Number: Group: Date
Number: Group: Date
Number: Group: Date
GROUP: Electrical
This bulletin is supplied as technical information only and is not an authorization for repair. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without written permission of FCA US LLC.
RG4 Radio Enhancement
This bulletin involves reprogramming the RG4 radio with the latest available software.
NOTE: This bulletin applies to vehicles built on or after April 11, 2016 (MDH 0411XX)
and equipped with a Uconnect 8.4AN AM/FM/DAB/BT/NAV/VOICE radio
(Sales Code RG4).
The customer may describe the following:
• The radio is missing the SRT Performance Pages application. The loading page
appears on radio display but apps are not shown.
Using a Scan Tool (wiTECH) with the appropriate Diagnostic Procedures available in
TechCONNECT, verify all related systems are functioning as designed. If DTCs or
symptom conditions, other than the ones listed above are present, record the issues on the
repair order and repair as necessary before proceeding further with this bulletin.
If a customer’s VIN is listed in VIP or your RRT VIN list, perform the repair.
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CAUTION: The wiTECH radio flash must be done prior to the USB update below.
This wiTECH flash changes the radio part number. Failure to perform the
flash first may result in the radio needing to be replaced.
1. Has the radio been flashed using the wiTECH?
a. YES >>> Proceed to Step #2.
b. NO >>> Perform the wiTECH radio flash. Proceed to Step #2 after the radio flash
has been done.
2. Has a USB flash drive been created?
a. YES >>> Proceed to Step #6.
b. NO >>> Proceed to Step #3.
3. Go to DealerCONNECT>Service>Uconnect Command Center>Uconnect>More
Information >Dealer software downloads to download the files.
4. If a security message appears “Do you want to view only the web page content that
was delivered securely?” Press “NO” to continue.
NOTE: A blank USB flash drive must be used to download the software.
NOTE: If the dealer cannot download the software, make sure you have proper
security access. If not, have the Service Manager or Shop Foreman download
the software update.
5. To download the software files to a USB flash drive, follow the on-screen instructions
and perform the following:
a. Acquire a blank USB flash drive with at least 4 GB of space.
b. Download the software update file to your local PC's desktop.
c. Be sure to extract the file before copying it to the blank USB flash drive.
d. A blank USB flash drive will be needed one for each radio update, additional
updates cannot be on the same USB flash drive.
e. Once the file is saved to the USB flash drive, it is recommended you label the USB
flash drive with the bulletin number and proper radio sales code.
6. With the engine running and radio powered on, insert the correct USB flash drive with
new software into USB port.
7. The next screen display will have the old and new software levels. The radio will be
updated to 16.09.09.
NOTE: The radio may already be at software level 16.09.09 but you still need to
install it again to get the Performance App to load with the new part number.
8. Is the radio at software level 16.09.09 or higher?
a. YES >>> Reinstall radio software 16.09.09. Proceed to Step #9.
b. NO >>> The radio software needs to be updated. Proceed to Step #9.
NOTE: If the radio software level is at or above the level on the USB flash drive, DO
NOT perform this update.
9. Press the soft key “YES” to start the update.
NOTE: If the software update process is interrupted, aborted or failed, the process
should be restarted.
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NOTE: Do not cycle the ignition or touch the radio during the update process.
10. The update may take up to 28 minutes to load. No other actions will be needed to
initiate the update.
11. After the update is done, the screen will display the software levels again.
12. Press “NO” and turn the vehicle off. Open and close the driver’s door and let the Bus
go to sleep.
NOTE: Make sure to leave the ignition off, do not press the brake, and do not reopen
any doors, to put the modules into sleep mode.
13. Cycle the ignition on, then back off one more time. Open and close the driver’s door
and let the Bus go to sleep. This will complete the radio update.
14. Remove the USB flash drive.
15. Power up the radio and confirm the following:
a. Navigation starts and the map is visible.
b. Go to Uconnect Apps and verify the Performance Page icon is present.
16. Start the SRT Performance Page to confirm it loads correctly (Fig. 1).
Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty.
NOTE: The “One Time Only” LOP is used one time per dealer when downloading the
software onto a USB flash drive.
NOTE: The expected completion time for the flash download portion of this
procedure is approximately 28 minutes. Actual flash download times may be
affected by vehicle connection and network capabilities.
The dealer must choose which failure code to use. If the customer came in with an
issue and if the dealer finds a software update to correct that issue, use failure code
CC, for all other use failure code RF.
• If the customer’s concern matches the SYMPTOM/CONDITION identified in the
Service Bulletin, failure code CC is to be used.
• If an available flash is completed while addressing a different customer concern,
failure code RF is to be used.
CC Customer Concern
RF Routine Flash