Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you within 30 feet of you, using your Channel Divinity. That finish a long rest. creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature has disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability checks and saving throws for 1 minute. This effect ends early if either you or the creature drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious.
by Christopher Buza 5 object is on the same plane of existence as you, you sense the Oath of Reverence cardinal direction of its momentary position. You do not Since time immemorial, warriors have devoted their martial sense whether the target is moving or not. Alternatively, you skill to the service of a divine being. While those who swear can name a specific or general location currently under the an Oath of Devotion may be of a religious bent and holy effect of a hallow spell cast by an individual in service of your aspirations, those who swear an Oath of Reverence bind their deity. If you do not name a specific location, the effect targets power directly to the service of a god. And though their piety the closest location of such a nature. If the location is on the may cause others to mistake them for priests or clerics, make same plane of existence as you, you learn its exact location no mistake; a paladin who has sworn an Oath of Reverence is and the most direct route to reach it. This use of your most at home on the battlefield, acting as a shield and sword Channel Divinity does not grant you knowledge of any perils in the service of their god, ensuring that those under divine along the route, such as traps or hostile creatures, nor does it protection live to see the next dawn. account for obstacles to traditional forms of travel, such as mountains or bodies of water. After you use this Channel Tenets of Reverence Divinity option, you cannot use this option again for 7 days, The path of reverence is ancient, much deeper than mere and your Channel Divinity can only be used again after you belief in a religious power. Few methods of religious devotion finish a long rest. After you finish a long rest, the time it takes are as pure and powerful as an oath of reverence: the single- for you to regain the use of your Channel Divinity returns to minded application of oneself to the cause of a deity. Though the normal amount of after finishing a short or long rest. its deeper mysteries are beyond the ken of most mortals, the basic tenets of the oath are simple enough for laity and other Aura of Interposition common folk to understand. Beginning at 7th level, your faith and trust in your deity Respect Divine Authority. Your power stems from the creates a deflective aura that surrounds you and your allies. touch of a god, and your reverence is foundational. Bend the While you are holding a shield, friendly creatures within 10 knee before the beacon of your faith, and recognize the feet of you gain a +2 bonus to armor class while you are seniority of clergy over yourself. conscious. Preach by Example. While the priesthood may follow a At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet. path of scripture, your god has set you on the path of action. Let your deeds speak the pillars of your faith for all to see. Spiritual Charity Shelter the Faithful. You have been given divine protection Beginning at 15th level, when you cast a spell targeting so that it might be passed on to those who share in your faith. yourself, you can choose to instead have the spell target Never shirk the responsibility of safeguarding the faithful. another creature that you can touch. Trust in the Vision of Your God. You have been chosen by Additionally, when you cast death ward on another the divine as a matter of judgment and trust. Return that trust creature, you also gain the effects of the spell. and revel in the mysteries that the divine shows to you, for the immortal sight surpasses your own. Divine Sight At 20th level, you can use an action to open yourself directly Oath Spells to the will of your deity, sharing your sight and your form as a You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. pure instrument of faith. Your eyes turn into glowing pools of white light and your body shines with bright light in a 30-foot Paladin Level Spells radius, with dim light shining 30 feet beyond that. For the 3rd cure wounds, sanctuary next minute, you are under the effects of a foresight spell. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you 5th lesser restoration, see invisibility finish a long rest. 9th beacon of hope, speak with dead 13th control water, divination Credits 17th commune, hallow DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, Channel Divinity and their respective logos are trademarks of When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other two Channel Divinity options. countries. Planar Vision. As an action, you can present your holy This work contains material that is copyright symbol and use your Channel Divinity, opening yourself to the Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such mysteries of the divine. Choose either yourself or one friendly material is used with permission under the creature within 30 feet of you that can see or hear you. For Community Content Agreement for Dungeon the next minute, that creature can choose to have advantage Masters Guild. on one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The All other original material in this work is creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to copyright 2016 by Christopher Buza and published use this advantage, but must decide before the DM says under the Community Content Agreement for whether the roll succeeds or fails. Dungeon Masters Guild. Celestial Navigation. Byconcentrating for 10 minutes, you can use your Channel Divinity to be guided toward your goal. You name a specific creature or object. If the creature or HEROES OF FLESH AND FAITH | Created 6 by Christopher Buza