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Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

Quarter 3 Lesson 2: Defining Community with its Various Perspectives

Defining community using various perspectives: social sciences, institutions, civil society, and
local/grassroots level.
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
 Define the word community;
 Compose a letter suggesting ways on how to improve our/your community by applying different
perspective; and
 Recognize the salient points of institutions, society, civil society, and the local/grassroots level as a
frame of reference for better partnership building in a community.


Task 1. Arrange the jumbled letters below to identify the correct answer for every item.

 momitynuc ______community__________________

 secneics laicos __social sciences______________________

 snoittitusni _____institution___________________

 vilictysocie _____civil society__________________

 stoorssargveell __________________

Task 2. Identify the concepts/ terms describe in each of the items below. Choose the answer from the
terms provided in Task 1.

1. Group of academic disciplines dedicated to examining society, how people interact with each other,
behave, develop as a culture, and influence the world. _social science______________

2. A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

3. Is comprised of groups or organizations working in the interest of the citizens but operating outside of
the governmental and for-profit sectors. _______________

4. A society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose. _______________

5. The ordinary people in a society or organization who have no power. _______________


Community in Different Perspective

Systems Perspective

From a systems perspective, a community is similar to a living creature, comprising different parts
that represent specialized functions, activities, or interests, each operating within specific boundaries to
meet community needs. For example, schools focus on education, the transportation sector focuses on
moving people and products, economic entities focus on enterprise and employment, faith organizations
focus on the spiritual and physical well-being of people, and health care agencies focus on the prevention
and treatment of diseases and injuries (Henry, 2011). For the community to function well, each part has to
effectively carry out its role in relation to the whole organism. From a systems perspective, then,
collaboration is a logical approach to health improvement.

Social Perspective

A community can also be defined by describing the social and political networks that link
individuals, community organizations, and leaders. Understanding these networks is critical to planning
efforts in engagement. For example, tracing social ties among individuals may help engagement leaders to
identify a community’s leadership, understand its behavioural patterns, identify its high-risk groups, and
strengthen its networks

Virtual Perspective

Some communities map onto geographically defined areas, but today, individuals rely more and
more on computer-mediated communications to access information, meet people, and make decisions that
affect their lives. Examples of computer mediated forms of communication include email, instant or text
messaging, e-chat rooms, and social networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Social
groups or groups with a common interest that interact in an organized fashion on the Internet are
considered “virtual communities”. Without question, these virtual communities are potential partners for
community-engaged health promotion and research.

Individual Perspective

Individuals have their own sense of community membership that is beyond the definitions of
community applied by researchers and engagement leaders. Moreover, they may have a sense of belonging
to more than one community. In addition, their sense of membership can change over time and may affect
their participation in community activities. The philosopher and psychologist William James shed light on
this issue in his writings. James thought it important to consider two perspectives on identity: the “I,” or
how a person thinks about himself or herself, and the “me,” or how others see and think about that person.
Sometimes these two views agree and result in a shared sense of an identity, but other times they do not.
People should not make assumptions about identity based on appearance, language, or cultural origin; nor
should they make assumptions about an individual’s perspective based on his or her identity. Today, the
multiple communities that might be relevant for any individual — including families, workplace, and social,
religious, and political associations — suggest that individuals are thinking about themselves in more
complex ways than was the norm in years past.
The eligibility criteria that scientists, policy makers, and others develop for social programs and
research projects reflect one way that people perceive a group of proposed participants, but how much
those criteria reflect the participants’ actual view of themselves is uncertain. Practitioners of community
engagement need to learn how individuals understand their identity and connections, enter into
relationships, and form communities.

A. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

_____1. Individual perspective focuses on the technological aspect of a community.

_____2. Social perspective centers on how individual perceives a community.
_____3. Virtual perspective deals with how the community operates social links.
_____4. Systems perspective deal with virtual communities.
_____5. Community perspective is only confined to a single perception.

B. In a single paragraph, write your insights and realizations regarding this module.


Instructions: Identify the type of community perspective showed in every number. Write A for Systems
Perspective, B for Social Perspective, C for Virtual perspective and D for Individual Perspective.

____1. The “I” view how a community views itself

____2. Computer mediated forms of communication
____3. Social links of people
____4. Community as a living creature
____5. Political networks
____6. Social media communities
____7. Understanding personal identity
____8. Roles of different organizations
____9. Tracing social ties
____10. Netizens in Facebook and YouTube

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