Ucsp Q1 WK8

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1. Analyze the forms and functions of social

A. Topic: 1. Social Organization

B. Resources: Social Organizations First Edition, 2020

Everyone belongs to a group; your race, gender, favorite sports team, your college, even the
place where you were born were all examples of groups. Sometimes groupings are
determined by factors related to who we are (sex, age, race/ethnicity) but in many other
cases, they arrive in a somewhat arbitrary fashion. In school, you would likely associate
with classmates who share the same interests as you do like having a common hobby or
sports affiliation or even fashion sense or even love of a certain type of music.

A. Discussion

Social relationships and patterns of interactions become institutions the moment they start
being governed by formal and informal agreements or by strong traditional norms. The
agreements may dictate the concrete forms of arrangements within the ambit( bounds or
limit) of specific interests and goals. The word organizations here does not exclusively refer to
types of association. Rather it pertains to patters of arrangements shaped and conditioned by
the overarching concerns that they aim to address.

A group is composed of two or more persons interacting with each other and guided by a set
of norms. It is also defined as specified number of individuals where each recognizes
members as distinct from non-members.

Social group can be defined as a collection of people who regularly interact with one
another on the basis of shared expectations concerning behavior and who share a sense of
common identity. With these qualifications as to what constitute a group, its will be better to
define/ describe the categories of groups based on some standards;

Basic Classifications of Social Groups

1. Primary Groups -Primary groups are marked by concern for one another, shared
activities and culture, and long periods of time spent together. They are influential in
developing an individual’s personal identity. The goal of primary groups is actually the
relationships themselves rather than achieving some other purpose. The examples of a
primary group but not limited to be your family and childhood and close friends.

The concept of the primary group was introduced by Charles Cooley in his book,
Social Organization: A Study of the Larger Mind. (Contreras, Antonio P. et al. “Social
Groups”. Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc. 2016)

Sample Groups: Family, Play group, Village/Neighborhood, Work-team

2. Secondary Groups -Secondary relationships involve weak emotional ties and little
personal knowledge of one another. In contrast to primary groups, secondary groups don’t
have the goal of maintaining and developing the relationships themselves. These groups are
based on usual or habitual interests or affairs. It includes groups in which one exchanges
explicit commodities, such as labor for wages, services for payments, and such.

Sample Groups: Nation, Church Hierarchy, Professional Association, Corporation,

University classes, Athletic teams, and groups of coworkers.

3. In-group
Belonging to the same group as others who share the same common bond and interests
who are more likely to understand each other refers to an in- group. Sample Groups: Sports
team, Unions and Sororities

4. Out-group Those who do not belong to the in-group are part of the out-group, which
exist in the perceptions of the in group members and takes on social reality as a result of
behavior by in-group members who use the out group as a negative point of reference.

5. Reference Groups

A reference group is a collection of people that we use as a standard of comparison

for ourselves regardless of whether we are part of that group. We rely on reference groups to
understand social norms, which then shape our values, ideas, behavior, and appearance.
This means that we also use them to evaluate the relative worth, desirability, or
appropriateness of these things.

By looking to reference groups--be they those of race, class, gender, sexuality,

religion, region, ethnicity, age, or localized groups defined by neighborhood or school,
among others-- we see norms and dominant values, and we choose to either embrace and
reproduce them in our own thoughts, behavior, and interactions with others; or, we reject
and refute them by thinking and acting in ways that break from them. Sample of these
groups are parents, siblings, teachers, peers, associates and friends.

6. Network
A network is a collection of people tied together by a specific pattern of connections.
They can be characterized by the number of people involved, as in the dyad (by twos) and
triad (by threes), but also in terms of their structures (who is connected to whom) and
functions (what flows across ties). Networks indeed, are able to do more things and different
things than individuals acting on their own could. Networks have this effect, regardless of
the content of the connections or persons involved.

Nowadays, the giving of information and establishing of connections and various

relationships can be done through social networking sites. In this manner, it is easier to
form connections, relationships and linkages. Example: Family Members, Friends, Work
Colleagues, Classmates There is another strong example of a network that has boomed
since the beginning of the 21st century. Since 1979, electronic forms of social networking
have boomed, starting with CompuServe and MySpace, and moving to other networking
applications such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram.
B. Activities
Activity 1: Directions: All of the following are the examples of basic social group in the
society. Write the correct example of basic social group in their appropriate categories.

Mother Farmer’s association Grandmother

Coworkers Bikers Teachers Facebook group

Instagram group Close Friends

Primary Group

Secondary Group

Reference Group

Network Group


Activity 2: Directions: Differentiate the following classifications of groups by citing their

characteristics and examples. Do this on your answer sheet.
Group Characteristics Examples
Primary group
Secondary group
Reference group
Network group

Activity 3: Directions: Answer the following questions comprehensively. Write your

answers on your answer sheet.

Question: Think of a group that you belong to. How does this group influence you as a

Answer: The group that I belong to is my _______________________________.

They influence me as a student by _____________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________. I
influence them by ______________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________. They
help me fulfill my ambitions in life by _______________________
Description: this rubric will help you know what is expected from your answers
Criteria Outstanding -4 Proficient-3 Basic-2 Below expectation-1
Critical Rich in Substantial Information is thin Basic and shallow, little
Thinking content:insightful formation; and common place; analysis, synthesis and
analysis, syntheisi evidence of attempts made evaluation, little or no
and evaluation, analysis,synthetis analysis, synthesis connections with any
clear connections and and evaluation; other material or are off
made to real-life evaluation;genera connections are topic
situations or l connections are limited, vague
previous content made, but are generalities are posted
obvious or not
Personal Entries are high Connects ideas Little evidence of Lack of connection to
reflection quality consisting and thoughts to personal connection, personal connection
of personal personal life; many connection need
reflections that evidence of further explanation or
connect between personal justification.
real life, learning connection to
and reading learning,
Surface An occasional Few grammatical Obvious grammatical Obvious grammatical or
features grammatical or or stylistic error or stylistic error; stylistic error; errors
stylistic error errors interfere with make content very
content difficult is to read
DIRECTIONS: Directions: Read the following statement and choose the letter of the correct
1. In your everyday life in school or in your neighbourhood, your kabarkada is an example
A. In-group B. Primary Group C. Secondary Group D. Out-Group

2. Typically a small social group whose members share close, personal and enduring
A. Out-Group B. Primary group C. Secondary group D. Networking
3. Among different kinds of social groups in our society, this can be small or large, mostly
impersonal and usually short-term.
A. Out-group B. Social Group C. Primary Group D. Secondary Group
4. In various manifestation of characteristics of social group, below are examples of out-
groups EXCEPT:
A. Gays and lesbian C. Network and Social Group
B. Urban and City groups D. Classmates sharing the same likes and dislikes
5. Every social group manifests specific sets of characteristics, which of the following is
NOT a characteristic of members in an ingroup?
A. a sense of “we” rather than “I”
B. a feeling of unity
C. similar likes/dislikes
D. knowing out-group’s differences
6. Based on the kind of social relation, which of the following is an example of an in-group?
A. Enemies C. members of a dance troupe
B. A biker and a singer D. knowing out-group’s differences
7. Nowadays technology-based social group has been already part of everyone’s daily life. As
such, social networking sites is considered as are powerful __________tools
A. Communication B. Laboratory C. Man-made D. Technological
8. These are sets of informal and formal social ties that link people to each other.
A. In-groups B. Networks C. Out-groups D. Reference groups
9. Network is a highly influenced the lives of the people. Which of the following is the true
reason for forming networks:
A. Personal B. Economic C. Socio-Cultural D. Environmental
10. Network links people among themselves in various ways. Which words below pertains to
an example of networks:
A. Letters B. Postcards C. Facebook D. Instagram

Answer Key

Activity 1:
Primary: Mother, Grandmother
Reference group: Teacher, Friends Prepared by:
Network group: Facebook group , CHULLA GAY E. PAA
Instagram group Subject Teacher
In-group: Bikers
Activity 2:
Answer may vary
Answer may vary.l Coordinator HT-I

Principal I

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