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MBR Portal FAQs

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Malta Business Registry

AM Business Centre, Triq il-Labour, Żejtun, ZTN 2401, Malta
(+356) 22582300 | [email protected] | www.mbr.mt

This is a step-by-step guide on how to access the new Malta Business Registry Online

Should you have any issues or queries regarding the new system, kindly contact us
on [email protected]

Page 2
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 2
SECTION 1 – LOGGING IN ................................................................................................... 4
CORP ACCOUNT ............................................................................................................. 5
E-ID ACCOUNT ................................................................................................................. 6
EIDAS................................................................................................................................. 7
SECTION 2 – UPGRADE TO AUTHORISED USER .................................................................... 8
SECTION 3 – ADD LINK TO COMPANY .............................................................................. 10
SECTION 4 – REQUEST DIGITAL CERTIFICATE..................................................................... 12
SECTION 5 – CORPORATE ACCOUNTS ............................................................................. 15
CREATING THE CORPORATE ACCOUNT ....................................................................... 15
MANAGING AND ASSIGING ROLES .............................................................................. 17
MANAGING CORPORATE ACCOUNT COMPANY LINKS ............................................. 19
SECTION 6 – COMPANY INCORPORATION ...................................................................... 22
RESERVING COMPANY NAME....................................................................................... 22
ONLINE COMPANY INCORPORATION .......................................................................... 26
SECTION 7 – ONLINE FILING OF FORMS............................................................................ 28
COMPANIES ACT ........................................................................................................... 29
MSR FORMS .................................................................................................................... 33
SECTION 8 – SIGNING PROCESS ....................................................................................... 35
USING MBR DIGITAL SIGNATURE .................................................................................... 35
USING EXTERNAL CERTIFICATE ....................................................................................... 36
SECTION 9 – PAYMENTS..................................................................................................... 37
PAYMENTS THROUGH THE MBR PORTAL ....................................................................... 37
PAYMENT LINK ................................................................................................................ 38
SECTION 10 – CERTIFICATE ORDERS .................................................................................. 39

Page 3

1. Go to register.mbr.mt

2. On the left side menu, click on Sign In

3. The following login screen will be displayed:

There are different ways to sign in:

Page 4
a) CORP – Using your CORP Account if you are Government Official

b) E-ID Account – If you are in possession of a Maltese E-ID Account

c) EIDAS – If you have an E-ID Account from an EU Member State


When signing in with your CORP Account, you will be asked for your:

• Gov E-mail
• Password

Page 5

You will be re-directed to the E-ID login page. You will be asked for your:

• ID Card Number
• E-ID Password

Page 6
You will be re-directed to the available EIDAS Nodes. Kindly click on your country
and login with your EIDAS Credentials:

Page 7

To be able to file online, users need to be upgraded as an Authorised User.

An Authorised User will be able to:

• Link to Companies
• Request a Digital Signing Certificate to sign Documents on the Portal
• Create Corporate Group Accounts

To upgrade to an Authorised User:

1) On the left-side menu, click on Profile

2) On the right-side menu, click on Actions

3) Click on Start

4) You will be asked for certain details such as indicating your Occupation,
Warrant Number/License Number, etc.

Page 8
5) Click Apply for an Authorised User Account and the application will be
reviewed by internal MBR Staff. Once it has been processed, you will receive
an e-mail that the application was successful and that your account has
been upgraded to an Authorised User.

Page 9

To add links to a company in order to be able to file on behalf of the company:

1) On the left-side menu, click on Profile

2) On the right-side menu, click on Linked Companies

3) Click on Link User To Company

4) You will be asked to enter the Company Registration Number and attach any
board resolutions.

Page 10
5) Click Submit and the application will be review by internal MBR Staff. Once it
has been processed, you will receive an e-mail that the company links have
been approved.

Page 11

*Note: you need to be approved as an Authorised User

To be able to sign documents on the new online system, MBR is offering a Digital
Qualified Signature which can be obtained through the portal.

To obtain the Qualified Digital Signature, users will have to go through an Identity
Verification Process carried out by MBR Staff as per EIDAS Regulation.

To request the certificate:

1) On the left-side menu, click on Profile

2) On the right-side menu, click on Signing Certificates

3) Click on Request Signing Certificate

Page 12
4) Check your details and click on Confirm

5) An e-mail will be sent by our provider Intesi Group with a link to their portal
where you will be requested to enter some personal details to verify your
identity. Click on Start to be redirected to the portal.

Note: If you don’t receive any e-mail, please check your Junk Folder
6) Click on Start to be redirected to the portal and follow the instructions.

Page 13
7) After filling out the form with the requested details, kindly pick a date and
time to schedule a video interview with our MBR operators in order to be able
to verify your identify. A ZOOM invite will be sent to you in order to attend the

8) Once the video interview is carried out and subject to approval by the MBR
operators, users will then receive a final confirmation e-mail that their qualified
digital signature has been issued.

9) You will also receive instructions to download your digital certificate on your
personal mobile device.

Page 14

*Note: you need to be approved as an Authorised User

Subject persons in terms of the Prevention of Money Laundering and Funding of

Terrorism Regulations providing services in or from Malta may apply to create a
Corporate Account on this portal. Applications for corporate accounts must be
approved by the Malta Business Registry before they become functional.

Corporate Accounts allow subject persons to add and remove other users from their
corporate account. Users in the same corporate account will be able to work and
collaborate on the same processes as well as act as signatories on behalf of the
subject person where applicable.

To create a corporate account:

1) On the left-side menu, click on Profile

2) On the right-side menu, click on Actions

3) Click on Start under Corporate Account Application

Page 15
4) You will be asked to enter details on who is applying for the Corporate
Account, warrant number (if applicable) and upload the Proof of

5) Click Submit and the application will be review by internal MBR Staff. Once it
has been processed, you will receive an e-mail that the corporate account
has been created.

Page 16

Once the Corporate Account has been created, the Administrator (the one who
created the account) can access the functionality by:

1) On the left-side menu, click on Profile

2) On the right-side menu, click on Corporate Account

3) Click on Manage Corporate Account Members to view all users linked to the
Corporate Account

4) Kindly make sure that the user has logged in on the new MBR Portal at least
once before adding him to the Corporate Account. To add members to your
Corporate Account, click on Add New Member and enter the E-mail Address
(personal or correspondence) of the new member as well as which role they’ll
be occupying within the group:

Page 17
5) To remove an existing Corporate Account member, click on Remove from
Group. A confirmation box will appear to confirm the removal of the user from
the Corporate Account.

Page 18
Corporate Account administrators may add company links or remove existing links

1) On the left-side menu, click on Profile

2) On the right-side menu, click on Corporate Account

3) Click on Manage Corporate Account Company Links to add or remove

company links

4) Click Add new link to submit and add link to company:

5) Search for the subject Company by entering the registration number or

Company Name. Please note if searching by registration number – the
number should be an exact match as registered. If searching by name, it
must be an exact match.

Page 19
6) Click on Check Company. If the company is found and active, it's details will
populate in the read only text fields.

7) A signed Board Resolution must be uploaded in the below section.

Applications for company links must be approved by the Malta Business
Registry before they become functional.

Page 20
8) To remove a company link select Unlink from Corporate Account next to the
linked company.

Page 21

It is suggested that before starting an online company incorporation, you reserve the
name beforehand.

1. On the left-side menu, click on Online Filing (CA)

2. From the new menu that pops up on the left-side, click Name Reservations.

3. From the top right, click on Start New Process

Page 22
4. In the new window, input the Company Name and press Check Name. It is
important not to include the suffix. This system will automatically display similar
Company Names and would not allow submission of a name which is already

Page 23
5. Scroll down and you will see the Applicant details section. If you are reserving
the name on your personal account, tick the Reserve name as current user.
Click on Check Applicant and fill the details if needed. Most details only need
to be inputted when reserving a name for the first time.
When reserving a name as part of a corporate account, once the name is
approved, it can be used by your colleagues during an online company

Page 24
6. Input the Company Type in the Additional Comments section and click
Reserve Name to proceed.

7. Proceed with the 10euro payment. You will find more details regarding
payments in Section 9.

Page 25

It is suggested that before starting an online company incorporation, you reserve the
name beforehand.

All types of Commercial Partnerships can be incorporated online through the MBR
Portal. This includes:

• Private Limited Companies (only available option on the previous MBR portal)
• Public Limited Companies
• Shipping Companies (MSR)
• Any Continued Companies
• Partnership en Nom Collectif
• Partnership en Commandite
• Overseas Branch
• Sicav
• Societas Europea

*Note: you need to be approved as an Authorised User

1. On the left-side menu, click on Online Filing (CA)

2. From the new menu that pops up on the left-side, click New Company

3. From the top right, click on Start New Process.

Page 26
4. From the new window, choose a Company Type from the dropdown.

5. Select Yes, if you or your colleagues (if part of a corporate account) have
already reserved a company name. Choose a company name from the
dropdown and click Start Company Registration.

6. From the new window, you will be taken to the Company Details page. On
this page:
a. Choose Company Type and Suffix from the dropdown.
b. Choose Sector and Area of Activity.
c. Input Company Email Address.
d. Input the Registered Address of the company. It is important to choose
the locality before the Street. If the registered address doesn’t belong to
the Corporate Service Provider, a pdf proof of address needs to be
uploaded before proceeding to the next step.
7. In the Objects section, click on Load Template and then you can edit the
system generated template or copy your own template.

Page 27
8. In the Involved Parties section, insert any Natural Persons, Local Body
Corporates, Foreign Body Corporates and other involved parties which will
have an involvement role and/or shareholding in the company.
9. In the Roles section, select whether the company will have a fixed or variable
number of directors. Afterwards, add director(s), upload a pdf of a Form K1,
add company secretary (or multiple) and choose Judicial and Legal
representation. Depending on the representation, load template and edit as
10. In the Share Capital section, first add the Authorised Share Capital and then
allocate the shares as Issued Share Capital.
11. In the Articles of Association section, either choose to use the full first schedule
(input quorum) or register your own articles. The system offers the templates of
the first schedule as well.
12. The last section called Additional Documentation, asks the user for any
supporting documents depending on the company type and data inputted in
the previous sections. A pdf draft of the Memorandum and Articles of
Association can be downloaded by clicking Generate Draft Memorandum.
Click Submit Form to proceed to the next step and allow the system to validate
all the data input.

13. If there is Body Corporate Shareholder, the system will automatically request a
BO1 Form. For more detail on BO forms, go to section 7.
14. The system asks the user to sign the Memorandum and Articles of Association,
Form K1 and BO1 Form (only if it was required). For more details on the signing
process, go to section 8.
15. Proceed with the payment. You will find more details regarding payments in
Section 9.
16. After approval of the company incorporation, you will receive an email and
you can order digital certified copies of the Certificate of Incorporation and
Memorandum and Articles of Association for 15 euros.


Page 28

The new MBR Portal allows for online submission of all forms from the Companies Act
for all types of Commercial Partnerships.

1. On the left-side menu, click on Online Filing (CA)

2. From the new menu that pops up on the left-side, click on any of the
following options for intelligent forms which are filled according to the data
inputted online:
a. Annual Return
i. When submitting an Annual Return, the system will inform you of
any forms which need to be submitted so that the data can be
changed in the Annual Return itself depending on the effective
date and made-up date. This means that if you submit a Form Q
with an effective date before the made-up date of the Annual
Return, even though it has not yet been approved, the Annual
Return will include the new address of the company
b. Annual Accounts
i. Multiple sets of Accounts can be submitted in a single process.
ii. Consolidated Accounts can be submitted as part of a merged
pdf or as its own pdf.
iii. Approval date needs to be provided.
c. Form K
i. The system checks that the maximum number of directors
wasn’t exceeded, before allowing the submission of a form K.
ii. The system asks for supporting documentation depending on
the contents of the Form K.
d. Form Q
i. It is important to choose the locality before the Street name.
e. Form T
i. The system generates a draft of the Form T depending on the
data input. This needs to be stamped by the MTCA before it is
uploaded on the MBR Portal.

Page 29
ii. If a Beneficial Owner Form is required, the system automatically
asks the user for the BO Form and the submission of both forms is
done in one process.
f. Form BO
i. Form BO2
ii. Form BO (Change in SMO)
iii. Form BO (Change in Details of BO/SMO)
iv. Form BO3
v. Declaration that the company is ste owned
vi. Declaration that the company is wholly owned by a company
which is listed on a regulated market
g. Annual Beneficial Owner (Annual BO Confirmation)
h. Form B1/B2
i. This is a newly available intelligent form.
ii. The system allows for online submission of a single Form B1, Form
B1 and Form B2, Form B1 and Form L, and all 3 forms together.
i. Form L
i. This is a newly available intelligent form.
j. Form I/I1
i. This is a newly available intelligent form.
k. Form H
i. This is a newly available intelligent form.
ii. The system generates a draft of the Form H depending on the
data input. This needs to be stamped by the MTCA before it is
uploaded on the MBR Portal.
l. Consolidated Accounts
i. Consolidated Accounts can be submitted on their own.

Page 30
m. Change Person Details
i. This will replace having to send a letter for each company
whenever an Involvement’s details are updated.
ii. This is only a pdf upload of a proof of address or identification
iii. Upon approval, wherever the individual is involved, his
residential address and personal details are automatically
iv. This excludes involvement as a Beneficial Owner or Senior
Managing Official, since the BO Register is separate.
n. Other Forms (these are only pdf uploads)
i. Report in terms of Sec. 73(6) – Non-Cash Consideration
ii. Increase in issued share capital
iii. Form F
iv. Form F1
v. Form F2
vi. Form L3
vii. Form S
viii. Form T1
ix. Form T2
x. Form T3
xi. Form A (new on the MBR Portal)
xii. Form A1 (new on the MBR Portal)
xiii. Form A2 (new on the MBR Portal)
xiv. Form A3 (new on the MBR Portal)
xv. Form B (new on the MBR Portal)
xvi. Form C (new on the MBR Portal)
xvii. Form D (new on the MBR Portal)
xviii. Form E (new on the MBR Portal)
xix. Form E1 (new on the MBR Portal)
xx. Form G (new on the MBR Portal)
xxi. Form J (new on the MBR Portal)
xxii. Form L1 (new on the MBR Portal)
xxiii. Form L2 (new on the MBR Portal)
xxiv. Form L4 (new on the MBR Portal)
xxv. Form M (new on the MBR Portal)
xxvi. Form P (new on the MBR Portal)
xxvii. Form R (new on the MBR Portal)
xxviii. Form R1 (new on the MBR Portal)
xxix. Form V (new on the MBR Portal)

Page 31
xxx. Form W (new on the MBR Portal)
xxxi. Form Y (new on the MBR Portal)
xxxii. Form Y1 (new on the MBR Portal)
xxxiii. Form Y2 (new on the MBR Portal)
xxxiv. Form Y3 (new on the MBR Portal)

Page 32

The new MBR Portal allows for online submission of all forms from the Merchant
Shipping Regulations. These were not available on the previous portal.

1. On the left-side menu, click on Online Filing (MSR)

2. From the new menu that pops up on the left-side, click on any of the
following options for intelligent forms which are filled according to the data
inputted online:
a. Annual Return (MSR)
b. Annual Accounts (MSR)
c. Form V MSR (same as Form Q)
d. Form I MSR (same as Form K)
e. Form F MSR (same as Form T)
f. Form BO MSR
g. Annual Beneficial Owner MSR (Annual BO Confirmation)
h. Other Forms MSR (these are only pdf uploads)
i. Increase in issued share capital
ii. Form A MSR (same as Form I)
iii. Form B MSR (same as Form I1)
iv. Form C MSR (same as Form H)
v. Form D MSR (same as Form S)
vi. Form E MSR (same as Form T1)
vii. Form G MSR (same as Form T2)
viii. Form H MSR (same as Form T3)
ix. Form K MSR (same as Form F)
x. Form L MSR (same as Form F1)
xi. Form M MSR (same as Form F2)
xii. Form P MSR (same as Form L)
xiii. Form S MSR (same as Form B1)
xiv. Form T MSR (same as Form L3)
xv. Form J MSR (same as Form R)
xvi. Form N MSR (same as Form L1)

Page 33
xvii. Form O MSR (same as Form L2)
xviii. Form Q MSR
xix. Form R MSR
xx. Form U MSR

Page 34

The new MBR Portal allows the user to sign digitally either via the digital signature
issued through the MBR Portal (Intesi) or via their own.

When using the digital certificate issued by MBR, follow these steps:

1. From the signing process page, choose Sign via MBR certificate.

2. Select your Certificate from the dropdown, input your Certificate PIN (this was
created during the Intesi process) and the One Time Password – OTP (you
receive a code on your mobile) from the IG App. After filling this information,
click Sign Document.

Page 35
It is very important that the digital signature used by yourself or the client is a qualified
digital signature approved by EIDAS.

When using your own digital signature, follow these steps:

1. From the signing process page, choose Sign via External Certificate.

2. Download the PDF by clicking Download Document. A page will be

appended to the end of the document where Digital Signatures are to be

3. Sign the PDF using your qualified digital signature. Kindly place the signature in
the bottom half of the page to ensure that the external signatures do not
overlap with signatures added afterwards.
4. Upload the signed PDF.

5. Proceed by pressing Submit. The system won’t let you press the Submit button,
if the uploaded pdf doesn’t have a digital signature.

Page 36

The new MBR Portal allows the user to pay either by credit card, from top up
balance or by sending a payment link.

To pay by credit card, choose Pay by Credit Card and fill the credit card details

To top up your Account, go to Profile -> Payment Accounts, select the top up account
and click Add Funds. You will be guided to proceed with your credit card details.

To top up your Corporate Account, go to Profile -> Corporate Payment Accounts,

select the corporate top up account and click Add Funds. You will be guided to
proceed with your credit card details.

To pay from top up balance, choose the Top up account from the dropdown and
then click Pay Now.

Page 37

The new MBR Portal has a new function to send a payment link to someone else. This
payment link doesn’t expire.

To send a payment link, follow these steps:

1. From the payment page, choose Pay by Credit Card and tick Pay via
external user.

2. Press Copy Link and you can forward the payment link to the client.
3. When the client opens the link, he will need to input his credit card details to

Page 38

Certificates can be ordered on the MBR Portal itself. The list of certificates which can
be ordered through the MBR Portal are:

• List of Directors (Local use) – 10euro flat fee

• Directors Certificate – 20euro flat fee
• Shareholders Certificate – 20euro flat fee
• Legal and Judicial Certificate – 20euro flat fee
• Good Standing Certificate – 20euro flat fee (only available for Active
• Incumbency Certificate – 20euro flat fee (only available for Active
• Dissolution Certificate – 20euro flat fee (only available for companies in
• Struck Off Certificate – 20euro flat fee (only available for Struck off
• Certificate of Incorporation – 15 euro (currently can only be ordered exactly
after incorporation)

More certificates and certified copies of documents will be available soon on the
MBR Portal.

1. On the left-side menu, click on Orders.

2. From the top-right side, press New.

3. In the new window, insert the company Registration number (ex: C 12345)
and click Check Company.

Page 39
4. From the Retrieval Options dropdown, choose Pick up at Registry.

5. Tick the certificates which you want to order and insert the quantity on the

6. Fill in the personal details and press Submit.

7. Proceed with the payment.

8. When the certificate order is ready for pickup from MBR premises, you will be
notified via email.

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