Realizing The Vision of Digital Engineering Is2022 v1.3.4
Realizing The Vision of Digital Engineering Is2022 v1.3.4
Realizing The Vision of Digital Engineering Is2022 v1.3.4
Abstract. Gaining benefits of Digital Engineering is not only about implementing digital tech-
nologies. An ecosystem for innovation is a system of systems in its own right, only partly engi-
neered, subject to risks and challenges of evolving socio-technical systems. This paper summa-
rizes an aid to planning, analyzing, implementing, and improving innovation ecosystems. Repre-
sented as a configurable model-based reference pattern used by collaborating INCOSE working
groups, it was initially applied in targeted INCOSE case studies, and subsequently elaborated and
applied to diverse commercial and defense ecosystems. Explicating the recurrent theme of Con-
sistency Management underlying all historical engineering, it is revealing of Digital Engineering’s
special promise, and enhances understanding of historical as well as future engineering and life
cycle management. It includes preparation of human and technical resources to effectively con-
sume and exploit digital information assets, not just create them, capability enhancements over
incremental release trains, and evolutionary steering using feedback and group learning.
Keywords: digital ecosystem; digital engineering; digital thread; digital twin; collaboration; MBSE
Many large-scale human endeavors have grown up and proliferated through the evolutionary
forces of large-scale interactions and selection processes; however, as interacting systems of
systems, they have not been consciously human-engineered in the traditional sense.
Human-performed systems of innovation include interacting elements such as competitive
markets, scientific research, engineering, production, distribution, sustainment, and regulatory
processes, and other life cycle management familiar to the systems engineering community (ISO
2015), (INCOSE 2015). In the natural world, systems of innovation provide a much longer history
for discovery and study than the more recent human-performed cases (Schindel 2013). For this
paper’s interest in human-performed cases for human use, we define “innovation” as delivery of
significantly increased stakeholder value (Schindel, Peffers, et al 2011).
The term “ecosystem”, borrowed from the life sciences, has become more frequently applied to
label the human-performed case, out of recognition of the vast extent, complexity, and dynamic
evolution of the human-performed cases. Systems engineers less familiar with MBSE details are
encouraged to view this approach as a systems view of that ecosystem and systemic impacts of
information, not the details of models. The descriptive backbone of this article is the formal
INCOSE Innovation Ecosystem Reference Model, configurable across diverse specific cases.
(Since this paper is about that formal reference model, terms which are modeled class names from
that reference model are shown in title case as they appear in the named model components.)
The engineering community is certainly not without high value historical models of at least
portions of the human-performed Innovation Ecosystem. The above-referenced ISO standard and
INCOSE Handbook, the ubiquitous “Vee” model, DoD and enterprise-specific models, new
model-based standard efforts to describe the Model-Based Enterprise, and others provide vital
guidance. Out of respect for those historical assets and the importance of building upon them, they
are accommodated within and mate up with the larger-scale Innovation Ecosystem reference
model’s configurations referenced in this article.
Why is an ecosystem-level model needed? Smaller scale models have served to inform teams
about what work needs to be done, coordinate flows of information, plan information systems, and
other purposes. Is there really a need for an ecosystem level reference? Do our innovation
ecosystems work well enough, and do we understand them well enough? Consider the following.
Ecosystem-level efforts and issues are arising that challenge our group-level abilities to effectively
understand (individually and together) and communicate about the innovation ecosystem across
life cycles, and particularly so while that ecosystem itself is evolving and the stakes are rising. We
are increasingly interested in how to understand the basis of performance of the ecosystem as a
whole (as in its timely delivery of competitive solutions) through its system components and their
organization—for performance improvement, robustness, pathology, and security reasons. How
do we integrate across supply chains? Are there other effective architectures besides historical
OEM and captive supplier relationships? How can we improve the real effectiveness of those or
other combinations? Can we even effectively communicate about this subject without a shared
neutral reference model? What is the connection of the engineering community’s interest with the
business management community’s interest in “business ecosystems” (Jacobides 2017)?
Growth in conversations about “digital engineering”, “digital twins” and “digital threads”, all
illustrate a growing need for foundational insight to support the “buzz” and to better connect to
history even where departures are needed. The Innovation Ecosystem Reference Model described
in this paper focuses on such a set of ecosystem issues. Following a brief introduction to the
structure of the reference model, this article summarizes selected aspects which related experience
has shown provide important insight and understanding worthy of increased attention:
1. Ecosystem-level capabilities’ connection to underlying interactions;
2. Connecting historically understood business processes to evolving digital infrastructure;
3. Consistency Management’s connection to realizing the promise of digital engineering;
4. Effectiveness of distributed, multi-level group learning across an ecosystem;
5. Group trust in the credibility of models;
6. Managing the proliferation of virtual model diversity and instances;
7. Effective evolution of the ecosystem itself—including implementation challenges.
Figure 5. Business Processes of the Ecosystem Appear in the Configurable Reference Model
3. Consistency Management’s connection to realizing the promise of digital engineering.
The traditional systems engineering “Vee diagram” in the lower left of Figure 5, along with the
other adjacent USDoD and enterprise models, all remind us that all engineering methods in one
way or another inherently manage a series of “gaps” into acceptable “consistencies”:
• Consistency of formally recorded system requirements with stakeholder needs
• Consistency of system designs with system requirements
• Consistency of virtual simulations with empirical measurements (model VVUQ)
• Consistency of system component production with system design
• Consistency of system performance with system requirements
• Consistency of system operation with system requirements and design
• Consistency of system sustainment with system requirements and design
• Consistencies of many aspects with applicable technical standards, regulation, and law
• Consistencies of many aspects with learned experiences, formal patterns of requirements and
design, physical science, product line rules, architectural frameworks, shared ontologies,
domain specific languages, and model semantics
• Managed consistencies of the Digital Thread and Digital Twin
• Many other types of consistencies
Nearly all of these were also required consistencies in the traditional, more “tolerant” hu-
man-performed ecosystems lacking as much digital technology, even if not recognized as so.
The Consistency Management Role in Figure 3 represents the configurable set of process roles
responsible for consistency management—whether performed by humans or automated, and
whether performed well or not. It is understandable that much of this role has historically been
performed by humans, because of required skills, judgement, experience, and information forms.
The digital engineering and modeling community finds itself in frequent conversations about a
perceived need for a “single source of truth” or “authority”, reflecting frustrations with diverse and
inconsistent information about systems. Figure 6 reminds us this situation is not as simple as might
be assumed, showing the three main sources of information in any ecosystem:
T1. What the stakeholders say (market and sponsor truths);
T2. What experience says (accumulated, hard-won past discoveries; includes physical science);
T3. What empirical observation says (observation, measurement, experiment).
The challenge is that these three sources will frequently be inconsistent (disagree with each other).
The Figure 3 Consistency Management Roles of engineering and other life cycle management
processes historically must recognize (detect) those inconsistencies and reconcile them. While the
resulting reconciliations may be considered “authoritative” or “single”, they are short-lived.
The rise of interest in digital thread and digital twin methods fits into this consistency management
perspective. This is currently being applied in a series of industry case studies by AIAA with
INCOSE support. In the case of the digital twin, it reminds us of the importance of (1) managing
both consistency between the virtual simulation model and the real system it simulates, and (2)
managing the consistency of business processes and their information with what the trusted digital
twin virtual model tells them. In the case of the digital thread (Figure 7), the central issue of the
“thread” is managed consistency between a range of information objects along that thread. (Even
sources external to the thread generate information samples within it.) Historical predecessors to
the digital thread bring important perspective to this evolution. Depending on industry domain,
these include (SAE 2016), (AIAG 2006), (ISO 2016).
The Ecosystem Pattern is informed by the practices and ideas from numerous pioneers and prac-
titioners. The encouragement, suggestions, and inspiration from Rick Dove, chair of the INCOSE
Agile Systems Engineering Working Group, the lead team of the INCOSE Agile Systems Dis-
covery Project, and the membership of INCOSE MBSE Patterns Working group, along with the
anonymous reviewers of this paper, are all acknowledged with gratitude.
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William D. (Bill) Schindel is president of ICTT System Sciences. His en-
gineering career began in mil/aero systems with IBM Federal Systems, in-
cluded faculty service at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and found-
ing of three systems enterprises. He is an INCOSE Fellow, chair of the
MBSE Patterns Working Group of the INCOSE/OMG MBSE Initiative, and
was a member of the lead team of the INCOSE Agile Systems Engineering
Life Cycle Discovery Project. Bill co-led a 2013 project on Systems of In-
novation in the INCOSE System Science Working Group.