Guideline Loading Arm Overfill Prevention
Guideline Loading Arm Overfill Prevention
Guideline Loading Arm Overfill Prevention
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 1 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
In promoting and leading on key sector process safety initiatives, CDOIF has developed through its
members a guideline on automatic overfill prevention systems for terminal loading racks.
It is not the intention of this document to specify the detailed design of overfill prevention systems,
nor replace any existing corporate policies or design standards. The intent is to provide a reference
for those organisations developing or wishing to review their existing terminal loading rack overfill
prevention architectures.
There are no limitations on further distribution of this guideline to other organisations outside of
CDOIF membership, provided that:
1. It is understood that this report represents CDOIF’s view of common guidelines as applied
to overfill prevention systems at terminal loading racks.
2. CDOIF accepts no responsibility in terms of the use or misuse of this document.
3. The report is distributed in a read only format, such that the name and content is not
changed and that it is consistently referred to as "CDOIF Guideline – Automatic Overfill
Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks".
4. It is understood that no warranty is given in relation to the accuracy or completeness of
information contained in the report except that it is believed to be substantially correct at the
time of publication.
This guidance is not intended to be an authoritative interpretation of the law, however Competent
Authority (CA) inspectors may refer to it in making judgements about a duty holders compliance
with the law. This will be done in accordance with the CA’s published enforcement policies (refer to and it is anticipated that this document will facilitate a consistent
national approach.
It should be understood however that this document does not explore all possible options for overfill
prevention, not does it consider individual site requirements – Following the guidance is not
compulsory and duty holders are free to take other action. If the duty holder does follow the
guidance they will normally be doing enough to comply with the law. Health and Safety inspectors
seek to secure compliance with the law and may refer to this guidance as illustrating good practice.
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 2 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................................... 2
CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................ 4
2. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................. 5
3. OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Causes of Overfills ................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Overfill Prevention System Goal............................................................................................. 7
4. RISK ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................. 8
4.1 Assessing the Suitability of Road Tanker Loading System Architectures ............................... 8
4.1.1 Specification of Valves ........................................................................................................... 8
4.1.2 Automated Shutdown Valves ................................................................................................. 9
4.1.3 Initiation of Automated Shutdown Valves ............................................................................... 9
4.1.4 Effectiveness of Emergency Shutdown Valves ..................................................................... 11
4.1.5 Testing of Valves ................................................................................................................. 11
4.1.6 Maintenance of Valves ......................................................................................................... 12
4.1.7 Management of Risk ............................................................................................................ 12
5. SYSTEM DESIGN AND OPERATION ................................................................................. 13
5.1 Overfill Prevention System Equipment ................................................................................. 13
5.2 Overfill Prevention System Control Philosophy .................................................................... 15
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 17
GLOSSARY OF TERMS ................................................................................................................. 17
OTHER RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................................. 18
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................ 19
REVISION HISTORY....................................................................................................................... 20
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 3 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
1. Executive Summary
A number of overfilling incidents have occurred during the loading of gasoline into road
tankers. Overfilling has occurred due to the failure of people and equipment, resulting in
an uncontrolled flow and significant quantities of gasoline being lost from containment1.
In each case there were unrecognised deficiencies in the architecture of the loading
system which were exposed by a single failure. The deficiencies in the loading system
have included the inability of the emergency shutdown system to stop gasoline flow. The
majority of these occurrences were due to failure of the flow control valve.
Personnel have been exposed to risks of serious injury during overfilling incidents due to
their presence in the spill area. In some cases personnel have purposely entered the
spill area during attempts to diagnose faults and to stop the flow of gasoline.
The target Audience for this document is primarily operators of fuel distribution terminals,
including terminal managers, engineering managers, HSE/SHE managers, C&I and risk
control engineers. Suppliers of equipment/packages and system integrators may also
find the guidance provided in this document informative.
A working group was commissioned under CDOIF to develop a guideline for overfill
prevention systems at terminal loading racks. This guideline is not intended to be
prescriptive in defining the detailed design criteria for these systems, but aims to raise
awareness within industry of existing good design practice, and highlight where
appropriate key areas against which duty holders may review their existing systems.
A second working group was commissioned to look into hazard awareness of tanker
drivers and terminal personnel during filling operations, the guidance for which can be
found in the CDOIF publication entitled ‘CDOIF Guideline – Terminal Loading Operations
Hazard Awareness’.
Note 1
Each tank compartment’s overfill prevention sensor is set to provide ullage of not
less than 150 litres between the point of it being tripped and overfilling. This is to
ensure that all the product passed by the gantry flow control valve from the
triggering of the overfill prevention sensor until flow is ceased will be contained
within the compartment (even if the event is triggered at the maximum flow rate)
Note that the overfill prevention system plays no part in ensuring that the tanker is
not overloaded nor in ensuring that the maximum degree of filling (ADR
has not been exceeded
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 4 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
2. Scope
This document provides guidance on the architecture of loading systems for delivering
gasoline into bottom loaded road tankers.
This guideline does not cover toxic hazards, fuels that are below their flash point at
normal loading temperatures and atmospheric pressures, non ignition risks. This
document does not comment on the safety integrity level (SIL) of any measure or system
used to prevent the overfilling of road tankers, or the measures necessary to control risk
during any recovery operation following an overfill. The need for, and definition of, any
additional layers of protection should be completed as part of an operator’s standard
design processes for hazard identification, risk assessment and SIL determination,
where necessary.
For the purposes of this guidance overfilling means filling a compartment to the point that
gasoline flows out of that compartment, for example into a vapour recovery system or
through a pressure relief valve.
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 5 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
3. Overview
• filling a compartment that already contains gasoline that the driver is unaware of
or does not take account of,
Where a flow control (or metering) valve fails there is often very little time from the onset
of the failure before the compartment overflows. This is because compartments have a
limited ullage of about 5% (for transport), and because high flow rates can continue even
if the pump has been turned off. The high flow may continue under flow control valve
failure conditions because of the momentum of the flow in the pipe work, and the large
liquid head arising from the tall supply tanks at many installations.
An example of an automated road tanker loading system can be seen in figure 1 below.
Storage Tank
Flow control valves are generally considered to be reliable. However, flow control valves
have failed to close when expected either because the flow control valve itself has failed,
or because a pilot valve has failed. Valves have failed due to damage to elastomer
materials as a result of changes in gasoline blends, due to the ingress of foreign material
preventing closure, or due to physical wear. In each case the failure has been sudden;
there were few clear signs of performance deterioration.
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 6 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
Many incidents have occurred because there is no automated shutdown valve. In these
cases, a failure of the flow control valve has led to an uncontrolled flow of gasoline that
can only be stopped by the closure of a manual isolation valve. This requires a fast
response. Experience has showed that it is not realistic to expect overfilling to be
prevented by a person closing a manual valve (see table 2 on the response times
Failure to trigger the emergency shutdown valve has been caused by a reliance on an
overfill signal that may not occur in certain circumstances, such as a high liquid level in
the vapour recovery line knock out pot.
A rule of thumb applied to valve closure speeds is that it takes approximately one second
per inch diameter for a valve to close, but some valves may close more slowly than this.
A limitation of the speed of closure is the ‘hammer’ effect caused by the momentum of
the fuel which can increase pipe pressure to dangerous levels if the flow rate is slowed
too quickly.
The emergency shutdown valve may be triggered too late for a number of reasons
including where human action is relied on to quickly identify the developing overfill and
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 7 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
4. Risk Assessment
It is essential that the risks arising from all road tanker loading operations are assessed,
and measures put in place to ensure these risks are, ‘as low as reasonably practicable’.
This includes any risks that may arise from potential component failures or design
inadequacies in the engineering architecture. Risks may include risks to people, risks to
installations, and risks to the environment.
The adequacy of the measures used to control risks during filling operations should be
assessed. This can be achieved by asking a number of questions regarding the
architecture of a loading system.
1. Is the flow control valve, and any associated pilot valves, correctly specified for
the function it is expected to perform? (refer to 4.1.1)
2. In the event of a failure of the flow control valve, is there an automated shutdown
valve to stop gasoline flow? (refer to 4.1.2)
7. Are indications of failures recorded and assessed, and actions to address these
taken? (refer to 4.1.7)
Any dependencies between risk control measures should be identified, and eliminated if
possible. It is good practice to be able to detect the failure of a measure as soon as
possible after it occurs, preferably by automated means, so that adequate risk control is
Site operators should document the design requirements for the different valves in the
loading system, and should ensure suitable valves are installed. Design requirements
should include compatibility with the gasoline being loaded and number of operations.
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 8 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
and, if rate adjustment valves are not correctly set, for excessive pilot valve
cycling to occur. Consideration should be given to the use of any extended
diagnostic functionality that may be available.
• Incorrect selection. Valves have failed because they have been incorrectly
selected for use based on sales literature that was incomplete, not more detailed
technical specifications. Personnel responsible for device selection should have a
design requirement specification for each device, and the competence to assess
the potential impact of any deviation.
Valve specifications should be archived so that they can be used by competent staff to
select a new valve in the event of a replacement being required at some time in the
Spare valves in stock should be clearly labelled to ensure the correct replacement valve
can be selected.
Correct specification, operation, and maintenance will reduce the risk of a flow control
valve failure. However, the range of challenges to a particular flow control valve means
this risk cannot be eliminated. An automated shutdown valve when triggered prevents
uncontrolled flow of gasoline in the event of a failure of the flow control valve. Use of an
automated shutdown valve has been shown to be a reasonably practicable way of
managing this risk. A manually operated secondary valve has been shown to be
ineffective in preventing overfill and loss of containment.
A means of regularly testing the required functions of the automated shutdown valve
should be incorporated into the design, including the ability of the valve to actually stop
liquid flow. Information on this is given in section 4.1.3.
Automated shutdown valve closure should be initiated as soon as possible after a loss of
control. Detection may be via a number of means, and a combination of means may be
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 9 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
• An alarm resulting from the preset/batch controller detecting a flow rate outside
that programmed for the phase of loading
Other initiators may be available from a variety of engineered systems and human
The initiator at the top of the list above is likely to provide the fastest response to a loss
of flow control, and the initiator at the bottom of the list is likely to provide the slowest
response. The overfill prevention system should be designed so the automated
shutdown valve closure is initiated as soon as possible after the loss of flow control. This
reduces the chance that gasoline will be lost from containment.
The initiators listed above depend upon a range of mechanical, electrical, electronic and
programmable electronic systems. These should be effective for a range of different
failure scenarios such as failure of the preset/batch controller electronics (that may have
caused the loss of control in the first place), and variations in the mechanical
arrangement of the vapour recovery system. Some measures, such as human
responses, and desktop computers should not be expected to provide significant
amounts of risk control.
The effectiveness of each initiator for automated shutdown valves should be tested on a
regular basis using tests that confirm the correct operation of as much of the system as
possible. More frequent partial checks may be appropriate where more complete tests
are intrusive.
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 10 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
into tanker stopped
Flow rate
Normal Loss of Loss of Secondary Secondary Flow
loading control of control of valve valve ceases
flow flow starts to closed
detected close
Definition of times:
B. Time between the detection of the loss of control and closure initiation of the
automated shutdown valve. This includes any delays caused by logic.
C. Time that the automated shutdown valve takes to close. A rule of thumb is one
second per inch diameter of the valve, but certain automated valve types may
take longer.
D. Time between the emergency shutdown valve becoming fully closed, and
cessation of all flow.
The total time to stop flow using the automated shutdown valve after a loss of flow
control is A+B+C+D. The exact timing of each of the components A, B, C, and D will
depend upon the configuration of the loading system, and what has led to the loss of flow
control. Refer to appendix 1 for examples of factors that may influence response times.
Valves should be tested at a frequency that is appropriate, according to the extent that
the valve is being relied upon for risk control. Test frequencies should be set so that
there is little chance of valves failing between two tests.
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 11 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
Valve tests should cover as much of the functionality of the valves as possible. This may
include speed of response and the actual ability of the valve to shut against an upstream
Some valve functions may be automatically tested during their cycling in normal
operation through a control system. This may significantly improve confidence that the
valve will continue to perform correctly, and a failure may trigger a very early response
that may minimise risk.
Where there are indications of deterioration of a valve, action to correct the fault should
be taken. The frequency of tests should be managed, and may need to be changed in
response to a significant number of test failures.
Valve test records should be kept as part of the maintenance process providing evidence
of the tests conducted, results of the test and any remedial actions carried out.
Personnel who maintain valves should be competent to do so, and should know when to
refer difficulties to other personnel with the appropriate knowledge and skills for
correction. Senior staff should be competent to direct others such that the risk is
adequately managed.
Risks must be managed using appropriate means, and should be regularly re-assessed.
It may be necessary for indications of failures to be recorded and assessed, so changes
can be made to prevent failures that could lead to overfills.
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 12 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
The following sections provide a high level overview of the equipment that may form part
of an overfill prevention system for a terminal loading rack, and the interactions between
those components as part of an overall control philosophy.
Note that this represents one design philosophy; it should not be considered as the only
or the preferred solution. This will be dependent on the individual site requirements, and
in consideration of the risks and appropriate measures discussed in section 4.
Typical equipment that may be incorporated into a loading rack control and overfill
prevention system is provided below. Reference should be made to figure 1, Example
road tanker loading system contained in section 3.
1. Loading Rack Control System – the loading rack control system is the
PLC/SCADA system which provides control operation for the terminal or the
loading rack, or both. In some instances, interlocks and permissives may be
hardwired via relays, and not via the loading rack control system. Where risk
assessment has determined that the overfill prevention system requires a further
layer of protection, this functionality may be provided by an independent safety
related logic solver.
3. Earth/overfill monitor – the system monitors tanker earth integrity and tanker
overfill detectors. Outputs from the monitor should be hardwired via relays or via
the loading rack control system, providing the interlock signal to the electronic
preset/batch controller, and allowing automatic closure of the automated
shutdown valve(s). Faults detected on the monitor should allow unit to fail safe.
6. Vapour knockout pot high level detector – monitors fluid level at lowest point
in vapour system as close as possible to the tanker vapour hose/arm. The signal
should be hardwired from relays or via the loading rack control system providing
the interlock signal to the electronic preset/batch controller, and allowing
automatic closure of the automated shutdown valve(s).
7. Emergency shutdown pushbutton - hardwired via relays or via the loading rack
control system, providing the interlock signal to the electronic preset/batch
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 13 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 14 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
Reference should be made to the simplified cause and effect diagram provided in figure
3 as an example control philosophy for overfill prevention.
Note that pumps have been excluded from the cause and effect diagram in figure 3.
Determining what action to take for pumps should form part of the risk assessment and
design process.
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 15 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
and flow control valve outputs. Loss of the interlock removes the permissive and
stops flow by closing the flow control valve. Depending on the preset/batch
controller type, various internal parameters (for example high/low flow, additive
high/low flow, loss of flowmeter pulses) can be configured to operate an internal
alarm relay, which may be used to indicate “preset/batch controller overrun” and
remove the permissive stopping flow by closing the flow control valve and/or
closing the automated shutdown valve.
2. Earth/overfill monitor –
a) Loss of the earth signal should remove the earth/overspill input from the
preset/batch controller, hence removing the permissive signal and stopping
flow by closing the flow control valve.
3. Flow control valve – the preset/batch controller will close the flow control valve
on loss of earth/overspill signal, activation of preset/batch controller alarm relay
(where available to indicate preset/batch controller overrun) or end of batch.
4. Vapour knockout pot high level detector – the vapour knockout pot high level
should be part of the electronic preset/batch controller permissive. Activation of
the high level detector should remove the permissive, thereby closing the flow
control valve on that loading bay. Additionally the automated shutdown valve(s)
on the loading bay that the knockout pot high level signal was detected on should
close. All other loading bays can remain operational.
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 16 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
Abbreviation Description
CA Competent Authority
C&I Control and Instrumentation
CDOIF Chemical and Downstream Oil Industry Forum
ESD Emergency Shut Down
FCV Flow Control Valve
HSE Health, Safety and Environment; Health and Safety Executive
K-O Knock Out
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
ROSOV Remotely Operated Solenoid Valve
S/D Shutdown (Automated Shutdown Valve)
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SHE Safety, Health and Environment
Glossary of Terms
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 17 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
Further information relating to road tanker installations can be found in the following publications.
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 18 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
This document was created as part of the Chemical and Downstream Oil Industry Forum Process
Safety work stream.
CDOIF wish to record their appreciation to the working group members who were responsible for
creating this guideline:
Name Organisation
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 19 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
Revision History
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 20 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
• Where the loss of flow control has been caused by a failure of the flow control
valve and is detected in the preset/batch controller, and this detection feature
has been correctly configured, time A may be short.
• Where the loss of control is detected by a high level detection in the road
tanker, time A will be longer.
• The time between the detection of the loss of control of flow and the initiation
of the closure of the automated shutdown valve will normally be short. This
time could be longer or may vary where there is significant electronic
processing prior to the close signal being given, or where the initiation is
delayed by, for example, the dumping of pneumatic pressure.
• The rate of flow will generally reduce after the pump is stopped. However,
where a centrifugal pump (or other non positive displacement pump) is used,
then any upstream pressure, such as that caused by fluid head in the storage
tank, will continue to drive the gasoline at a constant flow rate. The flow rate
will depend upon the upstream pressure and the diameter and configuration
of pipe work and any orifices.
• Some preset/batch controller systems are designed to delay the stopping of
the pump until the flow control valve has closed. Depending upon the exact
arrangement, this may delay the stopping of the pump so this occurs later
than shown on the diagram.
• The speed of closure of the automated shutdown valve will depend upon its
design and configuration. Larger valves generally take longer to close than
smaller valves. Closing a valve too quickly can cause high pressures to be
developed upstream of the valve, with the subsequent risk of damage that
could lead to leakage.
• The momentum of the gasoline will tend to continue driving the gasoline out
of the pipe work due to the initially high linear speeds of the gasoline at
maximum loading rates.
• This time between the complete closure of the emergency shutdown valve
and the cessation of all flow will depend on the physical arrangement of the
loading system and the road tanker. For example, fuel may enter the vapour
recovery pipe work from the tanker vapour recovery manifold. A table of
example pipe work capacities for pipe diameters and lengths is given in table
The amount of gasoline stored in pipe work can be estimated using the following
Volume (litres) = (Pipe diameter (inches) / 2 * 2.54)^2 * 3.14 * pipe length (metres) /10
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 21 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
The total amount of gasoline that will flow into the road tanker, for the various detection
routes, will be the area under the graph in figure 2, which will be unique for each loading
arrangement. Whether the road tanker becomes overfilled, or gasoline is lost from
containment depends on how much empty volume there is in the tanker compartment
when the control of flow is lost, and whether gasoline flows into other unfilled
compartments and the vapour recovery system. Experience has shown that whilst
gasoline from an overfilled compartment does flow into other unfilled compartments, and
into the vapour recovery line, it preferentially flows out of containment. Consequently,
when estimating whether a configuration will be able to prevent a loss of containment, no
claim should be made that gasoline can flow into other compartments or the vapour
recovery system.
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 22 of 23
CDOIF CDOIF is a collaborative venture formed to agree strategic areas for
joint industry / trade union / regulator action aimed at delivering
health, safety and environmental improvements with cross-sector
Chemical and Downstream Oil benefits.
Industry Forum
* The minimum remaining ullage volume at the high level detection point is normally 150
Additional measures may have to be taken to prevent risks arising from gasoline entering
the vapour recovery system. This document does not comment on these
Guideline – Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks v2 Page 23 of 23