Competitive Analysis and Sales at Outlook Publications.: Summer Internship Project Report On

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(Competitive Analysis and Sales at Outlook Publications.)


(Mohammed Adnan Fouzan Saudagar)
ROLL NO. ------- 160
MMS 2023-25
(MR. Shailesh Sargade)
(Assistant Professor) (Marketing)


MET Institute of Management


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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Submitted to


(Competitive Analysis and Sales at Outlook Publications)
COMPANY NAME Outlook India


Mohammed Adnan Fouzan Saudagar
ROLL NO. ------- 160
MMS 2023-25
(Assistant Professor)

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar

I, Mr. Mohammed Adnan Saudagar studying in the M.M.S. Second Year at

the MET’s Institute of Management, Bandra, Mumbai hereby declare that I
have completed the Summer Internship Project titled “Competitive Analysis
and Sales at Outlook Publications” as a part of the curriculum requirement for
the program name.

I also declare that the work undertaken by me is original and has not been
copied from any source. I further declare that the information presented in this
project report is true and has not been submitted to any other Institute for any
other examination.

Place: Mumbai (Signature of the Student)

Date: 27/07/2024 Mohammed Adnan Fouzan Saudagar

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar

I wish to offer my thanks to Outlook India for giving me a chance to be a part of their
regarded association and upgrade my insights by conceding authorization to do summer
internship under their direction.

I truly say thanks to Mr. M.S. Dinakar, Regional Manager who was genuine wellspring of
help and furthermore I accept this open door to thank my colleagues.

I likewise thank Dr. Swati Lodha, Director, MET IOM and Dr. Nitin Kulkarni,
Course Co-ordinator, MR. Shailesh Sargade, Project Guide MMS for their help. An
exceptional on account of our Placement Department for their help and guidance and
providing me the opportunity to embark on this project.

I would like to thank every one of them with whom I collaborated. Their due participation
and inspiration made the finish of this internship effective.


(Signature of the Student)

Mohammed Adnan Fouzan Saudagar

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar

This is to certify that Mr. Mohammed Adnan Fouzan Saudagar studying in the M.M.S.

Second Year at the MET’s Institute of Management, Bandra, Mumbai has completed the

Summer Internship Project titled “Competitive Analysis and Sales at Outlook

Publications” as a part of the curriculum requirement. During the Second Semester, in the

partial fulfilment of the Master of Management studies recognized by the University of

Mumbai for the academic Year 2023-2024. Bearing Roll No. 160

This project work is original and was not submitted earlier for any award of any

degree/diploma or associated with any other Institute / University.

(Signature of the Faculty Guide) Dr. Swati Lodha

MR. Shailesh Sargade. Director
(Assistant Professor)
Date: 27/07/2024

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar

Table of Content
Sr. No. Contents Page No.
I Title page xxxx
II Acknowledgement xxxx
III Company certificate xxxx
IV Table of Content, and xxxx
List of Table xxxx
List of Figures xxxx
Introduction and Summary xxxx
Need Analysis
Description of the Organization
Description of the Performed Work
Sales Activities
Achievements and Learnings

Bibliography xxxx
A Annexure xxxx
1 Work Plan report xxxx
2 Progress Report 1 xxxx
3 Progress Report 2 xxxx
4 Work Plan Chart / Gannt Chart xxxx
5 Plagiarism Report xxxx

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
List of Table
Sr. No. Tables Page No.
1 Table 1 xxxx
2 Table 2 xxxx
3 Table 3 xxxx
4 Table 4 xxxx

List of Figures
Sr. No. Figures Page No.
1 Figure 1 xxxx
2 Figure 2 xxxx
3 Figure 3 xxxx
4 Figure 4 xxxx

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Introduction and Summary
This report details the tasks I completed during my summer internship at
Outlook Publications, where I worked in the sales department, performed a
thorough competition study, and handled customer relationship management
(CRM). As a member of the sales team, I had to do practical tasks like going to
other salons and making contact with prospective customers, like the franchise
owner of the Radisson Hotel in Kashmir. Understanding market dynamics and
locating possible sales prospects for Outlook's publications were the goals of
these operations. My internship helped me acquire critical abilities in market
analysis, negotiation, and client engagement in addition to giving me real-world
insights into the sales process.
A major part of my internship involved doing a thorough competitive study of
Outlook's publications, which included Outlook India, Outlook Finance,
Outlook Business, and Outlook Traveller, in addition to sales. With an emphasis
on digital marketing metrics including bounce rate, site visitors, average page
per visit, interest over time, and average visit duration, the research was
comprehensive. Accurate and thorough data collection was made possible by
the use of tools such as SimilarWeb. In addition, I assessed KPIs related to
product and brand management, including reference groups, brand jingle, brand
positioning, brand personality, brand personification, brand color, and brand
logo. By taking a comprehensive approach, I was able to find Outlook's strong
points and places for development by comparing its performance to that of its
main rivals.
An additional important component of my internship was participating in
customer relationship management (CRM) tasks. I studied subscription
promotional offers from competitors to learn about customer life cycles and
market trends. This required creating a Google form, gathering feedback, and
doing an analysis of the information to determine the Net Promoter Score
(NPS). My calculation yielded an NPS score of -9, which suggests that there is
room for improvement in terms of customer happiness and loyalty. I learned
about efficient CRM tactics and best practices by contrasting the subscription
promotional offers of print media organizations in India with those of their
international competitors. This report offers a thorough explanation of the
approaches employed, conclusions, and most important lessons from my
internship at Outlook Publications, highlighting the real-world encounters and
information I acquired throughout this period

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Need Analysis
The purpose of this internship was to gain practical experience in the publishing
industry, specifically within the sales, marketing, and customer relationship
management departments. This report outlines the tasks undertaken during the
internship, the methodologies applied, and the insights gained. The primary
focus was on comparing Outlook's various publications with their competitors
using specific digital marketing and brand management parameters, and
exploring CRM strategies.

Description of the Organization

Founded in 1995 as a division of Hathway Investments Private Limited, the
company unfurled its journalistic sails with the launch of ‘Outlook,’ a beacon of
current affairs and incisive reporting. In 2003, like a phoenix, it emerged as a
distinct entity, Outlook Publishing (India) Pvt. Ltd., charting its course through
the tempests of news and narratives.
At the helm stood the venerable journalist Vinod Mehta, a luminary whose
editorial compass guided Outlook’s trajectory until 2012. His legacy, etched in
ink and insight, found expression in articles such as ‘Mr Editor, How Close Are
You to the PM?’—a candid exploration of power corridors—and the poignant
memoir ‘Lucknow Boy,’ which resonated with readers across India. Alas,
Mehta’s quill fell silent on 8 March 2015, leaving behind a void in the
journalistic firmament.
The company’s publication portfolio includes Outlook English, Outlook Money,
Outlook Business, Outlook Traveller, Outlook Hindi and subsequently we
expanded our digital offerings to include

Yet, Outlook Publishing (India) Pvt. Ltd. is no solitary star; it orbits within the
Rajan Raheja group a constellation of interests spanning real estate,
construction, automotive batteries, cement, ceramic tiles, mutual funds,
hospitality, media, and entertainment. Valued at 3.5 billion INR, this celestial
conglomerate casts its influence from the corporate citadel nestled in South
Organizational Structure
 Key Departments: Editorial, marketing, sales, production, and finance.

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
 Leadership Team: Details to be obtained from the organization's official
profiles or website.
 Hierarchy: Typically involves executives, managers, and staff across
different departments.

Products and Services Offered

 Outlook India: Covers news, politics, and culture.
 Outlook Finance: Focuses on financial markets and trends.
 Outlook Business: Caters to business professionals, emphasizing
enterprise, strategy, and markets.
 Outlook Traveller: Explores travel and lifestyle.
 Additional Services: Digital subscriptions, events, and special issues.

About the Industry:

The global magazine industry is a significant sector, with a forecasted value
of $98.3 billion in 2023. It consists of approximately 6,000 companies
worldwide, generating an annual revenue of about $190 billion. This
demonstrates the substantial presence and economic impact of the magazine
industry on a global scale.

Description of the Performed Work

Competitive Analysis
The competitive analysis was divided into two main sections: digital marketing
parameters and product and brand management metrics.

Digital Marketing Parameters

Using SimilarWeb, I analyzed the following parameters for Outlook India,
Outlook Finance, Outlook Business, and Outlook Traveller, and compared them
with 2-3 competitors for each magazine:
 Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who navigate away from the site
after viewing only one page.
 Site Visitors: The total number of visitors to the site.
 Visit Duration: The average duration of a visit.
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
 Average Pages per Visit: The average number of pages viewed during a
 Interest Over Time: Trends in user interest over a specified period.
 Channel Traffic: The distribution of traffic across different channels such
as direct, referral, social, and search.

Product and Brand Management

The analysis of product and brand management focused on:
 Brand Logo: Visual representation of the brand.
 Brand Personality: Human characteristics associated with the brand.
 Brand Personification: Representing the brand as a person.
 Brand Colour: The colors used in the brand's design.
 Reference Groups: Groups used by the brand to identify its target
 Brand Jingle: Musical element associated with the brand.
 Brand Communication: The messaging and communication strategies
used by the brand.
 Brand Positioning: The brand's place in the market relative to

Customer Relationship Management

The CRM tasks were designed to understand and enhance the customer life
cycle and satisfaction. Key activities included:

1. Competitor Analysis in Terms of Subscription Promotional Offers

Analyzed subscription promotional offers from competitors to understand
their strategies and explore the customer life cycle stages.

2. Preparation of a Google Form for Research Questions

Developed a Google Form with research questions aimed at calculating the
Net Promoter Score (NPS).

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
3. Collection of Responses
Gathered responses from customers using the prepared questionnaire.

4. Comparison of Subscription Promotional Offers

Compared the subscription promotional offers of Indian print media
companies with their international counterparts to identify best practices and
potential areas for improvement.

5. Analysis and Calculation of NPS

Analyzed the collected responses and calculated the NPS score, which resulted
in an NPS of -9. This score highlighted areas needing improvement in customer
satisfaction and loyalty

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Organic Traffic: -
Outlook India

India Today

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Hindustan Times

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar

(Organic Search for Outlook India has dipped as compare to its competitors from 1 st of
February to 30th of April)

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
 Interest over time between Outlook India and India Today

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
 Interest over time between Outlook India and Hindustan Times

 Interest over time between Outlook India and India Today

Interest breakdown by sub-region

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Backlink overview

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
The Week

Business Today

Outlook Business

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Outlook Business

Business Today

The Week

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
DM Part 4


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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Traffic share by country

Outlook Business-

The Mint-

Dallal Street-

Digital Economic Times-

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Outlook Money

The Mint-

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Dallal Street-

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Traffic share by country
Outlook Traveller-

National Geographic Magazine-

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Discover India Magazine-

Lonely Planet (India)-

Outlook India: India Today Hindustan ABP Live

- Times
Average 20.75 1150.1 10818.3 22.7
number of
likes per post
Average 0.43 11.4 137.5 0.6
number of
comments per
Average 15 1 50.7 15.4
number of
posts per day
Average 13 1 22 1
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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
number of
stories per day
Average 0.00057 10.87 0.0036% 0.84
number of
Activities per

{Average number of Customer Engagement Activities per week = Average

number of likes per post + Average number of comments per post + Average
number of posts per day + Average number of stories per day / Total no. of

Outlook Business The Week Business

Business: - Today Standard

Average 4.9 58.42 11.84 476.2

number of
likes per post
Average 0.08 1.53 0.2 17
number of
comments per
Average 4.875 26 8.66 11.66
number of
posts per day
38 of 39
By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Average 0 26 0 0
number of
stories per day
Average 0.2 0.00032 0.096 7.67
number of
Activities per

Outlook Discover India Nat Geo India Lonely Planet

Average 155.5 1649 6051.4 713
number of
likes per post
Average 1.5 5.76 55.4 16
number of
comments per
Average 6.11 0.03 1.3 1.4
number of
posts per day
Average 5 0 1 0

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
number of
stories per day
Average 0.007 0.02 0.0034 2.21
number of
Activities per

Outlook Time Mint Dalal Street Digital

Money Economic
Average 4.33 1.57 534 337
number of
likes per post
Average 0 0 13.5 7.61
number of
comments per
Average 0.2 0.22 2.75 100
number of
posts per day
40 of 39
By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Average 0 0 1 0
number of
stories per day
Average 0..004 0.45 0.0044 0.0002
number of
Activities per

Sales Activities
During my internship at Outlook Publications, I had the opportunity to engage
in various sales activities that provided practical experience and insights into the
sales processes within the publishing industry. My sales activities primarily
involved visiting potential clients to promote and sell subscriptions to Outlook's
various magazines. Below is a detailed account of these activities.

Client Visits

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Visiting Saloons in Andheri and Mira Road
I focused on targeting high-traffic locations where potential readers often spend
time, such as saloons. This strategy was aimed at increasing visibility and
subscriptions for Outlook magazines. The saloons visited included:

1. Harsha and Rakesh (Andheri)

 Objective: To introduce Outlook magazines and discuss subscription
packages with the saloon owners.
 Approach: I presented the unique value propositions of our publications,
emphasizing content relevant to their clientele, such as lifestyle, business,
and travel features in Outlook Traveller and Outlook Business.
2. Lemon (Mira Road)
 Objective: To highlight the benefits of having Outlook magazines
available in the saloon, potentially increasing customer engagement.
 Approach: I showcased sample issues and highlighted sections that would
appeal to their client base, such as beauty tips, celebrity interviews, and
travel destinations.
3. The Black Dahlia (Andheri)
 Objective: To explore partnership opportunities where the saloon could
offer discounted subscriptions to their customers.
 Approach: I proposed a co-branded promotional campaign, leveraging
both the saloon’s and Outlook’s social media platforms to drive

Contacting a Franchise Owner of Radisson Hotel in Kashmir

Expanding our reach to hospitality sectors, I contacted a franchise owner of
Radisson Hotel in Kashmir. Hotels, especially those catering to business
travellers and tourists, present an excellent opportunity for promoting magazine

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
 Objective: To place Outlook magazines in the hotel’s lounge areas and
guest rooms, enhancing the guest experience with quality reading
 Approach: I scheduled a meeting with the franchise owner, presenting a
tailored proposal that included complimentary issues and subscription
packages for guests.
 Outcome: The franchise owner appreciated the initiative and agreed to
purchase a subscription plan of Outlook India. This move was aimed at
gathering guest feedback and potentially rolling out the service across all
their properties.

Sales Strategies

In addition to direct client visits, I utilized various sales strategies to track

progress and manage client interactions effectively.

Sales Strategies
 Client Needs Assessment: Understanding the specific needs of each client
and tailoring the subscription offers accordingly. For example, lifestyle
and travel content were more relevant for saloons, while business and
finance content appealed to hotel guests.
 Personalized Presentations: Preparing customized presentations and
proposals that highlighted the unique benefits of Outlook’s publications
for each client.
 Negotiation: Engaging in negotiations to offer competitive subscription
rates and packages that provided value to both the clients and Outlook

Achievements and Learnings

Successfully secured subscriptions with a Radisson hotel in Kashmir.

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar
Compared Outlook magazines to its different competitors on different
Learnings from the Work
 Gained practical experience in sales techniques and client interaction,
which enhanced my communication and negotiation skills.
 Learned to use SimilarWeb for gathering and analyzing digital marketing
data, providing valuable insights into online performance.
 Developed a deeper understanding of brand management concepts and
their practical applications in the publishing industry.
 Gained experience in conducting comprehensive competitive analysis,
which is crucial for strategic planning and positioning in the market.
 Understood the importance of CRM in retaining customers and enhancing
their satisfaction through effective subscription promotional offers and
NPS surveys.
 Gained valuable insights into market trends and customer preferences,
which are crucial for developing effective sales strategies.

This internship provided a holistic learning experience, combining theoretical
knowledge with practical application, and has equipped me with essential skills
for a future career in marketing, sales, and customer relationship management.
The experience at Outlook Publications has been invaluable in understanding
the dynamics of the publishing industry, and I am confident that the skills and
insights gained will significantly benefit my future professional endeavours.


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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar

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By Mohammed Adnan Saudagar

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